Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 26, 1900, Image 8

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    itenc ii'n Visit to Houston.
The Reneau * Uncover n Big Fortune ol One ot
Their Fiench Ancestors.
I. A. Kouenu roturnud Tuesday
tiight from Houston , Texas , vliurti
ht > went last week as n deliv.nto
from Broken Bow to the TIMIIS-
MitiBlBHippi Congress and to attend
n roution of tUo liouoau fnmily nt
the eamo time From the Associ
ated Press report of the affair , the
meeting of the LicnuaiiB la likuly to
develop reaultH more substantial
than any action ol the Traurt-Miri-
sistiippi congress. Ahotil tHrty-
tlvo Of tlio OoaociidcnlH of I'lnllip
Francis Renault ( Lloncau ) : nut nl
Houston and affootcd an organi/a
tioj with a view of rcoloiining the
property that , belonged to their
Ficnob ancestor. It appears that
Phillip Frances Renault , who was
a subject of Louis V , was sent by
the king to this oouutry about 17.15
as a special envoy. To remunerate
him for valuable services ho made
him several giants of land that in
located in Missouri and Illinois.
One tract ia 14x18 miles in dimen
on thn cant Hide of the MIHH
isHippi nvor , and embraces HOIUU of
the beat lead minis of .Missouri-
The oity of Peoria , IJh , is located
upon pait of the. grant. As the
grant was made before the United
States had purchased the French
possessions unbracing the granlH
to Renault , the French government
reserved all grants made prior to
that dat , heuuo Renault's lands
wore not a Too led by Uncle Sam'H
purchase. AH PI'illip Renault re
turned to Franco in 17512 and died
there in 1755 , he being single ,
nothing was done by his heirs to
prosecute their rights to his pen
sessions. John Renault , a younger
brother of Phillip , became a nsi-
dent of this country , and it is his
heirs who now spell Mieir name
Reneau and Ryuo , that have been
looking up the matter a..d find the
racords at Wellington show that
the government has never claimed
or given title to any of the Phillip
Renault poKsostuons , granted to him
by the then King of Franco. As
the title came through the French
government , and not this , they hold
that the law of non occupancy does
not bar the original owners , should
they bo able to establish their right
ful heirehip. At the union of the
family last week at Houston an
organization was affected with a
view of establishing their claims.
I. A. Ron Gnu of this city was elect
0(1 general ( secretary of the associ
ation , and I. D. Reneau of Alma
one of the vice-presidents. Mr.
Renoau does not have great hopes
of the heirs getting the property ,
hut the association tliinkH .in it , \
now worth over a million dollars
thai it is worth making an effort
for , oven should they not succeed.
Mr. Reneau reports having enjoyed
a splendid visit. The Rouoau fam
ily was accorded the free hospital
ity , excursions and boat rides by
the people of Houston as were
planned for the delegates of t * > o
Trans-Mississippi Congress , and
besides were banqueted by the pro
prietor of the h-tel whore they
stopped , an elaborate menu having
been provided.
Rain , llaln.
Several rains have visited this
vicinity this week. The rain gauge
showed a precipitation on the morn
ing of the 23d of 90-100 inches ; 24 ,
53-100 inches ; 2f > , 25-100 inches ;
making a total ot 1.08. With near
ly three inches the week previous
the ground is in tine ccndition.
Look for Hntllcal Changes In I ) . & M
Time Sunday.
Sunday , April 20th , is tin date
fixed for the now time table ou the
B. & M. Lino. At this writing ,
Wednesday , our local agent has not
received the time card , but from
best information the changes in the
time of the passenger trams will bo
quite radical , 41 , which arrives hero
"now at 1O.GO p. m. going west , will
not reach hero until 8 or 4 o'clock
a. m. ; 4U will arrive hero between
10 and 11 p. m. , coing east ; 44.
which now loaves hero at 11:25 : ,
will go east about 0:20 : , the same
time of 42 now. No change is
looked for in 43 , as it is expected
to arrive hero going west about 5
o'clock p. m. 43 and 44 will , in
stead of making this the terminus ,
run to Edgemout , S. D.
Mustering In Company M. Saturday ,
April 28) nt Opera House.
rooa nut ,
Presiding officer Mayor Koyio
Dnot . . . . McsctamcB Uuttereon nml Stuckey
Address of welcome Mayor Koytc
Mustering In Company 11 , and aCdreti by Ad
jutant General Hurry.
Male Quartet , Meters , J. M. Jlotte , 0. B. Oi
berne , Dr. llass and N , T , Qadd.
Address lion. Jas , WliHohcad
Address Judge 11. M. bulllvnii
Instrumental muelo G. 1) . Hoot
Address A. II. Humphrey
Address J It. ueau
Boldler' * Mother , response Mrs. o. I'lckott
bong , 2Ie damoi Adamsoii , llltckwoll , Mayor
and Taylor.
