Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 14, 1900, Image 1

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Old give * auuy to Dew'
Old methods ot nrllllclnl lighting
TTHEN CJiulilcred excellent ntu now
roplraccd by modern oil , gas and electric
All this for ttie inko of eyes tliat look.
Without ( food eyes , no need fur good
Artificial aldfnr eight Las kept pace
wltli artificial Unlit.
Modern spectacle nnil ' llttlntf ,
exemplified In our incltiod , Is an remote
from tbu tallo.v cundlo day PS IB olcctrl
II yon want to Bull jour cyia to glasses
don't como emu , If you want glasecs to
salt your eyes , do.
Graduate of Chlcnco Oiulmlmlc College.
> . .
: ;
Si This is the season of the
i& year , farmers should bo
jfi ? | thinking of protecting their
t ? {
$ crops against hail storms , m
/gj' The way to do this is to P
i'iM yn take out a policy of insur- m
y * | anco in the old and reliable ®
$ St. Paul FJre & Marino In m
? | g suranco Co. of St. Paul ,
' & Minn. Their company has ' ' * ' " '
ifjsjj been writing Hail Insur- " : ' ' ' . ! ,
j'jii anco for sixteen yeais. and
if :
11 1S tnoroi'g''ly ' reliable and m
jiW ; Pay8 caan 'n casc ° / I ° BS.
? ' Consultation and testamo-
jj3 ; nials free ; patronage solic-
P W. D. Blackwell , Agent g
| ! * Vljj At Farmer's Bank. ; ' . : . . '
/ The Latest
< "
AVall - : - JPajber
J. G. Haeberle s.
# >
S 'J )
* r
# > H
< 0v ?
\i/ ;
iT *
Bug-f/ies ! Bugg-icsl
Now is the time to buy a
buggy or spring" wagon -before
the fourth of July. I have the
Racine and Bradley make , new
styles for 1'JOO.
Having to make room for a car
of Bearing- binders and mowers
must reduce my stock before
July fourth. Have prices that
will sell them all , Call' .on
" 4t GEO ,
Dr. T , W. Bass , dntitist , Broken
Kroph Sapfl.ifrnas at.
Anyone wishinp parnsolfl repaired
'iv ilu-iii at A. W. Drake's.
I'u SAMS A thorouhrt'd here-
forl bull. WM FIIKY. tf.
T o ( Juakcr Bath Cabinet will
give health. For Halo by J. C.
Pepsin Gnni , two paukagoH lor u
Five room cottage , on north side ,
with stable and otlior oonvnnicnooH
for rent. Edwin R MYERS.
Go to Mike Scanlon's Restur-
ant for the best lunch in town
and confectionery.
Call at Wallaoo's Restaurant
west hide equare , fen1 meals or lunch
es , aay hour from 6 a. in , to 10 p. in.
llc'tnomher that aitcther invoice
of irgans will bo in this week , in
oak cases. See them before buy-
ng. A.W. DBAKJT.
"A thing of beauty is a joy for
ever ; " so are those ohofomorres at
A. W. Drake's.
Spring : s here ! Drink HaHsafrnsu
Ten for your blood.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. when in need of an ab-
glract of title. E. lioyso abstractor
24 good stamps lor ii5c ; at U. L.
's studio , weht side Fquare.
Camion City coal at Dierkf
Luinbi-r Co.
Write Llayden Bros. , Omaba
Wholesale Supply House for priset
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
Now frames and mouldings for
spring trade ; some of the liuest over
ahown-here ; all'ut lotf1 prices and
still lower. At A.W. Drake's.
WALL .PAPElt All now and
artistic designs. All 1900 piUerns
at , J. C. BOW.BN8.
WANTKII Twonty-tivo betting
hens. Address combination box
74 , Broken Bow , Neb.
The rain has come ; so have A.
W. Drake's folding beds. Call and
see them.
Those dandy snap locks , poles
and curtains are just in. All sires
and lengths at A. W. Drake's.
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. E. Iloyso ahstraoter.
In 1899 there was one telephone
orleverysixtysix person in the
Tinted States but when ring up
all for No. 5.
Do you want a fine table ? Look
A the Wisconsin , ball bearing slides ,
uassivo carved braoket legs , a child
; an open and -loso u. A.W. Drake.
