Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 17, 1900, Image 1

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If It doesn't work the wny it outfit to
bring It to me I will tell you what nile It
Inthortordcr. If you leave It with mo A
f for repairs you can rest lunurcd that It if
will receive the eaine careful troatmout
J that I would giro to my own watch , V
If you wont ft new watch of any kind. A
7 Jlnd It here. If lt'8 coort time at moderate X
A cost we bare It. If ll'g good time In 2
V olsbof ately ornamented cose * of reliable W
quality In gold and Biker , It la here. To A
{ be blof , It It's the most watch worth for
the least mouey , It will pfty TOII to talk 2
watch with ue.
Graduate of Chicaco Opt hnlmlo College.
, : : W
' & &
? ! ' :
" " flfS This is the season of the i
jj-jrj year , farmers should bo
| | | thinking of protecting their
j ' $ crops against hail storms.
| A | The way to do this is to
take out a policy of insur
ance in the old and reliable
St. Paul Fire & Marino In
surauco Co. of St. Paul ,
Minn. Their company has
been writing Ilail Insur
ance for sixteen years and
is thoroughly reliable and
jjij | pays cash in case of loss.
? * ! Consultation and teetorao-
ji'j.'i nials free ; patronage solio-
jM W. D. Blackwell , Agent | |
yjtt AFarmor's Bank. ! $
Sfn RSt :
m ai-i
The Latest
Wall - : - Jr aper
, G. Haeberle's.
f A 55
Q )
C3 H ffl
cxa §
Business Pointers.
For Hnlc.
The William E. Wcokerly farm
northuast quarter , section twenty
three , township thirteen , north o ;
range nineteen , wcet 0 priuoipa
meridian , G room frame house , smal
granary , sod stable , windmill and
good well. Forty acres in pasture
ninely-uvo acres in cultivation , bal-j
anoe unbroken.
3 8 .Broken Bow'Nobr.
A Eare Chance.
At Cost.
Going Out of Businees.
All parties owingus , please
call and settle at once.
Lr. T , W. Bass , dentist , Broken
Fresh Sassafrass at.
and children's suits of the
atost patterns at W.H.IPenn & Co's
southwest of town , during spring
and summer. 4t pd.
Pupum Gum , two packages for u
Remember that another invoice
of organs will bo in this week , in
oak cases. Sco them before buy-
ng. A.W. DHAKH.
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever -
over " so are these cbefonierres at
A. W. Drake's.
Just received , a nice line of spring
at W. H. Puiiu & Co'a.
Spring : B here ! Drink Sassafrass
[ * ca for your blood.
on or write Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. when iu need of an ab
stract of title. E. tfoysu abstractor.
stamps , 35 for 25oat 11.L. Fiazior's
studio , west side square.
Cannon City coal at Dierka
Dumber Co.
Write llaydon Bros. , Omaha
Wholesale Supply House
and aaruplod. 2 8 lyr.
Now frames and mouldings for
spring iradu ; some of the finest ever
shown here ; all at low prices and
some still lower. At A.W. Drake's.
WALL PAPER All now and
artistic designs. All 1900 paterns
at J. C. BOWENB.
WANTED Twenty-five Letting
bens. Address combination box
74 , Broken Bow , Neb.
The rain has come ; so have A.
W. Drake's folding beds. Call and
see them.
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. E , Royse abstractor ,
Geo. Ilontz can show some of the
best work of papering done in the
city this spring. If you want
fine pud economical job of papering
or painting call on Geo. Hontz.
Residence west of Catholic church.
Good trunks of sizes and prices
to suit at W. H. Penn & Co's. Call
and see them.
Yes ! We still have Harness at
very low prices. Well , what odds
does H make to you how wo get
our goods. R. G. CAIIB ,
West Union.
Those dandy enap locks , poles
and curtains arc just in. All sizes
and lengths at A. W. Drake's.
Tablets , Peuoils , 'Writing Paper
and Envelopes , cheaper than ever
W. 11. Penn & Co. have just re
ceived a now line of clothing for
the spring trade.
All Kinds ot work In our line done
promptly and in llrat-olRss order. Bed
Shop on the corner , west of ibo IIOBO
house. Qivo us a. trial.
FARM Foil SALE ; At Upton ,
100 acres cf yood farm land , 80
acres in cultivation end the rout
fenced in pasture , with three wires.
