Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 30, 1900, Image 3

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    Know Iloxr to Mukn n
U is related of the Into C. P. Huntington -
ington that n young innn once called
on him to sell some much-needed mils
fit $75 a ton. Mr. Huntliigton wild lie
had rails to sell himself , nnuiscd the
caller by a half-hour's chut and got
him to Pell at $00 a ton , with a six
months' note for pay. Then before thp
man left Mr. Hunting-ton discounted
the note for G per emit off nml paid the
Host for tlio Hnvrrlg.
Ko matter what alls you , headache
to a cancer , you will never getqll
until your bowels arc put right.
CASCAHETS help nature , euro you
without a gripe or pain , produce easy
natural movements , cost you Just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCAUETS Candy Cathartic , the
genuine , put up In motnl boxes , every
tablet has C. C. C. stamped on It. Do-
ware of Imitations.
Iliuulltoii'it NairnOmitted. .
Alexander Hamilton was not only
ono of the greatest constructive states
men wbo ever lived ; ho was also a
New Yorker. Yet the New York com
mittee appointed to compile a list of
234 great Americans , from which 100
arc to bo chosen for inscription In the
"hall of fame , " omitted the name of
Alexander Hamilton.
Sardoti I'lobehin
a Thorough ,
Sardou , the French dramatist , ad
mits that all the blood In his veins is
plebeian. For three generations his
ancestors have lived in very moderate
circumstances at Cannes , and before
that they were Sardian fishermen ,
whence , ho thinks , his family got its
In Honor of Ills I.OH ! Log.
An odd celebration in New York the
other day was that of the thirty-sixth
anniversary of the loss of the log of
4 former Senator Matthew C. Butler of
South Carolina , who came out of the
battle of Brandy Station in 18G3 with
only ono leg. The celebration was n
dinner at Delmonlco's , given by Mr.
Butler to some of his friends.
] \tctKclinllcolT'H UUrovrry.
M. Metschnikoff of the Paris Pas
teur Institute , has communicated to
the Academic de Medicine his discov
ery of a lymph which regenerates the
red globules in the blood of lepers. He
thinks that when he has improved his
serum ho may be able to rejuvenate
the organs of the human body.
Kitchener Mny Slurry Jfoxt Spring.
There Is some talk in London to the
effect that Lord Kitchener is to be
married next spring , and that his en
gagement will be announced upon his
return from South Africa.
The UlKRCRt Orchard.
The largest orchard In South Dakota
Is near Hurley , Turner county , and has
150 acres , In which are 8,000 trees , two
acres being given over to plums. Be
sides the trees there arc 1,000 currant
bushes , 1,000 gooseberry bushes , 500
grapevines and three acres of straw
" i am a school teacher ,
have suffered agony
monthly for ten years ,
"My nervous system
was a wreck. ! suffered
with pain In my side and
had almost every ill
known , I had taken treat"
mont from a number of
fjhysioians who gave me
no relief
"One specialist said no
medicine could help me ,
I must submit to an
operation ,
"I wrote to Mrs , Pink"
ham , stating my case , and
received a prompt reply ,
I took Lydia E , Pinkham's
Vegetable Compound and
followed the advice given
me and now I suffer no
more. If any one cares
to know more about my
case , i will cheerfully
answer all letters * "
glttsport , Ohio ,
fc * 8 Keeps both rider and siddle per-
Ifectlydryln the hardest storms
/ yw B Substitutes will disappoint. Ask for
Sf i 1,187 Flsh Uran4 | 101" el Sllcter-
* tJ ) Hit Is entirely new. If notforssleln
1 your town , write for catalogue to
S A. J. TOWER , Boston. Mast ,
m OF \ uIN \ \
} ovornment Orders All Troopi Eu Kouta
to China Diverted to Manilla.
