J S&ifom 'p'Tfe I M fe ' ill { > A ! VOL XV1X , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , JUNE 28 , 1900.HEIGHT PAGES , NO YOUR EYES WILL TELL I When you teed plai ; > c . They'll RlTo you warning you will readily umlumtaiiil if you don't choose to Ignore It. lloie are few of the hlnlp ; S Headache , dizziness aversion to bright light.Bleepv feeilng while reading blurltig of objttcts cither at close range or distance , frowning or tqulnllng smarting or burnIng - I Ing sensation In or around the yo , fatigue or requirement of ilronxcr light when readlut ! , dark spots Moating or bright flashing bcfora the oyce. Thceo are but few of the many symptoms. Whoa your eye euggest a visit lo ino I Ckti assure yon the best glaes and within Ilia reach of hunan know lego , at modern J prlco. J Graduate of Chicago Opthalmlc College. ififiW , 1 HAIL ! HAIL ! HAIL ! This is the season of the year , farmers should bethinking thinking of protecting their crops against bail storms. The way to do this is to m take out a policy of insur ance in the old and reliable St. Paul Fire & Marino In aurance Co. of St , Paul , Minn. Their company has been writing Hail Insur ance for sixteen years and is thoroughly reliable and jjij pays cash in case of loss. Consultation and testamo- ? ? ; niala free ; patronage eolic- ' ited , % } W. D. Blackwell , Agent | | At Farmer's Bank. $ 1 The Latest BTYtKS IN - : - Paper if. AT * J. G. Haeberle's : < * oca L- ' en 'JJ 0 'JJH 0M H 0 = 3 fnH fnS S W ft. A We will furnish the Kansas oitj Journal and REPUBLICAN for | 1,2J per year , \ Local Mention. Dr. T , W. Bass , dentist , Broken Bow. Fresh Saesafrass at , WlLKINS PlIAllMAOY. Anyone wishing parasols repaired leave them at A. W. Drako'p. Fou SALE A thoroubred hereford - ford bull. WM. FIIKY. tf. Foil SAbt' Two .good show oases' W. II. OsnonoK. tf Pepsin Gum , two packages lor a nickel at WILKINS' PHARMACY. Cannon City coal at Diorks Lumber Co. Go to Mike Scanlon's Restur- ant for the best Chinch in town and confectionery . Call at Wallace's Restaurant west side square , for meals or lunch es , any hour from 5 a. m , to 10 p. m. Remember that another invoice of crgans will bo iu this week , iu oak cases , tico them before buy- ng. - A.W. DRAKK. "A thing of beauty is a joy for- ovcr ; " so are those ihcfouierred at A. W. Drake's. Spring is here ! Drink Sassafrass Tea for your blood. PHARMACY. Call on or write Broken Bow Ab stract Co. when in need of an ab- atraot of title. E. Royse abstractor. Write llayden Bros. , Omaha Wholesale Supply House for price * and samples. 2 8 lyr. New frames and mouldings for spring trade ; some of the finest ever shown here ; all at low prices and some still lower. At A.W. Drake's. WANTKD Twenty-live letting ieus. Address combination box 74 , Broken Bow , Neb. t _ _ _ _ The rain has come ; BO have A. W. Drake's folding beds. Call and see them. Abstracts compiled promptly and accurately by the Broken Bow Ab stract Co. E. Royso abstractor. Those dandy snap locks , poles and curtains are just in. All sizes and lengihs at A. W. Dra e' * . Buy bread tickets at Wallace's Elesturaut , west side of square and ; et eight loaves of homemade Dread for 25 cents , Do you want a fine table ? Look at the Wisconsin , ball bearing slides , massive carved bracket legs , a child can open and close it. A.W. Drake. When in Broken Bow on the Fourth , drop in and have your picture taken Cabnets $2 00 per dozen IT. L. FRAIZER West side square. It Gee , Houtz can show some of the best work of papering done in the city this spring. If you want a line pnd economical job of papering or painting call on Goo. llontr. Residence west of Catholic church. Arc you g > ing to buy a buggy for the 4th of July , if so call on Plin L , Motcalf at West Union Nebr. , Ho has a oaf load and will sell as cheap as good buggies can be sold. Wo all so have Surrey's Spring wagons , and lumber wagons. Wanted Cattle to 1'astitro. I have a line [ section of pasture land and want at leapt 100 head of cattle to pasture. Plenty of water and salt guaranteed. tf JKBSB QANDY. TWINK ! I am in position to sell you tw\nc for legs money than you c ; n buy it anywhere. C. S. MARTIN. PKNN & DORIIIS , ULAOKSMITI13. All rflnda of work In our line done promptly and In llret-olaaa order. Red Shop on the corner , west of the nose uouio. Give uaa trial. Notice of Disolutioii. The co-partnership heretofore existing1 between E. R. Douglas and M. L Birney under the lirm of Douglas and Birney is this daj dissolved by mutal consent. Dated June 20th 1900. E. R. Douglas , M. L. Birney. 