Kor Nonrly Sixty Yoivrfl STEW-YORK - Thu LeiullnR Niitiorml Knmlty Kor I'rojjrepfltvo Farmers and WEEKLY TIBUNE , Villagers. An old , stanch tried and true friend of the American People , from the Pacific , and the poineer in every movement calculated to advance the interest and increase the prosperity of country people in ever State in the Union. For every half centuy farmers have followed its instructions in raising1 their crops , and in converting' them into cash have bee , , National authority. If you are interested in "Science and Mechanics" that department will please and instruct. "Short Stories" will entertain old and young. "Fashion Articles" will catch the fancy of the ladies , ami ' Humorous Illstrations" and items will bring sunshine to your household. Tun WKKKI.Y TKIHURK is "The People's Paper for the entire Uuited States , and contains all important news of the Nation and World. Regular suscription price $1.00 per year , but we furnish it AND THE REPUBLICAN 1 YEAR FOR $1,50 NEW VQHK Published Monday , Wednsday and Friday. TKI-HEEKLY T1UBUNE. . , . . . A complete up to-date , daily newspaper three times a week for busy people who receive their mail oftencr than once a week. Contains all striking news features of THK DAILY TKIHUNK up to the hour of going to press ; and is profusely illustrated. Regular suscription price $1.50 per year , but we furnish it AND THE REPUBL1CN 1 YEAR FOR $2,00 , Send all orders to THE REPUBLICAN , BROKEN HOW NEBRASKA. ( So , Republican' ' I'oblliUcd etury Thursday nt ttie County Boat. 1 > . M , AMBIlKKXtY , - ICtMtor to S-Ofllco in Canter Block , Fourth ATe.-fcr Kutercd at tUu postomco at llrokeii Dow , Nob. , t eecouil-claettnnUer | ( or treut mlnblon through thoU. 8. Walls. * HUHSCHI1TION 1'IUOK : One Year , In adruncu Jl.OO TllUHSUAY , MAY 24 , 1000. UEl'UJJUCAiN TICKET. For I'rcildontlal Elector ! . JOHN H NK8B1T , Hurt. AB VVINDHAM , Oass. ED ROYSK , Custer. J LJACOBSON , Douglas. J L KENNEDY , Douglas F F L ANGER , Saline. L VV FLAGUE , Buffalo. 8 P DAVIDSON , JolmHon. For Governor. OHAS H DIETRICH , Adams. For Lluut. Qoverntr. E P SAVAGE , Custor. For Secretary ofBlntc. G W MARSH , Richardson. For Auditor. OH Ad WESTON , Sheridan. Kor Trttiurer. WM STEUFFKR , Ouming. For Attorney General. FRANK N PROUT , GAGE. For Com Pub Lands and Bldg * . G D FOLLMER , Thayor. ForBupt Pub Initruction. W K FOWLER , Washington. The Tiiluo of u Cow. The American eow lias been feeling the cffoot of good times , and has oomo in for a good share of tha prosperity that now exists in evoiy conior of our uounty. Note the following iigurcH of the total value of all cows in the 'Unit ed States , and the average value rf eaoh , as aho n by the Department of Agriculture : Jan. 1 Total Value. Pur Head 1804 * ,357,008,001 $21 77 180f 302,001,720 2170 1800 303,055,5.10 22 55 1807 303,230,00s , 2310 1808 434,812,720 27 35 1800 474,283,025 , 2000 1900 014,712,100 3100 ' Cowa on the American farm were worth only from $21.17 to $23 10 eaoh under the Democratic Administration - ministration of President Oleve- land. Less milk was bought when our factories wore closed. But busy factories moan money to spend and more milk for the family ; so the farmers' cows are worth more under the protection of the Dingley tariff , which gives the homo market to the homo worker. A difference of ยง 10 in the value o ! cow , between froa trade and pro tection tirncH , i * an "object lesson' for the farmer. The receipts of the Philippines Islands from dale of occupation i to January 31 , 1000 , reported ns hav ing been deposited with the trea surer of the islands , wore Customs # 5,020,273 , 01 Internal Revenue. . . 540,30310 Siezad Funds 470,507 17 Miscellaneous 303,25/5 / 00 Total $7,2M,600 ) 17 The disbursements during the same period amounted to the mini of $5,8-27,488.44. During January , February and Unroll of this year the totnl cus toms rcocip were fcl.,008 370 , the March receipts exceeding tlioso of either January or February by SI 15 037. 'i hero are now tlnrty- two parts opened to trade in the IMiillippineH. The first stale election IhiH year will be held in Oregon June 4th. I'lio State gave MoKinly a plurality of a little morj than two thousand n 1800 and is no less republican now than it was then. Other mates holding elections before November are North Carolina August 2 , Alabama August 0 , Arkansas Sopctembcr 10 , Georgia October 3. Ex. An advance of 10 per cent in the wages of the employees of the West Virginia oil companies is announc ed. This will hardly mix with the cold water the Democratic editors are trying to throw on prosperity , In 1894 there were only 231,848- 500 bushels of wheat retained for home consumption ; in 1890 the quantity retained was 452,530,286 bushels. In 1804 there wore thous ands cf people too poor even to buy bread. In 1800 every body could l > uy bread. These two comparisons represent the different conditions of the country under Democratic and Republican administrations. In 1805 the world's production of gold was $17OCO,000 less than the world's production of silver. In 1808 the production ot gold was $73,700,000 greater. Not much danger of a scarcity of the yellow metal , The foreign 'lotnaud for eorn meal is becoming quite a factor , thanks to the efforts ot the Department of Agriculture , under this administra