Strength of Army > 'o - In or
About 1'ckln In B.OOO New JiiHtriic-
tlmn Sent to Kocklilll ChaiiKt'd Con-
dltliins AleaiiK New 1'olluy ,
WASHINGTON , Aug. 24. The Im
portant development In the Chinese
situation io.l iw.n iho lU'd.-'lon of tire
government not to scud any roro
troops to China. All the trooys now
nt sea , amounting to about 4,000 , to
gether with those under orders for ser-
vlco In the far east which have not
sailed , amounting tj about 3,000 more ,
will be sent to Manila. These troops
will sail on the same route and upon
touching at Nagasaki will go on to Ma
nila unless there aie development. ! in
China not now expected which would
make their presence in that country
necessary. Secretary Hoot said today
that no more troop& were being sent
to China because they were not needed.
With the arrivals at Taku of the Han
cock and the troops she parried Gen
eral Cliaffco will have 5,000 available
men , which is deemed sulllclcnt for
all present purposes. The decision of
the department was not based upon
any recommendation made by General
Chaffec , but on reports received by
him which made it apparent that no
more troops were needed.
The announcement of the diversion
of the troops was made In the follow
ing official bulletin , which was posted
nt the War department :
"The government has decided that
until required by future developments
no more troops are to bo sent to China.
Orders have accordingly been cabled
to Nagasaki for the Meade , which la
duo there today with four troops Third
cavalry , four companies Fifteenth In
fantry and Company B , battalion of
engineers , to proceed directly to Ma
nila. Similar orders will be given to
the other troopn under orders for China
via Nagasaki. "
It was stated at the department that
the encouraging conditions in China
was the main reason why the order
of today regarding the troops were
issued. Beside the troops on the
Meade thera is now at sea the Warren ,
with two sijuswlrons of the Ninth cav
alry and recruits , and the Sherman ,
with one battalion each of the Second ,
Fifth and Eighth infantries. The Lo
gan is scheduled to sail on September
1 with two battalions of the First and
ono battalion of the Second Infantry.
It was said at the department that six
or seven troops would be affected , by
the order.
A dispatch was received from Gen
eral Chaffeo today , dated Pekin , Au
gust 18 , which was not in response
to the request sent him a few days
ago to report the conditions and re
General Chaffee did not report fur
ther fighting in Pekin and for that
reason the Washington officials feel
assured that hostile demonstrations
In the Chinese capital have ceased.
The dispatch related largely to trans
portation conditions and stated that
the railroad between Taku and Pekin
could not be used at the present time ,
ns portions of it had been destroyed by
the Chinese. General Chaffee will co
operate with the other commanders in
China in reconstructing the road for
the use of the allied forces. General
Chaffee also reported that the tele
graph line constructed by the signal
corps from Tien Tsin to Pekin is fre
quently Interrupted , being cut probably
by hostile Chinese.
At a conference at the White House
today , in which the president , Sec
retary Root and Acting Secretary
Adee participated , careful Instructions
were prepared for Mr. Rockhlll , the
United States special commissioner to
China , to be forwarded at once to him
for his guidance. The State depart
ment received a dispatch from Mr.
Rockhill today , dated Yokohama , brief
ly announcing his arrival. This
brought about the White House con
ference and the preparation of instruc
Jrtp.ineflc Minister HnyH l'o\vrr Must
Come to Understanding Quickly.
LONDON , Aug. 24. Kato Takakl ,
Japanese minister in London , is re
ported to have said in an interview :
"The empress Is the heart and Houl
of China ; so long as she lives , so long
as she remains in China , whether the
supreme power is taken from her or
not , she will always he the greatest
force , the one above all others recog
nized. The difficulty will ho to get
any one who will speak for her. I fear
that the Influence of Li Hung Chang
is now of extremely little weight.
"The powers must como to a final
understanding quickly. Riots , anar-
chay , bloodshed and misery through
out China will bo the inevitable result
of a policy that does not Immediately
disclose Itself. The government must
be re-established. "
A I'orco of liourH Asm mlt
TWFKLAAU , Monday , Aug. 20.
