Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 26, 1900, Image 5

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    Paints and Wall Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , oto. Store on
corner of Fifth avomte and Main street , Broken Bow , Nob.
OH AS U. I'OUO , VrcMtlcnt. Onmlm , Nnb. H. 0,110(5 KU8 , OnM.ler . , llroKcn lto\v.
J. M. KIMHEllWNO , Vlcc-Vrcs , llrokou How. B. 11. HOYT , Asa't CftehlcrJ
Chas. S. Ford. J N.KImborllng. S. 11. Hoyt. n. 0. Rogers. V. U. Cald cll
Make a opcoialty of loaning money on cattle.
E V/ANT to say to lh
ublio that our health
itrly good , and hav-
ready to servo our customers with the best of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , in fact ANYTHING usually kept in a FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YARD. We make our own SHINGLES and we know
they are GOOD. Wo have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh eayl Try our
$4 00 COAL for cooking. Remember
I Once Was Lost , "but How I Have
Found it.
Where ? At my door. A t the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam
moth stock of Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever
hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
in < 4 posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap.
> jiistmas committees are invited to call and got my prices ,
. .member the place , on the big corner , jnst cast of First
w. s. Proprietor.
For Nearly Sxty ; Yenrn
- TIBOTS.For National Fnmlly
WEEKLY TIBOTS. For Progressive Farmers and
. VUliigors.
All old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People ,
from the Pacific , and the poincer in every movement calculated to
advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people
in ever State in the Union.
For every half centuy farmers have followed its instructions iu
raising their crops , and in converting1 them into cash have been
National authority.
If you arc interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department
will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old ami
young. "Fashion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies , and
' 'Humorous Illstrations" and items will bring sunshine to your
Tim WBKKI.Y TKIBUKE is "The People's Paper for the entire
United States , and contains all important news of the Nation
and World.
Regular suscription price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it
NEW.VOUK . Published Monday , Wednsday and Friday
compctc ] up ncwspapcr
three times a week for busy people who receive their mail oftencr
than once a week.
Contains all striking news features of THK DAILY THIBUNE up
lo the hour of going to press ; and is profusely illustrated.
Regular suscription price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it
'Send all orders to
Lincoln , Jlonver ,
Umnlm , Helena ,
Chicago. Untie ,
St. Joseph , Portland ,
Kansas Utty , SMI J.nVo City ,
St. Louis , nnil ( vll Unn Francisco ,
points cast mul south. and All point * went.
No.12 Vcntlbiilcd cxi'icn" " dully , Lincoln ,
1m , St .loocpli. K n * sClty. St. l.ouls , Chicago
cage anil 11 pBlntHcnstitmlKOiith. . . .lOSIpm
No.11 l.oonl express ilnlly , Lincoln , Omalin ,
St. Jof-eph , Kiiu so City , 81 , IxinlP , ( ! hlciuto
mul nllpolnlK cast nnd * outh . O'JOnm
No. 40 K. right dally. Unvcnim , Clraml Iflmnl ,
Aurora , Steward nnil Lincoln . OtiOnm
No. 'IS Freight , ilMly rxrrpt Hinulny , Itiurnnn
nnil intermtilhto point * , . . . . . .1 I'fi pin
No. II Vrslllmleilo\pref > B dully , llelonn , Hi'iit-
llo , llrtto , Portland mid ml 1'nclilo ( Joint
point * . I II am
No. -Loral PXprvM dally , lllaclc Mills and
Intermedium points . * . . . -IMpm
No , 4 ! > Frrlgbt dally , Aiibolmo , Hnlsoy , Seneca ,
\Vlillniaiianil Alllatico . 10 Main
No.17 Freight , dslly except Humliiy , Sinora
and intermediate ) points . 1:3 ! > jim
Sleeping , dltlng and reclining chair cars ( Boats
frco ) on through. trnllif. Tlckea sold and bug-
gngo checked to uny polut In llu Uiiltud Status
and Canada.
