ioniailL /i" " " " " ' ! , f ' ! & > \ \ * / i . * , ' 1 ' S V " "r T nf M VOL XVIX , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JULY 5 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES , < * -Y * * jio 3 Thojiconjiftr fdJUftmont of the ocnlr.r ianec1 < M nifty l > o Miown bv holding this picture directly In front of tlio crs < , nt ft llstanco of about fourteen loctica ncd I drawing slowly toward tie face. Tbcso dollc.itc yet Ktrong muscl 8 will bold tlio t > ) CB to a focus nnttl you reach tbo limit of their power , when tbc cjes cross end the ball goes Into the boy's open mouth , Nearly all eye trouble Is broughtnbonr by tasting the place of 'afty by pushing without gJod eyes or rood ginfgce. 1 rnn nipply the latter. You cnn have the former. \ Gradtntu of Chlcneo Optbalmic College. young calf three four daya o < tf owner ) can have by provinp "property " and pay ing costs. O. W .BOOTH. , Broken Bow WANTED Several peisosn for district office managers in this state to represent me in their own sur rounding counties. Willing to pay yearly $000 , payable weekly. Desirable employment with uneual opportunities. References ex changed. Enclosed self-addressed stamped envelope. 8. A. PATSK , 320 Caxton Building , Chicago , 11 3U-20t. Bushels ot Money. Thrown away by women annually in the purchase of cosmetic ? , lotione and powdera , none of which evei aocomplis its object. Beauty depends - ponds on healthy blood and good digestion , such as Karl's Clover Root Tea guarantees you for 25cts. and OOota. per package. Take it and wo guarantee your complexion. Rttseltno JVIills , rtemoddelecrand in first class order , , Cu&lom work or exchange a specially. Satisfaction guaran teed. Come and give us a Business Pointers. Dr. T. W , Baes , dentist , Broken Bow. Freeh Sassafras at , WlI.K7.X6 PHARMACY. Fort SALK. A thoroubred hereford - ford bull. Wat FnEY. tf , Fen SALI : Two good show caseH' W. H. OSBOKOB. tf Pepein Gum , two packages for a nickel at WILIUNB' PIIAEMACY. Cannon City coal at Dierks Lumber Co. Ti'e Quaker Bath Cabinet * will give health. For sale by J. C. Bo WEN. Go to Mike Scanlon's Restur- ant for the best lunch in town and confectionery. WALL PAPER All new aud artistic designs. All 1000 paterns at J. C. BOWENB. Spring is here ! .Drink Sassafrass Tea for your blood. WILKINB PHARMACY. CABINET PIIOTOS $2.00 A DOZUN ; 24 good stamps for 25c ; at H. L. Fiazier's studio , west side square. Call on or write Broken Bow Ab stract Co. when in need of an ah. Btract of title. E. Royso abstractor. Write Ilayden Bros. , Omaha. Wholesale Supply House for priced and samples. 2 8 lyr. In 1800 there was ono telephone orlovery sixty-six person m the United States .but when ring up fall for No. 5. Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately .by the Broken Bow Ab stract Cov E JRoyse abstractor , FOB SAXE Three year old white face bullseven good yourg COWP , two tteer calves. tf A. T. SEYBOLT. $35,000,000 is the cost of the New York uuderground railroad QUU it tak"e thioo years to do the work. What an amount of money can be saved by dealing at J. C. B'OWEN'S. Gco. Ilontz can nhow aomo of the best work of papering done in the city this spring , If you want a fine pnd economical job of papering or painting call on Goo. Hontr. Residence west of Catholic church. Wanted Cattle to Pasture. I have a h'ne [ section of pasture land and want at least 100 head oi cattle to pasture. Plenty of water and salt guaranteed. tf JESSE GANDY. ' PENN & DORRIS , All rfinds oi work in our line done pioinptly and in flrat-olaas order. Red Shop on the corner , weet of the hose houBO. Give ua a trial. Notice. I intend leaving this place on or about Aug 1st and wish to have allpartics indebted to mu to call anc settle by July loth without further notice , aiy parties having claims on mo will please present sjrne for pay ment. F. M. SHAUPE. A Good Thing. Our Great-Grandmother' - garrets containing the same herbs of all healing found in Karl's Clover root tea. They gave our ancestor strength , kepi the blood pure , end will do the same for you if you Bay so. Price 25 ots. and 50 cts , Sold by U. G , Haoberlo , FAEM FOB SALE : At Upton , 100 acres cf good farm land , 80 acres in cultivation rnd the rcat fenced in pasture , with three wires. Good four room , sod house ; corn crib and grainory , each 12x10 feel , connected ; stable and chicken house etc , For particulars call on J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or Stephen wilcox\fmpremiseB,85-3m Bugyies ! Buggies ! Now is the