Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 09, 1900, Image 8

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    Every woman In the country
otujht to know nhotit
Those wlio lo know about it
wnndur how they ever } t"t " ' " "K
without It. It has robbed child
birth of its terrors for ninny n
younevlft . It has jncservcd her
girlish flK ru iul navcd her much
suffering. It is an external lini
ment and cnniesith it therefore ,
absolutely no clangi r of tipsettiii } , '
tlio system as dm , s taken intern
ally arc apt to do. It is to bo
rubbed into the abdomen to soften
and strengthen the muscles which
arc to bear the strain. This means
much less pain. It also prevents
morning sickness and all of the
other discomforts of pregnancy.
A druggist of Macon , Ga. , says :
"I have sold a largo quantity of
Mother's Friend nnd have never
known an instance where it has
failed to produce the good results
claimed for it. "
A prominent lady of Lam-
bertou , Ark. , writes : " \Vith my
first six children 1 was in labor
from 24 to 30 hours. After using
Mother's Friend , my seventh WHS
born in 4 hours. "
Out Mollirr'H I'rleml nt tliu ilrnjr
Muro , HI.00 IMT lintllii.
Wrlli for onr fr llluilrilM l .k , "HEFOHE IJA11V
Of Flntt Ncbruskit UeKimcnt , at Wal
nut , lowu.
The uuvoiiiug of the inonuinont
to the tuuinory ot their departed
brother , Nat SIDIH , by the Wood-
nion of the World in tliiw city Hun-
day waH n very tinprcHHivu oxeroitto
and WUH witucsHod by from 1000 to
1200 people , ill the neighboring
towQH buing liberally roproHunlcd ,
The proooHsioa formed at the
opera houbo nnd innrched to thu
ccmotory in the following order :
Avooa Cornet Baud , Kirk man
Camp , Atlantic Camp , llnrlau ( Jani ] > ,
Miudon Camp , Manic Camp , Low IB
Camp , BpaniKh-Ainurioaii War
YotoranH , parents and friouds in
carriage ? ,
On reaching the crmotory the
Woodmen formed in a circle pbout
tlio grave while the vast audience
Hcoured plaooH PH near aH possible to
yvilnc fl the imprcHHivo and boauli
ful ritual work of the ordor. The
uxoroisoH , of course , were under the
direction of Walnut Camp and
- after the band had rendered -'Near
er My God to Tlioo , " the Council
Commander of the camp said ;
"Estoemod Sovoroijna and
FrUndo : it has bo1 n the custom
for centuries to oominomorato great
events and perpetuate grand achieve * the erection of imponiny
and enduring inouuuiontH. Wo are
assembled , today , to dedicate a
monument , reared by willing hands
and loving hearts , to honoi the
name nnd memory of a Sovereign
of the Woodmen of the Woild. It
IB the fulfillment of air obligation
which all Woodmen have taken to
protect the good name of each other
while living and mark well his
grave when dead. Standing upon
this hallowed spot wo are ead and
sorrowful , and wo think of our
departed Sovereign with tenderness ,
his goodness wo would magnify
and his shortcomings wo have biriod
in the dark rcoebses of forgetful-
' Wo are hero to honor his mem
ory and give expression to our re
spect for those whom bo loved best.
Wo are the Jnunblo servants to exe
cute as a Woodman , aud unto him
and not unto us bo the praise for
his wine forethought in conferring
upon us the privilege of comforting
the bereaved ones for whom ho
provided. The cold stone which
shall mark his last routing place ,
stands llko n faithful sentinel to
guard his duet tuul indicate to the
world hia devotion to these ho loved
ard to his ohosun oraft. It tells a
story , though mute and motionless.
It glorifies life ; it idealizes death.
Passionless , immovable , stern and
unyielding , it symbolizes the faith
of humanity. The passerby will
pause and road the name of a good
man and a true Sovereign.