No. 48 has merchandise care Tuesdays , Thurs
days nud Saturdays.
No. < 15 will carry pasboiigers Tor Aneoltno , Hal
? ey , Seneca , Wbitmim ami Alliance.
No. 40lll cirry j > aterKirrt ! for Uuveiim )
Qrund IclanJ , Sewdld und Lincoln.
Inforuiatlon , maps , tlino tnblee anil ticket
mil on or write toll. L. Ornisby , ngent , or J
Fraud ) , Q. P. A. , Omuliu , Nebraska.
II. L. OiiMeiir ,
A ColornUo Opportunity.
To Colorado at about half usual
cost , Juno 7 , 8 , ! ) , 10 ami IStli , Aug
ust 'Jnd via the Burlington KotUo.
Tliore'fl an announcement iliat
will interest tliotinaidH.
It brings a trip to the cool ro-
troats' of the Rookies within
EVERY ONE'S reach.
It eolvea the question , where
shall I go thiu summer ?
Tickets are good to return until
October 81st. See the local ticket
agent of the B. & M. It. It , It. and
gut particulars.
Boautifu'ly ' ' illustrated book
about Colorado 72 pages , 50 pict
ures , sent for six ccntH in sliinps.
J. Francis , G. P. A.Oinhn , Nob.
The Way to go lo Calitomia.
Is in a tourist sleeper , personally con
ducted , via tLo IStirllugton Kotilo.
1'ou clon.t ctiinigo cars. "You make fust
tlmo. You too tlio linest Rconury on
tbo globe.
Your car IB not as expensively fur-
nltncii as a plnce eleepnr , but it Is jiidt
as clfimjuat ns comfortable , juat us
Rood lo ride In and uuiirly $ 20.00
cHpur. It bns wide vestibules ;
Pmuch gnaa hlgli baok Beats ; a unformed
Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious
toilet rooms , tables nud lienung range.
Being Btroujjly and heavily built , It
rides smoothly ; It Is warm in winter and
cool in summer.
In change of each excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor who
accompanies It right through to LocE
( Jars leave Omaha , St. Jreeph ,
Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday ,
arriving San Fraucifco following Sun
day , Loss Angeles Moi.dny. Only three
dnya from Mleieouri lltver to tiio Pacific
Coast , including two stop-overs ofy \
hours at , Denver und 2 } hours al Salt
Lake City , two of the most Interestlnc
itles on the continent.
For folder giving full Information ,
all ut any Burlington Kouto ticket
ollice , or write to , J. FUANCIS *
Gcri'l. Pus s AgU.On aim.eb. .
Tlio Blncit ZlillH Banner Vonr.
1900 IB tbo banner year for tlioEumtuer
resorts of tlio lilitck Hills.
Tlio season at Hot Springs opened r.t
least n month earlier tbun usual. Tbo
Hotels wore comfortably filled by tbo
middle of Juno.
Basing ones estimate on the number
of itqulries wbicb the Passongn Depart
ment (1 tbe Burlington Uouto Is xecelv-
It.g , twice us many people will visit the
B itck Hills tills summer cs it ) nry pro-
VIOUB yenr.
Two factors Imvo contributed to bring
about this eoEdltlon of tiffalis. Ono Is
that the Burlington Uouto will run moro
cheap excursions to the Black Hills this
Biimmor thun has beeu Its ( .untom in the
past ,
The otlur factor Is that the Uurllrg-
ton's train suivico to the 11111s has re
cently been g'eatly Improved , Its fuel
express trains for Hot Springs nnd Doitd-
wood now carry dmiug cars as well KB
tbo muni equipment of sleeping nnd free
reclining clmitcars. . '
Dining .Inly iho BarllnRton route will
run t n cheup txcuralotiH to HotSpdm
The dates are : July 3 7 8 10 11 17 18 21
Tbo rate Is one faro , p'us 22 00 , for the
round trip. Tickets hear liberal rcUirn
limit nnd the Uurllngton'B soivico to
the Hluck Hills is unrivalled.
