Now Is The Time To Subscribe. The State tuul National campaign i for 1000 IH now on. livery body fihoiild hoop posted. Thu National campaign M well an the Htate'H buln fair lo bo both exulting and iutoront- uip. No body wl > o bus any intir- est in the roBiilt of tbo o.inipaign should bo without , a comity : ind Htalo p.ipur In order thnt t > v < ry oitizeiiH in Ouster uounty may kuup posted , wo liave deoidod to malty a special price on tbu KKI-UIIUCANHOaa I put it within llio rea'jh of ovcrbody. To nil mw siibacnberH as veil at ) to nil who pay uparruatgen wo will fur niah thu Kn'Uiti.iCAN for HO cents to thu ilrst of January 1'JOl , or the HlU'inu.iCAN and Suite Journal lo Jan. lit 1001 for 75 ; thi ) Now York Tribune or 13eo nnd llm'tniLiCAN for 05 cents to January ItU 11)01 ) Oily Journal and UKI-DUUCAN OOUtH. MliUuru itvuiM. ' Cool weather. Crops look lino. Com planting IB about nil done. A alight frost wan eoon timidity morn ing. ing.A A good shower would bo nccoptablu at prcsenu AtkiBsou of Anselrao nnd n nmolilne man innd this town yesterday. Walter Only bolili a high portion In tblB man's town putiiiR t r on thu roof Mr . nankin , in company with her brother Joseph retiirrcd from thu How yesterday. Mis * Mina Farley nnd grandma Sweet arrived the other day Irotn Duraud 111. where the former tins be n unending school. 1 Ljinan Pike a resident of Annlielu Cnlifornia is vlulUng relative * , in the neighborhood and SBOin to bo wull pious- ud with Nebraska present prospjo'u. 'J he MllburiiUund.iy school Inva ilu ciJidt J oulobrntud etilldronN day HOIIIU * tlinu iB J mo , mid will probably ment In tuu \rley o\rk. Midbioaary Moaa IB ex pcoteci LU ba with u- > . J. B. H"iriuy Is oreutlng u new barn from tbu products of hlfi tills springs crop or fttt lie d and has 810.00 ! ) left and Htill Jim ia n domourat. Don't oall it Decoration day n Memorial day IH the correct ap pellation. The decoration of the uravoa IH only an incident ; the memorial to dead comrades I the uppermost in the hearts of the living veteran. I trust all will spend it in a becoming manner , not in feasting and pleasure but in honor of tlioso who died to uivc this nation and perpetuate its lib erty. Fruit tame and wild well in bloom and promised a crop , if not over taken by diaaHter. Monday , May as there will bo a total oolipsn of the aim ; ita totality will not 1)9 viniblo in Nebraska but but we may BOO BOIUO of its effects. Fiuo growing weather ; small grain and pastures fine ; alfalfa ready to cut ; rye in lioid , corn about all planted ; early planted coin coming up and stand good ; the pig crop ia poor , nearly all dying liotn BOIUO unknown cause. Th * mail carrier'sMrs. BurketH , ) horse ran off last evening ; the tug became del ached and then he stripped himself , leaving the cart , running about a railo ; she followed and found him waiting and caught him and picked up Borao wire for repairs , returned to the cart and in a shorttime with assistance of a person near whore the accident took plao" the harness was repaired and she went on her way delivering the mail on time. AII Apology. Last week we copied and article from the Ord Times , complimen tary to Senator Currie and by an over sight the typu failed to give the proper credit. An over sight we did not notice until after the paper was printed. Bro. Legyctt , we will try and see it does not happen again. J. C. Maulick , of Seneca Kan sas is visiting- the city. He is well pleased with his new loca tion , The ladies of the Methodist church are arranging-a musicale to be given at the church on June 20th , Reno's Oriental shows and trained animal exhibition arc to appear in Broken Bow Wednes day , May 30 Tor two gala day performances 2 and 8 p. m. In the construction of this modern ideal show of the century , is to be found i grand and limitless array of talent never before be held with any tented exposition. Whole ttoups of aiheletes , gymnasts , acrobats , aerialists , leaders' tumblers , contortionists , equiposists and balancers each and all in friendly style for the plaudits of an always pleasei audience. Funny old clowns , trained dogs , mules and birds to amuse the "wee ones , " Prices IS and 25 cents' Free exhibition More opening- doors , 3V3C o Mciuorhtl Siibljiith ami Memorial Day It is not only a custom but a duty enjoined upon thu members of the G. A. U. by npncial order , that ilny shall assemble for Divine woiship on tlio Sibbatli preced ing Memorial Day. The inemlioHH of C. C. Wanhburn Post and W. R C , will nnneinblo in tbcir