Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, May 03, 1900, Image 8

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You will not sec any men
dressed as well as the men
who wear Hart , Schnffner
& Marx suits and top coats.
The nobby style and neat
fit of these clothes recom
mend them to every man
who knows what teed ;
clothes arc and who likes to
wear the best.
They're the kind adver
tised In the leading maga
zines and worn by good
dressers everywhere.
A Sack Coat
Made according lo'onUnnry methoda
wilt IHUIK on u miin Ilko u drain but ; ,
Our line ot modern tailor made. 11. H.
& M. and perfection suitu lit KrnueM'y '
and BiiBUflPt an air of quIUllty never
approached by the other sort.
All our clothlnu Is cut mill made by
first olnea tnilora In largo airy work-rooms
nnd their skillful t'lforls nro evid > need
In every stitoh nnd beam , In .ho cut nnd
hanKt and in genera ! expression on
every garment.
Buying in large quantities makes n
bit ; dlffernuco In the cost to you.
Heio an ologftiit assortment of noboy
cheviots , phild , cliuck and atrlped won
stcda , which are HO very popular junt
now Homo raado with doublu vested
vesta-Regular and dim sl/.ufl.witli sieves
plenty long. Tailored ta lit the form ,
815.00 , U.CO , ii.50 : , 1200 , and < JjQf \
Black all wool clit\H , fancy worsteds ,
( jer esextra line wldu wall worsti'du ,
clievlois , plain and fancy eaBslsinorus ,
rogulur BI.BBSlim S'/.os '
ll'iund cutH eounre cuts < I Q Qft
S14.GO , 1-J.GO , $10.CO and ! > / /U.
rosslbilltics in Cattle.
Notwithstanding the occasional
IS * failures by those who fpeculato in
cattle , there is no question but an
investment in cattle , if property
bandied , under present conditions
is a good business. There are those
who buy inferior souihein stock at
luoi'loiiH prices that lose money ;
but in buying cattle , as well as
anything else , good business judg
ment should bo used. Wo have an
instance to the point and proves
the possibilities oi Block raising.
A year ago last fall S. Wadding
ton , of Ortollo Valley , bought 171
head of calves of llarvo Andrews ,
paying $20 a head for the bunch.
It wan seemingly a bin price to pay
for calves only about six months
old , but Ihfy were natives and well
bred. Last fall Mr. Waddmgton
eolcotou 42 head of steers out of
his herd coming two yearn old and
fed them , lie returned Tuesday
nigbt from Omaha , where ho had
marketed them. Some of them
13 ! weighed over 1,300 pounds , all of
l\tl \ them averaging him & 50 a huad
ft Ho Las already this spring GO
calves from the heifers aid expect *
20 more. The result is not only
because of good stock , but couplcc
with that was good care. Mr
Wnddmgton says of over 200 hoa (
of oalllo ho only lost one. Mr
Waddington has done no more thai
any other one can do by using the
name good judgment and care.
HinniED At the bride's residence nonr th
thrlvlug vllliiKo or Wulisert. oi Sunday , Apr
< l , Mr. Uuumai Taylor , Ute of Howard , Iw
at present a resident of Wi'BtoivIlle , tr > Mlt
Maggie tt. Shore , cf WeUcert.
The abovu seems to bo a brio
item of a few short we rds , and ye
in our social circles it throws al
other topics of conversation into
the shade , Rev. Kyle , ot Uougla
Grove , tied the knot that completes
the aot of welding two loving son )
into one and two throbbing heart
to beat in loving unison , which we
hope may continue through all th
vioisitudes of a long and happy life
Upward of fifty guesta were presi n
to witness and partake of the good
ness and sweetness that the joyou
occasion so lavishly afforded. Mr
Ambrose Young served in the oa
paoity of the groom's best mauand
'Miss Alice Taylor of Scword , with
nymph like grace , acted as brides
maid * and last to be mentioned , Ir.i
not by any means teast in iinpor
Wo arc Looking for the Man
with a Dry Subsoil.