tion. The World Herald is making a great too do over the price of ice in that oily which is beine controlod by a trust. The rates in Omaha charged by the trust is 2j to 3 mills a pound or $5 or $0 per ton , In Broken Bow where we have no trust , ice is soiling f , r half cent per pound or $10 per ton. That is the usual price and no body kicks. t'nriu Products And Lnlior Higher. "We arc radically opposed to 'union as n principle , jet we cannot see our way clear to oppose the election of Mr. Bryan , iindi r prr- Hnit conditions. Under republican rule prices of nearly all manufact ured articles have increased very materially , while the prices of farm produrlH and labor linv been do- clhing " Callaway Independent. The above from over esteemed contemporary of Galloway is it simple of the argument given out by fusion papers throughout the country to mislead the farmers and labores who do not think for them selves. Such matter may have the do tired effect upon those who read nothing but pop papers or those whose memory fails to revert back to the conditions of prices and labor four years ago. In the aitiolo there is one grain of truth whilu the rest is fabrica tions. All manufactured articles are higher than they were under democratic rule , when Bryan was a candidate four years ago , But in , stead of the price of farm products being lower they ara higher , possi. bly wheat excepted and so are wages for all classes ol workmen. AH a matter of fact , thousands who were out of implsymont for want of a job and many thousands more who were being fed at soup house- now have employment ut reuiunera live wages , ' 1 he price of cattle , hogs , corn , hay , lard , hides , beef , sheep and mutton , cotton , wool and horses are bringing good prices and are in demand in the markets. Not only every farmer but every biiB'noHS ' man knows that products of all kinds have advanced in prices in the past four years under a re publican administration and that the condition of finance has been greatly improved. The American Ifioonmist in speaking on the condi tion of t' < o farmers as compared with Iroc trade days , says. "There is a pleasing contrast in the returns received by tro farmers at the pre sent time ns compared with the period of two years preceding the election of President MuKiulcy. The 'American Agriculturist" pre sents figures to show the gr at im provement thai has taken place , estimating that the produce of the United States farms for the past year was worth to tlio farmers over 1,000 millions of dollars more than in either of the depressed years noted , which is an avarage advance of 31 per cent , in values compared with the low point. The live stock of the country is said to bo worth 700 millions of dollars more than during the hard times ; the staple crops 400 millions of dollars more , other crops 200 millions of dollars more , and the produce of live stock such as moatp , dairy products , hides and pelts , etc. , 370 millions of dollars lars more. This change for the better in the value cf farm pioduots has completely plotoly altered the condition of the agricultural classes. They have made money and have excellent prospects for the future , while their property has aljo appreciated in value. " The Independent will find before it in many months older that his argument in favor of fusion ia as much in error as are his statements relative to the present prices of farm products and laborer. The split now in the populists ranks is a small affair compared with the dissatisfaction tint will result from the democratic convention at Kan. riaaCity. WhetL-r Towno is en dorsed or rejected a split will fol low , as the western populist and eastern democrats differ too greatly to bo satisfied. Tlio democrat can not endorse Towno and his 10 to 1 theories neither will the populist submit to Towne being "thrown over the transom" as was Clem Denver and a Cleveland democrat substituted. Fusion will not fuse when the elements are antagonistic. Ex provident Cleveland in his letter to the Brooklyn "Democrat" says the only , , sane thing the demo cratic party can do is to rot it e Bryan. " That is something the democratic party does not serin able to do , but the republican party will do ineffectually this fall. Kosowatcr Anil Tlio Supreme Court. 'I ho World Herald of the 17th ra'fl : The supreme court before adjourning yesterday issued an order , based on an infoimattou pro minted by Attorney General Smyth , summoninir Kdward Rosewatcr and the Bee Publishing company to appear before the suprernu court on Tuesday , Jnne 5 , at 0 a. in. , to show cause why they should should not be puniHhed for contempt of court. In the attorney general's informa tion Rjsowator and his paper are charged "with falsely , unlawfully , wilfully , maliciously and contemp tuously causing to bo printed and published and printing and publish ing ccitain scandalous , defamatory and Hcandalous falsehoods of and concerning the supreme court of the state of Nebraska , and certain of the judges thereof , with the in tent mailciousoly to sully the hon or and impair the tfiicioncy of said court and cause it to be brought in to public scandal , disrepute and odium , and to iniliu nee unduly ant obstruct the pioccedings and hinder the duo administration of justice , ' in the Omaha iire and police