Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 30, 1900, Image 7

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    A Story Illustrating
the Horrors
of War
By II. D. WELSH. . . .
CHAPTER IX. ( Continued. ) I
"Ho Is living yet , thank God ! " said
the colonel. And ho thought of hia
sister , who , after much pleading and
resolution , had , along with Dr. Mar
garet Crawford , come as far as Ber
ber. "We must send him back to Ber
ber , " said the colonel. "Wo are on
the march almost Incessantly now , and
ho cannot live unless he Is properly
attended to. We shall send him there
at once. "
And so , under an 'escort of Arab
"boys , " CIcland was taken by river
and rail to Berber , the "Queen of the
Soudan. "
Adrienne and Margaret were there ,
the latter attending to a few sick sol
diers who had been left In the hospi
tal. The time was not up for her en
tering upon her duties , and she felt
that she could not leave the Soudan
until she learned whether Paul was
Jiving or dead.
Adrienne had told her all Rayburn'a
dying confession , and now , when prob
ably It .was too late , Margaret recog
nized the fact that the barrier she
had thought Insurmountable was no
barrier after all.
As Margaret was stooping over a
elck man one day , ono of the native
attendants came to tell her Mrs.
Breynton wished to see her. Margaret
went to the door , and at flrst sight
of Adrlennc's face she grew pale as
death , and leant for support against
jK the doorway.
"Tell me you have heard that he is
dead ? " she gasped , rather than spoke.
"No , my dear. " Adrienne paased her
brave , unshrinking hand round the
woman Paul loved and supported her
with it.
"He has been found , he Is coming
here ; but he is 111 , unconscious , Mar
garet. Still , God may be merciful , and
we shall pray until lie must hear us ,
Margaret. "
Margaret lifted her pale face , glowIng -
Ing with a strange joy , and clasped
her hands.
"I shall nurse him , at least , " she
whispered. "Oh , thank God ! "
* * * *
And she did , until the ebbing llfo
began very slowly , but quite percep
tibly to flow again.
It was ono evening ah , should Mar
garet ever forget It as long as she
lived ? while she sat besldo him on
her camp-stool , looking through the
open window at the brilliant moon
light making a pool of light for itself
on the brown sand of the desert , that
Cleland , quite suddenly and quietly ,
Is if ho were awakening from sleep ,
opened his eyes and looked at her.
"Margaret , Is that you ? I dreamt
you were there. My darling , are wo
both dead , and is this my flrst awak
ening on the other side ? "
j "No , no , Paul ! You are still on
" 7 earth , thank God , and I am here be-
sldo you , never more to leave you
now , if you wish it so , dear , for the
barrier is gone for ever. "
A strange Hash came Into the sick
man's eyes , but for a moment he was
At last he spoke.
"I do not know If I am still dreamIng -
Ing or if I have heard aright. Mar
garet , say it again , and I shall be sat
isfled. You are mine for ever now ? "
"For ever , Paul , If you will have
me , " she answered , with a sob in her
He drew her face to his , and then
their lips met in one long , long kiss
such a kiss as surely those who have
loved each other on earth may give
when they meet for the first time "be
yond the bourne of time and space. "
Presently Adrienne came In. She
approached the bedside , and as she
came near she paused , a strange ex
pression on her lips and in her eyes ;
for she saw then that happiness had
como to Paul and Margaret at last.
Paul saw her and smiled , holding
out his weak , thin hand.
"You , too , my friend ! Surely I am
recompensed for all I have suffered
by knowing that I have the friend
ship of one noble woman and the love
of another. Yes , it is true , Mrs. Breyn
ton. Margaret and I are quite happy ,
and wo owe our happiness she has told
me. to a large extent to you. "
"And bless you both , " said Adrienne.
She held his hand in her own. and
then , turning to Margaret , kissed her
with brave nnquivering lips.
( The End. )
' yV 'W T V V V * * ! / " " 5
I had vowed never to enter the Dor
mers' house again ; but when they sent
word that Malsie was dying I went
there as fast as a hansom would carry
me. Wo had always been such friends
the child and I.
But she was not a
child now , at seventeen.
"Wo never quarreled. " she said ,
holding my hand lightly. "There is
not much tlmo to quarrel now You
won't will you , Fred ? " I shook my
head. A lump In my throat kept mo
from speaking. "Promise mo before I
toll you something. "
"My poor little Maisle ! " I cried
brokenly. "I promise. " She had been
a pet of mine from the clay's when she
was a toddling baby and I a big , awk
ward boy.
