Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 16, 1900, Image 1

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    IlUt Librarian Booloty
( inn slnalo drop of watch oil will keep
I your wiitcli well lubricated fora yonr.
To Insure period running and. timing ,
that drop U JugtnN necessary to the watch
SB nrotho gat'ons to the mammoth online.
Friction mid ntimuphcilc conditions
turn the fluent wntch oil Into dirty gam
II In n twelve man h.
After tlmt ynti carry a pocket piece-
not n time piece.
I charge more tbnu the 'tinker"
for watfh repairing , hut It Is
cbeiper for you In the long ran , .
Graduate of Chlcneo Optlmlmlo College.
All Standard
Machine- Oils
JG. . Haeberle's.
I lHi 't ttic ill"ti > rli l
111 t l < it v our
r -t > i lrfci
a i crt , ct
| . .i > . matnc
that does tbo business , any bungler
can buy the flne klnda of material
tbat J uao In repairing ; but ekill
is the moet valuable material tbat
can bo need In wutcb repairing ;
and the bungler can't buy It. 1
sell nay skill ( or wbat U IB worth
aud it will cost you lees tban
bungling at lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician.
West side of square.
In Memory of Our Brother , David E.
( .CompOBid by Sisters Bcselo and Ida Taylor. ]
He pnBecd away
To hcavon on n day ;
.AirId the munlc of birds
Too angelB bore him away.
Amid tbo scent of the llowors ,
Ills t-plrlt took Its lilt-lit ;
"Prom this world of care ,
To dwell In realms ot eternal light.
Xcavlng friends to mourn ,
Hie tors hard to ho home ;
3x > o Rites us strength to cay :
Thy will , O Fntber.w e pray I
ly They laid him to reet ,
. „ * M itti folded hands upon bis breast ;
rule was his mat bio brow ,
And cold those fond lips now.
Dark clouds IIUIIK o'er ,
And winds did whltpcr Ion ;
V hen they bore him away
To the tomb , that day.
1'enco to thee , dnar friend ,
UOBVon's stowors upon thy grave drecend ;
Kind friends around you weep ,
Aud jour Irnai-u In memory will keep.
We hope to meet thco ,
Over tha pear y sea ;
When at the golden gate
Loved friends watch and wall.
[ David E Taylor did not go to
'Grand Island on the 28th of July ,
as wo stated August 2d , but on
.Monday , July 30tb. En ]
Wescott & Gibbons havosoventy.
five head of trotting colts from four
to six years oldby our Onward and
Electioneer horses all up treaded ,
BlyliHl' , with good action , nil bays ,
chestnuts and biowns. Their damn
are by sons of Almost (33) ( ) , Exile ,
Van Ztmt , and other iinoly bred
Bullions. It will pay anyone want
ing such to conio nnd see them ,
they are the best bred lot of horses
in Nebraska. We also have twenty-
five head of olydo colts same ages
for sale and wo will Boll ono or all
at extremely low prices.
Weacott , Nebr.
liusiness Pointers.
Dr. T , W. Baas , dentist , Brokou
Lubricating oils of all kind * at
Wilkin's drug store.
Foil SALK Two good show
oases , W. II , OSHOUNK. tf .
Ice cream soda 5 cents a glass at
Wilkin'B drug store.
i'cpsin Gum , two packages tor a
Cannon City coal at Dierks
Lumber ( Jo.
Snyder Brow , still loads a'l ' com
petitors in priceswhich accounts for
their largo trade.
\Y. H Penu & Co. have just re
ceived a tine line of rnou'n dress
whooa. aglO 2w
Sealing wax good for canning
purpohcs at Wilkin'ri drug store.
A line line of new aud fresh
roccrios at Thompson , Rubluo &
iStevi n's Co.
FOR SALE ou liitNT A'y ' building
ou west side of squaro.
if 11. L. PKAZIEU.
WANTED. Three or lour more
boarders. Euqulrc of Mrs. B. VV. I'-d
wards , in Uealiy Block.
For drosa good go to Thompson ,
Rubleo ifc Stevens , if you waul
something elegant or cheap.
Store room lor rent on north
nido of public Kjuaro.
aglUf A T. SKYHOI/T.
Thompson , liublee & Stoveus
has a line line of shoes. See if
they are not just what you want.
Go to Mike Scanlon's Restaur
ant for the best lunch in town
and confectionery.
