Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 23, 1900, Image 8

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    Women sufler-
uu * from ft'inali1
troubles and
weakness , and
from irregular
or painful menses -
-ses , ought not
ito lose hope if
Moctors cannot
, r.ic'i.ins are so
I bit'.y with other
I diseases that
they do not un
derstand fully
the peculiar ail
ments and the
delicate organism of woman. What
the sufferer ought to di > is to give
n fair trial to
FemaBQ K&gufafoa *
which is the true cure provided
by Nature for all female troubles. l\ \
is the formula of a physician of the
highest standing , who devoted his
vvhole life to the study of the dis <
ttnct ailments peculiar to our moth
ers , wives and daughters. It is made
of soothing , healing , strengthening
herbs and vegetables , which have
been provided by a kindly Nature to
cure irregularity in the menses , Leu-
corrhuea , Falling of the Womb , Nerv
ousness. Headache and Backache.
In fairness to herself and to I5rad
field's Female Regulator , every
suffering woman ought to give it a
trial. A large $ t bottle will do n
wonderful amount of good. Sold by
Send foi a nlctly llliMtritnl fr'f I V on the Mit > Jrrt
The Bradfleld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Koiincl Valley.
rutting up millet Lny Is the order of
the day.
It la hot and dry for the corn now ; n
rain would Uo ood.
Uort EngolRJoid hns been troubled
with rheumatism for the piifit two weekfl.
John U. Tuylor anil fnmllv were vis-
ItliiK frlenilrt and rulntiyt'B hnco In tlio
vnlloy a week MJO .
N.J.Otlun F > owcd BOUIO nf thu gunulno
big Geruinn millet Itiat eprlng , and in
places It stands over four feet high ; it , ib
the finest millet that can bo fcun.
Antlrow Olfion line Hold hia cattlehog *
and corn , to Frtuik WltmiiH. iind in golnt ;
to the Wisconsin tlmbors and open up n
farm.Vo wiah Atulrow good hick.
Dal Nash , the HUPUDLICAN'S old
correopoudent from thlH valley l-i times
past , ORB in ail n hin appearuncu ngntt
among bis old nelghborn and frleiula.
Wo can heiir the report of tnq gun
jiowndays ; there must ho potnu tliut are
vlolatlug the law. Tlio county attorney
mny get utter you , boya , and It will iwrvo
you right. Last spring this busline
wont on too much , iivon by thoee win
should bu otlicers to see that tlio luw wn
not violated.
It is reported tbat thny IIrid pralri
chiokuDS by thn dozun that have died
Boutliwcflt of the valley. There iittiHt bt
BOtno fool that hart put out prison fooi
for the gra.iBhoppers , thut tbov hnvo go
hold of A Hock of prulrlo chiekona wll
destroy moro grunBhupperp than a grab
suck full of polenn bran
The board of control of the
Graim Island street lair has made
contracts with upwards of thirty
concessions , and the visitors will bo
able to see ovorylhiiig , from the
srako eating freak to the Maid in
the Air ana tlio aerial bicycle riders.
nr.iiJsjjtiic ? T TAX.
In accordance with the resolution
ill adopted by the County board , re-
j quii'ing me to collect all 1899 per-
Bonsl taxes before the end of the
year 1900 , I will commence issuing
distress warrants for the same Sept.
10th All who have not paid thrir
1899 tax , please do so before that
time as 1 do not vrish to add ex
pense to tlio tax of any one. 8-2-41
Wind Ciivt ; , Huutn naitota.
Few people roall/.e that Wind Gave ,
near Hot Springs , South Dakota , la the
largest nun mofat beautiful eave In the
United States.
Wo one knows how Inrgn It rcaly la.
I H Over ouo hundred miles of passagen and
3,000 clwnbora have been explored
And that Is only thu beginning. There
are fourteen UHloront ' rcntm , " only
three of which hnvo been opened to the
public. They nre known nn the Garden
of Ed n , FMr Grounds and Pearly Untoc.
Leaving Hot Springs at 9. a. iu , , you
arrive at the cave in time for lutioh.
Immediately afterward you enter the
uuve where for lour hours you llvo and
move la an underground world , beauti
ful beyond ilttporliitlnn.