"It la about you and Lucy when
you quarreled. " She stopped abruptly.
"Yes ? " Lucy wua her elder alstcr.
We had been engaged.
"You wrote her an explnnntlon a
satisfactory explanation. "
"Apparently ! > he did not think so.
She never answered the letter that I
gave you to deliver. "
"I I kept it. " She burled her face
in the pillow. 1 was too astonished
for words , but I kept stroking her
hair. "I read It flrst. Then I burned
it. "
"If you get well , May , " I said , "and
grow up I shall like you better thnn
everybody. " She laughed faintly. "I
believe 1 always did. " 1 wiped her
"I sha'n't , " she said. "So you will
like her again now , won't you ? " 1
hesitated. My affection for Lucy died
a natural death. It had never been
very deep ; neither , I fancied , had hers
for me.
I frowned. "You have not told her
about the letter ? " She shook her
"But you will be good to her ? You
will make it up , won't you ? You need
not tell her about mo only say that
you arc sorry and want to be friends.
Then you can be engaged again ; and
and some day " Her lips quiv
"Marry her ? " She nodded. "But if
I no longer care for her ? If I know
that I can never love her as I could
love ? My dear little playfellow and
friend , I am not half so fond of Lucy
as I am of you. "
"Ah ! " she looked at mo with big ,
deep eyes. "I am only a child , denr
Fred. " The wistful affection In the
child's face touched me to the heart ,
and I kissed her frail hands.
Lucy met me at the bottom of the
"Maisie told mo that she never gave
you the letter , Lucy ; that all the
blame was hers. "
"She told you that just to screen
me , " she said , brokenly.
"Do not trouble about it any more , "
I do not cnre for you after all. "
There was nothing more to say. So
I turned to go ; but there was a knock
nt the front door and I heard some one
say , "The doctor. " So I waited to hear
what he pronounced.
After a few minutes he came down
the stairs talking to Mrs. Dormer.
"It Is a natural sloop , " he said. "The
pulse Is steadier and the temperature
more normal. The odds arc still'
against her , but there Is hope. "
The tears came to my eyes at last ,
and Lucy en me ! and put her hand on
my shoulder.
"You can win hci- back to life ,
Fred , " she said , "our little girl. Stay ,
till she wakes. " I h.ul already resolved
to stay.
I went upstairs and sat with my el
bow on her bed and my face on my
hand , watching my little favorite.
Presently her mother came and knelt
beside me.
"Lucy has told me all , Fred , " she
whispered. "You you will not tell the
others ? "
"I will not , " I promised.
When my little girl awoke she was
not looking toward me.
"Better dear ? " aske'l her mother.
"Why yes , " she laughed feebly. "It
must be Fred. Do you know , I believ ! !
ho would make me grow well if he
were often hero with mo. "
"He will be , little sweetheart , " I said
softly. She turned to me with a happy
cry , and I whispered In her car what I
knew , and other things that were only
for her and me. They were the things
that won her back to life , she says ,
when wo talk of such matters. Chicago
cage American.
IColirrt or George ,
The legitimist Jacobite league of
Great Britain and Ireland , through
Registrar Rodwayo of the North Am
erican Cycle of the Order of the White
Rose , Roxbury , Mass. , has Issued a cir
cular to the faithful , asking , "Who has
the best right" ( as heir to the British
throne ) , "Robert or George ? " "Robert"
is the son of Princess Mary Thetesa of
Modena. now the Princess Louise of
Bavaria , who is styled by the legltlm-
lata Mary IV. ( of Scotland ) aid 'H.
( of England ) , whose descent from the
male line of the Stuarts is undeniable ,
but whoso ancestral ' claims to the
throne were set aside by the act of
Biiccesslon that excluded Catholics
from the crown. "George" Is the vluke
of York , so that It Is evident that "the
legitimist Jacobite league" admits
Queen Victoria and the prince of
CIri'ck DolciKlraclmi.
A Greek dekadrachm , or medallion
of Syracuse , dating from 105 , B. C. ,
sold for $ GC5 at a sale of rare antique
coins In London the other day. An
American eagle , minted In the flrst
year of gold coinage In America , was
knocked down for $27. Rare Italian ,
French , and German coins brought
high prices.
