Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 02, 1900, Image 8

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    t -
a Woman 41Ol
wants to put out n dro- she doesn't
hen ] ) on oil and w < 30d. She throws
on watcr.knowlng that waterquenches
fire. When rt womwu wants 10 , ; H
I well from diseases peculiar to her sex ,
she should not ndd fuel to the drc
already burning her llfo nwuy. She
should not take worthless drugs and
potions composed of harmful narcot
ics nnd opiates. They do not check
the disease they do not cure It- they
simply ndd fuel to the firo.
L Biadfltld's Female
Regulator should betaken
taken by every woman
or ; who IMS the
; < 4 I susp cion of
HUN ot tlio nil-
nu nt i which nf >
Out \v o in f n.
I lav will simply
bo wiihtiiur tltuu
until they tnko It.
Tlio lU-pulutor la
n i > u r I f y 1 n K ,
Htri'ittM lietiIn K
Atonic , which jcts
t therootHol I ho
tliuciitixe. It ilovs not
the pnln , It t'rmllcuten It ,
It Btopx fulling" ' tin ) womb ,
Intiuorrheii. inrliunmittlon
nnd periodical Hurfcrin , Ir-
roKMlnt' . 'Bounty or iinlnful
inunHtrunilon ; nnd by dolnj ;
all this drives nwny the
hundred nnd ono nuhoHiutd
pnlns which drnln livnUh
nnd bcntity , ImpplncRH mid
Hood lumper fiom tniitiy n
wonmn'H llfo. It H the ono
remedy nbove nil othnri
whluh every womnn should
Vno\v nbnut nnd iuo ,
81.00 per liotlln
t tiny druc iitoro ,
Sfinl fur our free
UhlsUutnl bonk.
All.\nt.\ ,
Stiturvi | or's
Friday July 111 , 1900
Tlio tMinqiinit Ux uoinnuttva re-
potlul to refund ( J UI'ulhnm tl.'Jl
iintl II B AndrttH * ! 17 00
Tlu > followii g ckviuiH wire hold
fur taii'H.
11 M IJiowni'll , L > I1 Brown , 0 L
Smith , M It ttlc , 1 N tiiiiix , A t >
L5i ) < kliituki-r , Clins StroM , V Allyn ,
S II Brown , ,1 Alujur , C U Dml , 1'
KobtiM , G K KiiHKtim , W G Kustntnn ,
I U rail burn , J KCOIUUH.
Hnchbuhl ,
Poor frirtn , court houtiO nnd j'ti
ronuniUt'O rt'i'Ortt'd to allow :
W II Bans . 13 40
N'K Armstrong . 1 4 00
U IJ Pirli-y. . . fi OS
Purmll lirof . 38 lift
Chas Penn . 'JO 4. ' .
Cnrr ,
Cootu y ,
Tliu bridge and bridge clainih
C'lnunilloc rcportul to allow :
U O hind . 0 DO
II F Shipley . 8 00
DitrKH Lumber Co . 2 40
D A VausaiU . UIOO OC
' . 118 00
' . 'J85 04
J.lIromcH . fi 26
G K Uurr . 11 DO
PWymoru . 31 26
J T Arthur . 23 85
A U Uutclu-r . 8 26
J Cooi.ey . fi 00
CJ M UlowiiR . 7 00
B L MchohiP . 10 Ufi
Arthur ,
Ooont'y ,
Simi-nnminl Mntemcnt ot J B Os-
bourn county olork.
July 1 , 1900 , total amount re-
riivod from all instrumentHied t
. $380 40
Micuolliuiootih fees . . . 1QD 78
Total . . . $550 It
All of which I eerlify to be cor
rco' .
County Clerk ,
July 1 1VGO , Htcoived ou order *
"f H ; | H , . , , * 481 OS
Summons utc , nrd civil
caeett . 185 T6
Criminal wo.k and jailora
fet-8 -jao 00
, lax fce 101 00
Total f 11 itsi ?
N E Armstrong.
ShJr.ff. .
| o before mo this 7lh d.-ij
of July , IflOO. J. B. Oshourn ,
County Clerk.
lleport of commitlou on leasioj.
county nroptrty :
Received of Rose Morrisy , as
rent on county building for tin
inonthi of Jau , February , April ,
May , Juno nnd to July 13 ,
1900 * G2 00
From Aunso Pummell , rent
ou county building 6 00
For old bridge lumber 0 SO
Rent on county buildiuf , . . . ' . _ 3 00
Total m 5 ( )
Paid to county treasurer. $77 50
Q E Carr.
