Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 07, 1900, Image 4

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    . Republican
I'abllihotl orory Thursday nt the Comity Boat.
JO. IH. AIHHIIItHllV , i tlltor
9.00lco ! n Canter IIlock , Fourth Ate.-f
Bntarcd at the pottofflco Rt lirokeu Uow , Not ) ,
ti eooud.clu iiaatterfortrftD > uil etoii through
tbaU. 8. Malls.
One"tour , In advnuce . . , . ll.OO
THURSDAY , JUNE 7 , 1000 ,
For Qovernor ,
For Liattt , Qoverncr ,
E P SAVAGE , Cuater.
For Secretary of Hinte.
Q W M'ARSH , Richardson ,
For Auditor.
'OUAcJ VVESTON , Shoridan.
Bor Treasurer.
\VM STEUFFER , Ciiming ,
For Attorney General.
For Com Pub Landi and Bldgs ,
G-D FOLLMER , Tbayor.
ForSupt Pub Initruction.
W K FOWLER , WaBhinglon.
lror CongroiB.
I'rculilotitUIKleclorA L. II. llAUU-i ,
H. 1 * . DAVD1USON ,
JObKl'H L , . I.ANO.
Dotnourc IB in Alabama and
Texas favor expansion.
'What's ' Iho matter with having
fou'r years more of Ilia Advance
Agent of prosperity ?
\Vi aru not BO very poorly off
aftur all , judging by tlio following
comparison of lust year's per Capita
circulation of money :
Plaltu oouuty , Neb , mortage in
debtedness was reduced by over
$580,000 during April , nod no deeds
in foreclosure wore lilcd.
Dumooratio sjmpalhy for tlio
Boora ie largely made up of ndeairu
to put'ltio Adm'inislra'ioii ia an em
barrassing position with other
If Aguiualdo were v\iso he would
aui'id half a dozen delegates Vu tbu
Kansas City convention , not to
vote , but to lake up a sympathy
In Pur capita.
England * 17.0f.
Germany 10.84
United Stales 25.75
And now the per capita in the
United States is over $20 , and still
DopoHilH in Kansas banka were
as follows at the given dales ;
Si pi. 1 , 1892 $50,143,884
1 Dec. 10 , 1800 14,558K533
"Dec. 2,1800 20,044,080
. No wonder Kansas id going
republican HUB year.
Hogu Bold in Nebraska at $2.85
ptr cwt. in 1800. This yoir they
bold aa $4.05. Yet formers there
arc'to ' be asked to vote for a Dem.
ocratio President and a Demooiatiu
CongresH again , so as to got buck
to old $2.85 priccH.
The anti-trust amendments pass
ed tlio House Saturday almost un-
auimouBly. The amondmoudmonta
are oaloulattd to make more string
ent the law which has worked HO
effectually , when ever enforced.
The original aa well at ) the amend-
luents are of republican orgin ,
The opposition of the foreign
shipping interests and their free
allies to the American ship subsidy
bill has had the effect of uniting all
friends of American shipping , with
the result that passage cf the bill
is assured at the short session of
the fifty-sixth Congress.
The New Yrrk World is not
distributing free loaves of bread
this year , as it did in 1804. The
people can afford to buy their own
bread now. Yet the World oon.
tinuea to rail at the McKinley Ad
ministration , because it is part of
ita slock iu trado.
Just now tlio fusion supporters
as well as the democrats arc not
saying much about the Sioux Falls
ticket , Neither faction -seem to
know just "where they are at. " The
nro bcglnirg lo roall/.o
that the ( lomooriUH arc liable to
ignore their platform and their
nominee , Towno for vice-president ,
Supplying our colonies with eggs
in one of the benefits to farmers of
the expanwion policy , Last year wet
t xporli'd 8,700,000 dozen eggs , an
compated with only 151,000 d < z n
in 1805. Lay on , 0 lien !
Gen. A , J. Warner , president of
tlie biin tallic league , Hayc : "There
in Hullioient reason for not making
stiver coinage the chief issue in
" This true.
this campaign. is .
More gold has been mined since
Bryan's defeat , in 1800 , than was
mined in the lirrft half of the cen
tury jiiHt ending.
