I REMDINGllOCGRIES Privata House and Office Eont Pr.id iu Grocoriw Taken FROM SOLDIERS HOME AT MILPORD Old Soldier * Crowded Out to IMnko Itnom for IteliitlvcB mid Friends of Olllrluls How Stntc lfiiml Arc Uncleanly dercil by I'oimllit Olllcluls. \\Mthout a doubt the most open nnil flagrant corruption practiced In any of the state Institutions Is practiced at the Soldiers' and Sailors' Home at Milford. Officials of the Home have gone so far as to appropriate public property to their private use ; ns to pay private lillls , such as house and ofllce rent , with groceries and provisions bought -with state funds ; ns to dispose of pub lic property and not properly account font.be same ; as to purchase clothing and fancy furnishing Roods for rela tives and have them put on the books ns groceries nnd pay for them out ot moneys belonging to the state ; and as to nil the building with relatives and friends and furnish them with bed , board and lodging at the expense of the state. In short , there Is scarcely nn offense associated with the saving nnd obtaining of money fraudulently that has not been committed by some one or another connected with the Home. James Fowler succeeded Captain Cul ver as commandant of the Home about four years ago. From the time he assumed control up to the present he has kept both hands on the public teat. After getting his own name on the pay roll at $900 per year , with bed and board , he set out to have his wife's name placed there also , and he finally succeeded in causing the re moval of Matron Ferguson and the appointment of his wife , who Is now on the pay roll as matron at § 480 per year , though at this time there is not a female ward in the building. Though drawing $10 per month for performing the duties of matron , Mrs. Fowler , wife of the commandant , has spent a goodly portion of her time visiting relatives and friends in other parts of the state. At one time she left the Home and was gone for several weeks , while the only female inmate of the Home , Sarah Prime , the aged and helpless widow of an old soldier , lay on her' sick bed and had to be at tended by the old soldier Inmates. Mrs. Fowler remained away , and , finally , feeble , sick and penniless , poor old Sarah Prime was hauled to the depot and left on the platform with only $3 in her possession and no place to go or lay her head. A FAMILY AFFAIR. Nor did Commandant Fowler con tent himself with placing his wife's name on the pay roll. He went fur ther and converted the Home into a family boarding house. At various fimes he has had himself , his wife , his two sons and their wives , his two daughters , and a grand child , all sleep ing and eating at the Home at the ex pense of the state. Half of the entire second story Is occupied by the com mandant and his relatives and friends. It is charged , and , presumably on good authority , that fancy linen , laces and material for female nether ap parel have been purchased for the ( laughters and daughters-in-law of a certain official at the expense of the state. In making these purchases , ru mor says that the bills and vouchers were made out for groceries , provisions or other material , so as to cover up the transaction. The fact that the commandant has purchased oysters and other eatables of a luxurious char acter and had the bills and vouchers made out as butter and other staples in the grocery and provision line Is a fact which he himslf can not truth fully deny. Nor is it likely that he will or dare deny that he has per mitted Dr. Tracy , the physician in charge at the Home , to take flour , sugar , coffee and canned goods from the store room of the Home goods paid for by the state and ostensibly bought for the Home , and pay house and office rent with them. RENT PAID IN GROCERIES. The physician in charge at the Home Is Dr. S. P. Tracy. Shortly after Fowler ler was appointed commandant he is sued rations to Dr. Tracy , something which had never before been done , and which is clearly in violation of law. This was kept up for some time un til finally , to avoid threatened expos ure , It was to all outward appear ances stopped by order of the Board of Public Lands and Buildings. It was a sad day for Tracy when this edict was promulgated. For Dr. Tracy had a very nice thing of It. Ho not only received rations , but he had ac cess to the store room , with the op portunity of helping himself. It was while this condition of affairs prevailed vailed that he hit upon the plan of paying his house and ofllce rent in groceries and provisions. He rented an office from an aged widow named Diantha Brown. When asked if It were true that Dr. Tracy paid his rent In groceries , Mrs. Brown Bald : "Yes , Dr. Tracy , on divers occasions ' brought mo Hour , sugar , canned goods ! tea and the like. He told me ho goi ; the articles from the Soldiers' Home ' I asked him to give me some coal j' but ho said he could not do it , as they did not give him much of that. I think the last groceries he gave mo was in 1898. Ho moved out of my building owing me $50 back rent , and I have his note for $50 at this time for rent , which he owes , only $10 of which lias been paid. I don't remember just how much groceries ho gave mo In all. \ I remember at one time he brought : jno a whole sack of Hour. " Mrs. Brown is a widow and is S3 years of ago. She Is an old citizen of Milford and has a large number of relatives residing in that vicinity , all of whom stand high in publfc esteem. Dr. Tracy has for six years occupied n house owned \ > y J. D. Cunningham. Mr. Cunningham was abked as to whether Dr. Tracy ever paid any portion tion of his rent in groceries or pro visions. Ho said : "Yes , I have recclvsd some of the rent in that way. He has given me flour , groceries and canned goods. 10I cannot say just how much it all amounted to. He is owing mo back rent now , but I have reduced his rent and have required him to pay part of the back rent each month , so that ho Is catching up. As for groceries , I cannot say where ho got them. All I know Is that he brought them to ray house and gave them to mo In pay ment of rent. " An old soldier who was formerly connected with the homo , in siuli a position as to speak authoritatively , and whose name is not mentioned heroin , through fear of his expulsion from the Homo , stated that ho had seen Dr. Tracy go to the store room , unlock the door and go in and help himself. Ho had a key and was priv ileged to take what he wanted. On one occasion , this authority states , ho took , among other things , a whole sack of sugar. , Dr. Tracy has his horse pastured at the expense of the state , but whether he Is still receiving an allowance of rations , nobody outside the Homo ap pears to know to a certainty. Dr. Tracy has considerable profes sional practice outside the Home , but the druggists of the town say that ho has very few private prescriptions filled by them. This may explain in part the depletion of the 'drug and surgical instrument" fund of the Homo , in face of the fact that thcro has been little sickness at the Homo within the last eighteen months. . MANIPULATING THE FUNDS. The manner in which the funds are being manipulated nproaches and re flects criminality. The last legislature appropriated for the Home $37,474. Of this , $500 was for furniture and bedding. This fund is practically ex hausted , and the vouchers that should be drawn against it and against no other fund , have been drawn against other funds. In ono Instance a vouch er lor nearly $40 was drawn on the "clothing and maintenance" fund for carpets , fringe and window shades. Of the funds received from sale of state property , such as stock and prod ucts raised on the grounds of the Home , timber cut and sold , and the pasturing of stock , little IB known of their disposition. None of this money lias over been paid into the treasury , and no report of it has ever been made to the auditor. It Is kept by the com mandant for "emergency" purposes , though the receipts amount to more than $300 per year. The commandant reports the amount of money received to the governor seml-annnally. The re port for the first half of the present year should have been filed with the governor Juno 1st , but up to July 27 no report was on Hie. Inquiry at the governor's office elicited the informa tion that "The report had been offered for filing , but It contained errors and was sent back for correction. " About $1,500 worth of timber was cut from the grounds several months ago. Much of It was sold , but thus far no complete report has been made of it. About n dozen head of cattle and horses have been pastured at the Homo all spring and summer , but there is nothing In the reports on Hie which account for any part of this money. In the last year fully 200 chickens were disposed of in ono way and another , yet the reports account for less than half that number. Other property has passed through the hands of the offi cials , but neither the records at the Home nor the reports on file with the governor , disclose what has been done with the proceeds. In cutting the timber much damage was done the ground from a pictur esque point of view , and , while the commandant affected to make it appear that the foliage was not destroyed through ulterior motives , there Is ev ery reason to believe that the primary object was to swell the "emergency" ' fund. The "labor" fund is exhausted , the employes not having received any pay since Juno 1st , thus making a large deficiency in this fund inevitable. June 30 there remains in the Furniture and Bedding Fund only $8.72 ; in the Drug and Surgical Instrument Fund only $29.75 ; In the Fuel and Light Fund , $251.10 ; Maintenance