Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 23, 1900, Image 7

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    Beauty awcT strength In
women vanlsffs early in
ISfe because of monthly
pan or some menstrual
Irregularity , Many suf
fer silently and see their
best goffts fade away ,
I Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound I
hatfis vsonion preserve
roundness of form and
freshness of face be
cause it makes their en-
tare female organasin
healthy * It carries wo
men safely through the
various natstral erases
and is the safeguard of
woman's health *
The truth ahotat this
great enecficfaQ is told in
the letters front women
heists ; pukHshetS in this
"Home , Svjeef Home3"
i Excursion via
Tuesday , Sept. IHH , IOOO.
from PEORIA , ILL. , to
INDIANAPOLIS ced rtfirn $5,00
CINCINNATI and return 87,00
LOUISVILLE and return $7,00
DAYTON and return $7,00
SPRINGFIELD and return $7,00
.SANDUSKY and return $7.50
COLUMBUS and return $7,50
Corresponding Rates to Intermediate Points.
"Come Mome > . "
Tor tickets nnd full Information call on agents
Hio Koun Kot rK.
Gen. I'OSB. & Tlrkct Act. A. 0.1' . & T. Agt.
Leave Omaha 5:05 : p. m. ; arrive St.
Louis 7:00 : a. m.
Trains leave Union Station Daily for
Kansas City , Qnlncy , St. Louis and all
points East or South. Half nates to
( Plus $2.00) ) many southern points on
1st and 3rd Tuesday o Each month.
All information at City Ticket Office.
1415 Farnam Street ( Paxion Hotel
Blk. ) or write
City Passenger and Ticket Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Don't be fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber coit. If youwantacoat
that will keep you dry In tte Hard
est storm buy ttia Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale In your
town , write for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Doston. Mass.
i voter ttili year wnnU a copy of nil the
I'ollllcul IMiilforniH of nil partlui
I lnce tht * foundation of thn Kovonmiont.
Tlin 11 nt form Tpxt liunlt contain *
them all and other \aluablu lufurmnilon.
\VA.\TI-.I > for th hett selllnt- book of
the teaeon 11 IK I'rofliN. tif-L\n IhU
out and nvnd with 15 t mm fur n Sample
Copy itud Trrmi to Accnu. Addrcas I. .
I * . VIXCKJfT , 6188. 18th &l . Omaha , Xchraika.
Holt * of Union Poldlers who made homesteads of
1cm than ICO acres before .luue ? „ > , 1871 mo matter
If abandoned ) , If the additional hnmcstcsd right
wus nut cold or iikcd , should address , with full
rmiculara , HEtlRY N. CQPPY.M tio. , P. C.
W.N.U. OMAHA. No. 34-1900
fc . " "wm. , kutt IHIUO
it : : ViL *
IJcst Corch Sjrup. j < nates Good.
. . . -'P ' tlnj ° - Eo'd ° y dnigyleU.
Alimony Something that mafces a
man figure In a divorce suit.
DETROIT , MICH. , August 25th , 2Gth
and 27th.
CHICAGO , Aug. 25th , 2Gth , 27th ,
28th nnd 20th.
ST. LOUIS , Scl > t. 30th , Oct. 1st , 2nd ,
3rd. 4th nnd 5th.
KANSAS CITY , Sept 29th , 30th , Oct.
1st , 2nd , 3rd , 4th , 5th and Gth. On
Aug. 21st , Sept. 4th nnd 18th HALF
KATES (1 ( LUS $2.UO ) for round trip
to most all points South. Now Is the
time to take your vacation. All Information
mation at Omaha & St. Louis R. R.
Office , 1415 Farnam St. ( Pnxton HO
TEL Block ) , or wrlto Harry E.
Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb.
Suffer One of the things n man Is
unable to do in silence.
I1ot for the Ilciirclo.
No matter what alls you , hcadacho
to a cancer , you will never get well
until your bowels nre put right.
CASCARETS help nature , euro you
without n gripe or pain , produce easy
natural movements , cost you just 10
cents to start getting your health back.
CASCARETS Candy Cathartic , the
genuine , put up In metal boxes , every
tablet lias C. C. C. stamped on it. Beware -
ware of. imitations.
Thirteen An unlucky number when
made up of n judge and jury.
