Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 17, 1900, Image 5

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    Has n full line of
Drugs Paint and Wall
, ? Paper.
Also a Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on
corner of Fifth avonno and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb.
CHA8. E. Ft ) I'D , President , Omalin , Neb H. 0 , liOGKllS , Cndilor , Ilrokcn How
J. M. KIMUKItLIKG , Vlcc-rrci. , llrokcn How. S. II. 110YT , Aea't Cathlcr ,
, ' IHHKUTong :
Chns. K. Ford. J. M. Klmbcrllug. 8. IHIoyt. 11. n. llogors. V. 11. Calilncll
Malro a Bpcoialty of loaning money on cattle ,
EiV/ANT / to fay to tbc
WEiV/AlS that t our health
is fairly good , and hav-
rfido our winter clothcp ,
taken of ! our high collar and
with our eyes turned in the di
rcction of busiuoBH. Wo arc
ready to eorvo our customers with the best of LUMBER , LATHS ,
POSTS , In faot ANYTHING iiaimlly kept iu ft FIRST CLASS
LUMBER YARD. Wo make our own SHINGLES and wo know
t'aey arc GOOD. Wo have the FINESf SCREEN DOORS of the
Season. PRICES ! WELL THEY ARE LOW. Oh my ! Try our
$4.00 COAL for cooking. Remember
I Once Was Lost , but How I Have
Where ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the
world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a main-
nK'Ui stock ef Groceries , and ut the lowest prices you ever
hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep-
ihu pested on what was being ottered for sale. They don't
say anything about Terbacker and Candy , and other good
things like that , [ t is not pickle dishes you want now , it is
Candy. The'Eagle has 2,000 pounds oi candy for sale cheap ,
istmas committees are invited to call and get my prices.
r the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First
S. SWAlf
W. . ,
Equality , Economy , Security.
n bD tree test forlLlfe Innurance la
fonnil In the Equity of the Contract ,
the Economy of Management , nud the
. Sccnilly for thoirayment. ' / , :
i Bankers Life Association ,
: ' ! * Dea Mtflncn , Iowa.
EDWARD A. TEMPLE , President.
.2 Organized Jnly.lst , 1879.
Guaranty Fond
§ Surplus Fund for protection.
Supervised uy 3,000 depository banks.
Securl lea dopoeltcd.witli tho. state
deportment. . . * . ' '
Conservative methods. K
: :
Preferred ! { ! * -Low Hates ,
' " Quarterly Payments.
i' . ;
For rates and full Information , call
" ii" Agent for Ouster County , Neb
Siji Ofllco t Fanners Hank of Can er
ijj Cocnly , Ilroken llnw , Neb.
; ' ? H
WANTBD Several persons fur
District Oflico Manngots in this
state to represent rae in their own
and surrounding oountion' Willing -
ing to pay yearly $000 , payable
weekly. Desitble employment uith
undual opportuitios. References
cxfhanged. Euoloae self.add re seed
Btac'-ped envelope. S. A , Park ,
320 Caxtcn Buildirg , Chicago.
Try Wilson Bros , for all kin da
of html and soft coal , an.l see if
they do not merit such favors in
quality , weights and price. tf.
JRoi me 6-9 Ilealty block , Broken llow , Neb ,
i-.ic ' That Reaoy
Every Patriot JanuBiy sst
and Voter
Oi-g-ht to Kaow. 190
* iste
Containing Full Inforhir.iioi
Upon All Statistical Fact *
and Figjt'es *
; Eviry | il2 ! Over
> ! .
j\Jew QQQ
{ jusojn.J Congress , i ,
A Complete Guide to th *
Forthcoming Elections
of 1900.
SPECIAL 5 The South Afrlrar
FEATURES. 1 War ; War in the Fhii
ippines ; The Intckiur
tional Peace Congress ; Our Nava' I
and Military Establishments ; The
Samoan Settlement ; The Gieit
Trusts and Their CapitalizatiTi , ant
puny other subjects of equally vit J
A complete History of ach * f
the Ships in tbc AmerLtu ,
N.wy , by Edgar Sianton Mae-
fay , Historian U. S. Navy.
Postpaid to any addre
\25ds. \ THE WORLD.
L'brbra Tor Hatching.