Dunug August iho Hurliugton Route
will run eeveral cheap exeurnloiiB to Hot
The dates are : August 2 , 7 , and 21.
The rate Is one fare , plna $2,00 , ioi the
rourd trip , Tickets bear liberal return
limit and the liurllngton's scmco to tbo
Black Hills Is unrivalled.
Call on the local ticket ngent ot the
B. & M. it. U. It. ana lot him tell you
what It will cost you to maku the trip.
Beautifully illustrated advertising
matter descriptive of the lilack Hills
mailed on r ( quoin.
General PaHscnger Agent ,
8 6 4t. Omaha , Neb.
Uoo fare for the round trip vln the
Burlington Iliute. The Burlington has
nffi'n'd one Inrn for the r.'iiml ' trip
$19 55 frnin UKoken U > w , Neb , to
Ohlcugo , August 24 , 25. iO and 27 , ni
account ot the annual encampment ol
thu Grand Army ot the Republic.
The return limit on three tickets ia
September ! , fuliject to ixtriHion to
aeptembor 30 h
The uca-eetngfnt of thn BuillngtM
Jtouto will pKHFt-d to give you m'
ditlonal information iibout rates , dates ,
baggage and train service. 8 > 5-3t.
The "PanitiHiiint" Maker.
.C , Aug 'I
l.r'yuii bus bet-n idonlil'K'd with
throe "pariittount" iSHiien , to which
he ha.4 , uilh all duo solemnity , dcdi
cattd liis Itfi1 , and uli'dged hi pow-
rrs to engraft upon I ho national
legislation of thu country.
When in the Fifty Hocond c.on-
groHH , iiino jearn. ago , In- \\i\n an
ardent uli'iinpion of Iroo trade ; in a
spui'iih long and brilliant , ho iiu-
clurcd that "a protcctivo tanil' was
conceived in grued and fashioned in
iinijiiity , I'nlh-o in euonomy and thu
m or. t viuioiiH political principle that
ever curced this count. y. " Yet a
protectivu tarilF bill WTS pasHud by
tl'o lirst congress and approved by
Washington Uyiau further de
clared that ho would light the pro
tective sjstem as long as there was
anything to nmcdy The HTuggln
between | roteotion ami free trad (3
went agnitiHt him. The people repudiated -
pudiatod free trade and Bryan
'hopped it. It was not wit-o to
"paramount" frco trade when it
would not make votes
Four years ago , realizing that ho
tnudt "paramount" something else ,
ho took up silver and worked it
with all thu force of his eloquence.
That in turn was repudiated by the
people and dropped by Bryan All
his wild prophesies have been proven
to be false by the prosperous facts
of recent experience.
This year , ho concluded to lot
rco tradu alone , touch lightly on
rou silver , and "paramount" im-
) orialism , and he is working it in
ho Bamo prophet promising , reck
ons fashion. In rpposing protee-
ion he denounced Washington , iu
advocating free silver he ran conn ,
or to all financial experience , ii
opposing expansion he refloats 01
Jefferson. After a few moro cam
paigns he may possibly get into line
mid strike something that is right
: > iit at present thorn is a big dent ii
tlio public confidence as to the ac-
( uracy of his prophetic powers , ant
as to his Inadorliko ability.
As the silver crown of thorns
Htampedod the Chicago convention
but failed to stampodu the country ,
so the golden crown of imperialism
will have no terrors for thu people
as long as proof ot its existence
depends on the assertion of the Nebraska
braska nronhot who said that the
cold standard would starve every
body except the money changers
and the money owners.
It is perhaps worth while at the
present stage of political misrepre
sentation to turn aside from asser
tion and look at some facts as
revealed by .the conduct of the
United States in dealing with Porto
Rico Sentiment is hard to weigh
and difficult to appraise at its true
market value , but facts are tangible
evidence of intention whether they
bo good or bad.
Thu so-called imperial adminis.
tratiou of McKinley has , according
o the published statements of
Porto RieaiiH , relieved the inhabi
tants of that fair Atlantic island of
Iho following :
Stamped paper dues on the trans
fer cf property.
Personal certificates.
Export duticH
Tax on professions , trades and
Import duties have boon made
nominal , and the Porto RicatiH have
been given power to abolish them
Tribute to Spain.