It was under the last Democratic
Administration and the hft free
trade larill' that the farmer could
exchange lm pound of wool for a
pound and R half of sugar. But
under tlio MeKiuley Administration
his wool was worth more , while
sugar was ohoapir , and the pound
of wool brit'ga four pounds of
The Frst regiment of the state
Mali'.ia ' wau called into scrvico the
Hi at of the week at St. Louis to
proHervo orler , the police force not
being able to furnish ample protec
tion against the strickers , who seem
determined to wreck the Transits
CO'H ptoporty.
It was only six months after
President Mckmloy's inauguration
Omt the , New York Herald , on
Stopombo/ , 1807 , published
table showing ' -how tbo idle army
in decreasing. " It tabulated tlio
IradcH to which 157,700 handcrafls
men belonged , showing that 20,150
more men had found work within a
year , a jd that 132,350 wore em
ployed in 1800. It is safti to say
that every one of the 157,700 is
at work today , if h wants to bo.
They further realize that should
'they oppose ouch a condition in
anticipation of the result that they
would bo more than likely to have
to eat crow during the rest of the
campaign. Democratic husks an-
regarded more preferable for their
winters feed than "orow. "
Although § 8,000,000 have boon
paid to foreign shipowner during
the past four years for doing our
foreign caryiug , the next four yoprs
will bo sure to sec a great change
in favor of American shipping , duo
lo the pant-ago uoxtwinter of the
shipping bill now * upon the Con.
grossional calendar.
Democratic paperH are r. aking a
great outciy about tlio Cuban postal
frauds. But they forgit to point
out that the record defalcations of
Goveruomout funds shows stealing
of 55.17 * in every # 1,000 under
Democratic Admiuistratation , as
compared with only 40 cents in
every $1,000 under Republican
The statement has been going
the rounds of the press that "Bryan
has retired to his farm * " This is
all done for effect , and to make
farmers behove ho is onr of them
selves. As a matter of fact , Biyan's
farm has but recently beun pur
chased out of the proceeds acquired
from his gas belt. lie is green at
the plow.
Iowa's hvo fltoolc study is inter
esting , as taken from i tlio Depart
ment of Agriculture's ( igures :
Value 1805 1000
Horses. . . * 30,495,828 , $48,710,774
Cows 35,450,077 44,810,507
Cattle 47,300,437 72,030,788
Sheep 1,202.028 2,487,810
Total. . $123,005,270108,317,005
An increase of nearly $44,000-
000 , under the McKinley Adminis-
istration , is a pretty good object
lesson to the farmers of Iowa.
Nothing could have been strong
er or more explicit than the orders
of Postmaster-General Smith , to
his Fourth Aissistant , Mr. Bnstow ,
to unearth the frauds in the Cuban
postoflico and use his utmost en
deavor to bring the culprits to
justice. The Administration is
determined that the guilty shall
net escape unpunished , and the
appointment of anon-partisan cotu-
miliac by tlio Unitotl Sialon Sonalo
irt assurance that none of Iho facts
in tlio case will bo concealed ,
The trusts an not having things
their own- way by any means.
Oflicers and director of the Ice
Trust , of Now York , have been
summoned to allow why they should
not bo proceeded against criminally
on the charge of conspiracy. They
arc accused of restraining and pre
venting competition. There in no I
tariff on ice , therefore it can not be
an offspring of protection , Its
parentage has boon traced directly
to Tammany Hall , which is robbiug
the poor of Now York and depriv
ing the people there of a summer
The Omaha World-Herald was
Mr. Brvan's personal organ in 1800 ,
f\nd during that campaign it made
tlio prophecy daily that in the event
of Mc.Kinloy's election the depres
sion and distress among the work
ing classes would bo widespread.
The beet proof of the falsity of this
prophecy IH found on the want
pages of the World-Herald. The
last issue at hand contains the advertisements
vortisomonts of two females and
seven males who want situations ,
while on the same page the "help
wanted" advertisements auk for
107 females and 115 males. This
is in addition to the "agents want
ed , " and does not include the ad-
vortiB'Mnrnt for 1,000 men for rail
road w rl : , The calamity prophecy
was a failure in Mr. Bryan's own
State , as it was elsewhere.
tipuclnl Coiruxiioiiiloiico.