and Clothing , for which $8,000 was appropriated , $2OG8 ; Stock , Feed and Farm Imple ment Fund , $63.13 ; Visiting and Ex amining Board Fund , $81.80. It will be seen by the foregoing that there is scarcely a fund whose condition is not such at this time as to foreshadow a deficiency at the end of the year. In connection with this it may be well to call attention to the fact that , while the law requires Commandant Fowler , among other things , to make a report December 1st , of each year to the Commissioner of Public Land and Buildings , setting forth the num ber of inmates admitted and dis charged , receipts , disbursements and 1 expenditures of money or other funds ( see section 49C4 Revised Statutes 1899) ) , he has never in the four years of his Incumbency made such a re port. This statement is made on the authority of attaches of the department of Public Lands and Buildings. OPENLY VIOLATING THE LAW. There is at the Home , a young man who has only recently crossed the threshold of his majority. Ills name Is J. H. Perkinson , and he occupies ' the Important position of adjutant. The law distinctly and explicitly says that : "The commandant shal perform the duties of adjutant ami quartermaster , or have these dutle : performed without expense to the state" ( sec Sec. 49GS Revised Statutes 1899) ) , yet J. H. Perkinson is adjutan at the Home and draws a salary o $25 per month and board , washing and lodging. In the official reports o the Home and In his official duties he is known only as adjutant. To evade the law in making out vouchers for his pay , however , he la made to appca as "Commissary Sergeant. " Thus , in the records at the Homo and in th official reports ho Is one thing , and in the voucher record in the auditor1 ! office ho' is another. Under nelthe title Is it lawful for him to draw monej from the state. When Captain Culvc was commandant , under a republican administration , he had his son perform the duties of adjutant , but he never claimed any pay for him and none was over allowed. INHUMAN TREATMENT OF OLD SOLDIERS. Reports of Inhuman treatment of old soldiers at the Homo are numerous. Only those who have been there and left the Homo , however , dare utter a protest. Commandant Fowler rules with a hand of tyranny , and any one who dares to complain of treatment ro- colved at the Home , or say anything reflecting on the management , la under pain nt once of summary discharge for "disgraceful conduct. " A few weoka ago nil' ' ' oil soldier named Martin V. BoVard wns dlshon- orably discharged from the Homo , nnd his only offense was that solno lime before that ho protested to the govi crnor against nn unlawful assessment that was boiiiK levied upon the inmates - mates by the commandant. Last year , for six months , the comc mnndant levied an asseBsmcnt of DO cents per month on all the pensioned inmates to ralso funds for "help" in the dining room. All told , about $30 per month was collected , thcro being about sixty inmates. Out of this fund four Inmate received $5 par month each ns waiters In the dining room. Where the remaining $1C went to nobody - body but Commandant Fowler appears to know. Prior to this it was custom ary to detail inmates for this class of work , and , to nil appearances , it had been satisfactory. BcVard was one of those who had th ccourago to protest against the tax , but this protest count ed for nothing. Finally , the Inmates raised $1 to pay BeVard's expenses to Lincoln nnd ho went there and laid the facts before Governor Poyntor. Governor Poyntor was not disposed to interfere , but when informed by Be- Vard that the matter would be laid before the authorities at Washington , ho said he would see that It was stopped immediately. From that day until n few weeks ago , when BoVard was dishonorably discharged , Fowler made it anything but pleasant for him. Finally , a few weeks ago BoVard , without any other cause , was dishon orably discharged and , against his ap peals to permit him to remain another week until ho got his pension , was turned out on the world among strang ers , n penniless and helpless object of charity. Another old soldier named Greshnm , who has scarcely a crumb of bread to spare , finding BoVard lying in the weeds and suffering from a run ning sore in the leg and moaning from rheumatic pains , took him in and gave him something to eat. From the 3rd to the 10th of July BoVnrd ate at Gresham's lltlo cabin , but , as there was only ono bed and one room , he had to look elsewhere ' for lodging. Poverty-stricken , sick , helpless aijd alone the old veteran wandered nbout in the night until ho found a shed , almost In the shadow of the Home , where ho crawled In and 'slept. For seven nights he slept there on the hard plank floor , with no companion but the stars and nothing to shield him from the storms and