time to buy a buggy or spring- wagon before the fourth of July. I have the Racine and Bradley make , new styles for 1900. Having to make room for a car of Deering- binders and mowers must reduce my stock before July fourth. Have prices that will sell them all , Call on 4t Gno , WIUJNG. Local JVIen.ti.ori , Job printing at this ollicc. We will furnish iho Kansas oily Journal and REPUBLICAN for 81.25 icr year , A four room Louse to trade for lorees or land. Enquire of A. D. Bangs. H. Ed son Palmer oaine up from Lincoln Tuesday lo celebrate Iho 4th. FOUND A boy's hnt on the Kb , : he owner can get it by calling at Baiach's oi ar stoic. Thn pie contest was all right , Alre. A , P , Smith ably read the declaration of Independence. Ono of Iho most interesting features ofIhe celebration , yester day , many thought wan the address of Rev. C. H. Savage of Omaha. P. M. Dady , of Mason City ac- oompained by J , P , Leason of Ottumway Iowa are visitin g in the city guests of ye scribe , Wilbur Barks who has so ably presided over the Ansley Advocate for the past few months has dis posed of his interests in that paper and will turn over the business to hia successor about the 15 of this month. The Misses Denslow of Dodge Co. Nob. nieces of Mr. and Mrs. A. Y. Sutton arrived in the city Mon day evening for a visit of several weeks. Rev. J. R. Teagardet and family of Anbleyoamo up Tuesday even' iu to celebrate the 4th. Mrs. Tcigardenand boy will remain a week or ten days visiting her par ents. Rev. S. W. Richards will deliver the second lecture of the series lo young people in Iho Baplist church next Sunday at 8 o'clock p. m. subject : "Advice to young ladies. " Everybody kindly invited to attend. Goo. Richtmyer , ex-county clerk , who has just returned from a visit of four months in New York State says that Bryan does not stand a ghost of a show m that state against McKmley and Roosevelt , Mr. Riohtmyer is one of those .for mer pops who is not a supporter of the Sioux Falls ticket. A fire broke out at the Ocean docks at Iloboken New Jersey last Saturday wh'ich destroyed property to the amount of $10,000,000 and 200 lives were loet , ono hundred and twenty of those burned were of the orcw on Iho steamers along shore. The evening service at the Epis copal church will bo omitted through iho month of July. The morning services will bo held as usual. The Sunny Deli Sunday school will give a Harvest Homo picnic July 20th. Parties are requested to bring their baskets well filled. Tlio Sunday school will furnish ice cream and lemonade. The subject of the sermon at the Methodist church Sunday morning will be : . "The Raging Heathen , tbo Situation in China. " Evening theme : " The Man With the Hoe. " Every body cordially invited to these services. Ernett A. Knight Pastor. Fred Rino had a light alroko of paralysis Sunday affecting his limbs on his righl side , lie was laken lo Iho hospital Monday where ho is receiving special medical care aud nursing. It is to be hoped that ho may coon bo able to bo out again. It is reported that a fiend in hu man form at Ana ley beat his wife and daughter last week most unm ercifully. The wife bad her nose broken in the melee and was con fined to her bed for two or Ihreo days DB the result of the beating Tbo daughter who attempled lo prolect her mother was aldo pound ed terribly. A coat of tar and feathers might do such a person good. A Timely Italn. This vicinity WPB visited Sunday night with two and five-twelth inches of rain. It was accompani ed by neither hail nor wind , but was a steady down pour for nearly six hours , BO the ground absorbed it as fast as it fell , It came in good time for the corn , millet and past ures , but a little late for the wheat , yet it will moke thousands of bush els of wheat for the county in lo calities where the drouth had not been EO severe as in other parts , LOST A liuneu lap robe hem stitched all around. The Under will bs rewarded by leaving it at this oflioc. It , One youujj man from Caster counlv , Nobr , lo pnpnTo fr > r the coining liAILWAY MAIL SERVICE examination , Wo fur nish everything , including BOOKS and MAPS. Addrcup , enclosing stamp , Inter State Correspondence Institute , Ccdai Rapids , la , It , Preaching at Christian church Jtnday at 11 a. m. and 8 p. in. ylorning subject. "What is the ospel ? " Evening subject. "Thu two CovemantP. " All are cordially invited to be present. T. B. McDonald , Pastor. The ladies of the Presbyterian church will give a lawn party at the home of Mrs. L. If. Jewell on Wednesday oyoning