ball at 1:30 : p. in. on Sunday May 27tb and proceed to tbo I'resbytonac church whore the Memorial Sermon will bu delivered by Rev. GeoG. . Huron ut ii:30 : p. in. with paotorn of other cliurclicH present and assisting. Wo invilo all soldiers , oHpocially those of iho Spaniph American war , Co , M. and oilizens in general to muol with UH and assist in keeping alive the iireH ol patriotism. PnCGKAM FOR MltMOIUAI. DAY. Services , WednoHday , May 30. Mumbvru of U. 0. Washburn poHt No. 1)8 ) , G. A. R. and a'l ' exHold - titiH , Woman's Relief 0 > jrpH , Hold- lorn of the SpaniHh Ameriuan war , uid Co : M. will meet at post room at 7:30 : a. m. At 10 a. in. column will form on hlreclH in front oT Reality block under direction ol Captain Claris Tilbot an Grand Marnhnl in the following order : Band , Martial muwie , CoAl , Spanish American Soldit-rc , G. A. R. and all holdiorH of the Rebellion , W omniiH Releif Corns , Speaker of Dopartmtnt Comniandur , Civic Sc'oicticH , citizens. At 10:30 : the parade will march to the Cemetery where the decorn- ting of HoldierH gravob Hiiierntoiil- | ed bv the WomanH Uelicf Corps nnd cxoroiflOH laid down in ritual will de engaged in. AKTKUNOON EXKKCIHKS The G. A. It. and all ex-Koldiern and WomanB Relief Corps will itMHemblo at post room at 2 p.m. , Hhurp , Spanish American Soldiers and Uo. M. at their Armory and march in a body to the North side opera house , whore in _ interesting iirogram will bet > ' rendered , Pant Department Commander , lion II. J. Russel of Sohuylor being the Jrator of the occasion , Citizens of the surrounding country are in vited to bo present with us to as sist in the proper observance of the lay and contribute in making it an ) ccasion that will long bo rem > in hered. niAVUUH IMtOCI.AIUATION To the cltlzniiB of Urokon Bow : lie It known Uuit n rouub1o to tlie c ! > tnbli hed rules and regulations of the Grand army of the Hepublic that Mem orial day , May 30ih of each year be ob served with exercises appropriate for the occasion , by our cltlzena in duo respect and honor to our fallen heroes. The fact that the iiamoB of departed veterans are kept In uttered remembrance Inspires the mind and heart of the American people with patriotism and love for our country and ling. The courage and patriotism exhibited by Amerbnn soldiers is something for American citl'/ens to bo especially proud and ( o brin/ forth the respect and ad- mitration of the world and wo deem it littlng , that'Memorial day bo obsoived by nil. I would earenstly request that all s'ores and places of business bu closed on Memorial day , \Veduesday , May Sutli. 1900 , from Iho hour of 9..10 a. m. to 12 ui. and from 'J p. m , to 4 p. m. uud tlmt all persons attend the exercises and assist in carrying out the program pre. pared tor ll'o occasion. Given under uiy hand this 2lrd ) dtty of May , 1000. E ROYSE , Mayor. Itunaway Hoys Caught. Marshal Towsloy wont west on a boy chase , on the morning train last Friday and Friday evening rj- turned with two prodigals , who a week previous had left comfortable homes at Grand Island , with Iho view of becoming cow hoys in the far west. The buys names are Grover ThompHot , , son of W. 11. Thompson of Grand Island and Potors. The boys left home on horseback with a small bund In of clothing strapped on their saddles. Air. Thompson who wan away from homo at the time , on returnii g found the boyn had gene west to ' herd cattle" wrote to eily marshal Towsloy giving a full disonption of runaways and offered $25.00 for their capture. The boys were only 1 1-i yoarfc old but they were bhrewed i.'tioiigli to go around the towns on their way and it was not until Fri day morning thct the marshal was nblo to locate them. C. F. and .1. B. Tierney who had jtiit returned from their ranch west of Anselmo infotmcd him that two boys wore at their r.inclio who had reached ih To the day before that answered Iho di'Hcriptifin but who gave dif ferent names from thu boys that were wanted. Mr. Towsley lost no tune in getting theru , but before boarding the early mdrning train for ( ho west he telcgraphon the livery man at AiiHolmo to have n team in waiting for him when ho reached AiiHclmo. Reaching the ranch about U o'clock a. m. ho 10 turned to the iJow with ih bo > H the name evening Having inform ed Mr. Thompson ol the capture by wire ho was on hands Saturday morning . > ud took his boy homo with htm and < uuit thu Peters boy over land with the two horses. Subsequently it was learned that Deputy Sheriff Taylor was on trail of