Wo want to dreas him up in ono of1
our Cast Iron bnMni'BS nuitp , and eonil
him to the Parip Exposition where'ho
oui have an opportulnity to on joy hlm-
Bolf mill pot his eub soil ( > Wet up. "
Tut'ce eulla are very neatly made o ( neat
atrlpo Woratodfl. Von can't tell
them from the $10 00 kind. Our
t price is
1'you are built on tno "VVIIaoii
Drnkit * ' plan lon nnit angular , i.ti
though yon hnd n nice lor jour daily
bread all the duya o ! your life , and
navu been trouhlud with high water
panta and Hhnrr sleeved
coats tlmtIIANG" when
you would so much admire a
Kcnteot tit. juat take a look
through our llin ; of II 3. & M
Slims. Tlio now 1000 spiuifr
styles nro partlculnrly Nobhy
The prices nro In tin1 IviRomont,1
81'J.OO.12..r)0 ) , 12 00 and
JIere'.B a line of Men's suits
of your special attention. Thov ro
tanco among the list of attending
olliciuls , that prince cf courteous
oliquutto , Samuel D. JOIIUH , of
VoHlciville , occupied the respon-
ible position of mastci ot cere-
nonies , and echoes of his praise
r _ < still ringing through Clear
Creek valley , of the masterly mauler -
ler in which he conducted the va-
iouB and divert matters that called
nto requisition his skill , tact and
; oed every day SOESO. A list of
he many useful , beautiful'and or
namental presents would occupy
oo much space in your valuable
columns for us to catalogue them
all , and to mention a part only
would maphap give offense to those
persons whose presents Wore not
enumerated ; let it suilico to give
you a partial list of thos ? guests
who were honored by an invitation
and who seem never to tire of re
citing the pleasant and amusing in
cidcntH that occurred to enliven
this happy couple's wedding day :
Mr. and Mrs. .las. Llickoubottom ,
JoBoph SpoeBO , Win. Amos , BOKO
Campbell , Samuel D. Jones , ITarvov
Smith , W. S. Shore , A. Richardson -
son , Mrs. Susan Specso , MUH Alice
'laylor , of Analoy , Miss Amanda
Conrad , of Broken Bow , Mr. Hart
ford Spruse and Mr. James S. Shore
of WcHtorvillc. Many others were
in attendance \\hoRO names we can
not at present recall. Taken all in
all it came the nearest to being an
up-to.dato nuptial ceremony that
wo ever had the pleasure to witness
Sunday School Convention
Broken Bow district , to bo hold
in the United Brethren church :
230 ; p m 1'ra'eo ' eorvlce , Ilov Kill-lit.
3 D m ExerclBos l > v Mctln > di > u Suniluy i-clionl.
3 SU Ji in ICxercUfn li. I'rc'alij turlau 8. a.
70 p in 1'rj IKB Ht'rvlco , I ) . M. Amshi-rry.
8 ) i m 1'npur , Mies ttailoVUItclicud. .
Hau : Adilrues. Willis Urdwcll.
Klectlon of. Onicern.
6U.SUAT. MAY Bill.
ajSO p in Kiercl CB by llaptlst Suiidny Bchool
3 i > m Kicrcl u8 by KU. | > ' cclioot.
! l : BO Kicrc'eee ' bCu > U r Center i-chool
4 00 KxeroUea by Murqulxit tchool.
4:30 : KxcrclnOK by ClirUlluu Bchoul.
5'tW , Exorcises by U. II. School.
A Coed Thing-
Our GreauGraudmother' garrotn
containing the same herbs of al
healing found in Karl's Clover root
tea. They gave our ancestoi
strength , kept the blood pure , out :
will do the same for you If you say
RO. Price 25 cts. and 50 cts , Sole
by U. G. llaoborlo.
made of Wldo Wnll hlaok
round and tqimro cut Snul < Hwide Krone1) ) )
jnoInK , fintln plpiiiRS. Mndu to
l12.00. Our rmidy ( ! ARI | plnocfl
Bulls on your hick lit the C'
very low price "f O
ouu arocK oi ' MEN'S
Surpa'pfS any of our foruinr < ffortH ,
Cutt Iron WorntcdH neat wtripes , < nr
llH'Iron fit 81 115
All wool capBlincrcfi In nunt pMtorna ,
< i K'i'ul IjiifllncfH Hiiit tor Sd.Ufi
lilack clay WorMed piiitP , oed quaN
ily , round or Equnro out for $5.00.