Call at the Now Grocery store ,
west side of square , for fresh goods
and bottom price ? ,
tt A. WAI LACK , Proproitor.
$35,000,000 is the cost of the
New York underground railroad ,
and it take thieo years to do the
ivo.-k. What an amount of money
can be saved by dealing at J. C.
Goo. llonty can show some of the
bust work of papering done in ihc
jity this spring. If you want a
: ine pud economical job of pipering
or painting call on Goo. Ilontz.
west of Catholic church.
Are you g Mug to buy a buggy for
the 4th of July , if so call on Plin L.
Mou.alf at West Union Nobr. , He
has a car load and will sell as cheap
as good buggies can bo sold. Wo all
KO have Surrey's Spring wagons , and
lumber wagons.
Wanted Call IK to 1'asl lire.
1 have a u'no 'section of pasture
land and want at least 100 head of
cattle to paeturc. Plenty of water
and salt guaranteed.
I All rfluda of work In our line done
promptly iuul In drat-phas order. Red
1 Slup ou the corner , west ot too UOBO
' UOUBO. Glyo ue & trial.
FOR SALK Two good show
oasesW. . H. OBIJOROB. tf
Per Hnlc.
The 'William fi. Weckorly farm ,
northeast quarter , section twenty
tlireo , township thirteen , north .of
range nineteen , west 0 principal
meridian , 0 room frame house , small
granary , sod stable , windmill and
coed well. Forty acres in pasture ,
ninoty-fivo acres in cultivation , bal
ance unbroken.
8 8 Broken Bow Nobr. „
Local Mention.
Job printing at this office.
The board of suptrvisors arc in
session this week as a board of equ
The ladies of the Methodist
church are arranging- musicalc
to be g-iven at the church on June
I have room for several tnoro lady
boarders at my homo just south of
high school building.
The indication of rain Tuesday
morning caused a number of Wood-
mou from going to Ravena Tuesday
to the Woodman picnic. There
wore only 19 that wont from hero.
Owing to adverse circumstances
the equal suffrage mooting s.ot for
Saturday night Juno 10th Is post
poned until further notice.
From the Washington dispatches
wo learn that John W. Brewer of
Broken Bow has had his pension
increased to $24. a month. This isj
an increase well deserved and wo
congratulate Mr. Brewer upon his
good fortune.
Rov. J. R. Teagarden of Anoley
was a friendly caller at this office
Friday. Ho hac ] just consumatod a
deal in which he traded his prop
erty in this city to Mr. II. Walton
for a farm of 100 acres north of
Send in 25 cents cr hand it to
'your post master and get the REPUB
LICAN until January 1st for 26 cents
or ihe REPUBLICAN and State Jour
nal for 75 cents or th" Rui'UBLirAN
and Bee or New York Tribune for
05 cents to January 1st 1901.
G. H. Kennedy had a sevreoe
runaway Saturday while out driv
ing a young horse to a double
seated carriage in the city. The
team upset tha buggy and Mr. Kou-
nedy was thrown about twenty feet.
The buggy was damaged about
twenty five dollars and Mr. Ken
nedy was quite eeverely shaken up ,
but not seriously hurt.
The police forcoe baa made
several arrests for various mis-
deraanora in the past ten days
proving conclusively to those who
are inclined to fracture the laws of
the Btate or oi'.y ordinance , that
Broken Bow's efficient Marshal and
hiB assistant makes no distinatio p
for rank or previous standing.
Verily the way of the transgressor
is hard
Will Smith ( colored ) who skip
ped a few days ago was captured at
Alliance and brought back to the
oily on complaint of W.S. Swan ou
whom ho had paised a forged order.
He was given a trial the latter part
of laet week. He failed of con
viction on the forgery deal but he
was found guilty of obtaning
money on false pretense and lined
$17'00 which he promptly paid.
The children's day exorcises Sun
day night at the Baptist church was
a very creditable affair. The ohar-
aotor'of the exercises and the per
fect manner in which each preform
ed his or her part was highly com
plimentary to the participants and
to Mesdames Parmonter and Rule
who had the arrangement and pre
paration in charge. The church
was crowded to its full capacity
many not being able to gain admit
C. U. Belts has erected a combi
nation hunting and fishing wagon ,
which is very complete in its ar
rangements. The box is arranged
to carry eight persons comfortably
and contains an tee box in the rear.
