Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 07, 1900, Image 3

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    IN Will
Safe Blown nnd Building Damaged by the
Explosion ,
Trouble Over School Ilondj In Tnbto
Iloclc 'Mntter Mnr H ° Tied Up I"
Court * A I.oiiff IMno Wo in mi Declared
Insmio Mlm-ellstieou * Nebraska Mut
ter * Hero and There.
WAVERLY , Neb. , June 4. Some
time during Friday night thieves en
tered the Bank of Wavorly , ot which
T. .1. Beale Is cashier , and blew the
safe to fragments , damaging the build
ing to some extent. The concussion
broke the windows. It has the appear
ance of being the work of experts.
The money was not reached , as the
Inner door was Intact , and the explo
sion left the outer door In such n po
sition that there was no chance to
use more explosives and It could not
be pried off with a crowbar , so It was
given up as n bad Job. They would
have secured little money In any case ,
as only a small sum is kept on hand.
The bank was open for business as
usual at 9 a. m. Several heard the
report of the explosion , but the storm
was so severe no attention was given
Tronhle Oter School Ilonds.
TABLE ROCK , Neb. , Juno 4. At
the recent election , May 21 , school
bonds to the amount of $10.000 wore
voted in this school district by a
majority of one more than the neces
sary two-thirds vote. There has been
much talk and feeling In the matter
and the Indications now are that It
may be tied up In the courts for some
time. The school board has employed
Hon. Frank Martin of Falls City ,
while the contestants have Lindsay
and Uopcr of Pawnee City , who wore
over yesterday looking up matters per
taining to the contest and It Is ex
pected that papers will bo served at
any time on the school omcera to 1
strain the issuing of the bonds.
llurRlar Working Iurine Storm.
GRAND ISLAND. Neb. . June 4.
About 11 o'clock Friday night , or dur
ing the storm , a pane of glass was
broken out of the front window of Mr.
Kremerschuk's store on Locust street
and the building was entered by some
unknown parties nnd six guns , some
shoes and a dozen pairs of pants , to
the value of $150 , were taken. It was
hurriedly done , as one gun , one pair
of pants and a shoo were found near
the door early this morning. It is
thought to be the work of home talent.
CnjtH County MortenK" Itccord ,
PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , June ! .
George A. Hay , icglster of deeds , fur
nished the following mortgage record
of Cass county for the month of May :
Farm mortgages Hied , 18 ; amount ,
$29,491 ; released , 40 ; amount. $19,474.
Number of city mortgages filed , 11 ;
amount , $4,370 ; released. 14 ; amount ,
$4,904. This shows that the farmers
reduced their Indebtedness over $20-
000 last month and Is a suie sign of
SEWARD. Neb. . June ! . The mort
gage Indebtedness record for the
month of May In Seward county Is
as follows : Farm mortgages filed , 28 ,
$2ri,813 ; released. 28 , $37,175. City
mortgages filed , 0 , $0,720 ; released , : ? ,
5905 , Chattel mortgages Hied , 51 ,
311,901.60 ; released , II , $20,452.7:5. :
During the last year there has been
a steady decrease In the mortgage In
debtedness in the county.
Oucur llrcuk of
WEST POINT , Neb. , June 1. Dur
ing the storm hero lightning struck
the farm house of .1. J. Meier , residing
five miles east of the city , and shat
tered a bedstead In which two children
wore sleeping. The bedstead was split
Into kindling wood , but the two chil
dren weie uninjured. A valuable cow
was killed at the same time. The
storm was very seveto In the south
eastern portion of the county.
UI > in < ] Slock Shipment * .
UPLAND , Neb. , June 4. Upland 'lo '
cal live , stock dealer made one of. the
largest shipments of stoclc since the
town started. There were cloven cars
of &tock , of which throe were cattle
nnd eight hogs. They were shipp'ed '
over the Burlington to'St. Joseph , Mo.
Six cars of stoclc were 'shipped last
week and eight the week before. This
Is one of the best shipping points on
the Nebraska & Colorado railroad line.
