Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, July 19, 1900, Image 1

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    guto 11UI LlbiMlwi HooUl/
rr / j J-I
r l *
Oliver Wcndn.1 Holmi's , Ililr * Glrtlicy.
credited \vlh ! Iwvlni ; oycs In ho back of
JJB licnil , because lie PHW thlnus behind
, , s well ; IB In front. This was nil duo to
) , | B exit timely lursc. old fn.-lilonud , rnnr.d
gpocti cle lonBos , In whlrU olijecte behind
111 w were plainly rcllectud IroperKlapscB
on ilelectlvo eyes o the present dny
wouVt cumblc their posecpsorc to sco
ninny thluyevlth perfect case that now
gct'in ulni and Indistinct Tliopu wbo
have never avtiltcd tlicmtvlvcs of Kins *
nldcall spcctncli'H "nulennccp , " ouern
\vlio iii-Copt the aid In n tltutly manner
call them "bles lngs "
I Cnll tliotn what yon pleaae
My Kineses glvu you case.
I Graduate of Chlcaco Optlialmic College.
All Standard
Machine- Oils
G. Haeberle's.
It iHM't tilt ; timterlnl
Hint ifiten into vimr
mutK in a uenct
lol . il is tli i.
thut does tuo bu tinLbs.uLy uutglui
can buy the flue kind s of material
that I luo In repairing ; but alii
ia the most valuable material that
can bo used in watch repairing ;
and the bungler can't buy it. I
sell my skill for what It is worth
nnd it will coat you less than
bungling at lower prices.
Jeweler and Optician ,
West aide of square.
TAKEN UP A young calf three
or four daya old , owner * can have
same by proving property and pay
ing costs. 0. W .BOOTH ,
Broken Bow
WANTED Several peisosn for
district office managers in this state
to represent mo in their own sur
rounding counties. Willing to pay
yearly $000 , payable weekly.
Desirable employment with uneual
opportunities. References ex-
changed. Enclosed self-addressed
stamped envelope. S. A. PATJK ,
320 Caxton Building , Chicago ,
11 3U-201 ,
Business Pointers.
Lr. ) T , W. Bass , dentist , Broken
Freeh Saesafrasa .it.
FOB SALK. ' A thoroubred hereford -
ford ball. Wit. THEY. tf.
Fou SALV. Two good show
cases'V. . II. OBIIOKNE. tf
Pepsin Gum , two packages for a
Cannon City coal at Dierks
Lumber Co.
Ti-o Quaker Bath Cabinet will
give health. For sale by J. C.
Go to Mike Scaulon's Kcstur-
anl for the best lunch in town
and confectioner ) ' .
WALL PAPER All now and
artistic dosigus. All 1900 paterns
Spring : s hure ! Drink Sasaafrass
Tea for your blood.
Call ou or write Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. uheu in need of an ab >
struct of title. E. Royso abstractor.
Write llayden Bros. , Omaha
Wholesale Supply House for pricet
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
at U. L , Fiazicr's studio , west
side square ,
In 1899 there was one telephone
for every sixty-six person in the
United States but when you ring up
call for No. 5.
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. E. Royso abstractor.
Fen SALK Two year old white
face bull , seven good young COWP ,
two eteer calves.
$35.000,000 is the cost of the
New York underground railroad ,
and it take thicoyears to do the
work. What an amount of money
can be saved by dealing at J. C.
Wauled Cattle to Pasture.
I have a fine [ section of pasture
land and want at least 100 head of
cattle to pasture. Plenty of water
and salt guaranteed.
All Hinds of work In our line done
promptly and In first-class order. Ked
Stup on the corner , west of the hoee
houso. Give ua a trial.
A Good Thing-
Our Great-Grandmother' garrets
containing the sarao herbs of all
healing found in Karl's Clover root
tea. They gave our ancestor
strength , kept the blood pure , end
will do the same for you if you say
so. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts. Sold
by II. G. Ilaebcrlo.
WANTED One young man from
CiiHter couiitv , Nebr. to prepare for
the coming RAIL\VAV MAIL
SERVICE examination , Wo fur
nish everything , .including BOOKS
and MAPS. Address , enclosing
stamp , Inter State Correspondence
Institute , Cedar Rapids , la. -it.
We now have eight stallions
and two jacks at our stable in this
city , which enables us to take
care of all the breeding' that may
come during1 the summer season.
We have one of the best shire
horses in the west. 2t
FAHM FOB SALE ; At Upton ,
100 acres of good farm land , 80
acres in cultivation end the rest
fenced in pasture , with three wires.
