State Department Losing Paith in Information mation Furnished by V7u , CIPHER DISPATCHNOW DOUBTED ( Irltlsh Government Cull * Attention to Several Suspicion * Clrcuinnliincci U , 8. Ilofusfg to Mnko CaiiRcr'w Sufo lle- turti Mutter for Diplomatic Itnrtcr. WASHINGTON , July 28. Unless Borne authentic assurance as to the condition of the Americans In Pekln reaches the state department within a day or two the administration is like ly to abandon whatever faith it has manifested thus far in the truthfulness of Chinese information. Ine ChinemS' minister is confident that within that time there will be news from Pckln of a character to satisfy the most skep tical as to its accuracy , and he is also confident that this will be good news from the American point of view. The state department is still recep tive , though looking with growing coldness on the numerous edicts and telegrams which arc coming from China , all without bringing any news. The contributions of the day were from Consul General Goodnow at Shanghai and Consul Fowler at Che Foo. So much of their messages as was given out for publication related to the wel fare of certain missionaries who have been made the subject of Inquiry by relatives in this country. The cables mangled these messages and there jis reason to doubt the value of the Information mation attempted to he conveyed through them. Mr. Goodnow also had somcihing to eay about the political situation and It is believed that that part of his mes sage was not of an encouraging char acter. At any rate , it was withheld from the press , probably because the government did not deem it prudent to give it the stamp of apparent ap proval. Ever since the receipt at Tien Tsln of the autograph message from Minis ter Conger , dated Pekin , July 4 , state department officials have had grave doubts as to the authenticity of the cipher message attributed tf him , dated Pekln , July 18. There have been many little side lights on this message that afford ground for suspicion , nnd now the British nuthoritles have added their quota to the growing distrust of things Chinese. It seems that Mr. Warren , at present acting as British consul at Shanghai , has been told by Sheng , the famous Chinese director of posts and telegraphs , that Yuan , the governor of Shan Tung , told him ( Sheng ) that a message had passed through to the United States from Mr. Conger on the 18th of July telling of the condition at the British legation. This cipher dispatch was "faked" by Chinese officials. It is pointed out at the state de partment , however , that there are plausable explanations of this curious fact which tend to show the authentici ty of the cipher dispatch. Secretary Hay cabled to Mr. Conger that he might have implicit faith in the person who brought the dispatch to him. Mr. Conger , therefore , had a right to trust the man , and possibly he told him in a general way the contents of the dis patch in case the messenger should be obliged to detroy it to Insure his own safety. However that may be , the British government has thought Mr. Warren's report -worth the attention of our government. The state department officials do netlike like the European criticism more or less attributing to our government a lack of whole-heartedness in the effort to get to Pekln. They point to what the American troops and marines have already done , to the loss of life and limbs suffered by them and to the re peated urglngs of the American offi cials at every point looking to a for ward movement at Pekin. UNABLE TO GET A REPLY. Acknowledges Inability to Communicate With Italian minister. HONG KONG , July 28. In order to test the Chinese assurances regarding the safety of the legations , the Italian consul here yesterday requested the acting viceroy of Canton to commu nicate with the Italian minister , Mar quis Calvago Raggi , and to obtain a reply from him concerning a matter known only to the minister and the consul. Today the acting viceroy reported that It was Impossible for him to ac cede to the request. Mlns Anthony to Negroes. MONTGOMERY , Ala. , July 28. At the negro race conference today a pa per from Susan B. Anthony was read by the secretary. She appealed to the conference to petition congress for a sixteenth amendment which shall pro hibit the disfranchisement