Nebraska I'ontofllro Kol > ! ie < l.
DILLER , Neb. , June 1. The post
offlce at Jansen , a small town In the
north part of this county , was robbed.
The burglars secured about $100 In
money , but did not take many , If any ,
stamps. They blew off the safe com
blnatlon. No description was obtain
ed of them and It Is not thought they
will bo caught. From their work It
Is thought they are professionals.
Onirrr , * for 1'lrnt N
LINCOLN , Juno 4. The canvas ? of
the vote by the officers of the First
Nebraska regiment for Hold officers
has been completed. The result Is :
Colonel , J. N. KlHan of Columbus ;
nontenant colonel , Harry L. Archer
of Beatrice ; majors , W. J. Moore of
Nelson and Charles A. VIckers of Mad
Woman Dncltirnil IIISIIIIP. ,
LONG PINK , Neb. , June t. Mrs. C.
H. Weeks was taken to Alnsworth. ex
amined by the Insanity commissioners
and declared to be Insane. The ease
has attracted a gieat deal of atten
tion , because the first manifestation
of the disease occurred several months
ago , when Mrs. Weeks took up Welt-
merism and began the practice of that
fad In this town a few days ago. The
disease manifested Usolf moro clearly ,
with the above result. Mrs. Weeks.
whpjls the\wife of a highly
iC3JdenkjmtaJy.ii , to Norfolk.
UvaiiRllcal T.utlinrnn Church in
The national convention of the
United Danish Evangelical Lutheran
church In America will meet from
Juno 7 to 13 In Blair , Neb. This prom
ises to bo the largest gathering of
Danes ever hold In America , Inasmuch
as tholr national Institutions , their
theological seminary , college nnd pub
lishing liouso are all located at Blair ,
and are In a flourishing condition. The
largo tent will accommodate all who
may come.
The report of the president , Rev.
Q. B , Christiansen of Omaha , will
show development lu every branch of
work. The Scandinavian Lutherans
have kept pace with the development
9f the west and northwest. They re
port now 3,053 churches , 401,960 com
municants. 17 colleges , 20 academics ,
1C orphanages , 45 church papers , and
annual offerings to benevolence of over
a quarter of a million dollars. The
leading question to bo discussed at
Blair will bo the educational , mission
ary and the benevolent work among
the Danes In America. All Danes are
rintla IIU Companion Dcntl.
FAIRMONT. Neb. , June 1. George
Bennett In company with Adolph
Dlngman went out to canvass. When
near the Flllmore mills Mr. Dlngman
went Into a house , leaving Mr. Bennett
In the buggy. On returning after a few
minutes' absence he found Mr. Bennett
lying on the seat unconscious. He was
taken In the house and a physician
called who pronounced nlm dead. Mr.
Bennett had been subject to epileptic
fits for some years. He was about
35 years old. He leaves a wife and
two children.
Kitllrond A Rent Hold Up.
ALLIANCE Neb. . June 1. The
Burlington agent at Parkman. Wyo. ,
was held up and robbed last night
after the westbound train pulled out
and the passengers left the platform.
highwayman .pulled his gun and
ordered the agent to shell out. Ho did
as he was commanded and the thief
made his escape. lie was dressed like
an Indian. No clue has been obtained.
It Is supposed he came out of the
mountains and returned to them.
3 ho lien Cot Off.
FORT DODGE , la. , June 1. Eddie
Kehm , the 5-year-old hon of Mr. and
Mrs. William Kehm , living In the east
part of the city , set lire to a hen's
nest to make the hen leave and burned
up two barns' . He had made several
unsuccessful attempts to drive biddy
back from Tier nest , but she 'ought
back and saved the eggs. He then
secured some matches and proceeded
to smoke her otf. ItuUpil.
STANTON. Neb. , Juno 1. Postmas
ter Stephens has just received a com
munication from the Postomcc depart
ment advising him that bin sahuy a ?
postmaster will be $1,40 ; * TOr the fiscal
year , beginning July 1 , 1900. Th's Is
an increase of $100 and Is a good showIng -
Ing for the Stanton posfbfilco , aa It will
be rememiJered this is one of the few
offices in the state which raised the
salary $200 last year.
