Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, August 02, 1900, Image 5

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    Hag a full line ot
Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper.
Also n Finn Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on
oornor , of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb.
Oil AS. K. FUl'i' , Proflilcnl , Onmlm. Neb. II. G , ItOGJtnS , Oasblor , Hrokcn Itow.
J M KIMI'KHI.INO. Mct-I'rcB . I token How. 8. II. 1IOYT , Ass't Cashier ,
Chas. E.Ford. J M. Klmbcrllng. S. H. lloyt. n. O , Itogors. V. U. Caldwell
. *
Make a specialty of loaning money on cattle.
\ \ JE V/ANT to say to the
that our health
good , aud hav-
winter clothes ,
high collar and
with our eyes turned in the d
nction of business. We are
ready tj perve our customers with the best of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , in fact ANYTHING usually kept iu a FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YARD. We make our awn SHINGLES and we know
t'ley are GOOD. We have Ihe FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh-ay ! Try our
$4 00 COAL for cooking. Remember
I Once Was Lost , tut How I Have
Found it.
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a main-
uv > tli stock ef Groceries ; and at the lowest prices you ever
hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
* . . pested on what was being offered for sale. They don't
aay anything about Terbackor and Candy , and other good
things like that , tt is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Caudy The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
Jstrnas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
. uember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
Nr'iional Bank.
W. S. SWAN , Proprietor.
For Nearly Sixty Years
- The Leading National Family
For Progressive Fanners nnd
. Villagers.
An old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People ,
from the Pacific , and the poinecr in every movement calculated to
advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people
in ever State in the Union.
For every half centuy farmers have followed its instructions in
raising1 their crops , and in converting them into cash have been
National authority.
If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics" that departmem
will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and
- . " " will the of the ladies
young"Fashion Articles" catch fancy , ant
' ' " items will - sunshine to
'Humorous Illstrations" and bringsunshine your
TUB WKKKI.Y TKIHUKK is "The People's Paper for the entire
United States , and contains all important news of the Nation
and World.
Regular suscriptioti price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it
NEW YOKK Published MondayWednsday and Friday
- A coniplcte up to-date , daily newspaper
three times a week for busy people who receive their mail oftener
than once a week.
Contains all striking news features of THIS DAILY TKIBUNK up
'to the hour of going to press ; and is profusely illustrated.
Regular suscriptioti price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it
, Send all orders to
A Ulogrnitliicnl Sketch oftho Populist
Taylor Flick , tlio populist candi
date for Governor ol Nebraska ,
WIH born in Beallsvfllllo , Washing
ton oniuity , I'a , His Father , Potter
Fhuk , was a saddle and harness
maker , but uhcn saddle making
centered in the larger factories , ho
became a farmer and ooal miner
Poler Fliok died u 1853 , leaving
a family oonfiifttiiig ol thu mother ,
two boys and four girls. Mr , Flick
not yt 20 years of age , took charge
of the ooal mine , and never allowed
the family to eopcrato except an
the girls martied and the boys went
into the army. In 1868 Mr. Fliok ,
still unmarried , emigrated with his
family to a tarm in. Livingston
county , Illinois , and for live years
was engag d in farming , doing the
wotk priuoip. lly bimpolf. His
father yvas a whig but ho was not
among those who being born iu a
party , remained it for ever In 1850
lie did not vote , being at that time
on a prospecting tour iu Illinois.
In 1800 Le voted for Stephen A
DougluP , and was married about a
mouth after the election of ( hat
voar. When the war began iu
1801 , his two brothers who wore
siill members oi his family , wont
into the army of the Noith , one of
them as a private , the other as a
second lieutenant , but ho being to
oar sighted for a soldier , did not
,0. , Iu 1803 ho became ono of the
'General Agents" of C. II. McCor-
nick brothers and continued with
be in until 1800 Up to his cm-
loyuignt with AlcCormick brothers
10 had considerable difficulty in
linking a living for his family.
