Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 30, 1900, Image 5

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    PEALE & JOHN ,
Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruits and Vegetables.
Has u full line of
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Ftno Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet A-xtiolcs , etc. Store on
corner of Fifth avonno and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb.
E WANT to pay to the
Public that our health
is fairly good , and having
ing laid 'isido our winter clothes ,
taken off our high collar and
with our eyes turned in the di
rection of business , wo are
ready to serve our customers with the best of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , in fa a ANYTHING usually kept in a FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YvVRD. Wo make our own SHINGLES and we know
t'.ioy are GOOD. Wo have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh * ayl Try our
$ 1 00 COAL ( or cooking. Remember
It Once Was Lost , but How I Have
Pound it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam-
iD tli stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
ii ard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
IKS. , posted on what was being offered tor sale. They don't
say anything about TerbacUer and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of , candy for sale cheap.
Everybody is invited to call and get my prices.
Reaiember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
W. S. SWAN , - - Proprietor.
For Ncnrly Sixty Years
- Tno Leiidirjg National Family
For Progressive Farmers nnd
An old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People ,
from the Pacific , and the poineer in every movement calculated to
advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people
in ever State in the Union.
For every half centuy farmers have followed its instructions in
raising- their crops , and in converting1 them into cash have been
National authority.
If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department
will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and
young. "Fashion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies , and
"Humorous Illustrations" and items will bring- sunshine to your
TUB WKKKJ.Y TRIHURK is "The People's Paper for the entire
United States , and contains all important news of the Nation
; ind World.
Regular suscription price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it
NEW YORK Published Monday , Wednesday and Friday
Tlll-\VEEKLY TRIBUNE. , , , , - ,
A t <
complete up-to-date , daily newspaper
three times a week for busy people who receive their mail oftcner
than once a week.
Contains all striking- news features of Tins DAILY THIHUNK up
to the hour of going to press ; and is profusely illustrated.
Regular suscription price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it
Send all orders to
The I'nrnuiount
Tlio parnmount iaatio to bo fought
out in the battle of IUOO may bo
summed up in tlvo emnll wonlp. Do
you want a ohnngc ?
This is the simple question that
every citizen will ttukhiuiBolf before
ho oaalti his ballot , and the verdict
will depend upon the conclusion
readied by a majority of the IB-
000,000 voters who will rooord
themselves on one uido or the other
next November.
It cannot bo gainsaid that the
American people nro aa prosperous
and well-to-do this year as they
over have beon. Do the American
people want a change ?
Does the great army of wage-
workers , which is bettor fed , bettor
clothed and better housed LOW than
over before , want a change ?
Do the American farmers , whoso
products are in steady demand at
good prices at homo and abroad ,
want a change ?
Do the merchants and tradesmen
of the country , who are doing a
larger business in the aggregate
than over before , want a change ?
Do the manufacturers and em
ployers of labor in mill and factory ,
whose products are marketable now
at fair profit , want a change ?
Do the professional men , whoso
services command higher remunera
tion now than over boforc , wnnt a
change ?
What would any of these classes
gain by a change ?
This is the poser which neither
Mr. Bryan nor any of his cham
pions will bo able to answer satis
factorily. They will talk about the
Declaration of Independence , nliout
the crime of 187. , about the beau
ties of ( roe silver coinage , about the
dibastrous old standard , about Iho
menuco of imperialism and militar
ism and about the rapacity of the
ti lists. But all these subjects are
overshadowed by the question that
dominates all men wlio are con
stantly striving to bettor their condition -
dition , but do not willfully and de
liberately expose themgulves and
their families to the risk of a relapse
to the distressing , hard times ex
perienced before tin advent of McKinley -
Kinley and the ascendancy of re
publican policies that havs restored
confidence , raised the national credit
and set the wheels of industrial and
commercial activity in motion.
Omaha Bee.