Tiibuto to the Veraguas family.
Tribute to the Colonial minister.
War tribute in time of porcu.
Navy tribute.
Pbiisiong to retired Spaniards.
Support of mounted polioe
Military courts to try political
Mayors appointed by the govern
A military govoinor
All these burdens have boon
lilted from the shoulders of our in
sular wards , and in addition to thoFo
negative bonctitH , they have been
given the following :
Habeas corpus.
Courts of justice composed of
Porto Ilican magistrates.
A modern free school system
Uniform currency.
Regularity in exchange.
Autonomous municipal rule.
Increased right of suffrage.
Native police force.
Free justice and quick procedure
Representation in the executive
A house of representatives to
legislate tor the island.
No people wore aver treatoi
more generously , and under the new
regime business has doubled it
volume iu two years. Burdens
have been lifted , liberty has beoi
extended , education has boon ad
vanced , birinoMH has increased , ant
the people are pronperous and L'rate
fnl. In a short time their loyalty
| o the United Stat'B govornmon
will put to llio blush many of those
who try 10 blind truth by calling
thu btixl government on oartb uu
imperial despotism ,
Wholesale and Retail
. .AND. .
Crocker/ ] / ,
Clocks , Pickles ,
Lamps , Extracts ,
Patent Pickling
Medicines , Vinegar ,
Cutlciy. FIRE CLAY
will not break with heat ,
will not rust or corrode
Tea and Coffee Pots , Roasters , Etc
Use tliis "Ware lor 1-Iea.llh.
Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best
Workmanship. G. B. BETTS , Decorator Painter
I'rognun of Setenteeiith Anniiul Meeting
ot CusU'r Uaplist Association ,
To moot with the Baptist , church at
Mafon City , Nobr. , August 31st and
September 1st and 2d , 1900 :
A. It. CouNlHii , Moderator. A. I , . 1'iEiiri : , Clerk.
y.(0 ( p. in. Opening Hcrvice , conducted by John
A. llnll , cl Miieoii Olty.
U:15 : ItuportH from Sumla > Scl.oolK.
a:45 AddreHH. Christian Stuwaulslilp , by HOT.
O. A. lltl/.zull , of Onnily Clmrcli.
.1:15 Annual nddrcHK. UHni | > olittud Ivy Ahiocla-
lion. Huv. J.UVoodB. .
4:110 VapcrWlmt Motliud of Tencliliif ; In lle t
lu Ntenio Hlliln KnowlcilKU * Mrx. A. II ,
Cornlsli. Dicciicrlon , K I , . UareH * .
Kloctluii of olUcora.
KvKNimi H. Y. P. U. SEHSION.
710 : ! p. in. opunlni ; Service , conducted by Mrs.
.loo KimliiKton.
7:15 : Itcvluw of Yrnr'fl Work of II. Y. I' . U In
Ouster Aamicliitlon , by 11 L. Fritter I'res.
M (10 ( Klcctlon of olllcctH ui'd business cession.
In what Way IB tlio Church llcnvllttoil by n
II. Y.I' . C J-MtB W T. 1'owcrH , lirckun
llow. DlfciiH od by Ilorl Hell , AlnHon City.
iO:3n. : ( ) in. Sermon an directed by Appoclntlon ,
Itev S.O. Cniluull.
( Jailing of Apt-Delation to order and en-
Election of olllctrs.
UcitdhiR of order or ImUncsn , by clerk.
Kxiomlini ? usual Invltiitlou to visiting
muni licri ) .
Heading of Miuoii City church letter ,
Appointment of roniiulUocH on resolu
tions , lulinlexions , obltuitrlcf , time untl
place of licit inuutln .
Lcttirs from clmrchca.
11:00Adjournment. : .
U:00 : p. in.--What must a Man Dcllcvo to bo n
Mlisloiiiiry Hnptlst ? Willie Undwoll , llro-
ki n How.
L'iO : Dlscnehion by Nc ( icoryo , Win. Kloe , Hev.
S:30 : Huiort8 | nf coiumlttucB.
- Womun'n Mottlni ; Homo Missions , Mrs.