Men's Craflli Suits in neat effeotc ,
just the thing for hot weatherwear ,
but if you wait 'lil the heated nea-
HOII they will ail begone , liny now
ill per Hitit * : ) 50 and. . .
I-I to 10 years. Prices are 'igltt ,
Mtjlts will ploaho the young iolioWH.
Nobby Htripo Woistcd Suits with
rtniiblo hruastid vertte $0 75
Elegant f.uioj Wor-tod SuilH , iO 75
Fancy all wool CabBiincro SiMtH , the
IICHI valut'H yi'ii over saw at $5 00
t5 7o , $ = 5 001 00 find $3.75
It' you want a mil for small money
try ono < < ( our cast iron SuitH at
* ; { .L'5 and $2.75
Most of you know tha * . wo are
the riylit pi'oplo on kid's clothing.
II you don't know it the ki-is will
find it cut in n few days when wo
yet our Koda fountain started.
Free Hoda for tho.boyn when they
buy their clothes of us. All the
nobby little stylus that you < cad
about in the funny hooks some
with vested Homo with double
breasted vests and Homo in the good
old fashioned double breasted stylo.
The prict'H are easy , $1.00 , $1.25 ,
§ 1.50 , § 1.75 , § 'J 00 , $200 , § 275
§ 3,25 , Sti.40 , § 4.25 and § 4.40.
We are bettor propsrod than ever
to supply your wants in the Fur-
niching Goods line. Men's , Boys'
nud Kidlott Drofifl Shirts Under
wear for the whole family Ilofl
lory for Men , Wornon and Children
Of course you are coming to us
for your Hpring Htook of Shoes.
Where Quality Counts
We Win.
First wear is best year in Shoos
as well as anything elbo. Buy your
Shoes of us and SOCUHO first wear.
Shelf worn shoos are dear at any
l-rico. If you buy your shoos of us
you got fresh goods.
Shoes for Husband.
Slices for your Wit'o.
Shoes for your Sons and Daugh
Shoes for your Fathers and
Shoes for your Brothers and Sis
SOI.KH and that's about as low as
you can uot 'om.
The Soda Fountain
is in good running order and wo
will begin to give out tickets firoo
with your purchases
Saturday , May 12.
Ono ticket will bo given free with
each cash purchase of one dollar ,
which will bo good for a glass oi
Soda at our Fountain any time dur
ing BOHSOt' 1900 ONLY.
And right hero wo want to say to
our friends who may have tickets
loft over from last Hoason , if thny
will rerd the tickets of last soasou
they will see that they were good
for last season only.
And likewise , the tickets thie
season will bo good for this season
only , aiid you must not keep them
till next Heason for they will bo no
Pair Prices , Best Material , and Best
C. B. BETTS Painter
Workmanship. . . , Detoratoi
I wish to say to my Friends and Patrons that I am now
located in the Now Brick Building , on west side of Square ,
whore I will bo bolter prepared to servo them than ever be
fore. F. W. HAYES ,
' Jeweler and Optician.
Thf flAtn Just out. Cut this ad.
Th 1 11W VJWlll out anj scni | t ,0 U5
with Ji.oo and we will send you one of the
new Gem ( Jraphophoncs by Lxpress , C. O. D.
subject to examination. You can examine it at
your express cilice and if found exactly as represented
entirely satisfactory in every way. and the equal ii
value to any machine sold at J10 and jl'J , pay our agen
Our Special Offer Price , $5.00. and express charges
less the $1 sent with order. Kor home amusement thi !
King of Merry-Makers company" ! , .