Now that Iho Burlington has
completed its extension to Guern
sey , Wyo. , graders and tracklayers
are being transferred to the country
between Bridgeport , Neb. , and
Brush , Colo. Hero the Burlington
IR building a line to connect its
Denver main line with its Montana
lino. Its completion -will help to
volop a rich territory and give anew
now route from Colorado to the
Black Hills and the northwest.
CnU for CuHter County
To Ml popullati In fnator ! county , Nebraska ,
thnt are opposed to fnMon with either of the old
political parties , and to thOHu who boilcve in the
cnrdlnal principles of populism , aa sot forth la
the Omuhn , Cincinnati and Orand Island plat
form ? , that demands direct legislation , public
owuerehlp of all public utilities , government
ownership of railroads , and a people's govern-
in nt Instead of a party KOTerameut ; and to
all ttio.'o who are true to the principles ot popu
lism , and nre willing to atari their names to a.
declaration of prluclploi Betting forth their inten
tion to aet In good faith , and to support the can
didates nominated at Cincinnati , Ohio , and Grind
Inland , Nebraska , are hereby called to meet in n
mass convention at Broken How , Nebraska , on
Friday , September 7th IUOO , at 10 o'clock a ui. ,
for the purpose of nomiimtliiK ono candidate for
county attorney ; and to f elect delegates for 'So
congrceBlonal convention of the Sixth congrea-
clonil district , uleo to select delegates to tbe
seiutorlnl and representative conventions ; nleo
to elect a full set of township commltteernen tor
each product.
The place-nml dite of holding the Congressional.
Henatotlal nnd Representative ( /onventlonn will
bo mud" public at thu County convention
Those who wish to stand up nnd fight for equal
and exact juetlco for all men arc cordially Invited
to attend thin convention and meet with us on
populUt principles
State Central Committcman for Ouster County.
This article was ottered the Cnstcr Co. Chief.
The editor \vonld not agree to public , same nnd
the CuBter Co. lleacon would not publish oamo
without [ unking H rliango m the article. Ilencu
uc nru compelled to use the Kopnblicau.
Complexion llcaiittlder
\Vo want every lady reudor of the
RKI-UHLICAN to try Dwight's Com
plexion Boautilier , the most exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmlessmakes the face smooth
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only Bond FRKK a full
size , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will Hond us her post oflico ad
dress silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only ono KKBK box to
each address but ladies may order
for their friends. Each box mailed
separately. Send this notice and
your order at ONCK to D.V. . CUBTKU
. , Huntingdon W , Va ,
The date of the fair is September
The intoreat being awakened in the
fair this year is much greater than
over bcforo , and the attendance prom
ises to bo very largo.
Owners of fast horses in every part
of the state are becoming interested
in our coming fair , and are constant
ly writing for information about the
races. Some of the boat horses in the
state- will bo hero.
Tim fair association will have n
number of tents which can bo routed
very cheap during fair week to par
ties who tiosiro to camp out. Those
desiring tents should write to the
secretary nt once.
Everyone who comes to the fair
should bring an exhibit of some
kind , A fine sample of corn , wheat
or oats , fine chickens , or something of
the kind. Good premiums are offered
nnd it costs nothing to enter your
The Custor County Fnir will this
year distribute upwards of $3500 to
the people of this county. It will
give the best program ever an
nounced at any county fair in the
state. Watch for program next
The Jack rabbit Chase is a brand
new thing as u county fair attraction ,
nnd a grout many people will bring
their last dogs to Broken Bow during
fair week. The fair association is
now offering $1.00 each for live full
grown Jack rabbits.
Every school in Custer county
should bring nn exhibit to the fair.
Four elegant school libraries are
offered , beside some good cash pre
miums. On Wednesday , September
12th , all school children are admitted
If you linve line stock of nny kind
bring it to the fair. Entries are free.