the elements but the will of Providence. Exposure nnd dampness , both incentives to asth ma and rheumatic affilctlons , had fur ther impaired his health , and , when ho got his pension and loft Milford , his suffering was so Intense that tears coursed down his cheeks. BeVard had a splendid war record , having served four years as n Union soldier , part of the time In the famous brigade commanded by General Mulli gan. He enlisted ns a private In Bat tery L , First Regiment , Illinois Volun teer Light Artillery. For eighty days he was a prisoner of war in Libby Prison , having been captured while gallantly defending a vantage point known as Four Mile Ford on the Po tomac. Ho Is well known among the railroad men of Nebraska , hnvlng worked on the various railroads off and on for about twenty-eight years. Speaking of the treatment accorded old soldiers at the homo , William G. Gresham , n former inmate , said : "Tho fact is , Fowler despises the Grand Army of the Republic. I know whereof I speak , when I say ho hates old soldiers. I myself , spent some time nt the Home. "I have taken my discharge twice from the Homo since ho has been thoro. I tried to put up with the abuses but could not. " CALLED THEM YANKEE BUM MERS. . "I have heard Harry Fowler's wife , " continued Mr. Gresham , "call old sol diers 'Yankee Bummers' and 'Yankee Rebels' right to their face. Now , it is harsh under any conditions to apply any such names to old soldiers , and when you consider that she was the daughter ofn notorious confederate , who was a lieutenant in Quantrell's army you can readily realize the mag nitude of the insult. The old boys knew who and what she was , but she was the daughter-in-law of the com mandant and we had to put up with her jeers , snubs and Insults and say nothing. "Now , there is Perklnson. Think of putting a young man scarcely old enough to vote in as adjutant where he exercises authority over -a lot of men three times his ago. "I took my second discharge some time ago and I hope to be able to make a living for myself and mother , doing such work as I can get around town for the rest of our days. Mother ( meaning his wife ) was discharged from the Homo shortly after I left because Fowler did not like me. She Is C9 years old and I am 60. She was there two years , and in that time was allowed only two calico dresses , worth about 50 cents each , and two pairs of cheap shoes , amounting In all to less than $10. The government allows $25 j per year for clothing and shoes for I each inmate , but that Is all mother I could get. "There is no use talking , the Home is shamefully mismanaged. I , for one , have seen the commandant in a condi tion that convinced mo that he was under the Influence of liquor. At one time I remember he had to bo assisted up the stairs , and I was that near to him that I detected the odor of whis key. key."Then "Then there Is that man Benton , the steward. Ho draws $20 per month and board and lodging , besides money ho makes on the side. Ho is rich and owns lots of property , but ho Is the steward , though there Is no more need of a steward than there Is for two governors nt Lincoln. "I do not wish to present myself In the light of an outlaw , but let mo tell you that we were ucing so badly treated at the Homo at ono time that a rope was purchased with a view to disciplining and making an example of one or moro of the officials. I have the rope in my house at the present time. It wns not used for that pur pose , but It cnme very near being. "I wish some of the nllegod 7Ctorans , who are sending out appeals for votes for fusion could come hero and see what fusion has done for the veterans. " Mr. Orcsham wns a member of Com pany i B , Nlnotonth Iowa Infantry , and saw four years' of terrible service , having 1 been wounded thrco times. These are the type of in on Oommnnd- nnt Fowler'o daughlor-ln-law called Yankee ! Rebels. Could any affront be moro wanton nnd cruel ? When Fowler came to Milford It Is reported that ho wore a Grand Army button I In the lapel of hhi coat. Some time afterwards It disappeared. When asked by ono ot the veterans outatdo of the Homo where It was , hq said : "I really nm not entitled to wear U. I Besides , I am not much of a , G. A. U. 1 man anyhow. " A BUNGLING JOB. Within the last year nn addition has ben I built to the Homo nt a cost of $5,000. J The contract for brick and stone work wns let to n fusion con tractor t at Lincoln , as Was also the contract for plumbing. The brick and mason work Is far short of n first-claHS job. Very llttlo cement was used in the foundation , nnd Uio outer layer In the walls reveals the fact that a very large number of broken brick nnd brick-bats wns used in constructlii ! ; the building. Much of the brick work was done by stone masons , presuma bly because the wages of stone masons are lower. The