commission " mission case The Omaha lire and police com misbion was appointed by Gov Holcomb under the provision o the charter for Omaha , passed by a pop legislature , which deprived the citizens of Omaha of the right to a voice in selecting there fire and police commission. The supreme court , hold the appointment irregu. lar'and the governor's commissioners ware ousted. Since the change of the political complexion of the Supreme court the case has been reopened and the court is aiked to review it. City attorney Conns ! ! , of Omaha raised tbe point that Judge Holcomb is disqualified to review the case , as ho was an interested party. ' Under the heading "Worthy of serious consideration , " the Omaha Bee on the 10th of April contained the following in support of city at torney Council's objection , viz. 'lluve you formed or expressed an opinion in this case ? " is the question asked of every juror before he is Bworn. If he answers in the affirmative , the question is asked whether he still retains the opinion ( \prcsseri. If ho says he does , the juror is promptly excused troiu teiving by reason of being dis qualified. Thu lest of impartiality applied to jurors is equally applicable to judges. It is an established prin ciple that it is not proper for a judge to try an indictment signed by him as prosecuting attorney. The same principle iinds expression in tin constitutions of many states that disqualify judges from sitting in any case in which they have di rect or indirect interest or in which they had an interest before they be came judges. The point raised by City At torney Conuell in the Omaha police commission case that Judge Hol comb IH disqualified from taking part in its hearing is worthy ot serious consideration. While act ing as governor Judge Holcomb was a party to the proceeding which the Hiiprome court , of which he is a member , is now asked to re open and review. Governor Hol comb was not merely a party to the appointment of the displaced board , but he was a partisan in its behalf. His views en the validity of the police commission law that was declared unconstitutional by the supreme court were published while that case was pending , giv ing in an exhaustive lonn the rua sons why he believed the court to bo wrong. Having prejudged the case , Judge Holcomb must certainly realize that it would bo in conilut with the spirit , if not the letter , of the constitution and the laws for him to use his judicial position to sustain himself in his former de clarations. To sot the precedent by participating in this case , after having formed and expressed an opinion , would lower the standard of the tribunal in which impartial and equal justice is expected to be administered and whose unbiased interpretation of the constitution is the bulwark of our free institu tions. " Wo are all more or less prejudi ced palitioally , and may be , wo are in passing judgement on this con- trovcrsity , between Rosewater and Smyth or the Supreme court. Wr are among those who boleivo , that the liberty of free speech can and is often abused and that there should be a more stringent law against sodicious and unpatriotic utterances , against oui courts and others of the nation , high in office. Vet a fair and honoat discussion cf [ ueetiotm at issue is duo the public , and 'in effort upon the part of any one in authority , to prohibit the open and fair discussion of matters in which the public is interested seeks to abridge the right of an American , Editor RoHewater his not , in our opinion exceeded his rights as a pub iehor , in the above article. Ho relates matters of history and do- duotm therefrom , logical conclus * ions. The court is neither defied nor censured. It was only a tew days ago that Gov. Poynter is credited with having made a throat to defy the injunction against him , by the courts , and in case he was imprisoned for contempt , to pardon himself out. Such a sentiment IP very close akin to Shrador's memorable denunciation of the constitution and the supreme court , upon the floor of the House of representatives , a few years ago while serving as a mem ber of that body , from Logan oour- ty. If populist can defy the court and dam the constitution with im punity , wo are unable to see why a republican should be held liable for reciting history and drawing a logical conclusion therefrom. Another Ticket. A political party known by the name of "chrietian union , " hold a convention at Rock Island Ills May Ut and nominated a national ticket. The platform embraces , prohibi tion , equal suffrage , initiative and referendum direct proportionate representation cot. They r.omiua ted Swallow for president ant Wooley for vice-president. Jerry Simpson who twice has hern defeated for congress , by Long states in an interview that the de mocrats will eventually swallow the populists , and that they would in this campaign if it were not for the Cincinnatti oonvnnlion. " Simpson is a candidate for tin United States senate and has helped - ed the democratic candidates for the Kansas legislature to got the popu lists nominees in the several dis tricts to withdraw in favor ol demo crats. The populist congressional con vention will be hold in Broken Bov/ July 0 at 2 o'clock p nr A lively time is anticipated as there arc a number of pops in the dis trict who will try