Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 30, 1900, Image 4

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    PnbltMicil Tliutiuliiy fit llmUonnlj
i y iy _ _
> . * . ASiKiUCuieVuitiir
* ) .OIiro ) : ti Unptiir HltK-k. fourth ATP. ' < . '
Entered lit poatonlce nt How , Nob. ,
a * fwond-clnfs mnttrr for Untie ml * don through
thoU. .M. Mnlla.
StjfjHl'HIlTluN ntK'E :
Ono Y'iar , In ndviiuce . Sl.W
, /\U . 30 , 1000.
nliloutlnl Kicclorp I , . It IIAlllJK ,
For Governor.
01IAS II DIKrmclI , Ail-ins.
For Lieut Govermr ,
li P 8 ' VAGE , Ouster.
For Secretary ofBtnte ,
tlV MAlirfH , Klulinrdaon.
For Auditor.
OliAcJ VVESTON , Sheridan.
Kor Treasurer.
VVM .STEUFFEK , Cuming ,
For Attorney General.
For Com Pub Lands and nidge.
G L > FOLLMER , Thaycr.
ForSupt Pub Instruction.
VV K FOWLER , Washington.
For St'iutor , 15th Sonutorlal District ,
HON. F. M. OURRIE , Sargent.
For ItepreBonlAtlTcp , Mth Dint. ,
For County Attoinoy ,
Republican Supervisor Convention ! .
rillHT HIHTlltDT.
Tlio republicans of tha let BtiporvlHor district ol
CURtcr county , Ncurnskn , will meet In convention
at Wctftcrvllle , Nolir , , .Saturday , Sopt. ID , HilW , to
plnor In nomination u calidntu for tint olllcu n'
fuperrlior , nnil to ttHiieuct nny oilier imnlncH *
that may couiu before tuts cunvuutlmi.
The republicans of Itcrwyn townahlp nrchereby
called to inoU in Mr , Matnrbury'H store , Krliiuy ,
September . at" o'clock i > . m , for the pur
pose of placing In nomuiu Ion n full township
ticket , anil for tuo trnilpsctlon of any ether hurl-
tiuis Hint mny conio buforu the ciuicnu.
J. UTAY1.OH , Com.
Tlio republicans of Hurgcnttownehlp nro hereby
calif d to meet In the Nlculal hull , Hntnnlny. H > III
8 , tit" o'clock Minrp , for DIG pnrposu of placing
lit nomination a full Uwudilp tli ket , election of
del KU eti to tile Miur | lhir convention , anil for
the lr npncllon of nil oilier IHIHIIIHH Hint , may
corao Leforo the convention , ly ! onliT of
The republican electors of Doimlss Grove
towndlilp will meet at thu hall at WcHcott on
.Saturday , Sept. B , nl'J o'clock p in , , fur llm pur
pose ot pUclng In nomination a lownnhlp ticket ,
mid eliding eluht UuKKulus to the rupuivror
convention of tfo Firm supervisor district of
Ouster county , and for Hit ) transaction of mci.
otlmr bctlncss ab may properU coma heforo thu
meeting. II. It. OLOVKII , Com ,
The republican electors of llioken L'ow town *
( hit ) nro herein culled to meet at thu court uoueo
in Bickcn How , Neb , on Motdny , 8 pt , 17 1000 ,
at 11:30 o'clock p in .for I lie ; urposu of placing
in iiomlnutlou a candidate for meinbor of tin.
boanl of county tupcivlKorn , for supervisor die
trlct No. 3 , for the nomination of u lull pot ol
candidates for townrhlp oHlceif , and for thu trail'
kucilun of ul ) oilier buslnoxs properly coining be
fore mid primary. K. Iovnit ( , Com ,
The occupants of throe-fourths of
the county are openly oppobctl to
divibion , and alwnya will bo.
At the mid-road popuhet conven
tion atKoprney last wu k , the pa-
peru report that every populist
editor but one in Buffalo county
was a delegate to the convoution
yet there are thoHO who claim that
the mid-readers have no following
. G. Biunr , a pro8perou farmer of
Elk Creek township , \vau nominaltn
by the republicans last Saturday , it
the Seventh diftriot , for Hupervinor
Mr. Iliser is ono of the pioneers o !