"It will be inspiring to emulate
his life , that the passer-by may become -
como worthy of such a tribute when
earth shall bo to his closing ayes a
fading shadow , passing away into
his future , when his eyes shall bu
opened to the brightness of the
hereafter , winch , like a sweet and
beautiful viaion shall oomo stealing
o'or BOUSOS and changing , ever
changing , ehall have its fruition in
a perpetual reality of joy. "
The olork than placed the pike
polo and fltroamera at the foot of
the grave ; the watchman and sentry -
try Jaid branches and a wreath upon
the grave ,
At the direction of the oonBul
commander the miHtor of cori'inon-
i H then advanced and loonencd the
lover , whiuh , to tint lime , had
veiled the monuimmt. The consul
commander then advanced to the
moi.umeiit upon which I o rapped
three tiuicH with tliu beetle and
H'li'i ; "Ljvt1 , hmior , remembrance1 , "
( In n hprinkliiig salt upon the stone )
' Hy Iho token of salt , an Llunont
pnnoivalivi' , I doliualo this monument
ment to Sovereign Sims o a tribute
to h'H worth , oionlcd b > the Wood
men of the World. Ho speaks
though he bo silent. "
Advisor Lieutenant advanced with
axe and oil VCH el , striking the
moi ument with IIIH ux nnd said.
"LoVf , honor , remembrance. Thou
nnnoitittd ! Wo a/'iioint thy mom-
mt'iil ; our prim sen we fulfill I
ikdicatu this monument to the
memory of Sovereign Sinn as a
tribute to his failhfiilni'tH ' to his
vows ; erected by the Woodman of
the World. IIo speaks lhoui > h ho
be f-ilent. "
The banker and clerk advanced
wiih wodgt ) , water jug and goblet.
Tlin banker Htnkcs the monument
with the wedge and says , "L-wo ,
honor , remembrance" The oJork
he'd ' tlio goblet and the banker
poured water into it , both drank
and the clerk gently poured water
on the monument when the banker
said , "Living , our departed Sovereign
ign accepted a libation of pure water
to colebralo his aucepanco of the
| . 'incipalsof Woodcraft. Dead , wo
recall his virtues by a libation of
pure water" ( drir.ks water ; wo
shower his monument with pure
water emblematic ot our toan of
sorrow ( pours water on the monument
ment ) and pours bauk to earth
( oloik pours watoi on the ground )
libations to the honor of ail deceased
Sovereigns. I dodicalo this inonu
inont to Sovereign Sims , he speaks
though ho bo silent. "
At the conclusion of the ritualistic
work , Ilov. D. 12 Evans , of Lewis
dulivered an olcquonl and heart
felt eulogy upon the deceased , pay
ing high tribute to his character
both as a member of the order and
a oit'/.en. A brief history of the
short life of Iho departed was also
given in which- high tribute was
pnid to the patriotism and love of
his country which prompted the de
ceased to leave homo and fr > ends
and go forth to the distant islands
of the seas to do battle for his conn-
tip and his ilag.
The monument is a beautiful one
bearing the various iusigmas of the
order and setting forth the name ,
figo and place of death of the de
Nat Sims was born jut ever the
line in Pottawattamie county September -
tombor 20 , 1878. Most of his life
was spent in that and Cnss counties ,
where ho grew to manhood. When
Iho call for troops oamo to defend
the ling in the war with Spain , he
enlisted with Co. "M" First Ne-
jrawka Volunteer Infantry and it
was from wounds received at the
bittlu : of Malolus on March 26,1800 ,
while engaged with bin command ,
against the Filipino Insurrectionists ,
that the deceased died in the hospi
tal at Manila on March 26 , two days
ator. 'I ho remains arrived in Wal
nut and were laid to rest in the
ocmutory , February 17 , 1900 in the
f/ravo which is now markoJ by the
beautiful monument which his
jrothor Woodmen have erected to
i is memory.
Itcv. J. Ueo. Gibson Not Dead.
It has been quite generally pub
lulled and believed , that Kov. J.
oroo.Gibsonpastor of the Emmanuel
Baptist church of San Francisco ,
who was pastor at the time of Du-
rant'a trial , for the murder of the
two young ladies iound dead in the
attic of the church building , thnt
Gibson bud died , and that on his
death bed ho had confessed to have
murdered the girls under similar
circumstances to these proven
against Durant. The statement
was a fabrication for which there is
no excuse. The following letter ,
copied from the Mi sionaryMouthly ,
from Rev. Gibson to Dr. T. J.Mor
gan , secretary of the Homo Mission
Board , of Now York , establishes
without doubt the falsity of the
story :
"Dr. T. J. Morgan.
Dear Brother : Your latter ol
Juno 20th received , lamalivoand
well , after preaching in Emmanuel
Churoh for more than five years. I
have a whole piio of eastern papoie
containing the IIOWB of my death.
The lie is traveling around , and I
cannot slop it. The three great
papers of San Francisco the Ex
aminer , Chronicle and Call have
all denied that I am dead ; also the
Bulletin ; but it is no use , the lie
goes on.