Subscribed in my presenc * , and
sworn to before mu this IGth day
of July , 1900 G W Hakcc ,
Depty Clk.
The official bond , load and road
claim * committee allowed the claim
of W W Tooley for $4.80 and ap-
pi&ved bond of Horace Nev * > , con
stable ot Cliff town hij . Abe re-
j 'ct d \ olduver bond of- Henry
Ivelley of Victoria on the grounds
that this date is too late to tile auch
Arthur ,
Stateiimiit of M K Sohia-ringor ,
iiriH. i'f CtiHttr uotitity. From
'ii ' iryI to Junu ; 1U , li,0 ) ii-
ToBalitnuc . * 472B5 20
To 1800 lax oollcotid. . fi'J,3fi2 80
1808 , .7 844 03
" 1807 ' . . 4,010 00
11 18 " " . . 3,417 10
" 180r . . 2,0lf ( ) 82
" 1804 ' . . 2,270 16
" 1H\)3 \ ) ' , . | (131 ( 00
" 180-2 ' ' . . 7\3 88
" 1.S01 " ' . . 327 80
" 1800 , . 411 7ll
1880 . . 1 88
" 1888 . . 00
" 1887 ' ' . . 2 O'J
School Land . 8588 23
11 MiHcollanuoiiH oolluc *
torH . 2,102 74
11 PowiiHliip uulluotor. ' . 4,031 21
" FiuuH roucivud . 32 60
l FI-PH received . 487 60
41 IntoroHt on bank de
posilH . ( ! f > 07
" County warrantH on
hand . 23,532 04
"School diM. warrantH
on hand . 2,402 80
41 Slnto apportionment
received . 8,208 24
" ItcdumplioiiH received 1,511 00
Totnl 176.H07 00
By paid Slate Treasurer. 15,505 05
' ' School tllsl tras , 30,103 OU
" " School bonds and -
ctipons 1,032 00
" " School
inoutH 404 3f >
" ' Sieoial school. . 33,40
" Tp treat ) 5,481 01
" " Tp bonds and
cuponH 7,810 77
" " Village treat ! . . . . 2,285 78
" " Village bonds nnd 132 22
Tax sale otfc , cancelled 1,502 01
11 ( Jtftt of county uhuniH
held lor taxes 221 30
" Ctft lor refunded tax 527 41
' Side walk voucher. . . . 22 58
' Road rooeiptH 3,000 00
41 Railroad road lecuipls 102 55
" County gen fund wnrr-
itutH redeemed 0,023 05
' ' Bridge nnd road gun
fund unr red , < 40021
Soldiers gen fund war
rent 125 00
" Special road funds paid
out 160 00
' Pottage 37 00
' Salaries nt d clerk hire 1,485 15
Co. warrants ou hand 25,020 06
1 School 'list warrants ou 2 177 49
11 Irrigation bond cupons 820 00
11 Bnlnrcu with Kouutzo
Bros N V 357 43
" B ) Balance 50,771 70
Total 175,807 00
Broken Bow , Neb. , July llth 1000.
The foregoing statement is a trtiu
ind correct account of lliu otliee elbe
bo Treasurer of Custer county ,
v'eb. , from the 4th day of Jauiitu } ,
tOOO , to June 30th , 1000 inclusive ,
totliubestof my kuowledge and
belief. M E Sohueringer ,
County Tri-abiuer.
Subscribed and swoiu * o beloie
mo this 14th day of July , 1000.
J B Oribourn ,
County Clerk.
We , your special committee , him >
exnmiued the within leport sub-
milted by tlio County Treasurer.
Wo have cheeked all the items and
cancelled tlio warrants and vouchers
ind find that thu . balance as
-hown in this report June 30th ,
1000 in forrect , and the money w n
in eaid County Tnaaurer'a otliue
iid the county depositories to ilu
full amount tillowtd by their baud ? ;
tlso-eerttticate ol deposit from
Omaha National Ban\ .
B L Nio > olaa.
C O L'nd.