Call on the local llckat ngent of the n
AM. U. ll.Jll. and let him tell you what
U will con you to nmku the trip.
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha Neb ,
to Tlic itlticU HIIlH.
Juno 21st , July V , 8 , 9 , 10 and
18th and August 2.
On any of them you can buy
tickets to Hot Springs , Duster ( Syl
van Lake ) , Deudwood , Spcarlisl
anQ Sheridan , Wyo. , at rate of one
faro plus $2.00 for the round trip.
Tickets will bo good to return
until October 31st the longest re
turn limit over made for tickets
sold at BO low a rate.
Unless yon have boon there you
have no idea of the attractions of
the Black Hills resorts. At Hot
Springs , for instance , you can bathe
ride , drive , bicyj'o and play golf all
day and every day. The pure air
and the wonderful healing waters
will rejuvenate and strengthen you
as nothing clso can do , 4
Sylvan Lake , besides being the
prettiest spot in the Black Hills , is
ono of the most popular. Go there
if you would escape midsummer's
heat. The railroad ride to Spear
fish is ono of the experiences of n
lifetime. Thousands makotho trip
every year. Spearlish Canon ,
through which the railroad runs , in
worthy of comparison with the
finest Bcnncry in Colorado.
Information about trains , through
cars , etc. , can be had at all B. & M.
K. K. 11. ticket ollloora.
J. FrnuciB , G. 1 * . A , Omaha , Nob.
Is The Tlmo To Subscribe.
The State and National campaign
for 1900 is now on. Every body
should keep posted , The National
campaign a. well as the state's bids
fair to bo both exciting nnil interont-
ing. No body who has any inter
est iu the result of ( lie campaign
should bo without , a county and
state paper. In order that every
in Custor county may keep
wo have decided to make a
special pricp on the KKrunt.iOAN sons
nit it within the reach of evorbody.
To all new subscribers as well as to
i'l ' who pay up arroargos wo will fur
uish the Kiruni.iCAN for 25 cents to
, ho llrst of January 1901 , nr the
Ltui'uni.iCAN and State Journal to
Tan. 1st U)01 ) for 75 ; the How York
Tribune or Bee and Itici'unr.iOAN for
0 , " ) cents to January 1st 1001. Kansas
City Journal and ItitrunucAN 60
Titc iMmigc iintu at not
Hot Springs' popularity us a nimmor
resort Is due to its plunge path more
luui to anything olso. Thcru Is nothing
Iko it nnywhpra In the country.
jirger swimming pools there are , but
none whoso waters lire so clear , oo
cryatnl-liko , so wondorlully refreshing.
All eummcr long It \ * thronged with
> nihois from early morning until Into at
night. Wet everyone who vialta Hot
Springs patronizes the pluago , but near-
y cveiyone makes a point of spending
an hour or two there dally.
The water Is of a uniform tompeniMiro
of 9G degrees nnd you oxpeilonco ailljht
electric shook when you cut . 1'he
action of the heart Is also perceptibly
stimulated. Thueo senBntlons are of
) nef dtirntiDti and are quickly followed
jy foehnga of pleasure , comfort and re-
During July the Darlington Kouto will
run ten cheap excursions to Hot Spiings.
The dates are : July a 7 S 0 10 1-1 17 IS
21 28. The rate Is one faro , plus $2 00 ,
for the round trip , Tickets bear liberal
return limit ard the Burlington's service
to the Black Hills IB unrivalled.
Cull on the local ticket tigcnt of Hie B , and let him toll you
what It will cost you to m k ) the trip.
Beautifully illustrated adverting
matter descriptive of the lilnck Hills
mailed on rf quest.
General Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Nob.
Do You Have HHy Cents.
