Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, June 07, 1900, Image 1

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May be roronn , grrclnn , pug. lontf , full
or slim , If youcjiti ue'ir a "IIOPO clnass I
P n' ' ) ' It. It you cant I'll tell you BO , nnd
Uwlll be tbo flunl decision , on wlilch yon
nuiy rest.
I nra expert la Q Ing frames as well as
i Graduate of Clilcniro Outlwlmlc College.
Jag This is the season of the ) | *
year , farmers should bo ? |
| | ' suranco Co. of St. Paul , sjiFf.
jjfjj Minn. Their company has & ;
pH been writing Hail Insure } ;
p. * . nnco for sixteen years and
f | W. D. Blackwell , Agent ft
iv.f- > /
; * At Farmer's Bank. . / . '
fi'i ? > . P.i'J
ft M
The Latest
& | Vall - : -
G. Haeberle s.
' ? *
# >
(7 = 3
: > k ?
' " >
* 'IV
\l A
'l\ Oi
AH Kinds of work In our line don
promptly ami In llret-olftos order. Hct
Slup on the corner , wcet of tlie hop
house. Glvo ua a trinl.
General Otib was permitted t
land at San Francisco Monday
after being quarantctnod livn days
owing to there being several U.IHCS ,
of small pox on the boat , on which i
bo came from Manila , j
Lr. T , W. Bass , dentist , Broken
[ Jow.
Fresh Saesafrass at.
Anyone wishing parasols repaired
cavn them at A. W. Drako'i.
Fou SAI.K A thproubrcd horo-
or.i bull. WM Fiucv. if.
1' ! o Quaker Hath Cabinet will
ivo health. Ifori caq ! by J. C.
lit > \VK.V.
Gum , two paokar/es tor u
Five room cottage , on north side ,
with stable and other conveniences
or rent. Edwin F. MYERS.
Go to Mike Scanlon's * Restur-
int for the beat lunch in town
tnd confectionery ,
Call at Wallace's Restaurant
west hide square , fot1 meals or lunch-
s , any hour from 5 a. in , to 10 p. m.
Remember that another invoice
f ( rgans will be in this wtu-k , in
oak oases. See them before buy-
ng. A.W. DIIAKK.
"A thing of beauty is a joy for-
ver ; " HO uro thoao chofonierres at
V. W. Drake's.
Spring ; s here ! Drink Sassafrass
'on for your blood.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab-
traot Co. when iu need of uu ab.
tract of title. E. Royso abstractor.
4 good stamps lor 25o ; at U. L.
sizier'n studio , west side square.
Cannon City coal at Diorka
jumbor Co.
Write Ilayden Bros ? , Omaha.
Vholcsale Supply House forpr\2CH
nd 8iinpleH. ! 2 8 lyr.
Now frames and mouldings for
pring trade ; Homo of the finest over
hewn hero ; all at low prices and
omo still lower. At A.W.Drake's.
WALL PAPER All now and
irtistic designs. All 11)00 ) paternH
WANTKU Twonty-livo totting
lens. Address oombinntion box
1 , Broken Bow , Neb.
The rain has come ; BO have A.
W. Drake's folding beds. Call and
co them.
Those dandy snap locks , polet *
and curtains are just in. All sizes
nul lengths at A. W. Drake's.
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. E , Royso abstractor.
In 1800 there was ouo telephone
orlovery sixty-six person in the
Jniled States but when ring up
all for No. 5.
Do you want a line table ? Look
at the Wisconsin , ball bearing slides ,
massive carved bracket legs , a child
can open and oloao it. A.W. Drake.
Call at the Now Grocery store ,
west side of pquaro , for fresh goods
and bottom price ? ,
tl A. WALLAOK , Proproitor.
$35,000,000 is the cost of the
New York underground railroad ,
ami it take thieo years to do the
work. What an amount of money
can bo eav d by dealing at J. C.
Geo. ilonty. can shou some of the
luut work of papering dona in the
oily this spring. If you want a
line pnd economical job of papering
or painting call on Geo. lloiitr. .
Residence west of Catholic church.
Are you g jing to buy a buggy for
the 4th of July , if so call on Plin L ,
Motcalf at West Union Nebr , , Ho
| IIH ; ; i car load and will sell as cheap
; i good buggies can bo sold. Wo all
so have Surrey's Spring wagons , and
lumber wagons.
