Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 23, 1900, Image 5

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    A . , * , * < STOCK JUST RECEIVED !
W. H. PENN & CO.
* *
Have just received a Complete Line of
Clothin : - Gent's - ; - Furnishing - : - Goods ,
iCall and examine before purchasing. Prices are Right ,
Realty Block. W. H. PENN & CO.
? 11J7E V/ANT nay to the
\A/ \ / Public that our health
V i is fairly good , and hav
ing laid neido our winter clothes ,
taken off our high collar and
with our oycs turned in the di
rection of businosH , wo are
ready to servo our customers with tlio best of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , in faot ANYTHING usually kept in ft FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YARD. We make our own SHINGLES and we know
f.iey are GOOD. Wo have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh * ny ! Try our
00 COAL for cooking. Remember
F. C. WORNALL , President. J. A. H/VltlUS / , Cnrhlrr.
A. J. KOBKHTSON , Vlce-Prea. W. I ) . BLACIvNVKLL , ABs't Cannier
Farmers Bank .of Ouster County ,
Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
For Nearly Sixty Years
- The Leading National Family
For Progressive Farmers and
, Villagers.
An old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People ,
the Pacific , and the poineer in every movement calculated to
advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people
in ever State in the Union.
For every half centuy farmers have followed its instructions in
raising their crops , and in converting1 them into cash have been
National authority.
If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department
will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and
young"Fashion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies , and
, , Humorous Illustrations" and items will bring- sunshine to your
THK WKKKI.Y TKIIJUKK is "The People's Paper for the entire
United States , and contains all important news of the Nation
and World.
Regular suscription price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it
NEW YORK Published Monday , Wednesday and Friday
TRI-WEBKLY TRIBUNE. . . . , , , , - ,
A complete up-to-date , daily newspaper
three times a week for busy people who receive their mail oftener
than once a week.
Contains all striking news features of THK DAILY TKIUUNK tip
to the hour of going to press ; and is profusely illustrated.
Regular suscription price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it
Send all orders to
About Farm Exhibits.
The question is often nskod , " What
will it cost me to enter my uiaro and
coltivt the fiur ? " or "How much to
enter my poultry and farm products ? ' '
The Agricultural Society does not
charge for making exhibit entries of
any kind. Those who take stock ,
poultry , 1'arm produce , ladies work ,
etc. , etc. . cun compote for premiums
without a cent of expense. The so
ciety pays out hundreds of dollars
every year for exhibit premiums.
As a matter of faot there is no
charge in any department except
speed. Those who have fine cattle
and horses on exhibition cun rent box
stalls on the grounds if they choose ,
and in that case they are furnished
hay free and are given season tick
et tor the party who cares for such
There is no county fair in the state
of Nebraska which pursues such a
iberal policy as the Ouster County
/"air / Association does. No other
'air in the state admits teams and
addle horses free. While it is not
opposed that those who take cxhib-
ts to the fair do so for the solo pur-
) ese of making money , yet any one
vho will bring in a few good exhib
ts will , in nine cases out of ten , be
well repaid for his trouble , hast
, 'ear several parties won upwards of
fi2u in premiums and about 25 peo-
ile won upwards of § 10 , and a very
arge number of people won from $ ; 5
0 § 8 on exhibits.
This year premiums of § 20 , $15 ,
810 and $5 are offered for the four
> est collective exhibits of farm pro
ducts and each article of the collec
tion can also compete for the single
premiums. For instance , supposing
1 man brought in a collection of twen
ty-five exhibits of grains and veg
etables , and got first money on col-
ections , $20 ; suppose , also , that ten
of those exhibits took first premium
on individual exhibits , $10 , and that
live took second premiums , $2.50 ;
supposing the same man had a fine
mare and colt that took first money
$0 , and a fine cow , * 4. Don't you
suppose that $40 would pay him for
liis trouble , besides helping make a
oed display ? Last year quite a
number of ladies won from $10 to
$15 on fancy work and culinary ar
The attention of our readers is
called this week to the supplement
which gives a full list of the pre
miums ottered. Look it over care
fully and then bring every thing you
have that can be placed on exhibi
tion. It will cost you only your
trouble and will help to make the
fair a success. Remember the date ,
September 11 to 14.
Look over that grand speed pro
gram which appears in the fair sup
plement. Twenty-one speed events
are booked for the three days.