of citizens on account of BOX and declares the condition of negro women was not improved hy emancipation. The negro women will organize a national society to send out literature instructing ne gro women how to improve homes. IlolielH Defeat I'rlnou ChliiR. BERLIN , July 28. A dispatch re ceived here today , dated Tien Tsln , Tuesday , July 24 , says : "A messenger who left Pekln Sun day , July 15 , brought today to the cus toms offlco here news that Prince Chlng's soldiers had been flghtlnsr Prince Tung's troops and had been de feated. The foreigners were defending themselves In the northern cathedral near the Forbidden City. " Nlco I'olnt llrouglil ITp WASHINGTON , July 28. The state department has another novel extra dition case on hand growing out of the peculiar international status of Cuba. Louis Darell committed a murder In Cuba and made his escape from the Island. Ho was traced to Portuguese East Africa , and the state department today was notified that the Portuguese nuthoritles had him under arrest and detention at the town of Beira , await ing the arrival of officers from Cuba to take him into custody. Portugal has no extradition treaty with the United States. RURAL FREE DELIVERY. Borne Hulct ( Adopted thnt Arc Likely to Ininroxo the Service. WASHINGTON , July 27. Postmas ter General Emory Smith has Issued an order carrying Into effect recom mendations made by the rural free delivery superintendents , who have been in session here several days. The order , which applies to all rural free delivery service In the country , follows : First It Is ordered that , beginning August 1 , the drop letter , or 1-cent rate of postage , will not apply within rural free delivery limits. The 2-cent per ounce rate will be exacted within Mich delivery on all first-class matter except postal cards. Second That the introduction of rural free delivery will not increase or otherwise modify the present rate of postage on second-class matter. Third That the rural free delivery carriers will not bring to the post- oince mall matter collected by them , which may be delivered on tholr routes before completing their trips. Fourth That stamps on mall mat ter collected by rural free delivery carriers , Including those on matter delivered en route as named in sec tion 3 , will be cancelled by them ami reported to the postmaster , who will derive the benefit of the cancellation if the office is fourth-class. Fifth That until suitable rubber cancelling stamps can be supplied by the department , free delivery carriers will cancel the stamps with the Indel ible pencils furnished them for use in registered letters. STILL MATTER Of SURMISE. AB to Ditto of 1'robubio Aduinco of Allies on 1'ckln. WASHINGTON , July 27. It is said tonight that the cablegram received by the navy department today from Ad miral Remey contained no statement as to when the forward movement of the allied armies on Pckln was to be made. In a measure this was a dis appointment to the ofllcials , who dread delay in a united advance for the relief of the legationers. Admiral Remey has just been on a visit to Tien Tsln , where he went to make an examina tion into the conditions existing there and , presumably , to gather what information mation he could as to the future inten tions of the allies. For this reason it was expected that he would be able to give some indication of the probable time the forward movement on Pekin would begin. According to the naval authorities , Admiral Remey's dispatch gave no In formation of the present strength of the foreign troops now ready to begin the campaign , although it is nofr thought here that they are numerous enough to force their way to the Chi nese capital and successfully encounter the opposition which It is feared will be met on the way there. Itnco Troubles In Ne\r Orleans. NEW ORLEANS , July 27. In the rioting last night one negro was beaten to death , six were so badly wounded that their llvet are despaired of and about a score of people , white and black , male and female , have been more or less seriously wounded. Pis- orderly acts following the disturbances at night were committed throughout the next day and resulted in the swear ing in by the mayor of'500 special po licemen and the ordering out of 1,500 of the 'state militia upon orders of