Wanted Cattlu to rusturo.
I have a line 'section ' uf pasture
land and want at least 100 head of
cattle to pasture , Plenty of water
and salt guaranteed.
From Huff's ranch , seven mil OH
south west of Broken Bow , Saturday
night , May , 20 , two horses , one bay
the other black , three and four years
old , with mane ronohed. Informa
tion leading to their recovery will
be thankfully received
James MoGraw , Gates , Neb.
Kor Hale.
The William E. Weokorly farm ,
northeast quarter , section twenty
three , township thirteen , north of
range nineteen , west 0 principal
meridian , G room frame house , small
granary , sod Htablo , windmill and
uood well. Forty acres in pasture ,
in cultivation balance
ninoty-fivn acres ,
ance unbroken.
3 8 Broken Bow Nobr.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this office.
Miss Maude Jackson , of M < IHIL
city is attending the summer school.
C. U. Richatdsou has b'eon np-
itointed deputy sheriff instead of N.
Taylor resigned.
'I he oily council was iu session
three days the first part of this
week as a board of rqualizaton.
JCSHO Gandy shipped a oar load
of cattle to Omaha laet week of his
own food ing.
D. L. llerriok of Ash Crook
marketed thirty-two head of fat
hogs in thin city last week.
Dr. GWKirkpatriok of West
Table called Monday. Ho reports
that the crops are looking iino in
his vicitity.
John Towcll , of Berwyn , is re
ported quite sick , lie has boon
confined to his bud for the past
three weeks.
Mr. and Mrs. Chal. Maupin have
a boy at their homo that was born
Sunday Mother and little ono
are reported doing nicely.
Prof John G. W , Lewis oamo up
from Grand Island Saturday evening -
ing iu order to bo on hands to take
charge of the Summer School of
which ho is principle.
Mayor Royeo has appointed W.
II. Oshorno , Jr. City olork to fill
the vacancy made by the
absence of W.W. Cowls , City olork
elect. The appointment is a good
M.E. Vanclenburg of Sargont IB
being favoably mentioned as a
canditato for the legislature. Mr.
Vaudouburg is a good citizen and
well qualified to fill the of
Representative or Senior.
S.II.H. Clark , who for years was
president of the Union and Mid.
souri Pacific railroads , was burried
Monday in Omaha where ho spent
( o many years of his Hfo m thu
employ of the U.P.R.R. Co.
Send in 25 cents cr hand it to >
your post master and get the Ricruis-
LIOAK until January 1st for 25 cent *
or the RKPUULICAN and State Jour
nal for 75 cents or the RKPUULICAK
and Bee or New York. Tribune for
05 cents to January 1st 1001.
Profe. Lewis and Murphy , who
have charge of the Summer School
made this ollico a friendly call
Monday evening" They report
fifty two students enrolled the tirst
day. This is a good , showing and
would indicate that at least 100
will be enrolled before it closes.
Marshall Towsley has boon mak
ing it interesting for several days for
the owners and agents of barns who
have lot manure aocuuulate around
their premises. He proposes to
have the barn yards cleaned up
without fear or favor. Some have
already been fined und others will
bo unless his orders are obeyed.
Mules \Vanted.
I willbo _ in Bioken Bow Satur
day Juno 0 , 1000 lor the purpose of
buying mules from 5 to 8 years old ,
14 to 10 hands high. Bring in
yonr mules that day to S. P. Groat's
barn and get the highest prices in
HoitBB Co. , Kaunas City , Mo.
D. A. Vausant , of Ansley , was a
welcome caller Saturday. Mr.
Vansant h s recently finished put
ting a bridge 380 feet long across
the Middle Loup river at Com.
stock. While there ho moved three
buildings from Wescott to Coni-
stook. Ho expects in a few ( lavs to
put in the bridge across the Muddy
on the road south of Jud Kay'tt
J.A. Jackson , of Centorvillo ,
Iowa was among the friendly oallerK
at this office Monday. Mr. Jack
son is hero in ° oaroh of his children
who his wife oamo out hero with
some MX month * ago. Ho says ahe
has given them all away inaludinu
a baby only a year old , except the
oldest boy who iu 12 or 14 yea > s
old and who remained with him in
Iowa. Mrs. Jackson has sued for a
Congress will adjourn next wook.