to defeat Nc- villo's renomnation unless ho gets them reconciled before that date. Western packers paid $4 80 per 100 pounds for beef in 1800. But they paid $0.20 in 1800. The far mers got the increase. Do they want to go back to Democratic prices ? , There were nearly 7,000,000 rnoro telegraph messages seat over United States wires in 1800 than in 1805. That indicates hotter busi ness conditions , last year , because people had huduess to do and could better afford to pay telegraph tolls than two-Jont postage. Tut to the Test- The republican policies ol pro tection and sound money have once more boon put to the test of prac tice and have demonstrated in opera , lion their efficiency in promoting the wolofaro of the whole people. Once more , then wo enter a com- paign in which the voters will bo co ( fronted by a condition in op position to the theory. A wide spread prosperity prevails in in the land , and every form of industry is benefited by it. That prosperity is guaranteed by the legislation of the land , whiuh protects it from the tinkering and the blundering of incompetent and discontented poli ticians. So long as the Government - mont is in safe hinds so lone will the welfare of the people bu pre served , but it would not take the Bryanites long to precipitate a period of financial disaster , indus > trial depression and commercial stagnation. The very menace of a free silver act would send gold into retirement , ( .suddenly restrict the currency and plunge the nation in to a stnte of confusion in compari son with which the disasters of the Wilson Tariff would seem like good times. San Francisco "Cull. " The World.Herald corrospondot V 11 Washington gives the straight of the Neville-Greene salary matter which has boon exploited so prom- noiitly by the Holt oou ity Inde- ) cndent. He states that the general deficiency bill which passed the house on Monday continued an tern of $3,845.80 for Mrs. Greene wife of our late congressman. The correspondent states that Mrs. Greene has already received $1,250. From this statement it will bo in ferred that Congressman Neville drew tin salary for full term , as has been stated , but the difference is that Mrs. Greene is not the looser , because congress has OB tablishcd the precedent us the Hub understands it of making de ficiency appropriation as has been done in this instance , Kearney Hub. Having beaten 'all the records of the past those thirty days wo call April , 1000 , sleep the sleep of the industrious. The Uuited States exported during that month $118- 000,000 of products to the world at large. It is eighteen millions more than over exported in April before. An increase of 18 per cent is cal culated to open the eyes of the pops but the trouble they were born blind. Tou know the pops said that the ( Dingloy tarjff would most certainly j ruin our foreign trade. They said / that oil or nations wouldn't buy ' { anything of us unless wo bought as j or a little more of them than wo wanted to stll them. And so the democrats , the 'reo ' silvoitos , the two sorts of prohibs. the social democrats and overbody but the stalwart republicans. But what they say doaen t go any more today than it did four years ago. Ameri can Economist. The better class of populist who have boon sere at themselves ever since last fall beoaure they voted for Neville instead ot Judge Kin- kaid for congress will have an op portunity to partial correct their error by voting for Kinkaid this fall. CUm Deavcr's middle of the road conyont'on had 200 more delegates than the fusion convention at Sioux Falls. It is plain that all of the pops are not ready to sacrifice prin ciple for ofiioc , and wo predict that before another two years rolls around that the middle of the read ers will be all there is loft of the populist party. The fusion crowd will have boon wholy swallowed by the democrats or will have cast their lot with tLo followers of Clora Doaver. Senator Clark from Montana , who HO recently tender hie resignation as a member of the senate to escape the humiliation of having the re cords show that he wanoxpollo'J for obtaining his seat through bribery attempted to play a shrewd game but failed. Immediately upon tendering hit * resignation , Lieut. Gov. Spriggs , who was acting gov ernor in the absence of Governor Smith , appointed Senator Clark Senator , to till the vacancy made by L his own resignation. The scLemo was well planed and had not Gov. Smith been true to his convictions the appointment would bavo doubt less worked. Gov. Smith had been induced by outside parties to go to California to look into the title of some property i < > which miles. Finlon was interested , and in his absence the Lieut. Governor was acting governor. Gov. Smith on returning took immediate steps to have the appointment revoked and instead appointed Martin Maginuis to fill the vacancy of United States Senator from Montana. The democrats who are now com. planing that the national treasury is "bulging with money" and as a conioquonoo there is a lack of thr circulating medium are reminded that is the same complaint they made eight years ago when Cleve land was elected. As a result the treasury was not o ly emptied but $200.00,000 were harrowed to meet the deficit and the circulating med ium ran down to about $0.00 lest ) per capita than it is today.