Governor Herd , who responded promptly to the appeal of Mayor Cap- Fcnr for Their Children. DES MOINES , July 27. W. H. Bron of Rosehlll , la. , and his family have given up the safety of their son- in-law and daughter , Mr. and Mrs. Frank Garrett , who are missionaries for the Christian church in China. Both of the young people graduated from Drake university , DCS Molncs , a year ago. A letter1 from them , dated June 18 , is the last word receiv ed. At that time they were starting from Kullng to Shanghai. The Box ers were inciting the people to kill all foreigners , and the missionaries , numbering about sixty Americans , were badly frightened. Agent Fulls to Return. SYRACUSE , Neb. , July 26. Dr. Turo Hill put an agent on the road for the scale of his scalp invigorator. , The agent hired a team from McFarland'fl livery stable , left it in Johnson county , appropriated all the sales , forgot to pay his bills , and Turo says if he ge .a hold of him he will need several bottles tles of his invigorator for his own us . McFarland got back from Johnson county with his team. 1'ope ICecelvcs American 1'llgrlmH. ROME , July 27. The American pil grims under the direction of Father E. H. Porcil of Brooklyn were received by Pope Leo today. The bishops of Brooklyn and Burlington and students of the North American college were present. The pope appeared. , to be In excellent health. Valdrinur Ilrotlierg to Ilnng PHOENIX , A. T. , July 27. This af ternoon Acting Governor Akers issued an answer to the request of the Texas officials for clemency in the case of Valdemar brothers , refusing to grant a commutation of sentence to hang August 10 , at Tombstone. Importation of Arms 1'rolilblteil. PARIS. July 27. The Journal Offl- clel publishes this morning a decrco prohibiting the exportation of arms and ammunition from France and the colonies of France to China and adja cent countries. Commissioner Itockhlll'R Departure , PHILADELPHIA , July 27. Special Commissioner Rockhill will leave Washington Saturday with Mrs , Rock- hill for San Francisco , stopping a day or two at Chicago en route. This will enable him to reach San Francisco In time to take the Japanese liner Amer ica Marn , which sails for Yokohama and Nagasaki on August 2. If Secro- tayr Hay returns to Washington to day , as is expected , Mr. Rockhill will have a final conference with him be fore leaving for China. He has re ceived the fullest Instructions from the president already. ES TOG LIE TO CHINA Admiral Hornby Declares Throne Waa in Sympathy With Borers , ARE TOO STRONG FOR CONTROl UcprcRontntlon of Ainerlcnn Officer Ac cepted by Administration United States May Change Front Owing to Growing Uildonco of Duplicity. WASHINGTON , July 27. There were no developments today to war rant the assumption that there will bo the slightest improvement in the Chinese nesesituation. . Indeed , the general tenor of the news as brought to light was to add to the steadily growing doubt as to the good faith of the Chl- iieso government as manifested In its nets. Admiral Kempft's letter , given publicly by the navy department to day , made the direct statement that the Imperial authorities were In sym pathy with the Boxers , though he added that the government was after ward paralyzed and incapable of con trolling the situation. This was the nrat official declaration to reach our government contradictory of the Chi nese representations that the imperial government had steadfastly nnd from the first opposed the Boxer movement , nnd our government is bound to nccopt the word of its own officer until that Is overcome by Irrefutable evidence. Then the exchanges that are In con stant progress between the powers are tending more nnd more to cast suspi cion upon the genuineness of the many communications that have como from Pekln through Chinese governmental sources. If it should be finally frnud upon the world , the fact may call for a change of attitude on the pnrt of the United States government toward Chlna This would not nffect the mili tary policy under way. but merely the technical relations between the two governments , which vyould probably closely approximate n step of formal war. war.The navy department today contrib uted a brief news item In the shape of a vindication by Admiral Remey ot the United States