If you have , will tell you how lo
jet the most for your money. The
semi-\Vooly State Journal , publish
ed at Lincoln , wants several thou-
and new subsuriborH aiul as a
pooial inducement will mail the
papers twioo a week from now nn
il the end of this year for only 00
; bntB. Two papers each week with
all the r.ows of the world through
ho great prcRidcntial campaign and
lie campaign in tins state for two
Jnited States senators and the state
ticket. Never in your life have you
juon offered BO much reading mat
er for CO contH. Send in your
uonoy right now because the soon
er you send it in the more papers
11 got for your money Address ,
Nebraska State Journal , Lincoln
Equality , Economy , Security.
* * ' <
T ho trno test for Llfe Insurance IB - - ' '
; - . found in the Equity of the Contract , . ,
? T $ tbo Kcnnoiny of Managemcnt/.nnd the } T
Sccnilty for thoi'nyinent.
Bankers Life Association , S
' ' . ? , DCS Malaos , Iowa. ' " ; " !
t f "tl"
' / ' : EDWAiinA.TEJM'LB , I'rcslcltnt. ,
il'j' * , Orftanliicd July. let , 1679. ' , ; . ! {
v ' * > id
$ Quantity Fund for rnfoty.
Ip3' HnrjilUfl Fund for protection.
* Vi iiiipervlsc < lby3OOOUcpo8llorybttukg.
* ' ' Securl'lcsilepoelted wltti tlio etnto
! ! * $ Conservative motbodn.
/s''i Preferred Uls.csLow Hatca. ' i'-j '
MW ( Juarlcrly Payment * , ' { . 'iy ,
vtj For rates and full Information , call Jp'J
i" on or addros-s * j ?
. . ,
Agent for Ouster County , Neb & *
OOlco at Fnrmura Hunt of Cuner ! - '
Cocnty , Drokon Bow , Null
I'oticb for weal will close nt 8 } > . m. , except
Sunday when It will iloeo at T p m ,
I'lnicli , cast for trilu No. 42 closn * at 5.30 a m
and foi No. 41 clopoii nt , II a in. Slall for Aneley
nnil ( Mints east of Qraud Island oirried on train
No. 11.
Oronto tin of fiyno ord Tuckcrvllle , daily ex
cept SumUy clOKi-B , nt 7 u m : returning sumo day
Callawuy via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday
cloacs at 7 a in , returning HHtoe day.
Hound Valley via Grevn and Klton cloiu nl7 n
in , Monday , Wcdncsdy and Fridays , returning
sairo day.
Sinnncr via Ournsoy , Georgetown and Upton
arrrlves nt II 30 , Tuesday Tnureday aud Satur
day , returning leave * At l.,3U Baino duy.
Olllo ) hour * from 8.00a in to 8.00 p in. Sun.
day 8.30 to 'J.UO a. in , Lobby open week days from
Tamto.Bpia , L. LI. JKWETT , l'M.
U Uoalty block , llroken How , Neb ,
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from woht endin Realty
block ; residence , 3rd west M , ' E ,
cilmrch , tjiinie side of street ,
We Have Added
to ournhop a full line of wood work
ing machinery , and therefore would
nHk n part of your patronage in this
line , in which wo can nave you
money. Also risk carpenters and
contractors to lot us do their job
work , Rtich ns planing , ripping ,
floroll work , in fact everything that
is done in a first class job shop. In
our old line wo are upto-dato.
Wind Mills.
Wo carry all standard grades.
Wo carry a full and complete stock
of all Btylew. in pipe and well
material wo always have it at the
lowest possible price. Fittings and
brass goods , hone , bolting , tanks ,
feed grinders , horse powers , in fact
everything that bolongfl lo our
trade. Wo carry in stock the
I.ITTI IJ JACIC OH1 AI.,1 , . Tt .AI > I-.S
for pumping or power , Also second
end hand gasoliuo engines , steam
ongiuoB iu which wo can give you a
bargain. In hydraulic and casing
wollfl wo have the best and quickest
machinery that ia manufactured in
this day and ago of the world , and
can guarantee our work in this line.