Hay is free , and ono sdmission ticket
during fair is free. The only con
dition is that you arc expected to'rent
a box stall on the grounds. No fnir
in the state of Nobmka pursues such
n liberal policy as the Ouster County
If you have fine stock of any kind ,
which you wish to dispose of , bring
it to the fair and take advantage of
the live stock auction sale on Friday ,
September 14.
Our farmers should not lose sight
of the collective exhibit of farm pro
ducts. $20 i > 15 $10 and * 5 are
offered for the four best exhibits.
The base ball tournament in con
nection with the fair , is attracting
wide spread interest among those
who enjoy this grent game. Ball
games will occur every day during
the fnir.
A h'uo theatrical troup will appear
at the opera house every night dur
ing fair week , nnd an all night dance
is arranged for the pleasure of the
young people. Broken Bow will bo
a gay town September 11-14.
The racing program this year will
have 21 speed events , and anyone
who does not see enough horse rac
ing during the throe days will be pro-
sonented with a very expensive
chroma. Just glance over the speed
Hero are the big delegntion prizes
offered at the county fnir : '
For the largest Sunday School
delegation from any ono school , $10
For the largest delegation of any
secret society in the county , $15 $10
For the largest fat man's delega
tion from any one township , not less
than ton , $10 3D.
These delegations must bo in line
at Broken Bow on Thursday , Sop
tcmbor 18th nt 10HO : n. m.
Wind Cavw , Huutii nukutu.
JPcw people realize ( hat Wind Cave ,
Hot Springs , South Dakota , is thu
mvgeet and most beautiful cave In tbo
Uulted States.
No onu known how largu It rcaly IB.
Ovur one hundred miles of pnHug < B nnd
: i,000 chambers Imvo been explored
And tlmla only the beginning. Tuero
nro fourteen dlu"ereut "rout H , " only
rhrce of which have been opened to tiu
public. T uy are kDown n the Garden
of Kdnn , Fair Grounds nnd Pearly Uatea
Leaving Hot Spring at 9. a. m , , you
arrive nt the cttvo in time for lunch
Immediately afterward you enter the
cave where lor four houru you llvn nnd
move In an underground world , beautl
( ul beyond description.
During August the Ihulington Route
will run several cheap excursions to Ilot
Springs ,
Thu dates are : August 2 , 7 , nud 21.
The ruto is one fare , pluB $2.00 , lot the
round trip. Tickets bear liberal retura
limit and the Burlington's service to the
Jilnck IllllH la unrivalled.
Call on tlm local ticket agent of the
B. & M. H. It. K. and let him tell you
what It will coat you to make the trip.
Heuutlfully illustrated advertising
mutter descriptive of the IM&ck HilU
mailed on request.
General Passenger Agent ,
8it. . Omaha , Neb.
Wo will furnish the K-umas oity
Journal und lliiruuuoAN for 11.25
per year.
.Bulling TIME TABLE ,
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chicago. llutte ,
St. Joseph , Portland ,
KMIR&R CUT , SMt Lake City ,
St. Louis , ami all Sun KriMiOlKCO ,
point ) etui anil loath. anil all tiolntn went.
No , 4'J-Veellbulca oxprcit dalljr. Lincoln , Oma
ha , Mt. Joseph. Kans B Ulty , St , Loult , Chi-
cao anil All pilnt * cnat.nQil conth. . . It)24 pin
No. 4i Local oxprctft dally , Lincoln , Omalm ,
tit. Joseph , Kaltios City , St , tonl * , Chicago
anil nil points east nml south flUOnm
No. 48 K.olKht tlalljr , Uavonun , Grand Island ,
Aurora , Howard mid Lincoln 0Xnm (
No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , lUvonna
and intcruiiilltte point * , 116 pin
No. 11 VoBtlunlod express dally , Helena , Hctil-
tie , Hi tic , 1'ortland nnd all 1'aclAc Coist
points 414am
No. 43-Local express dally , lllftck llllli and
Inteimcdlnto points 4 63 pm
No.FrclKht dally , Anieloio , liftboy , Seneca ,
Whitman and Alliance 1068 am
No. 47 Freight , dally except Hun Jay , Utucca
and intermediate points ! : & > pin
Sleeping , tilting and reclining clialrcars ( seats
free ) on through trains. Tlckos sold and bag
gage chocked to any point In tlu United Stales
and Canada.