SeinUuiimial statement of C 11
Jeffords , Register of Deeds ,
Total free f 1,000 70
Total espensis 1,432 20
Balance 177 50
1,000 70 1,500 70
I certify the foregoing to be a
true and uoirect report.
C li Jeffords ,
Reg. of Deed ? .
Subtcribrd and sworn before me
this 10th day of July , 1900.
J B Osboru , Co Clk.
We , the t committee ap
pointed br the chairman to check
up the oflioo of Uegister and Re
corder C U Jeffords , respectfully
report that we have carefully ex
amined tbe Fee Book and find the
same to ba correct. J F Breohbubl ,
G E Carr , Com.
Report of J A Armour , County
Semi-annual statement of receipts.
Reed. Irom all sources , during
1st quarter , from Jan. 4 to-
Alch 4 , 1900 $105 10
2d quarter , from ilch 4 to
July 3 , 1000 253 SO
Total for year to July 3447 90
Signed J A Armour , Co. Judge.
We the committee appointed to
check op the office ofJ _ A Armour ,
bounty Judge report that wo hnvo
mrufully examined tlio record of
aid ollloo and iind all to beubrrout.
J II Con ley. I
J T Arthur , f
Rt'porl of Clerk of the District
Jourt for wix months ending July
l t , 1000
Semi-annual statement ( if receipts.
toed , in fees during 1st
( juartor 1000 . . $344 15
o't. ' in fees during 2d
quarter 1000 . 020 01
Total fees for 0 mos end
ing July 3d , 1000 . 001 70
C'l Orr , Cleik Dist. Court.
Wo your cnmmi'tet ! appointed to
check up the ollicu of Clerk of dit-
triot court for the six months end
ing July 1 , 1000 , respectfully re
port that we have compared the re
port with the lc book and have
cnrefiilly < ximinad the records of
thu ollicu ai d find it to be correct ,
B re oil bull I ,
Second Homestead Kntrlcs , Act c (
. ( tine elli , 1000.
Department of the Interior , Gen
ernl Laud Ullii-o ,
Washington , D. C. , Juno 20 , 100C.
Registo's and Receivers ,
United States Land OtliueP.
GKNTUMKN ; Your attention is
uulltd to the provtbionuot Beotions'2
and 3 of the ait of Congress , entitl
ed "An act for the relief of the Colo-
roda Cooperative Colony ; to permit
second homesteads in certain cases ,
and fcr other purposes , " approved
Juno 6 , 1000 ( Public No. 148) ) , a
copy olvhicli sections is hereto
Section 2 provides that any poison
who has theretofore made a homestead -
stead entry und commuted tame
under section 2301 , Revised S aiutts ,
and thu amendments therein , fhall
bo entitled to the benefits of the
homestead laws as though snub for
mer inlry had not been madet but
commutation under scsotion 2301 ,
Revised Statutes , shall not be al
lowed of an entry made under this
Section 3 provides thai any per-
ton who , prior to the passage of this
act , has made a homestead nntry ,
but from any cause has lost or
forfeited thu same , shall bo entitled
to the benefits of the homestead
laws as though such former entry
had not been made. Therefore , you
will not boreal tcr rej > ut a homestead
application on the ground that the
applicant can not take pi escribed
oath tbat ho has not previously
nude such an entry , or because ho
has perfected title under section
23ul , Kcvitiad Statues , to land en
tered under the homestead law ; but
ho will bo required to show by
utluiavit designating the entry
formerly made by description ol
the land , number and datoof entry ,
or other sullicient data , to enable
mo to identify the same on the records -
cords of this oflioo , and that it was
forfeited or commuted , as the case
may be , prior to the passage of the
in any case where tha former
unity was made subsequent to the
date of the act. the rule given oil
page 19 , circular of July 11 , 1800 ,
remains unchanged. Jt will be
observed thai an entry made under
suction 2 can not bo perfected by
commutation under section 2301 ,
Kevistd Statutes. 'I ho fact that
applicants have purchased , under
the pruvibious of the not of March
J , 1880(25 ( Stat , 871) ) , lands pat
ented to the Flat head Indiaus in
Montana shall not bo held to have
unpaired or exhausted their home
stead rights by or ou account of any
< uicl > purchase.
Very retpeo fuly ,
Approved , June 27 , 1'JOO.