Washington , June , 4th. Senator
Lodge JH one of the most careful
and thorough investigators of the
expansion question in all of its
bearings. Ho has just boon exam
ining the growth of our trade with
Hawaii , and finds that five years
ago , in 1805 , the total Hawaiian
trade with the United States
amounted lo only $11,500,000. Last
year it machod'$33,500,000 , having
increased almost threefold within
live years , and m-jaj. of this increase
has occurred within the paat eigh
teen months.
The Senator says wo may not
think that a business of $33,500,000
amounts to very mu''h , when our
foreign trade is now running up in.
to the billions , but to compare our
tr.vde with the Hawaiian Islands ,
with their handful of people , with
our trade with some of the larger
countries of the world , gives a bolter
idea of the vaulo of colonits to the
United States.
As a result of his investigations
Senator Lodge finds that
Our trade with the Hawaiian
Islands is over 100 per cent larger
than our total trade wilh Austria.
It is 75 per osnt larger than our
trade with Denmark.
It is 00 per cent as largo as our
total trade with Italy.
It is nearly four times as large
as our trade with Portugal.
It is over 150 per cent greater
than our total trade with Russia.
It is almost double our trade with
It i 125 per cent greater than
our trade with Sweden and Norway
It is more than double our Irado
with Switzerland.
It is ten times as largo as ours
trade with Turkey.
It is nearly 30 times larger than
our trade with Greece.
Comparisons with countries on
the American Continent show that
Hawaiian Irado with the United
States is equal lo 30 per cent of our
trade with the whole Dominion of
It is nearly 150 percent greater
than our trade with all the Coulral
American states.
It is 00 per cent as large as oui
with Mexica.
It is 50 per cent larger than our
Irado with all Iho British West
It is nearly live times as large at )
our Irado with Porto Rico.
It is three tunes as largo as our
trade with the Danish , Dutch and
French West Indies , with Haiti and
San Domingo included.
It IH almost twice as large as our
trade with Argonltno.
It is almost lulf ae laige aa our
trade with Brazil , whence we im
port most of bur coffee ,
It is nearly 400 per cent larger
than our trade with Chile.
it is nearly 400 ptr cent larger
than our trade with the United
Stales of Colombia.
It in nearly fifteen times larger
than our trade wilh Ecuador.
II is more t' an uix limes larger
than our trade with British , Dutch
and French Guiana ,
It is ten times larger than our
trade with Peru.
It is ten times larger than our
Irado wilh Uruguay.
It is more lhan five limes larger
than our Irado wilh Venezuela.
He then makes comparisons with
countries across the Pacific , and
finds thai our trade with Hawaii is
within six million dollars of being
as largo as our trade wilh Iho Km-
pire of China.
It is more than three times aa
largo as our Irado with Hongkong.
It is nearly half aa largo as our
total trade wilh all Iho British ,
Dutch and French East Indies ,
which send UB such largo supplies of
It IB equal to 05 per cent of our
total trade with Japan.
It iu more than five times larger
than our lats year's trade with the
It is nearly twenty times larger
lhan our trade with Asiatic Russia ,
It was larger by four million
dollars lhan our trade with the
whole of the i Australaian Colonies
last year , with their five millions of
It was larger last year by more
lhan three million dollars than our
trade with the entire continent of
Senator Lodge says Iho increase
iu our Irado with Hawaii has boon
very marked since its annexation
by the United States , and he looks
for equally rapid improvement in
our trade with Porto Rico and the
Philippines. These colonies will
absorb some of our Hurplus in aim-
faoturcp , and they will also draw
upon this country for their provis
ions , thub increasing Iho demand
for the products of American farms
The War Department has again
revised tbo schedules of the Cuban
tariff , to go into effect Juno 15th.
It is oxpootod that this will increase
tie imports from the United Slates ,
as wo now have less than half the
trade of the island.
A previous reduction of the duty
on foodstuffs and livu stock has nol
lessened Iho cost of food by Iho
consumer , so thai no changes are
made in the revision iu the food
duties , except to reduce the duty
on floor from $1.30 to 1 a barrel ,
and on salt cod and stooc fish from
62 to 1.