Through secret intelligence agents the
British learn that Louis Schalkburgor
nnd 8,000 Doers have assembled at
Machndorp with the whole of the Boer
artillery , Including the heavy pieces
formerly at Pretoria.
I'owcm Want Lender of thu Antl-Foroli
Moteinrnt Krnmvml ,
SHANGHAI. Aug. 21 The Chinese
report that the allies In 1'ckln have
demanded the execution of Prince
Tuan , the ring-leader of the anti-for
eign movement.
Governor Hunan of Southern China
has Issued proclamations announcing
his Intention to exterminate the for
eigners in tlio north and urging tha
Hunancse to do likewise.
. ; itcst < juotiitloii4 rrom South Omihn
nml Kiin : N city.
I'lilon Stock Yard * . Cnttle Thole wrr
'MM ! nboiit itn nxuiitKo itin of enttlt > mif
IH thp dcMiiaiulrs fully equal to tliu
Uiily | | the inaiki'tIIR In iood .ihr.po.
. 'lilciiKu runic ttboupt wli'iidy , but c'IU'fs
leld lor a .M/10c ndvnnct on corn c.ittU
mil iwehcrM mot lluMr prices. Thi uiw
marlu-t did not inlvniu'o llusaimi as
Kti'iTM. The bi-ttor Kriulv * woi'O Jift nbuttt
Hlotuly , but Iniyciu rveiiuil to have about
ill they \\ntitn1 ibis wool ; , \s-hlch minlu
tlu > mniket on the medium cmcU * a.iJ
CMinnerH u little \\eul ; inul nlow. TUoro
\vcie u jjooil many feuters on alc thlb
inoniliif * , eoiiMiileriiiK Hie olzc of lli > . ru-
ci'lpts. The bolter iiadc wulo In Rood
duinand and changed tiantlH at atuut
Kt'-ady prlci' ! < . \Vostern raiiKciM were
nioHtlion the feeder order and p.ukprs
found \ery little to win It on. KilkTrf
wore HtroiiK , In nyinimtliy with the ad
vance on corn cattliTheio woio not
very many cows here , the better Blades
Helling about steady and the others nio\v ,
and In Home cases a little \vcalc. Kt'cderM
were steady on the Kood lleshy cattle and
ulo\v on common and Hilit.
HORB The supply of IIOKS was r.ithcr
limited and the demand \vas In uooil
Hhape. ChlciiKo canto .strong to 5c hlKhei ,
which KIIVO the selleix a wood chance t )
hold their droves at Rood , linn
The ROIIOIT.I market wan about
higher than yesterday and In some
possibly a dlmu more was paid than tlio
hoes would ha\e broiiRht j "sterday. The
bulk of the heavy weights sold rltflu
around SI.OO and butcher weights .it ? 5.K )
( fifi.Oj and llRlit welirhls at fiom So.oj)1 )
5.17U , .
Sheep There weio twenty-nine cars of
sheep reported , or ! i,2GG head , which makes
the stippl yfor the week very liberal.
1'ackers did not seem to want anythlntj ,
as they said they were Illled up lor thu
week , and consequently did not place
any bids. Quotations : Choice western
KfasH wetbeis. Jll.SO'iill.firi ; fair to peed
Krass wethets , $ l.2o i3.40 ; choice RrahS
yearlings , J3.G."ifi.7r ; : ) : cholct * ewes , W-UOli1
3.23 : fair to KOI ! ewes , J2.7.Vi3.00 ! ; fair to
Rood yeaillnjrs. $ ,1.101(0.03 ; choice tiprliiK
lambs , J4.R3fi3.10 ; fair to Kood nulni ;
lambs , $4.3nrii 1.73 ; leoder wethers , W.235C
3.CO ; feeder lambs , $1 CO'u I.H3. .
