children spring ? planng headache , ca ly fall asleep how is it with yourself ? strength slipping away ? tremble easily , are your nerves a'3. unstrung , do you feel dull and sleepy , and have you lost all ambition ? © y every one needs a good spring medicine ; a medi cine that \yill remove impurities from the system , strengthen the digestion,1 * and bring back the old force and vigor to the aerves. % A perfect Sarsaparilla is just such a medicine ; a Sarsaparilla that contains the choicest and most valuable in gredients ; a Sarsaparilla accurately and carefully made , and one that experience has shown is perfect in every way. "The only Sarsaparilla made under the personal ! supervision of three graduates : a graduate in pharmacy , a graduate in chemistry , and a graduate in medicine. " $1.00 a bottle. All druggists. "I am confident that. ' and Pills have saved life taking them - fall and perfectly Ayer's Sarsapaiilla my by evc-y spriag. I ha\e kept them in the houte for the past twenty years. " HVA N. HART , Buffalo , Is' . Y. , Maif.Ii it ) , 1900. & 3.5O SHOES Worth S4 to 56 compared. with ther makes. Indorsed by over 1,000,000 wearers , i fleiitiliio haveW. L. I Douglas1 name and price j stamped nn bottom. Tnkc no substitute chimed to be as good. Your dealer should keep them if not , we will rend a paif" „ on receipt of price and nc. extra for carnage. Stall" kind of leather , size , and width , plain or cap toe. Cat. tree. W. L. DOUGLAS SHRE CO. . Brockton. Mass. NEW DISCOVERY , - . . _ . _ _ 'llck relief iul < iirc' oi > t I i ivifi Hook of U'-tlmoulnlP fmil irt HAW trcntmuut Ultl. 111 ! . II. | [ . I.Ill I VS hlt\S. IItt h. . On. CREAM SEPARATORS nuit ] > KI Untu thuriiiIliu J n-i'-ir.i tort 1 liauturk ( KMfeetl > L. lUrcli Allpslicuyl o I'a ( In u arsfroi1 , rl' < - lJ. .IHSON-.STi\\AKT . CO. * < 2ihh < n In , la. SeiVuiir Pension DOUBLE QUICK Write CAPT. O'FARREUL Pension A tnt , 2C New Yorl. Avenue. WASHING TON , D. C. Man boon oaiios of the nor hlp ol limtuniitv. TAPI rn's HAIR n Leoi l thf fa\'orltc for dre'silns the hHlrni il tuia-Hliik' ll life iiiul Liilm. .ctJKSS the lici t i uio Itir i ijuis. iJcln. Pome ni"n.beljpvc In dio\\mng care In the llo\\ins bowl. ' J. . . ' . . * * . m - * J - - r - - llall'B Oi'tarrh Citro Ih a constitutional cm o. l'i ice , 75c. One cup of butter weighs one-half pound. Causes bilious head-ache , back-ache and all kinds of body aches. Spring is here and you want to get this bile poison out of your system , easily , naturally and gently. CASCARETS are just v/hat you want ; they never grip or gripe , but will work gently while you sleep. Some people think the more violent the griping the better the cure. Be careful take care of your bowels salts and pill poisons leave them weak , and even less able to keep up regular movements than be fore. The only safe , gentle inside Spring cleaner for the bowels are sweet , fragrant CASCARETS. They don't force out the foecal matter with violence , but act as a tonic on the whole 30 feet of bowel wall , strengthen the muscles and restore healthy , natural action buy them and try them. You will find in an entirely natural way your bowels will be promptly and permanently put in good order for the Spring and Summer work. ' tOc. jgyS y f ALL 25c. 5Qc. ' * * Mi mfi llH i V3H * * * * DRUGGISTS To any netdy mortal ( offering fromfcowtl-tfoubUs.and lee poor to buy CASCARETS we will send a box free. Addre&s Sterling Remedy Company , Chicago or New York , mentioning advertisement and paper. 