In view of the necessity for the
construction and reconstruction of
railroads in Cuba , a special provis
ion has been inserted iu the tariff
which allows railroad companies to
import these supplies into the
island for a period of twelve
months from the date of promulga
tion at a rate of . 10 per cent ud
valorem ,
Some few changes have boon
made in tbo froj list , one or two
additions being made , and one or
iwo articles being taken out , and
put on the dutiable list.
The Cuban postal frauds are bo-
idg thoroughly Investigated by the
Administration. Fourth Assistant
L'ostmaster-Goneral Brislow is now
in charge there , and the criminals
will be punished aa quickly an the
law permits.
Brig. Gen. Theo Sohwan's report
to the War Department shows thai
most of Iho large towns in the
Phillippmca arc garrisoned by
American troops. More trouble it *
caused there by the Filipino bri
gands than from any other cause.
The Boer incident wan diploma
tically and courteously terminated
by President McKinley , and the
envoys have been socially enler.
lained by Iho Secretary of Stale.
Politically the matter is ended juet
as completely as tlio Maorum affair
Secretary Hay soon showed ( ho en
voys that the United Stales Govern ,
monl had not only done all il could
iu the inlereils of peace , but is tin *
only nation lhat has shown any In-
toreiit in slopping the war. The
Boers , in March , appealed to all
European governments and lo the
Unuod States was the only onollmt
complied wilh the requesl , and this
offer from President McKinley , as
the world already knowc. waa de
clined by Great Britain.
Samoa's Irado last year amounted
to about a million dollars , rather
more than half being imports. The
bulk of il was transacted with the
Australasian colonies. The share
of the United Staled amounted only
to 8127,000 , but will now rapidly
Internal revenue receipts during
the first ten months of ibis fiscal
year were $243,187,210 , an increase
of $10,500,840 over the correspond
ing mouths of the previous fieca
Chairman Kurr , of the Dumoora
tie congressional campaign com-
mttUo , says that he has sent out
practically no 10 to 1 speeches this
year. There is no demand for
silver literature , the subject being a
dead one.
Sketch of the Life of tlio Next Governor of Nc-
C H. Dietrich , the republican
candidate for governor , is a self
made man , one of those typical
Americana who have fought their
way singlohandod from obscure
poverty to a competence and posi
tion of honor and trust.
His parents were both natives of
Germany. His father was a shoemaker ,
maker who had worked up a good !
business in Iho town in which ho
lived , but on account ol hiu radical
espousal of the cauao of the patriots
of 1848 ho was forced lo Hue from
his native land in disguise. His
wife , with seven small children ,
followed him a year later , but the
father had lauded in Quebec , and
the mother landed in New Orleans.
They were very poor , and the story
of Iheir long search for eaoh oilier
is aa pathetic aa the similar history
of the exiled Acadian peasants ;
After a year ol hardship they
finally mot at St. Louis and logoth-
er workea their way to Chicago.
Hero the father loutul occasional
work at his trade and the mother
took in washing , all the water and
wood used being carried from the
lake half a mile distant.
In 1805 , during a driving storm
of snow which piled drifts deep on
the floor of the wretched home ,
Charles Henry Dietrich , the sub
ject of this pkotoh , was born , and
was baptized in the German Luth
eran church.
The iuduslry and thrift character
istic of the German people began to
conquer adverse conditions and the
circumstances of the family began
lo improve , bat there were many
mouths to feed and at tbo age of
nine Charles begin lo work at any
thing he could find lo do , At
twelve he left school lor good and
worked out among the farmers
near Aurora until ho was sixteen ,
when he went to Si. Joseph , Mo. ,
and worked for the Wyoth Hard
ware company for throe years. He
then returned to Chicago and on-
gaged in the hardware business un
til 1873 , when with a small capital
he decided to remove to Arkansas
to go into business.
But frto ruled otherwise , and
while traveling through that stale
in search of a location ho was sel
upon by robbers , who look every
cent he posapsod and left him in an
insensible condition iu Iho road.
There he was penniless , in a
strange laud , wilh the battle to be
fought all over ; but nothing daun
ted he weul lo work for C. P. R
Breokinridge on a plantation , re
building and repairing cabins and
fences , aflerwards culling cypress
logs in Iho swamps. If any man
imagines that culling cypress logs
all day long a southern' sky
is easy , lei him Iry it ; but Mr.