marines from the general charge of looting at Tion Tsln. The admiral had a great deal more than this to report to the navy depart ment , but the officials did not regard 'the ' rest of his report as proper for publication just now. General Miles and General Buffing- ton were tigaln in consultation , though separately , with Secretary Root today nnvl the supposition is that the Chinese campaign was under consideration. AVENGE DEATH Of COMRADE. Detachment of Fortieth Infantry Kills Klchty-Nluc Filipinos. MANILA , July 27. At Oroquietn , In northern Mindanao , two soldiers entered a native store for the purpose of buying food. One of them was killed by a bolo nnd his hend severed from his body. The other escaped and gave the alarm. A company of the Fortieth infantry , stationed at Cagayan , repaired to Oroquieta and killed eighty-nine natives , thirty of them being in a single house. Subsequently the gunboat Callao , commanded by Lieutenant George B. Bradshaw , shelled Oroquieta , burning the warehouses. One of the crow was killed. A force of the enemy , esti mated to number GOO , under the lead ership of Alvarez , formerly the insur gent president of Ynr.branga , Is now persistently troubling northern Min danao. A marine at the outpost of Isabella de Balsln was boloed by natives and so badly wounded that he died. Isa bella is tranquil. GETS BACK AT BRISTOW. Prrsldout GJWUII Angry ut Statements of roRtulllce OfTiclHl. MUNCIB , Ind. , July 27. Ro'ss H. Cowan , president of the Neely PriuT- ing company , tonight Issued a card denouncing the statement of Assistant Postmaster General Bristow and stat ing that the records show that there was a legitimate sale of the printing office from Neely to him , and further more that printing bills for the Cuban government ordered through Neely were not paid twice. Owing to cleri cal error Rathbone paid one bill of $103 , but this was rectified. Tried to Klilnnp Ilowlnn , PENDLBTON , Ore. , July 27. Par ties broke Into the house of J. D. Bow- lin of Wcston , Ore. , last night and tried to kidnap him and his wife. Bowlin is the man over whoso extra dition on Governor Beckham's requi sition there were answers of Bowlin and two habeas corpus cases here. Dozers Not In Koren. WASHINGTON , July 27. Mr. Ye the Korean charge here , took to the state dcpartment'a dispatch from his government denying positively the published stories that the Boxer move ment had extended 'to ' Korea , or that ' any Chinese' Boxers had crossed the Korean frontier. A Chaiiro for Vonnff Doctorn , WASHINGTON , July 27. Genera Sternherg says 100 additional medi cal officers are wanted by the sur gcon general for duty In the Philip pines and China. ' He says that only graduates of reputable medical col leges , with some experience and un dcr 40 years of age , will bo accepted I.I HUIIK Chung's Lutcsr. LONDON , 'July 27. ( New York World Cablegram. ) The Express1 Shanghai correspondent cables : "LI Hung. Chang told the consuls last night they might expect some of the legation people to arrive at Tien Tsln almost Immediately , as they are al ready on 'their way thither. Ho had received explicit and positive Informa tion that with one exception all the ministers arc unharmed. The impres- Blon gains ground hero that the min isters may still survive , but all others of the foreigners have been murdered. THE.LIVE STOCK MARKET. .nte t Unolntlotm From Houth Omnhn nml Kntmnii Clly. SOUTH OMAHA. I'nlon Stock Ytmls Cattle There wns n very light run of cattle lit the yards , but tlio bulk of the receipts were com- > osed of eornfed stccrn. 1 he tleiniiwl on ho tmrt of packers scorned to be pntln- factory , but there wns hardly cnoUKh on Halo to Interest them. Cholco cattle , lowcver , brought Rood steady iirlce n eonijwrcd with the pluvious day , nnd In n few canon whrro they Just happened to milt thu IIUMTH n little slroliKer prices nay have been pnld. Common cattle , lowuver. were no more than xtendy , and thu tendency wtm to neglect that class of stock. The cattle began moving to ward the Kcalca early In the morning nna irnctlcully everything \vitn weighed up it nn early hour. There were only about .wo cars of cows nna heifers on snle , ) cslilcB u few odd * and ends. The mar- tot wns active nnd fully stcc.dy on nny- liltit , ' Kood. nnd the