Are Von lHliifAllen's Font-Kin * ?
It Is the only euro for Swollen ,
Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREB. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmsted , LeRoy , N. Y.
Epigram Anything mean that can
be said In a two-line poem.
Your clothes win not crack if you
use Magnetic Starch.
G A. R.
3-lth National Knniinimicnt nt Chicago ,
Auj ; . 87 tci Soiit. 1 , 11)00.
Commencing Aug. 25 , the Chicago
Great WeAern Railway , the road that
has always proved Itself the "friend
of the old soldier,1' will sell excursion
tickets to Chicago at ONE FARE FOR
THE ROUND TRIP , giving a fine op
portunity to see at its best the great
'western metropolis on the shores of
Lake Michigan. President McKinley
will attend this encampment. The
tickets will bo on sale Aug. 25 to 29 ,
and good to return to Sept. 1 ( with
privilege of extension to Sept. 30 on
payment of 50 cents ) . For further in
formation inquire of any Great West
ern agent or address F. H. Lord , G. P.
& T. A. , 113 Adams street , Chicago.
Life A realistic story that would
read like fiction if published.
For starching'lino linen use Magnetic
Success The art of knowing how to
get others to supply your wants.
Use Magnetic Starch it nas no equal.
M The beginning of matrimony and
the end of freedom.
Congress has authorized the famous Klowa-Coman-
die r crvatlnn (3,000 000 acres ) opened , under ttie U.
S. Homestead , Townaltu and Mining l.nws. Morpm'B
Manual , ( Standard Authority ) , (210 pagee ) , describes
these lands , tells how to Initiate and perfect claim to
* aluul > lo KAUMS , TOWN LOTS , and MINKKAL
LANDS. 1'rlcp. with line Sectional Map , 11.00 THK
KIOWACHIKF ( devoted to news and Information
about thcro lands ) eent , ono j ear , forei.OO. Will con
tain Proclamation , flilnp date of opening. Paper ( ono
yr.M nna ] , and'Map nil for 1.75. With the above
will bo mailed FKKK , 100 page Illustrated book on
Oklahoma. Agents wanted. Addrens , Dick T. llor-
Ban , Land Attorney , Terry , Okla.
Croimroll's ] liil > y Clothes lit Auction.
Oliver Cromwell's ba-jy clothes have
been sold at auction in London for
? 1GO. They comprised four shirts , a
knitted vest , five caps and a lace hood.
On one cap are worked in fine needle
work the words : "Sweet Bab , don't
cry , " nnd the date 1599.
Sclnvub'H ' .
riillnnthroplc 1'rnjrcr.
Charles M. Schwab , the president of
the Carnegie Steel company , is about
to found a trade school for boys in
the neighborhood of Pittsburg. Ho
will pay the salaries of all the teach
ers and provide a library. There will
be courses on general mechanical lines ,
besides thorough training in shop
work. Like Mr. Carnegie , Mr. Schwab
proposes to make his gifts during his
lifetime , so that he may direct more
satisfactorily the expenditure of his
Tito I'rliiio Kr | UBlti'8.
"It must constantly be borne in
mind , " asserts President Hadley , of
Yale , "that the training of the free
citizen is not HO much u development
of certain lines of knowledge as a de
velopment of certain essential qualities
of character and habits of action.
Courage , discipline and loftiness of
purpose nro the things really neces
sary for maintaining a free govern
ment. If a citizen possesses these
qualities of character , ho will acquire
the knowledge which * is essential to
the conduct of the country's Institu
tions and to the reform of the abuses
which may arise. "
The Wonder
of the AQC
No Dolling No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It Polishes the Goods
It makes all garments fresh and crisp
an when llrst bought new.
Try a Sample Package.
You'll like it If you try It.
You'll buy It If you try It.
You'll use It If you try it.
Try it.
Bold by all Grocers.