When looking for bargainn in dry
goods or notions you will look no
farther after you call on Snyder
Spring IB bore ! Drink Saasafrass
Tea for your blood.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. when in need of an ab.
strjot of title. E. Royso abstractor.
Write llaydon Bros. , Omaha
Wholesale Supply House for pmet
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
See Snyder Bros. ' fine line of
ladies shoes. They are the latest
and their prices ire bed rook.
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab-
fitract Co. E. Royso abstractor.
FOB SALK Eight room house
a.nd one aero of land also Burdotl
Organ cheap.
7 19 tf Inquire of L. E. KOON ,
FOR SALK A ouo story cottage
with six largo rooms , pleasant yard ,
and MirroundinuB. Price $900.
Call on L. J. Gandy or at this
otlice. 7 19th tf.
Snyder Boa. have added largely to
their stock of geode and rearranged
their stook which enables them to
bolter accommodate their customers
thin over.
Bon Gricbel will have a public
sale of cattle , hogs , farm machinery
aud household goods at his farm
one-half mile west of Walworth , on
August 17th It
AttcnlitMi , Cattlemen !
I have a fine section of pasture
land and want at leant 100 head o
cattle topasture. . Plenty of wate
and salt guaranteed.
Bring your butter , eggs , lard ant
all other countr } ' produce to Peal
& John , and get groceries , queene
wire and fresh frtlit , or orders fo
dry L'oodt * , boots , shoes , hard war
and drugs. PKALK & JOHN ,
The Realty Grocers , is the place.
Snyder Bros , have the finest as
sortment of dry goods the city
affords. Their line of drops goods
is largo and varied. If you want
something fine or tfomothmg cheap
call and see them. 8-2-tf.
A Good Thing-
Our Groat-Grandmother's
- garret
containing the same herbs of all
healing found in Karl's Clover root
tea. They gave our ancestor
strength , kept the blood pure , end
will do the same for yon if you say
so. Prioo 20 els. and 50 ots. Sold
by J. G , llaoberlo.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oilioc.
J. A. Harris wont to Lincoln
Monday night.
G. W. Apple made a budiuoas
visit to Omaha Monday night.
Judge Sullivan had a stack of
oats burned by lightning last night.
We will furnish'tho Kansas city
ournal and REPUBLICAN for $1.25
> or yoar.
Judge II. M. Sullivan is at Lin.
oln this week , perusing the state
J. N. Pealo loft last Monday
ight on a visit of ton days or two
weeks to North Carolina.
W. A. George and S. H. McCon-
oil , ot Georgetown , were friendly
alters at this oilico Saturday.
G. W. MoWilliams , of Iowa , is
isiting in the community with his
istor , Mrs Goo. ilersh , and other
olativos here.
The county attorney has boon
laking it interesting for several
hickcn hunters of lato. The way
f the trespasser is hard
Dr. Goo. Sutherland , president ol
ho Grand Island Baptist College ,
vas in the city betwe'en 5 and 10
o'clock Monday evening.
The Iloosiors had a reunion at
lound Grove yesterday. Dr. C.
3ickett was to have been ono of
mncipal speakers of the occasion.
The attention of our readers is
ailed tatho advertisemotB of horses
> y \VeHoott& Gibbons in this issuo.
. ' 'lioir stock consists of roadsters
md draft horses.
The ladinn of the Christian church
will give a lawn social at the rusi-
lenco of I. A. Reneau on the oven-
nB of August 27. The patronage
ol the public is solioled.
The attontiou of the public is
oallod to the now advertisement , of
W. 11 Penn fe Co. , this week.
IMioy have just added $2,000 worth
jf now goods to their store.
Prof. W W. Wotors and wife ,
who have been visiting in this vi
cinity several weeks , returned Mori-
lay to Petersburg , where the Pro-
fet-Hor will teach again the ensuing
Rov. Doggelt , rooter of the Epis
copal church , has returned from his
vacation , aud Sunday school and
morning services are bnmg hold as
usual. The evening service wJll
tot bo resumed until September.
Another line rain visited this vi
cinity last night. South west of
tov.n the hail did cousiderabh dam-
ape. Jesse Gandy lost 40 acres of
tnilet and 50 aoros of late corn.
Others were damaged more or toss.
The Ansley safe breakers had
their preliminary trial before Judge
Armour last Thursday. The evi-
donee was of such a nature that the
court bound them over in the sum
of $750 each to the district court.