Choice bard Plymouth Rock pggs
for aalo at il per fifteen. wo
pGttinge & 1.75 Two miles west of
city. \V. M. VANNJOK ,
tf Broken Bow , Neb ,
Lincoln , Denver ,
Orrmlin , Helmut ,
CblcaRo , Unite ,
yt. Joseph , Portland ,
Kansns City , bait I.nKo City ,
St. Lonls , and all Hnn Krnnclrco ,
poluti cnst and sooth. and nil points west.
No. 42 Vtetlbiikd ciprcft dally , Lincoln , Onm
tia , St Joseph. Kan aK Ulty , > - < t. UiuU , Chi-
cneo and nil piluti cnst mid ronth. . . , ,1021 pm
No. JJ Local ozprcrs dally , Lincoln , Oinshs ,
Hi. Jofcpb , K u o8 City , St. lxulx , t'l Iciico
and nil points caet mid Kotith UL'Onm
No. 40-K.clgbt dally , Umcmm , Grand Iclaiul ,
Aurora , Suwardand Lintoln OuOntu
No. 43 Freight , dally except Sunday , Ita\onna
and intermidUto potntr llfipm
No 41 Vrstlbulod oxprens dally , llclnrn , Hcnt-
tlo , llrtto , Portland nnd all Pacific Const
points 414am
No , 43 Local oxprecs dally , Black Hills and
Intermediate points , . . . . I 53 pm
No , 4 ! > Freight dally , Anselmo , Hnlscy ,
Wbltmanand Alliance ,
No. 47 FrolRht , dally czcupt Sunday , SMICC *
and Intormodlato points , .l:35pm :
Slcoplnp , dining and reclining chair cars ( eonts
free ) on through tralna. Tlckes Bold and bag-
ga o cliocki'd to any point lu thi United Status
and Canada.
No. 48 Hias merchandise cars Tuesdays , Tburs-
days and Saturdays.
No. 45 will carry pnssongers for Aiisolmo , llnl
i'y , Seneca , Whitman and Alllanco.
No. 40 will carry TUIBCCI | rcrs for Hnvonnii
Grand lelnnd , Seward and Lincoln ,
Information , mope , ttmo table * mid ticket
call on or wrltu to 11 , L. Ormsby , ngcut , or J
Frauds , O. 1 * . A. , Oninhu , Nubnuka ,
II. L , UiiKsnr , Acont ,
Pouch for west will cloeo nt 8 p. in , , except
Sunday when It will cloco at 7pm ,
Pouch , east for train No. 44 closes otC.30 n in
nnd foi No. 44 clotcs nt , 11 a in. Mall for Anslev
and points cast of Grand Island Otrrlcd on train
No. 44.
Oconto via of tiyno and Tiickervllle , dally ex
cept Sunday closes , at 7 n m : returning xamo dny
Cullawny via , Mc'Klnley dally except Sunday
closes at 7 a m , returning same day.
Round Valley via Urevu and Elton close at 7 a
m , Monda ) , Wcdncsdy and Frldaje , returning
sairo duy.
Stunner via GuriiKey , Qcorcetown and Upton
arrrlvct at 11 30 , Tuefday Tnursday nud batur-
day , returning loaves nt l.,30 amo duy.
OlllCi hoilrs from 8.00 n into 8.00 m. Sun-
da ) 8.30 to 0.30 a. in. Lobby open week days from
7amto8pui L. 11. JEWETT , l'M.
The Way to go to California.
is in n tourist Blooper , personally con
ducted , via tto .Burlington Kouie.
I'ou don.t ctiungo curs. You male fnet
lime. You gee the finest pcunery on
the globe.
Your car la not as expensively fur
tilfiied as 11 pliico eleopnr , but it Is Jint
HS clnin , just as cotufortnblo , jiint MH
K < > oil to ride In and nearly S'20 00
cheaper. It Ims wide vestibules ;
PiutHcb ga s hlgli back aunts ; u unfot incii
Pullman poiter ; ck'au betJdiug ; epnoiuits
toilut rooms , tables nud healing ranjju. ;
Being strongly ixnd heavily built , it
rtdea emootlilj ; it Is warm In winter and
cool In BUtnuHT.
In change of each excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor who
accompanies it right through to LOCB
'Jura leave Omnhn , St. Ji eoph ,
Lincoln nnd flnstlngs every Thursday ,
arriving San FranclFco lollowing Sun
day , Loss Angeles Monday Only three
days rom Mlsfiouri Iliver to the Pacific
( Joast , including two etop-ovrra of \ %
hours nt Denver und 1\ hours nt Suit
Luku City , two of the most interesting
cities on the continent.