Celestials Mnko Abject Appeals for Cessa
tion of Hostilities ,
Onltd Stnti-K lIvBRfd to Stop Advance of
Allied Troop * nt Tulip Chow Kiitntnro
of Armed rorclcnorn Into 1'cliln
Shukv TottorliiK Throne.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 17. At the
close of a day of Intense anxiety the
Department of Stnto today made pub
lic the latest correspondence between
the United States government and
China , constituting not only a remark
able series of state papers , but at the
same time dispelling all doubt and
uncertainty as to the American policy
In the present critical Juncture. The
urgent , almost pathetic appeal , of LI
Hung Chang , submitted early In the
day , that the victorious march of the
allies stop at Tsung Chow , and that
the military commanders on the field
bo Instructed to arrange an armis
tice at that point , was met with a
response that General ChalTcc already
had been given complete Instructions ,
empowering him to carry out an ar
rangement In concert with other com
manders for the delivery of the min
isters and persons under their protec
tion to the relief column , not at Tung
Chow , as had been suggested , but at
the Imperial city of Pekin.
Furthermore , it was made known to
China that General Chaffec's instruc
tions left him free rein as to whether
he should Insist on entering Pekin
and going to the legations or should
receive the delivery of the legatloners
at the gate of the inner Tartar city
or at the great outer wall. In short ,
China , through her peace envoy ,
sought a halt and an armistice at
Tung Chow , twelve miles from Pekin ,
whereas the response of the American
government Is that if there Is to be
a halt an armistice It must bo at
the walls of the Imperial city.
The following memorandum was
handed to Mr. Adee by Mr. Wu at 9
o'clock this morning :
"A cable from Earl Lt Hung Chang ,
envoy plenipotentiary of China , dated
August 15 , and received by Minister
Wu at 7 p. m. on the same day :
"The allied forces are approaching
Tung Chow. I have memorialized the
imperial government to depute envoys
to negotiate an armistice with the sev
eral commanders on the spot. I will
also shortly proceed to Pekin. The
powers , being fully aware of the em
barrassing position In which their ma
jesties , the empress dowager and the
emperor , are placed , are earnestly re
quested to telegraph instructions to
their respective commanders , after ar
riving at Tung Chow with their forces ,
to stop their further advance tp the
capital , so as not to cause alarm and
fear to their majesties and calamities
to the people : For such advance
would .shako the foundations of the
Ta Chlng empire nnd wound tho" feel
ings of all her people , high and low ,
For n , compliance with tills appeal the.
millions of people of the empire will
be profoundly grateful to the powers.
Please communicate this cablegram at
once to the secretary of state. "
The following memorandum in re
ply was handed to Mr. Wu this after
noon :
"Forseeing that there would be in
sufficient time after receiving a reply
to our memorandum of August 5 to
get instructions to the relief column
before it had reached Pokin , wo sent
on the same day to the general com
manding the American forces in China
the following dispatch :
WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aug. 12 , 1900.
Fowler , Cho Fee : For Chaff PC , August
12. The secretary of war directs mete
to Inform you that Li Hung Chang ,
appointed by the Chinese government
to negotiate with powers , requests ces
sation of hostilities. We have replied
that we are ready to enter into an
agreement of the powers and Chinese
government for cessation of hostilities
on condition that a sufficient body of
the forces composing the relief col
umn shall be permitted to enter
Pekin unmolested and to escort for
eign ministers and residents 'back to
Tien Tsln , the movement being pro
vided for and secured by such ar
rangements and dispositions of troops
as shall be considered satisfactory by
generals commanding the forces com
posing the relief expedition. Wo
have communicated this to all the
powers. Japanese government takes
same position. We have not heard
from the other powers. CORBIN. "
Holies From VnniliilH.
SANTA FE , N. M. , Aug. 17 An or-
tlnr has been reoelved from Hon. Bin-
gcr Hermann , general land 'commis
sioner , to withdraw from further en
try and sale the public land in about
nine townships west of the Rio Grande
river around Espanola for the pur
pose of establishing the proposed park
in which are situated hundreds of
cliff dwellings and thousands of com
mercial buildings which are being
looted by vandals and relic hunters.
Kx-Scnntor Insulin I cu l
ATCHISON , Kan. , Aug. 17. Ex-
United States Senator Ingalte died at
East Las Vegas , N. M. , at 2:25 : o'clork
this morning , surrounded by his wife
nnd two eons , Ellsworth and Sheffield
The news came to the Ingalls home
here in a telegram at 10 o'clock. The
funeral will be InAtchison.