Sec. 2. That any person who has
heretolore made entry under the
homeftead laws and commuted laws
and commuted same uuder provit-
ions of section twentytbreo hundred
and ono of the Revised Statues ol
the United States and tbo amend *
meuta thereto , shall be entitled to
the benefits of the homestead laws ,
as though suuh former entry had not
been made , except that coiuinnta-
under the provisions of section
twenty-three hundred and one of
the Revised Statutes shall not be
allowed of an entry made under this
section of this act.
Sec. 3. That any person who prior
to the passage of this act has made
entry under the homestead lawa ,
but from any cause baa lost or for
feited the same , shall be euti'lcd to
the benefits of tie homestead laws ,
at though such former entry bad not
been made : Provided , Thnt per
sons whc purchat ed land under and
in accordance wUh the terms of an
act entitltd ' 4An act to for
the site of lands patented to certain
membeie of the Flstbead baud of
Indians in ihe Tetntory of Montana ,
: .d for other purpose , " approved
Mar , h second , ei l teen hundred tn l
eighty. nine , shall not be held to
have impaired or exhausted tneir
homestead rights by or on account
of any such purchase.
Approved , June 6 , 1000.
llqiiiliHniii lU'iiresi'iitnlhi ) Convention.
The republican delegates of the
50 : ppr 'HtMitativu district are hereby
by cnilud t' meet in convention in
Broken Bow Neb , , Saturday , Aug.
18 ,1000 at 3 p. m. for the purpose
of nominating two candidates for
tha legislature. ' 1 ho basis of re
presentation is the slino as to the
state convention.
J. 0 , TAYLOII. Chr.
Sunday School I'k-nlc Wednesday
AllKUHt llitll
At the meeting of the committee
of the tevt/ral Sunday schools o !
Broken Huw and vicinity arrange
ments \\ero made for a union Sun
day school picnic to bo held at
Ravenna Wednesday Aug. 16 The
plan is to hire a train for that day
and give all Sunday school children
an outing and free transportation
to Ravenn. . F. M. Rublec was
uppointed to HOOUTO the train and
P. II. Mot k to lock after the
groundp. All regular attendants at
Sunday school uuder seventeen
jears of ago will bo provided free
transportation. All others will bo
tpxed $1. to meet ths expenses.
Phe committee on sale of tickets
are Keys. Kuight , Eploy and E. U.
Purcill and D. M. Amaberry , Com
mittee on ProgramMeadames Hun
ter , Jowctt , Gutterson and J. B.
llolcomb. Committee on bafkotp ,
E F. A'oCluro ' , Frank John , J. C.
Bowen , Willis Cadwoll. Committee
on coffee II. H. Wirt. J. M. Kim.
burling treasurer. A guard of two
arc to bo appointed from each Sun
day school. Committee on band
music , D. W. Thompson. The
train will leave Broken Bow 8 a.
m. and return 8 p. m.
At the close of the teacher's institute -
stituto last Thursdayresolutions of
greeting to Ensign A. W. Pressoy ,
a former of Custer county toanher :
To Ensign A W. Preasoy , U. S. N.
Greeting. Wo the teachers ot CUH
tcr county in institute assembled
have today in mind the welfare of
those who have labored with us in
the past and who are now engaged
in other fields and other professions
On this list none stand more prom
inent than younone HO faraway and
none whoeo sacrifices and dangers
are more appreciated by the teach
ers of this county. Your persona
safety , < your success in all your un
dertaking0 , your country's appreoia
lion , and your promotion in its ser
vice would delight every teacher in
this country who feels that as a re
presentative from our ranks all the
cred it all the renown you man win
\vo have a right to rejoice in. We
wish to assure you of our siucerest
consideration and remembrance ,
and in behalf of all the teachers n |
Custer county , Fend yon this ex
preasion of our kindly feelings for
your present and our hopes for
your continued success.
Respectfully ,
J J Tooley.
Mrs J J Tooley.
H H lliatt.
W F Owen.
Airs Katherine Presaey.
A L Pierce.
Mrs E J Bishop.
Mrs Corinna RuBeotu Taylor.
Milta Luce.
Lilly M Uo'ine.
Nettie ilannawald.
Clyde Carlo * .
Cascio Wollivor.