Driven Iimiinn.
AINSWORTH , Nob. . June 1. Mrs.
Charles Weeks of Long Pine was
brought here befoie the sanity board
and declared Insane. This morn
ing she was taken to the Insane asy
lum at Norfolk. The cause is sup
posed to bo a railroad accident some
time since , which affected her spine ,
along with zeal for Christian Science
and magnetic healinc.
Cut tin for NohrusUu IlcnU.
AINSWORTH. Neb. , June 1. Uriah
Chester arrived in Alnsworth last
evening with twenty-six head of pedi
greed Hereford bulls , cows and heifets
from Guelph , Ont. , to add to the big
herd of white faces owned by Chester
brothers of this county. Brown county
stockmen aio fast adding the finest of
blooded animals to their herds.
Fmiillpox ut Snlom.
SALEM , Neb. . June 1. Some two or
three patients who had what has been
pronounced smallpox have locovcred.
No new cases have developed , although
several other people were known to
have been exposed and the resultant
excitement has almost entlioly sub
Thri'o llo.r-1
BENKELMAN , Neb. , Juno 1. Three
boys , Jay Scott , Roy Walthall and Leo
Robldouv , aged about 13 , were drown
ed in a pond one-half mile west of
town while bathing. They wore found
about midnight and burled on Memo
rial day.
nitinlnror Hclil to Dlxlrlrl Court.
ALLIANCE , Nob. , June 1. At the
piellmlnary hearing of Mathews for
the murder of E. G. Walt the prisoner
waived an examination and was held
to the district court without ball. The
body of Walt goes to Maishalltown for
I'lim Crop I'ro
DILLER , Neb. . June L A fine rain
fell here Wednesday night. Crop
prospects were never bettor In this
set tlon of the state. The corn Is all
planted and small grain is looking line
The prospects for a large fruit crop
are good.
Striken u Cliurcli.
HARTINGTON , Neb. . June 1. A se
vere electrical storm visited this sec
tion , accompanied by heavy wind and
rain. Lightning struck the Norwegian
Lutheran church , doing but little dam
Irrigation ditiiil I'rojiTt
BAYARD. Neb , June 1 The farm
ors' canal project , which has been leg
ularly discussed and occasionally
cussed , seems to have taken on a new
lease of Hfo , with good prospects of
being an assured fact cie long. The
canal \\lll be heventy miles in length
and the territory lo he Irrigated In
cludes about live mlloa In width , ex
tending over a semi-arid belt. The
propiletors of the enterpilso say thai
nothing now Interferes with tie work
on the canal except the delay In tlio
arrival of the necessary men and ma
terial , vhloh Is oxpe.'ted here \\lthlu
a fortnight.
Circuit Oourt of Appoah Declines ic En
join tin Ootnpauy as Asked ,
Alnndiito iHmiod In tlio Cimn nnd Uoixdn
Cited to Ai | > < ar lleforo tlio SlHto lloitrtl
of Trnimortntlon Attempted Kitlrlilo
ut lllulr Allaculliiufoui Nebrniku Mat-
ttrs ,
LINCOLN , Neb. , May 29. Informa
tion was received In Lincoln from At
torney General Smyth announcing that
the United States circuit court of ap
peals had Issued a mandate In the suit
of Hlgglnson ct al against the 1J. & M.
railroad. This was the ntilt brought
before Judge Mungcr asking him to
make permanent the temporary In
junction issued against the State Hoard
of Transportation restraining It from
regulutlug freight rates. The Judg
ment of Judge Munger , refusing the ap
plication of the Burlington stockhold
ers and dissolving the temporary In
junction already issued , was affirmed
by the higher court.
So soon as this Information was re
ceived the secretaries of the board
Issued notices to the various roads
commanding them to appear before the
board June 11 at lo a. m. to show
cause why the tentative order com
manding them to reduce freight rates
on cattle 10 per cent and on hogs 5
per cent should not be made perma
llurkott' * < ) a or Act.