July llth a fine program will bo given by the best talent in the city. ' UAl'TI&T C1IUUC1I. Rev. S. C. Green , district miss ionary will occupy the pulpit in iho Baplist church Sunday morning at 11 o'clock. The pastor Rev. S. W. Richard's will preach in the even ing. A special invitation is extend ed to both theao services. Sunday school al 10. a. m. B. Y. P. U , at 7. p. m. MAHUIED At Ansley Juno 27th Geo. L-jnninger , Co. Supt. of Sher man counly and Miss Ethel Burn ? , Rev J. R. Teagarden offioialing. On the following day RPV. T6agar- den uciled iu marriage Ernesl Taylor and Miss Minnie Moore , both of Ansley. Xoticoof Dlsolution. The co-partnership heretofore existing between ER. . Douglas and M. LBirney under the firm of Douglas and Birney is this day dissolved by mutal consent. Dated June 20th 1900. E. R. Douglas. M. L. Birney. 3t By ; W. R , Birney Agent. Wisconsin Correspondent , Omaliu Bee June 28th 1900. During the last thirty days the total receints of milk at the Kimball - ball creamery amounted to 810,008 poundf , for which 'ho farmers furnishing it received $1,820.53. During the month of May , 1808 , 285 tubs of butter were made at Iho Alexandria creamery , for which Iho patrons received the sum of $2,745. During Iho same monlh of this year 395 tubs were made for which the patrons received 84,430. This is a fair indication of the increase in business at all South Dakota cream- eriep. Not Guilty. Monday Judge Armour's court was engaged m the preliminary trial of Joe Morris , ono ot the par ties charged , with having robbed Pink Brown on the night of the 22nd of 0140. and valuable papers. The preponderance of the evidence was to the effect thai Mr. Morris was not guilty and the court , after taking Ihe matter under advisement until the next morning so decided. Ed. Penn who was ono of the oo- oused staled lhat Morris had lakem the money and had given ho and Ed Iloglaud each a portion of the money to leave the town BO suspic ion would rest on them. Morris had several witness to prove thai he was nol al Iho barn where Brown was wilh Iho money from iho lime ho ale his supper about 7 p. m. un til 11 or 12 that night , which was after Penn had exhibited some seven bills of paper money to Will Hersh and others that evening. Upon the evidence developed in the prcaeoution of Morris the county attorney decided thai it would be useless to proceed with the trial against Ed and Charley Collins who had been arrested on the charge of complicityhouco they wore both discharged. Headquarters Department of Nebraska , Grand Army of The Kepubllc. State House , Lincoln , Neb. , Juno 25 1000. General Order No. 3. 1. The Thirty-fourlh Nalional Encampment of the Grand Army of the Republic will bo held at Chicago , 111. , on the 20 to 3lst August. 2. Ou account of its favorable location , its many atliaolions , and the e/Iort / the loyal citizens of Chicago cage are making , that the men who stood at the front during the Sixties their friends , and comrades in later wars may have a week of camp life , -I f VI' tf Absolutely Pure Makes hot breakfast-breads wholesome no yeast germs , no alum. . Makes ' cake/ biscuit pastry of superior fineness , flavor and deli- | ' * Makes food that will keep 'moist and sweet. | Is most economical , because it is the1 purest and greatest in leavening strength. In the easy , expeditious preparation of the finer cakes and pastries , Royal is indispensable. Care must be taken lo avoid baking powders made from alum. Such powders rue sold cbcnp , because they cost but a few cents per pound. Not only will they -spoil the cake , but nluni Is a. corro sive acid , which taken In food means Injury to health. I HOYAL tJAKINQ POWDER CO. , 100 WILLIAM ST. , NEW YORK. M-W and oiico more mcdlhur oomradop. This may bo the last aud only time that wo will bo BO favorably BJtuat- C'J. 3. The Department Commander , believing that there would bo a great numbur of the comrades and their frioudu attend the coining Eu- oampraent , made a personal viuil to Chicago , and has secured rooms < t the Leland hatel On Michigan Ave , fronting on the lake and the beauti ful park in which is located the monument of our illustrious and bclovod commander , John A. Lo gan , for Departraont Headquarters , which will bo tbo homo of all the Nebraska people during the week of the encampment. Every person that attends should register nnd let his presence bp known. The rates at the hotel will bo $3 per day , in- eluding room and board. There will bo free quarters for all com rades that come and have oortifioaloa from their post commanders show ing that they are members cf the Grand Army of iho Kepublic. The quarters will bo in fine , commodious buildingp , near the railroad station. The rooms will bo furnished with now cots. The pirlios occtipiug them will furnish their own blank et ? . There will bo attendants at the rooms to care for them and check the baggage. 