For folder giving full ( information ,
call at any Burlington Route ticket
ollice , or write to , J. FKANOIS-
Gea'l. Pass. Agt. , Omaha , Neb.
May 16 , June 5 and 10 , all points
In Indian Territory , Oklahoma Tern
tory , Texas nnd many points in Arizona ,
Arkansas , Louisiana and Now Mexico ,
at rate of one fare plus two dollars lor
the rouucl trip.
Washington , D.O. , May 22 and 24 ,
1000. Annual meeting Ancient Arabic
order , Noblea of the Mystic Shrine ; tick
ets on sale May 10 and 20 , one faro plus
two dollars for the round trip.
National Baptist Societies Anniversar
ICB , Detroit , Mich. , nmy 23 20 ; tickets
on sale may 21 and 22 , ono faro phi3 two
dollars for the round trip.
Annual mooting German Baptists ,
Dunkurdri , Noith Manchester , Ind. , May
29 , June 8 ; tickets on sale May 28 and
20 ; one faro plus two dollaru for the
round trip.
Blenulul meeting General Federation
Women's Clubs , Milwaukee , \Vle. \ , June
4-8 ; tickets on sale Juno 2 nnd U , ono
fare plus two dollars tor the rouod trip.
People's Party National Convention ,
Sioux Fulls , S.D. . iMay 0 ; tickets on sale
ni-iy 7 and 8 , ono faro lor the round trip ,
ticketugood 1'or return until mtiy 14
Nibrnekrt Sutu G A.R , Encampment ,
Beatrice , Neb. , iniy 0 and 10. Tickets
on Bale may 8 and 9 , ono faro for the
round trip , good for return until may J5
Ge lerttl assembly of the Presbyterian
church in U.S. , St Lous , may 17 t ) 31 ,
tickets on eul may 15 , 10 , 17 and 22 ,
ono faro plus two dollars and fifty cmts
for the round trip , tickets good for n-iurn
until June 2.
VVileon & D.ako are olIftriiiL ,
some special bargainH to the publi
through the UKPUIIIJOAN ihib week
See what they have to say.
STKAYKU A bay pony with three
white feet and white utripo in face
had on a blue web halter ; weight
about 850 pounds. VV.D. GKANT.
WANTKU Several persons for district
oillco managers In this state to represent
mo in their own And surrounding comi
ties. Willing to pay yearly 8GOO , pay
able weekly. Dt'sirable employment
with unusual opportunities. Keferen
cesexchanged. Enclose Bell-addrefted
stamped envelope * S A : Park , 320
Cuxton Building , Chicago.
1130-20(7 (
The Hi'FuuuoAN and JntorOcofr
for tK60. ( The RBPUIJLK.AN .no
State Journal for $1.65.
We Have Added
to our Hliop ft full line of wood work
ing machinery , nnd tliwroforo would
risk n part of your pntronogo in thiH
line , iu which wo can aavo you
money. Alpo nek onrpontcra and
fontrnotorn to let IIH do their jol >
work , such a" pinning , ripping ,
soroll work , in fnot ovorythinK tlmt
is done in R first clasp job piiop , In
our old line wo nro u { > , to-d.ato.
Wind Mills.
Wo carry all standnrd gradep.
Wo carry a full and ooniplcto Block
of nil styles. In pipe nnd well
material wo always liavo it at the
lowest pOHfiiblo price. Fitting nnd
brass ijoodIIOHO , bolting , tank * ,
feed grinders , hyrdo poworts , in fact
everything that belongs o our
trade. Wo earry in stook the
for pumping or powt-r. AHO ! second
end hand gaaolino onginoH , rttoani
engines in which wo can give you u
baigain. In hydraulic and onsiifg
wollH wo have the bent and quickest
machincrv that in manufactured in
this day and ago of the world , and
can guarantee our vvoik in this lino.
YOUIH Very Ucap'y ,
This la beyond question tlto
most cuccissful Cough Medi
cine ever known to hclonco : n I
few tlobes Invariably euro tlto |
\\orst cases of Cou li , Croup
nnu. lircnchitis , while Its won
derful Btitcosi in tlm cute of
Consumption ii without par-
nllellntnoliisloi vo medicine.