No. 48 has tuorohandlao cars Tuoadayt , Thurs
days and Saturdays.
No. 46 will carry passengers for Anselmo , Hal
tey , Scnoca , Whitman ntul Alliance ,
No , 40 will carryi > Miorguru for Ituvenn *
Qrand Island , Boward and Lincoln.
Infortnallon , ninps , time tables and ticket
call oner write to H. L. Ormiuy , K nl , or J
Franclt , O. 1 * . A. , Omahv. Nehrnakn.
11. L. OnuBur , Aiont.
Pouch for West will close nt 8 p. m. , except
Huuilay when It will clo e at 7 p m.
Poach , east for train No. 4'J atones nt D,30 a m
and foi No. 44 closes at , 11 a m. Mail for Ansluv
and points oust of Urand Islund onrrled on train
No. 44.
Oconto tla of Hyuo acd Tuckorvllte , dully ex
cept Sunday closes , at 7 a m : returning miinu tiny
Callawny via , AIc'Klnley dally except Sunday
closes at 7 a in , returning etuuo day.
Itound Vnlloy via Green and Kltou close nt7
m , Monday , Wcduosdy and Fridays , returning
sane day.
Simmer Tin Ournsoy , QoorKetown and Upton
arrrlvos at 11 30 , Tuecdny Thursday ami Satur
day , returning leaves nt li,3U"nm duy.
Oflloj liourH from 8.00 n in to 8.00 n m. Sunday -
day 8.30 to 0.80 a. w. Lobby open week days from
7 a m tol8 p m. L. H. JKWBTT , l'M.
Clinton Day ,
lirokuu Bow i Neb.
Oflico over Hynreon'fl Kr < > e ry. Rusly
clenco ( Itu houeo wool of Unptiet churoli.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from wnnt endin Realty
block ; rcBidonoo , 3rd west M. E.
church , seine side of Htroot.
Wm. F. Tiopkins ,
Sl > clflc tlouB on abort notice Mn
tori&l fill I , l hcd and building * completed obonpoi
hau muy mnn In tlm itato. HatlxfncUou
cod ai to pliiu nnu ppoclflcatlonn.
Dr. E. M. Hogan ,
Graduate Dentist
Offlcu oror W. ti.bwau'a Qronory Btore.
Broken Bow , - Neb.
Luncf Counter ,
E. * Ninl'.oy , Prop'r.
All kinds if soft drinks. Bom
brand of oiyard. iHt building oanl
of Farmort bank.
m m
j\jit i <
" * Equality , Economy , Security. 8 *
? ' : '
Thotrno teit for Life Intmrnnoe IB
found In the Equity of the Contract ,
tbe Economy of Mauagumentaud | the
if-iS Security for thojl'ayinont.
TUB OUIOIKAI , ' ( > ,
? f | Bankers Life Association , ty
I 1
t.lft Bom Molucp , Eowa. ' {
/'i | KUWAHU A. TBMPLK , President. | jj
ft Orftatilzcd July 1st , 187 . ' ( :
j * ] . Qiurinty Fund for ( nfaty. '
/ * Bnrplnii Fand for protection. j
> | Suiwrvliod by 3,060 depository b&uks. i
j'jj Becnrt'lOB deposltod with tbe sthto fi ;
'y ? | department , ) . '
j * } . . Conierv tlve motlioje. 'p [
/ K 1'rctorrcd Hlsis-Low lUtos. J ,
: ' . * j' < Quarterly Paymcnu. J. ! |
* ntl fu" 1""rioRt'on ' > fa" $
sa jjl
Agent for Ouster County , Noli.