Walter W. Walters.
Land Office at Uroten Bow Nebr * I
Ancuit S IPO ) , f
Notice i tiorpbr clten that tbo follcmlnsr
named i > cttler has filed notice or his Intention to
make final proof In euupott ot his claim , and that
calil proof \\lllbe made before Hedetor and
Receiver nt Uroken Bow , on September 6. 1900.
vlt > Miner Tajlrr of Merna Neb. of the H. E.
No. THO. a w M § ec IOT 17 X R il w.
Uo tiames the foUoulnc witnesses to proTc hit
contlnnonj residence upon and cultlratton of sa.d
land , yli : Gcorye Farmer , of Uerna , Neb. ,
Milton Whitney , of Mcrna. Neb. . Frank Miller ,
of Mern * . Neb. , James D. Heam. of Broken How ,
N'eb. " 2 JAMIS WutTEURiD , Register
R M Malloy , C.L.Bushnell and
E D. Meiks of ReiJsvillp N. C.
rue visitinc in the city with their
cousin J. N. Peal. Mr. Alalloy ex
peels to locate heio permanently.
Cloth From Stone.
James McGuck , a Manayunk spin
ner , has an armchair covered with a
sot and silken fabric of Titian red.
which he wove toilsomely out of rock ,
the crumbling stone that Manayunk
masons build cheap houses of , says a
Philadelphia paper. McGuck thus de
scribes the weaving : "I threw about
a ton of the rock. In lamps as big as
your hand. Into the picker. The pick
er blades were dulled but the rock
was crushed and came out good stock ,
with a staple an inch long like as
bestos. This fluffy stuff I threw into
my carding machine , and first it be
came a soft. Inch-thick rope , then a
harder quarter-inch twine , and at this
point my mule took it and twisted it
till It was an ordinary thread , like
that you see on a spool of cotton. I
wove it on a hand loom then. This
little square of clota It's 18 Inches
square Is all I got. It took a ton ot
rook to make this llttle _ square. It Is
lather pretty , you ee. and It is very
dtir.ible. 1 dalra it Is the first cloth
ever woven out of real rock in the
history of the world. " UUca Qloba.
1 Commerical Hotel m
to Southwest corner Square ,
The Hotel has been refitted and refurnished $ $
throughout. Sample rooms for Commerical men. Bath jr'ii '
rooms in connection. Free Bus to and from all trains. V-'Jj
m t | j
m „ „ „ - $ !
JKaT" Try us once and you will come ag-ain. * Tt3H | j
j -i TKv : ? * V v.v. ; * ; : > ? < ' ; > .v- ' : /i ; JS'ts ? ; ? : : > i A / : r jf y ; ' -
P. C. WOIiNALL , I'rcRldent. J. A. HAnniS , Cnchler.
A. J. UOBKnTSON.Vlce-PrcB. W. D BLACK WELL , Aes't Cnehlor
Farmers Bank of Custer County ,
Transacts a General Banking Business. County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
Fancy Groceries
Fresh Fruits and Vegatabies ,
Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best
Workmanship. C. B. BETTS , Painter Det orator
fi , * v oJf VNJ ? * ' - We carry a
k it&r > 4 "oc oftr * :
Tn fiT-V . . < > _ - - valued , a . .
< *
: v r \ w > T f rv'ww \
\ WVAi
' v v/A\jy\Vv-
/ \ - ,
* . . _
S xL-\JT.\ v VJ
. _
- 11 * - j -
We ovva and . ocupy . . the talles : mt nn tile buildinc In th * world. We have /
ON f r j.cvi .v customers. Sutt .
n hundred clerks are constantly T
1 tilline out-of-town orders.
? '
. * . P T' pATALOQUC i * the book of the
rrorJe-H quotes
\.hole le Piica to . '
* Ever/fcoUy. has . , ifMvo'niitrmttoni
. / over l. < xxi paEes , and
Co. j ileseap inns . .
ct Crticl
price * It costs 73 cents to print and mail
I vou- f.ocJr - , W ° .at y ' ° U t3 hU'e ° "c < SEND KIKT EN CENTS to show
uhLtnd we'll tenj you a cepy FREE , with all charco prepaid.
iOMERYYABD \ & GOMichi9"Aci dA ltmSlrMl
S S S - ttij : S9