Dielnoh remained at it six month ? .
He then went back lo Aurora and
worked at Iho blacksmith trade for
a year.
In Ihe winter of 1875:70 : , wilh
just 1120 in the world , ho nlarled
for Iho Block Hills , He bought
his supplies at Cheyenne and went
to Deadwood on fool , pausing
through llu famous Red Canyon
where HO many people wore mur
dered by the Indiana ,
At Deadwood ho out loga and
helped to build the pioneer store ot
lhat place and for a long time de
livered merchandise for this store
on back of animals throughout the
Hills. Much of the delivery had to
be done during the night to avoid
danger from the Indiana , llu waa
also one of the locators of bpcar-
Mr , Dietrich is a man of great
physical strantjtli and courage , and
these two qualities stood him in
good stead during his pioneer ex
perience. Several times bin own
lilc and lhat of his companions has
be ° n saved by the exorcise of Iheso
traits , and , bo it said to his credit , '
ho ia ns generous as ho ia bravo.
Few men perhaps , have endured the
hardships and privations and pass
ed ihrough the thrilling experiences ,
of our candidate.
In 1877 Mr. Dietrich and olhers
looaled the Aurora mine , which
was made famous in the early days
by Ihe many fiuhls lhat were hud
over it and Iho frequent atlempts to
dispenses the original owners.
In the spring of 1878 Mr. Die- }
Irich sold lm siaro to Brown and -
Thumb , bankers of Deadwcod , |
Roscoe Conkling and T. C. Platl , f
of New York , and Senator Spencer , }
of Alabama , for a good round auin , ' "
which guvo him a start in life. Ho
then wont back lo receive Iho reward -
ward of all his privations and in '
May , 1878 , ho married Miss Kliza-
both Slaker. The following Sop-
( ember ho located at Hastings , Nebraska -
braska , and engaged in the mer
cantile biiiiin'ps. In the early days ,
when customs wore docidely primi
tive iu Hastings , Mr. Dietrich
worked in his stcro all day and in
tl'o overling look a wheel barrow
and delivered his goods. From
that time until now he has always
stood in the front rank of these
who Iried to build up their town
and their stale. Ho was inslru-
monlal in organizing Iho Gorman
Nalioual bank of Haslings , of wh'oh
ho is now president. Ho has iven
unsparingly of both time and money
toward all business enterprises
which ho deemed lo bo of benefits
lo his town.
Church and charitable organiza
tions havu .always found in him a
liberal oodtribulor , but the recip
ients of his private bounty pro
without number.
But while Mr. Dietrich is gener
ous , ho is also just , two qualities
that , unfortunately ) 'lo not always
go together.
In 1887 Mrs. Diotiich died , leav
ing lie i1 husband with one child , six ,
years old , who has since developed ,
into beautiful maidenhood , and is
the idol of her father's heart. She
has received her education , first in
the public schools , tlion in convents ,
two years each in America , France i
and Germany. She is now a stud. I
ont at Bryn Mawr college near '
Philadelphia. >
Mr. Diolrioh has never sought
any polilioal office whalover , and ,
his nomination for governor is a '
oaao of the ollije seeking the man.
He is an ideal candidate , a clean
man in every respect , an onthuaias-r (
lie republican , a man of broad , *
practical ideas. If elected ho will
give ua an honest , able and business
like administration.
The Beacon evidently is still a
little behind the times. In ils last
week's issue it was demanding a
correction of the statement made
by several of Iho papers that Con
gressman Neville had drawn Mrs.
Grreou's share ot Iho salary duo
ex congressman Groon. The or-
igiual charge was made by a popu
list paper and copied by a number
of republican papors. But the cor
rection was made in the republican
papers a week before Iho pop papejs
of this county had received Neville
Hiihliels of Money.
Thrown away by women annually
in the purchase of cosmetics , lotion ?
and powders , none of which ovei
accomplis us object. Beauty de
pends on healthy blood and good
digestion , such as Karl's Clovei
Reel Tea guarantees you for 25cts.
and 50cts. per package. Take it
and wo guarantee your complexion ,