construction of the building was not supervised , hnd the contractors followed the plans and specifications In a way to suit them selves. The work was so poorly per formed that even n thick cor.t of red paint falls to thoroughly dlngule It. A fuslonlst named Blake from Lin coln had the building contract and ho left the town owing a board bill for his men at the Grand hotel of $58 , and labor bills aggregating $75. LOOSE BUSINESS METHODS. LOOFO business methods prevail at the Home. Not nn article delivered from the stores nt the Homo Is weighed. Seldom are the goods chocked over to see If the delivery Is in accordance with bills rendered. In connection with this It is reported that tobacco Is bought at the state's expense and again sold at the Homo. No positive proof of this could bo found , though there nro people who say that it is true. It lias been cus tomary for certain of the officials to keep tobacco on sale at the Home , and rumor has it that oomo of the tobacco purchased at the expense of the state has found Its way Into such private sources. Considerable tobacco Is used at the Homo. The inmates nro al lowed to smoke In the assembly room and there only , but the commandant may bo seen at almost any hour going all through the building puffing amoko like a slx-wheled "mogul" going up grade. IIo breaks his own rules with impunity. If any of the Inmates would dare to atempt to exorcise like priv ileges they would bo "dishonorably dis charged" instanter. VISITING COMMITTEE. Perhaps the most palpable fraud on the taxpayers is the so called "Visit ing and Examining Board. " This committee pays a visit to the Homo once a month , ostensibly to audit the books , but in reality to have a pleasure trip without cost to themselves. The members are allowed $4 per day each and their expenses. Ono woman from Lincoln , who is n member of the com mittee , invariably leaves Lincoln after supper time and waits until she gets to the Homo before dining. She reaches there about 8 o'clock in the evening , and a sumptuous spread Is laid for her. Her train does not leave Lin coln until after 6 o'clock , giving her ample time to have supper , or C o'clock dinner at homo before she starts. Between fraud , loose management and needless expense , the cost per capita the last few years at the Homo has been greater by 15 per cent than formerly. The state would actually save money by paying the board and lodging of the veterans at good hotels ami in addition giving them a reason able allowance for clothing. SHOULD SUPPRESS FORAGING. Some steps should bo taken to sup press foraging by fusion officials and their friends. At the Homo , S. A. Langford and wife are on the pay roll for doing the laundry work at $22 per month , board and lodging. Tills work was formerly done by inmates. The change was made to make room for the Langfords who are popullots. Three Inmates were shifted out of their .quarters to make room for the Langfords. Adjutant Porklnson occupies quar ters formerly occupied by four in mates. It is charged that Superintendent Edwards has practiced false economy , In that she has gone so far as to solicit prices from firms or business houses as far away as Chicago , and at the same time has put the state to the loss of ten times the amount she would thus save by keeping relatives and friends at the Homo at the state's expense. The voucher record at Lin coln shows n slight Jugglery of the funds of this institution , newspaper subscription in one instance having been charged up to the "burial" fund Ono Improvement might be made , and that is , in pitting a stop to the practice of permitting the steward of the Soldiers' 'Homo to come to the In stitutlon and pose ns a minister of the gospel and collect money from the in- mates for performing that service There are ministers of the gospel Ir Milford , schooled in Biblical lore , who would no doubt for the asking cheer fully perform the corvlco without tax ing the unfortunate inmates. Upon the whole , however , the management o this Institution is far better than the average. Only recently Mrs. Benton , wife o the hospital steward , paid a protract ed visit to the Homo. She was ac companicd by a lady friend from Creti who also remained nt the Homo for a considerable length of time. Two of Commandant Fowler's daugh ters , who are attending the State Uni versity , are now spending their vaca tion nt the Home , where they have always spent It. Two of his sons are frequently thoro. A private dining room Is main tained for those guests nnd sumptuous repasts are spread , for all of which the dear people of Nebraska must stop up to the captaln'B desk and settle. INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL FOR GIRLS. There is another state institution at Milford known as the Industrial School j for Girls. This institution , though not