Cattle-llecelpls , I.OOO ; market sltiuly :
natlvo steers , J4.301J5.U3 ; Texas steel : . , $ . " 3
ffiu.'M ; Texas cows , $ J.OJ1i1.00 ! ; natlvi. cowa
and heifers , $ l.l5i4.GO ! ! ( ; htoekets and feed
ers , ? . ! .riOil.73 ( : bulln , )2.40Jiit. " . ' < ; calves , re
ceipts , J30 ; market steady ; sales , * 3.5W (
5 50.
HORS Receipts. 8,000 ; maiket stronpr n.nil
active ; bulk of sales , $3 0315 20 ; .icavy.
Jl ! )3J4 113 5.15 ; packers , $ r > .10 < ! i."i.2Ji < ! ; mixed ,
J5.05TTi,15 ; llRht , J5.401i5.J < ) ; oikvrtt , Jo.L'oi )
G.80 : plgn , J4.Mfifi.10.
Sheep Receipts , 1.000 ; market steady ;
lumbs , $ : ! .r > OTi5.UO ; muttons. M.iVfH.OO.
tiovcriimcnt Disturbed by ItuHsln'a Attl-
tniln In Cblnn.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 23. The cabi
net was in session today until neaiJy
2 o'clock. At Its close the members
were more reticent than u ual its to
what transpired. It can be stated ,
however , that this govru'iM'ut bus so
far received no cfflcial or w ll authen
ticated Information that the Russian
government has declared war on
China , or that it is Its immediate pnr-
pose to do so. The published report
that It actually has taken thib ftep
is disturbing to the administnxtion , in
asmuch as such action would greatly
complicate the situation and probably
paralyze the president's efforts to
bring about nn early peace. This
apprehension Is somewhat intensified
by the report that Germany may also
contemplate a declaration of war. No
information to that effect has reached
the government , but Is regarded as not
nlotgether Improbable that the murder
of the German minister and the recent
reported utterances of Field Marshal
von Waldersee indlca'te that measures
of the most drastic kind may be in
r.ontemplatlon. What action this gov-
? rnment would take under these cir
cumstances is not known , but it has
been suggested that the president may'
at once ask for a conference of the
powers with a view to arriving at
jome basis on a settlement of the
auestlons Involved without resorting
* o war.
The subject of nn extra session of
congress , It was said , was not men
tioned at the meting , and it can bo
stated on the authority of a member
of the cabinet that under present con
ditions an extra session Is altogether
A C'ublccrnin Urge * tlinl tlio Uovcrnmeiil
Send Troop * .
NEW YORK , Aug. 23. The execu
tive committee of the AmericanAsi
atic association has received the fol
lowing cablegram from the American
association of China at Shanghai and
have forwarded It to the secretary of
stcito :
"Situation Yang Tse valley increas
ingly critical ; military estimate 15,000
troops needed to effectively protect
Shanghai ; urge government immedi
ately to send quota. "
Two Wyoming Men Killed.
CHEYENNE , Wyo. , Aug. 24. Hugh
Ferguson , u business man of Evanston -
ton , Wyo. , was killed at Rawlins this
morning. He was enroute east with
a tralnload of horses and while walk-
i.ig over the train he fell between the
cars. His body was mutilated in a
horrible manner. The remains will bo
sent to Evanston for burial. Louis
Kerz was instantly killed this after
noon by fixlling from the Saratoga
stage as it was Hearing Rawlins. Kerz
was intoxicated.
I'opuintion of
WASHINGTON , Aug. 24. The popu .
lation of the city of Omaha , according
to the official count of the returns of
the twelfth census , is as follows : Om
aha City , 1900 , 102,555 ; 1890 , 140,452.
These figures show for the city , as a
whole , a decrease in population of I17-
897 , or 20.98 per cent , from 1890 to
1900. The population of 1880 was 30-
518 , showing an Increase of 109,934 , or
300.23 per cent from 1880 to 1890.
Oregon Will Soon 11 Off Dock.