421 THC MARKfTS 3Y TCirORAIMI ' * i i ( Jniiliitltiin I rum Ni\r > nrli , t'tilmpo ixitli Oiiniltii null lllirwlirrt1. KANSAS IMTV M\t STOCK. KANSVH CITY. Mn21 I'ATTI.K - M.itkii , icil\c > iiinl xlciiity tn HlioiiK , I ) u\ luitl\i' yUi'tflft ' 2.1 , HicKor i anil ftclirx Jt 3V if.'A. liiiU'lirr ici\\ mid IK u ( i.- ! 't.i < ynr > w. ctmncTH , > vriticvi red \ i M * ll Jl S'il 4 ! . . Ti XHrt , * ) iWiM.70 11OC5.S Miiilirt ( lindv ami VtM'V ' I i\\ < -i , lu'jux s : . nir..2v niim-il. $ vifcti.'io HCI-I. . ) ' ,1' , - , IIIK * , { 4 nnit i ' > . * . ' SIJI.M.I' .N'O I.AMHS-aooO trnilc- , Intnbi stuiciv to ItulilKln'i" mutton ! ' , cticiiiK t'nlfinulii I'ttnli' . Ji.lOtlliipt'il ; fol- ( l.lllo I'tllb' . ft' IViJI ! Ufi. rlljipril intlttOtl , | i.tnjyM. . . rctc.i ! , jUiOlir. . * * . mils , ' I l"J. l.IYIJ RTtli'K MAllKl'.T. ( Mllc'AUC * . AInv Sl.-l'AVTI.l'J M iiKot "dMt'o ' lcnc'r : niitlM's , \ie t on cul" tciilio. iltii nillciiulH. ill V , . ! < ) , jmil lit jirlnv ( tti'is $3iKiffi.7fl ) ; near to inollluin. Sl'i' i > l.M ) . foi-dctd. alidiit HttMilJnt .W1iMi" . tnlMil HtucLctH , sluut J.I50JMOO ! cow - $ , ! tXl 10 , In.lfcM. MSMiIilW ; i-uniH-i Mtciiilv nt K.VH/.t'J , ' , billlr. about ftuinlv at JlWtiU''i ; rahiM cii-ltr nt * l.r.WiO ( ' . Trxux IV.l sloc-lH , $ < .ll'W5.iri ' , TI-MIS bul'- ' . $ : i L > on ir. HOUS- Mostly 11V louot : top fi. ' . inlM'il mill liuU'IuiK. J'i UMiiV-IO , Koxil Hi iluilio lie-lit y. JS iWi r , , i f toiifiU lunv.v , Sio.ii/ufi. iiKiti. jrioi"ii.w' , . bulk ot t'l Rood to e lliiloe otlle-t * , W l.ifl S > ! tutr tei i helm tnKt'd , $4.i'tfri ) [ irrMtin , } fi < iO'i < 7 < i . t.prliiK litiubH. tuui-li lo\\n at Sdl'TU OMAHA MVP STOC"K. sorm OMAHA. Mav. : -CATTI.I : I.nj , ' ( . " | ! ntul ri > ) * ' t'ii lor in.u- k'tv .it c lilciiKx lii'il a Oc-pD' KhiK orroi-t iMidii tilt niaiUi'l at tills point itiul valiu-i VI iI'll ) \i < lllIOM'f 111 SOllD- f.lSI"tcll - < i > tlitiiiKlit tlu-v Kot alicnit a K < ' ( 'il inli'ct , s \ < Mti"iilii\ anil In ( .illiir . oil"1' tln- > were oalilni : It lUc | o\\i'f 'I'lu1 aottilil conill- tlivn nf the niatkt't i-otllcl jifili-ipsi In- bent iltMoi ilipd liy i-idlliur II wink In . Hcrf stdis. VJ."iOT.r , HI : sli-i-is and ln-lf- ir f4 Mit/4.iO ; COUM and lii'tfur$1 \'At 4 ' . ( > iiplfi-is. $4i'0'M ' ( SO , hullt. $ HK ii4.Ki ; < c" J. Mil/T.M sinus. H.W11M t.'i. wlools tomid lulfii-s , } , ; .Ciit/r ( , W lnK c.ilM' " . i.lSi'"iMi htuclu-ts and loeclui , fl-cOW JO lloi.K Tlioaul. . \\pro full KiS onu 1 chit , iiportotl In wlnlit nnd In iiddltlo'i itlur -iiiiiiK points ti'tiot ted lm : c D1- t Ipt mid 'way lo\\ov inatkt'tv 'I'lnu - > > iili \\n- > that lunoiM ili It'fml ml I" til.o elf 'ir .it tlilx iioint mill IlK-j niuclf tlinlr bids . - ( | > SU'llt'iH rotuclit iiKiln'-f ! tin 11 dm linn mid IK Id nn to llu-tr linjj't In mamiu .t' i lint litivi'i1) tic