County hoard o'f supervisors will
bo iu iOBHion next week ,
J.M. Cotton formerly of Lincoln
and now of Chicago is in the city.
Jtulgo Sullivan shipped a carload
of fat cattle to Omaha last week.
Maiy Bcal left Tuewlav
mornitif , on a visit to Harvard and
Red Cloud.
The Woodman will hold a picnic
at Ravenna Juno 1'Jlh. All mem
bers of the order are invited to at
Mr ? . Burns , wife of Rov. Btirne
Inf last Thursday morning on a
visit east with lolativos MII Penn
The ladies of the Methodist
church are arranging a musicale
to be given at the church on June
The republican state league is
called to moot at Lincoln Juno 28th.
A largo gathering and an enthusias
tic meeting is anticipated.
Mrs. Mary Auisborry ot Mason
City was visiting several days in
Broken Bow last week. She re
turned homo Sunday , morning.
The Sunday school of thu Epis
copal church now meets at quarter
of ten iu the morning , and the evening
ing service is hold at 7 o'clock.
Lord Roberts' army entered
Protora , Tuesday. This practi
cally puts an end to the struggle
between the English and Boers.
The famous .orator nf Iowa , con
gressman Deliver is being favoiably
mentioned for candidate for vice
president on the republican ticket.
Mrs. Ilattio Speaks who has boon
visiting hero several months with
her parents , Mr. and Mrs. U.
Walton returned to Omaha Tuesday
Frank and Leroy Noodham of
Arnold were in the oily the first of
the week delegates to the Sunday
school convention. The latter
made this office a welcome call.
Prof. Peters , a graduate of the
state univcrai'y will deliver a lee
tiiro in the M. E. ohuroh Friday
night. HM subject is : "Will bo
Made to Order. " An admission fee
will bo charged.
Preaching at Christian ohurch
Sunday Juno 10th , 11 a. m. subject
"Proving and Holding" 8 p. m.
"Power of Thought. " All are
cordially invited.
T. B. McDonald , Pastor.
CongroRB has appropriated $5,000-
000 to St. Louis to aid in the Louisi
ana purchase exposition to be hold
there. This will enable the people
of St. Louis to make one of the
grandest exhibits of the century.
The ladies of the M. B. church
will have charge of tbo Soda foun
tain in MoCoinas Drug store uexl
Wednesday June 13th , They will
servo ice cream soda , icecream , ant !
strawberries all day. Every body
Will Smith , the colored man who
has boon in the employ of Judge
Reese for several months has skipp
ed for parts unknown. Juvt before
leaving it is said that ho borrowot
several small amounts and fo'gei
an otdor on W. S. Swan for $4.00
over Judge Reese's name.
St. John's Episcopal Church.
Trinity Sunday , .luno 10th , 1000
Sunday school 0:45 : a. m , Morning
service Ha. m. Evening service
7 p. m. A cordial invitation is ex
tended to all to be present.
Walton Hall Dogyett. Rector.
M. 1) . A. I'lciiic.
The members of the Modern
Brotherhood of America of Ansley
and Cumro haye decided to hold a
picnio at Ansley in W , K. Millers
grove Juno 10th , 1000. An invita
tion is extended to Broken Bow
lodge to attend and to take with
them lunch and baskets well filled.
B. F. WKI.CII , Chr. Com.
Oregon , wh.oti is the first state
to hold an election this joar went
republican last Monday .by a hand
some majo'ity. The republicans
elected supreme judge from 5,000 to
8,000Kood and Dairy oommianoner
0,000. In the second congressional
diitrict , Moody ( republican ) was
elected by 5,000 to 7,000 , majority ;
returns as far as in from tbo firot
district , indicate a republican vic
tory. The republicans claims a majority -
jority in both houses in the state
The absolutely pure
ROYAL the most celebrated
of all the baking powders in the
world eel e b r a t e d
for its great leavening
strength and purity.
It makes your cakes ,
biscuit , bread , etc. ,
healthful ; it assures
you against alum and
all forms of adultera
tion that go with the
cheap brands.
Alum bMcIntr powders re low priced , n nliim costs hut
two cents * pound ; but alum Is a corrosive poison and
It rcndtri the baking powder dangerous to use In food.
bus Park Phaeton iu tirst-class
condition. 2t. L. E. WILSON.