Jut during the war , times were
jood and many olJ and apparently
woit lcas claims wore paid up by
he fanners who were receiving
fory high prices in very cheay
noney. And as ho had percentage
on all oollictions " , and a very large
percent on" old oluimf , the businonrt
was quilu profitable. During these
tars his Bintera were married and
ho boys'aftdr returning from the
army wont into business for tuem-
HL-lvos In 1872 he emigrated to
iisas and settled in llutchinson ,
iuuo county , and in less than a
uonlh his mother , died , and there
ho old happy Pennsylvania family
Mr. Flick became a republican
dnriu ( . ; thu war , and as such VTUB
elected First Mayor of Kutchiudon ,
ft IK ! afterwards .Supl. of Public
instruction nf Keno County , At this
tune he wae practicing law in the
city of llutchii.son , having been
idmilted in 1801) ) . In 1574 ho pur
chased u town sight on the Sant'J
Kiiilroad which the Company
lad laid out aud called Petersburg.
) \\ng \ to contentions in the preeeu-
ng legislature the town was not in
a-iy county. Tbo next winter he
visited thu legislature and Lad tne
erritory established as a county ,
and named Edwards after a friand
of Ins who ir. recognition whereof
irecled two largo two-story , fine
brick buildings on one of the prin
cipal corners of tLe town. Ho tud
hu uitizctus of the town also changed
he name of the town from Poterfc-
jurr , to Kinsley iu Loner of a Masa-
icuusetls man who agreed to erect
church which was t cost about
$2500. Mr. Flick resided in Kinsley
until 1884 and during that time was
elected and served as Ccunty At
torney , and as a member of the leg
islature. He was elected twice to
the legislature but was not allowed
to take his teat the first time , it being
ing claimed that Edwards county
did not have sufficient inhabitants.
lie also bad to contend with the
eamo objection when last elected
but was finally admitted. This was
in 1875 and 1877. The population
of Edwards county was light be
cause bands of hostilr Indians had
been continually passing throjgh it.
M. Flick has always entertained
views unfavorable to saloon keep
ing aud in 1884 voted for and sup
ported John i * . St. Joh'n for Pre
sident , I i 1888 he was a touritt u
California , and in 1802 was rending
in Oklahoma City hence did no
vote at oith'-r ol said elections , lie
has been a member of the Peoples
Indepexdenl Party ever biiioo U
orgamzition. lie resided in Bro
fceu Bow , Nebraska HIIICO 1803
Voted for W. J. Bryan in 1890 , bu
with the understanding that the
paity would return to its principles
as soon as the election was over.
Mos of his time at present is em
ployed in experimenting in elcotricty
for which puruoso he has a complete -
plote outh't. In 1893 ho published
a book , entitled "Tho Three Ch-
cuits" a "Study of the Primary
'Forot s. "
FAIIM Fou SALE : At Upton ,
100 acres ff peed farm land , 80
acres in cultivation end the real
fenced in pasture , with three wires.
Good four room , Hod house ; corn
crib and grainery , each 12x10 feet ,
connected ; stable and ohiuken
house etn. For parli.ulars call on
J. J Snyder , Broken How , or
Stopho" lv > lcox , ou premincH.35-3ra
Lincoln , Denver ,
Omaha , Helena ,
Chicago. Ilntte ,
< Hi ilrmeph , PortUnd ,
Kansas City , Bait Lake City ,
Ht. Louis , and all Hun Francisco ,
points cast ami south. anil all polnu west.
No. 48 Ycstlhulrd express ilftlly , Lincoln , Oma
ha , at Joseph , Kansas City , St. Louis , Chicago
cage and all ptlnts castand tontb 1084 pm
No. J4 Local express dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
Ht. Joseph , Katisoa City , fit , Ixinls ; Chicago
and all points cast and south . . . . . . . . . .OLD am
No. 40 T.eight dally , llavouna , Grand Island ,
Aurora , Howard aud LIuiolu 0Uam )
No. 4t ) Krolglit , dally except Sunday , Itaxontia
and inU'rmullUo pointst 1 ( Spin
No. 41 Veatltnilod express dally , Helena. Heat-
tie , llrttc , 1'ortlau.d and nil 1'aclflc Coaat
polntx 414am
No. 43 Local express dally , Black 1I1IU and
Intermediate points 4 63 pm
No , 45 Freight dally , Anieliuo , Ualioy , Kcnoca ,
Whitman and Alliance 10M m
No. IT Freight , dally except Hauday , Since *
and Intermediate point * . . 1:35 pm
Sleeping , dltlng and reclining chair cars ( scats
free ) on through trains. Tlckea told and bag
gage chocked to any point In thi United States
and Canada.
No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuesdays , Than-
days and Saturday a.
