t ; o , r r sKta TIM Llbrrulnn Society I VOL XVIX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 26 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES , NOG "CVKS IN TIIR HACK 0V SXIH HEAD , " Oliver WcmtfU IlolmcF , llalos Glrdlcr , credited with having oycs In < ho back of I8 | head , bccnutio he MW tilings behind ns \\oll us In front. Tills unM ail duo to jijs oxtitimely large , old fashioned , ronnd epoch clo leiifcs , Hi uhloh objects behind Jilm were plainly reflected 1 roper Klassus on dotectlvo oycs of the present dny woul * umnblo tholr jiosecpsorH to tco jiiiiny tiling ? with perfect eaeo that now ( .ei'in dim alul Indistinct Thoeu wbo Imvo "ever avnlled themselves of cliias ntdcull spectacles "nulsnnceo , " o tiers who utcopt ilie aid In n timely manner call the' ' " "blcBdngB " Cnll thorn what yon picaao My Blueses filvo yon cape. Graduate of Chlcoco Opt Imlmlc College. 3&t All Standard GBADKS OP hf. JVTaclaine- Oils AT J. G. Haeberle's : I o 150 0T ! h fnH Ctf 0 # > It iHf't lli inn torlnl Hint ifotiM Into vi nr > vntvli tli t i trrct ! M > -nj3iit . - . i rjou ; Jlou ; ihul uoL'Hliiu tmt > ui f3 , suy bi can huy the flno kli di of nnterlnl Unit I IHO In rrpnirlrg ; but tkill is tlio most valuable maturial thnt cin bo iHcd in natch repairingj nrd the bun ler cnn't buy it. 1 sell my skill ( or what It la worth nud it will coat you ices thin at , lowrr prices. P. W. IIA YES. Jo.vjlor and Opt'oinu. Wi-st fide of Eqtmro. FouSAiK A one story cottage with six largo rooms , pleasant yard an ! Burroniilin ( > p , Price $000 O.ill on L. J. Gaudy or at this 'ollioe. 7 10th tf. J. P. Gaudy , one of the founders of Broken Bow , new of Alva Ok lahoma arrived in the oity Monday morning from his eoutbron homo rn a visit with relatives and friends Mr Gaudy speaks very fulteringly of hia country. Ho holds at tl'o pre sent time the position of field mar shal and is regent of the govonunpn' agricultural school , and besides is engaged in breeding Short Horn cattle , Business Pointers. Dr. T. W. BasH , dentist , Broken BOUH The jir rubber that .ikocps fruit , at J. 0. Bowon'u Fresh SapsafraHB at. WILKINB PHARMACY. Foil HAI.K. A tltoronbrcd hbre- ford bull. Wit FnKY. tf. Foil SAIV Two good ohow cases' W. II. OSIIOKNK. tf Fruit jars , glaep and stone , at J. C Bowen'd. Pepnin Gum , two packages lor a nickel at WIUCINS' PHARMACY. Cannon City coal at Diorks Lumber Co. Go to Mike Scaulou's Rcstur- ant for the best lunch in town and confectionery , Spring : o horel Drink Sassafrass Tea for your blood. WILKINB PJIAUMAOT. If you are eiok and wish O got v\ell HBO our quaker bath cabinet , at J. C. Bo wen's. Call on or write Broken Bow Ab stract Co , when in need of an ab. slract of title. E. Uoyso abstractor. Write Uaydon Bros. , Omaha Wholcflalo Supply House for priset and samples. 2 8 lyr. CAHINET PIIOTOS iJ-2.00 A DOZBN ; at U. L. Fiazicr's studio , west side gquaro. Abatrauts compiled promptly and accurately by the Broken Bow Ab stract Co. E. Royso abstractor , Cherry pitter that pits , at J : C. 3o wen's , FOR SALE Tvioyrarold white 'ace bull , seven good yourg COWP , two steer calves. tf A. T. SKYBOLT. Wauled Cattle to 1'aslnro. 1 have a fine [ section of pasture and and want at least 100 head of cattle to pasture. Plenty of water and salt guaranteed. tf Jitssit GANDY , Pure cider vinigar is J. C , J'ow- eii's trade mark and it is true to lame. It is a pioklo keeper. I'ENN & DOKRIS , ULACKSMITIIS. All Kinds of work in our lice done piomptly and in first-claes order. Red 3lup on the corner , west of tue hose loueo. Give us B trial. A Good Thing- Our Great-Grandmother' garrets containing the naino herbs of all icaling found in Karl's Clover root on. They gave our ancoatoi strength , kept tlio blood pure , oud will do the same for you if you say so. Price 26 els. and 50 cts. Sold jy II. G. Haoberlo. WANTED One young man from Ouster countv , Nobr. to prepare for the coming RAILWAY ; MAIL SERVICE examination. Wo fur nish everything , inoluding BOOKS and MAPS. Addrofip , enclosing tamp , Inter S ate Corri spondenco [ iiHlimU , Cedai Rapids , H. 4' . Ilyno. Q.A.Qrlf/lth Infotms ui tUat the tafBlioppcra have cummenccd on hit corn OB umny OB fifty on oin sulk. G. A. Orlfllth has commenced to cut down the ' 111 on'ttio now rend weet of Rym. If others would do likowlao It wc-ulil improve the roatl and stop a pro longed howl. II. G , DoA-nel Is Id'd up Ho has H crick In