WASHINGTON. Aug. 23 Captain
George F. Wilde , commanding the bat'
tleshlp Oregon , today notified the
navy department from Kuro. Japan ,
that the vessel , which has been In
dock there undergoing temporary re
pairs , had been undockcd and would
bo ready for sea in a week.
< ; < TIIIHII .MurliK'ri . \irl\r.
BERLIN. Aug. 25. An official dis
patch from Tien Tain , dated August
21 , says : The German naval detach
ment arrived at Pekin August 18 an > /
the marine battalion reached Ho-S- !
Wu August 22.
The best riflvcrtlspd nnd consequent
ly the beat known shoo In the world
today Is undoubtedly made by the W.
L. Uouglns Shoo Co. , of Urockton ,
Mass. The ono idea of this company
has always been to sell a shoo for
J3.GO which eaunls in every way the $5
Fhoes of any other concern. They are
able to do this on account of there be
ing no middle man's profit , as the
goods nro sold direct from the factory
to the wearer. In CO of the principal
cities of the country they have their
own retail stores. The goods are made
In all sizes and widths , and few shoes
coital them for style .ind durability.
The factory at Urockton employs
over 1,100 hands , nnd all labor trou
ble nro settled by the state board of
arbitration. Nothing but union labor
Is employed , nnd pay nbout the best
nverngovngo3 of nny shoe workers In
the United States. The factory pay
loll amounts to $17-I3G per week. This
company makes shoes for men only ,
nnd It Is their proud boast that over
ono million men wear them. Denver
( Colo. ) Post.
A I'oHtinilli'H lllg llurdi'ii of
A Washington postman has been
made weary of his Job by the Ladlca'
Home Journal. The reason Is that on
the twenty-fifth of each month he is
compelled to make u special round over
his route to deliver that magazine to
subscribers. He is almost completely
submerged by Journals , their aggre
gate weight exceeding forty pounds.
The bulky burden precludes his car
rying any other mall matter. The
Washington postolllce reports that the
monthly consignment of Journals to
subscribers In that city Is "the biggest
lot of one publication ever sent from
our postoincc. "
Arc You Unlnc AHon'i Fee
It is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting. Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , h powder to bo shaken Into
the shoes. At nil Druggists nnd Shoe
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad-
dre&3 Allen S. Olmsted , Lelloy , N. Y.
New Zealand's frozen meat trade
with Great Britain now equals about
18,000 sheep n day.
Little sins always grow up.
HAITI HAI.KASI keeps the toft and
plentiful nml restores tlio colur when gray.
! , the beet euro ( or curui. IScti
An Inventor claims to have discov
ered a method of obtaining motive
power from sunlight.
For starching fine linen Magnetic
More than 100,000 acres of peat are
said to be available in the Canadian
province of Ontario.
Use Magnetic Starch It nas no equal.
In Parlh fine human hair of fashion
able color is sold for as much as Ju250
a pound.
It you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
Experiment proves that It takes over
one-third of a second for the eyelid to
open and close.
1IAI.1' HA1KS.
DETROIT , MICH. , August 25th , 2Gth
and 27th.
CHICAGO , Aug. 25th , 2Gth , 27th ,
28th nnd 29th.
ST. LOUIS , Sept. 30th , Oct. 1st , 2nd ,
3rd , 4th and 5th.
KANSAS CITY , Sept. 29th , 30th , Oct.
1st. 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th and Cth. On
Aug. 21st , Sept. 4th and 18th HALF
RATES ( PLUS $2.00) for round trip
to most all points South. Now is the
time to take your vacation. All information
mation at Omaha & St. Louis R. U.
Office , 1415 Farnam St. ( Paxton HO
TEL Block ) , or write Harry E.
Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
The Rev. Dr. D. Z. Sheffield , presi
dent of the North China College and
Mission at Tung-chau , near Peking ,
was la America when the Boxer riots
began , but immediately prepared to re
turn to his post. Before sailing from
San Francisco , late in June , he learned
of the burning of his college. Dr.