No. 45 will carry passengers for Auieluio , Hal
icy , Seneca , Whitman aud AllUuce.
No. 40 will carry passer gors ( or Kaveuni
jraud Island , Sowa/d and Lincoln.
loformntlou , maps , lime tables and ticket
call un or wrllo to II. L. Ormsby , agent , or J
? raucli , U. I * . A. , Omaha , Nebraska.
H. L. Onxtar , Agent.
A Colorado opportunity.
To Colorado at about half usual
cost , Juno 7 , 8 , 0 , 10 aud 18th , Aug
ust 2nd via the Burlington Route.
There's an announcement that
will intoiest thousands.
It brings a trip to the oool re
treats of the Rockieswithin
EVERY ONE'S reach.
It solvt'S the question , where
shall I go this summer ?
Tickets are good to return until
October 31st. See the local ticket
agent of the B. Ac M. R R. R. aud
gel particulars.
UeautifuMy illustrated book
about Colorado 72 pages , CO pict
ures , sent for fix cents iu t-Urn pa.
J. Francis , G. P. A , , Omha , Neb.
The Way to go to California'
la iu a tourist sleeper , personally con-
dtictul. Yin tie lluilligton Jtoule.
1'ou dent eliiingo cars. You make fast
time. You me tliu ilutat kceuery on
the globe.
Yuiircar Iu iiot aa expensively fur-
nlcned HB a place sleeper , but it ia just
as elf an , just as comfortable , just us
good to ride In and nearly $20.00
cheaper. It lias wide vestlbulee ;
Plntfchgaes high buck seats ; a unformed
Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious
toilet rooms , tadlea acd lie&nug rango.
Etaing fittocgly and tM'iivily bolll , it
fictca smooth ! } ; It is warm la winter and
coot in summer.
In of each excursion party IB an
e.xpericnuid excursion conductor who
iiccompaDleM it rlgbt through to Lose
'Jura leave Omaha , St. Jreepli ,
Uni'oln nnd Hastings ( very Thursday ,
arriving San Prancipco following Sun
day , Loss Angeles Moiday. Only three
" iyn from Mitwuri Itiver to luo Pacific
Count , includlug two Btop-ovcra of ! >
hours nt Denver and 2 } Hours at Salt
Luku City , two of tliu inott IntereBtlug
cities on tlio continent.
.For folder giving full Information ,
call at liny Uurllngton Route tlokot
ollluo , or write to , J. FIUNCIS
( Jen I. PHIS Ael..Onaha Neb.
Now Is The Tinio To Subscribe.
The State and National campaign
for 1000 is now on. Every body
should keep posted. The National
campaign as well as the state's bids
fair to be both exciting and interest
ing. No body who has any inter
est in the result of the campaign
ahould bo without , a county and
state paper In order that every
citizens in Custer county may keep
posted , we have decided to make a
special price on the REPUBLICAN so as
put it within the reauh of everbody.
To all new subscribers as well as to
all who pay up arrearges wo will fur
ni h the RrPDBUCAN for 26 cents to
the first of January 1001 , nr the
RBFUULICAN and Stale Journal to
Jon. 1st 1901 for 75 ; the Hew York
Tribune or Bee and REPUBLICAN for
05 cents to January 1st 1)01. ! ) Kansas
City Journal and RBPUULIOAN 60
lo You Have Fifty Cents.
If you have , will tell you how to
get the moHl "or jour money. Thu
Semi-Weely State Journal , publish
eci at Lincoln , wants several thou
sand new subscribers and as a
special inducement will mail the
papers Iwict a week from now un
til the end of this year foi only 50
cents. Two papers caun week with
all the . ews of the world through
i ) great presidential campaign and
the ounpaign in this state 'or two
United Slates Hcnatort aud .he stale
ticket. Never in j our life have you
been offered so much leading mat
ter for 50 cents. Send in your
money right now because the soon
er vou send it in the more papiirs
you got fur.vtmr money Address ,
Nebraska State Journal , Lincoln
Netii ,
I'oucb for west will close at 8 p. in. , ezcep
Sunday when It will close at 7pm ,
1'nnch , east for train No. 42 clones at 5.8 ) a m
and foi No. 44 closes at , 11 a m. Mall for Anslev
and points east ot Qraud Island Carried on tralu
No. 44 ,
OcontOTla of Hyno atd Tuckcrvl lie , dally ex
cept Sunday closes , at 7 a in : returning aame day
Cullawny via , Mc'Klnley dally except Uuuday
closes at 7 a m , returning name day.