The top is constructed in the fash
ion of skiff , covered with slats and
heavy canvas and is held in place by
iron rods. While on the road if
furnishes a fine protection fron
heat or ram. It can eaisly bo re
moved bj removing a half dozei
bolts and thufe converted into a
boat. Ho made it with a view of
leasing it to those who may want it.
I am ready to buy good mulch
cows both fiosh with oalvos by dido
and those coming fresh within a
reasonable time , until further no-
LOST-One store key and two small
ouos tied together frith a string.
The ( Indoi will bo liberally rewarded
by leaving them at the REPUBLICAN
office or with mo. H. WALTON.
The follow who was seen cany-
ing a suit of cloths out of Harry
Day's store , under his coat was lin
ed $21 and costs. Ho is serving it
out in jail.
The county diviaionists met at
Merna yesterday and made lines for
four counties , Broken Bow was
thrown into the south-east quarter.
Next Tuesday the republicans
will nominate the next president ,
Wm. McKinley and the next vice-
president , hut who ho will bo is
hard to toll.
The question of county division
is the uppermost question with tiio
would bo county seat boomers and
oflice seekers. It is too bad there
could not bo a county seat in every
town and on office for every Hooker.
The subject of the aormon at the
Methodist church next Sunday
morning will bo. "Reconciled at
the Cross. " Evening themo. "What
Constitutes Success ? " Kpwortli
League at 7 o'clock p. m. A cor
dial invitation is ixtondod to all to
attend these services
Another Water Works case was
ried before Judge Sullivan Mon-
lay. This is a case in which the
Water Works Co , brought suit
against the county board to secure
an order competing them to make a
udgeinont levy suftioiont to cover
amount duo the company from the
lity , for hydrant rental. The Judge
ook the ease under advisement and
las not yet render a decision , that
wo have heard ol.
Judge Q'Sohind has the support
of all law abiding citizens in his
loalings with those who are brought
) oforo him for police correction.
Ten dollars and costs may soon to bo
a heavy linn for a plain drunk , but
inloss , the line is severe enough to
) c drended it would fail iu its pur
pose and would not have the pro-
I'bitivo effect intended by the pro
visions ot the law.
Fred Baisch , left Sunday morning
, o visithis grand parents at Madison.
[ t IP the first vacation Fred has had
in t < o years and ho doubtlos will en
joy his outing very much. As he
did not notify his grand parents of
bis ontendod visit they will doubtless
bo greatly surprised , but very uproe they taka great pride in Fred ,
as does every body else who luve
the pleasure of his intimate ac
We , by an over.sight last week
failed to notice the change in the
management of the Morna Sui
which was oonaumated two weeks
ago. Tho. A. Mi'lor ' a former fore
man iu this cffioo has purchased the
paper and has assumed full ros
ponsiblity of the morchanioa
editorial and news department
Mr. Miller starts out with tht
announcement tLat the Sun will be
independent in politics. Ho is a
good printer a good citizen and ho
has the ability to furnish the vicin
ity with a good paper and with
proper support ho will do itHo
starts out with liberal patrgonago
and is lurnismng me people wuu a
good local paper. May HUCCCSS
crown nis efforts iu his new enter
prise is the wish of the REPUBLI
Mrs. Jackson , of whom wo made
mention last week eays that her
husband who was here in "porHiiit of
his children , " in failing to give both
sides of the onntroversity did her an
injustice. She says that ) 'o loft her
and her children nearly two yeirs
ago when they were living in Kan
sas without property or any visible
nouns of cupport and that she had
not seen him since , until his visit
hoie a few days ago. She had
jiven two of her children away , as
she was not able to care for the six.
They wore adopted by good fami.
lies last Wednesday and their
father , Jackson was present in court
at the timu and entered no objec
tions. She further states she had
not applied for a divorce UH he stat
ed but aver * that she would bo justi
fied in so doing a * ho h s not con
tributed a cent to her support since
he loft her nearly two years ago.