Troop * X.'cdcd nt
BERLIN , Aug. 17. A semi-official
dispatch from Shanghai , dated Au
gust 15 , says : The foreign consuls
acting on a joint resolution , have
sent to their respective government ?
the following telegram : "If the Indian
troops ( British ) arc withdrawn froir
Wu Sung it will constitute a menace
to the safety of Shanghai. The troops
arc to bo lojided on the basis of inter
national understanding. To insun
the adequate safety of Shanghai , mon
troops ought to be landed immedi
ately. "
I.ntc t Utiotntlonii lrroin Koutti Otntthn
nnil KuiisiiR Cllj- .
t nlon Stock Yards C'uttlu Arrivals of
cattle wore light anil as a result the mar-
Kct WMH In much bettor Hlutpe than It was
yesterday , iiuycrx novincd to want fresh
milipllcH and the prices paid compared fa
vorably with yesterday. The demand for
the. butter Krades oC cornfed steers WIIH
actlvo and us hlih an $5.70ns paid , ,
which , It Is thoiifsnt , is neatly ax much
as they would hav. . hroiiRlit any tlmo
this week. The cow marltei was not ma-
tcrlally different todny ns far as prices
arc concerned , hut the. light supply Rtxvu
a little more llfo to the trndo. The tlr-
inund for the bettor Ki'niU'H has been Kooil
all the week. There was It lively trade
iitfrtln on stocltero and fetdrcs. The heav
ier wclKhts were In the Kreiiteat demutul
and brought good Htrong prices and Bales
were miulo that lookid like 2."c higher
than tliOHu of a week ago , Light cattle
\\ero Just about steady toJay. hut for
the week thoi * have advanced nioro than
the heavy cattle. Thu nupply of western
cattle waH not veiy heavy and prices as
a rule were about steady at yesterday's
decline. Steers met with ready sale. The
better grades In some cages sold a llttlo
Hoga Hccolptfl of hogs wcro the lightest
of any day since Monday , lleportu from
other points wcro In favor of the selling
Interests , and as the demand was
good the market opened up actlvo and
hlfgher , particularly on the light weights.
Packers all wanted light hogH nnd the
nioro desirable loads wore picked up about
DC higher than yesterday , with the bulk
of the sales ranging from $5.05ffB.15.
Sheep The sheep market was In bad
shape today. Fresh arrivals were small ,
but for the week the supply has been over
SO.OOO and another big run Is looked for
next weok. The Chicago matket was
rather demoralized , as the demand for
mutton Is light , which , of course , hud a
depressing effect upon trade at this point.
Quotations : Choice western gras. weth
ers. JH.sriff-i.OO ; fair to good grass wethers ,
SS.iMfin.fC , ; choice grass yearling . tl.OW
1.15 : choice ewes , $ .UO < iti.ti.V : fair to good
ewes. $ .1.00iT3.25 ; fair to good yearlings ,
JS.SIiTM.OO ; choice sptliiR Iambi , jt".lBli ( .3.i :
fair to good spring lambs. Jl.7r.tiri.00 ; feed
er wethers , JH.SjIilUO ; feeder yearlings ,
? .UOS.Uj ; feeder lambs , W.7G4M.50.
Cattle-Receipts , 2,500 : calves. 2..0 . ; mar
ket steady to strong ; native steers , $1.00
ffiu.TB ; Texas steers. Si.OOJiB.lG ; Tiucas cows ,
J1.2.Vfi3.25 ; native cows and heifers. $ l. . > 0ij >
4.73 ; stockers and feeders. $3.00'JI.40 ; bulls ,
$2.IO < rfl.OO : calves , jl.33fiD.40.
Hogs-Hecelnts. C.OOO ; market strong to
pigs , $465 > .
Sheep-llecclpts , 1.000 ; market strolls ,
lambs , $4.00fi5.40 ( ; muttons , $3.001)4.20. )
United Stntcs Will Initial Upon JMnny
Thlncn From China.
WASHINGTON , Aug. 18. A cabinet
official snicl today that unquestionably
the native Chlrstlans hi China , said to
number several thousand , will bo in
cluded in any arrangement made be
tween this government and China inci
dent to the cessation of hostilities. At
the present stage of the Chinese situa
tion this situation has not been seri
ously discussed by the cabinet , but
there is no doubt , according to tills
member , that the United States is
honor bound to protect them and will
sacredly look out for their security.
"What will be done with them * ' Ho
was asked.