Sheffield left behind him the manu
script of an article which will appear
in the September Century under the
title of "The Influence of the Western
World on China. " As a result of the
author's thirty years' experience as a
missionary he is said to argue strongly
against the dismemberment of the Mid
dle Kingdom.
Another Fiddling Cundlilitta.
John H. Holt , democratic candidate
for governor of West Virginia , will
make a fiddling campaign , in imitation
of some other southerners who have
run for similar offices. Governor At
kinson , the present republican execu
tive of the state , made use of n violin
in his canvass , and former Governor
Wilson was also a performer on the
same Instrument.
Invisible Blue The policeman's uni
form when ho h wanted.
The htomnrh lins to \ ork Imrtl , prlnrtliiK Ilic
food wo crovnl Into It. Mulio tls ' * ork iwy by
cliowlnt ; Ilcomiui's
Who feels no ills should therefore
fear them.
ttdlo4 Can AVcur Slinra.
OnonlzcBiualtcr'nfU'ruslutfAlloti'i Koot-
n powder. It mnlu'sligltl ortiow
y. Cures swollen , hot sweating.
. . : cl , infrrowiiiif nulls , corns nml
bunions. All di u rgists nnd shoo .slori'H ,
SSe. Trlnl package FKKK by tnnil. Ail-
dross Allen S Ohusti'd , LisUoy , N.Y.
Skilful pilots gain their reputation
from storms and tempests.
Important to mothers.
nx.mlno carefully ovury liolllo ofHTO1UA ,
n Fiifo in id mio tiucily ( for Infnuts niul clillilrui ,
nml n'o it
llonr.i the
taJco Tor ( Her ill ) Vrnr * .
Tlio Kind Von Ilnvo Al\\Ar IHir.ijlil.
Ho who cni ) istnnd the little trlnla IB
lilted , for tlio great trusts.
I do nottooltcvc PNo's Cure for Consumption
tins nn oqiml for coughs mid colds. JOHN I'1
UOVKH. Tilully SiirliiKg. liul. . l''ob. IB. IWO.
1'rayer for- dally broad Is answered
with dally strength.
A Spcrllle for Summer Complaint.
DnrliiK these warm da > s of midsummer.
parents cannot tbe too watchful. It Is
Iho safe thlfli : to have this -well kmnsn
lumlly speclllc always In , the bouse to
cheek the Ural appearance ( if any bowel
trouble In the ehlldien liot a buttle < > f
It may sa\o the life of your eblld.
1'iepared by TJIH J. . * ( jb , MAfUHUU
Muuicixi : co. ? ST. , nouis.'v.MO.
, .
- - - - - -
The way to' lib steadfast- not to
stand still.
Your clothes wlli not' crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
That life is long which answers life's
great end.
Mm. WliiNtow'H SootliliiK Syrup.
"For children tiolhln , fcjftonntho Rtuns , minor" In-
flnimimllunullniii liiuuro > i wind colic , tUoubuttlo
A downfall may bo an uplift.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
To South African oxeii the tulip
lilank Is rank poison.
Magnetic Starch Is the very licet
laundry starch In the world.
The life boats around the British
coast last year rescued GSO people.
Among tlio un'quo ' Institution ! ) of. lioston
Isthol'enbody Mcdlcnl Institute , No. 4 llill-
llncli St. established nine yearn before tlio
denth of the great philanthropist , tlio Into
Mr. ( Jeorgo Poiboy : ! , fiom whom it takes
Its nnmo. During tlio pnst HO yours it hnn
uchlovcd n wide and liintiiiK distinction.
The mtullcnt publications of this institute
Imvo millions of renders , and arons otniid-
nrd as gold. Their lust pamphlet for mon
114 entitled "Know " is
only , pages , Thyself ,
sent frco by innll , bualod , un receipt of I !
cents for postage.
The shah of Persia possesses a Jew
eled sword valued at 10,000.
Each package of PUTNAM FADE
LESS DYE colors more goods than any
other dye and colors them bettor , too.