4. Each post commander should at ouoo canvass his post and ascer tain the number of persons that are going and that will want accommo dations allho ( hotel and frco quar ters , Vnd send their names to the Assistant Adjutant General , Lin coln , Net ! ? . , no that there shall bo no confusion and disappointment on their arrival in the city. 5. The comrades and citizens of Chicago are doing all they can to make this a time to be remembered by all that attend. "Let us attain gather and moot our old comrades , and clasp their hands in memory of the days of our youth , when "Friendships that tlmo cannot sever , Mystic and blood-stained the tie. Friendships wore formed and cemented , Friendships that never can die. " 0. The time for holding the State Reunion is upon us. 'Iho 13tb , 14th , 16th , 10th and 17th of August will soon bo hero. There will bo a meeting of the Reunion Committee on July 10,1:00 : p. m. at this office , at which time the program will bo prepared and published in Gnnsral Orders , The local committee are at work and know bow to give the comrades a royal time on the old camp ground. Ilurry op your harvesting and the spring chiokoue , and come to ths State Reunion at Lincoln , Remember the time Au gust 13 to 18 , The usual low rail road rates have boon secured. 7 , The attention ot post com manders is directed to the necessity of being prompt in forwarding their reports to the Assistant Adjutant General , to enable the Department to make its reports to national headquarters on time , 6. The following aide-de-camp upon the Department Commander's Staff have been appointed : David Jack , Peru , Post No , 301. . W. II. Comstook , WoBOott , Post.f No. 274. John Gillaty , Fairburg , Post No 77. - Will M. Gifford , Lewiston , Post No. 172. H. W. Davis , Lincolnt Post No , 214. f P. Wymoro , CMlaway , Post No. " * 4i 201. ' ' J.D , Garner , Lincoln , Post No. 25. 25.And And they will bo obeyed and re spected accordingly , -AH comrades securing appointment us aids will report to tbo Assistant Adjutant General their acceptance , and se cure their badges from B. P. Cook , Assistant Quartermaster General , Lincoln , Nob. By order of JOUN RBKSB , Depart ment Commander. Oflioial : JAMIES D. GAGK , Assis tant General. L. O. Roblco , who a month ago bought twelve head of cows of the Beatrice Creamery Co. received a letter yesterday from W. W , Mar- plo complementing him upon the record his cows are making in but ter fat. Oi'ly eleven of the twelve wore giving milk the past month and eight of the twilvo will bo fresh before January. But tha cloven averaged $3,20 per head for the month. At this rate the twelve cows , all giving milk which is the case now , would make $38.40 p2i month from the cream product alone , which only laoka 00 cents of being the price paid per head for the oows. This is a practical test of Iho business at.d demonstrates that it will pay any ono who will engage in it , and give the business his personal attention ay Mr. Robleo is doing. It must bo remembered that in addition of the butter fat , the owner of the cows has the in I crease of his cows and the milk loft f , to use , Chief Source of Amber. Gold of the Baltic sea , as ambor-is often called , Is found In various places on the glebe , but nowhere In such , abundance as on the shores of the Baltlo from Memel to Danzig , and there principally on the coast of tlio oblong piece of land Jotting out into the sea between the Kurlsche and the Frlscho Haff. It Is. In fact , a vege table product , a fossil gum of a coni ferous tree , and from tlmo imme morial It has boon used as a jewel by many a fair lady. A Natural Inquiry. "Papa , " said Tommy Treadway. "Now , Tommy , " replied Mr. Treadway , "I shall answer only ono more ques tion today. So bo careful what you ask. " "Yes , papa. " "Well , go on. " "Why don't they bury the Dead eea ? " Household Words. A AVomuu's Discovery. Isabella "I used to sacrifice myself for ether people. " Belinda "Doa't you do it now ? " Isabelle "No , I've quit It ; p.eoplo seem to lllco mo just as weH and I know I'm more amiable and better looking * " Detroit . . _ Free Presa , . % * , , , . 4 - - * * - * - * - - * * 4 J