For some unknown cause there
seems to bo quite a general opinion
in the city thot Broken Bow will
have only six months school the en
suing yoar. This is a mistake.
School will open Monnay September
third and willas , usual continue for
nine months' .
There is to bo a big ball game
between Callaway and Broken Bow
Friday August 17 , at two oolook
A grand ball will bo given in the
opera house in the evening for the
benefit of the Broken Bow ball team
livnry body invited. Tiokots 50
cents. Blackwell's orchestra.
E /j Glass , rf Lincoln , was a
friendly caller Monday , in company
with his brother , R. E. Glass , o
this city , whom ho was viewing
Mr. Glass is an engineer on the l >
& M. railroad , and has the passenger
gor run between Lincoln and Co
Judge Kinkaid , the republican
nominee for congress was a city
visitor Saturday having sloped over
on his way to Kearney. Ho has no
yet entered actively on his oampaigi
but is looking after the preliminaries
with a view of entering upon a
vigors campaign in the near future
Ho promises to visit Cuntor count
later on ,
It is boloived from latest reports
from China that the army of th
allied forces will roach Pokin to
day , If a peaceable entrance into
the walled city is granted , by the
dunces povormont , before the Rn
PUBLICAN roaches its readers th
legation that have boon imprisonet
so long m Pokin will be in charge
ot their friends ,
Rvno nud vicinity was visited
with a fine rain Tuesday night
Simon Cameron is booked f < : r a
speech today at the G. A. R. reunion.
Goo. Brown of Sargent was a
welcome caller at this office Mon
Goo. Waters' wheat in Dry val
ley averaged ton bushels to the.
C. II. Miller's house was ftruok
by lightning last night aud damag
ed considerably.
A big rain at Ansloy Tuesday
night washed out the mill dam and
several small bridges.
Reports ooino from Lincoln that
the G. A. R. reunion is proving
quite a SUOOOBB this wook.
Judge Reese wont to Lincoln the
first of the week to have charge of
the slate reunion of the G. A. R.
Fred Rinno returned this mor
ning from Lincoln where ho has boon
taking special treatment the past
two weeks ,
L. A. Britton , of Adams county
Iowa made this oilico u friendly call
in company with A. .Moore , his bro
ther in-law. Mr. Britton is look
ing ever the country with a view of
investing in a stook ranch ,
Preaching in the Baptist church
next Sunday nt 11 o'clock a. ui. , and
8 o'clock p. m. Morning subject ,
"Heaven , and the Way tbat Leads
to it. " Evening subject , "Future
unishmeut. " A cordial invitation
extended to everybody to attend
hose bervicos.
Edwin F. Myers is having an ad-
lition built to his building ou
vlain Atioot , to make room for Jaw.
argoy's billiard tables. Mr. Lir-
7oy has six tables , and the present
com in only largo enough to ao-
lotnmodato four , which necessitates
ho addition to the room.
Miss Myrtle Alberts of Baroboo
Wit-cousin arrived Monday on a
visit with her uncle H. W. Alberts
tnd aunt Mrs ! D. C. Konklo of
Weissert. It is Miss Alberts first ,
visit to Nebraska. It is something
new to her to see such largo fields
of corn and so comparatively few
wheat stacks.
Mr. and Mrs. S. F. Clayton , of
Lillian , are the proud parents of a
0-pouna boy of recent date. Wo
indeistand that Sam thinks of do-
'orri' < g the naming of the boy until
ifter election , so as to ramo him tor
the successful presidential oandi
date. If that bo true , bo hid just aa
well commence calling him MoKin-
oy , or Mao for short , as MoKinley's
'lection is a foregone conclusion ,
without doubt.
Republican League Meeting.
A meeting of the Republican
league and Rough Riders will bo
iold at the court house Saturday
night to complete the organization.
The Union Sunday School Picnic.
The union Sunday School picnic
lias again been postponed for an
indefinite poiiod. The cause of the
delay is the inability of tbo B. & M.
Co. to furnish the train , owing to
the state G. A. R. reunion , the
national encampment and other
excursions , which employs all their
engines and oars. The committee ,
however , hopas to bo able to make
a definite date in a few days.
Rev. L. L. Eploy , pastor of the
U. B. oh arch , expects to move to
York about the first of September ,
where he will give the greater part
of his time to his church paper
Mr. and Mrs Eploy , while residing
in I ho city , have built up many close
friendship and besides have estab
lished a very favorable reputation
with all who have had the pleasure
of their acquaintance. In Rov.