BLAIU , Neb. , May 29. AS the re
sult of threw shots fired irom a 22-cal-
Iber revolver , with intent to commit
suicide , Harry Burkett lies at the
Dlxon hotel in this city dangerously
wounded , but with chances of recovery
Of the two shots two were llrcd Into
the head about one Inch above the
against the skull , and the other , en
tering the mouth , lodged In the back-
part of the neck.
The shooting occurred at a few min
utes past 0 o'clock In the evening. Mrs.
Denny , wife of the hotel proprietor ,
hoard the shots , but thought th > y were
from boys with air guns until a wo
man staying at the hotel came rushing
down stairs , saying that young Bur
kett had shot hlmselt. Mrs. Palmer
nnd Stewart were summoned , and
after u thorough oxomlnation found
the result as above.
On the table In the room was found
a note to his mother , who lives in
Glenwood , la. , saying that he was
troubled over many matters and did
not want to live. lOting Burkett la a
brother of Congressman Burkett ot the
First district , this state. His parents
are well to do lesidunta of Glenwood ,
Dlftlr i-1 ICfUiilon.
PIERCE , Nob. , May 2y. fhe north
east Nebraska district reunion of the
G. A. U. will be held at Pierce on July
10 , 11 , 11' and 13. Indications point to
one of the best reunions ever held by
the old vctetans. The u.iup will be
located in Sheetz and Uiey's groves ,
Just south of town. This is pro
nounced the best location that has
ever been offered by any town to tne
reunion. The citizens of Pierce al
ways .rcat their guests to the best
that can be procured ana they spare
neither work nor money to make tno
reunion a grand success.
Itnwiird for ITuK.iown Murdcrnr.
LINCOLN. May 29. Governor POyn-
tcr has Issued a proclamation offering
the state's reward , 5200 , for the arrest
and conviction of M.t murderer of
Ellas L. Standamaier. Standamaler
was found dead on the plains of Sioux
county May 18 , many miles rrc : i the
nearest inhabitation , with three bullet
noles in his body and onu through his
head. There is no definite clew as to
the Identity of the murderer. By some
t Is thought some personal enemy did
the shooting to oven up some old
Siilrldn f NVbr.iakit M'om m.
HASTINGS , Nt/i ) . . May 29. Mrs.
Pugsley , wife of 11. V. Ptigsley , btatinu
iigcnt of the North westein railroad at
Inland , committed suicide today by
taking carbolic add. Mrs. Pugsley sep-
ararted from her husbanc a year ago
last August and left the village of In
land to reside among relatives.
She seemed to repent of this move
and decided to make peace and live
with her husband or else taUo her own
life , which she did with a largo dos > :
of carbolic acid.
\VMilled III rillllll.l.l.lll. |
COLUMBUS. Neb , May 29. Miss
Phoeoo Gerrard , daughter of Leander
Gerrard , prcsldeiu of tno Columbus
state bank , was married to James A.
Baiklcy of Philadelphia. Mr. BarKley
formci ly Ihed In Lincoln and gradu-
uated as an electrical engineer from
the state university. The brldo and
groom left on the evening train for
San Francisco and will embark there
on the 29th for Honolulu , wheie Mr.
Barkley has a contiact to construct
a 50-mile electric i all way system.
Iliirkott Muy litroit < r.
BLAIH , Neb. , May 29. Harry Bur
kett , who attempted suicide at the
Dlxon hotel Is resting easy , though ho
baa not yet regained consciousness.
His father anlved on the early morn
ing train.
K Murder ut Allluncp.
ALLIANCE. Neb. . May 29. E. G.
Walt , JeweTer of this city , was murd-
cfeil by a man named Minnows. Walt
asked Mathews to settle a .small bill
which , ho owed , whereupon Mathews
btruck him on the head with a piece
of car coupling , from the effects of
which Walt died within a few hoiits.