"That has not been decided , tout rest
assured that in their disposition tiio
honor of the United States will be fully
preserved. It may bo arranged Tor
them to go to the Philippines or one
of many other places available.
"It was stated that while the matter
has not been formally discussed tlie
indemnity to bo collected will bo not
only for the families of the victims ,
but to compensate this government for
the expense it has been put to In sup
pressing the uprising.
Mlrnciiloiift Knciipu of u Hoy.
BEATRICE , Neb. , Aug. 20. If any
thing more miraculous ever occurred
than an accident which happened here ,
those who witnessed it will doubt it
even If told. A team attached to a
pump repair wagon was running away.
On the wagon were two Whltcomb
boys , the youngest ? .bout seven : vtirs
old. Crossing the street was a Rock
Island freight train. The flagman saw
the team coming and oo did Agent
Karstens , who was at the crossing ,
and both attempted to Hag tno team ,
but the horses weto unmanageable and
couldn't bo stopped. The result was
ono of the most complete smashups
that can bo Imagined. The train
struck the wagon squarely and not
even a spoke was left linnet. Every
one in sight expected bath occupants
of thq , wagon would nurcly bo killed ,
but a few moments after the wagon
was struck the youngest boy crawled
out from under the debris. lie had a
cut on the chin which later had to be
sewed up , but aside from this no was
uninjured except for some bruises. His
brother only sustained a slight , cut on
the thigh and the horses escaped with
out a scratch.
No 3IiiKM for Humbert.
LOUISVILLE , Ky , . Aug. 18. Father
Houchet , who refused to celebrate mass
for the late King Humbert at the re
quest of the Italians of Louisville to
day , said his refusal was due to the
fact that Humbert had been excommu
nicated. Father Bouchct does not ue-
lievo the pope allowed mass to be cele
brated for the dead king , notwith
standing reports to the contrary.
Dmvot KlnilcH Kltuliouor.
PRETORIA , Aug. 18. General De-
wet has managed to elude General Kit
chener , in spite of the fact that all
the British wagons had doubled teams
of picked animals. The Boors evaded
the British by marching at nlgnt over
ground known to them , wnilo their
pursuers were obliged to march in the
An undated dispatch from Tien Tsln
says the railroad between Tien Tsln
and Pel Tsang lias been restored and
that the Russians are repairing the
line In the direction of Pckln.
liny * KIIIIHIIK City Aleut.
KANSAS CITY , Aug. 18. The war
department has just closed a contract
with a local packing nouso for a quar
ter million pounds of breakfast bacon
for Immediate shipment to China for
the American soldiers now serving in
Money fcir Itrltlxh Trlmmum.
CAPETOWN , Aug. 18. An American
consular official has gone irom Lorenzo
Marqucz to Nooltgeedacht 10 distribute
money to the British prisoners there ,
each of whom receives 4.
The healthiest spot in the whole
world is Aumone , a French vllli EP con-
tnlnlng forty people.
nro attempting to solve a gigantic
problem , but thcy-nro going' about It
In the wrong way nnd will never suc
ceed. Some people , In this country ,
seem to think that they have ns grent
n puzzle on their hands In selecting a
location for a home. They will cer
tainly go about It in the wrong way
unless they Inspect the beautiful farm
ing country on the line of the Chicago ,
Milwaukee ft St. Paul Railway in Mar-
Inctto county , Wisconsin , where the
crops are of the host , work plenty ,
flno markets , excellent climate , pure ,
soft water ; land sold cheap and on
long time. Why rent a farm when
you can buy ono for loss than you pay
for rent ? Address C. E. Rollins , Land
Agent , 1G1 La Sallo St. , Chicago , 111.
v Austiallrv , : Is the greatest In the way
of jewels with her opals.
HIr . VTIniilow'N Soothing Sjrup.
ForrtilMren tcnlhlntf , Mftcin the cums , reditPen In'
Humiliation , allnytpnincures wind colic. 23oul > oUUv
Franco has 38,500,000 iuliaiiltants , of
whom about 11,500,000 llvo by mining.
Try Magnetic Starch U will last
longer than any other.
Liverpool has shut down Its own
electric lightning plant and Is buying
its light.
It you have not tried Magnetic Stnith
try it now. Ydu will then use no other.