his back , lie IB gone to C.llu\vi\y to day ( or mcdteal treatment. After very hot weather last week wo were M'oml with n hcftvy rnin on Sun day nlfi'it ' , prcccpltntlon two inches , thoroiiRlily bonking the ground ; the corn hae responded and is mi a boom ; post ures revived nud the farmers horoa a wo'l , ihliiRs Jotk-id bno : but it now prom BOB a fair crop of corn. A Fire At Cnlltnvny. Roy Welch of Callaway had the mihforlune Monday night of having bib store burned. It was not half an hour after he had left the Ptorc that tbo building was discovered on fire. The orgin of the lire is not known but is supposed to have been from the explosion of a lamp. The value of the goods and building is estimated worth $10,000 , insurance ' 5s 1000. It was by hard work that other buildings in close proximity were saved , Local Mention. Job printing at this office. The county board adjourned last Wednesday to Sept. Wo ffill furnish the Kansas city Journal and RKPUUMOAN for 81.25 pur year , f R. M. Di'okson ' of Cnllaway was a friendly caller Tuesday , Roy Barnard Junior editor of the Callaway Courier was a friendly caller Tuesday. Mr. and Mrs. . C. A. Chapin are the proud parents of another boy to blo38 their homo , He was born Monday night the J3id. Mrs. Charles Steers of Iowa Falls is visiting in the oity with her mother-in-law Mrs. II. Walton. Blackwell and Pnrcell will give a dance Friday night , at the opera house. Go and enjo } ' yourselves. W. II. Osborno Jr. has resigned the oilico of First Lieut , of Co , M. His resignation lias been aooepted , has bt'on oleutod to fill the vacancy and L. Liylon second Lieutenant. There is no doubt but the electors will bo confirmed by Gen. Barry. Ama Amsborry , Verda Thorpe and Dora Iliatt wont to Omaha the first of the week , where they have secured work for a few weeks for ( ho Republican State central ooni- mittoi. Quarterly meeting at the U. B. church next Saturday and Sunday. ,1. J. Smith , P. E , will preach Sat urday evening and Sunday moining and evening. Preaching at Church of Chrirt Sunday morning and evening all are cordially invited to attand. The endeavor social held in ( ho Munk grove was a BUCOOBB. The endeavor society wishes to express its thanks for assistance rendered by band boys and others. The lawn sociable given Tuesday night at the residence of J. M. Kimberling by the B. Y. P. U. was quite a success. The program was most excellent and the attendance laige. The receipts were 5-21.00. The band boys and others who gave their assistance in carrving out the program have the thanks of com mittee. A fine ram visited Custor county Sunday night and not only greatly improved the conditions of the corn , but revived the fooling of every body. The precipitation as far as reported was from ono to two inches , varying in different locali ties. A. J. Bnk. an old gentleman hv- iiug ten miles north of the city was stricken with paralasis Thursday of last week from which ho never re- Rained confiuiouBiu-ss but died the following day. Hie remains were laid to rest in the Broken Bow Cemetery Saturday. Ho loaves a wile and one or two small children to mourn his death. Broken Bow merchants have struck bed rock prices on Groceries Go to A. Wallace west Bide of square and get the list of articles for * 3.20 : 1 pkg breakfast food 4 Ibs coffee 1 sack Hour 1 dozen pickleB G bars soap 1 Ib dried poaches 1 pkg yeast 1 Ib evap. Apples 8 Ibs sugar 1 Ib starch 1 pkg feoda 1 Ib dried apricots } Ib spices 1 Ib rico S. Neth of Union Valley reports the quality of wheat in his vicinity bettor than last year , and the con dition of corn excellent. He made a trip Saturday south west boyonc Caljawav and reports that in the round trip he only saw ono Hold of corn that was badly damaged by tbo dry weather. Ho thinks tha the rain Monday night insures an average crop of corn in the county and that another such a rain in week or ten days will still increase the yield. Let ; llrokcn. Ellsworth Penn while attempting to laffioo a wild horse in a corra near W hitman Saturday from among a bunch of horses was run over by tbo herd and sustainnd a sever fracturo'of the log between the kne and hip. Dr. W. E. Talbot wont t Whitman and brought him dowi homo Sunday night and reduced th fraotnro Monday. Not having proper medical oaro immediately th unfortunate man was in a danger ous condition when they roaohoc homo with him , but at the prcson writing ho is getting along fairly well , Rev , J , R. Woods of Maeon City was a friendly caller this morning. The teachers institute closes this week. It has been a very success fill SOFBIOU. Fied Rinno is one of the happiest mon in town. Ilia wife and ohildron amved last evening from Arkansas o n a visit and may conclude to rc- uiaiu permanently. Rates to the State reunion of the G. A. R. of Nebraska from the 13lh to 18th of Aug. will be one faro. 