Oflico at Farm era Hank of Ouster
Comity , llroken Dow , Nub.
* fruits , Jolllei , pickled < rcutoap ura
more cuHlly , more ijuj k. . . , M , ra
-fa healthfully ( > aloU wall UUuiod
ft. 1'nralltne wax than by ii'.y oilier
fj metliud , Oozurutofoltiui u.- mla tw
* .
. . . . In c-vory Iiouaoholil. It li i i.-nii ,
iwtiitUMirn in id GilorK'31 ui > , M ili r
Vy mill ufld | ironf ( let u | > < n > i.l c. < l t uf
} \ U wltn iv list or Hi " , , , , , .1t. i
fJtC\ ( rum jour drus'Klttnr i"
| ? n r- . I * , t rywiUTi. * ' /
U. S. Land OlTice ,
JAMRSWUlTJfflHAft , - KoglaUr
F. II. YOUNG. - - - -
Land Ofllcu nt Broken llow , Nebr. , I
July CD ) , 1900. f
Notice l hereby Klton that the following
named Mtlcr hiva lllc < l notice of lila Intention to
ronko linn ) | > roor In support of his claim , anil
that iald proof will lw mndo before HogUtor and ,
Itcco'vcr ' , al llrokcn. How , Neb. , on Bout. Mill ,
UXX ) , viz :
JOI1 AIiLllltiailT ,
Of llrokcn llow , Nobr. , fur Iho ew& ice 12 , twp
18 north , rgu 81 west.
Ho immca the following wltnoMCR to prove liln
contlnnoiiH rei hlonco upon nnil cultivation of
slid Iniul , viz : Mlntcr i-chnoldor , of llrokon
llow , Ni-br. , Leo Wlllinuth anil Henry itahnoldrr ,
of Monin , Nclir. , anil I'crry Cotlman , of Now
Helena , flobr. n O sl.l flt
U. 3. Land Olllco , llrokon llow , Nrlir. , I
AtiKiHt 7 , 11)00. ) f
Notion In licrnby L-lvon tlmt
linn ll I ml notice of Intuntlou to maku flnnl proof
before HoKlstor anil Hecclvor , nt their ollico In
Uroknn How , Nohr. , on Krlday , the 17th day of
optombcr , 1000 , on tlmlur culturu application
No. 1WSO , for the sum of sec No. il ! , In twp No.
17 north run No ! 21 wont.
Ho imiiiuR n > witnesses : Dnnlol Bwnenoy ,
Warren Lang nnil Lowls Lambert , of Mem a ,
Nolir. , and John \Vhcclliit , ' , of llrokon llow , Nobr.
JAMKS WIUi'KllUAl ) , lto letor.
I.nml Ouico nt llrokon How Nobr. , I
AtlKliat i ! 1UOO. f
Notice in hereby ulven that the following-
namoil miller ha * mod notion of hln Intention to
make Him ) proof In Hiuiport of ul clnltn , niut that
cnlil proof will ho mndo boforu ItCL-lstor and
Ik'ci'lvt-r nt Droki'M llow , on September 0 , 1IKX ) ,
viz : Minor Tnyli r of MuriiK Nob. of the U. K ,
No. 71X ) , w U oc 10 T 17 N U 21 w.
Ho nnmcft the follow IIIK wltnoi > > ct ) to provo his
contlnuoiiH residence upon nnil cultlrntlon of Piild
bind , vlr. : UeorKu I'nrincr of Mernit , Neb. ,
Ml lion Whlliiuy , of Mcrlm , Noli. , Frank Miller ,
of Merita , Csvb. , Jnmert I ) . Uenm , of llrokon llow ,
Notice of Sale Under Chattel Mortgage.
Notice In hcrebv glTen. that by virtue of n chat
tel mortK KO , dated .Mnruh let , 1898 , nnil duly Hied
for record In the ollico of the county clotk , of
Uiiutcr county , N'ebrock.i , AiiuuRt Olh , 11)00. ) and
Siren byVni. . llrmllmrn , V. M , Illllltiytt und U ,
Montgomery , on tin ) following described
property , to wltt OnoJ.I , C'nwn tioparalor , No.