Ho died unconscious. Walt leavca a
family , wife and two children. Math-
bws also has ' a family. Muthews is In
charge of 'Sheriff Sweeney nnd being
guarded. Walt was an inoffensive man.
while Malhews la a dsspera1 : * ? , dung'jr-
uua vlmavter ,
QnoliitlotM I'rntn Now YorU , OlilciiRO ,
Hull til Oninliu null IManwrlirrr.
Tlila market nil all kind * of killing oiillln
was In exupotlltiKly Kooil Hhuiio us com-
l > nre > l with other inurketM. There was u
KOIH ! deal milJ about tliu ttmrkut b ciuno
of In lntcneiH , buypr.s liiuitliii ; li.U'k , but
whim the tmirki't illil upon It \\i\a very
uctl\u uiul thicnttln went nil Hold in
lair .toison at in Ires tlml would uompnro
moMt favorably with every other miuket ,
lu fuel there it no othet market In the
country any hotter thun this
market , lloct Htcern , $ ! .i'ii5.IO , cow * ,
J..GtM/4. < f ; eowst mid hclfoiM. Jl.lOif l. > 0 :
helfeM , tl.lOfH.uO ; lit'lfer * . J..uOIM.tiO. hulls.
Si-iv < n.y > ; oulvoH. $ i.iwMi.7J. sinus. uij :
< < i4 III. Hloi'k i-ow.s uiul heifers , $ . ' .75VI.03 ;
Htockora anil foeiler.i , $ J 54111.50.
11OOS lleculptM worn oC pretty Roe < l
slzo , but thole WIIH an autive dcnmiid
and at the. sumo thno a ninre oncoimix-
lui , ' outlook In eastern tnurkotit , sto Hut
the market here oionod : 'J'-ilcflo lilglior.
At the opunlniatfn \ sold largely at f I W !
SH.Hi'i , thvii It slreniftlu'tiMl up and for
u time. K'od loads conunaudoil Jt , ' 'if
I90. A little lutor Chleajjo came easier
nnd the market t thin point onsivl oft
Riiln and closed about whrre It npeiuM.
HHKU1' There were ticven carloads of
Colorado lambs and Ihrue louilu ot cllppm !
westein lambs In the y.uds , htMldcx tour
loudy of aheop bought on the Knnmu
City market and Hhlppi'd dlleot to pai-lt-
er.s. Quotatlon.s : Clipped wtMhrr.s , fed ,
$5.0 Ml 5.10 ; clipped yenriliiKri. fed. ' < W <
5 ID ,
woolcd lambs , KSSft'.OO , irood to oholco
clipped Inmbd , } 5.75)/t > .0) ) , fair to seed
lumb.s , JVM'i/'i ' CO
Uooil klllurn , steady , common Krnstfors.
shade easier ; heavy native HtuerH. H.5"f ( ( )
roj. Miockers and foeiler.s , $ i.7Mj5.25 :
butchnrx 'cons and hulfoi.s , JI. ' Vci I.TiO ;
dinners , { . ' . "Jfi.l.lii , fed westerns , $ l,20i
475 , ToxunH. * l.S'i i4tO
HOnSt-Murket active , iVfilOo hliiher ;
hpavy. 4UVfi5.05 , nrxed. JI.ST iil 00 ; light ,
{ 4.SoJil 2Va. plKH. fl.iiO'cil.SO.
BH UK P AND LAMIIS-Unod demand.
Him jirlceii ; tiprlnir liimln , K75yf7clip ; -
pcil iambs , $ i CWir > 7. > . clipped muttons ,
$1 i.V5.j ( | ; ! , KrasHciH , $4. < > , feedera ,
$ toorii.uo.