Since Its fust discovery It has
been sold on a guarantee , n.
test which no otlic r medic ( no
can stand It > mi huvo n
Coufl * , v/o carncb'ly ask you
tolr > it In United St iU" nnJ
Cnmdu 25c , We nnd $1.00 , uii J
In I'nglaiid Is "d. , ! is. 8d. and
< ib. Ud ,
S.C.WELLS & Co. ]
Sold by H. G. llacberlo.
Burlington Route California Excursion *
; quick ; uomfortablo.
Leave Oniahit .J:3fl : p. ru. Lin-
doln 0JO : p. m and li.iHlingB 8:50 :
I'n ' . in. every ThurHdiiy , in olurin ,
modern , not crowdoil tounet sloep-
orH. No transform ; cars ruu riplit ;
through t to Son Francisco and Lee
Angeles ever tlio Scenic itoute
through Denver and Salt Lake City.
C ( J.irs arc carpctod ; upholHtorod in
rattan ; Lave spring HeatH and backs
ind are provided with curtains ,
) edding , towlcs , soap , oto. Uni-
'orraod porters and experienced ex
cursion conductors accompany each
excursion , relieving passengers of
all bother about baggage , pointing
out abjeots of interest and in many
other ways helping to inaku the
overland trip a delightful expor-
once. Second uhinn tickets are
lonoreJ. IJerths $5.
For folder giving full informa
tion , call at 110.11 est Burlington
Ltouto ticket oOicc , or write to J ,
Francis , general passenger yaqont
Omaha , Nob.
rSLAivJULv 1/i.JlllrffiVM
( her own e lrctlouto arcry ful > cr'Vr Uaullf l ccl-
onvl IHbnuiuphoa pl.itra anil Uli ilnia "iilnal
Must , artlitlc , cxqulilto and ptrictly up tu ( Ir ti
Drofliiniknu economic * ftiney work , , . . .L.- I irti ,
nhort iturlcn , cunent til i ftn bulfii t" < tuy.
JatytXc'.j ) early , ' ' '
, pfrl < nnl lI'Mn c lldirn. . r *
"eUic"n t not i ibyi' ' o - ' f
ullier ii. run. llnvoiio tfL.l i i jlenud i > u' it U * .
jut . . „ . . Only lb rnrt is cmin c'i
In nr rly vfrv n nr dti uor liy
them , it lut ly rerylutcbt LirtoCfW ty
Is This 1'liiiu niioii li.
If you have a nagging ootigh ind
are losing llebh , go to a drug Btcro ,
and pet a bott'o of Hhiloh'H Uou-
Hiimption Cure. Take two third *
of it , and then , if you ar ? not hone-
lilted , return the bottle to the
druggist , and he will return your
money. Isn't that fair ? No ono
could ask more , 2Sots. , 50ctH. and
81.00 a bottle , Sold by H. G.
* * * . * * vfc
* f
* t
1 ' "i I'hiirini'f i lie iifii. I nit
i < i i otiil.ilr > i IK mirtlf null-
I , , ; OUI , ' , .
rm < M \ i „ I ! *
V i lll iimtflti n limn to the
, fi "fi-fM or t > i , , hnn ,
* " ) r ' * * op < ' * " * . ii * t'l * * * < t tirnMH
" 4 i ill , tr ( he Kinit I. i i-r the
„ > UK-it lUlortta rnii'ioi 'nr cnl
, I min-iloii ilml hi nil colors
.lit ! ' t ( llr'flt-tltttnlir
.S li VHP I'll ,
' ' '
lt <
- Notary Public ,
ftinl ,7u tlcr of tlio 1'mce , fpccUl Attention clr-
cn to rnllrctlonn , li'pni > lllon tnkcn , pi-nploti
\ottchcrRncntly oxrrnU-il nnd nil kinds or legal
piper * wrltcn OClcc west nld rqunro ,
Hrokt'ii llow , Nub ,
Lamcl Counter ,
EMaUoy , Prop'r.
All kuidb f soft drinkfl. Hem
brand of oiynrti. 1st building cnat
of JJannun' bank.
Attorney at Law
Win. F. Hopkins ,
c < mrM vcToit AMI *
I'lnni nnd Specifications on xliort notice Mn
crlulfiiii If lied and buildings completed ohoflput
hau any MIMI In Ilin ttnto , BAtUfnollon gnnra'i
uod KHio phns unit cpccKlcAtloiia.