Call for CiiHtcr County I'opullHt
To all populate In Cutter county , .
that nru oppoHcd tn fusion with either of the old
political parties , and to those who bcilcvo In thu
cntdinnl principles of populism , as not forth In
the Omnhu , Cincinnati mid Grand Inland pint-
forme , I lint ilcmamlH d'rtct legislation , public
ownership of all public utilities , covermncnl
owncrHliip of niliroadB , niul a pooplu'B govern-
in nt Instead of u party government ; and to
all tlio'u who ate true to the prliiolpU'8 of popu
lism , and are willing to elfin their names to a
declaration of principle * Betting foith their Inten
tion to net In b'ooii fultli , and to support the can
didates nominated all Ii.cinnatl , Ohio , and Grind
Inland , Ncbrankn , are hcroby celled to meet In a
ma B corveiitlon at Krokt-n How , Nebraska , on
Friday , September 7th 1900 , at 10 o'clock a in. ,
for the purpoeoof nominating ono candidate for
coiinu attorney ; and U > f elect delegates for 'lie
congressional convention of the Sixth congres-
( ttonil dutrlct ; alee to select delegates to thu
scintorlul itnd representative conventions ; nl o
to elect u full stt of township commltteeir.en lor
each product.
The place and dito of holding ttio Congressional ,
Keimtuilal and KeprcscnUtlru ( Conventions wli
lie mud * public at thu County convention
1 hose who wish to stand np and fight for ccina
and exact Juetlce for all mon are cordially Invitci
to attend tills convention and meet with us 01
populut principles
State Central Commit toman for Custur County.
Tiilfl artlclu wa * ctlernil Ilia Cutter Co. Chief
Thoodlior would net a rm to pnliluli same HIM
the Cluster Co. llenrmi would nut piih'lsh sumo
without milking a change In the article. Hence
we are compelled to use the Itopubllcau.
Com ,
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chicago , Unite ,
St. Joseph , Portland ,
Kansas City , Salt Lake City ,
St. Louis , and all San Franolsco ,
points euit and south. and all polnta west.
No , 42 Vestlbuled express dally , Lincoln , Omaha -
ha , St. Joseph. Kansas City , St. Louis , Chicago
cage and all paints cast.oml eonth . 10 84 pm
No.11 Local express dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
tit. Joseph , Kaueos City , St. Louts , Chicago
and all points cast mid south . BiXInm
No. 4(1 ( F. eight dally , Ravenna , Grand Island ,
Aurora , Scward and Lincoln . . . OoOam
No. 48 Freight , dally except Sunday , Havonua
and inlermidlito points , . 1 06pm
No. 41 Vestlbuled express dally , Helena , Boat-
tic , Itrtto , Portland and ml Pacific Coast
points . 414am
No. 43 Local express dally , lllock llllli and
Intermediate points . 463pm
No , 45 Freight dally , Anselmo , Ualsoy , Seneca ,
Whitman and Alllnuco . . . 1068am
No. 17 Freight , dally except Buuday , Since *
ann Intermediate points . ! : ! > pm
Sleeping , dli.lng and recllnliiK ch&lr cars ( seats
free ) on through trains. Tlckes sold and bag
gage checked to any point lu tut United States
and Canada.
No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuesdays , Thur -
days and Saturdays.
No. 46 will carry passengers for Ansolmo , Hal
icy , Seneca , Whitman and Alliance.
No. 40 will carry passer gors for Havonn *
Qrand Island , Howard and Lincoln.
I n formation , maps time tablet and ticket
full on or write to H. L. Ormsby , agent , or J
Francis , G. P. A. , Ouiiihu. Nebraska.
_ H. L. Oimsnr. Agent.
1'oiich for west will close at H p. m. , except
Sunday when It will close at 7 p m ,
Pouch , east for train No. 4'i closes at fi. 30 a m
and foi No , 44 elopes nt , 11 n m. Mall for Ausloy
anil points cast of Grand Island Carried on train
No. It.
Oconto via of liyno ar.d Tuckcrvllle , dally ex
cept Sunday clones , at 7 n m : returning same day
Cullnwny via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday
closes at 7 a in , returning mime day.
Hound Valley via Green and Elton close at 7
m , Monday , Wodnesdy and Fridays , returning
HUIIO day.
Humnor via Gurnfioy , Georgetown and Upton
arrrlvcsatll 30 , Tuecday Tnnrsday aud Satur
day , leturnhiK leaver at 12,30 same day.
Otllc > hours from U.OOn into 8. 00 u m. Sun
day 8.30 to 9.80 a. in. Lobby open week days from
"am to.8 p m _ L. 11. JBWBTT. P.M.