\ V Cufiter county , linn made a HUCOUHH
of fanning , and is competent am
will make a good supervisor i
By the grape vine wire wo loan
that there is liable to bo viar to the
hilt in the First supervisor district
The present incumbent , J. T. Ar
thnr , is said to bo a candidate for
re-nomination , and it is also Btatei
that Sheriff Armstrong hrta prom
ised the WoBtorvillo and Douglas
Grove delegations to R. J , Mills
What there is in the rumor time
Wu wtrb mistaken last week
when we aaid the Oallaway bal
team would play ball at Broken Bo *
on Friday they simply playot
horse. The score was 32 to 13 in
favor of Broken Bow. Orr boys
were rtyally entertained and were
highly pli'used with their visit. The
Bow boys will play a return game
hura within the next ton daye.
Oallaway Independent ,
The vnlc on county division this
fall will IIP dt'fiMlt-d Kruritor ll"in 't '
was four jcarri f > go , whim the InryrHt
vote was rocoidcd agfiinst it that
had horn cast in the history of the
Only a few townnito ownora ,
wouldbo candidates for oflicc , and
lawyrrs likn R. E. Brc o , who nio
hoping to ot individual profit oil
the public , are talking di-
HOH. ! The fannTH and Block-
men , who largely outnumber all
otlirrH , nro not diviHioniftlH , and
never will bo.
This in the year when the votcru
of Ouster county thoiild fieek relief
'rotn thu clutches of a demo-fusion
: > ourd , who not only have accumti-
lalid a needles * debt of { (300,000 (
against the taxpayers , but who now
nuik by distrust to collect the per
soiial tnx from UIOHO who annually ,
as teen as their crops and hogs are
narketed , pay off their taxcf. This
H tlio kind of iororm the p. ople are
trad of.
J y an t-xoibitat t levy of tax year
if tor year , the demo-pop board has
accumulated u ddiiri'ent | tax
igainst tlio citizens of Custor county
of $300,000 , in addition to the
imotint uoooHBary to run the ex.
) onst'H of the county. The only
way to remedy thin gigantic injiiB-
ice , is to elect republicans in the
ilaoes of the so-called reformer ? ,
who will not Kvy a tax greater than
iccesaity rt quires.
AH it take ? thrci-titlliH of all the
to olmngu thu location of n
county hfat , tl.uie will b ° but few
'oierti in the Noulhcat quaiter of
ho county who will vote for county
livimon , Should division succeed
on tlio lines now proposal , Ouster
lounty would bo one-fourth its
iroHont size , with no possible chance
> f changing the location of the
county scat , and with but ono-
'ourth of the territory to assess to
tcop up the expunsos oi the county.
' 1 ho county division scheme ,
which in engineered by It. If. Broga ,
of Callaway , is apparently not very
popular with the farmers of the
county who have no inclination to
tear down the structure which they
liave boon building for years. The
ouunty hus now reached the point
whore half of the former assessment
would bo Mifliuient to run it , and
but few people are desirous of again
starting to build up new counties ,
which would be inferior in every
way to what the grand old county
of Ouster now IB.
A Uood Nomination.
Joseph Pigiunn , of Oumro ,
Ouster county , has bo > n nominated
by the republicans of his district
for representative. Mr. Pigmau is
an old Kearney man and has many
friends in Buffalo county who will
bo glad to know of his nomination.
Ho oamo to Kearney in 188-1 and
was employed as clerk in a dry
goods house until 1889 , when ho re
moved to Ouster county and tried
his hand at farming. In 1803 ho
again removed to Buffalo oouutyand
taught in the Gibbon schools until
1800. Ho has boon farming in
Ouster county since that time.
Kearney Hub.
It would seem that Bryan made
a mistake when ho allowed the
Kansas Oity convoution to adjourn
without a codicil appendix , stating
that any ether available thing that
occurs hereafter will bo a part ol
this platform. This would have
insured harmony between Bryan
and his follow kickers , aud more
over given latitude and freshness to
the campaign. There is a tendency
in kicking , very like goi-bip , to
grow stale , and wo fear Bryan maybe
bo fonuwhat hampered. Of course
the "nud-roadors" will
- help to
npico things , hut what about the
"Boxers , " on Bryon safely sympa
thize with them without entangling
matters ? May bo this can all bo
arranged yet , by having the anar
chists call a convention and endorse
Bryan , with suitable resolutions of
condolence for the Boxers and all
other similar organizations.