There will be 1,522 polling places In
Greater New York this year.
A Trolly Shirt WnUt ,
properly laundered with "Faultless Starch"
is n coiibtnnt dulight. At grocers lOo.
I.IIIIR TrlpH irltli Depoidt 8Mpn.
Queen Christina , of Spain , Is In the
habit of sending a confidential mes
senger all the wity from Madrid to
London for the purpose of depositing
her wealth , which she keeps in the
Hank of England. Although Queen
Christina Is entitled to draw from the
Spanish treasury $200,000 a year , she
has not , owing to the straightened cir
cumstances of Spain , drawn a cent of
this money.
Miss Nancy Lelter , youngest daugh
ter of Lcvlj. . Belter of Chicago , ar
rived from Europe on the steamer Ma
jestic. Miss Letter has been spending
several months with her sister , Lady
Curzon , wife of the viceroy of India.
A Dutch Remedy , or How to Make-
Your Own Bitters.
FnrmcrH , Laborlngmcn iini"1 Every
body use thebc Hitters for the cure of
Dyspepsia , Loss of Appetite , Dizziness ,
lilood Purllier , Headache , Kidney and
Liver Diseases. A perfect stomach
regulator. Now is the time to use them.
On receipt of 30c United States pobt-
ngc stamps I will hend ono package iinil
receipt how to make one gallon Hittcrti
from Steketce's Dry Hitters. A deli
cious tluvor. Made from Imported
Hoots , Herbs and Hurries from Holland
and ( .ii'riimiiy. Ho your own doctor
and usetht"c Dry Hitters , Send to
Gco. < ! . Htclu'tce , ( fraud Itnplds , Mich.
For hale by druggists.
Tlio modern , cany.
nt.lltire ,
ulircs lor proQrntMvo
inon mo the W , I. .
Drnglai si ; mid 5.1 W )
nliocB. Torfoct diooa
that hold tliclr nlnpo
mid nt until warn out.
( Ivor 1,000,030 fctitlMlcd
do you pay $1 to
iliocflv.'hcn you
for $ , " and
$350 wlilch
ar ° J"sl" ! <
A $5 SHOE FOR © 3.&U.
The rrnl worth nfonr tt mill
* ti < M'n c'omimrciltllh other .unite * UW4 , ,
tn WS. Wo ore tlio lafetlt luakcru mid itoll'fl of
lnfn' ( ! f nil t ' M ihrKiA ( h world. We innVf nil
f i II mnro 1 1 unit > Vl ( tltntj Diirt any olncr two nunu-
la tuivr | ti tlic Unlfr.l . HtstCf.
lluvlne Hit brent ( J aii'l flfOonoe miiljitii In till
r-fi Id , ami R t-crfcrt irrlrm o ( tnimtfacttirliiir , ntblr
inorn lncoiilicrni"nlfl ! { Oan.l ( WO tliotl than coil
| i Mil tl p licra.
, 'J'U u u u.vsoVmoro'W.r..1) ] < < itel imtvt 1.U >
' ' 11V
ftimntnroiioM liiniiHiirotliiTni'koliihtToufli'l'IK
A ttlJ 'I'll i : Xlivr. Your ilrnlrr tbnnlil keep
tli'ini wflRlvjonc ilcnlsr eTcIii'ivo tnle In Hch town.
' 1'it lip mi xiiliillliidrl InnUt ( iitlioOnr W , I. .
PotiRlii iWn Wh | | mine md prim t mpcO oil liolloni.
1 1 your ilcnler will not Bit thtm for 5 cm , rtid direct to
ficlnry , mclmlng prlco mil Me. tm for currlnrn.
Rntaklmlot leather , iltr , unit width , pUlnnr run too.
Our ( In * will rr cli you uny w litre. Catalogue /Wf.