ClrctlH CoiullllUT-
Cullins Bros Enormous shows
will exhibit at Broken Bow Thur-
duy , Juno 21st , atternoon and even
ing. Without a doubt the largest
and beat equipped show on earth
for the money. Introducing more
now and novel aerial aotfl , Ground
acts than over before soon with a
oiroiiB. Two big brass bands and a
bevy of funny clowns to amusa the
people. A grand free Btieet parade
and free exposition at 12 o'clock.
Two performances daily afternoon
and ovoning. Admission 15 and
25cls. Remember the date at Bro
ken Bow , Juno 31st.
Letter LlsU
Following is the dead letter list
for f week ending Juno , 14 ,1900 :
Mlea Clam It. Kdmumla , Miss I.ltoSmith.
MUf Jllmito Bmlth , II. P. Axfonl ,
It. Mnoiljr. Joe
Parties calling for the abcvo
please I say advertised.
A brown pony mare , throe years
old , weight about seven hundred
pounds. Any one knowing anytli-
thing about it ploaeo wiite mo or the
editor of the UKPUIILIOAN , Broken
Bow and oblige. A. C. HANNA ,
Wabhington , Iowa.
Connected by Telephone.
Supt. Adamson wont down the
line | Tuesday afternoon and put in
\ elophonoB at Borwyn , Ansloy , and
lason yesterday. Ho went from
bore to put in ono at WeHlcrvillo
estorday afternoon. Ho telophon-
d us Irom Mason Citv at noon yeai-
rday an I the line seemed to bo in
orfout working order.
L'onulittt Alccllug.
The bills arc out for a populist
uooting at the Court llouso in
3rokon Bow , Juno , 10th , the moot-
ng will bo addressed by the Hon.
M. W. Howard , Ex-CongroEsmau ,
rom Alabama , who is ono the
groatast orators in the United
States , from a populistio point of
FAUM Foil SALE ; At Upton ,
1GO acres cf good farm land" , 80
[ lores in cultivation end the rest
onoed in pasture , with throe wires.
Good four room , sod house ; corn
crib and grainory , each 12x10 fool
connected ; s able and chiokoi
IOUBO etc. For particulars call 01
J. J. Suydor , Broken How , or
3toph < ? " w loox , on premises.85-Um
Sunday School Convention.
Last week we promised an ollioia
report of the county convention
this week but , the Ssorotary nays our
report so nearly covered the
grounds that there is but little more
natter to report. Wo made a mis-
.akc in reporting H. Lomax treas
urer. D. W. Thompson was elec
ted treasurer and Miss Mablo Hal
was elected ono of the alternate
dalegates to the state convention.
The following Resolutions wore
adopted :
Have you a deed for your lot in
the Broken Bow Cemetery ? I
not why ? A mass mooting is call
ed to meet in the court house Mon
day evening at 8 o'clock Juno 18th
1900 , to arrange plans to raise mon
ey to pay for the improvements
made this year on the oomotory
grounds. Every body como out ,
for the oflioors of the association
will declare all lots vacant and pio-
ceed to sell same if arrangements
are not made at onoo to pay for
same ,
By order of Ex-Coimnittoo ,
Leg Broken.
Mrs. Amy W. Rood mother of
Mrs J. W. Brewer while coming
down stairs Saturday 'tfternoon
missed her footing and foil , sustain
ing a compound fracture of the
Ijono above thokneo. The distance
f'll was only two slope , but the re
sult was most soriouH. Dr. Talbot
and IlakeH reduced the fracture and
the patient is getting along as wol !
as could bo expected for a person
of her ago. She seems to suKor but
little pain from the wound and rests
well. She is pnst 81 year * of age
to Tlic HlHClt HIllH.
Juno 2 1st , July 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 and
18th and August 9.
On any of them you can buy
tickets to Hot Springs , Custor ( Syl
van Lake ) , Doudwood , Spoartish
and Sheridan , Wyo. , at rate of one
faro plus § 2.00 for the round trip.
Tickets will bo good to return
until October 31st the longest re.
turn limit ever made for tickets
sold at so low a rate.
Unless yon have boon there yoi
have no idea of the attractions o
Ihe Black Hills resorts. At Ho
Springs , for instance , you can bath
ndo , diive , bicyjlo and play golf all
day and every dy. . The pure air
and the wonderful healing waters
will rojuvonnto and strengthen you
as nothing else can do.