Hound Valley via Gru and Klton oloie at ? a
m , Monday , Wedoeady and Fridays , returning
Haite day.
Hmunnr via ( Inruscy , Georgetown and Upton
arrrlvuti at II SO , Tuenday Thursday aud Satur
day , returning luuvca at 12,30 Damn day.
OlUci liuurh from 8.CK ) u in to 8 00 p m Sun
day 8 30 to U.30 a. in. Lobby open week daya trorn
7 a m to.B u ui. L. U. J wiW , PM ,
Roma8 9 K a1ty hlnca , Broken How , Net ) .
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from woht endin Realty
.block ; residence , 3rd wnat iM. E ,
church , same side of Htront.
We Have Added
to our shop i\ full line of wood work
ing machinery , and therefore would
ask a part of your patronage in this
line ' I , in which wo can save you
money. I Also ask carpenters and
contractors to lot un do their jot )
work , snoh an planing , ripping ,
scroll work , in fact everything that
is done in a tirttl class job shop. In
our old line wo are upto-date.
Wind Mills.
Wo carry all standard grades.
We carry a full and complete stock
of all styles. In pipe ami well
material wo a ways have it at the
lowest possible price. Fittings and
brass goods , hnso , belting , tanks ,
feed grinders , homo powers , in fact
everything thai bulongt ) to our
trade , We oarry in stock the
aMTTIl < : JACKC OI' A I , I. Til A WISH
for pumping or power. Also second
end hand gasoline engines , Hlcrim
engines in which wo can give you a
bargain. In hydraulic and casing
wells we have the beat and quickest
maohiuorv Unit is manufactured in
this day and age of the world , and
can guarantee our work in this line.
Yours Very Resp'y ,
0. H. OTEAD.
Complexion iiuaiitdflur
Wo waul ovoiy laily.u'aflor of tlu-
RKI'UUMOAN to try Dwighl'd ( Join-
plexion Bcaut'.iiur , thu inont oxqui-
Bite toilet pru ] * iratinn. It ia purt
and harmlet > ainakt'H the facuHinooth
aa relTot and fair an alkbaator. TD
induce a fair trml of it wo will for
a short time only ecnd FIIKIC a fill )
size , Fifty cent box to cvory li dy
who will eoiid us her post oflioo ad-
druaa silver dime tn pay for packing
and poatago. Only ono KUIIU box to
eaoh addrcBB but luiiicH may order
for tlioir fnoudn. Each box inn Hod
mparatcly. S'-nd tln'H nolioo nrd
your order at ONCIC to DV. . CUSTKK
& ( Jo. , Huntin ton W. Vu.
Equality , Economy , Security
i he true test fur.Life Insurance la
found In the Equity of the Contract ,
the Economy of Managemeutnnd ! the
Security for tlio'.Paynient.
Bankers Life Association ,
KUWAHD A. TIMTLK , President.
OrganlECd July IM , 1879.
Ouar nty Fand tor aafoty.
Harplua Fund for protection .
Huporvliod by 3,660 depoattory banks ,
Becurl lo deposited wltu Uta state
ConiervattTu methoda.
Preferred Hli < -Low Itatoa.
Quarterly Payments.
For rated and fall Information , call
on or
Agent for Duster County , Neb.
Ofllce at Farmers Hank of CUB * , er
Cocnty , Urokeu How , Neb.
A I'ropoHal TO married I.aillus.
KUItor of Cuncr county Rei-uuuoxx.
1'it'iifo annouucf ibat wo are flemllni : , | > i ttml | < l
an I Iroo of clmrtru , AD ul Kapt ti'rlinK fillviT-
plnteit utHr | Blirll , eucli KB wo fell icuulnrly nt
lOcencb , to every murtltcl lady In tno tinted
Stiltee who writes for U. Thi-ro 'b nothing to pay.
Tliextlft IB tttiBilutu. Kncli lady will Bond bur
own ntirno only.i g this l too Talunblo u gift to
end to ponoiiH who dun'I auk for U tliuiiuolvun.