The best amateur bauo ball teams
of the stale will play at Grand
island during the street fair next
wrck. Grand Island baa excellent
base ball grounds , the grand Htand
and bleachers being in the shade of
a beautiful grove. _
Uurllngton Springs Something New m the Line
of Keduccd Kutea Ticket * at About
General PinBonKer Agent Francis la
enttnuinstio un the subject of tbo "homo
visitors" excursions which the Burlington -
ton baa nnnounocd for Sept. 10 and 26.
4 'Hrom present Indications I believe I
tun safe In Baying that our facilities will
no tnxcd to the utmost to orovldo ao-
commoUatlouB for eastbound trnveleie ,
who will take advantage of these rotes , "
sitld Mr. frauds yesterday. "Our
mall has Increased enormoiiBly during
the last week. Wo are receiving Inqui
ries from all parts of Nebraska.
1 'I knew , of course , when 1 announced
tlin rates tlmt they would litul favor
with tbe people of tble 8Ut , but my
most sanguine expectations are being
exceeded No such 'wide open' ra'en '
as those of Sept 10 and 26 , have ever
before boon made by any Nebraska rail
road. As you know , thu rates aru not
conlir.eil to Chicago , 1'eorlaor St. Louis.
They apply to every point in Iowa , Illi
nois iiLd Missouri. The good people of
this state , having time , money and in
clination to go cast and visit tuolr friends ,
are going to keep us busy In looking
after tboni properly. SVeahall.ofcourat' ,
do this II necessary we can secure a
iHtyo number of ccnche * fioui connect-
ln : linuH. Tut BO , wlih our reguihr
equipment , will enable IH to care for tbe
liUflincHd in good sbnpe.
'Tbo r venue \vbicb tbe&n excursions
will add to the company's treasury la un
important Item , but my principal idea In
running them Is to Rend east several
thousand men and vtomcn who will be
Ivlng ilhtfltrntions of tbe feet that JUBI
now Nebraskans aru on Easy strut-1.
Thfi renters and small farniprs of Iowa
Illinois and Indiana are bound to be im-
prunfled with the prospeioua appearance
of their visitors from tbe west , who , with
money In both pockets mid good clothes
on their backs , will advertise ( Ho HtaU
inoru effectively than a ton of prlntet
matter. " Omaha Jk-e.
Monday will be the grand open
ing day of the Grand Inland street
fair ; Tuesday , Kearney , Lexington ,
Havcnna and all wPHtday ; Wednes
day , St. Paul , Ord und all north
day rhurrii'ay , Hanting" , and all
south da > ; Friday , traveling men'n
nay ; Saturday , Omaha , Lincoln and
all east day.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Nob.
Oflloeovor Kyorson's grocery. Rosly
denco O'.h bouse west of Baptist church.
nml uHtlmntOH on short no
tice . Itrokon Bow , Nub.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d Htairway from wont endin Realty
blook ; rcHtdumin , 3rd west M. E ,
church , name fide of street.
J M Scott
Attorney at Law
BROKEN Bow , -
Wm. F. Hopkins ,
Plans and Upoclflcatlona on sliort notice. Ma <
terlal ( ui Ifahcd anil bullcllugn romplotod olioapet
ban any m n lu the atatc. SatlBfactlou gu rmi
uod M to pltni ana Hioclflcatlnnt | > .
Dr. E. M. Hogan ,
Graduate Dentist
Ofllco over W. H.Swan'a Grocery itore.
Broken Bow , - Neb.
J , J , SNYDER ,
- Notary Public
and Justice of the Peace. Special Attention alt
en to oollocllona , Uepoiltlonit taken , penelon
voncbon neatly executed ami all kinds ot
paporu wrlten , Office woit elcln iqnaro ,
Jlrokon How , Neb.
* * liquidity , Economy , Security.
The true teit for Life Insurance Is
fonnd In the Equity of tlio Contract ,
tbo Economy of Managemcntand | the
Security for tholl'aymont. jv'a [ j
* v'a
g {
Si * *
Hankers Life Association , m\ \
DOB SXolaoa , Iowa. tf :
; } * ? ' . JV- ,
VS EDWAHDA. TBHI-LE , President. 3Sf
. * ? t ?
i ; Orftaulrcd July.let , 1879. ; .j
\f \ , Qutnniy Fund for safety. 'if1 ! ;
si Burping Fund for protection 2 ?