comtnon and cnnncr ; rade sold about In yesterday's notches , JfferltTRH of stock cuttle were also very light today and the market was without material change. Hogs The supply of hogB was very light. Eastern points reported strong markets , nnd as a result prices hero ad vanced ZHiiGc , or , In other words , the market went back to nbout where It wan on Wednesday. The bulk of the hogs brought K'.05iTifi.07H , with n top of J5.15. which was pUld for a loud of fancy hogs. The demand Wns good and the nmvkct closed without material change , every thing being weighed up early In the morning. Today's advance takes the market back to nbout Wednesday's fig ures , or 7c better than a week ago , but Sc lower thnn two weeks ngo. . Sheep The demand wns good at the following quotations : Cholco western grnssvethcrs , I-I-COST-US : fulr to good grass wethers , J3.GTii3.90 ( | ; choice grass yearlings , ; choice ewes , J1.25JJ ) 3.50 ; fair to good owes , J3.005l32.-i ; fair to good yearlings , J3.7riW4.00 ; good to choice clipped lambs , $4.2.r > JN.CO ; fair to good clipped lambs , J4.OOdM.25 ; choice spring lambs , Wi.40fifi.C5 ; fair to good spring Inmbs , J5.005TG.iB : feeder wethers , J3.255 ? ) 3.40 ; feeder yenrllngs , J3.401i3.C5 , nnd feed er ' -unbs , J3.7504.W. KANSAS C1TT. Cattle Kccelpts , 1,500 ; market steady ; native steers , J4.25JfD.4D ( : Texas steers , J2.S5 < fH.t ! : > : Texas cows , J2.60ii3.40 ; natlvo cows and heifers. J1.7r > ( fI6.1B ; stockers and feeders , J3.25W4.75 ; bulls , J2.33lfii4.Ti. Hogs Hecelpts , 7,000 ; market steady to fie higher ; bulk of sales , J5.OOSi5.16 ; heavy , t5.07U < ri.r..17H ; packers. J5.00&5.1G ; mixed. JI.93Ji5.15 ; light , > ; yorkers , $5.10 ® G.1G ; pigs , J4.CO5.03. ( Sheep Hecelpts , 1,000 ; market strong ; lambs , J4.OOJiG.00 ; muttons. Jf3.00ff4,25. KILLED IN HIS LAIR. VC.TO ricnd Shot After KlllliiK Five 1'crgons ut Now Urloaim , NEW ORLEANS , July 28. Twelve persons killed , including one woman nnd twenty-eight wounded , Including a woman nnd a. girl , some so seriously thnt death Is probable , Is the cnsualty list of the trouble In New Orleans , which began with the nttcmpt by Po licemen Day nnd Lamb to arrest the negroes Charles nnd Pierce. The des perate negro , Robert Chnrles , whose crimes have caused the terrible events of the last two days , wns located In n negro's dwelling on Sarntoga street this afternoon nnd In effecting his capture - ture the lives of four more white men two police officers nnd two citizens were sacrificed. Chnrles' rcslstnnco cost him his life nnd with him wns killed n negro companion , who had nlded him In his defiance of the au thorities. With the orgnnizntlon of n citizens' police force last night the turbulent element yielded and peace nnd order were restored. This morning the bet ter class of negroes resumed their vo cations , free from molestation , and the restoration of order promised to bo permanent. The early hours of the .afternoon , however , wroilght n start ling change in the sltuntion. The fresh violence of today has revived the turbulence of the unruly element and adds strength to their forces. The citizens' police force has been increased by more than 1,000 men. All compa nies of the militia are under arms nnd nro guarding the prison and other Im portant points. The general belief Is that the force In hand will be nmplo to suppress the lawless element. ENLIST MEN FOR PACK TRAINS. Ordered to Secure as AInny ai 1'osaible for Service In China. CHEYENNE , July 28 Lieutenant Smithcrs , commanoing the detachment now garrisoning Fort Russell , has re ceived an order from the quartermas ter at Washington to enlist here as many men as possible for pack train service in China. It is the Intention of the government to form seventy five pack trains for the Chinese cam paign , a number never before calle'l Into service by this government. A large number of these will be enlisted at the western forts. Ilody round Hanging to a Tree. CEDAR RAPIDS , la. , July 27. A man who had evidently been dead for a number of days was found hanging from the limb of a tree by a wire rope in the timber a short distance from Central City. No ono knows the man and there was nothing to indicate his Identity. Inclined the Ulilncgu Offer. WASHINGTON , July 28. The Uni ted States government has absolutely refused the Chinese proposition to sus pend mllltnry operations against Pc kln In return for the delivery at Tien Tsin of the foreign ministers. Condition of the Treasury. WASHINGTON , July 28. Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund , exclusive of the $150,000,000 gold reserve In the division of redemption , shows : Available cash balance , $161,280,749 ; gold , ? 72,40G,091. I'rntost Agiilnttt ItiiBglun Hcflisten. YOKOHOMA , July 27. According to Seoul reports , the Corea government has protested against the presence of Russian refugees at Wiju , and the Rus sian representatives will remove them to Port Arthur without delay. I'rlnre Tumi Bald to He Icid. : J LONDON , July 28 The Shanghai correspondent of the Dally Express , wiring yesterday , saysr It Is reported that a largo section of the Boxers have revolted against Prince Tuan , alleging that he Is mak ing tools of them for his own ends. A desperate conflict took place outside of Pekln on Sunday. Prince Tuan per sonally led his followers , two of hh generals having deserted him. The battle lasted several hours and Prince Tuan was defeated and kllleJ. If you have not tried Magnetic Stnrth try it now. You will then HBO no other. A hnrdwnro clerk isn't necessarily a defaulter because ho sells iron nnd bolts. I nm sure 1'lso'n Cure for Consumption unvcd my life three jours IIRO. Mrs. Titos. KonniNS , Moplo Street , Norwich , N. Y. , Fob. 17,1000. In driving n nail a woman either drives it crooked or hits her finger. Mrs. AVlnMow's Hoothlng Hymn. Tor children trcthlrm , noftcni the Rumi.reduo.fii In flammation , tiuji pitln.curoi wludcullc. Monbottlo As n rule the man who talks loud est in an argument is In the wrong. Your clothes will not crack if you use Magnetic Starch. How many times have wo spent the money we have lost ? Hnll'ii Catnrrli Cure Is n constitutional cure. Price , 75a A woman needs to bo ns fnscinnting after marrlngo as before. Use Magnetic Starch It nns no equal. Is there any state more to bo pitied thnn kittenish , giggling old ngo ? Jlemmo the catiiei tlmt mnko your hair llfolcsi nil crny with I'AiiKitn' § IUIH lUt , A > ( . K'i , tlia beit cure fur conn. 13oti. The easiest work on earth to do Is someone else'8. > For starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Everyone is willing to reward n intin except ho who pnys for the reward. A dyspeptic Is never on ( food terms with him- self. Somcthlni'Ls tilwuj-H vrroiie. Get It right by chewing Beeinnn's I'epsln Gum. The easiest Job a man ever , under takes is running some one else's. Hint to llouiokeopom. To preserve summer skirts nnd droisos so "Faultless Btnrch. " All grocers , luc. A rhymster nnd n poet bcnr the same relations as n ynller cur nnd n dog. Stop Your llntr from CoUo Dandruff Cnro will positively euro dautlrud and keep hair from falling. ? 1.0J. The early bird catches the worm nnd often finds it indigestible. Lnttlos Can Wrnr Short. One size smaller after uslngAllcn'u Foot- Ease , a powder. It makes tight or now shouKcasy. Cures swollen , hotsweating , iichiiiff feet , Ingrowing nails , corns and bunions. AlldruglHtH and shoo Htorca , 25c , Trial package FUEB by mull. Ad dress Allen S. Olmstod , Lclloy , N.Y. The most easily digested meats are cold mutton , mutton chops , venison , sirloin , roast beef nnd chicken. SPECIAL EXCURSION EAST VIA , OMAHA AND ST. ' LOUIS R. R. Leaving Omaha August 8th , greatly reduced round trip rates will bo of fered to Niagara Falls , N. Y. , Alexan dria Bay , N. Y. , Toronto , Ont , au-1 Montreal , P. Q. A good chance to take n summer outing at a little expense. Half rates plus $2.00 to ninny southern points on sale August 7th nnd 21st All Information nt Omaha and St Louis R. R. City Ofllce , 1415 Farnam St. , or write Harry E. Moores , C. P. & T. A. , Omaha , Neb. Wo eat with our eyes as well as our palate. IXVK TOMS , IMl'OHTANT. Iloforc employing a n w > iu uttcrniy coruult a ro- llitblc ContultniK Knjtlnecr an to V Iuu , Utility ind lltiuuiltr uf roar luvcnUwn , U may &v jou uiulcm expenditure ot aitornoy'i fcoi. ticnd poital lur pnrtlcuUr * . Illglicit rcfcrrnccc 12 year * ! ex. prtlcncc. * rrd'U J. I'vnmiiti , Coniultlf.K , Kn- nhiuor Mcclmiilcnl , Klrclrlcdl , Jlyilialllc 4(1 blicelcy llulldliix , Omulm , Ncbraiko. A