3t By W. R , Biruey Agent , Job printing at this oflioc. IF. B. Andrews , of Ansolmo , was a city visitor Monday. .1 IP. Lindly , of Anselmo , was n city visitor Tuesday. ,1. A. Harris was n Callaway visi- tn Tuesday night. Joe Haofoloand John Rhmohan' , ol Mo Kinloy , wcro oity visitoim J. J. Wilson is again at home afi < r spending several weeks at ( Jin ilia on the Grand Jury. Mr. and Mrs. O. B. Smith loft Mi nday morning for their now bbrao in California. Mrc. E. G.Vato of Alliance was an east bound passougor Tuoday morning. Tuesday was the hottest day of the season. The thermometer registered from 103 to 10S in the shade Frank Cozad , of Now Ilolenan wan a friendly caller at this oflico Tuesday. Ho reports a good raiu in his vicinity u week ago. Holiday rates via the Burlington Route , July 3 and 4 between Hta- tions not more than 200 miles dis tance. Holiday rates via the > Burliagtou : Route July 3 and 4 botwcon sta tions not more than 200 miles dis tance. Holiday : atcs via the IBurlington Route July 3 and 4 between flta- lions not moro than 200 miles dis tance , The Jndgo dismissed the jury Tuesday evening as nU the jury cases ready for trial were disposed of. G. II. Turner of Kansas "City was in town the first of the week looking after the interests of his farm , Diorks Lumber Co. J. G. Painter , one of the princi pal founders of the alhanco move ment in this cotmty has a conxmunij. oation in this istuu in defense of the mid-readers. The eleventh annal reunion of the old settlers of tba north west quarter of the county will b ) held at Merna July llth. See program in thip issue. Walter Wood , manager and oat'.le s .lesman for Wood Bros , of South Omaha was doing business in the oity several > daya and visiting with his many trieuds here to doy. The case against C. E. JonoH of Ansley , instituted by the Omaha Cattle Co. oamo up forlast week but WBB dismissed for want of prosocu- lion. The oomphuug witness failed lo put in an appearance , Col. E. P. Savage , Chas. Nicolai , Air. Phillips , manager of Diorks Lumber Co. of Sargent , Mr. Cornell of Ord spent several days in the city , attending court last week , and ihia. They returned homo Tues day. Frank Doan , wlm for some rime has tilled the portion of delivery- min in J. C. Bowou's store has lieen promoted lo the position of sales man to succeed G. G. Duffiold re signed and John Lyle has succeed ed Dean on the delivery. The trial in th't CBFO of Peter Rapp and Fred "Ouinmingswhich " was commenced this icrra of court , was continued , own ng to the lack of important ovidonoc , which oould not bo produced at HUH session. 11. K. Duftiold , a bc-nrd of Irado broker at Chicago wari robbdd ol $5&.000 Tuesday. He was oa the street car on bis way to the 'bunk to deposit his moaey when ha was rtliived. The thoic is Huppoaed to bo the work of a profosaioual pick pocket. Dr , Clinton l > - jr left Monday morning on a visio to Inn L'ormnr homo in Wisconsin. While ho is gone ho will try and induoa parties who want to Hnd > < . good < duiry nnd dtook country to como to Custer county and invent vhero nature provides feed of the best qualities. Wo are informed by a rtioiaber ol the committee who has u'hargo ol the businosB.mon'tt p.ivaco < on the 4tb of July that most of -merchants have promised to have their busi ness represented in thu parade. This is as it should be , .Every onu whoso business willndmit of it owes it to the oity , the visitor as well as hunsolf to inako xho beat display possible for the occasion. It wil bo an advertiscmout ior IILH business as well as evidence of the < nterpriso of the business men of BrojKon Bow. WANTUD. A good man for two months on my ranclic at Dunn ing. Iv. II , JKWKTT. Notice. 