T ( ' Huporvlsod by 3,060 depository banks , r
* P. Securlilen deposited with tbe Htato j j ( ;
department. JJ/ ! ;
Coutorvatlvu method . > [ -j"
Preferred His isLow Kates.
Quarter ! * 1'nyments.
, ; ? ; For rates and fall Information , call
on or address
1 J , A. HARRIS ,
: > i'jJ Agent for Ouster County , Nub.
ft' ' . * . * .
? P1.
5tjt Ofilco at Farmers Dank of Carter 4 ' . '
iM County , Broken llow , Neb. > ! ? /
U. S.
JAMK8 - Kogluler
F. II. YOUNG. - - Kcco.vor
Land Olllcu at llrokcn How , Nnlir. . I
July Oth , 1000. f
Notice IN harobr ulron that tlio following
named ccttlor hn Illcd nollco of his Intention lo
nmhu llnnl proof In lupport of his cliilm , and
( lint ld proof will Ixunndo buforo Hoglstar and
Iti-co v r , at Ilrokoit How , Nob. , on Sept. Hlh ,
HHX ) , viz :
Of Ilroken Itow , Nobr. , for the nwji eec IS , twti
IHnorlli , rjoil'wost. ( !
llo iminuj the following wltnoRBCH to prove his
contlimoitH icnhlcnco upon and cultlvntlon ot
sttld land , \l7.t Mlntor .Schnuldor , of llrokoi ,
How. Nnbr. , I.oo Wlllniuth and Hrnry Sohnoldor ,
of Monui , Nolir. , and 1'erry Collman , of Now
leluiin , Wulir. ncOeiaOt
U. S. Lund Onico , llrokun How , Nobr. , I
August 7 , IUOO. f
Nutlcn IH tioroby given tlmt
IRK Illcd notice of Intention to make llnal proof
icforo Itcflstor and Itecrtvor , at their olllco In
Urokon How , Nitbr. , on Friday , the 17th day ot
-uptutnlii-r , 11KK ) , on tlinln.r culture application
No. vase , for the sc4 ! of sue No. 21 , In twp No.
7 north r n No ) wet ,
llo imnu'H an wltncseeB : Daniel Hw oney ,
rVarron Lmm niul IWB ! Lambert , of Murna ,
Nol r. , and John Whuellnj : , of Hrokc-n How , Nobr.
xl ) Bltl 01 JAMKS WHITISHEAU , Koglntcr.
Land OlUco at Broken How Nobr. , I
AuKuat a ItlOO. f
Notice IB hereby clvcn that the following *
named vcttlor II H lllvd notlcu of hie Intention to
make llnal proof In support of hie claim , nnd tlmt
rnld proof will bo mudu before KcclDlor and
llccelvi-r nt Ilroken How , on SoptomLvr 0. 1000 ,
viz : Miner Taylor of Mi.rna Nub. of tlio II. K.
No. 700 , H w J < too 10 T 17 N H 21 w.
llo iinnicH the following wltnecsen lu prove hta
contlnuong rceldenco upon and cultlvutlon of maid
land , vl/ : ( li'orgo Farmer , of tlorna , Neb. ,
Milton Whltnuy. of Mcrlm. Nub. , Frank Miller ,
of jMvrna , Neb , , Jainex I ) , licnm , of llrokun How ,
Nub. " JAMIIU WlilTKlinAii. Register
ContuHt Notice.
U H Laud Olllcu , Itrokcu How , Nenr. , I
. ilulyUH , 11)00. ) f
A nuinclmit conteBt allldavlt Imvlny beun filed
in tliln olllcu by Chailos Q. Vogel , contL'Stiint ,
rgsliut timber cultnro entry No. Kti7 , inado
March Ulth , 1880 , for Mi nwU , and nH sw.t ! , sec.
SO , twp 17uortu , r oUI weft , by John 0 Van-
Fluot. conto8l o , In which It U nllcKcd that tbu
nald VanFleethaa failed to break , cultivate nnd
plant to true * , tree Heeds , nuts or cutllnga , ton
Hcrraofeald tract im required by l.iw ; tlmt no
replanting baa been done on Nald tract tor morn
than Hoveii ycurit last pant ; tlmt salil entry U
ituvold of a growth of troctt , and no attempt bus
been inudo by iho eald VanFlcot to promote a
growth of trui'H thereon plnco initKlng of suld
entry ; that mild entry hau been abandoned for
moid than ten j'onrn , aud that all the defects 1-
loK d heroin exist at thle date. Bald parties are
hereby notlQod lo appear , reapond and otlor
evidence touchlni : paid allegation at 10 o'clock a.
m. , on Sept. 17 , 11X10 , before the regUtor and re
ceiver , at thu I ) H. land olllco. In Ilroken Itow ,
NebmsUii. i'ho Hiilil contestant having , lu a
proper nllldnvlt. flleil Junci 'JO , 1000 , vet forth
facti which nhow that after due dllUenc perBOti l
nervlcu of thlti noticn cannot bu made , It la hereby
ordered and directed that inch notice bo given
by dim and proper publication.