Good four room , sod house ; corn
crib and grainery , each 12x10 feet ,
connected ; stable and chicken
house etc. For particulars call on
J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or
Stephe" wUcox , on promises.35-3m
Remoddeled [ and in first class
order ,
Custom work or exchange a
specially. Satisfaction guaran
teed. Come and give us a trial.
L. CLARK & Co.
Anselmo Neb ,
Local Mention.
Job printing at this otllce.
The board of County supervisor8
is in eces'ion this week.
Wo will furnish the Kansas city
Journal and REPUBLICAN for $1.25
per year.
Miss Lillie Fletcher of Ottawiy
Illinos is visiting in the city with
the family of her uncleJ. S. Baisch.
She arrived last Thursday.
Elt Bales and wife of Ortollo are
the happy parents of a girl baby
that arrival at their homo last Sat
A. 11. Humphrey was at Omaha
Monday looking after business in
the federal court.
The B. Y. P U. will give a ten
cent lawn social Tuesday evening
July 2-1. at the resident of J. M.
Kimberling. Ice oreom and cake
will bo served.
Rov. S. W. Richards went to
Dunning Tueeday evening to ofli-
ciate in solemnizing a marriage
there yesterday afternoon.
C. B Betts went to the Loup
Monday with his now hurting and
dulling and boat combination for a
few days outing. Ho was ac-
compained by his family , Rov.
Epley and wife , and Al Johnson.
Tap Ilegwood of north western
Missouri is visiting m this vicinity
with his daughter Mrs A. J. Burk.
lie arrived Saturday morning and
expects to remain a month or two.
This office acknowledges a friend ,
ly call from Mr. W. II. Wallace of
Council Bluffs Iowa who is in the
city visiting his sou Frank , foreman
of the Chief oflioo.
Phillip Johnson of Ortollo was a
caller Tuesday. Ho reports crops
in very good condition in his local
ity. Ho and his son have in 125
acres of wheat 125 acres of corn
and 30 ajros of ryo. The rye is in
the stack and the corn is laid by.
Should you wish to improve the
quality of your bread use the cele
brated Yeast Foam. Nothing like
it for producing a light uwoot
nutritious loaf of .Bread. It will
retain its moisture aud nutty ilavor
longer than bread raised from any
other yeast upon the market. Try
it. 1
Leo Pickott , who until recently
has been with the telephone system
of this place , since it was , started
laft last Friday inorninc for Thur-
man Iowa where ho will have charge
of a telephone exchange for a few
mouths at least. Leo is a line
young man and the REPUBLICAN
wishes him success in his new field.
Rev. B. H. Hunt and wife , of
Georgetown , Ouster county , Nob. ,
are ou a visit to their old homo and
to friends around Suhellsburg and
Napier and have been most cord
ially welcomed to the homes and
scenes whore their earlier days were
spent. The Inquirer tenders them
a hearty welcome back to the fami
liar fields of old mother Bedfoid.
The Inquirer , Bedford' Pa.
The indications are from reports
over the state tnat the mid-road
populist convention at Grand Island
tomorrow will bo largely attended.
The candidates for president and
vice president , Wharton Barker
and Ignatiu Donnelly will bo
there. Many from near by counties
will adopted the old plan of travel
and go in wagons to Grand Island.
II. E. Greor , proprietor of the
Grand Pacific hotel at Callaway was
accidently shot Tuesday while fish
ing on the Loup river , by Charles
Moak a barber. Moak was about
300 yards aways from Greer pract-
ing with his 22 caliber nflo. Be
ing behind some brush ho did not
see Groer , The ball struck Greer
in the muscle of tbo right arm ,
stricking the bone and glancing.
At last reports the ball had not been
Dr. Day and wife returned from
their visit east Tuesday morning.
The Dr , visited Illinois and Wis-
consion and Iowa while gone. He
found a number who are coming to
Nebraska after they got through
with their harvest with view of in
vesting in fann and pasture lands.
Mrs. Day visited at DCS Hotlines
during her absence with her mother
and brothers. She brought homo
with her an orphan boy . about one
year old ,
I-'or Hide.
I have a second hand Minnesota
cheap thrashing machine in good
repair that I will sell at a bargain ,
7 19 tf C , S , MAUTIK.
WANTED. Three or four inoro
boardortj. Enqulrc.of Mre. B. W , Ed-
warcio , in Ileulily Ulock.
Fou SALK Eight room house
nil oae aero of laud also Burdott
Organ cheap.
7 1'J tf Inquire of L. E. COON.
.K A ouu story cottage
with six largo rooms , pleasant yard ,
and surroundings , Price $000.
Call ou L. J. Gundy or at this
oilioe. 7 19th tf.
Preaching at Church of Christ
Sunday evening at 8 p. m. all are
invited. Morning service will bo
for members only.
