Has n full line ot Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also A Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , oto. Store on corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Nob. i GOAL K. FOHI ) , President , Omaha , Neb. H. O , HOQKHS , Cashier , Broken Bow. J. M , KIMBEKL1NG , VlcvPrci , Broken Bow. d. 11. 1IOYT , Aes't Cafhler 8. STATE BROKEN HOW , NEB. 8.I I GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. Chat. E-Ford. J. M. Klmberllug. 8. U. lloyt. U. 0. Ilogers. V. B. Caldwell Make a specialty of loaning money on cattle. \ . -3h TTTEW to Pay to the \A/ \ / 'ublio that our health VlNfai , good , and hav- inglaid aside our winter clothes , taken oft our high collar and with our cycfi turned in the d rection of buHinoso. We are ready U serve our ouatomora with the best of LUMBER , LATHS , * r % * * < POSTS , in fact ANYTHING usually kept in a FIRST CLASS LUMBER YARD. Wo make our own SHINGLES and wo know t'aey arc GOOD. Wo have the FINEST SCREEN DOORS of the Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh eay ! Try our $4.00 COAL for coo.king. Remember LUMBER CO. PHONE 79. BROKEN BOW , NEB. I Once Was Lost , but Have Found * It. Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world ia it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep- iru posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. . iistmaB committees are invited to call and get my prices. . /nember the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First Bank. "W. S. SWAN , Proprietor. ? ' For Nearly Sixty Years KEW-YOEK - The Lending National Family For Progressive Farmers and WEEKLY TIBIAE , Villagers. An old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People , from the Pacific , and the poineer in every movement calculated tQ advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people in ever State in the Union. For every half centuy fanners luive followed its instructions iu raising- their crops , and in converting- them into cash have been J National authority. If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and young"Fashion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies , and ' 'Humorous Illatrations" und items will bring- sunshine to your household. THB WKKKLY TKIUURK is "The ' People's Paper for the entire Uuited States , and contains all important news of the Nation and World. Regular suscription price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it AND THE REPUBLICAN 1 YEAR FOR Si.50 NEW STORK Published Monday , Wednsday and Friday , iY TRIBUNK A , . , , , , , complete up-to-date , daily newspaper three times a week for bus } ' people who receive their mail ofteuer Mian once a week. Contains all striking news features of THK DAIIW TRIBUNE up to the hour of goingto press ; and is profusely illustrated. Regular suscription price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it AND THE REPUBL1CN 1 YEAR FOR $2,00 , .QSend all orders to THE REPUBLICAN ; BROKEN HOW NEBRASKA. .Butt . TIME TABLE , BROKEN BOW , NEB. Lincoln , Denver , Omaha , Helena , Chicago , Untie , Ht , Jonoph , Portland , Kantai City , Halt Lake City , St. tionle , and all Sail Frauolico , polnti eait and sonth. and all points vreat. No. VcRtlbulfd eiir n * tlftllj , Lincoln , Oraa ha. Ht Joseph. Kauiat City. St. Louis , Chi- cigoiudall pituti eait.and eoulh. . . , . lOlMpui No. 41 Loonl express dally , Llncolu , Ouiihn , Bt. Joiopb , liaijSOB City , Ht , Lonlt , Chicago and all polnti caitaud louth . OiAlain No. 40 F. eight dally , Uaxsntm , Grand Island , Aurora , Howard and Lincoln . OoOam No. Freight , dally ezctpt Sunday , JUvonna and interuiLdlite points , . 106pm No.II Vestlbulod express dally , Helena , Meat- tie , llrtte , Portland and nil Pacific Coast point * . ,414am No. 43-Local cxpros dally , Ulack lillls and Intermediate points . 4 63 | im No , 45 Freight dally , Anaelmo , Haliey , Seneca , Whitman and Alliance . 