Dr. E. M. Hogan ,
Graduate Dentist
Ofllco over W. B.RWIII'D flronurv Htoro.
Broken Bow , Neb.
Clinton Day ,
UrolttMi Bow , Kel ) .
iencn ( t'u nou o wostof Bnptut
A- ? SON.
and CHtlmnttis on short no-
tli'6. Urokon Bow , Nob.
Dr. Chas. Mullins
. . L. ,
2d stairway from WPnt endin Realty
block ; rt'HidoDoo , "r < l woHt Al. E ,
oluirji , HSIUO uide of Htroot.
\Vlti-at . < J 45
llnrluy . , . iiOc
Oats . . TO
Corn . , . . . HO.
U8 . -It
Hutlcr . . . . . . .IT
1'otntouB . no :
Onions . ; . 1 (
ClilckuuB . 1 B5toa.Pi
K * . . . 4 4f..5
COWH . . . . . . . .H j
Steers . 'i
TurkojP. . . & '
Straw . 1 * : iwt
Hay . 0.00 ( u loi.
Coin cut ion JaioB.
llcpubllcnu Nnllonal Convention nt Phlladcl
pliln Juno 1" .
1'op Stnto Cnnvontlon flrnnd laland Jnno 27 ,
Fnnlon BUtu Convuntlon Lincoln July 0.
Democrats National Conrentlon Kansas City
July 4.
"We have four chllJrcn , With tie flnl
three I coffered nlmost unbearable pains from
12 to 14 hours , and had ( o be placed under
the influence of chloroform. I used three
bottles of Mother's Friend before our Us !
child came , which
U a strong , fat and
healthy boy , doing
ray housework up
( o within two hours
of birth , and suf
fered but a few hard
pains. This lini
ment it the grand
est remedy ever
nude. "
will do for every woman what ft did for the
Minnesota mother who writes the above let
ter , Not to use it dtirtng pregnancy is a
mistake to be paid for in pain and suffering ,
Mother's Friend equips the patient with a
strong body and ckar intellect , which in
turn are imparted to the child. It relaxc.1
the muscles and allows them to expand. It
relieves morning sickness and nervousness ,
It puts all the organs concerned in perfect
condition for the final hour , so that the actual
tabor is short and practically painless. Dan
ger of rising or hard breasts is altogether
avoided , and recovery is merely a matter ol
a few days.
DruggltU nell Mother' * Friend for $1 a bottle.
The Bradflcld Regulator Co. , Atlanta , Ga.
Bead for our free illustrated book.
U. S.
. . * A
P. n.YOUNO. *
ijfiml Omco at Broken Bow , . < > > . , <
p \
Notice Is ticreliyglTCMi Winttht ! 'n'innli ( i.ft-i-
cd pettier tin * fllotl notlf of h | l"'rtit'o' in m <
flnnl proof In iinmxirtof hlmUii M t * t j cl
proof will lie rnndo h fori RwrIM i 11 m Ucootvor
Urokcn llow Neb , , on Majr 18,1 < W . TII
of llrokcn How , Neb , for th H , K. ftft ; ntv ' < ,
eec. 17 , twp. 1 , ( ( . 1 , w.
Hf > tmmcK llio following wltnocften to prore inn
contlnnona renldonce npon accl culilvatinn rf
mid turn ) , vie : Molllo Walton , WMnm \ A
Tooleye loy W Toolcy , Alfred
ot Ilrokon llow , Neb.
41301 , JAMBS WIIITKIlBAl ) ,
„ „
CUSThlt COUNTV , { * '
u At n ittaloti ot the Comity u ntl , liehl i th.