striped waistcoat worn by Robert Burns was sold In London the other day for 3 BH. Each package of PUTNAM FADE LESS DYES colors either Silk , Wool or Cotton perfectly. j i , , i . . . . Bo loving and you will never want for love. CAitiiinn. Wo , are the Nebraska selling agents for the Union Carbide Co. , manufac turers 'of Calcium Carbide for making Acetylene Qas , Order your , supplies from ttfl. Pacific Storage and Ware house Co. , 9I12-914 Jones St. , Omaha , Neb. Neb.A A Chicago grain speculator bns spent $100,000 on a mining outfit for Cape Nome. Knowing the merits of the preparations of the J. & C. MuRtilrc Medicine Com- nnny of St. Louis , Mo. , we talto pleasure in stating to the public that they have succeeded In furnishing the Army nnr Navy. Established In 1811 they hnvp Htond- lly Brownfin .favor with the public , not having ono failure to report In flfty-nlno years. Their Uenne I'htnt , CnmlurnnKO etc. , have become household words They nra now Fold by all dtUKglslH. Ask for tooklet free , and If you ever get the Diarrhea , Dysentery , or Choleru-Mor- buH , Klvo Hetino I'lant 11 trial , and you will be convinced. Kvcry article made by the Mngulre Medicine Company la guaranteed to do what Is claimed for It. Why should a clock be arrested for striking the hour ? Important to mothers. F.Tlinlno carefully every tottlo of CA8TOIUA n cafe and ture remedy for Infants and ; children anil tec that It Hear } the Signature of In Use For Over HO Years. The Kind You Have Always lioucut Better remain poor tlmn acquire wealth at the expense of your goot name. Magnetic Starch Is the very bes laundry starch in the world. Painful Periods are overcome hy Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Gempounda Fifty thousand happy women testify to this In grateful letters to Mrs * Pinkham. Menstruation is a severe strain on a wo man's vitality. If ft Is painful something is wrong which I Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound I will promptly set right ? if cxcosslvo or irregular write to Mrs. Plnkhamf Lynn , Mass.f for advice. Evldenoo abounds that Mrs. Plnkham's advlco and medicine have for many years boon helping - women to bo strong. No other advlco Is so un varyingly accurate no other medicine has such a record of cure. EDUCATIONAL , THf UNIVERSITY OF NOTRE DAME , NOTRB OAA1I3 , INDIANA , Classics , Letter * , Economic * and History , lournnllint , Art , Science , Pharmacy , Low. Civil , rteclianlcnl nnd Electrical Engineering ; , Architecture. Thorough Preparatory and Commercial Courncs. EcclctdiiHtlciil studoiitH at special rules. Room * Free. Junior or Senior Year , Collritlnto bourses. Rooms to Rent , motlornto charges. St. Edward' * Hall , for Dov's mirier 13. The 57th Year will open September -4111,1900 Cntnloiri'c.i Free. Add re * * REV. A. MORRISSEY , C. S C. . President. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY NOTRE DAME , INDIANA , Coiuluctoil liy tbo Slalom of the Holy Crow. Chartered 1855. Thorough Eng lish nnd Classical education. Regular Collogfato Degrees. In Preparatory Department students carefully prepared for Collegiate coumo. Physical and Chemical Laboratories well equipped. Conservatory of Music nnd Bcliool of Art. Gvinnniiluni under direc tion of graduate or Boston Normal School of Gymnastics. Catalogue free. The 40th year opens Sept. 4 , 10CO. Address , DIRECTRESS OF THE ACADEMY , St. Mary's Academy , - Notre Dame , Indiana wa tiincton , u. Prosecutes Claims. ff Successfully I I.ntu I'llnqfpRlKxAmlnnr U Q.Tension flureau. 13 vr In civil wnr. 1ft mLlnclkntlnu claim * , ally duco. Get Your Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'PARKELL' Pension Agent , 1415 New York Avenue , WASHINGTON , D. C. Students Enter Any Time. BOYLE'S BEE BUILDING. OMA A , NEB. Complete Business Course ; Complete Shorthand and Typewriting Course. Students who doslro it nro furnished positions to earn their board while in at tendance. Fall term September 3. Cata logue on application. The Wonder of the No Dolling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It Polishes the Goods It makes all Barments fresh and crisp aa when llrst bought new. Try n Sample PncUoso. You'll like It If you try it. You'll buy it if you try it. ' ' You'll use it if you try it. Try it , Sold by all Grocers. il