From what I oan learn there have
been several cases of murder and
robbery where the lawyers have
argued against circumstantial evi
dence , and out of pure imagination
have referred to the Durrani oaeo
nnd my death as a picture of where
a mistake was made.
I have the Buffalo News. The
last three mouths I have been kept
Wo hayo purchased tlio ttoek of HIOYCLE8. olo. , from
Edwin F. Mors. Wo have moved jiiHt across Ilia Htroot
from tlio old location , where we are bettor situated , liavo
inoro room , and can show you what wo liavo. In addi-
ti > n to our Htook of
Bicycles , Sundries , etc. , wo have employed
tlio BEST GUN REPAIR MAN this ride of Omaha.
If you liavo an old gun that won't Hhoot , bring it in ,
and wo will fix it for you. Wo utill have a few EAGLE
HI CYCLES loft , and oan Hell yon 0110 on easy toruia.
Also wo have a full line of AMMUNITION.
Repairing of all kinds. ' Bicycles and Guns for rent
nmnn nmna
busy writing 10 papers end getting
their expressions of rogrot. The
article , especially the hst clause ,
may have boon penned by a Catho-
lie , but I scarcely think so. I have
never met with a Catholic who wan
pleased with the id.a of Durrani
joining that church.
I Imvo no hope of stopping the
lie unices I stump the country ; and
I am not willing to do that. Thank ,
iug you for your kindly interest ,
I remain youiH heartily ,
43 Hill Street , July 2 , 1000. "
M II. A. ricnic.
The Htokon Bow lodge rf the
Modoru Brotherhood of America
hold a basket picnic in the Monk
grovu in the north part of the city
last Saturday. The attendance
I'.umborod about three hundred , and
in every particular the mooting WOH
a success. There was a largo num
ber present from Merna , Cuniro ,
Annloy , Ansolmo and Mason City
odgcs to enjoy the occasion. Merna
anrl Cumro furnished the larger
number , however. With the ex
ception of a strong wind , which at
Limes made it rather disagreeable , a
ino time Hoomod to be enjoyed by
all. The grounds wore put in ex
cellent shape , with platform and
seats ample to accommodate all.
See-saws and swings , which were
provided for the little folks , were
constantly in use. R. N. Noroutt
erected a frame swing , that provpd
a bonanza for the binaller children ,
and there was not a minute during
the day , unless it was at dinner
time , but that it was in use.
lee cream and lemonade were
furnished free by the ledge , and it
is McoillocB to say that the stand was
liberally patronized. Mesda.mes
Richardson , Cos'ier and Wells wore
kept busy serving the frozen desert ,
which all pronounced first class.
After dinner the following pro
gram was rendered :
Bonn America 11 y Audience
1'rnjrcr Ilov. 8. W. Hicharda
Duet . . Mlepus amllo Norcmt niul Ellz.i lloyso
Address nf Welcome I'rea. J I ) Iteam
KoHjionHc Sannu'I Drown , of Ansley Ledge
( | nurot ( MlftHca Grace utul Dolllit Forney anil
Meferu. I.uco atiil Wclla , ol Merna loilse.
Address Dr C 1'lckett
Itecltntton MBR | 1'cnrl t'oenor , of Mernn
Dmil Ular.cbu and Hello Coeiicr
Declamation K. J. Thomas
Duct Missco Sadla Norcutt and Kllza BOVPB
Mediation M. II. A. Hosier.Sllss Zeda Grant
SOUK Norma Halo
KecttRllon Lllllnu Ulcbardu
Song L. A. Wells
Mentation Unrl Smltli
Speech J. F Uryson , Sec. Cumro ledge
liecllutlon Olllo 1'lclioU
S. S. Ilayman , state organizer ,
who was to have been present , was
unfortunately detained at homo in
Grand Island , on account of the
death of a sister Friday night pre
The following is the rooitation
delivered by Zoda Grant , her
mother , Mrs. Calista Grant , being
its author , and is published by re
quest :
M. 11. A KOSTKK.
Out president ells In his clmlr of sta'c ,
And Issue ! lila orders to all ;
Wo obey him , too , mid our duty wo do ,
When \ro meet In the M. It. A. hull.
Ills orders are written HO plainly ,
None may nilruudmtaud , It would eeom ;
Ho don't stop nt a qnlro of paper ,
Hut uses It up by the Itenm.
ot Smiths In this land there's a plenty ,
lliackBimlhs and locksmiths Riiloro ;
For nil are needed , their work Is speeded ,
Hut our senior vice ID the Smith \\u adoru ,
IMnklo HlchardBon , hu la our chnplaln ,
Aud reads from tliu Hook that li true ;
Our trenimrcr , Eva Amslierry ,
Will empty your pockets for you.