The Strain Otor.
That i flkiiil cyolouo that threat
ened Judge Rhodes hnfl ptiBHi'd by ,
and missi-d the Judge by many ,
many milcii. Like many another
fjood reformer who has bt'on kept
busy lleeinn from oilico , the j dt.'o
can now fci'l more easy , that ollicial
burdens have not been laid upon
him to Have l.ho country. Wo
Hinpalhizo with the Judge , liov-
ever , in oonnidoration of the long
Htrain ho has been under ; it is no
light matter , in these troublesome
times , to feel the weight of respon
sibility in preserving "eternal prin
ciples. " A less courageous man
thiin th" Judge would , no doubt ,
have broken down. It is not alto *
gethor the fienno of momentous
roponsitxhly , but alro the long
strain of uncertainty , that weighs
HO heavily upon a man who suspects
he in to he made a sacrifice to odico.
Wo bave a ain at d again admired
the courage of these saint like
reformers who I'.ive faced ofh'cial
rcHpotiMhilily to "nave the country , "
and "for the g < od of the party. "
'Vo have moro thiui once scon thorn
traveling over the country , and
tearfully consulting with their
brethren how they might moot and
undergo the ordeal of official sacri
fice for "eternal principles , " Yea
wo congratulate the Judge. It wa3
a doRO call , aud a great strain.
CoiiMiltiiir ( Signs.
Before Clio fupionists aiul "mid
ronders' ' start out this fall on their
hair pulling campaign , wo suggest
that they read up carefully the hair
Hplitting doctrines oi the Talmud.
There will bo some fine distit utions
to make , "r tlio people will got
muddled. Just exactly the differ
ence between a piinoiplo this Call
and next will be the sticking point.
Pile funionistH who are to bo mid-
roadcrs next fall , will no doubt
show some ponderous aiguments
why they should bo democrats this
fall. Thorn will bo such a weigh
ing of parts and dissection of ' 'eter
nal princij ICH , " as the world has not
experienced since the JOWH nplit
haiiH over cloolrincn , It \\511 boat
the I'm(3 logic which once BO clearly
defined the number of saints that
could nit on thu point of a cambric
needle. Oaroful and concise rea
soning in chaiactoristic of the aver
age ' popocratic mind , and oven
though Bryan is knocked out , thc-ro
will bo great yood deno for civili
zation when it in ouco thoroughly
settled just when and how "eternal
principle" is to bo applied. Wo
have long realized that some vital
element of weakness attended the
popocratic application of reform
doctrine. There are certain phanos
of the moon and conditions of the
planets that have long been sus
pected of working out the destiny
of man , and it may be that Hick's
weather prognostications will prove
invaluable to the popooralB , in de
ciding the time when "eternal prin
ciples" will work. Ono thing is
now quite certain , that this year is
unfavorable , and the "midroaders * "
rash haste IH to bo deplored. There
seems to be much reason why the
lunar phases will bo much more
favorable to populism next year.
On the now time card which will
go into effect September lJth ( , it is
understood , train14 will leave
Dead wood at V:45 a. in. , arriving
at Edgemont at 12:10 p. m , rnd
connect with 42 which will arrive
at Edgemont at noon. Train 42
will arrive at Alliance at 4:10 : p. m ,
and leave at 5:25 : p. m. arriving at
Uavenua at 1:15 : a. ui. and Lincoln
at 4:45 : a. m. The time of No. 41.
will be about the same as it is now ,
aa also will the time of No. 43 fiom
Edgemont to Dead wood. The
Allianco-Donver passengers will
leave Alliance at 4.30 p. m. arriv
ing at Denver at 11:30 : p. m aud
the Denver-Alliance passengers
Mill leave Denver at 11:30 : p. m.
arriving at Alliance at 8:00 : a. m.
Train Nos. 43 and 44 will undoubted
ly be taken oil between Broken
Bow and Edgemont , and 47 do the
local work Seneca to Alliance and
41) ) from Alliance to Edgemont.
Alliance Grip.
Hall Katts to Lincoln Ncbraika State Fair.