Sylvan Lake , besides being the
prettiest spot in the Black Hills , is
ono oC the most popular. Go there
if ) ou would escape midsummer's
heat.The railroad rtdo to Spear
tish is ono of the experiences of , a
lifetime. Thousands makotho trip
every year. Speartish Canon ,
through which the railroad runs , is
worthy of comparison with the
Guest scenery iu Colorado.
Information about trains , th'iough
cars , etc. , can be hud at all B. & M.
R. K. R. ticket officers.
J. Francis , G. P. A. Omaha , Nob.
A Colorado Opportunity.
To Colorado at about half usual
cost , Juno 7 , 8 , 0 , 10 and 18th , Aug
ust 2nd via the Burlington Route.
There's an announcement that
will interest thousauls.
It brings a trip to the cool re
treats of the Rockies within
EVEUY ONE'S reach.
It solves the question , whore
shall I go this summer ?
Tickets are good to return until
October Ulst. See the local ticket
agent of the B. A M. R. R. R. and
gel particulars.
Beautifully illustrated book
about Colorado 7'J 50
pages , pict
ures , sent for six cents in Hlnuips.
J. Franois , G. P. A.,0iulia , Nob.
Committee on Resolutions-
Your coinmtttco reivli/.u that the
Sunday School holds a unique posi
tion in the ChiiHtian world ol our
day. In our public schools , and
iu the majority of the homes of
our land the Bible is a nelected book.
The children do not attend the
ordinary service of the church.
Therefore , bo U.
press home upon the hoirts of
Christian people the necessity ot
appreciating their opportunity , and
ask them to take a greater interest
in Sunday School work.
SECO&IU That wo highly appre
ciate the labors of the respective ,
officers of the convention parctictu
larly the President ; and that the
warmest thanks of this body are
duo him for the able and impartial
manner m which ho has presided
over its deliberations.
Tinnu That we highly appre
ciate the vinils and most excllonl
addressee of Rev. S. 11. Boyd , of
St Paul Neb , and Mr. W , II. Clay ,
of Phelps county , Nob. which have
boon a great inspiration , and. a
wonderful uplift to those who hoard
FOUTII That wo express our
most hearty appreciation and thauks
to the pastor and members of the
Presbyterian Church of Broken
Bow , and to all their friends of
this city for their bountiful and
boundless hospitality extended to us.
li. LOMAX ,
T. II. MoDoNALu ,
8. W. IticiiAuua ,
Entiimto of Expenses For The City of
JJroken Mow Nebraska.
ItKuoLVKu by Mayor and City council
of tuu city of Uroken IJow Nebraska in
regular session iiaatmbled :
Tuat we estlmato die probable amount
of money necessary to bo rained by tax
ation lor nil purposus to defray rxpeueos
of said city for entitling tieeu ! year begin-
Ing tuo llrat Tuesday of May 1000 aa follows -
lows :
Stiect and bridge fund $ COO
Qonoral fund 500
Officers fund 030
Judgement , fund 700
Water Works fund 2 fef > 0
Kltctric Light fund COO
That the amount of revenues derived
by aMd city tor tlio previous llaial year
were $3301 20 raised by tx levy ol taxes
upon tlio aeBOHsobl properly of ( mid city ,
85 per cent of wlueli is available under
the law govuring tlio wanner In wliioli
warrunlBtniy ba drawn against tlio
fumlB ot thu city.
UoHOlution jHBHed nnd adopted this
13th day of Juno 1900.
\V. 11. Oeboriio Jr , 13. lloyeo.
City Cli-i'k. Mayor.
We are compelled to leave out
this week a communation , enlitlo'd
"A Juno D-y Gutting" for lack 'of
space. It will appear next week.
Miss Lena Caywood returned
home last Friday evening from
Grand Island where she had been
visiting a oouplo of weeks Her
cousin Miss Ida Griawold returned
with her and intends to make hnr
home here
W. W. Marplo , General Suporn-
tondont of the Beatrice Creamery
Co. was a pleasant caller today.
Ho reports that the Broken Bow
separator station is now getting
3700 pounds of milk a day , and
that prospects are for it to soon
roach the 5000 pounds point. Ho
is well pleased with the growing
intorst in the plant horo. Ho just
returned from HomingforJ , whore
the company has a plant that they
have paid $ -10,000 in the past 23
months for cream.