1 itfmd leaving this piano on or about Ang 1 t and wish to Invo allpattioH indobf'd to nui t" > all and settle by Aup. loth without fuither notice , ai y paities having claims on mo will please present * amo for pay ment F. M. SllAISlMC. KourlH Ol July. 1900. Fare and one third for the round trip. Tickets on sale July 3rd and 4th , good for return until July 5th , TJOO , between all points not over 200 miles distant. II. L. Osmsby , Agent A Good Thing. Our Great-Grandmother' garrets containing the same herbs of all healing found in Karl's Clover root too. They gave our ancestor Htrength , kept the blood pure , end will do tie | , same for you If you say no. Price 25 els. and 50 els. Sold by H. G. Haeborlo. FARM FOR SALK : At Upton , 100 acres cf peed farm land , 80 acres in cultivation cud the rest fenced in pasture , with three wires. Good four room , sod house ; corn crib and grainory , each 12x1(5 ( feel , connected ; stable and chicken house oto. For particulars call on JJ. . Snyder , Broken Bow , or Stephen wUcox , on premises.35-3rn Horse Stolen. From my pasture Monday nig-lit : wo miles southeast of Broken Bow a bay mare , in fine working- order , heavy mane and tail , wire cut on left fore snouldcr , heavy juilt , weight about 1100 pounds. Information leading- her recov cry will be thankfully received. It L. CUSIIMAN. Hip ! Ilipl Hurrah let the Amer ican eagle howl his beautiful notes to tell you that J. C. Bower. is still in the grocery business amj that he extends an invitation to one and all to make their head - their lunch bas- quarters. Bringtheir - tets , their kids , best girl and cct. [ Plenty of room for all. J. C. BOWKN , North Side , Broken BowNcbr. At the home of the bride near Georgetown Nebr. Alvin II. Said and Mhs ItaleeBryson , June 17th 1900. May success and happiness be their lot through life' . At the residence of E. D. Eubank. SamuehD. Myers and Miss Edna EIlarnet June 26th 1900. May joy and prosperity crown their lives. At the residence of the bride's parents near Wcissert Nebr. on June 24th 1'JOO , Mr. Ross D. Picket to Miss Lydia E. Hilton , Rev. L. L. Epley officiating1. The groom is well known in Cus ter county , being the son of Dr. J. I. Pickett , until receantly , for many years one of Broken Bow's leading physicians. The bride is the daughter of one of our suc cessful farmers , an old settler near Weissert. The young couple start in life with bright prospects and the best wishes of many friends. Among many presents were the lollowing : Organ , Mr and Mrs.David Hilton ; Lace Cttr- tainsMr. ; and Mrs R.D Campbell , bowl and pitcher , George and Leonard Hilton ; glass set , Fran cis Hilton : berry spoon , Miss Cora Pickett , Kokomo Ind ; check for $10 , Lee Pickett. The happy couple will make their home fit Central City where the groom is Professor of Commerce in the Friend's College. U. 11 , CIIUKCH. Sunday July 1st , morning sub ject "Divine Providence , " Even ing subject "Lesson of Independ ence , " Rev. L. L , Epley Pastor. The U. B. S. S. rendered an ex cellent ? program last Sunday even ing. The program was entitled "Lifes Golden Keys" and waswell rendered by the children to a crowded house. The church was beautifully decorated and the evening was profitable and enjoy able. The S. S. is one of the live liest in tho. city and the children deserve much praise for the way they worked and helped in the program. is- The difference of cost between a good and a poor baking powder would not amount for a family's supply to one dollar a year. The poor powder would cost many times this in doctors' bills. Royal Baking Powder may cost a little more per can , but it insures perfect , wholesome food. In fact , it is more economical in the end , because it goes further in leavening and never spoils the food. Royal Baking Powder used always in making the biscuit and cake saves both health and money. You cannot , If you value peed health , afford to use cheap , low-grade , alum baking pow ders. Thejr nre apt to spoil the food ; they do endanger the health. All physicians will tell you that alum in food is poisonous , fMVAL BAKINO POWDER CO. , 180 WILLIAM ST. , NEW YORK. - . . - , P " .v1898 ; model , Columbins and Eft"ftV ' [ i glen at 33 1-lt per cunt discount. / ? / y'iV I'Imeo wtioclH are not ebon worn 'ft. .ml k. . . . . mnri elded to go to the University ol : f.tiitNp.brnpkniU'XLyciir nnd am overf r * .yi' ( sleeked with second linud hioy- if -Sj clea. Thuso wheels lnivo 5/ . ! ; ' bpcn gone over carefully , : iff ; uvery bearing oleum d ffij ; ( * n"d ndjiutcdi nil misaing or > ' ? 