IK Itz , hu's big , Jat and Jolly , sometimes n story
ho toll * .
While water Hint's purest , and coldest and
surest ,
leilraun from the deepest of Wells.
WO'TO a linker too , In our lodge room ,
Aud a TeaKardeu fair to see ,
With a King In her royal robea ,
And bqulrcs of high degree.
Mr. Kennedy " 11. hire you the horses ,
llert bliim tlio drlrer will bo ;
liob Norcutt will build yon it bcus that w 11 all
With the purest of cctasy.
Ot the Sirs. Mcdornmck binder you all have
heard , you say.
Olio thiug I can tell about her , she wears
auM II. A. ;
And we hnvo no nights In onr lodge room ,
Hut n bright and shining Day.
Jim Cocner Bends In applications ,
And will paint jou a house if you ask ;
llu'll tnko all your ironoy. and call yon a honey ,
And then Mil declare ' 'that's no task. "
MUs Warrlngton , too , la a member ,
A dearly loved tcacln r In school :
Wlillo autet music Hoods ( ho lodge room at
From the hands of our golilon Uulo.
Oi.e DlUcerjut to mention , that' * ever faithful
sad true ,
Ills books ate always In order , he does the
work of two-
I ) . M. Atnsberiy. our lodge nceretary
And cornea Builllug to uie or to you ,
With a , u'cntio reminder , ' 'dear deter or brother ,
Your per capita tax Is duo ; "
Whlln I on-ing , the deputy postmaster ,
Will liund out your letttits to jou.
There's Thorns * , IIU'R doubting no longer ,
lint will ray n good word for the lodno ;
And Dr. C. TJckutt will chirp llko a cricket ,
To keep up with Jeffords , Vnnnlcu imil 0.
Wltb the papers sent In at each meeting ,
To be voted on rlvlit rway ,
OnniCH a ranstngu nlon" ltli the paper : * ,
"Grant , this application , wo pray , "
There's the \Vlno man. , and Milliner Uall ,
Miss Lewis , It. WbofUr , amiMlg Soldier Paul ;
And our wea widow , Hnlrd , could never be scared
Ily the goa > Unit's shaggy and tall.
This Inilgo of ours two more preachers own
The Uaptlst U'chards ; and one alone
It so very temperate , that If you stay ,
Yon'11 see hu only takes one lion day.
I bavo tried to think of them nil by nmne ,
Hut that I never could do ;
For the M. B A. has come to stay ;
Don't you think you had better Join too ?
Mesdames Kcnoyer and Oreon.thenJIui Ilolcotub ,
I've thought till my head Is hollow ,
To recall nil the names of the M. 11. A , ,
Hut still there la more to follow.
Wo will try and Introduce to you
The eighty odd that wo could not name ;
We want jour place In our lodte room filled ,
And you'll never regret the eatuo.
So there's going to bo a big picnic ,
Saturday , Auuuxt the 4111. is the day ,
If you'll ( .nine right along , wo will sing yon a song
Of our glorious M. H. A.
L J. and Jesse Gandy returned
Saturday from a ihort trip to Colorado
rado , where they accompanied their
brothers. J. P. and W. H. Gandy.
Tbey visited Denver , Greeley and
other points of interest while gone.
Jesse visited A. W. Griffith and
family at Denver and enjoyed a
pleasant time , IIo says Mr.
Griffith has given up the Sunday
school work and is praotiug hw
Miss Emily is teaching in the city
schools at $80. per monthprospects
of being promoted to $100 pofition
Clurleyisin the collecting business
and among his clients is a Mrs. Grant
dam-liter in law of the late Gen. U.
S. Grant , whoso estate is worth a
million. IIo reports the family all
doing well , which is welcome news
to their many friends in Custer
A dispatch to the World-Herald from
Ansluy of Aug. Gth , states that on last
night Fanny Doblsli , the 0 year-old
daughter of Frank Uoblsh , a farmer
llvinu elx miles south of Ansley , was
dragged to death by n horse. It is sup
posed the child placed the bridle strap
around her neck and tried to get ou the
horao , the horau b'joama frightened aud
ran , dragging the child until the bridle
broke , when the child wna dead.