1068am No. 47 Freight , dally except Bnuday , Since * anil Intermediate polnU Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( scats free ) on through trains. Ticket sold and bag * gage chocked to any point lu tbi United States ami Canada. No. 48 has merchandise cars Tuesdays , Thnn- days and Saturdays. No. 45 will carry passengers ( or Auselmo , 11 al icy , Seneca , Whitman and Alliance. No. 40 will carry passer gors for Kayeun * Qrand Inland , Sowsrd and Lincoln. Information , maps , lime tobies and ticket call OH or write to II. L. Ormsby , agent , or J Fraud * , O. P. A. , Oinuhs , Nebraska. 11. L. OiiMtnr , 80HEDULK OF BROKEN BOW MAI La Pouch for west will cloeo at 8 p. u > . , except Sunday when It will close at 7pm , Pouch , east for train No. 42 closes at B.30 a m and foi No. 44 closoa at , 11 a in. Mall for Ausley aud poluta east ot Grand Island oarrled on train No. 41. Oconlo via ot Ryno and Tuckervllle , dally ex cept Sunday clones , at 7 a m : returning same day Cnllaway via , ilc'Klulcy dally except Sunday close * at 7 a in , returning same day. ItoUnd Valley via Qreen nnd Elton close at 7 a m , Monday , Wedneidy and Fridays , returning sairo day. Sumner via Quruaey , Georgetown and Upton arrrlvosat 11 30 , Tuesday Tnursduy aud Satur day , returning loares at 15,30 entuo day. OUlOJ hours from 8.00 a into 8.00 u in , Sun day 8.SO to 9.30 a. in. Lobby open week days from 7am to.8 p m L. 11. JEWBTT , P.M. The Way to go to Caliloriila. la in a tourist sleeper , personally con ducted , via the Burlington Koute. i'ou tion.t obaugo cara. You make fust time. You EGO the finest scenery on the globe. Your cur Is not as expensively fur- aUnccl us a plnce sleeper , but it is juat as clean , just RS comfortable , just UB good to ride In and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It lias wide vestibules ; PlmschgoBB high backseats ; a unformed Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious toilet rooms , tables and beating range. Being strongly and heavily built. It rides smoothly ; It is warm In winter and cool in BUminor. In change of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies It rlgbt through to Losi Angeles. ( Jars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday , arriving San FranoiRco following Sun day , Loss Angeles Monday. Only three days from Missouri River to the Puclllc Coast , including two stop-overs of \ % bours at Denver and 2 } bours at Salt Lake City , two of tbo most Interesting cities on tbe continent , For folder giving full ( information , call at any Burlington Kouto ticket olllco , or write to , J. FRANCIS- Gen'l. Pass. Agt. , Omaba , Neb. Burlington Koute Calllornta Excursions Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Oniahii 4:36 p. m. Lin- doln 0:10 p. m. and Hastings 8:50 p. m. every Thursday , in olean , modern , not crowded tourist Bleep- era. No transfers ; oars run right through to Sun Francisco and LOB Angeles over the Soonio Route- through Denver and Salt Lake City Cars are carpeted ; upholstered in rattan ; have spring seats and backs and are provided with curtains , bedding , towles , soap , oto. Uni formed porters and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excursion , relieving passengers of all bother about baggage , pointing out sbjeots of interest and in many other ways helping to make the overland trip a delightful expcr- iunoo. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5. For folder giving full informa tion , call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office , or write to J Francis , general passenger agent Omaha , Neb. Burlington Koute Through Sleeping Cars to San Francisco. No chance ohangcH-no delays-no of miBping connections if yon go to California via the Burlington Route The Burlington runs through uleeq ing cars Omaha , Lincoln and Has tings , to Salt Lake City and San Francisco , daily. Dining cars all the wcy. Librar cars west of Ogden. Finest sooner in the world. See nearest Burlington ticke agentor write J. Francis , G. P. A. Omaha , Nebraska. Kree Complexion llcauttliler Wo want every ladyjreader of the RitPUULiCAN to try Dwighl's Com plexion Boautiiier , the most exqui site toilet preparation. It is pure and harmlessmakes the face smooth as velvet and fair as alabaster. To induce a fair trial of it wo will for a short time only send FBBB a full size , Fifty cent box to every lady who will pond UB her post office ad dress silver