Good four room , sod house ; corn
crib and grainery , each 12x10 foot ,
( connected ; stablu and chicken
house etc. For particulars call on
J. J. Suydor , Broken Bow , or
Stephen. vvUeox , ou pretniBeH.35-3m
Local Mentioii.
Do you want a Gno table ? Look
at the Wisconsin , ball bearing slides ,
massive carted bracket logs , a obild
can open and oloao it , A.W. Drake.
Fresh homemade broad for sale
at Fanner's Restaurant , third door
north of post oflloe , Broken Bow ,
Job printing at this office.
Anyone wishing parasols repaired
leave them at A. W , Drake's.
The REPunLiOAN and botL the
Illustrated and Weekly Boo for
Call at the New Grocery store ,
west side of square , for fresh goods
aud bottom prioen ,
tt A. WALLAOK , Proproitor.
The atten dance at tbe Summer
School this season from present
indications'will bo fully up to the'
John Mauliok , representing tbe
J. I. Case Co. , is spending a few
day in Sargent this week in the in
terest of Custer county , having
growed up" iu Broken Bow. Sar
4ent Loader ,
Senator Currio and wife loft hero
Tuesday for Omaha. From Omaha
they will go to Montana for the
purpose of bringing home 500 bead
> i horses which Mr. Currio and
? red Cummings purchased on a
> rovious trip out west.
The RKI-UULIOAN acknowledges
ho receipt of the Scoots Bluff Re-
mblioan published at the new rail
road station opposite Gorring ,
> y E. T. Westeivelt a former Cus >
or oounty boy , and founder of tbo
Wesierville Echo , afterwards inorg-
od into the Ausley Chronicle. The
.lepublioan starts out bright and
newsy and with good patronage.
A. Morgan , in behalf of the 9th
and 10th grades of Broken Bow
high school , surprised Prof. Teagarden -
garden M6nday by a very boautilul
presentation speech and several
valuable anU handsome tokens of
appreciation. Mr. Teagarden will
never forgot his students and loaves
them with great reluctance. This
opportunity ib taken to express a
teaoher'e gratitude to well deserving
students ,
Simon Cameron IB to be one of
the speakers at the decoration ser
vices at Ausley.
Hon. Jan. Whitehead has been
chosen to deliver the address to the
graduating olassesa at Mason City
and Merna.
W. T. Schorr , of St. Louis Mo. ,
is visiting iu the oity with bis
daughter Mrs. W. G. Purcell.
Bteoher , thu man who has boon
filling the position of night agent
at this place for severl weeks , left
Monday for Ardmore , where bo has
boon transftred. O. S. Jones of
Lincoln IB his suooeaaor.
Richard Yatoi , sou of tbe war
governor of the same name has
boon nominated by the republicans
of Illinois for Governor , The
nommatiou is said to be a strong
Mrs. J , J. Piokett and family
have moved to Central City to join
Dr. Piokett who for several weeks
has been located tbero in tbo prac
tice of his profession.
Night watchman Bass wbo has
been sick for several days is agaiu
able to bo on the streets.
The post office in open now from
0:30 to 7 Sunday evenings to ao
oomadate those who want to go
their eastern mail.
The graduating class sermon was
preached Sunday night in the Pros-
bj'terian church by Rev. Doggott
of the Episcopal church. It was
au able discourse and the house was
Miss Skinner , of Pennsylvania is
visiting with the family of her
brother Robert. She expects to
spend tbe summer here.
G , T. Robinson's oldest son
Willie who recently bad his face
badly out by being kicked with a
horse has fully received and fort
uuately no soars will be left to die
figure his countanoe.
Leslie MoWilliaras , who is ;
member of the B. & M. bridg
gang operating in Wyoming and
Dakota , arrived homo Tuesday
morning on a short vacation. His
vacation is the result of a crippled
hand which will in all probability
lay him off for two or three
weeks ,
WAHTBD Lady boaaders during
the summer school.
at MRS. J. M. PniLurn.
Col. E. P. Savage of Sargent was
a friendly caller at this office Mon
day. Ho was in the oity attending
the meeting of the directors of the
agricultural society.
Call at Wallace's Restaurant
west side square , foe meal or lunch
es , any hour from 5 a. m , to 10 p. m.
Iho Political Equality olub will
meet with Mrp. C. H. Jofford next
Saturday at 6 o'olook.