III tinwin - nlnK limul ml In tln > I'lul lut HIM IHIKH tliulrn \ It Hindi' u M'tv MO\\ mill dii\K- Kl'itr ni.iikol fiorn "tint to llnNli. Tli * Kfiioiiil inn ol ilio iooil iiilvcd lioK1 * ' old nt i lu'tia 12' . , us ng ihut $ "i .Oi/.SJ'i > t'h- np-'I'lio tninltiit. It In "life to av. t" „ II 111' \\01f C'l Ill'COUIlt llf till1 IlK-IVHM * In tin tiiolit of frinss slipup ni tiontli- i > iti in-lUi'is , ( . .Jnotfitlonifllppeil \\plli- ii J IVuri. ' ! . ' , clipped o.nlliHf1. 'i Wit lilt , elippeel i-\\is , ( mod to cliolri' , SI ( 'OfT i fv fun to rend rllnpl'el eves e * l SMcl i'iV Kneel tn e-hcle c I'oloitido wiioli't ! lmnli . S7 00(7 l"i Inlr t i Kood c'oluido woiilfd luniliH Jli "i'i ( 00ond / to iliulpi1 cllpprd Innihu Vi i.'i'iiCiiO , fair to xcod c'IfTc AC5O r.KAIN' AND PUOVIStOXH I'lllc'XtJO. Mav 21. WJUJAT-No. 3. ryatf * .Vn. 2 Hd , TJ'u'li" . rc ll.\-No. S , SSTiWie : N'o. ' . ' yollo\\ . -i : i .c OATS Xo 2 2.1Vi/2.lVp : X0 \\lilto. . 2ri tif/n ' 4 > > No. : \\iiite , 2V..fiv iv. HVI ; NO 2 rfii HAHI.KY-Good fcidlnir. ST' TiI o. SKKDS-No 1 HUN. ! H SO No I noMli- uestt'in. HI hO t'llino timothy , JJ 15 Clo- M'l i ( inline t midi7 00 I'tU\ rSKN.S-.M " ) ' jioik. ppi 1 > M , flOCiif/11 7n. l.ard PIT 100 11m Srt SVrt7 ' , t-Mioit libsuiiM ( loose ) , tr- , : , ( „ ( , sn Dtv s.tlti-il slieiulik'is ( lioM'd ) . $ iriJfij'7'i ; Hbnit tli'iir Midi" . ( lioM-dl , $7infi72) ) \ \ 1IISKV IMslllli'i- ' llnl-licd FtoeM'son lns < l o' lilwli whiive. < l 2" . NMV YOinC ( JllAIN MAUKI-ri' . N3\V ! YOHK ill I'lWl 1 HAT-IMoi-- ( il In in atfMiO nit nilMiiii'C Muj Insfd at 71\4i' . .Inh 7f' 'i/7i"'ii ' , cloxcd 'It TJ'MISi pie inbi r , 72 'l-lli'ci'.IUi' I'OllX Cloitel flun mid ' "i. enit nd- \ me i' . Muv e Insrd nt 12'jsi ' , Jnh ! ' ' , ( loud , il li' o , Si | itt > itilur , ! . ! ' .C'il4i i los. id , it A ! T i' OATH turn No 2 27iNo " 2'1. ! Xo. \\ldte- - -"ii-'Xo : . ! \\hlte 2V _ . tl.'ii-lc inl.M'd v.e'MeTii , L'li' ' > O2'k ti ink . 2S'ifiiJ."n' . Options , dull nnd tui- DEPUTY RLFVFS HAS CONPfSSCD. Me Cltri. U | > N'fiil-ly f U < ' Mud IMiKTil Ullh Him HAVANA. AIiiv 21.Y. . 11. Reeves , ( lepnty nitditor of the Island , made a confession nt midnight an i gave tip ? 1,500 given to him by C. K. W. Nrely. the arrebted llnancial aient of posts at Hn\.Mui , tp perform certain sen Ices the ilaj he left. General Wood and the postal inspec tors refuse to diiiclobe the nature of the confession , barely admitting that a confession has been made. It is claimed Unit $1,400 more will be lecoveted today. Another ( hur c against Xceley Is that he has dnfrmidud the customs out of several thousand dollars' woith of duties by importing nominally lor pds- tal use largo quantities of paper , which was afterwaid sold to a printing house In Havana. The Cubans are now talking a good deal regaiding postal matters , the main idea apparently being that the Ameri cans , ha\lng found BO many of their countrymen implicated , will not pro- i eed to extiemitlea. The Citonnb do not believe that Is'eeley v > lll be oxtradli ted With the cunfcbsdoiih cif Ilee\es and Rich , Mipplemented by those of the stamp elerUsi. and by the statements of the Haracoa postmaster , it is con- Hidetcd that theevldenc'o against Nee- ley is complete. General Wood B.sys thr.t lhc > report fiom Jiuncie , Ind. . that neaily $ J.OOO- 000 woith ol stamps have been pilntecl there and senl for dlstilbutlon lo Cu ban postolllces can be regarded as a ( aim id. There In nothing neie to nho\v that any Mich c'ounterfeit stamps ha\e been sent. It is believed now that the whole ator.v Is known and that the amount of the defalcation vll ! fall be tween $100,000 and JIM.OOO. Ilii/fl for 1'iMli-nil .Incite. WASHINGTON. May 21. lire piesi- dent has ilf'termineil ilpon the nomi nation of .lohn U. Hazel to be Pnited States judge for the western uistrkt ut New York. It Is probable that hiu name will he sent to the senate today. I'.nil or Trllifit In ' liit. | ARI3MO1U3. 1. T. May 1 ! ) The D.iwes c'ommissinn and the Choi taw and Chirkiniiv , commlHsion have agiced that the em oilmen ! of the two tribes shall be closed on .lune 1 No choc taw or Chii kasaw Indian boin after that datihethcr inteimanird or lull blood , will be reglsteicd on the tilbal rolls 01 aliensed to partkipate In the allotment of tribal lands. All nc\\ born , Ironc\ . \\lll recehe their slu-re o : the hchool funds. The property of who dlo after that date will docend to the heirs in accordHiice with the Arkansas statute of tk-tcent illhtrlliutlon. MItDICINE CO. WINS , Oliliilm Injiiiu Unit lit ( 'IMC , Slnilllllllllll lit I II III It. f Hi rut Gooil , pii ! < ildcnt of tlio Cm tor Mcvl- It'lno Cciinpnny. > o tordny rwi'Uwl it telr- giinu fiom lil . lawycri In ( JlilrnK" . Mntiin lu\\don , I'lstiilnool. iV Dm i , InfonuliiKliliii that n Hind Injmu'tlon.M \ c'u > t' < ll'iiil bun ginitti-d MK < dii < > t the CliicnRO l.nlic ! uii'l Itox Coni | nuy. This cotnpiiny n spurndty of iniuuifiu'tiir n ; ; lutii'li , lioxc" < , etc , fur drugglsti. Tlio Cmtor Ciiimny | lius lm' n fulhi\\itig ( lifin tliictuph thiMjitiits for t < > jc'iitsc n tlic toinplnliit Hint tl o label < om pntiy wns limiting ihmdiitUms of thx labets tif Cmloi's l.itllo l.Ufi rill * . Thoj Unto now obtnliu'il n linn ) injunction \\illi lonls , ntul fie i'ost < mo M'rj lui's' . nstlio I'ltsolms b I'libiibmittul to a Mnstei In t.'lniiiLotj fcr o flnnl neoonntlng. 'Iliu t'ntttr Mcil I'itio Coinpnny has IJIHW tliu ill1- ! mill otilj cine t j prosei-nte printois 01' > MipiaVi > ! 's \\lin lin\ ) ] ' | siii'h Inbuls mid \\rnppois. It nnirl.M u now dnpm'lmo hi iiifrtutrc'iacnt easps. mid tlnlriclorj' li olio of gloat liui'oi latiie to tlioliolo "pi o- pi U'lai > 1 1 tide , " mid nKo of IntcM i , t to I t nil . Xun Yoitk I'tiiiMs , MAI i.1 , U'Ot ' ) . Two cups of giannlater. s.i arelgh one iioiind. FCHTIUK COLOHADO. The Deiner it Kio mantle railroad lias just pnlillahcd a touoml edition of "TIllC P13RTILI2 LANDS OF COLO RADO , " which ghc-i a concise descrip tion of the vast atca of agricultural , hoiurultnrnl and gracing lands located on its line In the state of Colorado and the Territory of New Mexico , and full Inhumation as to tnc stcult Inter ests , tire sugar bret industry and farm ing by Irrigation. It Is a truthful fepicvntatiiui of the mrmrroni and wonderful prodncls of U > e soil In that portion of the