Yours Very Kcap'y ,
0. H. OTHAD.
Cumiilcxliiii lluiinttlllcr
\Vo want every ladyjroador of the
Rui'um.iCAN to try Dwight'd Com
plexion Boautilior , the most exquisite -
site toilut preparation. It is pure
nnd harmlcHHjtnakcH the fnooHtiiootli
as velvet and fair aa alabaster. To
induce a fair trial of it wo will for
a short time only eond Fume a full
BV/.Q , Fifty cent box to every lady
who will Hotul us her poet oflioo address -
dross silver dime to pay for packing
and postage. Only ono imuu box to
each address but Indies may order
for their friends. Eauh box mailed
separately. Send thin notice and
your onlur at ONCK to D. W. CUSTICU
&Co. , Uuulin ton W. Vn.
Cily Onliiiiiuce No.
An Odlnanco prohlbttliif ; tbo carrylni ; on
operating or conducting HIOOIIH ) , Illlllnrd Halln ,
HoHllliiK Alleys and I'ool rooniH on corlnln
Htrcotsiiud providing n penalty for the rlolatlon
He It ordlnnni'd by the Mayor and council of tbo
city of llroken How.
Bcctlon ono. Tint hereafter It eliull ba unlnw.
fill for tiny person , PTCOIIH , ilnn , HHHOCU-
tlon or corpnratlou tu ; conduct ,
nmntalu or opcriito n sulomi fur
tbo Rila ot lntoxlc llnu liquors , nilw'nu or beer.
Ho\\llii | { alley , billiard ball or pnol room on any
o ( thu following named parts of streets of feiild
cltyto-wlt : On p.irt of third and fourth
avtiiiicn nnd Hiondnny and Miiln BtieelHfront-
InK on the public equnro of eitld city , alao on tlio
north of Main utreut lictweon fourlb nnd
tlllli n\enn iilooon Hiu west sldo of llflli
avenue between Main and Cedar otreots of nMd
Hcrtlonlwo. Any ono found milltynf vlolntlup
this onllnnnco shall forfeit any llconnn tbat may
ho IsHiiud to any imrson , pcreoiiH , llrm iissocliillon
or corporation for the conduct of any such lmnl-
IICHS mimed In tha Ur t tectlcn of the ordinance
and shall pay a llni ot $5 for cacti day oucli buel-
nc'O may Iu run In vlolnllonof tbls ordlnanco
and t > lmll upon conviction thereof stand cainmltu
I'd until t-uch line and cents ure pcld , I'lovldod
further that nolloonso shall bo ISBUCI ] for tbo
conduct of any tmou InisluosH on tbu parts of
btrcetsef any buslncRi ) un fore raid on tha
pirt of streets nforcrald. 1'abueil nnd approved
thin lltliday of July IUOO ,
\V. 11. Osborne Ji K. ROYHU ,
TO AKirrlvti I.
Kdltor ot Cuf tor county REI'UIIMCAN.
1'ieu-u announce Iliat wo are sendini. , postpaid
and free ot charge , an elegant itorlliiK hllrer-
platcd sugar ehftll , euch as wo sell regularly nt
lOeciich , to every married lady In the United
Stiites who writes for it. Thcroib nothing to pay.
The Kflft Is uboilute. Kuchlady will fund bur
own name only , OB this Is lee valuable u gift to
'end to pcrxoiiB who don't aslt for It themselves.
Wo uivc choice of any of our 40c designs , acd
wlU vend Illustration from which Detection ina ;
bo inado. Our object la lo udvertlto ( J.uuUo
valley Bllvorwnro. Wn believe that tbo in OB
elTcetlvoway of doing this IB to get samples Into
the homed of the people. Liille.i , pleauu writei
today , ht tH ttmt it is your llrct riquo t for on
of our fouvenlr gifts. Quaker Valley Mfg. Co.