dime to pay for packing and postage. Only one FUBB box to each address but ladies may order for their friends. Each box mailed separately. Send this notice and your order at ONOK to D. W. COSTEB feCo. , Huntiugton W. Va. Clienp itatcn Galore. Here's a list of reduced rates that will utoreetyou. Look It over. If information , call at tbo Darlington Ticket office , tbo ngont will t ko ploaeuro lu answering your questions. Don Molne * and return , Juno 18 and 2 $12.30 , Phllsdopbla aud return Juno U , 10 nd 10 $37.35. Cblcagoand return Juno 36 , 26 and 27 19.00 Denver , Pueblo. Colorado Spring ami oturu JUDO 21 , 918.00 , 20.00 and 921.36 , Glcnwood f prince nnd return Juno 91 , 29,75. ) eden , Salt Lake and return Juno al , 32.00. Hot Springs and return Juno 21 , 13.00. Equality , Economy , Security. The true teit forLtf luuraoo * la found In tba Equity of tb * Contract , tbo Economy ot Manat manttnd the Security for thePajrm ] nt & $ TUB ORIGINAL sjj Bankers Life Association , § j Moino * , lot/ * . op BDWJLBDA. TxxrLi , Preildeat. | ; Organized July.Iet , 1879. ( tfr ' ' - Quarinty Fond for lafety. Bnrploi Fund for protection , Supervtiod by S,0 0 depository b uk § . Securliloi deposited with tbe state department. Conservative method * . Preferred HlifiLow Katei. Quarterly Paymonti. For ratea and fall Information , call on or adJresa J. A. HARRIS , Agent for Ooster County , Nob. Offlca at Farmer * Bank of Castor County , Qrolcen Bow , Neb. Convention Dates. nopnbllcau National Convention at PhlUdel- hla Juno It ) . Pop State Couvontlon Grand bland Jnu 27 , Fusion State ConTOutlou Lincoln July 0. Democrats National CoareuUon Uanrag Olty nly 4. Worse Than War- Hundreds are killed in war. but jnndreda of thousands uro killed by consumption. There would bo no Icaths at all oaured by this terrible lisease. If people oould bo made o understand that Shiloh'a Cough and Consumption cure is a aure cure remedy if taken in the early tagea. 25 ots. , 50 ota. and $1.00 a jotlle. Druggists will return the money if a euro is not affected. Nothing Like It. Y"ou should romomboi that no other medicine is like Shiloh's Con * uption Cure in any respect. If other remedies have failed to relieve 'our ' cough or cold , that ia all the more reason why you should try Shiloh'a. Alwaya Bold under a ) ositlve guarantee. If it does not iolp you , tha druggist must give ) aok your money , asots. , COota and $1.00 a bottle. Now IB The Time To Subserlba. The Stale and National campaign 'or 1000 ia now on. Every body should keep posted. The National campaign ae wall aa the state's bids fair to be both exciting and interest ing. No body who baa any inter- eat in the result of the campaign ahould'bo without , a county and state paper. In order that every citizens in Custer county may keep posted , we have decided to make a special price on tbo REPUBLICAN ao as put it within the reach of everbody. To all new subscribers as well aa to all who pay up arroargos we will fur n'inh the REPUBLICAN for 25 cents to the first of January 1001 , or the RKPDULIOAK and State Journal to Jan. let 1901 for 75 ; the Now York Tribune or Bee and REPUBLICAN for 65 cents to January 1st 1001. Kansas City Journal and REPUBLICAN 50 cents. Arnlnst Knterlo Fever. Owing to the large number of deaths caused by enteric fever In South AN rlca the British war office lu now in cluding two flannel belts In the out fit of ovary man going out. They are excellent safeguards against the dis ease. Arthur' ! Meaning. Mies Ousblngton 0 , papa , do you remember the meaning of different names ? Now , William moans good. I wonder what Arthur means ? Papa ( severely ) I hope Arthur means busi ness , Matilda. Stray Storiea. "riokanlnnjr" from "Peqaonoa Nlnoi" . The etymology of the word "pick aninny" la discussed by a writer In the current number of the American Anthropologist , who says that Its pos sible derivation was pointed out by Sir Hans Sloane in 1707 In his "His tory of Jamaica. " "Plganlnnes , " said Sir Hans , "Is a corruption of pequenoa nlnos , applied to the blck or alav of Janaloa. " Gold At Capo Nome. It you want Information About the Cnpo Nome country ! how to got there nnd wbnt It