1) . M. Aetioclatloiml director. KorolK"
MlfHion' , Mrs. K. 1 > . McUrcw , Asuocla-
tl > nnl t > ccretur > .
Huvlow of Work and "Our Neede , " lira.
J. il. Kerr , btatu cic'y
: ! --Adjournmenl. : ( .
7MHI p , ni.--XlnUnlnhul I
.Sermon , W. D. Jlull ,
SUNDAY , SKl'T. 2u.
Huuday mornlni ; music , AH prepnroJ by
Mr . WllllHUi.ilwtll.
Sermon by Hi'V. ( J. W. llrlnstnd , Geneinl
Mlsxlonary , oinulm
l'A ! : ) n. in. Duct , MrB. K. U. HurrowH and Dr.
Lew la.
BcnnoM by llev. H. W. Hlclmrdfi , pastor of
llrokun llow church ,
Kuport from Grand Inland College.
All itnto workers ( ilveu a hearty welcome , nml
Invited to distribute literature uud receive ilcum-
tlone tu their worn.
IM The TiiiioTo Stibstsribo.
Thu State and National uampaign
for 1900 JH now on. Every body
Hhould keep poHtud. The National
uampnlgn a ? well an the Htatc'H bids
fair to ho both exciting and intercHt-
ing. No body wno has any intor-
ocL-in the result of thu campaign
should bo without , n county and
state papi'r. In order that every
uiti/.otiH in Custor county may keep
pOHiod , wo have decided to maki ; a
fpuoial price on the UKPUHUOAN so an
put it within the roaoh of ovcrbody.
To all new subscribers an well as to
all who pay up arroarges wo will fur
niwh the lUi'unuCAN for 25 cents to
the llrst of January 1001 , or the
RuruuuoAK and State Journal to
Jon. l t 1901 for 00 ; the How York
Tribune or Boo and HKPUIIUOAN for
05 contH to January 1st 11)01. ) Kansas
City Journal ; \nd \ RKPUHUCAN 60
To Tlio ItockiUH.
Low rates to Colorado ntid Utah of
fered by the JJurliiigton routo. Four
red loiter days.
On August 7 Hiul 21 , anil on Septem
ber 4 > uui IS , the Hurlitttfton will Full
round trip tlckuta to Denver , Pueblo ,
Culormlo yprinsP.OKilen.Silt Loko Otty ,
Deuihvjoil aud Hoi Springe for one fM-o
plus $2.
Tickets ( old at UIOPO roiunrknbly low
rntea will bo good to return till October
The neurrst atont of the Htirllngton
lltiii'ti will be plenFoil to tell you tbo
cunt ot Hckat and to help you plan
yi-ur trip. Descriptive lit riiturn frno on
application. 86It. .
We Have Added
to our shop a full line of wood work-
inp machinery , and therefore would
ask a part of your patronage in this
line , in which wo can save you
money. Also ask carpenters and
contrnctors to let us do their job
work , such aw planing , ripping ,
scroll work , in fact everything that
is done in a first class job shop. In
our old line wo are unto-datt' , .
Wind Mills.
Wo carry all standard grades.
We carry a full and complete stock
of all styles. In pipe 'and well
material we always hnvo it at the
lowest possible price. Fitting anil
brass yoods , hose , belting , tanks
feed grinders , horse powerp , in fact
everything that belongs to our
trade. Wo carry in stock the
ri.ic JACK op A i.i.
for pumping or power. Also second
end hand gasoline engines , steam
engines in which wo can give you a
bargain. In hydraulic and casing
wells we have the best and quickest
machinery that is manufactured in
this day and age of the world , anil
can guarantee our work in this line.
Yours Very Rosp'y ,
All Kinds of work In our line don
promptly mitl In llret-olnss order. Kec
Shop on the corner , west of the hos
house. Give us A trial.
Complexion iieauttlilvr
\V want every lady reader of th
AN to try Dwight'ri Com
plcxion Beautiiier , the most exqui
site toilet preparation. It is pure
and harmloHHmakes the faooHmootl
as velvet and fair as alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will fo
a short time only send FUKIC a fill
si/.o , Fifty cent hex to every lady
who will eond UH her post oftiue ad
dress silver dime to pay for paekin ]
and postage. Only one KUKK box to
each addrccp but ladies may ordo
for their friends. Each box mailoi
Hiparately. Send this notice art
your order at ONCK to D W. CUSTKB
. , Huntington W. Va.