TO IlltCHtlRlltU ( lUll l'OMllttl > .
Lord Raylelgh has been appointee !
by the British government chairman
of a committee which Is to invtesti-
gate gunpowders nnd designs of guns
with which they may bo used to the
best advantage.
Institute for the Blind at Nebraska Oity
Crippled by Incompotcncy ,
In TrniiHiH-Iln ; the lluilnrM of th liutt-
tuto The Ailinliilntnitlon .Setcrvly Ar
raigned unit Openly Imi > enlte .t ! > > '
I'lmlon Onii-hilK TliruuclvcH.
NEBRASKA CITY , Neb. , Aug. 27.
To the hlHtory of mismanagement ,
Incompetenoy. party spoliation and po
litical preferment in the conduct of
atate Inatltutlona under the fusion
administration , the Institute for the
Blind at Nebraska City furnlsltca an
unenviable chapter. This institution ,
like all the rest , has been made an
asylum for those of the fusion party
who by reason of party service have ,
In the oyea of th'e fusion lenders , mer
ited recognition to the extent of hav
ing ther names on the pay roll.
It is a matter of common notoriety
that J. E. Harris , the present super
intendent , acquired thla position
through a deal made on tlio floor of
the convention , whereby he was to
atop aside as candidate for lieutenant
governor and give way to Lieutenant
Governor Gilbert , a free silver repub
lican. His eligibility and Illness en
tered into the deal only aa a second
ary consideration , notwithstanding
that the position carries with It a
great deal of responsibility. But Har
ris was In the way of a tripartite ar
rangement and to remove the ob
struction , the head of Superintend' ' ! ! .
Jones went Into the basket and Harris
wna given his position , which among
other things , carries with it a salary
of $1,800 a year and board and lodging.
At one period In hit ) life Superintend-
out Harris was young and agile. That
was many years ago. Senility In Its
irresistible pilgrimage has reclaimed
him from the paths of youth and has
bent his once tall and robuat form to
Its will. The elasticity of step has
disappeared , and the visitation of
time is Indicated by a head white from
the frosts of many winters , irre
spective of his mental qualifications ,
age and physical decrepitude com
bined to incapacitate him for duties
incident to the superlntendency of
such an Institution. Nor can it bo
denied that age militates ngntnst Mr.
Harris. The fact is that lie does not
teach at all. though the custom , as
well as the rule , has always necn ror
the superintendent to teach one or
more cf the branches.
When asked why ho did not teach
Superintendent Hairis frankly stated
that he was too old. Ho also stated
that before assuming the position ho
informed Governor Poyntcr that He
would not teach , yet despite this he
was appointed.
Few business houses In Nebraska
could conduct their affairs along the
same line of this Institute without in
the end going into bankruptcy. In the
flrst place , only about eighty blind
children are In the institution all told.
Strange and startling as it may scnm ,
it is nevertheless true , as attested by
vouchers on file In the auditor's ofllcn ,
that the number of people on the pay
roll Is equal to more than CO per cent
of the number of inmates. The June
vouchers show fifteen teachers and
thirty-two other employes ( see vouch
ers B45994 and B15997) ) . This docs not
Include the superintendent and his
wife , nor the steward and his
wife , all of whom are on the pay roll ,
making In all a salary Itet of fifty-one
people. The story of this raid on the
treasury is fully recited by the nu
merous vouchers on flle in the aud
itor's office and the consequent deple
tion of the funds. The wife of the
superintendent has had her name on
the pay roll only a short time , and
the fact that It la there can be re
garded only in the light of a testimon
ial to fusion pcralstency , which knows
no adversity in the attainment of pe
cuniary trimuph.
The school has upwards of fifteen
teachers on the pay roll , at from $50
to $65 per month each. So far as the
pay roll is concerned , it reflects a most
prodigal spirit on the part of the ad
ministration , anil strongly indicates
that the primary object of fusion
donilnancy is to gather In the loaves
and flahes. Apply the per capita ex
pense of education In this institution
to all other institutions of learning
In the state , making dun allowance for
the character of the Instruction , and
the state In a few short years would be
debt-ridden from one end to the other.
The manner in which Superintend
ent Harris was appointed has been
told. With alight modification the
story might be applied to nearly all
the employes of the Institution. In
nearly every appointment can be soon
traces of political spoliation. The
damage done as a result of this
reaches a limit that is incalculable.