the boys and had reached Ansel- mo the evening before when1 ho retired for the night ; while ho slept , Uroknn Bow's efficient marshal was speeding his way as fast as his tesm would carry him across the saici'n ' to the destination of the fugativus. The boys had planned Lo leave for Wyoming that day and had it not boon for tbo hot pursuit [ jiven by Marshal Towsloy they doubtless would IIRVO bsen gen ? be fore any one else had reached ll o Tioruey ranoho. Miss Lizscic Forscyth , of New Helena has been elected teacher for the Kearney schools for the ensuing year. She had taught there a number of years piror to last yearwhen she decided to take a vacation. Miss Forscyth is one of Ctister county's early and most efficient teachers. The Next of Kin. A case has come before the U. S uircuj' court in Omaha , which IK vidoni'y ' a surprise to the majority ol the people in Nebraska. It was the suit of Annie J. Thompbon against tlr. C. M. & St. P. and the Armour Packing Company to re cover dam.igenlor tao death of bur fourteen year old hon , who wvt killed by n train operated by the lorincr Company on the private track of the hitter. In recent years , lh boy had as- nistod his mother MI iho support of the family , the f.ithor have deserted them ten yearn ago. and the mother claimed damages en thu ground that the death of the boy deprived her of this assistance. 'Iho Judge admit ted Iho justioo of the claim and ex pressed his regrets that he was com pellcd to instruct the jtny to render a verdict against her , for the reason that Iho mother , ajcordi g to the Htatuo of Nebraska , is not "the next ol kin" to the child , this partic ular relatiorship belonging solely to the father , and therefore she was not the proper plaintiff in the sun ; ind as the father had received no pecuniary advantage by the boy's labor , ho was not entitled to dam ages. ages.Yet there are hundreds of women in Nebraska who declare that they "have all the rights they want , " and the Anti-Suffragists affirm that the laws of our State are more generous to women than to men. Sti''h cases bring the laws to the test and prove the fallacy of these assertions. LAUKA A. GUKQG. ( jTlio Broken Bow Creamery station which baa boon in operation less than two months is already doing a thirving business. In the past week the amount of milk furnished has nearly doubled and it is not yet get ting all that it will in the near fu ture. Perry Foster , the local man ager seems to be the right man in tlie right place. Ho is intensely in terested in the work and is con stantly on the alert for business. There is PCM cely an afternoon , after taking care of the milk brought in the morning but that ho hitches up to his buggy and goes to the country to talk creamery. This week ho has succeeded in establish ing another route extending south- cast as far as J. O. Taylor's. This station IH now the best patronize 1 station in the county , yet it is thu youngest. Monday a now route was i-Utrtcd which brought the number of pounds daily up to 2100 The Beatrice Co which has the plant leased guarantees a dividend of six per cent on the stock \vhon the amount of milk furnished reaches 3000 pounds , and eight per cent whi-n the amount reaches 5000 pounds. The southeafit route es tablished yesterday promises to raise the daily average to the 3000 pounds limit * Hun means a not profit to the patrons of the Million of $500 , a mi nth , besides 0 per cent to the block holders on their invest- ment. 'I hero is no roaHon why , if all who could would patroniau the cromery thai 5000 pounds ol milk hhould not bo furnished daily with in the next $0 days. pecial Sale of Ladies High Grade Silk Shirt Waists , O c r * 1) ) " 1 1o CD O This cut fully represents the style of an elegant Line of Ladies Silk Shirt Waists which we have just received from a leading JVew York Manufacturer. These gar- iiipnts are made up in the very latest stvle , with the * new Scolloped Front , front , back and sleeves beautifully corded and hem-stitched , Elegant assortment of colors , Cerese , Heliotrope , Sage green Red , Pearl Greys , Turquois , etc. Those goodb have never before been shown at retail at less than MpO.oO and are good values at that , but by a special deal wo are enabled to place this lot on sale at the very low price of 4.40 , V Wo are also hhowing India Silk Waists made up in same style at the very low price , of $3.OO We also include in thib sale a hut of very line plain and glace silk under skirts to close out. formei prices $5"7o and tpO.QO , cloding