Moro daily papers are published in
Buenos Ayres than in New York City.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch In the world.
Acetylene gas seems destined to play
an Important vole In the illuminating
world in Spain.
f-ml I OK Cur i Wrur Shorn.
One size smaller after usiiitf Allen's Foot-
Euse , a powder. It makes tight or now
shoeseasy. Cures swollen , hot sweating ,
aching foot , Inprowiii ) , ' nails , oorns and
bunions. All druggists and shoo stores ,
2Sc. Trial package FREE by mnll. Ad
dress Allen S. Olmstiul , LoKoy , N. Y.
An electric road will in a short time
bo in operation between New York nnd
FITS Permanently Cun-H. ftiflti oriiiTvoiiimennftnr
fit > t day's linn of Dr. KllneV dlrnt NYrvn UvMoier.
Hrnd fur rKKi : W2.OO tilal > ottl ami tlrnllfo.
Uu. II. II. KI.INK , LU1..UJ1 Arch lit , I'hlUilflpliU. ! ' .
Franco will erect n monument at
Waterloo in honor of1 the French sol
livery liny and Girl
filmuM lonrn to wrlto with Carter's Ink , hccntinn
It IN the best In ilia worlil. "liiUlltiES In luK"
free. Curler's Ink Co. . Boston.
Boston llnds that Pingrco plan of
growing potatoes in vacant lots IB n
PIso's Cure cnnnot bo too highly spoken of no
ncoiiKh euro. .1. W. O HIUEN , 32-J Third
N. , Minneapolis , Minn. . Jan. 0. luoa
All the kangaroos , wombats ) and
flightless birds como from Australia or
New Zealand.
810O KoxTitrtl SI00.
The renders of this pnpor will bo pleased to
learn tlmV there Is ut least otio druuded dKcnso
that so'.enco 1ms been ublo to euro In all Its
stiiKCS , and Unit IN Catarrh. Hall's Catarrh
Cuio If ) Uio only positive euro now luioun to tlio
medical fraternity. Catarrh bolng a constitu
tional disease , requires a constitutional treat
ment. Hall's CiiUirrh Cure IK taken laturuallv ,
acting directly upon the blond and mucous sur
faces of this KVMtem , thernby destroying tlio
foundation of tliodlseaso.nndglvliiKtliopatient
htroriKtli by building up tlio constitution and
assisting imtnro In doing Its work. The pro
prietors Imvo so much faith hi Its cura.tlvo
powers that thuy offer Ono Ilun.lred Dollars for
any casa that It fulls to euro. Scad for list of
Testimonial * .
Address R J. CHUNKY & CO , Toledo , O.
Sold hv dnifc'Klsts 7i" > c.
Hull's Family 1'illH uro the best.
Germany IB putting a tax on Import
ed beer to help cover the coat of the
new warships.
Throw physio to the do s If you don't want
thudoKs but If you want , guod ulcuhllon chew
liccmnn'H I'epsla CSum.
Most of tno cities on the Atlantic
seaboard are more humid in Juno than
is Manila in April.
For KiiHy Iron I UK
nso "Faultless Starch. " No ( .ticking , bits-
toiing or liruaking. All grot-ore lOo ,
Sharks have now penetrated Into the
Mediterranean through the Suez canal.
Wo refund lOc for every package of
to give satisfaction. Monroe Drug Co. ,
Unionville , Mo.
In the United States the annual con
sumption of borax is about 12,000 tons
a year.
NOTICE WANTED. Twotru\ellnifiale mon
with or without experience ! . Sidliry nnd u.ipen-
bcs. 1'ccrlcis Tobacco Worlis , liccliord City , Vu.
"Where shall wo live after wo are
married ? " said Memory to Gratitude.
"In a man' ' " "No , " was the reply.
"In a dog. I hate to change. " Life.
The tripping feet the sparkling
eye the graceful movemeht be
long not alone to the budding maiden.
These grace.nrc the right aye
duly of every -twitan until the hair
whitens and regal dignity replaces
The mother who guards her
strength has so much more to de
vote to the care and education of
her dear one.She ; should be a
comfort ; i cheer always.
Yet how many feel that they
have the strength to properly bal
ance the h ) the ? The world is list-
lesi , weary and morbid. IU blood
move ? sluggishly- is full of im
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