CMICAUO , Jupe 1 C.\TTLK--Huteh-
ets1 stor'Hlow and sbud * lowoi , host on
Hale today , llv cars Kansas at $ "i 20 ; mi-
tlve.s , good to prltn < > Mteeis. $ I.003M.GO ;
poor to iiifdluiii , $ ! .t'if4.M ) . Ht'loetod feed-
eis , $ ! 2MllM , mixed stockers. $1 i ; i 1.10 ;
cows , $ ! 0) , Ht'K-ker.s. $ l.i'i , heifers. J.l.laW
4b5. canneis , JJ IMi ; . < > : bulhi. $ J.751/4.'ri :
oalves. $ )00f(700 , Texas , f d steer.s , $1.50
1 V10 , Texan grass Hteers. $ ! 7Vdl 10 , Tex
as bulls. 1 ! ) ( , .
HOGS Strong to Ci1 hlnliei ; clo lnp
weak. top. J'lL'U , mixed and butchers.
J'iCOfi'iW. good to choice hi-ii\y. $ " > HW
5 a > . totmh ln'iivv , $ j.u : > fisni. lights , $1,93
fl"17'a , bulk of sales , $1 HVt'i 1
SHHl-r1 ANH l.AMUS-Mhuo | ) nnd
liiinbs. w-iik to 1tV lower , except for
ehoit : > . xood to choice wethers , $ " OO f
.ri "i fair to chnlce mlxi-d $1 'J'l'iiTi ( X ) , west
ern sheep , $ " > IDin IU , yearlings , yi.Wiii
T.ll. nutlvf lambs. 1i'iftM 70) , western
"iiuiibs. ftiMlti'.IO , sjilng lambs , best ,
hteady , olheis weak , at $ " IW' 7 W ,
NliW YOltK , . .Inn.I I -\VMKAT-Spot.
steady , No - ted , ' J'KC. f o b , alloat ,
spot , nomlniil. No 2 led. 77V1 In eleva
tor. No 1 not th t n. Unluth. 7.'c. f. o.
b. atloat. ptompl ; No. 1 hard , Dululh ,
77'ie , alloal to arrive.
C'JftN Closed steadv at unojianged
prluc.s , July2 ! I-UW4J 5lfic.lnslng at
4'W , September , 424iMJV ( > , cluslng at
! 2'ie
OATS Spot , quint ; No. S , ifii.jc ; No. 3 ,
2flc , No L' white , 27Vji % , No II white , 27c ;
on track , mixed westeiu , SJ'jfi'JSi1' ' on
track , \\hlte , 27f.IIUu. Options slow and
Cirrninn AiiiliinKiidor Tlilnkn IlimdcfiriktU
\VII1 I'a-n It.
CHICAGO. June 4. John W. Spring
er , prcslilont of the National Live Stock
association , which icpic-sentu an In
vested capital of $000,000 , IIIIH returned
from Wtishington , v/hcre ho saw the
( Jormau nmnaHsauor and nouucd nun
that ahould the German btmdpsrath aeo
fit to pass the mat bill recently adopt
ed by the rciuhstug , the United States
{ ongrosa would retaliate with a meas
ure which would affect German Inter
ests to the extent of millions of dollars
each year.
"Jn reply. " said Mr. Springer , "tho
ambaBsador aaid the rolehstag bill was"
the result of n compromise between the
crown and the agrarian interests , the
former being compelled to HOI-HI Q need
ed appropriations for the imperial
navy , and furthermoic , he was rather
( crtain ho put all this In his diplo
matic way , of course that the bundes-
rath would also pa. the ,1-clchstag
"Then 1 notified the ambassador that
the United States would certainly
adopt retaliatory mcumirca against
Geimaily as u means of self-deiensc ;
that Gorman merchants would suffer
mote In the end than the live sto.k
and packing Intorostu of the United
States. After leaving the ambassador
I drafted a bill , which was afterward
Introduced in the IIOUHO of leprpscnlu-
tivpt ; by Congressman Halley of Texas ,
defining the new policy of the LTnltcd
States. "
.Ilinn > Vlli > j I.lo > dVliiR. .