Sept. 3 to 7 the Burlington Konto will
soil round trip tickets to Lincoln nt Imlt
rates , plus CO cuntor ndmlesluu to the
Btnto 1'ulr ' Aek agent about special
trains to Lincoln , leaving piiEsengorrt nt
Juir grounds , Ilome same day. ng'JS 3
Charles Wcslon.
Clmrlos Wc'Hton , the republican
nominee for state auditor , was born
in Now York Oity in 1854. He
moved with lih parents to Cham--
paipn county , Illinois , in 1855 , nnd
spent much of his time on the farm
until he reached manhood.
Mr. Weston is a man of thorough
iducation. Ho received his elc-
montary education in the public
schools of Chicago and Champaign
Oity , Illinois. Ho entered the uni
versity of Illinois in 1872 , and
graduated from the institution in
1870 , having completed in a very
creditable manner a four years
course in the college of liteiaturo
aud science.
For two yearn after graduation he
taught in the public schools of Illi
nois , ar.d all hough since cugaired in
other pursuits , ho has always found
time and inclination to take an ac
tive interest in educational work.
In 1878 ho commenced the study
of law in the oflico of Judge J. W.
Langley , of Champaign , Illinois ,
and subsequently studied with Wil
liam H. King , of Chicago , at that
time proHdinl of the board of edu
cation "of Chicago. Mr. Weslon
wad admitted to th bar by the su
preme court of Illinois in 1880 ,
having pnsded the most creditable
examination in a clans of forty-five.
For four yoara ho was associated in
business with William II. King
aud Frederick W. Packard , at tl-at
time ouo tf the loading firms of
In 1884 Mr Weston removed to
Washington Territory , and was for
a time editor of the Lewis County
Bee in that territory. Ho came to
Nebraska in 1880 , and has since
resided in the htate , most of the
time at Hay' Springs , Sheridan
county , and has been engaged in
the mercantile , banking and stock
business. Ho is at present chiefly
engaged in the etock industry in
Sheridan county.
During the greater part of Harri
son's administration ho was editor
of the North West News , a repub
lican paptr published at Hay
Mr. Weston has always been a
republican in politic * , and in 1803
was eleotiu regent of the state uni
versity , which position ho filled
with great credit to himself , and
advantage to the educational inter
ests ol the state. Ho proved him
self to be a man of energetic pur
pose and discriminating judgment ,
and was much esteemed by univer
sity people and his associates on the
board. Mr. Weston has served for
many years on the school and vil
lage boards at IIay Spring" , his
counsel being eagerly sought and
invariably followed. He was un
doubtedly the unanimoue choice of
his district as candidate for state
senator prior to his nomination for
auditor. His republicauism Ins
never been questioned , and til who
know him personally will cheer
fully subscribe to these statements
in regard to his personal worth aud
character. Mr , Weston has been a
widower for many years , and has
ono daughter , a blight Miss of
twelve years , who is now being
educated in Chicago.
The posters entitled "Uncle Sam's
Bftlanco Sheet" ai.d "That Terrible
Eolipso , " published by The Ameri
can Protective Lt'Hguo , are perhaps
the most striking illustrations of
the ditieronco in the conditions bo.
tweon 1800 and 1900 , which have
been isbued thus far in the cam
paign. These posters can bo scon
in the rooms oi any local Republi
can Committee , or will bo sent to
any address for eight cents , Ask
for posters "G" and " 11. " Address ,
American Protective ' 1 ariff League ,
136 west 23rd street , Now York.
Poynter's Term Will Close With
a Deficiency of at Least
Facts anil Figures Taken From tlio
Ollieiiil Records Which Will Ad
mit ol' No Dispute ,
Important Slut lilies liuurluff on the
\Vciiltli aiul Kpvmrccs of
tlio 1'arni.
Oninha , Aug. 27. It la a low esti
mate to say that at the close of the
fiseiil year the state of Nebraska will
be facing a deficit In the funds for the
maintenance of the various state In
stitutions of not IUMS than $100,000. If
anything , the amount will bo larger.
Neither Is this mere coitjeuturc. Al
ready the records In the auditor's of
fice at Lincoln rorcnl u large short
age , and , assuming that there will bo
no Increase In the rate of expenditures ,
the deduction leads up to these figures.
At best the shortage cannot fall below
the $100,000 mark.