' FHANK 11 YOU.NU , Receiver ,
Notlco IB hereby given that by thu authority of
ono certain mortgage , executed by Kd McCaellu
to M. Huniloy Co. , corporation , of La forte , In
diana , Dec 10 , 1H09 , to pecare the payment of
two iiromlRPory IIOIPH of even date , for 3137.00 ,
ore for S57.UO , duo Fob. 1 , 1000 , thu other for J 0 ,
duo October 1 , 10CO , with interest at 10 pur cent.
Default having been inado in the payment of Bald
notes , we have levied upon onu corn Hhoilor and
horfe power , which WD will gcll to the highest
bidder for cnrili , at public unction , Saturday , Sep
tember I. 1000 , ut ii o'clock p. m , at Wilde's
burn , on block north of public square , In llrolsen
How , Nt br. , to Htttlttfy cald turn
aglOtd M. KUMLKYCO. ,
K. ( J'Sclnvind , Att'y. 1'or O W. Wilde , Agont.
Docket T No. 480. In the circuit court of the
United States , for the district of Nebraska.
IteeTtc & Company , * CorporationComplainant , ) ;
Fred Lelbort , ut al. , Defendants In Chancery. >
Public notlcu IM hereby given tlmt In pursuance
und by virtue of u decree ento.ed In thn above
caiiio on ibo 3d day of July. 1900 1 Uno. U.
Tlmmmel , bpeclal niaxlor in chancery of the cir
cuit court of the United SUton. for tlio district of
Nobraxkn , will , on thu L'ltli duy of Seiiteinber.
1000 , nt the hour of 3 o'clock In thu afternoon ot
Hiild day , nt thu front door of tbu Ouster county
court IIOIIM- building , In the city of Kronen HJW.
Cn-ler county. Dtati- and district nr NubraHica , pell
ut public auction for C'iBli thu followi gdedcrlbt-d
iiial I'ctate. Blluii'O In Cueter county , Nebraska ,
find defcilhrd tin f illowB. to wlf Thu eoutbwcKt
HunrleriU ) of ttie northcant iiuarter ( U ) , tbe
Houttn'avt iiinr'i-r ( Li ) of the northwest iuarter |
(1,1) ( , i In northeiiBt quarter < ! ( ) of tint eouthwiBt
ijiiurter ( ! i ) ui d the norlhwent ( Vi ) of southeast
l J "t section twenty-three , ( il ) , town-
atilp tuonty I" ' ) ) north , of rungu nuuitoun t9) ! )
wuvtof the Sixth I'rliicipnl Mer dlau , contilr.inR
OIIH hundred nnd sixty ucrurt. also I will , on euld
JlilnUy of Septomior , 1000 , nt the hour of g
o'clock In lliii forenoon ot mild ; day , at tlm resl-
ibMico of IM nlllivun , on tha xw'i ot hue. 33 , Tp.
20 north , rnni'o 18 wwt , In Custer county , sell at
public auction foi uiish , onu Keovoi * wind atacttcr.
No ltl'0 , onu I'firfoim fct'iler , No 1SWO , one HODS
weigher No. 3107. ono L. I ) , tank pump , one bolt
and urn1 tarpaulin , ono No GO ) Ueve nuylne ,
munufacliired by Ucuves & Co. , with all Uxtnres
and npiMiulHgoa with or belonulni ; to thu bume ,
and onu 7tC Id even nepurator with nztureg , munu-
fnuturi-d by IteeVdS it On. , with all Uxtnrcs and
uiipendagUH with or belonglnc o lli. < > me.
ugi-a-ow uiu n TIIUMMUL ,
Special Jlaster lu Chancery.
.McQIlton & Herring , Solicitor for Cnuplalnant.
Luncl Coutiter ,
t IVnlioy , Prop'r.
All kimlH f Heft driukrt. BeHt
brand of cigar * , lat building east
uf Farmori bank ,