Nor is it to be presumed that there
have not been frequent changes with
out consequent demoralization. In
proof of this assertion all that needs
be cited Is excerpts from the ofllclal
report. In the biennial report of the
Institution under date of December 11 ,
1898 ( sec page 318) ) , Mrs. Caroline Mc-
Taggert evidences her lack of knowl
edge of her d'Ules by openly stating
In her report that : "My experience In
the work is too limited to enable mete
to say with any great degree of cer
tainty what pupils may accomplish. "
W. B. Woods , another teacher , un
consciously throws the searchlight on
the cphemeraey of the tenure of
oflice In the same report by calling
attention to the fact that "an experi
ence of three months in teaching Eng
lish In a school for the blind , In ad
dition to a year's experience In teach
ing other subjects , Is entirely too brief
to make 'any conclusions of much
value. "
And this Is the history of state in
stitutions under ftiBlonlsm.
There la such a mad scramble for
spoils and such little regard for the
public weal that scarcely la ono t5 >
polnlee Inducted Into ofllco than hti It
put out to make room for anothor.
Thla keeps the Institutions In con
stant restlessness and turmoil , keeps
them In the hands of Inexperienced In-
dvlduils , with the result that those
for whom those Institutions are main
tained derive little or no benefit. Since
the fuslonlats acquired control , two
different aupcrlntcndenta have been
appointed at Nebraska'City and nu
merous changes have been mndo In the
Hat of teachers. In each Instance , or
nearly ao. the change has been made
for political reasons.
Under such conditions Is It any
wonder that the teachers do not feel
fully qualified to give an opinion on
the best methods In teaching the blind ,
or that the Institution Itself should
In Its achievements fall far short of
meeting contemplated statutory re
quirements ?
The man with a "pull" Is very much
In evidence nt Nebraska City. It was
n "pull" that placed Frank Marnell
on the pay roll ns steward at $800 per
ye r , along with his wlfo at $180 per
year. Marnell la BO fortunate ns to
have a brother In the newspaper busl-
ttoss. He publishes a fusion dally nt
Nebraska City. This Is why ho was
deemed fitted for steward. Nor does
the Marnell family stop at that. The
Nebraska City News boaata of too po
tent n leverage In the nffnlra of the
fusion party to bo placated or pacified
by a stewardship. It not only boasts
but It command * , and It therefore re
ceives more substantial recognition
than Is ordinarily accorded fusion nub-
llcatlons. Filed away In the archives
of the auditor's ofllco are voucl-ors
boui'lng testimony to the frequent ex
peditions of the publisher of the News
atToss the plains from Nebraska City
to the treasury at Lincoln. Most of
the money la for job work , work glvon
the News , it la reported , at Its own
figures and without competition.
Within the last year the News has
managed to gather In about $200 of
the atalo's money without much exer
tion and at very lltle coat to Itself.
( See vouchers B31302. 113557(5 ( , 1135899.
B37001 , 1141401. 111338S and BIC205. )
Othera besides the News people are
keeping lu close and sympathetic * touch
with the treasury. It la a noticeable
fact that the hooka contain the firm
name of Cardwell & Leldigh , though
the same Mr. Curd well is the presi
dent of the Board of Trustees of the
Institution. Tlinnirh n.-irihvnll &
Leldigh are In the hardware business
the firm's name is found as creditor
In the "living expense" account of the
It is a strange anomaly that , which
places the employe in a position to
"order and direct" his employer. It
would also be strangely anomalous
were the system prevalent over the
land for an onicial lo bo his own
auditor or account examiner. But
hero is an example of it :
"This voucher Is hereby approved
by the Board of Trustees Ibis 4lh
day of May , 1900 , and the Auditor of
Public Accounts is hereby ordered and
directed to draw his warrant for the
sum of ? 2o,35 lu full payment and
satisfaction of the Lame , and this
claim is found to be correct and ap
proved In all things.
"President JJontd of Trustees. "
The voucher above refer * cd to was
for the flrm , of which , Cardwell is a
member , for goods sold to Iho st'itc.