The Rov. S.V. . Richards will
deliver the fourth lecture of the
series to young people in the Bap
tist church next Sunday at 8 o'clock
p. m. subject. "Tho Adornments
ot Character. " Everybody kindly
invited to attend.
Save Those Tnjj's.
Wo will pay fo" all tin tabaooo
tags one half cent nach in trade of
these denomination ( showing small
star printed on under side of tag.
Horde Shoo , J. T. , Good' Luck ,
Cross Bow , Spar Head , Drummond
Natural Leaf , Star , Old Honesty.
J. C. BOWEN , The Grocer.
M. U. A. ricnic.
The Broken Bow lodge of the
Modern Brother hood of America
have arranged to hold a picnic in
the grove in the north part of the city
Saturday Aug 4 at 10 ii. m. An
invitation has boon extended to tLo
other M. B. A. Lodges of the
county to attend. A procram is
being arranged and a pleasant and
profitable day is anticipated.
Foot Mashed.
William James of Alliance had a
foot badly mashed at Aualc ? Tues
day on the railroad. II o was stand
ing on a coal car while the train was
switching and the force of the train
against the car ou which ho was
standing knocked him off and two
wheels of the oar passed over the
instep of his foot. He was brought
to the hospital at this place for
treatment Tuesday afternoon aud at
present writing the physciaus in
charged have some hopes of being
able to save his foot from amputa
tion. Ilij wife aud other friends
came down from Alliance Tuesday
night to lend any assistance possible.
Ho ia engaged in the cattle businestt
in Box Butte county aud was at
Ansloy with a bunch of horses at
the time of the accident.
Cpworlli I cajiuii Assembly
Lincoln , August 1 and 0.
Encouraged by the phenomenal
sucesH of three previous sessions ,
the management of the Nebraska
Epworlh League Assembly has ar
ranged a program for the 1000 meet
ing , of which they my well be
proiH. It is believed that in
variety , interests and real worth ,
it surpasses anything of its kind
ev ° r placed before the petplo of
Nebraska ,
Those who attend this year's ae-
sembly will have the opportunity
ot hearing Frank Robinson , fresh
from tbo battlefields of South
Africa , Bishop Hamilton , General
O. O. Howard , General John B.
Gordon , Bishop Galloway , Major
Hawks , Maud Ballingtou Booth
and a host of other philosopher ? ,
teachers , lecturers and roligoun
The musical attractions are
especially good. The South Afri
can Boy choir and the famous
Arion Lady quartet of Chicago.
Half rates to Lincoln via the
Burlington every day from July 31
to August 8 ,
oof | at not Hpri'iKSi H. n.
The golf lines at Hot Sprlnga nro
among the finest in the West. They are
located on thu tablolnnil eoiith of town ,
n high , wind-swept plain wboro it ia ai-
ways cool. The Eurroumlinga are re-
raant In the extreme. Right ahead of
you ia the rugged mass of ilnttlo Moun
tnin while to loft is Echo Canon , ono of
the moat beuutllul canons in the lilnuk
The Hnka tire only a few minutes walk
from the hotels and end near tbo famous
plunge bath where , utter a morning
spent in "teeing , " and "putting" you
can enjoy the delights of u awitn in the
cleareat. cleanest , tnoat cryatal-llke wat-
torin all America.
During July tuo Burlington Route will
run ten cheap excursions to Hot Springs.
The Uatea uro ; July 37 _ 8 9 10 1-1
17 1821 28.
The rate la one faro , plus $2 . for the
round trip. Tickets bear liberal return
limit and the liurliogton's eervico to
the Ulack Hills ia unrivalled.
Call on the local ticket agent of tbo B.
& M. R , R. R. and let him tell you what
U will cost you to make the trip.
General Passenger Agent ,
. Omaha Neb.
The Absolutely Pure
is the baking powder "of general
use , its sale exceeding that of all
other baking powders combined.
Royal Baking Powder has not
its counterpart at home or abroad.
Its qualities , which make the bread
more healthful and the cake of finer
appearance and flavor , are peculiar
to itself and arc not constituent
in other leavening agents.
Grcnt efforts arc made to sell nlurn baking
powders under the plea that they are so many
cents n pound cheaper than Roynl. The admis
sion that they are cheaper nmdchnn admis
sion that they arc Inferior. Itnt alum pow
ders contain n corrosive poison and should
not be used In food , no matter how cheap.