Wo give choice of any of our JOc UcBiguti , mil
wllleeud llluitratlou from willed uuleciloti insy
bo nindo. Oar object U to advcrtUe Ouakur ,
valley silverware.V" bollere that tlio moel
efleetlvoway of clolug thin I * to wl hniiiploi Into
the uome * of the punplu IjiilluH , pluans wrl tee
today. Htiita that it It your nr t r quu-t forini ,
of our coaronlr Klftu. Q.uaker Vulluy Mfg. Co.
llork-aunnil llnrrli-on Stt C"ilc io
J , J. SNYDER , '
- Notary Public -
mid Justice of the I'caee. SnccUl Attention RT-
en to collection * . Irpo ltlon taken , p ndon
Tonchon neatly nxtcutod ami all kind * of lol
papers wrlton. oraeo went oldo cnnare.
Ilrokpn How , Nob.
Lund Counter ,
MnKoy , Prop'r.
All kinds if soft drinks. Best
brand of cigars , lot building east
of Rirmori bank , .
Attorney at Law
, -
Wm. F.
riruu and S | > oclflcattonn on sliort notlco. Ma *
turlnl ( iu i Ifhed aud building. * completed obo | )7r )
liau any inin In tlio itnto. .Sntl'factlou giurao
cod aa to pUni anil vpcclflrallona.
Dr. E. M. Hogan ,
Graduate Dentist
Ofllce oror.W. ! 8.Swan' * Onwiery nloro.
Brokeu Bow , - Neb. .
Clinton Day ,
Urokou Bow , Neb ,
> lllco over liyoraon's grocery. Kealy
unco ( i'.h hnuao west of Unptiat nhurob.
anil flBilmntoB on short no
ileo. Hrokon How , Nob.
U. fc > .
P. II. VOUNQ. . . . - K oo
Land Onioo nt Drokon How , Nob. , i
Ajirll 0 , iwa.
Notice l hcroliy clrun tlnit thu rollowliiK-imin.
vd eottlor hns Illcd notice nf liln Intontlnit to m iVo
flnal proof In numtort of his claim , and that said
proot will bo nmdo hoforo ItORlKt r and ( t oclvur
at Broken How Nob. , on August 17 , ICO ) , vln
O ! or e U. Warluic.
of llroknn How , Neb. , for the Lot U ceo. 7 , twp.
H , N. K. 20 , W.
Ho nanion tha following wltnc-scs to proro hlfl
cnnllnnoua ruHliloncu upon and ciilllvntlnn cf
anld Innd , VK ) : Mluu Scan on , Jiimca W.
Koblnaon , nt llrnkcn How , Ncl > . , ( Iborgo
Tuniplor , Ulclmrd F. vVatii jj , or Lillian Neb.
In tbu district court of OiiDtorruunty Nolirnnk
Clurn II. Wullutt 1'lnnUU , I Sorvlcu of Hnin-
VK. MIIOIIV by piilill-
Jolin A. Wullott. Dofondftiit jcntloii ,
To J oil n A. Wolli'tt urn re-lileiit difuudnnt.
Yon are liaro by notllled that on tliu 6th cluy of
July 1UOU Olara H. Wi llott lllcd n potllloii iiKalnut
you In thu District conn ol Ountcr coiiiuy
Ncbrnnkn the object and prnyurof whlcli arc to
obtain a divorce from jou on thu ground thnt
vuon oftor tin ) datu of ynur niarrliiKtvl li
plain tiff , to wit on or nbout May let 1B90- you
worucKtillly of oxtvnslTO curulty toward p'aiiulll '
\viiliotitiinyCMisoor proTucatluii on liepart. .
That nt mild diilu you wilhoiu CIIIIKU c.illoil
jilalnlllf Til nuinca , HWoru at lur unil liolny In
loxlcntvd cud Iilglily nunuvd othurwlse nils-
ruutud nnd ubuand pluln',111. That , at nuuv
ti'io' alLCo aald lout niiinud < lute mid
contluulK up until tlio priuunt tlinu you lime
hcfu Kiilltv of cxtretuii crtiultv tow.rU iilnlntlll
I'lnlntlll further nskti to Le rewarded the cneo ,
ruBtouy and control of thu child lilliutt uyu ; J1 ,
jcaie thu liMie of BII | MarliiK" ' "id for t-noli
other relief iw nmy bo Juctund niultuhlu. You
nro rcinilroil to nu-wer enld pe'ltlou un or bufotii
Monduy the 13 day August 1WX ) .