247-IH. complete ; one bay Itoriu HX ! ycnrn old , onu
gray horio ten years old , one corrol irnro ton yours
old , 0110 niDUno rolorod intilo ten ycnrs old , to f o-
uuru tin pnyniunt of their two certain promissory
notcH , onu for the mini of $110 , nnil one for the
fiinnof tfl.W 0 , each ilno Jnnnary 1st , 181W , and
unch drawing eight per cunt Intercut per Minnin.
Said notcH and mortgngo given to tlm said J. 1 ,
Case ThreehliiK Miicblnu Company , nnil by It duly
assigned to H V BloflM. who le now tno owner nml
holder of the pamo , and \VI\H bcfoie the nmturlly
of hald notes. Defiitlll havlnu broil made In the
aymonl of said notoH , mid there being now duo
I creon the nald mini of $ 'J7U"0 , with olKht per
out Intercut thereon from thu let day of March ,
BOS , the nald asclgneo will oiler the above tie.
crllicd propo ty nl public sale , Kt the rear of the
tore room now occupied by 1) . W. Thompson , In
'rokon ' llow , Nobr. , on Saturday , the . 'd day of
eplcinbur , 11)00 ) , at U o'clock p. m. of Mild day , to
lie highest bidder for cash In Imml , to satisfy the
nld notes nnd Intercut , Taken as the property
f the intu Win Hradlmrii , F. M. IIIIIIugR and 1) .
. Montgomery , nnd In favor of the sold S. C.
IOB. Dated nt llrokon Dow , Nebraaka , this
:9th : day of August , 1WX . 8 C. BUHS ,
agliO 4t lly bin Attorney , Alpha Morgan.
U U I.nml Olllce , llrokon llow , Nohr. , I
Inly S8 ! , IUOO. f
A pulflclnnt c nitcH nlllilnvH Imvlng boun filed
n thin ollico by ChallcB U. Voiicl , contestant ,
Kaluit timber cultiiro entry No. K.'U7 , madu
March 21th , 188(1 ( , fur H'nwM , mid ni ! awU.aoc.
JO , Iwp 17 north , rgo'JI wcat , by John O van-
'loot , conlostoo. In which It In alleged tlmt thu
nlil ViuiFltet lias failed to brcnk , cultivate nnd
ilnnt to troon , trou needs , nuts or cutting , ton
icrcs of Hnlil Iract iia required by Inw ; Unit no
replanting ban beun done on Niild tract for nioro
bun HUTCH yearn last past , tlmt ealil entry I *
Icvold of a growth of trues , and no nttompt htiR
luuu made by lha paid VfinKIoot to promote a
; rowth of treen thereon plnuo inaKlng of euld
entry , that mild entry hnn been abnndoneil for
noin tlian Ion yenre , and tlmt nil the defects ul-
eged herein cxlpt ut this ( late. Bald putties are
icreby notified In appear , respond nhd olfor
ivldrnce touching paid allegation at 10 o'clock n.
n.,011 Sept. 17 , IUOO , bcforo the reglotor and ru-
celver , nt thu I' H. land olllce. In llrokun How ,
Nebruska I'bo enlil contUHtnnt havtiiK , In a
iropor nllldnvlt. filed Junii 'JO , 1000 , net forth
'acts wl.loh Dhow that nf tor duo dlll oncuieri < uiinl
service of tliln notice cannot bu nmili ; , U la hereby
irdercil nnd directed thai siioli notice bo ulvun
duo and proper publication.
t KIIANK U YOUNU , Itccclver.