Eploy's removal , his church hero
loses an able and faithful minlttor ,
and the community a good citizen.
Mr , Eploy will not conclude his
pastorate hero until the middle of
Mrs. S W. Hicbards reooivod
the Hud intelligence the first of the
week of the death of Mrs. Sob I maun ,
her aunt aud foster mother , at
Fruitdalo , California , who died on
the 3d inst. at the advanced ago of
eighty years. The deceased waa in
her usual health , and the evening
previous to her death ate a hearty
supper before retiring. It is thought
she di"d from heart failure some
time dnring the night , Mrs. Rich
ards wont to live with her when she
was only four years old , and made
her homo thorn while single. The
RBPUHLICAN extends to Mrs , Rioh-
ardb and family the sincere sym
pathy of the community in ( heir
Makes the food more delicious and wholesome
. , .
Miss Myrtle Frey Mnrrlctl.
Last week when wo acknowledged
tbo receipt of an invitation of
Mayor Plallo and wife , of Grand
Island , to attend a roooption tendered -
dorod Captain Ralph Platte nud
wife on the Oth inst. , wo had not
the least idea that Mm. Ralph Platte
was our former towns lady , Miss
Myrtle Froy. But from the follow
ing report in the World-Horald , wo
learn the facts , and hasten to cxtoud
our congratulations to Mr. and Mrs
Platte ever the happy event.
"There is Homotlnng of a romance
oonnootod with the marriage of
Captain Platte and Misa Frey ,
which oouurrod hint Friday i-voning
at Grand Island. Captain Platte
resigned his position us judge ad -
vooato at Manilla and returned to
Tauoma on the Empress of India ,
July 28. The captain was taken ill
with a fever aboard the vecsol , and
tor a time hit ) life was despaired of ,
and Miss Frey , a professional nnrso ,
attended him , The attachment
sprang up hotwoeu them , uud a
wedding yiiBiiod.
Captain Platte , after graduating
at Ann Arbor , returned to Omaha
and embarked in the newspaper
Sold. Ho scoured n Hituation on j
the Omaha \Vorld-IIoraUl , and for
hovoral mouthi covered local assign
mentH , and was assigned to etato
politics , reporting several political
conventions and meetings.
Captain and Mrn. Plaito loft last
evening for Chicago and the InkeH.
His miBBion to this country was in
behalf of the Chinese imperial gov
ernment to WaBhington tointoroode
along certain lines , the nature of
which ho refused to diuoloso. Ho
said , however , that his mission had
been performed , and wan mutually
aatififaotory to both governments
Captain Platte was judge advooato
under General Otis prior to hie
return to this country Juno 28. "
iMnceil in Vultetl HtatcH iCxlillilt
at I'arlH TCxpoHltlonVln -
I-'Irwt I'rla-.e.
William A. Taylor , of the United
States Department of Agriculture ,
who hold the position of acting po-
moloftist at the Paris Exposition ,
has written George A. Marshall , ol
Arlington , of Nebraska's success in
competition at the world's exposi
tion about a month ago. Mr. Tay
lor was in charge of the United
States horticultural exhibit , and ho
convoys the information that in the
temporary competition of Juno 27th
tbo collection of apples of the crop
of 1880 , exhibited by the Nebraska
horticultural society , was awarded
first prize , "Premier Prix. " There
were four varieties on exhibit ,
the ben Davis , Dominie Molntosh
and North West Greening , all grown
by Marshall Bros. , of Arlington.
Tbough the collection contained
fewer varieties than the collections
from some of the other states , the
fruit was in excellent condition , and
presented a fiua appearance. Speci
mens of tbo above varieties in the
exhibit of the Nebiacka Ilorlioultu
ral society were included in the
general collection of the United
States , which constituted forty va
rieties from fourteen different states.
This collection was awarded "Pre
mier Prix" by the jury in the
world's competition.