Uuninnton Route Official Line Nat'l Encamp
meet G. A K.
Department Commander lluese , o
Nebraska , nnnnuiicurt that the Hurling
ton Kouto 1ms been fiulccttul na thu oil !
oliil line to thu National Eneiinipnifuit o
the U , A , Rtvt Chicago , August 27th t
Suptembur 1 , and that thu h"ndqtmrtur
train will leave the Hiirlingtou statin
Omnlia. 7:150 : p. m , Saturday , August 2 , "
Tins Is DIM train all metiibRrn of tli
O. A. K. , Woman's Relief Corpc , Indlc
of the G. A. Ii.Vives and Daughter
of Vflefnnp , nnd their friends will take
It will have aiiuidtiru and tourist sleep
InR car * and free reclining otuilr oars
and will arrive at Chicago U:30 : a. iu ,
August 20.h.
The luwust of low rates are alway
for the G. A. R. oncainptnent
This year the rate will bo one fare fo
the rout'O trip to ( Milriwn. Tickets wl
be on Palo August 21 t' ' > 27
uglU 2 J . PIUNCIS ,
Gonural Passouger Agout , Ouiahu , Neb
iiy t4t ilU't v'li""t1 U't' Wil < < ' vu' i v > Nst1 v ia < ' . i.v Mt A1 1 1.VlN t' v ih'i41 .t.i !
' V * ' " 1 ' / ' " ' ' ' ; ) § ' . ' ' $ " . " * i 0' * ' > ' iv . : } . / ' !'r.i"'j . ' . . }
, . ; . " . . . ' . . . . . ' " . . . ' ' , . . .
i * ? ; ! ' ( kWj.Vii'nV.irt..1 : : * ; wi. : w ? : : ? ; t ? .Vi. : 'm- j ? Tii.wo : ? * n ; < ; ui * :
i-J. )
I '
- Ji'a
i 111 Hi ! ' :
Commercial Hotel i
3 * ?
i HORACE F. KENNEDY , Prop'r. . ?
$ fi
lrl Southwest corner Square , i
? ! .
l The Hotel has bocn refitted ji'tul rcfurnislieil 5Jj |
throughout. Sumple rooms for Coininerical men. Bath $ $
rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. $ $
i 1
M'4 Try us once and you will come again , " © n
i. P ?
Cl r ;
i.E 3TOS r. ? itr.v : $ w ft . ? .v.i * rt A.-fcv. : . > 1V : v W : t. . ? v./ / : v > ! ; < :
Wo Inivo purchased the stock of BICYCLES , etc. , from
Edwin F. Myerp. We have moved just across the Htreet
from thn old location , where we are better fituated , have
more room , and can show you what we have. In addi
tion to our stook of
Bic3rcles , Sundries , etc. , wo have o
the BEST GUN REPAIR MAN this pidn of Omaha.
If you have an old pun that won't nhoot , briny it in ,
and we will fix it for you. Wu Htill have a low EAGLE
BICYCLES loft , and eau neil von one on easy terms.
AHO ! wo have a full line of AMMUNITION.
Repairing of all kinds. Bicycles and Guns for rent-
Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruits and Vagefsiiles ,
Has a full line ol
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Airtiulcs , oto. Store on
corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb.
CHAS. E. FOUO.l'rcKldent , Oinnlm , Nob. H. O , HOOKHS Cashier Ilrokcn llow.
J. M. K1M11EHL1NQ , Vlcu-Prci , lirokon Bow. S. H. I10YT , Ass't , Cashier , .
General Banking Business Transacted ,
DiHKOTong :
Chas. E , Ford. J M. Klinberllug. S. II. Hoyt. H. 0. HogorB. V. I ) . Caldwell
Make a specialty of loaning money on cattle.
It Once Was Lost , "but How I Have
Found It.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world ia it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam-
tn th stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you overheard
hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
in : posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it ia
Candy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Everybody is invited to call and get my prices.
Remember the place , on the big corner , jast east of First
N > lonal Bank.
W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.