Mor/im nnd Ilarrlnou Sis
j frult'i.Ji'lllea , pickle ? or catsup nru
more eutlly , rnoro nutckly. inure
lio.ltlifully wulod with Heilned
I'nrilUno WAX than by any oilier
nifi hud. iJozena of other uwii A 111 bo
* - * - " . g"-
V.'rlto Jncloslnff this ad. nnd tOo and wo
will send you lliis loautlful ManUollno
\y \ oxprosa , C. 0.1) . BUblect to examina
tion. If f'juni1 exactly as roprcbcnted
you can pay tlio oxpru.s.s uRuntniir ( Jl'lX- !
' 't'lUt price. * 0 00 less tbo f.O cents.
orS'i.DOuDiioxurcsii clmrti'S. This 19 a
regular 411.00 lustrutneut , solid rosewood
body , fancy pearl aud ebony checkered
cdtfo , bu.-iutlful pearl tuttorlly guard
jili-co" . You oixn have either aMnudolluo ,
. ttUu'tar.IlanJoorVlollnnutbOBami
) Wi no far b'riEK musical Catulo . . . .
AdJrcs > 3 , * A. Uosiio , Oinulin . , Neb ,
J , J , SNYDER , - '
- Notary PuMc , . "
and Jnitlco of tbo Peace. Bpoclat attention clr-
on to collections , Jppo ltlonB taken , ponnlon
voucher * neitly oTccutcd and Ml kinds of legal
poporn wrllon. Ofllco west side e
llroken llow , Neb.
Lund Counter , ,
Ef r/inl'.oy
, Prop/rt - ,
All kindfl - > f soft drinks. Boat
brand of cigars. 1st building east
of Fnrmort bank.
> M. Scot !
Attorney at Law
Wm. F.
. . Ilopkihs ,
I'lnns ntul 8ioclflcntlon8 | on short notlco. Ha <
icrlnl fin i.tshcil and buildings completed ohoajMc
him any mill In thu itutu. OntlnfacUou gunran
cod as to pliiiB nnu fiioclflcatlons ,
Dr. E. M. Hogan ,
' Grnduatc'Dcutist
Onico'ovor W. B.Swaii'a Grocery Btora.'ITS
Broken J.BOW , - Neb.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Nob.
Olllco over Kyorson's grocery , Roaly '
donee ( Hu house west of Baptist church.
and cstlmntos on short no
tlco , Broken Bow , Nob.
U. S. 'Land Office ,
tMI. YOUNG. . . . - Heco.vei
ijAiul OOtco nt Broken Dow , Nob. , I
April U , 1000. f
No tire Is hereby Riven ttmt the followlufr-unm-
cil Roltlor tins llloil notice of Ills Intention to nmo
fltml proof In enpnortot hln claim , nmltlmt said
proof will lie nmilo hoforu ltc lntor nml Uocolvor
ut lirokeu How Mob , , on August 17 , 1000 , vlai
of Urokon Dow , Neb , , for tbo Lot 2 Iico. 7 , twp.
18. N. U. 20 , W.
Ho niunos the following witnesses to prorohlH
conllniioua rcHldonco upon and cultlvntton of
said liuiJ , vlx : Mike Bcnnton , Jamoi W.
HobliiBon , of llrokoii llow , Ni'li , . Uuorgo
Tuinplor , Ulclmrd 1 < \ WfUinj ; , of Mlllan Net ) .
) UOt „ JAMICS WII1TK1IKAI ) , Jtcfilstcr.
In tlio district court of Ouster comity NebraaU
Ultirn II. Wullclt rinntlir , I Horvlco of Sam *
John A. Wollott , nofcndnnt. ) cntlon ,
Td John A. Wollutt non resident dofoinlnnt ,
You nru hero by notllled tlmton llio 5th tiny of
July tUOOUlnm I ) . Wcllutt lllod iipotltlnnagalnit
you In thu District court ot Uuotor county
Nrlininkn the object nnd prayer of which nro to
oblnln n dlvorco from you on thu ground that
BOOH nflnr tbu dale of your nmrrlnga wllli
plain till , to wit on or about May let lUUO yon
Yturo CKullty of cztcnalvo curelty toward plnlutllt
with out liny causu or provocation on bur part.