The honor is regarded with pride
by these who were instrumental in
making Nebraska's exhibit what it
was. Mr. Taylrr says ho feels that
the effort to increase the European
demand for American fruit bids
fair to succeed , lie says the out
look at present for the immediate
and large increase in the demand is
very favorable. alO 3t
Roy Thompson , who for the past
two years has been in the employ
of F W. IlaypH , the jeweler , has
gone into the jewelry business for
himself at Ansloy. Roy belongs to
ono of the best families in Broker )
Dow , and is a most excellent younj
man , strictly moral , upright , and a
good citizen. Ho is a splendid
workman in his line , industrious
and strictly reliable. The people
of Ansley will find hir n man with
whom it is a pleasure to do business ,
and ono whose acquaintance will bo
appreciated ,
ltoiiibUcnu | League Organized
Monday night a number of oiti-
zuns mot at the court house and
organized a republican Iringue , and
took steps toward organizing a com
pany of rough riders , A temporary
organization of the league wns ef
fected by electing Judge Armour
temporary chairman , and Claude
Piokott secretary.
On motion the chair was author
ized to Appoint a committee of three
on constitution and by-laws , The
chair appointed as suoli committee ,
J. J. Snyder , Dr. Piokott and Simon
On motion the chair appointed
the following soliciting committee
for membership : Dr , W. E. Tal-
hot , L. J. Gandy , 11. O. Day and
IT. C. Piokott.
The matter of organizing a rough
lidors' club was discussed.
On motion Simon Cameron WAS
chosen leader of the club. The
soliciting committee wore author
ized to have members as they en
rolled write " rider"
, "rough opposite
their names , in cusa they desire to
become members of thorough riders'
troop. The object of Mr Camorou
is to organize a troop which shall
consist of eighty members.
Moved that the rough riders
meet in Broken Bow , Saturday ,
September 1st , at 10 o'clock a. m. ,
tc spend the day in drill.
It was further moved that the
boys bring food for their hoises ,
mid spurs if they have them , but
lot to bring their dinners , as dinner
will bo provided for in the city. It
s expected to secure the fair ground
'or the purpoHo of the drill. ThoRough
Rough Riders' club will be an aux-
liary to the league , and all who fool
an interest in the success of the
entire republican ticket are solicited
tp become members , either of the
oague or rough riders. The organi
sation started out with a membor-
tdup of sixty , and before the first
of September it in desired to in
crease the list to 150. The uniform
of the rough riders will consist only
of a RooHovnlt hat and sash
rAYLOH At ttio llrokon How hospital Monday
night , Mrs. Kiln Tuylor , nlfoof Deputy Sheriff
Taylor , of thin clly.
The deceased had boon in poor
loalth for a year , and recently fdio
row much worno and waa taken to
.ho hospital , whore she could re
ceive special oaro , but all to no
avail. The deceased's maiden name
was Wosoott , aho being ono of four
sisters , who formerly were counted
Huong Custer county's mostefliciont
oachers. Miss Eliza is still engaged
In the work , and for several years
lias been teaching in the public
schools of Omaha , The deceased
leaves a husband and several small
children to mourn her death. The
remains wore taken to Woscott , her
former homo , yesterday , and were
laid to reel in the VVcsoott ceme
tery Many arc the friends of the
deceased who will join with us in
extending to the relatives our sin
cere sympathy in their great bo-
UHOOKS At her homo near Kmlell , Kubr. . ot
contumptloii , .July lltli , ll'DO. at sunset , ilrn.
Edith 1 , Ilrookn , tiulorcd wife ot Tliomim 11
llroolip , und ( lauglitur of Mr. and Mrs.Vm. .
Gibson , aged 'M youtu , 3 weeks and 3 days.
For twenty years Edith has lived
in this community , and consequently
had a large circle of acquaintance
She was baptised by immersion , by
the late Rev. J. M. Maxwell , and
wan a member of the Second Ejclell
Baptist chinch. She wai an ener
getic Sunday School worker us long
as shu had strength to attend. She
wan an earnest chrihtian , and a be *
Hover in the near personal coining
of Christ. Wo hiivo laid heron the
hill side to rest until the morning of
the rcHiirroction. When the voice
of the good Shepherd shall awake
her to everlasting life , she will
"know his voice and shall come
forth , " to roooivo "life much more
abundantly. " She loft a little boy
three yoarr old. Ho has a homo
with his grandparents , where ho is-
dearly loved and cared for. Ono
brother and one Mister , L , E Gibson
and Mrs. 11. I , YeiiBon , of Lowell ,
Nebr. , are left to mourn the loss
that can never bo regained in thia
world of trouble , but
"Far beyond the baunilH ot time ,
llopo iiolulB u to the bloat ;
Wliuru all U lu twenty and nubllmo ,
The boul'b olcmal reel. "