Notice In hereby given that by the authority of
one certain mortgage , executed by Kd McCnidln
o M. Itumloy Co corporation , of Ja I'orte , In-
liana , Dec Id , 18UU , to ceciiro the payment of
two promlHsory notf H of uvun date , for SI37.CO ,
one for $57.CO , duo Kob 1 , IUOO , the other for $ HO ,
duo October I , 11) ) 0 , with Interest nt 10 per cunt.
Default having been nixlo In the payment of eald
noti'B , wo have levied upon one corn nhcllor and
: iorpe power , which wo will aell to the hlgheit
bidder for caul ) , nt public auction , batnrday , Sep
tember 1. 1000 , ut U o'clock p. m. , at Wilde' *
barn , on block north of public xqunru , In llrokuu
llow , Nebr. , to HntUfy enld sum
Hglfltd M. HUMLKV CO. ,
1C. U'Schnliiil , Mt'y. Per U.W. Wilde , Atjont ,
Docket T. Nn. 480. In the circuit court of the
United StatCA , for the district of Nebraska.
mnya CorporationComplainant , i
Fred I.rlbnrt , ct ! . , Defendants In Chnnrory. .
Public nolle" lit hereby given that lu purBUanco
nnd by Tlrtna of a ducrio ontUitid In the nbovo
caut-o on the 3d day ot July , 11100 I Uno. II.
Thuinuicl , Htieclnl maetor In cbancory ot tbo cir
cuit coort of tbu United Stutos , for ttio district ot
Neliranlin , will , on thu U-ltb diiy ot SoiiU'inhor ,
IUOO , ut the hour of 3 o'clock In the afternoon of
inld day , lit the front door of tbe Cluster county
court lioubo bulldlni ; , In thu olty nf llrokon liuw.
( 'U'ter county , Htntu and dlotrlci ot Nobramca , cell
ut public auction for C'.eli thu follow ! gdescribed
loal oetiite , sltua'o In Cuntcr county , NchrnHka ,
and defcillied an fallows , to wlf The touttiwCBt
( juirtiT ( U ) of the northeast quarter ( U ) , thu
HuuthuaBt ( inurter ( U ) < > f the northwest quarter
( il ) , tbe northeaHi ijuartiT ( ! i ) of the pouthwtst
( jnartiT ( ! 1) ) . ai.d the 1'nrtbwemt ( H ) of eouthoaat
( M ) ot section tnunty three ( U.1) ) , town-
lilp twenty CM ) north , of range nineteen (10) )
went of thu Sixth Principal Meridian , containing
out ) hundred und sixty acr H. alfo I will , on enld
'Jlthday of Soptuml or , 10UD , nt tbo hour of g
o'clock In the forenoon of euld ; day , at tlm rest-
dencoof ICd Hllllv/in , on tlio w ! { of Sec. H3 , Tp.
20noitli , ranvn 1M west , In Custer county , soil at
pulnl : unction toi eiisli , ono Heoven wind slacticr.
No. IU'0 ' , one l > nrt > oiiH fccilur , No. IWW , ono llor *
wolghir N < > . 3107 ono I. . I ) , lank pump , one bolt
und ono tarpaulin , onu No 001 lie vet nnglno ,
manufactured by Keevea A. Co. , wltb nil fixture *
und np | > eii < luK08 with or lji'lonn'"U ' to the bume ,
und one 7H Kreven Rcpnratur with llitiues , iiiiinn-
faitnri'il by Iteeviis A Uo. , wltb nil llxtures and
wltb or bolonglnK 'o thu mime.
Special .Master In Chancery.
Melillton to llerrhiK , Solicitor for Ccmululnant
T A. \SON.
I'lMiH nnd oatlmntoa nn Rliort no
tice. lirokon How , Nub.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public -
and Jueltcu of tbo 1'eace. Special ftttentlon cl -
en to collections , Di-ponlllona taken , jwnHou
voucliers nually oxecutud and all kinds or legal
pspern wrlten , onlcu weal Hldn unuaro ,
llrokun llow , Neb.
J. M Scott
Attorney at Law
BROKEN Bow , - N iw ,