That nt milil duto you without cause called
plnlnlill Till naincH , b\voro at l.ur nndnbolng In-
toxlcutcd nnd lilglily fiirHted otlicrwho inla-
truiitud nnil abuseit iilnln'.lll. at many
limn sli.ce Bulil last tmineil Unto und
contlniilu up until tbo present tlmo you hare
buun Kiiiltv of cxtrcina cruelty tow.ird plnliitlff
I'lalntlll further asks to be awurdud the case ,
custouy und control of thu child Klllott K o a
ycaiB tlio Issue of said Alarlagu and for pncti
other relief imniny bo Juet und equitable. You
uru rcqulrod to iinswer euld petition on or bcforo
Monday tbu 13 day August 11HX ) .
THU STATE Ol' NEllKAai A , I -
Ouster County , f Ba-
At n HOsslon of the County Court , held at the
Count } court room , In nud for Bald county , at
HroUcn llow , on t'io ! ! 0th dny ot July A. I ) . 1900.
Present J. A. Armour Counlv Juil o. In the
matter of tbu cxtuto of John P Towell deceased.
WHKUKAS , Letters testamentary have tills
day been Krantod to Dora A Tawull aa executrix
of Urn estate of said John P Towell.
OIIKltUl ) , That six months bo allowed for
creditors to present tbclr claims agilnst said
fhtalu for adjustment and allowance , and onn
year bo allowed nnld executrix to settle up said
Oblate , from the -Tib dny of July A. I ) . 1K)0. !
notlco bo ulvon to thu creditors of said estate , to
appear before mo , at the County court room In
mid county ; on tbo 871U dny ot Sept 1000 , on tlio
i7th ! day of Nov. 1000 , on tbo ! )8tli day of January
1 01 , ( it 2 o'clock p. in each duy , by publication
In tbo Ciif tor County llEi'unuuAN a newspaper
printed In eatd county , four weeks successively ,
ijrlor to tbo 7th day of ijopt It00 for tbo purpouu
ot prctcuiluK their claims for adjnstmcdt anil
True copy. J , A. Armour , County Judge.
( SKAL. )
nut HprlHUSi H. u.
The golf lines nt Hot Springs nro
among tlio finest in tuo Weat. Thoyaro
looatod on thu tahlolnnd eouth of town ,
n high , \vluil-flwopt plain wbero it is at'
wnyscool. The surroundings are ro-
munt iu the extreme. Right ahead ol
you is the rugged mass of Buttle Moun
tain wlnlo to loft Is Euho Canon , ono of
the most beautiful canons in the Black
The links nro only a few minutes wnlk
from the hotels and cud near the famous
plunge bath where , nftor a morning
spent in "tcolng , " and "putting" you
can enjoy the delights of n swim In the
clearestcleanest , moat oryatnl-like wat-
tor in all America.
During July the Burlington Route will
run ten cheap excursions to Hot Springs.
The dates nro : July 3 7 8 9 10 U
The rate is ono fare , plus $2. for the
round trip. Tickets boar liberal return
limit and the Burlington's corvlco to
the Hhick Hills la unrivalled.
Call on the local ticket agent of the B.
& M. R , R. R. and lot him tell you what
U will coat you to make the trip.
Oencrnl Passenger Agent ,
Omaha Neb.
Suggested the Grnncl Army Iiloa.
Rev. 'William J. Rutledgo , who died
recently nt Jacksonville , 111. , at the
nge of eighty-six , is credited with be
ing the first person to suggest the idcn
of the Grand Anny of the Republic ,
which attorwnrd was carried into effect
J by Dr. Ben F , Stevenson ,