> like a clock Plays all the pieces of Spusa's and Gilmorc's Hands
Hectics. Tills runny Stories will repeat your own voice , your friend's voice , song :
sunt ; into it , stories tolil'to it. You can make your records easily and rcpi reduce then
at uncu , as often as desired Price $5.00 includes Improved Gen Graph ophone , on <
' '
Vf JSaS X " ' " loml Jluninmm Reproducer , one 10-inch horn.'on'e Hearing Tube. Uicst Exlii-
ViimCrll billon Records ( musical or talking ) f-ri a doien , 42c each.
Slot Country dealers will find n veritable gold mine in our two new sloi
Alnclinc ! . < . machines. The "Ideal" Graphophonc $20 and wonderful "Ray"
„ . iiim.niin.a. Klnctojcope ( or moving picture machine ) $15 , operates automatic
al y , rtiiuires no attention whatever , can be placed on top of show case or counter. Machines pay for them ,
selves in two weeks. 1 he Kinetoscope docs for the eye what the Graphophonc docs for the car. ObD f *
ircts ait and move as if alive' Reproduces in miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar * Pn
Moxiiic Picture Machine * 1'he p.ulor "Ray" Alovlng Picture Machine , three belts with each machine * " *
. Send us Jl and we will send you cither machine by Express C O. D . subject to examination. II fouml
exactly as reprcbcntid and entirely satisfactory in every way , pay the agent our price , less the Jl sent with
order Complete new 11 ustrated Kinetoscope , Graphophonc and Record Catalogue , containing lull descrip.
lion of large exhibition show outfits , ranging from jllO to # 50 , sent Ircc on request.
Hnrger c < c Blish , Western Selling Apts. 904-910 Alain St. , Dubuque , Iowa
F. 0. WORNALU PreMdcnt. J. A. IlMtltI8Cn hler.
A. . J. llOUKhTSONVlce-l'teB. AV. D. 1ILAOKWKLL , Aee't Cftfhlor
Farmers Bank of Ouster County ,
TratiHROts a General Banking County Claims and
Warrants Bought.
VET " < n 'iiiMiiimtast : : . i.n
; i hfJWi ; ; * ! HS
Wo own nnd occupy the tallest mercantile building in th world. We have
over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clrrV-T arc ' onstantly
filllnr ; out-of-town orders.
OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE is the- book of HIP proplc it nuotcs ,
Wholesale Prices to Everybody , has over i.ouo pages , 16.000 lllir.trntlons , nnd
60,000 descriptions or articles with prices. It cpsts 72 cents to print nnd mail
each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CKNTS to show
your good faith , and we'll Bend you a copy FREE , with all charges prepaid.
.MONTGOMERY . WARD & GOMICI1IflanflcieH ? arnSlrecl
Always AmericanAlways Republican
Every Column is Bright , Clean and Packed with News
The Literature of its columns is
equal to that of the best maga
zines. It is interesting to the
children as well as the parents.
I brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its
readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day , it is in
full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses
literature and politics from the Western standpoint. < & & *
eoeoao coe e BO
t > a
Price of Dally by mall 54.00 per year
1'rlcu oi Sunday liy mail 32 00 per year
Daily and Sutvlnj "b > mail . . SO 00 per j ear
We are going to occupy the large double room oti the
southeast corner of the Square , recently vacated br O. P.
Perley , with a Mammoth Stock of Groceries , Qucensware ,
Stoneware , Cutlery , Plour , Feed-ami Seeds.
Fresh Fruits a Specialty.
Come and see us at our New Stand. We will treat
you right. YOURS FOR US1 NESS ,
Tine Grocers Wholesale cSc Retail
CTjfi pj pil Cn pJqf nlLirOlniUUdlTOl W i'll
Wo have over 100 8 ( > ts of good tirst-olasa Farm Harness
that wo will soil at the old price of last year. Our rea
V.-.v son for this is that wo have carried them over from last
year and the leather in thorn was nought cheap. This
gives us a chance t' : undersoil all competitors by ten
per cent.
For Cash Only ,
i Ho Pall Time on these G-oods.
At low price quoted. On Saddles wo are always right.
Don't forgot our line of Hardware , Barb Hog Fence ,
Buggies and Wagons , Oook Stoves and Ranges , the
best on earth for the price.
m , . .