uimily courl room , In nml for mid < oiii < > A
Urokim llow , on the nth ilay of Mnr h x i > ,
11MX Prcttmt , ,1. A. Armour County in i
li the uiHlterof UttiPfttHki u ( Juim H. li i
\\HKiitiAB , Lotto'dOf adn
dny be n ( ranted to Minima a II H < > HII >
tulnletrntrix uf tliu oetulo ot ) ilm 1 1
OllDKKU ) , Tint HU montli-t Iw 'in ' t\
Creditors ! | nr > on llinlr Clmm m < n < ' '
lulu tor mllu-in , cut and allowaiM e > i <
be Hllouul nil t iitmlult > iiuU I > '
osuturuin ill lutii < l y or u nii , i
AND ir is rtn mmi OK i , < u , nm n
Klvcn to tliu crul urn ul nm ) oU' , I u i
tore liiu , ut Hie Coil iy court tuoin In MU i i
lit ) Hid lOtli dj ot i. T , IUUU on tin * l < > i
July , UW , mi i ou ii 1'itti ( lav oi - i
IWJU , nl 10 o'clock , 1. 1 > , o ui iiuy , u > ,
In tlio Ciulm County ID I'UnuiAN , i i
printed lu wad oonnty , i > t > ut. IK
prior to tin lUtli d > ct tjMI tv > t c
uf luojMmtliiK thnlr or Un > dlauhn m
. > A. AH * 11,10111.1 , a
UlUU a
NnrtbUlUU N D , April
Nollcu Is hereby given HintN
linn illad notloe u ( miontlon tu n kkv
boforu i.ounlJu 1(0 lu 1 1 * u
Nub , ou Friday Uiu liUi < in >
tliiibut ciiliun pptioittlou.iNO. .
tie " 4 uH MO M qiutrtur ot socUop > *
blpNo 1 1 n , luii u .xo. VI
Unu iiuinv * m wiuni' o ;
tiuta , Nub , , l' uir Mcuu
Jolm J Jlruimn ut Uuuiuo ,
Cleorgvtuwu , Neb ,
( , BO , B
III the Ulitrlcl Conn ot
Uoorgv V nurd , I'lnloiul
John Yeukrxl , ft ai. JtvuivD' - >
Notlotj lc licrei'yivuu tliui i
older inudu unit uuyroUlti u , u
llou 11 , , u bulU n , Judging i
In und lur ( ustyr lounty ridbi
fuii. iawi miatiri-itt'i d
led Slid < tua > ) tiuU in tul ,
nnu HIM unlti or tuu > > .o oonrtwtii
nt public \utitluu , lit Uf I rum
liuusii it lD\v , In mid fju *
< u MkUnilny , tin' i iu uuy oi Mny
ut IU u'UouRl K in , of itrtla dav Hit
rcuuctl iuul vet u , 10 Wit , a'l3
uiul-1 , kcc a , tp uu i "iv I' , in > .u er
Ni-l.iniil * H MVC. . J , tp "i , r , IT , iu j
Mob II. u ttruiti ul enlu > ( Ui'U l > y ttu.
ot na d ouu t itru AH Hillotf , Io-wa : OiP L
Itie pnrrliuite yirloo tu lo v Wli.
ol Uiatttlo jn-i o .o tutli to Va pintl
j tii Horn tUi' date ol t < ul , a2 < t
w ni tu IKI ttiMiwi by u Ural ; op *
property < old , and to iirw tH C ' "
nevuii iioi cunt uur ounnui ,
uunlly. . .
liu Uoc.y
H/itoil / Ihla nth dm ot April , 1UOO
Il > A , J. Mouu and A. it.
( Or plUlUtllt.
Nutlcu to 4 > vtu rM ot Oltt
Notko IB liirnby lvouto the uwh r ut
following ( t onnou iitua iut ( be cud
cuUI land IIID--I bit illlod up in , ouiv ul'iM
umde lei i liui | { tht. uu > u i < tv iUua o - law
John Uunli. t ) ta-l. ,
Juinus spun lois-ia-aO. i
lliury Hturrxiurd , a13y. . v-
\\lllliuu Jlurkfon , U-ll-Sil. > > ,
\ \Sood8 , 0-15- * )
015W. . E. Ottlu , * ' '
SupcrvUor Koid Ul t. , No. I Oin t r fw |
FlCB AT ffOUTII I'tATCB , NtU , , Aptil
I Bill. IfliW. * .