IV. L , DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , DrocUon , Mass.
"Home , Swooi Home , "
Excursion via
McJoy , Sopt. lltlii IS > OO.
from PEOR1A , ILL. , to
INDIANAPOLIS and return.--$5,00
CINCINNATI and return S7.00
LOUISVILLE and return $7.00
DAYTON and return $7.00
SPRINGFIELD and return $7.00
SANDUSKY and return $7.50
COLUMBUS and return $7.50
Corresponding Holes to Intermediate Points.
Come Homo. "
Tor ticket * nml full Infonuntlon call on
Did Koun ItouiK ,
( icn. I'u. A Ticket Ant. A. 0.1' . A T. AgU
Leave Omaha 5:05 : p. m. ; arrive SL
Louis 7:00 a , m.
Trains leave Union Station Dally for
Kansas City , Quincy , St. Louis and all
points Kast or ttoiiM. Half Itatcs to
( //us $2.00) many southern points on
1st and 3rd Tuesday of Kach month.
All Information at City Ticket Olllco ,
1415 Farnoin Street ( Paxton Hotel
I31k. ) or write
City Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Nob.
The Wonder
of the Age
No Dolling No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes all Ritrmentn fresh and crisp
O.B when first lioiiKht new.
Try a Bamplo Package.
You'll like It If you try it.
You'll buy it If you try It
You'll uae It If you try It.
Try It.
Sold by all Grocers.
Successfully Prosecutes Claims.
I Inln Pilnciunl Kxllmln r U U t'enuloa bureau.
l3riliic > vlM < ur. 1ft ailludUaiins : riuliuii , titty tinea.
When ilncturs nml oilier i fall to re-
. N.K.M.Ii.iltiiPVcrfallH ,
box free , tlri.U.L.IIo < itn.llllwiakM , > Tlk
Mention tills jiapor tc advertisers.
] UiiitiioLiii incus. , ritnriuirrous , OMAHA , MMIUASKA.
FAM * TKHM Tins will open Moii'liiy morning , Sept 3rd. TlilH IB the host time of the year to boiln , because new
courses will lif organized In all de artim-nts.
C2HEOG HHOHTIIANU. Tills IM n n < w system Introduced Into the Ornulm Commercial College , January 1st , 1900. It
but ono poHltlon , one hlant , no shades , Jes. than two hundred word signs , IH extremely leglhlo nnd In now tno fnbtest bjutem
In use. It can InIcariictl In half lut time n-qulruil for any of thu old i itnninlu uyutumH. Wo would like to ucnd you a
Catalogue. : lvlnff you all ] > artlculars of thla Hysteni. It is froe.
f'Ol'HSlSS OK HTUIJY : lt < > iuliir IUHIICSH | , Bhorthnnd , Typowrltlnpr , TelcKmphy , I'cninaiiBlilp nnd Pen Art.
GICNKHAI , INKOUMATION : Over 1,200 HtudcntH last year , inoro than 4L * were plncod In positions : borird inny lie had
for three hours work inch day , fciich year we have n I eetnm Course , SoclalH and KntertalnmentH for the henellt of Htu-
dents We now have sixty typowiitrrd. Our rooms have heon remodeled , repajiered. rep.ilnled nnd nro the most conven
ient to ho found We ha\e steam heat , fliuitor , nnd every facility. Wo employ the best lencherH.
PATA 1.01TK ANU Sl'J-X'IMKNS O NMAiNSUU' . Free to any additss , ( 'lvlni ; full partlculnrH of the Institution.
Margins 2,000 Bu. of Grain Five Cents
Markets In Fine Condition to MaUo Money.
Send for Frco iiouic , "Successful Speculation. "
J. K. COMSTOCK & CO. , Traders Bldg. . CHICAGO ,
Uon"c" " ' " " ' Wafer. CurcH Corns 15c ; nil Drut'ijlsta.
} Thompson's Eye . ( If ItfullB-itlsfree. )
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 35 1900
Ilcot Ui'ili Hjrup. Tiutcs Good. Jao
lutlino. Bflldtiv '