Greatest gathering of the clans in the
history of Nebraska at Lincoln , August
15. Draw Indies and fair ladlea from
all ovor.tho state wl.l bo there. Thrco
special Highlander trains to Lincoln over
ttie Burlington Route , one from Falls
City , another from Kearney , still an
other from Griuid Island. All three
trains will reach Lincoln at 10 00 n. m.
Returning leave Linoiln 11.00 p. m.
giving visitors a whole day to enjoy the
program arranged for their entertain- '
moot. Only $5 15 for the round trip ,
Broken How , Nob. to Lincoln. Got
tickets from the local ticket agent. For
information ' about train service , see ily
Cull for CtiHter County Populist
To all populists In Cutter county , Nebraska ,
that are opposed to f tip Ion with either ot the old
political parties , and to those who believe In the
cardinal principles of populism , as set forth In
the Omaha , Cincinnati and Grand Island plat ,
forms , that demands direct legislation , public
ownership of all public utilities , government
ownership of railroads , and a poople'a overn-
m nt Inn teed of a party government , nd to
all tho.'o who ate true to the principles of papa-
llsm , and are willing to al n their names to a
declaration of prli clploi setting foiththeir inten
tion to act In good faith , and to support .0 can
didates nominated atCh clnnatl , Ohio , nnd Grind
Island , Nebraska , are hereby called to meet In a
mass convention nt Hroken How , Ne' ekn , on
Friday , September7th 1000 , nt 10 o'cln % m. ,
for tlio purpose of nominating ouo can. to for
county attorney ; aud to select delegates for the
congressional convention of the Sixth congres
sional district ; alto to select delegates to the
sctntorlnl and representative conventions ; also
to elect a full set of township for
each precinct ,
The place ami dite of boldlne the Congressional ,
Benatoilal ami UoprescntatlTo Conventions will
bo mudrt pnbllc at the County convention
Tlioso who wish to stand up aud light for equal
aud exact Justice for all men are cordially liiTltod
to attend this convention and meet with us on
populUt principles
A H. lUllTLET.
State Central Commtttcmau for Ouster County.
This article was oUered the Cutter Co. Chief.
The editor would not agree to publUti lame And
tlio CuBtor Co , Deacon would not publish same
nltbuut making a ( hinge In the tutlclo. llencu
via are compelled to use the Keuubllcuu.
-.THE -
I Commerical Hotel |
Sonthweat corner Square , '
- i
j ! | The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished ! ji
jj'jjl ' throughout. Sample rooms for Commerical men. Bath Jf $
vis rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. 5 $
Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruits and VegefabiBs.
Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best
C. B. BETTS Painter
. . . , Decorator
I Once Was Lost , "but How I Have
Found it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
vorld . is it , my _ dear ? It IB . . at _ . the _ _ Eagle Grocery , a mam-
Wt f\.f Tfft S nlr nff IJl v An a * sM J .A J-1 1 J
posted on what was being offered for sale ? They
say anything about Terbackpr and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Tistmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
inember the place , on the big corner , "jnst east of First
National Bank.
W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.
Broken Bow merchants have
struck bed rook prices ou Groceries.
Go to A. Wallace west side of
square and get the list of articles
for fc3 20 :
1 pkg breakfast food 4 Ibs coffee
1 sack ilour 1 dozen pickles
U bars soap 1 Ib dried ponchos
I pkg yeast 1 Ib ovup. Apples
8 Ibs sugar 1 Ib march
1 pkg soda 1 Ib dried apricot * *
Ib spicoa 1 Ib rico
A I'ropoHtU TO aiarrlcci l.
Editor of Cnetcr county REPUBLICAN.
Please aimotmce tliat wo are sonainjf , postpaid
and free of charge , an elegant tterllng sllrer-
iilatccl hURar shell , each ns wo sell regularly at
40ceacli , to every married lady In the United
Stutea who writes for it. Tliero U nothing to pay.
The grift U abailuto. EachJaUy will send her
own name only , KB this U lee valuable a gift to
> oud to persons who don't nek tor It thenuelres.
Uouivo choice of anyofoar40c designs , and
will send Illustration from which aulectlon may
bo made Onr object is to advertUe Quaker
valley ullvorwnro.Vn belloTO that the moet
clleetlve way of dolug thin la to get sample * Into
the home * of the ponpla. Ladles , nluasu wrl ten
to day. btats thai it ii yonr nr t renua-t for on.
of our eouroiiir gifts. Quaker Valley MJg. Co.
M - JL :