( See voucher B15431. ) This firm's
name appears on the books In several
instaneon , as having sold goods to the
Institute. In inlditiou to this it is
curiently reported that some of those
contractors who have from time to
time secured contracts for building
and repairing have been for some tin-
accountable IOIROU partial to thla firm
In placing their ardors fop material
During the last year the amount of
building and repair work has reached
over $ r > ,000 , but , as all the vouchers
are made In omnibus form and In the
name of the contractor , there Is noth
Ing of record to show Just who or what
firm came in for the plunder.
The omnibus system of making out
vouchers has become notorious tinder
the present administration. That It
opens nn avenue to the commission
of fraud few will gainsay. It Is a
romiion occurrence to find vouchers
for large amounts made out In the
very indefinite terms of "for labor
and material , " without specifying how
much of cither. These terms arc em
ployed as frequently in rendering bills
where there ia no contract aa where
there is. In the last year a barn
costing about $450 was built without
advertising for bids , and that the st-tto
paid dearly for the luxury is quite
apparent. A running track and bowl-
lug alley waa built in the gymnasium
at a cost of $900 , and the voucher
reads : "For material , $500 ; labor ,
$100. " There IB nothing in the vouch
er to show specifically how much ma
terial or how much labor the state
As a rule , the methods employed In
the conduct of the Institute , are equal-
Iv as vulnerable. The manner in
which bllla arc made out affords an
opportunity for a vast amount of
fraud. It Is safe to say that there
Is scarcely an article in the grocery
line , but what there are several grades
of it. In many Instances , especially in
canned and bottled goods , there Is not
only a difference In quality but a dif
ference in quantity. The bills ren
dered tne institute in no way recog
nizes this very important distinction.
If a bill be rendered for bottled goods ,
such as catsup or table sauces , It bini-
ply gives the number of botlos , never
mentions the brand , which In the groc
ery line Is a synonym of quality , and
seldom gives the size of the boltlo or
quantity. Thla course may bo pur
sued without an object , but it ran bo
seen nt ouco that it affords nn oppor
tunity for fraud , both in letting con
tracts to favorites and In charging
for goods never delivered. No one
bcems to question the honesty of Su
perintendent Harris or of Steward
Marnell. What complaint Is made Is
matlo against the Board of Trustees
and the governor for placing and
maintaining people in office to manage
the affairs of a state Institution who
have little or no cone-option of their
duty or of ordinary business methods.
Superintendent Harris undertakes
to manage the school and the "farm"
nt the same time , with the result that
neither Is properly managed. The
"farm" Is a ten-aero piece of ground ,
and Is little more than a play yard.
jot Superintendent Harris manages t
to iimko 11 a luxury and an oxpoualva <
ono to the taxpayers. With only three
horses , a half dozen hogs and four
cowa to look after there are several
"farm laborers" at the institute whoso
duty It Is to rare for the stock ( ? )
and attend the "crops. " Quarters
could bo secured for all the stock on
the "farm" at the best hotel In the
state for less money than la expended
for their keeping at the institute. As
a patron of husbandry , so far as profits
to Iho atnlo are concerned , Mr. Harris
Is anything but a brilliant success.
And there are leaks In the luat'tu ' *
tlon as well as In the "farm. " Irre
spective of the large pay roll , there are
leaks that In the long run make n
noticeable increase In the cost of main
taining the ftchool.
One of these leaks Is the department
of chemistry. Another la In the teach
ing of zoology , botany , biology nnd
mlnerology. Considerable money 1ms1
been consumed by the department of
chemistry , though few familiar with
Unit branch of study who would rec
ognize at once the necessity of tight
would think of placing chemistry In
the curriculum of the blind. Review
ing thla very problem , Prof. MrTng-
gart of the department of science- and
mathematics of the Institute , In hla
biennial report to the superintendent ,
( In 1S98. page 329) says :
"In the study of chemistry , biology
and mlnerology the nicest discrimina
tions and most accurate measurements
must bo made'Involving the use of
Instruments requiring Bight. No ade
quate knowledge of zoology or botany
can be had without the UBO of tha dis
secting Unite and microscope. In
chemistry , analytical nnd qualitative
determinations require the most -.loll-
nlto and complicated proteases which
cannot bo carried on by persons who
have lost thi'ir sight. This statement
ia so nearly self evident that It hardly
needs to bo mnde. "
In Iho face of this , however , a de
partment of chemistry In maintained ,
though only to the extent ot purchas
ing the necessary instruments and ma
terial. None of the expense la re
moved , though the teaching of this
and kindred sciences has practically
been abandoned. Only recently an
order for $ r > 0 worth of material for
thla department was given , though It
la apparent , for the foregoing reason ,
that It la a clear waste of money.