This Is certainly u bad showing for
the Poynter administration , consider
ing the fact that the last legislature
appropriated for general purposes
more than $2,000,000.
More than $500,000 was appropriated
for salaries and wages alone and yet ,
generally speaking , there will be a
Inrge shortage In these funds.
The records In the auditor's olllcc at
this very time , with six months' ex
penses unprovided for , show a short
age In the funds appropriated for the
Normal School nt Peru , the Institute
for the Blind at Nebraska City , the
Pish Hatchery at South Bend , the
Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Milford -
ford , the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home
at Grand Island , the Institute for Fee
ble Minded Youth at Beatrice , the
Asylum for the Insane at Norfolk , the
Industrial School at Kearney , the Asy
lum for the Insane at Lincoln in
short , they show a shortage in the
funds of every state Institution.
These facts are taken from the oili-
cial records and they cannot be suc
cessfully refuted. The records also
show an utter disregard for law In
the matter of diverting funds. While
the law contemplates that specific ap
propriations shall be used only to meet
obligations against such funds , the
practice in general 'Is to use many
specific funds as general funds. The
custom is , where a fund Is exhausted ,
to draw on gome other fund specific
ally appropriated for ether purposes ,
an act clearly in violation of law.
Thnt the present fusion administra
tion has been an expensive luxury to
the people of Nebraska can no longer
be denied. It Is a fact , which the of
ficial figures will substantiate , that at
the end of Governor Poyntpr's present
term the state of Nebraska will have
paid out more money and incurred
more Indebtedness In the way of def
icits and unpaid bills for the main
tenance of the public Institutions than
for any other two yours since the
state was admitted to the Union.
Neither Is there any excuse for this
large deficiency. The last legislature
was liberal In Its appropriations , and ,
while It did not appropriate the large
amount demanded by the heads of the
various state Institutions , for the sim
ple reason that it would have imposed
a hardship on tax payers , It appropri
ated an amount which , had the Insti
tutions boon honestly and econom
ically managed , would have been
abundantly sulllclent.
Fallacious Prophecy.
Back in the olden times , when the
people were less tolerant and the lamp
of reason and intelligence shone loss
brightly than today , false prophets
were frequently exiled and false
prophecies were put under a ban.
Not so today. The spectacle of to
day Is that of a false prophet running
for president on the Democratic ticket
with his false prophecies recast lute a
platform of principles.
Of all the prophets , Bryan has boon
the most prolific and at the same
time has made more and greater
mistakes. In the campaign of 180(5 ( lie
said that a Republican victory would
bring untold distress and suffering.
Is there one man In Nebraska who be
lieves It today ? On the contrary , Isn't
It the universal belief , and Is it not an
istabllshed fact , that the country Is
more prosperous In general than for
many years ?
Bryan said Republican victory meant
Industrial slavery. Where is it ?
Bryan said Republican victory
meant low prices for farm products.
Has that come true is there a farmer
In Nebraska today who believes It ?
Bryan said a gold standard would
Impoverish the masses and decrease
the purchasing capacity of labor aud
farm products. Has this come true ?
Is there a farmer who will say that he
Is getting less for his cattle , hogs ,
corn , wheat , oats , butter , wool , or any
other product of the farm , than he re
ceived four years ago ? Is there a la
borer who will say that he Is getting
loss pay for his work than he received
four years ago ?
Bryan's philosophy was fallacious
then and It Is Just as fallacious now.
There Is no more logic or truth In his
philosophy of today than there was
four years ago. It was without foun
dation In fact then and It Is without
foundation in fact now. It was In
tended to frlghtou the people then ami
It Is Intended to frighten the people
Everybody admits that ho was - >
wrong In 1800. not In one prophecy ,
not In one ttntmico , but In all. What
right , what CXCUBO has any ouo to of
fer for protcndliiK to believe In his
vagaries today ? Bryan has hlmielf
deserted his philosophy of ISOtt. Ha
has taken another tack , not of bla own
volition , but his philosophy of 1800
has lu'on shuttered by the logic of
events and Micro Is iirfhlng left of
thorn but the rovorbojtftlng echoes of
the calamity foroliodllMH of the "boy
orator , " so he has boon forced to seek
shelter behind a new orthodoxy. Ha
has taken cover behind "militarism"
and "Imperialism , " something new to
the voters and something therefore
with which they may be more easily
duped. If elected , his peculiar brand
of "militarism" when analyzed would
be found to bo that hydra-headed
monster , free trade ; and his "Impe
rialism , " freesilver. . Bryan and his
party may rant about "militarism"
and "imperialism , " but behind It all ,
and the hidden motive , is to get Into
position to promote the cause of free
trade and free silver. No one knows
bettor than Bryan that his free trade
and free silver sophistry has lost
caste with the people. No one knows
better than he that It would be politi
cal suicide to attempt to conduct a
campaign In defense of these princi
ples. Free silver and free trade are
dead. Republican prosperity has dis
credited them In the minds of the peo-
pie and has stamped them out forever.