CHICAGO , June l.-rThe aeoonil trial
of the case of Jane Wiley I.loyd against
the supreme lodge of the Knights of
Pj thins Involving the Intoxicant
clause In tha Insurance policies of that
order , resulted today In a voullct of
? 3,475 for the plaintiff. Judge Kohl-
tmat In the United States circuit coutt
tendered the decision. A policy for
5u,000 was Issued to Walter Lloyd in
188 ! ) . He died In Mardi , 1807 , and tin
Miurenie lodio leftispd to pay because
lib death was said to have restiltod
from intoxicant. ? . It was claimed that
this provision was not In Mr. Lloyd's
policy , ami that it was Inserted two
years later. The court of appeals 10-
versed the first judgment on that
gtotind , that the clause was retroactive.
> amrd liy tint rrnsldriit.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , June I.
NomlnatloiiH by the president today :
Clifton H. Hro-ltlnrldge of Arkansas
to bo n commissioner to negotiate
wlfyi the Jndlami'of the Cherokee
Chuclaw , Chlckasaw. Miiscogce ( or
fieek ) and Scmliiole nations , \lce A
S. McKcnnon , icjlgned.
I'llblle Dolit Stutriiinut.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , June 1. The
monthly statement of the public < lobt
shows that at thn close of business
May ill. 1900 , the debt , less cash in the
treasury , amounted to ? U22fiOS,811 ,
a decrease for the month of $2,193,271 ,
which Is accounted for by the redemp
tion of bomlJ. The debt is recapitu
lated ar follows : Interest bearing ilobt ,
$1,020,182,900 , ; debt on which Interest
has ceased blnce maturity. $1.181.880 ;
debt bearing no Interest. ? I5'JO,727J79 ;
total , $1,118,392,1 . ' 8.
In 1391 the plague destroyed 80,000
of the 1,000,000 Inhabitants of Can
ton ,
Hull' * Cntnt !
Is a constitutional cure , 1'rloo , 7tx\
Washing a pig will not make It stop
liking mud.
Mr . Xiln lov'd Hootlvlog Hyp. .
PorrhlMrtn toctb'.nc , oftrnj tha cumi. dii" " ' In *
buimiatluc , ell / PAID , euro * wlml colic. 1'u a botllo.
Ho who loves folly .nay well lis
ten to Mattery.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch in the world.
A man Is never poorer for the ques
tions ho asks.
Tor starching flue linen use Magnetic
A creed mt.y bo either 11 compass
or a straltjackot.
liso'a Cute is the bust nimllclnofl ever usl
for all nfleclluns of llio tliroilumlUuiKs.VM. .
O. KMJSI.BV , Vuuburou , hid. , l-'cb. 10,1000.
The saddest truth Is less severe than
the merriest lie.
Your living speaks louder thnn nil
your logic.
A lliiolc of Choice Krclpri
Bent frea l < yalter Hnlcer A Co. L\J. , l > urch'er ,
Man. Mention ti ! ! | ' * I"'f'
The biggest coward Is the one who
Is afraid to do right.
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try It now. You will then wo no other.
A short prayer will get to heaven
quicker than a long one.
Arc Ton Maine Alton' * Too
It Is the only cure for Swollen ,
Smarting. Uurnlng , Sweating Feet ,
Corns and Uunlons. Ask for Allen's
Foot-Kase , a powder to be shaken Into
the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoo
Stores , 25c. Sample sent 1 'UMK. Ad-
ill ess Allen S. Olmsted. LeHoy , N. Y.
Early History "Adam , " said Uve.
'you can stay at homo ovenlnga now ,
mil take care of the baby , instead of
staying out so late at the Simian
lub. " Then It was Adam began to
raise Cain. Baltimore American.
Rest andholfs for wcsary
women are found 2n Lydia
E. Plnklsam's Vcgote&lo
Compound * It mzsltGs wo
men strong and healthy to
hear tholr burdens , and
overaomQS those Mis to
which woman are subject
hecauso they are women.
Lydla E. Plnkham's Vegetable Compound I
is known front coast to
etnast , 3t has cured nsoro
sick wo'nfon' than any
other medlclno. Its
friends are everywhere
as d they are Constantly
writing 'thankful loiters
which sap/seat' in this
paper * .