country and is of especial interest to all who aie In terested In ngrloullrrru or kindled pur suits. Copies of this hook will he pent fie ? on application'to S. K. Hooper , G.l'.A . I ) . < i U. 0. H. R. . Denver. Cole , or any oHiclal of the Den\er & Rio Grande railroad. Your clothes will not c-raelc-if jou uio Magnetic Starch. Two tablespoonfulb of llu.ld cijual an ounce. I inn sure 1'lso s Cuici fur roiisiiinptlon vu\cil llfcitlitro jfins tiro.Mis. . Tiios. R > nms.'s , Huiilu btitol , Notulcli , X. Y. , 1'tli. J" , 1W\ ) Don't forget to close doors behind Kor starching line linen nso Magnetic Starch. Don't regard 1C a * burden to ho oblig ing. UBO Magnetic Jstarch IKiasnocciua ) Calm seas make ea'dess sailnr-r. I'l'lll ' ' . ' MI'll111II'I ' ' M ASfcgcjaWel'rcpaMlionJtirAs similarmglhcFoodnntiRcUiifii ling Uic Stomachs aiidBoweis oi' Promotes Digcslion.Chocrrnl- ness nndRcst.Conlahis neither Opitim.Morpliinc nor > Iiiicral. NARCOTIC. Ctanfwi Sugfif JHninyn'nt flwor. Apetfccl ncntcily 1'orConslipa- lion , Sour Stomach , Dinrrltowi Worms .Convulsions.Fcverish- ncss nm1 Loss or SLEEP. Facsimile Stgnnlurcj of EXACT COPY OF WRAPPER. wa * Tire dobll'tnHinj ' 1r.-rim nut ! dfaclmiK * " ' v.Mih w.ikon HO many \\onKiim um-ul by ( "n- nnh of lltr tli umtly feminine orpin * . The. uillcu v may cull her ti'civblr 1.'ncliottlioct ) , or \Vca ! nor Female I'Kc.wrr ! > niKotlir n.'itno , brl llic ; ui-1 tumble j ratJir.h ni the female' orjj.ii1 anil notliitu ; 1 i * . Pe-vn imi.iclieallynnclnainm iHii'lv urns thl'i nml nil olhrt lei .i-.oflata.tli. Jti-mjKiMtivc tH ifn Jut fr nio : ) troubles o.nii tllyt tart u.ftlu < 1 IK tic 1 11111 ; ; nf tlit < ti/i'nti ? j ) to \\jn n. Jl/i'v : \ \ > ctii' rtif u ul jit'i t iintlj. It i i-ioinptaud C'-'Tt.Ill . "SI1 1,01 IS I'AN.N'ON UAhU" Lenvi' Onii'h.i . 05 p. in ; arrive St. I < 11- 7 0' ) : > i ) \vmoni3 MIF. M"HT noiNo ? MMM * IIMI S \HIM1K I MlV'i'ri. ' Tiaii" , ItMM' rniim Station ' Dully fcr KniiM's rilv , Qnincy , Ht. l/iMilw : iinl nil Points KAS'I OR UOIJ'IMI.11AU * HATER to ( I'l.rFj $ yi)0) ) ) many Sinilli- cni'Polntn cm 1-1 unit Bid TWlSDA'k or IOAU11 MONTH. AU.liifoniinUcm t\t CITY TJCKKP OI'KICK , ? Jo. 1 U5 ir.-jr- nani ftticc-t ( I'AXTON IIOTHI , liLlf. , ) , or write , 11ARRV K. I.IOORES. C'lty Passen or aiid' ' Tl l\pl Auont,1 Onialia , fxi1 ! ) . ' ' ' Uon t H' li'c-t tinran - or ycilir o\vn room 3or Infants nr.ct Children. In view of ire many misie..cinp T.HL.nscrup ! . ! ruc imitations of " Baker's Chocolate" v.Inch have recently been put upon the market\vc find it ne.cej- . - ary to caution consumers against there ; attempt1 to deceive Jff and lo ask them to examine every package they pirchaje , gl r.rc n.aJvs sure that It has on the front a yellow label , -with > fJA ou. . amc and place of manufacture , < % h WALTER & Ltd. BAKER CO. . , DORCHESTER , MASS. , "la Belle Chocolaliere" If ycur grocer does not keep the pcnuinc article , please ) H us kno-w , and v/e will endeavor to put you in the wny of ; 't. Send for a copy of our Choice Recipe book , mailed free to any ap plicant v/ho mentions this paper. WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited , Dorchester , Mass , ITBO. "