'I ho Hcadquartot's train of the Department of Nebraska for the National encampment at Chicago will start from Broken Bow on the morning of August 25. The rates will bo ouo faro lor the round trip. Judge Reese , of Broken Bow commander of the G. A. R depart ment of Nebraska has accepted an invitation to attend the Nebraska Epworth assembly and preside enG G , A. R. day which will bo Tuesday Aug. 7. State Journal. J. II , Eilmistcn chairman of the fusion state central committee made this oilico n friendly cal 1 Tuesday. As ho did inform us what his mission to Custor oounty is at this time we can only conjecture that a bad con dition of the fusion fences is alone roeponsiblo for his hurried visit so soon after the pop state convention. It is assorted however that Bryan's barroll is not larpo enough to buj oft' the mid road loaders. Time will tell. WANTED. Throe or four more boarders. Enquire of Rlre. U. W , Kd- varda , in Reality Block. l-"or Hule. I have a second hand Minnesota cheap thrashing machine in good epair that I will sell at a bargain , 7 19 If C. S. MARTIN. FOR SAJ.K Eight room house nd ouo aero of land also Burdott JrgTi oboap. 7 10 tf Inquire of L. E. KOOK , Colorado Low rates Thursday , August 2nd. One fare plus § 2 for the round rip.Denver Denver , Colorado Springs , Pueblo , Glonwood Springs , Salt Lake City nd Ogdon. Return limit , October 31st. See the local ticket agent of the Turlington Route , Beautifully illustrated book dos- riptivo of Colorado mailed on re ceipt of six cents in stamps. J. Francis , General Passenger Agent. Omaha Nobr. Suicided. Last Friday night Frank Berger , ono of the early settlers , and suc cessful farmers of Westorvillo com- milted suicide by drowning himself u the cistern. The deceased had ) eon allltotod for two or three years ind his mind had booomounballauo- od. Ho stole out of his room some imo Friday night and removed the cover from tho'oistornaud east him- elf into eight feet of water which ended lusexiBtancc. United liretliern Itally. The United Brethren of Glister county will hold a rally and picnic n Vannion's Grove , 2 miles west of Broken Bow on Tuesday , July - } 1,10(0. ( J. J. Smith P. E , and J. F , Green , ono of the pioneer preachers of Custor countp , are ex pected to bo present. There will bo preaching and class meeting in the Forenoon , bo giving at 10 a. m. followed by a basket dinner. In the afternoon a program consisting of songs , recitations , short address CH and reminiscences will bo given ' 1 hero will probably bo preaching in the evening. Evorypody is invited vited- Come and have a grand good time. The31. U. A. 1'iciiic. State organizer of the M. 13. A S. S. Ilayman of Grand Island has accepted an invitation to attain the M. B. A. backet picnic to b held in this city Saturday Aug. 4 Invitation if > extended to all mem bers oi the M. B. A , of the county to attend and thus lend their aHsig- topce in making it a success. Th program will consist in music speeches and recitations. Members are urged to bring their friends with them. No ono is excluded Mhothor mcmlors of the M. B. A. or not , All who fool inclined to join in a day of pleasure are invit ed to bring their baskets with them and enjoy a day m the cool shtulo. The Broken Bow lodge will piovido the lemonade and ice cream free. WnGW by the use of Royal Baking Powder is considerable Royal is economical , because it possesses more leavening power' ' and goes further. Royal saves also because it always makes fine , light , sweet food ; never wastes good flour ; ' butter and eggs. More ini- i portant still is ] ese the saving in SSQwefssr so health. Royal Baking Powder 05 ® 4 der adds anti- 4h&w others dyspepti c $ qualities to the I as titno SSoyaB food. Imitation baking powders almost invariably cotta tain alum. Alum makes the food unwholesome. ROYAL DAKIUQ POWDER CO. , 100 WILLIAM ST. , NEW YOHK. ' Tlic ( omillHt Htate Coiivontluti. On sohodnlo titno ns per call the mid-road populiats mot in Graud aland