Notlcu U hereby ulrou that < lu-'fbll < nlo
niuiiud HUttlor hna llludno leu ul tils iut ttUou u.
umko iluul proof In support of tup cUtm , uud Umt
said jiroof will bo nmdo before t/ouuty Jiniguat
lirokuiiltovv. Nubruvktt , ou jiinu Dd , IVMu , vut :
1'utur U Multcrfon , U. h. .NO. lOCIo , fur aiu none
no > | HOC &l , v'j HiJi ucKi noh too , ttli tOWn II ,
niiiK"V. .
bllU III1II1U3 tllO follOWllli ( WltllUh . ' "I OVO htH
contlnuuu tfrlili'iico upon mat cuklv ; U > i of irtlil
liind , vlx : Jilluiibaiuii , Kd v rd Wbfttoa'
Clirlatlun Overndid , UuguiiB J. HoblltU , 41 oC
uconto , Nub. line h , l iu : > t it ,
Inllio Ulxtrlct Courtof Cn 'ur loiuity , Nubrntlca.
Kldorndo bldnnur , I'lultitlK ,
HoHnnniiHklniu'r , Ioft.ndiuit.
Stutoof Nibnidkn ( ,
Uuetur Count1 1
To Hojuntiii bUlnnitr , nun retd > nt dotoudnnt.
You re lioruby imtllluil Uui ou the IHU 4 f ; > '
April , 1DUU , KlUorado hklnnur tllud a pulrttoii
aculiiBt iou In tliu IJIdtrlut Conn of Uaswir 0\ > , ,
NobniHku , tlio object wtfd pruyer of wiiliU td
putltton ru toobuiln u d vorcu Irani > ou ou tno
ground tint YOU IIHVO whtull > .ibaiiU nv < i tbtt
I liilnllU without Ja t c'ui-u lor tin turmot uiora
ihantuo jours in'LpiiHl ,
Voiinrn icijulroit lo miswur cnid vetltiiu on or
buforu Alunduvi tinA l day ot M y , itf'O
Dated 1'iU 14tb diiy of Aiirll , 1W ) .
Ily C. Ij. ( jUUtrpon , bl Attorney ,
Notion to neil rt'Kiueni dufturdHnt. >
To Matilda Z ttroyuu aru liixuby oMtttod that
on tlio inatday ot Ap'il 100ti. l-i.l/iii / Zoalb fllada
putitKin la'Hln t T < MI lu the < ilitni-l cuurt of Cut *
tor county N * lirmkn , the o Joct and pr yr of
whlcli nro toobtmu it illvurcu from J-Oa 01 tUe
( jroui ilu tlmt you \vlilfnlly dHrt unl'-ft th iiuu >
rl > iuc contract und roiiMud to live With
anil UIIK L'ullty of truuUr.ntuioii. ot'ptatotia t >
tullliiK bin ) vile unit wlc uil naniwi
ciiiit.o or pnnocatldii on part of
lire rciiulrunl to in itwnr mid uQtJtwrt 014 o >
foroMondHy the 18iU duv o ( luit I'lO ,
t : U'SoitWiND and N , T Gpp AMy'
In t
.Tobli K. CrtVIU Plain
t * .
Bolltj Oavfiiw , ot ul , ! > (
Notlr * U her by given tin , ' >
oriUr mkile and LU i itnl i-i
iviinn by ibi < uoii'.rabl t > /
Julgoof the Dlntrict coi't
c < unty Nebr kj , i > n th > l
( bo under Ig d liet-T' a
ijujlifl d In iu ! CUUBO - ' ' M
\ nluu of cBld ord < r Bp
oiler f ir * e at publl * v nd.-t'
ilofr of Uio f'ourt Uo' n n
Hi w , I'nglt r ( ii uiik , N > m
Ifllli day of .linn ) IWU ut i o ii
n. in. of said < lav. ibn MU'W'd
Utd Towlt J hu Norlb-i . ' ' , '
i\t Vm linn pPhiHv flv. . I L > 1 Ti
( It ) Nuribuf I aoga ,
p in nlinHto-J In Cufti r i i.u ,
Tli lerm of
dor uf ml I coin t , 'B tor
d > of vuy in * ) , *
A , . )
DUB Wo. u u r , >
1' ! < ' CAMFBKU. )
Writs InolMtnir thin * & . * nd f Oo and
will a nU you tuu lonuttful
Itlon. .D. sut > J ) Ct to
tlon. It fou'if * exactly
yutioaupi i' intoTur8l'K :
orS'i ro V&urei "ciiantos. .This tt c. |
roulur * 00 Instruqjevt , solid ros-w
bodv , f a'i"v uc !
bmutlful piurt Uiii ril
. oo. Voui nl > : iv M U" >
tili'.raiil ifi'V pi' trnvli * * fan iSvi\rii j ,
\ViCnf I r > , A