Mrs. E. TAYLOB , Soo'y-
Dr. Graham has moved into his
UBW nflinn in thn Nicnlixi hlnnk. The
doctor ia an old resident of Custor
oounty , 'having practiced dentistry
in Broken Bow for fifteen years and
is a first class workman. The
doctor has oomo hero to stay and is
erecting a neat residence in the
north part of town. Ho has also
purchased a farm near by. Sargent
Gov. Poyntor is having gome
trouble in getting Dr. Lang to va
cate the position of Superintendent
of the Institute for the Feeble
Minded at Beatrice. Ho stales
however that ho will see that bis
now appointee is installed if ho haste
to call out the slate malitia to do it.
Rev. B. H. Hunt , of Georgetown ,
who has boon seriously ill the past
month from nervous prostration ,
following au attack of grippe , ex
pects to resume his work again at
Burr Oak and Sumnor.
Ed. Daggott has boon laid up the
part week with a very sore hrnd ,
resulting from a bruise.
D. V. Joyner has moved bis fam
ily to Adams in the southeast part
of the state , where ho has had charge
of a pram elevator for syoral mon
ths. His daughter Winnie will
stay hoio , and retain her position iu
the central station of tbe telephone
A Wallace who recently bought
Osborn's bukory and resturant baa
added a slock of groceries to bis
business and solicits the patronage
of the public. Mr. Wallace has
materially improved the appearance
of his building.
Tol. Morris and J. G. Amsberry
are figuring on making atrip to tbo
Big Horn country on a prospecting
Race Meeting-
Program of tbo three days racing ,
to be given by the association of
horsemen , to take place in Broken
Bow , Nebr. , on May 34 , 35 and 30 ,
2 P. M. Pony race , half mile
dash ; purse $25.00.
2 P. M * Saddle pony race , half
mile dash ; puree $15.00.
3 P. M. Free for all , one fourth
mile dash ; purae $35.00
4 P. MFree for half mile dash ;
purot (5000.
P , M. Matched race , one fourth
mile dash between "Jimmio Hicks"
and "Red Bird" ; pnrii $50.00.
3 P. M Free for all , half milfl
dash ; purse (7500.
4 P. M. Consolation race ; purse
Io You Ilaro Fifty Couti.
If you have , will tell you bow to
got the most for your monoy. The
Semi-Wealy State Journal , publish *
ea at Lincoln , wants several thou
sand now subscribers ami as a
special inducement will mail the
papers twice a week from now un
til tbe end of this year fox only 50
cents. Two paper each week with
all the oews of the world through
tbe great presidential campaign ant
the campaign in this state for two
United States senators and the state
ticket. Never in your life have you
been offered so muoh reading matter -
tor for CO cents. Send iu your
money right now beoauso the soon
er you send it in tbe more papers
you get for your money Address
Nebraska State Journal , Lincoln
Wanted Cattle to Posture.
I have a fine section of paatur
land and want at leait 100 head of
cattle to pasture. Plenty of water
and salt guaranteed.
O. Robloe , milk carrier on tbe
south route reports that tbe milk
is rapidly increasing on bis route
and that proapooti are that it will
be considerable batter yet ,
For the third of a century the
standard for strength and purity. It : :
makes the hot bread , hot biscuit , -
cake and other pastry light , sweet
and excellent in every quality.
No other baking powder is
"just as good as Royal , " either in
strength , purity or wholesomeness. p
Many low priced , Imitation baking powders are
UIK > II the market. These are mrule with alum ,
and care should be taken to nvold them , asalum
. Is a poison , never to bo taken In the food.
A IMcusnut llouulou , !
A number of old soldiers and
boir families a bud a reunion on
bo llth inst at the borne of I. A ,
Ooleman near Mtrua. Il wan tbo
occasion , of tbo 31st wcddiug au-
niverslty of Mr. and Mrs. I. A.
Joleman. Notwithstanding that it
was a vury busy time there were a
number present.
It will bo a day long remembered
> y all wbo were there. A bounti-
ul dinner waa served and was
much enjoyed by all. Tbo day was
pout in singing army songs and a
oomp iiru in which all took part ,
iss Ethel and Mr. Earn est Cole *
man famished musio on tbo organ
and violin. Misses Ethel Colemau ,
ki attic Fodgo and Hattie Luoas' ,
each gave recitations in a highly
aooepablo manner. Throughout tbo
event passed off very pleaapntly and
all enjoyed it very muob.
Thoie prewnt ner Mr , * ud Mra. J. U. Fodgo
and daughUr Mattl9 , Mr. and Mr * . Joyoer
of Ortello ; Mr. and MM. Livlngoton , Aniol-
mo , Mr. and. Mri. Lncai , Mr. and Mn. A.