Dr. Mathews and wife and R.
Wymore of Callaway were in the
city attending the Sunday school
convention this week.
W. II. Clay Co , Supt. of Phelps
delivered tvvo able addresses at the
Sunday school convention yester
day afternoon and night. The for
mer will be publish iu the Rui'uii-
UCAN next week by request of the
Col , 11. C. RuBsall mot with quite
a painful aooidoiit "Wednesday night
of latit week while hero. It WUH
cause by a ohair being hurled
against ono of his liiubri by a strong
guat of wiud that uatno up nuddun-
ly prooeeding the raiu Woduosday
evening. At first he regarded it
only a slight affair , but beforu ho
got homo next day ho was Hcarooly
able to walk from the severe bruso
ParkUuret At her homo Iu Hwl Valley.
Friday. June let. Mrs. Nancy J'urkUunt or
b * rt ( allure , ngo 71 years 8 inontUB and UJ diiyi.
The deceased was mother of Chan.
Parkliurttt , of Morna , Ellen , an in
valid daughter who made her home
with her , Mrs. Jas. Porter of Elton.
M.M. Parkliural was her step son.
She liad boon a profoBsor of rohgon
since early child hood and until the
! ast few years was a mombiir of the
missionary Baptiflt uhurch.
Several yearn HIU has been a mem
ber of the M. E. ohurch of this
place. The funeral was conducted
Sat ml ray afternoon in the M.E.
church by Rev. E.AKuight. .
The Rici'UiiLiOAN extends to the
relatives tro Hinoero sympathy of
their friends iu their hour > uf
A Normal School.
Prof. Q. E. BoggH oamo up front
Grand Inland last Thursday anil
made arrangement for the issuance
of the College Entorprino about
June first. Both ho und Prof.
Moody are pushing the Gibbon
business and Normal College. Die
school will open September 4.
Gibbon Reporter.
Prof. Bogga IB one of Custer
county's buys who quit school
long enough to go to Manila BB a
member of Co. M to liok the
Spanish and put the Filipino m-
HurgentH to flight. Since his ruturn
he han finished hit ) education and
will start in buninonn ut the head of
a business college at Gibbon. He
has the abilty and education and
doubtless will succeed.
On Thursday of last week , while
Porter Cudubuuk , Lou Nicholson
and Henry Longmorn were taking
up the door of John Rood's old sod
housu , after they had torn the roof
off , the wall fell in , catching Mr.
Cudaback under the falling sod ,
covering him up completely , and
injuring him quite severely. Mr.
Nicholson also received sever in
juries , while Mr. Longruoro , who
only had his fuel caught , escaped
unhurt. Callaway Courier.
The County Sunday School Convention ,
The Sunday school convention
held this week in the Presbyter
ian church passed off very plea
santly and profitable to those who
were in attendance. The at
tendance by delegates from the
schools in the county were not
very numerous , yet a number of
the schools were represented.
Excellent papers were read and
discussed. The adress of Rev.
S. R. Boyd Tuesday night was
an able and practical talk and
was very much appreciated. The
papers by the several ministers
and other of the county were
good. W. II. Clay Co. Supt. of
Phelps Cu. the only other speaker
from abroad gave an able address
Wednesday afternoon. Also an
other Wednesday niirht.
The "Round Table" awakened
considerable interest and was one
of the interesting features of the
At the morning session "Wed
nesday. The following officers
were elected , President E. J.
Pit'away ' , Secretary Miss Sadie
Whitehcad , Treasurer II. Lomax.
The following delegates were
elected to the state convention.
Mrs , Matliews of Callaway , D.
W. Thompson and Miss Sadie
"Whitehead of Broken Bow. ,
Altermates Dr. Matliews , Calla
way J. O. Wilson of Cliff ,
The next meeting of the con
vention will be held at Callaway.
We hope to be able to give an ofii-
cial report of the convention next
Wncat . . . . . 44--48C
llnrloy . n.,30c
Oats . M1s7c
Corn . 33.
llye 331
Mutter l2Kj
Potatoes . 30 :
Onloua . - . . l.i )
Chlckeus . . . 1.05 toJ PC
COWr ) . , . . . , . , . . . .
moors . . . . . . . . , "UO
TurUoyi . , . , , . L-
btraw. . . , . lOc cwt
Uay , . , . _ . , . 0,00 po lou