entirely free from spoliation , IB perhaps less tainted with It than any other In the state. So far aa disci pline Is concerned It Is due to Mrs. Edwards , the superintendent , to Bay ® A Story Illustrating the Horrors of War By II. D. WELSH. . . . CHAPTER VII. ( Continued. ) "You have conn1 ? " ho said , pant- lusly , hla voice BO weak oho could hardly hoar what ho said , "it Is good brave of you. If you know nil you would shrink from me with loath- In" . " i * * * - > "No , no ! " oho said quickly. "None of us have a right to do that to an other , Major Kayburn. If you have wronged mq in any way , nnd nro sorry for it , I forgive you freely , as I hope to bo forgiven. " ( "God bless you for these words"ho ! paid , weakly ; "I have never known an hour's happiness since I vowed that , , lf you would not bo mine , you should never bo another man's , I nm bud enough , God knows ; but not so bad as that. " And then , weakly and pantlngly , ho told her all. "I knew where the Khalifa was , " he said. "I had a black boy who had de serted from his camp In my boy , and ho told me. I felt confident Clcland would talco that direction , and sooner or later fall Into their clutches. And I believe ho hns done so. I bcllovo ho Is ntill thcro , unless ho Is dead. " He paused. Adrlenno lifted her head to speak , but ho wont on rapIdly - Idly : "I have moro to tell you. Walt ! It Is about mysolf. I wish to toll you that you may toll Doctor Margaret Crawford , who Is in Cairo just now. "I joined the army under n false name. My ro.il name Is , strangely enough , the same as that of the man I counted my enemy. It is Paul Story Clclland. Wo iipoll it with two Tu. ' Wo were not connected in any way with the other Clclands. It is a com mon enough name in Scotland. "Dr. Margaret Crawford's father bc- llovcd that ho had done mo a great wrong he had altered a cheque of my father's which I went to cash. Hut 1 had committed n greater crimo. I hnd forged my father's name to it ! The shock killed my father. I loft home , changed my name , joined the army , nnd worked my way upwards from the ranks. "That Is all. Will you toll Doctor Crawford ? It Is possible her father may have told her. " ' "I will toll her , " whispered Adrlen no. Her lips were ns white aa death. With a woman's Intuition alio had guessed the whole truth ; the dying confession had been to her ns n reve lation. "Will you also say once moro that you forgive mo ? " asked the dying man. His voice was almost gone now. Adrlonno bent her head for n mo ment ; then suddenly she laid her hand on the lingers that were so restlessly toying with the white fringe of the coverlet. "I forglvo you , " she said , slowly , nnd may God in His great'mercy aiso grant you forgiveness. Wo all have need of that forgiveness , and of Ills great help. " A straango sound left the dying man's lips. It startled Adrionnc , who beckoned to the nurao who had Just entered the room. ISro the nurse had reached his bedside all was over. Paul Clclland , so long known as Philip Ray- burn , had gone Into the presence of the only Judge who dare temper jus tice with mercy. CHAPTER IX. "Yield , you Christian dog ! Become a Moslem , or , by Allah , you die ! Look out there and see the end of those who have refused to bow to la- lam or yield to the power ot tno Khalifa ! " Paul Cloland staggered feebly to the door of the miserable hut , In whoso black and filthy depths ho had spent the last few days , and looked out on the scene pointed out to him by his grim gaoler. It was ono that might make the boldest shudder. It was Metommeh the corpse of n town. The mud houses were moro shells broken beams , tattered cur tains fluttering in the breeze , shat tered roofs , through which the rain poured. Facing Clcland and his guar dian stood a strange construction of wood two upright posts with a cross bar between. Below lay some brown palm-fibre rope , and mixed with it a decaying mass of human bonea. For what Clcland wan looking upon was a gallows. Ho was weak almost too weak to walk. For three months of starva tion , torture , suspense thrco months passed in dark and loathsome huts , black as the mouth of a pit , close and foul an the black hole of Calcutta , with hardly any water to drink , and only the loathsome food offered him nro sufficient to reduce any man to the lowest ebb. Sometimes Cleland almost prayed for death ; then , again , the love of life , common to every human being , came back to him with full force , nnd ho told himself that whrle thcro was life thcro was hope hope of rescue or of escape. How often in those days and nights of misery nnd physical Buffering did the memory of Margaret's palo , sweet face come to comfort and to strength en him ! Ho turned now to his gaoler no other than Osman Azrak himself after his first Involuntary shudder and shook Ills head. "I have