Sommrn , R T. P. II. Graham and daughUr
Mils , Mr. and MM. Lowli Mr. and Mm. Cory ,
Mn. F u ndou , Mri. Ilannawald , dr. and Mri.
Joe Smith , Mr. aiid Mri. L A. Colaman and
daughter Ethel , Mr. Brnait Coleinan and family.
Fourth of Juljr Celebration.
A § far as we have been able to
learn tbe several localities .of tbo
county conoeods the exclusive right
to Broken Bow this year to celebrate
tbo Fourth of July. For oevoral
years Broken Bow has generously
waived her rights and joined witti
tbo neighboring towns and oora-
muuities in celebrating the day.
This act upon tbo part of our
citizens has removed the
spirit of rivalry and the
people of tbo county manifests a
desire to join with Broken Bow
this year in a grand celebration ,
where every body can oomo and
enjoy a cay oommonsrnate with the
oooassion. As it is now only about
six weeks before the date it is time
that steps were taken to make tbo
nooi'paary arrangements.
11 ATIBT oaunoii
Preaching services next Sunday
morning and evening at the uauul
hours , 11 a mand 8 , p m , Sunday
school at 10 a m The public is
cordially invited.
The subject of sermon next Sun
day morning will bo "Tbo Atone
ment. " Evening theme : "Making
tbe Moat out of Life" A oordia
invitation is extended to all to attend
these services. Epworth League
meets at 7 p. m.
Another uioo rain visited this lo
oality Tuesday aftotnoon.
Mr , Parmentor has bought tbe
Deardorf farm , west of the oity o
W. D. Blaokwell , consideration
Pat Kilfoil of Dale was' a city
visitor Sunday ,
lllu Iltlof Interview \VltU.a < llrnkuman ami the
"I spent several hours in a small'
country towu not far from hero a
low days auo , " said a young pro
fessional mun of thin city , "and ,
to kill time , I jonod the usual
group in the coruur grocery store.
One of the crowd was a freight
brakeman , and after the South
African war , thu imperialistic
policy , the Westminster creed , and
other trilling matters had boon dis
eased and settled , he told o story
about a tramp who was stuulmg a
ride on the bumpers during his last
uu. "The conductor saw him
irat , ' he aaid , 'and whim ho oarno
) a < . * k to the caboose he said , eays be :
'Bill there's blamed '
, a ugly-lookiu'
lobo on the trucks behind the first
oar. Suppose you go up and lire
lim off. ' * "All rigbt , cap , " says 1 ,
and starts front. When I gets' * to
, ho first car 1 looks down , audjfiuro
enough , there was a big , groany hobo
squatting on the edge , boldin * on
to the brake iron. "Hi there ! "
says 1 , "what d'y mean by tryin' to
) oat the road ? We're going slow
now and you hop right oif ! " The
lobo readied around into his pocket
and pulled out a gun about a yard
long. When ho pointed it at me it
looked like a piece of stove pipe ,
'You freckle nosud baboon , " says
10 , "if you don't go 'bout your
Business real sudden I'll cave your
face inl Skip I" eapw ho. I skipped ,
"When 1 got back to tbo oaboowo
the ecu. says' -'Well , Bill , didy' tire
the boboV" "No , " says I , "L didn't.
In obattiu' With him , " I says , "I
found out wo was kin , and I didn't
roully have thu heart to bounce the
poor feller ! " "Well , I'll do it my
self , then ! " says the con , getting
hot , and an ay be goes over the tops.
Pretty soon I could hear him comiu'
back lickoty-splil , on a dead run.
lie slid down the brake iron like a
Htroik of greased lightning and
dropped into the caboose seat all
out of breath. "Did'y fire him ? "
says 1. "No , " says ho , sort of faint.
"Why , how waa that ? " says I , pro-
tendiu' to be surprised. "Well. I'll
toll you , " says he , confidential , "it's
funny , but , d'y , know , when we got
to talkin' I found out ho was some
kin to mo , too. "
The directors of the Lillian
Irrigation district will meet as a
board of equlizatiou on Tuesday
.May 27 , at Gales store.
GKO. DKWKV , Soo'y ,
Attention Comretles.
A special meeting of 0.0 , Wash-
burn Post is called to meet at 8
o'olook p , m. Saturday the 10th , t'j
further arrange for Memorial Day ,