priceo $3.5O nd $4.5O. Just received , another line of Indies trimmed hats , sent to us on consignment at end of Eeason prices. You got the benefit. Come to the big store for good barugins in this year's merchandise. WILSON & DHAKK. All who have rooms to rent during- the Summer school will report same to County Superin tendent , J. J. Tooley , The Alumni meeting- Monday nig-ht was a grand affair. There were fifty of the members present. They indulged in a banquet at the Burlington hotel at the close of the exercises. WANTKD Several persona for district otlicb iuiuiagers ; In this state to represent me in their own and surrounding coun ties. Willing to pay yearly $ GOO , pay able weekly. Desirable employment with unusual opportunities. Rgferen- cos exchanged. Enclose self-addreBEed stamped envelopeS. . A : Park , 320 Uuxton HuildliiK , Chicago. 11 30-2Gt. MARKET REPCW. Wtioat 4448C Hurley . . . ,3'Jc ' Onts J > 7r Joru aa Kyo 33" luttcr 18 } $ . Cgna 'otatocs 30 : . ) nloim , .1.D : ; hlckeii , i G.i to : : PI llotfs 4.1 COWH U , jj atcurb . . 4fO Tiirkoya f- Straw ' > : nvt liny „ 5.00 [ > u tin. A Good Thing- Our Groat-Grandmother' garrets containing the same herbs of all healing found in Karl's Clover root tea. Tlioy gave our ancestoi strength , kept the blood pure , end will do the Ramo for you it you say HO. Price 25 ots. and 50 ots. Sold by II. G. Haoborlu. KlitMiitiallHm Cured. My wife has used Chr.mbarlnln'a Pain liilm for rhmiumtUm with great relief , and I can recommend it HS a tplendld liniment for rheumatism uud other household mo for which wo Iwvu found It valuable \V. J. Cuylor , Ked Greek , N. Y. IB This Plain Enongh- If you have a nagging cou h and are loosing ilosli , go to a drug btoro. and iot a bottle of Shiloh's Contuni | lion Cure. Take two- ibirds of it , and then , if you are not bi-noh'U'd , return the bottle to tin- druggist , and wo will return your nnMioy. Inn't that fair ? No onn I'ould asx more. 25 olx. 50 ctn. and $1 00 a botilo. Mr. fUiylor U one ol the Hmi'inn mer- uhttn'B u ( ihlH villnK" and onu of liio most promln-'Dt m"ti in thl < vointty. W. O. Kdltur Kml Crock ll-nild. For by all Druggist * . I wish lo say to my Friendw and Patrons that I am now located in the Now Briok Huilding , on west side of Square , wlwrc 1 will bo better prepared to nerve them than ever be fore. F. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. O O K. C. WOIINAI.I , , 1'rcMdcnt. J. A. IIMinisCashier. A. J. KOllItimuN , Vlcc-l'rca. W. U. 1II.ACKWKI.L , Ate't Cneltlcr Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BKOKKN BOW , NEB. Transacts a General Banking Business. 'County Claims and Warrants Bought. Wo have over 100 sots of good tirsfc-olass Farm Harness that wo will sell at the old price of last year. Our rea son for this is that wo have carried them over from last year and the leather in thorn was bought cheap. This gives us a ohanco t' : undersoil all competitors by ton per cont. g fee For Cash Only , . UTe Fall Time on these Goods. s z s s f''i I ! At low price quoted. On Saddles we are always right. i Don't forgot our line of Hardware , Barb Hop Fence , ig in Huggies and Wauonn , ( , 'ook Stoves and Ranges , the iI I best on earth for the price. i ] n m Hgg gsgBagBi cmTOi Kflqp i rac Fair Prices , Best Material , and Best C. B. BETTS amter Workmanship. . . , Dei orator LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST Always American- - Always Republican THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE Every Column is Bright , Clean and Packed with News The Literature of its columns Is equal to that of the best maga zines. It is interesting to the children as well as the parents. 'TYHE INTER OCEAN is a "WESTERN NEWSPAPER , and while it J 1 brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its 0 readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day , it is in S full svmoathv with the ideas and asoirations of Western ncon1 < . * nA i -i c c W " ] * J * * - * J144lWiJ S literature and politics from the Western standpoint. $1.00 PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR $ J. o ooao i * V N-N VS S- % THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN J ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THE WEST. JTHE INTER OCEAN'S NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE. Price of Dally by mall $4 00 per year t'rlce of Sunday by mail $2 00 per year Dally und Sunday by mall $6 00 per year RAKING POWDER Mokes the food more delicious and wholesome ROVU DAKINQ POWDER CO. , HEW YORK.