( 'i. A H A H , WKLLETT. ,
Ciialcr ( Joiinty , f
At a BQBslon of the County Court , Imlil nt tliu
Count ; conn room , In and for fluid county , nt
Rrokun How , on fiu UOtb day of Ju.y A. U. 1000.
1'iOBunt J. A , Armanr Counlv JudK' ) In llitt
matter of thu t'Htntu of John P Tuwcll ( loccRned ,
WHIJItHAa , Lot tors Ivgtainuntary liuvo thlsi
day been Kfbiitod to Uora A Towoll s itzucutrlx
of tha estntu of nnld Julia I * Towrll.
OHDICltUl ) , Tlintfclx monthi bu allowed for
orndlti n < to prcnfnt tielr claluii * ng lust mM
I'Ktiitc for adjustment nnd ullowancu , utid onu
year borllowed hiild executrix to settle up nttld
o-IRtc , from thoU7lh dny nt July A. I ) . 11KH ) .
notlco he L'ivon to tlio crodltorn of fulil cMtaUi , to
omienr before me , Ht thu County cou t room Iu
nild countv , on tliuli'th duy of Kept 1IKX ) , on thu
U7thday of Nov. 1300 , on thot8th day of Jr.iiuary
1 01 , at 3 o'clock p. in i-uch dny , by | ubHoitlJii
In the ( 'uftor County UKPUIILIOAN n iiuv\Hiuuur |
printed In nald count ) , four n'U siiccepulvcly ,
prior to thu iTlli day of Sispt tf'OO for thu purpuvu
of prt't-c'iilliit' their chtliiid for mlJiiRtmcdt nnd
Trim ccpy. J. A. Armour , Cou , | y Jndgu.
At eeBploii of thu County Court , for thu Cuuuty
> f Uusttr , holdon at the Ununty onrt Hooin In
Uroki-n How , on I ie ii5 day of July I'M- )
I'rupcntJ. A. Armour ijonnly JiulKo.
Iu thu matter of Ihu Krtstu of Andrew J ,
lurk Deceased.
On application by petition of Hn K. HurU of
IroUcn How re refuting ainniiK other thliiK1
hut Andrew J. Hnrk an liilinbllint of HI Id
. 'oiintv , on the ' . ' ( I duy of Ju y I'JW ) nt s.ild County
Ili-d Ititeulntu , li'iivlii ) , ' t'Htntu to liu niliiiliiloturi ) I.
Tlmt i lie iii'lltioiu'r ID wlilnw of fiiid ( lui'oni > o I ,
mid prayH lliat udiiilnlBtrut'iiii o' aald ducea i'd
M urunlod ' < > hur
II1 ISOIIDEIIKI ) , Tlmt mild application lo
irnrd at tin County Court Room , at tlie Cou t
llouBO. In thu City of roUvn How , on the 17 day
or Aiii'iict HW. in I o'clock p in
IT IS Kt'ltl'llKK O-DnltKl ) , Tlmt notice
thuruc'f lie ylvun to all purDouii by publication of
udi notlco at leust three .seokn tuccusalTC'ly ,
pri'ilnus'.o the time uppolntfi , In iliu Uutter
County Ho , ubllcun , u weekly nuwepapor In eald
( ouy J. A Auxouii , County Judge'
( t-eal )
\v rite InclosJnR thin ad. nnd MM nnd wo
will Kuiicl you Uila l : iutiful Mandollno
bcipross , C , 0.1) . subject to uxumliiA-
tlon. If f'u..i' exactly nsroprusi-ntoil
you can imy tlio cxjircsi ugi-nUmr Hl'Ki >
I.vf OKFKIiiirlco.8U ) lesn thufOcauts ,
ort * > "UutiiioxureB3 ulmrst-H. TliU la a
r. ulur $15 CO liialrurutiiit.boltd rosewood
y , fan * v i > o rl nud ebony chechon-il
ciUo , txt'iutlfut ' uoarl tutti < rlly tjuiud
p atii.rosiwood tlDReriioarUunilinoVt-ltull
it CH VollC'l I llllVOCHlUT It MUtUlollllt ! ,
j.i ti > ' , Iliiuj > or.oltnnti tlm f-nii i
\.i iljr I M'.l'lmuslculC'H' u
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