costs , write toj , Frauols G n- oral PAaBongar Agout , B & M 11 11 It lu Nebraska , Omaha 12 Eflf8 | Fur Hatching. Oboioe bard Plymouth Rook eggs for aalo nt $1 per ilftoeu. Two Bettings $1.76. Two ruilca west of oity , \T. M. VXNNIOK , tf Brokou Bow , Nob. A HUSBAND SAYS : " Before ray wife began using Mother's Friend oho could hardly get around. I do not think she could along without it now. She has used it for two months and it is a great help to her. She does her housework without trouble. " Mother's Friend la an external liniment for expectant mothers to use. It gives them Strength to attend to their household duties almost to the hour of confine ment. It is the one and only prepara tion that overcomes morning sicknoua and nervousness. It is the only remedy that relaxes and relieves the strain. It ie the only remedy that makes labor short nnd delivery easy. It is the only remedy that puts the breasts in condition so that swelling or rising is impossible. Don't take medicines internally. They endanger the lives of both mother and child. Motber'a Friend It sold by driigclttt for 91. Send for our free Illustrated book. Re Bradflcld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , do. We Have Added to our shop a full line of wood work ing machinery , and therefore would ask a part of your patronage in this line , in which wo can save you money. Also ask carpenters and contractors to lot UB do their job work , Buoh as planing , ripping , scroll work , m fact everything that is done in a first class job shop. In our old line wo are upto-dato. Wind Mills. Wo carry all standard grades. i Pumps. Wo carry a full and complete stock of all styles. In pipe aud 'well material wo always have it at the lowest poasible price. Fittings and brass goods , hose , belting , tanks , feed grinders , horse powers , in fact everything that belongs to our trade. Wo carry in stock the L.ITTUB JACK OF AL.L. XKADKH OAHOLKNB KHQ1NIC for pumping or power. Also second end hand gasoline engines , steam engines in which wo can give you a bargain. In hydraulic and casing wells wo have tbo beat and quickest machinery that is manufactured in this day and age of the world , and can guarantee our work in this line. Yours Very Resp'y , 0. H. CONEAD. lightens tne load shortens a rx m Hi 'fc.4SE helps the team. Saves wear nnd | expense. Sold every where - " UAIIIC uv STANDARD OIL CO. New Dyiiuuilto Contract. A new contract reducing the price of dynamite waa registered last Tuesday between the Transvaal government and the dynamite factory. Cincinnati Enquirer. Income Tnz In India. The Income tax In India le lovled on all Incomes of 33 and upward , and then only one man in 700 cornea within Its acope. Expeotad to Hide Free. One of the companies whoso steam boats ply on the great lakes has a standing rule that clergymen and In dians may travel on Us hoatn half fare. A short time ago an agent of the line was approached by an Indian preacher from Canada , who asked for free trans portation on the ground that ho was ntltled to ono half rebate bccauso ho was an Indian , and the othgr half bo- aueo ho was a clergyman. r\ / * / n nii-i - J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public , ml Jtutlcfl of the Pence. Special attention BT- ! en to collections. Dcpn ltlon taken , p nMon vonehcn nentlj eiccutcd nnd all kinds ot lenil P pors wrltcn. Offlco went ltd * nquaro , Drokcn How , Neb. Lund Counter , Ef Niolioy , Prop'r. All kinds if soft drinks. Best brand of cigars , lat building east of Farmori bank. > M. Scott , Attorney at Law NRBK. Wm. F. . . Hopkins , COrtTltACTOIl ANU 1IUI1..UKR Plain niul HpnclflcatlotiH on uliort notice. Ma * torlal fin ilulled and hullilliifs completed ohofiiwr hanany mnnln thnitato. SitUnfacUon gutran cod ai to | ) ltn unit fpoclflcntlonn. Dr. E. M. Hogan , Graduate Dentist Ofllco oror W. 8.Swan's Clronory lor . Broken Bow , - Neb. Clinton fllVHICIAIS ANU f.HUItOUON , Hrokun Dow , Neb. Ofllco over Hyorson's urnccry. Rosly denoe ( Itb house weal of Unptiat church. W A. TKOM 'SON. CONTUAOTOK AND UUII.UI711. > 1&DB nnd oatlmntoa on short no Hue. Broken How , Neb. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PlIYHIOIAN AND SUUGUON. 