7 : i , broken jiurtB rcplnced , nnd tlmJf. . } .ytj'j franirs rt-oiiitnuiU'd , three coats : > ; ' , ' ; iSg biUcd on 6uiuo n nt i'noturv , Sty : , * ' : ' ) ( itul rubbed down by bund. 4r. : * ' ? ' . TIIPBO MO "Good < H now. " .vrf : ! { , Prices from 5 to 20 dollars. : / .f ; Colubrato the -Uli r , Uroki-n r ; i . * ! ? ' . Bow nnd call nnd HOC tUcau bur.V ; ; . : is ! ; Rlna. Kdwin F. Myers , .I'l ? ] } CB , Sundries L : ? : nnd rL'pnirlug , m , . . . „ „ , . . . . . . , j Not ln OnTueHduy Mis Hnnglnnd received word that her son Ames , wbo was a nicnibor of the 1st Montnnnii raiment was drowned In the Yellow Stone river InBt Thurtdiiy Slio received nnoibor lutter yesterday from the liisi Sergeul of Co , C. of tba former regiment stating that thii report wan false aud that her son lett on the d y ho wna rt'poitcd drowt.cd for S. D. Buiolior of li alert , went to Omaha the tirrtt of thu week to make arrangemenin lor yelling oul ihe piospeotus for his Pioneer hislory ol Ciialer county. John Pornii1 , Snpt. of tlio county poor hum wan a city vihitor Satur day. llu reports the crops line on the farnj. The pinill grain aH well an the oorn nnd potatoes are in ex cellent shape. Gee G. Dullield who for the past year or two lias HO i-fliiuionlly Tilled the position of head clerk in J. C\ Howen's grocery Btoro left Tuesday morning for Denver where he ex pects to louato permanently. We understand Mr. Dntlield haH a lu- ciativo pouition awaiting him. Lecture to young men in the Baptiht church next Sunday at 8 o'clock p. m. A cordial invitation is extended to everybody tb attend. The Rev. S. W. Richards will uommonce a HorieH of lectures to young people in the Baptist church next Sunday at 8 o'clock p. in. The sorieH will contain tin following Htibjeote : "True Manhood' " "Ad vice to young ladies. " "Tho A dornmonta of Character. " "Happy Homes and how to make them" Ifivorybody cordially invited to at tend these loutnroH. Foit SALK Three year old whit * faoo bull,8ovon good yourg cow # , two Htcer calves. If A. T SKYHOLT. Thet Sons and Daughters of Protection will ine'ct Friday night June 29th to elect officers , After thin the'will meet the first Fri day of each month. MATTIK HUNTIJU , Secy. 'J'raln ' Ilobory. This morning passengcJ trait * No 41 was entered by three men between Aurora and Grand Island who took the conductor in charge and went through the sleepers and held up the passengers. Thujr secured $180. When their work was completed they left the traiu. No clew. Ama Amsberry has been rocke ted teacher at Dunning for the en suing 3Tcar. F M. Curnc of Sargent wasja visitor iu the city yesterday. Mrs R Robinson and chil * < lrenof Grand Island arc visiting" with Mr Robinson's parcutsMr & Mrs John Robinson. K.V. . Baker of Ouster Confer who has 200 acres in wheat and at * much more in corn rcpoits hia crops looking line. Born To Mr and Mrs M. J. Johnson , yesterday , in this city a ten pound boy. Airs Johnson 19 at the home of her father , J J.Sny der. 'J ho attendance at Children's Day HH'vicu at Burr Oak Presbyterian church on Sunday was an overflow. The offerings for Sunday school work were ihe largut-t over taken. Taylor Flick has moved a building onto his -lot west of Woods' furniture store. He 13 having a foundation laid for an , addition which when finished will make a fine store. j\'r. ' L. Cushman , two nu I en south east of lowu had a valuable IIOTHO stolen from his pasture Mon day night. "Ed Wyeit who gave the Khun IT thu slip that evening , it is thought decided it easier to ndo than to walk. Goo. Mulvaney and Mies Haiti- Spencer , of Mason City , wore mar ried Wednesday of last week , ROT. J. II , Woods ofliciating. The bride for sevpril years has been one of successful teachers of Ouster county and is highly respected. The groom has almost grown up in Ouster county. Ho is the youngest son of Mr. and Mrs. John Mulvaney , of Mason and enjoys the esteem of all who know him. The RHPUHUOAN joins with ihoir many friends in extending congratulations ,