last Friday to rogiator their opposition to fusion and to save heir party from being sold out > odily to domooraoy. The attond- inco was highly Haltering to the eadcrs aa well as a just rebuke to hose who bad sold thorn out to the lemooratH. Custor oounty was roproeontod by a number of dologatcH" and the county received due recognition by the convention. Our respected townsman , Taylor Flick received the nomination for governor by acclamation and Jaa. Li. Stookham was Holooted as ouo of the presidential electors. J , G. Painter was made secretary of the convention. The convention en dorsed Barker and ' Donnely's nom inations for president and vice- president and the Omaha platform. There were about 400 delegates present. They adopted the name lopuliat as their party name. The AiiHley Jtofoljcrs Caught. Wednesday morning about 2 o'clock the safe in Mrs. B. J. Tier- noy's drug store at Ansloy was broken into and roloived of $275 or $300 , Not baing molested the robbers entered the business place of Sheppard evidently intending to t o through his safe. Dr. Young who chanced to bo on the street at the time saw a lighted match in Shep- pards place and proceeded at once to give the alarm. B. J. Tiernoy on being told robbers were in the town went into the drug store and found that his wifo's safe had been broken into and the money wat gon6. The robbers learning they had been discovered made their capo. Sheriff Armstrong was telephoned and by 5 o'clock ho was on his way to Ansloy. It was o'cbck before ho found their trai south of Mason. About 4 o'clock in the afternoon ho captured them in Buffalo county and Lired an extra team to bring the fugativei to Broken Bow. Ho reached hereabout about 0 o'clock this morning and they are now safely lodge. Ho secured - cured from them $220 , and a half dozen skeleton koyu and a file. The men when found were a sleep and no wopons but a pocket knife and razor. The Ho osier Reunion will moo August 15th , 10CO in Jim Lang' Grove H miles below Hound Grov all Hoosicrs please oomo bring you families and dinner , a good pro gram will ho rendered by order o committee , J. K , Woods , Pros , C. M. Blowers and wife of Arnold are visiting in the oity. The school officers and teacher's mooting hold last Saturday after noon and night oin this oity was quite a success and was largely at- < - tended. * The Misses Donslovr , May and Nina , of Dodge county , Nebraska * noices of Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Button of this oity , who have boon guests of their uncle's family the past three weeks left Broken Bow for their homo on the Wednesday morning train. The young ladies were delighted - lighted with the country and its people and made many friends dur ing their stay in the city , all of whom regret their departure. The New Store. Wo called on S. B. Thompson , manager of the Thompson , Hubloo , Stevens Co. 8torothis morning who uo putting a now store in this ilace. Owing to the immense stock hey are putting upon their shelves buy were anablo to open their store on the 22nd as advertised last week , but will have everything in rcadincfis by August first. They ire putting in a largo stock of now and fresh groceries iu connection 1 with their dry goods , 9hny ? will ' lave a complete , largo and now " stock of boots and shoos and notions * of all kinds. The manager was to ) usy this morning unboxing and ' . narkinpgoods to writoan advertise ment. Watch the REPUHLIOAN for ono later. Ilcsolutious. Whereas It has pleased Diviuo providence to remove from our uidst , Mr. Towlu , the husband of our beloved president , and Whereas The cause of Woman Suffrage has sustained the loss of a oo-workerand sympathizer , There fore bo it resolved , that wo , the members of the Political Equality Club of Custor oounty , extend our ' heartfelt sympathy to the relatives and friends who mourn his depart ure. Resolved That these resolutions bo published in each of the looal papers , and a copy of the same bo sent to the bereaved family. Also ' that they bo recorded iu the min utes of our association. Mrs. M , E. Tnompson , Mrs , 0. II. Carloe. ' J Mrs , Dr. 0. Piokott. Bloving Michigan Mllli. 'A largo number of Michigan saw mills are being moved to Canada as A ' ' result of the legislation of the province of Ontario , requiring that all logs cut on timber lands leased from the gov ernment are to bo manufactured within , limits of the province. * *