already given you my an swer , and that scores of times , I shall not renounce my faith to escape death ! " "Then , by the Bword of the prophet , you have chosen your own fate ! " ex claimed the fierce fanatic. Ho turned nwny from Clelnnd and uttered a pe culiar call. In answer to H half a dozen black- bearded , flerco-cyed dervishes sprang as U wore from the earth Itself in reality , out of some of the trenches near at hand nnd came to 'his side. Osinnn uttered his inntructlons In low , rapid tones , nnd two of the tallest anil strongest , coming forward , laid 'each ' a hand under Clclnnd's arm , and led him forword towards that awful bluck thing facing him. Then ho knew that the end had come at last. Without preparation ho waste to bo hurled out of life Into the great Unknown beyond. In flvo minutes moro he would bo beyond all hope of rescue or escape ho would bo In eter nity. nity.Only Only those who have seen death thus suddenly near at hand know how dear life Is to all. "Tho weariest nnd most loathed worldly life" becomes the most precious of nil possessions , be cause to lose It Is to lose all that wo have over been familiar with. Thus Clcland felt for a moment ; nt it was only for n moment. Ono thought of Margaret rare , palo largarot , soon to bo separated from itn moro completely than over she ad been by the "unplumbod , salt , strnnglng sea" who might novcr vcn hear of his death ; ono passion- to , miito farewell "Good-by , my eve , my one , first nnd last lovo. Wo hall meet some day , some day , Mar- arot" and then his thoughts were urncd to the solemn moment before 1m. "My God , I commit myself Into Thy lands. Thou wilt keep mo , for I have rusted In Thee. " The wordless pray- r In his heart might BO have boon ranslated. They were at the gallows now. Ono f the dervishes held Cloland , while ho other skilfully throw n long strand f brown rope into a noose. It was Un shed ; ho was Just About to throw it over Cleland's nock , when A wild shriek broke on the sultry air , the sound of galloping horses uc- ompanlpd It ; and Clcland , looking up , saw many-colored flags and banners lloatlng on the air. , At the same mo- ncnt Osman's volco was hoard calling something in Arable. At the ' sound the dervish who hold the rope dropped t , nnd turned from Clcland with a scowl. The next moment Osmau ' himself approached. "It Is the will of Allah you should lie spared Just now , " ho said , addi ss- Ing Cleland. Then to the dervishes : 'Take him back to the hut. " But Cleland , unable to' stand any longer from sheer weakness , had iropped on the ground. They lifted ! ilm up and carried him to the hut , whore ho wns chained to a huge stone. Presently ho recovered himself i little , nnd was able to get up to hla feet. feet.Then Then ho was conscious of n great noise outside braying of donkeys , stamping of horses' feet , the shrill irles of Arabs , the sound of camcla' heavy tread. It lasted for about ten minutes , then suddenly ceased , and perfect silence succeeded it It reigned BO long that Clolnnd felt vaguely uneasy. Ho moved at last slowly across the hut , and , by pushIng - Ing away some of the brushwood'was , able to look out. The place was deserted ! Thcro was not n tent , a donkey , a camel , or an Aral ) to bo seen. IIo was alone alone nnd chained up like a dog , with llttlo or no hope of being able to rel'easo himself. Even if ho could , what then ? IIo know ho was at Mctommoh , In the heart of the desert , without food or drink. Even If ho were free could ho ever find his way to the British camp ? Ho had no idea as to where they were ; ho had not even heard that they were again on the move. Despair came to Cleland. It would have been better if they had killed him at once. Swift death was to be pre ferred to this fearful thought of dying inch by Inch. Still , ho must do something rather than IIo down In Inaction and despair. IIo would try to file away his chain that bound him. * * c c * It was flvo days later when the Anglo-Egyptian troops marched through Metcmmoh on their south ward way. "A town of the dead ! But , good heavens ! what Is that , Reid ? " ex claimed Colonel Beauchamp , as ho rode by the nldo of ono of his subal terns , pointing to tlm hut. "I could almost fancy there seems to me some thing like a man lying there on the sand ! " A moment Inter the command "Halt ! " was given ; the moving mass of camels and men came to a doail stop. The colonel nnd his subaltern dismounted and ran up to the hut. True enough , there was a man in British attlro , lying there on his face. They turned him over ; the colonel ut tered n startled exclamntlon ! " ' "Oh , God ! It's Paul Cleland ! " IIo was to all appearances dead. They raised him up , poured brandy- and-wnter down his throat , nnd had at last the satisfaction of hearing hlu sigh faintly. ( To be continued. )