If you are puzzled write
for Mrs * PSnkham's ad"
VBCQ * Her addresss Is
Lynn , Mass , She will
charge you nothing ami
she hac restored a million
vjonjosa to '
Peruna as a Nerve and Ca-
tarrli Tonic the Talk
of the World.
lion.V. . V. Bulllviiu. V. S. Senator from
Hon. W. V. Sullivan , United Statea
Senator from Mississippi , In a letter
recently written to Dr. Hartman from
Oxford , Miss. , sayu the following :
"For some time I have been a suf
ferer from catarrh In Its moat Incipient
stage , ho much so that I became alarm
ed a.s to my general health. But , hear
ing of Po-ru-nu as a good remedy , I
gave It a fair trial and soon began to
Improve. Its effects were distinctly
benollclal , removing the annoying
symptoms , and was particularly good
as n tonlo.
"I take pleasure In recommending
your great national catarrh cure , Po-
ui-na , as the beat I have over tried. "
"W. V. Sullivan. "
Pei una cures catarrh wherever lo
cated. Peruna has no substitutes no
ilvals. Insist upon having Pernna.
Address The Porunu Medlclno Co. ,
Columbus , 0. , for n free book on ca-
Get Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'PARRt2l.L. Pension Accnt ,
14 J3 Now York Avenue , WASHINGTON , U. C.
* Successfully ProoGcutos Clhlmu.
I ntul'ilpqltmlTlxrtmlnpr U.S. IMmiton Iluroou.
U v 1111 civil ar. 13 luUuillinlliiiii'liiliiM.utl ) liiiu.
J Thompsons Eye Water.
TiliOC Mt K
i bD . II
Hruitro of fraudulent Imitations of
Oxvdonor. Law-mils uro pcmlliiKagainst
Imitator * . Anvuuy Wiving. Milling or
uxlntf such liifrliitfcinunia will bo prose-
Tim uonuliiu Oxvilonor 11 stumpoil nt In
iittovo illustration , Dr. Suncliu't 1'atotit.
11UV NO O1IIIJK. Wrllo fur clfoiilara
1 ot Information utul t uigi 19 ( .
DR.i H. SANCHE & CO. ,
37 Stnto St. , CHICAGO , ILL.
Dotrolt , Mich. New York. Montro : ! , Can.
< l it * > in.iil rirJ uiuln will urnil } nu n IHcjrlo ( 'ntplnftiir I'm1. lliliiCilaloeuo prlccnur.wSHOUIIIt'r-
Ire * moil"l xl ' . li.nmr li | ( ) ! < < nt II.I7 , nuw tmiujlilcyi \ nt llrt.lTi nowHJ.nnlili-ji-luaal IT-IT
ami u : ili'Klc.i Kit < > < l iw yini tun tmv'iiir ruiKldriit any [ rite , fcllnl V.MT. Illc yUo rnpulr'iiiid oryliliu
In tli | linn In llit * i ulalii in1. beti'l iMinlul ninl t onrn Tor Itiln hike i nU | < > Kue. It will kiuu yuii , muiiduu
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( free to any applicant mentioning this paper ) .
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abling the housekeeper to readily distinguish
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aid guard against imitations
Every package of our prcpnrations bears our
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h"iwv rubbm or drill top Knd hjirlniH 1'jlnllnc BIMF ti.uK Hrowslur
urccn. body bind : \-tli | vurv line llnlsl ) Kocotcl Ii-iUlier trimmed , Tuo
tot lilchorv scruuiil ilm ulu'Ols 1 inoh tread Pull length Umbels
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line mil li-nilior trltnuicd hbafu. \ \ < > Imvu u-lilelos from H.fiJi up. In-
uludliw IJt'.ul CariH , HoldS IIKOH- . surreys , I'lao'.ouN , Traps , Sprlnj ;
\Viu-oiii uiul I''irtliiorii ' . ' .
Kls' hlilpiXtl ( O. D cant of the Kooky Aioun
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on our fni Ilujj mum * ' '