The Teachers Institute opened
Monday with an enrollment of 178
and the following day the number
reached 200. New ones nro being
enrolled daily and the prospects are
that the number of teacher * in at
tendance will reach 250 before the
olose of the term. The instructors
are Prof. 0. Atkisson of York ,
II. II. lliatt of Walworth , Miss
Anna VandorCook cf Council
Bluffs. Miss Borgott , of Beatrice
who was oxpootod uaH taken sick
at Lincoln on her way hero and
could not cotno. The other
teachers are taking care of the
work and we are informed that
the institute is proving highly sat-
Mrs. Amy Walton Reed , was
born in the city of Baltimore Aid ,
Nov. 9th , 1815 , and died at the
homo of her daughter , Mrs. Mary
J. Brewer , one milo east of Broken
Bow Nebraska , July .Jib , 1900 ,
aged 84 years , 7 months and 25 days.
While but an infant her parents
removed from Maryland to Richmond
mend Ind , and were among the
pioneer sol tiers in that pan of the
country. At the ago of eighteen
the deceased was married , but
( shortly before the breaking out of
the civil warwas loft a widow with
three sous and a daughter to claim
her care and cheer her homo.
When , fit the beginning of the civil
war , Abraham Lincoln called for
volunteers , she , true patriotic wo
man that she ever was , freely re
sponded to that call , by giving her
two boys who wore old enough to
enlist , and bravely bore the pangs of
sorrow and distress vf hen she found
that she must yield both those boys
up as sacrifices to her country's
freedom and honor. Loyal to the
core , she said : "My boys sacrificed ,
but our country is saved. ' '
Very early in life Mre.Reed gave
her heart to the Saviour , experienc
ing a real and sound conversion ,
from which she never turned baok ,
but oven to old ago she kept a firm
faith in the saving and keeping
power of the Lord Jesus Chri&t ,
In her old ago it was demonstrated
that the prophet was indeed true
when ho said : The hoary head is
a crown of glory , when it bo found
in the way of righteousness. " To
the very last she doaitoJ to leave
sotno permanent impression for
good with those aiound her and ask
ing to bo raised up m bed , she
couuceled them to ever follow the
blessed example of JCBUS Christ , to
make Euro the salvation of their
own souls , and to use every effort
to bring others to a knowledge of
For more than thirty yeara eho
has made her homo with Mrs. Brew
er , her daughter. Besides her , she
leaves a BOD , who resides at Lyons ,
ller death was hastened by a
painful accident which occurred
some weeks ago , While descending
a flight of stairs aho fell and broke
one of her limbs just above the knee.
B'or two weeks it seemed that she
was doing well , but on tl'o evening
of Juno 23rd she was taken worse ,
and it was apparent that she oorUd
not recover. The following grand
children were summond to her bed-
j ( side and wore picsont at the funeral ;
' Mr. and Mrs. D. L. Hopkins of Oal-
laway ; Mr. and Mrs. Brewer of Ar
nold ; and T. M. Brewer and wife of
Round Valley. The funeral servi
ces wore conducted from the homo
July 5th by Rev. Knight , pastor of
the M. E. church. A largo number
of friends wore present to pay their
respects , and to follow the remains
to their last resting place. Mrs.
Reed was a delightful Christian
character , and will bo greatly missed
by all who knew her.
iXlumicl Valley.
Harvesting commenced. Small crop
of wheat , orits nothing ; corn yet growing
but Bloly. It uueds good rain now.
Oscar EngelBjnrd has moved into his
DOW house and llnds it elegant.
v'jLaat Thnreday a fishing party went to
the Loupniuncly , II. Helueeou and fam
ily , N. A. Hull and family , N. J. Ottun
and family , llov. Caracas and his broth
er iind 11. Johnson. They had more
fun than tlsu.
N. J. Uttun has his now ncldltton to
his pasture fmlsbed , BO ho has a good
pasture now.
Henry when are you going to Cummings -
mings parkj
Sam Weltnan intiat have discovered
the magnet pole. He has lately moved
back to WUhoits to work.
II y no.
Ed Booth is making arrangements to
move to Oallawny where the Dr. will bo
butter able to treat bis wife whoso health
is llttlo Improved.
Meeora Polkey , Plckett and Rusk pur-
posu to move their thresher to
York Nubr. where the wheat crop la
good , having made arrangements for u
large amount of tbiesbing.
Weather cool and pleasant since the
recent rains. Corn in tlno condition ;
Bweot corn in roasting carssoyeial , In
forms us that they have roasting oars in
the Hold corn.
Early wheat nbout nil cut ; some will
bo threiisbed and will possibly make
from three to live buebols per aero.
Nnbby acknowledges n short visit this
moralog from Joseph Haefle.
L. 8. Fuipfiold has bought a buggy
and harness and will neither borrow nor
County surveyor ia on hand to nsurvey
and locate & public road from section 30-
1B21 by the wtty of Kyno to section 13-
15. 22. This rouu will till a long felt
want , jf