2d stairway from wet endin Realty block ; rosidouoo , 3rd west M. E. church , Hiiino side of street. OAMKUON &KKKSK , ATTOHNHVS A.COUNSKLLOIta AT UA.W. Kcotna B 0 llunlty hlock , llroken llow , Nob. U. S. ijand Oliuse , JAMi 3\VHITHiniCA , - KeglBto P. H. YOUNG. . . . - ltcco.vcr Notice to non reelduii * . defendant. To Matilda Zocrnyoti nru hereby nollUud Hint on tuu Ultt day of April 1000. I'lilllp Xoorh fllod a petition ngalnet von In the dlxtrlct court of Uus- tor county Nebrnika , thn object nnd pray or ot which are to obtain a divorce from you on the groundB that you willfully .disregarded tbu mur- rlneo contract and refused to live with plaintiff and wag L'ullty of cruel treatment of plaintiff by calling him vile and wicked immua without nny caiiHO or prorouatlou on pnrt ot plalntlU. You are rcqulreal to answer paid petition on or i > u- fore Monday thu 18th day of Juno 11)0" . E U'SciiWiNU and N. T. OAUU Atty'i for I'lff. In the district court of Cuntercounty , Nebraska John K. Carunoo , 1'UlntlfT , ) TB. 5 Delia Cttvoneo , et al , Dcfciulonl ) Notice In hereby glron , thnt In ptirauimre of an order made and entered In tba nbovo entitled canto , by tbo honorable Homer M. Sullivan , Judge of the DUtrlct court In and for Cuater county. Nubrnrka , on the Slat , day of March 1000. the under'Igied Itcfureo dnly appointed ana qnjlllled In xald Cftlifo as required by law , and by \ Irtue of raid nrdur HO Hindu by vald Conrt , will offer fnr Bale at public vonduo. at the cant froi.t iloor of the Court llonso In the City of Urakeu liow , ( Juster Conntv , Ncbraaka , on Saturday thu 10th day of Juno 100U at tbu hour of two o'clock p. in. of iiald day , the fallowing described ruul I > H- lute , Towlt. The North-oaHt Quarter ( N. K. H ) of Section Thirty llvo (35) ) Townihlp Fourteen (11) ( ) North of HUUKU , Twenty ( ' & ) ) west of tUotitli. p. in. dtufltcil In Uiintur county , Nebraaka. The terniB of Bald enlo aa flxod by thu milil or der of enltl court , uru for .caeh. Dutod tills StU day of Al ay 1000 , 6-10. \V. A , OKOUOE. ) Dun WooDiiupr , y I'uiup F. CAMI-HKLL , ) Open Well Notice. To John Welch or whom II mny concurn. You uro horooy notllied that there IB an o pen * ell on the qaartor section , In thu narao of John Welch , on roctlon 11 tp. 15 rgo. ' i west In Custor couu ty Nebr. lu road illntrlct No I of Cu tcr towimlilp "iciu nin further nntlUod to 1111 or caunotHld well to bo Bcciiroly coTcrod within tli-j nest 'JO dayai utter < Utu of tblt notice , it not thu eald well wll bo allied and COB' of name cuarged according to law. law.Dated Dated May 23rd 1000. B-'JI-U W. K.OWEN , Head Orersoor. Open Well Notice. 'I o Henry Keller or whom It may concern you uro hereby uotiUcd that an open well on quarter eectlon , In ths name of Uenry Kullvr , eectlon 11 towiihhlp 16 range Ul vrcit In Cuiter county Nebrnnliii , In roud dlntrict Mo one of Cuattr townnlup. You are further notlllod to dll or cauBo aald well to bo Hicuruly covered within y ) days ufter the date of thin notice. If not , thu KHld well w'll ' be tilled und cost of came charged accord I UK to law. l.ited MayUUrd 1000. 6LMIt W. K. OWEN , Uoad Ovomeer. UNITED STATKH LAND OPJ-ICE , UIIOKEH Uow NKII , May 25 , 1000 Norlco In here bv ulten that C'lmrlr.s P. I.ni.ir in heir uiul lor bflm of 8upamia.li Long , decoaicd , ot Walworth Nub. has filled notice of Intention to umkollnal piof before Iteglitur and llecelvor at his olllco In llroken llow 'b , on Saturday tho7tiidny of July , HWO , on tlmbt-r culture application Xo. 7&UO , for tbu t-w H qnartur of eeotlun No. 13 , lu Townulilp No. 0 u. Kanye No , 80w. Jin iinineH ai wltncsaes : Luwls Ueuter of \Vcet Union Nob. , John C. 1'rcdiuoro of Urokcu Dow Neb , , Henry Onylo of Walworth Neb. , Joseph I1. Youui ? of Walworth Neb. JAUED WutveiiEAU , RegUtor , r.onl Wiilieley'R I'rtiilletloii. Lord Wolseley Is one of the most sanguine men In England about a apecdy termination of the South Af rican war. During his recent stay at Battle Ahbey as the guest of the Duchess of Cleveland , the Commander- in-chief expressed the confident opin ion that Pretoria would be taken be fore the end of May. Chicago Trib une.