Mr. Bryan still adheres to them , but ,
with all his boasted fortitude , he dare
not attempt openly to Impress them
upon the minds of the electors.
The I'ariuorH Prosper.
The American Agriculturist will U 4
hardly be accused of being a partisan
publication. It is one of the oldest , as
well as most substantial of the period
icals devoted to the Interests of the
farmers , and whatever appears In Its
columns Is worthy of credence and
consideration. In the Issue of this
magazine for March 17 , 1J)00 ) , an arti
cle appeared which gives very clearly
the condition of the farmer today as
compared with his condition during
the years of Democratic suprem
acy In the 'DOs. These figures were In
most part derived from sources which
the Agriculturist vouches for as accu
rate. The editor Indulged In a little In
dependent investigation along these
lines and from answers from a list of
many hundred correspondents , In
whom he placed great faith , he de
rived the figures which he gives in the
article from which we condense the
following :
The advance in farm values in the
United States in the year 1000 as com
pared with the yours of Democratic
depression , ISOl-flU , Is shown by the
following figuro.s :
Gain In value live stock. . . $008,000.000
Gain in value staple crops. 401,000,000
Gain in value live stock
products a"0,000,000
Gain In value other prod
ucts - . 200,000,000
Total gain ? 1OUO,000,000 *
Gain in real estate $2,550,000,000
Total advance1,210,000,000
The above figures show that the pro
duce of farms of the United States In
the year 1S09 realized to the farmers
? 1,000,000.000 more than In any
of the years 1S04-00. The farm values
for 1809 are given as follows :
Land , buildings , etc $14r > 00,000,000
Live stock 2,558,000,000
Improvements and ma
chinery 500,000,000
Total $17,538,000,000
The total of those items in the Dem
ocratic year 1893 was $14,200,000,000
and the highest previous figure
readied was In 18S9 , when the total
was $15,084,000.000.
The prices received by the farmers
per head for live stock In 1900 com
pared with the lowest point since
ISO ! , which was during the years of
Democratic depression , Is shown In
the following table : . '
Low Point 1000
Horses - . . . . $ ! ! .05 $45.00
Mules 39.00 48.07
Cows in.40 81.12
Cattle 14.15 24.88
Sheep i.oo 2.97
Hogs 4.13 4.99
The editor of the Agriculturist turns
from these figures , showing the pros
perous condition of the farmers , to an
other line of argument , which Is also
a very tolling one. He takes up the ,
question of farm mortgages and he
finds that ten years ago the farms of
the United States wore encumbered
to the amount of $1,080.000.000. This
year this largo amount has been re
duced to $800.000,000. In 1890 the av
erage size of each mortgage was
$1,224. In 1000 the average size was
$1,000. In 1890 , 74 per cent of these
mortgages wore for purchase price
and Improvements , the rate of Interest
was 0.8 per cent and the percentage
of value of the farms mortgaged was \
80. This year 7S per cent of the mortgages - )
gages are for purchase price and improvements -
provements , the rate has declined to 0 j
flat , and only 27 per cent of the value '
of the farms of the United States are
covered by mortgage. These figures /
are undoubtedly ns nearly correct as t
It Is possible to obtain. They were f
gathered , as stated above , by a'porlod- j
leal which Is non-partisan and the re
sults given were not shaded In favor I
of either party. That they Indicate. '
however , a largo gain in all that
goes to mnko for the prosperity of the
farm.n- a fact , and ono which should
call the attention of the people bene
fited to their duty to vote the Repub
lican ticket. i t