Nothing goes farther in evidencing
decrepitude and inactivity on the part
of the inaniiKoment than the general
appearance of the institute. The walla
and floors at the close of school thla
summer were very filthy , nnd It la a
temnrknble stroke of fortune that sick
ness lias not wrought sad havoc among
the * inmates. According to reports , the
buildings have , hyglenlcally speaking
never been kept properly rcguln'od
since the fuslonlsts have had charge.
In bud condition as they are now ,
according to Superintendent Harris ,
things wore much worse when ho was
appointed and took charge one year
ago. Speaking of the condition of
things at that tlmo Superintendent
Harris said :
"It was n most terrible sight. The
buildings were fairly nllvo with bod-
bugs. After wo came hero my wife
and I worked for ai : ; rnoutha before
vc flnnlly got rid of the bn'l-bugs. '
The btiRH were in every room , In the
beds anil pnpcr on the walls , and even
the rooms occupied by the superintend
ent and hla family were alive with
them. It waa the worst sight I ever
behold. "
This Is what one fusion official says
of the management of another fusion
olllelnl. Assuming that Superintend
ent Harris found the building In the
condition stated ho baa made some Im
provements , yet there Is wide room for
further Improvements along the line
of cleanliness , and If additional steps
in that direction arc not taken disease
nnd pestilence may result at any time.
It is no doubt true that Superintend-
out Harris has waged a succeirful
warfare against the apterous troapns-
sers which he found inhabiting the
bedding and furniture of the Inst'.luto
when ho took charge , but there is yet
an ample opportunity afforded him
for dUtlngulshment In other dliec-
tious. On the whole , there is room for
manv beneficial chances at this insti
tute , both in the way of stopping
raids on the treasury and Improving
the faculty. Under fusion control
grades In this Institution exist only
In theory and not In practice , and the
pupil graduates much In the way a
stone rolls down hill picking out Its
own way without any well defined
mute or limitation as to tlmo. Prop
erly managed , the Institute can bo
maintained at much less expense and
to much greater advantage. So long ,
however , as positions In this and other
Institutions are given out In liquida
tion of political debts the theory o
reform , ao conspicuously pictured by
the fusion leaders , becomes nt once a
ludicrous Incongruity. When Superin
tendent Harris was asked why he did
not grade the school he said :
"I would like to , but you know oin
term of oflice Is ao indefinite that ono
hardly knows what to do. If I felt
secure In my position for any material
length of tlmo I would do ao. "
Thla Is the whole story In a few
words. Under fusionls-m frequent
changes have demoralized the Insti
tutions , and time which should be de
voted to the good of the instiution
Is spent in contriving plans to Keep
the official head beyond reach of the
Thi "Worlct-il. "
) Tr.ip .
For aorno time Isaac Mulford , a far
iner living near Brldgeton , N. J. , baa
been misalng chickens , ao he sat a man
trap without letting the family know.
His son , Alfred , stayed out late the
other evening , and , while slipping up
to the house , was caught In the trap.
Feailng a dressing down from his
father for staying out so late the
young man stayed there all night.
Ills martyrdom was in vain , for the
first person to sec him next morning
was his father.
llllpuflll ilH (0 ( IC 'H1llU.
William , the Georgia bankers , and
his party of cashiers and pretty girls ,
left Now York for the south the lust
of the week. There have been no-
marriages aa the result of the trip , al
though It Is understood that matri
mony was ono of the objects of the
junket. There la the consolation of
knowing that seven engagements have
been made , however , nnd doubtless
the weddings will take place lu Gee -
irlii In due time.
Preparation is Being Mndo for a Stay All
Next Winter ,
of llcupmullilo Government nt
1'rkln OKcu it * Itrunon Couxrr fin-
porti Chaotic tiomlltlont Chlnnio
Cnnttal It I'ructlcully In Ilntuli of Alllti.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. After a
long conference at the White IIouso
the reply of the United States to the
application of LI Hung Chang for the
apponltmcnt of puaco commissioners
was completed and a copy of the reply
sent to the Chlneso Minister , Mr. Wu
to bo forwarded to Earl LI. The atato
department made a definite announce
ment that the reply had been conveyed
lo Mr. Wu , but added to Its oillclal ut
terances that the correspondence
would not bo made public until tomor
row morning. A copy of the reply was
sent to other governments represented
In China.
The American reply Is chiefly char
acterized by Its linn tone and Ha brev
ity. Its keynote IH the president's at
titude as laid down In the American
note of July 3 , and there la the strict
est adherence to the points enunciated
at that time. While the document la
open to the construction of being a re
jection of LI Hung Chang's proposi
tion for Immediate negotiations , yet It
la stated by those who have read the
answer with rare and have had a part
In Us preparation that "rejection" Is
probably too strong a term to apply to
It. The United States placoa Itself In
the position of being ready at the
proper tlmo to take up peace negotia
tions , but In the present unsettled con
dition of affairs In the empire , the lack
of knowledge as to who are the ro-
aponslblo rulers and what constitutes
the actual Chinese government , It la
mndo clear that the tlmo has not ar
rived for pursuing the negotiations
proposed. The formal courtesy of di
plomatic procedure Is preserved , but
at the same tlmo the entire toner of
the document la marked by force anil
llrmnena. The government of the
United Statea takes the position that
negotiations are Impossible with a gov
ernment which cannot prevent hostil
ities against the forces of the powers
which wore aent to the Chinese capital
to save the envoys. As long aa at-
tacka are made on the troopa of thla
and other governments , suuh aa have
followed the occupation of Pekln , and
the attacka In the vicinity of Tien Tain
It la deemed that the Chinese govern
ment la either unwilling or unable to
prevent these hostilities , and for thla
reason negotiations must bo deferred.
The most Important development of
the day as to the actual conditions In
Pekln came late In the afternoon ,
when the state department made pub
lic a dispatch from Minister Conger ,
dated at Pekln only three dayo ago. It
was given out with the following state
ment : , ,
"Tho stale department authorizes
the .announcement . of the receipt at an
early hour thla ( Wednesday ) morning
through the consul at Clio Fee of a
telegram front Mlnlator Conger In the
department cipher to the following ef
fect :
"PEKIN , Aug. 10. Secretary of
State , Washington : The entire city
with the exception of the Imperial palace -
ace la occupied by Japanese , Russian ,
British , Americana and French. It la
being apportioned Into districts for po
lice supervision. The Chlncao army
fled. The Imperial family and the court
have gone westward , probably to Slan
Fu , In the provlnco of Sheiial. No rep
resentatives of the Chlneso government
are In Bight In Pokln and the coudl-
tlona are chaotic. The imlaco Is ex
pected to be taken Immediately. Manr
missionaries have started for home ,
while othera remain In charge of the
Chriatlan refugcsa , numbering about
1.000. CONGER. "
KHtnto to Wife Who U to Ho
Kol i KxocutrU.
ATCHISON , Kan. , Aug. 23. The
will of the late Senator John J. In-
galls , filed In probate court today , Is
aa follows :
"Vice President's Chamber , Wash
ington In the name of God , Amen : I ,
John J. Ingalls , of the city and county
of Atchlson , In the state of Kansas ,
mindful of , the uncertainty of life and
the certainty of death , do make pub
lic and declare my last will and testa
ment. I give , bequeath and devlso
unto my beloved wife , Anna Louise , all
my property and estate , real , porsonnl
and mixed of every description , and
wherever situated , and appoint her
solo executrix hereof , without bond ,
auroty or undertaking.
"In wltnesa whereof I have here
unto set my hand and seal , In the pres
ence of the subscribing witnesses , who
signed the same In my presence and
In the presenceot each other , this
21th day of August , A. D. 1889.
"Witnesses :
"W. R. CLAY. "
NEW YORK. Aug. 23. It was ior.
mally announced today that the will
of Colllls P. Huntlngton will bo filed
tomorrow or Friday. There wore sev
eral conferences at the Southern Pa
cific office today and It was believed
that the will would bo road to the
family thla afternoon or evening.
Duello ropulitr In Itnly.
LONDON , Aug. 23. The Rome cor
respondent of the Dally Mall says :
"During the last few weeks duels
have caused a perfect slaughter In
Italy. As many aa four duelists wore
killed In different towns last Satur
"During the last year 2,400 duela
have been fought In Italy and 480
deaths have resulted. Moat of these
combats were between army ofllcers
and baned on the most trivial pre
texts. "