Address Qov. W. A. Poyntor
Hone v America
informal reception of the governor , P. M. Jtu-
blue In charge
AH arc cordially invited to bo
Mike Scaulon lunch room con
fectionary and cigars. North side.
The Ladles Liboar ) Association
will convene in "Old Ma'.ds Con
vention" in tto near future , dnto
aiiouncod later.
TAKKN UP By the undorHined ,
on April 20 , a red heifer , with
white face , about two years old
Owner can have name by paying
expenses , NKI.S Lieu.
L. E Cole has a call that was
born blind. It is a largo healthy
calf and appears all right in every
particular except that it has no eye.
No eye balls w ro over formed.
For the lack of time wo are com
pelled to omit a comninucation from
Westorville , announcing the mar
riage of Mr , Baseman Taylor and
Misf. Maggie Shore. It will appear
next week.
llov S. W. ttiohards , the pislor
olout of the Baptist church of Bro.
ken Uow , expects to start with his
ftmily for this plaoo May 2d , aud
arrive hero the 3d. His goods were
shipped for Broken Bow today.
Fred Rime came near having a
lire in his plauo Monday evening
from a gas lamp 1 He nro alarm
oa'lod out the llro companies. , but
by the time they were on the pround
the fire was under control. It was
a close call.
The only daughter of County
Treasurer Sohnoringor and wife ,
aged four Weeke , was laid to rest in
Kingsbury cemetery last Sunday.
Death resulted from pneumonia.
The sorrowing paren's have the
sympathy of a host of friends.
Callaway Independent.
Granville Bailey , of Ouonto , who
has been homo on parole from the
Norfolk assylum , was arrested and
brought to the city Tuesday even
ing by Will Armstrong for insan
ity. Ho has been adjudged a lit
subject for the assylum by the
board and will again bo returned.
'I ho women of St , John's Guild
of the Episcopal church , at their
annual mooting on Thursday of last
week , appointed a committee to
express their 'hearty thanks to all
friemlb of the church who have by
thu contribution of money , material
or labor , aided in the purchase and
improvement of the rectory.
Card of Thanks.
Mr. and Mrs. E. E. Ilogaboom
hereby wish to express their heart
felt that'lcs to the many neighbors
who HO kindly assisted them during
the sickness , death and funeral of
their loved mother.
Henry A. Jolinaon mid Miss. Ulla Tliomo wer °
nmrrii'd nt tlio rosldonco of tlio lirldos nuri-nla
Mr HiiU.Mrn .Daniel Kclln in this city In-t l'rl-
ilnv cvcnliiLf. llov. 15. A. Knlirht oIllcliitlML' .
The bride is the daughter of Mrs.
Ivoliu and for the past two years has
been a stenographer , and for eight-
teen months of the time has hold a
position in the office of Morgan &
Skillmau. She is a young lady
who enjoys the high cnteom of all
who know her.
The groom is a posproous farmer
and stockman , lie is out of debt
aud has hiu four hundred acre farm
stocked with one hundred head of
cattle , horses and farm machinery.
The wedding was quiet offai' ,
only a few of the immo'Jiato friends
being present.
Mr. and Mrs Johnson loft Satin-
day morning on a visit at Fremont
with relatives of the groom where
they will spend a few days before
begining housekeeping. Those
present at the wadding and who
enjoyed the wedding supper wore
Messrs and Mosdamcs A. Morgan ,
F. M. Skillman , G. W. Apple , J.
E. Lipton and Mrs. E. Roynor ,
Misses Libbio Bronizer and Mamie
Thompson , aud Jas. McMillan.
The RKPUIJUOAN extends to the
happy couple congratulations.
U.B. Church.
Subject for the morning service ,
Christ in us , subject for the evening -
ing service , Sees of home.
REV. EPLHY. Pastor.
Episcopal Church.
Second Sunday after E-istor ,
April 20th. Bishop Graves will
preach both morning and evening.
The Easter musio will be repeated
aud the children will have a spec
ial service at 3,15 when the Bishop
will address them. You are cor
dially invited to bo present.
Rector ,
M. E. Church.
The subject of the sermon at the
M. E. church next Sunday morning
will boComon : SonseuUoli | > ion , '
In the oveninq : Disturbing Vis
ions. " Epworth League at 7 p. m.
Every body cordially invited to all
those services.
E. A. NIGHT. Pastor.
Notlcu is hereby Klfcn that the following
named settler has MoU notice of bis Intention tc
make ilual proof m rutiport of liie.clulrn , and tlmt
paid proof will bo mauo before County Judcuat
llroken Dow. Nebraska , on Jnno Sd , 100U , viz :
fotcr 0 Meltorron , 11. E. No. 1WIU , for the no > J
new sue. ! ! H , e BO ! { eo > < uu > i s c. ! il , town 14 ,
raiiije Si W.
bdo iiumoj the following ltni'6sccti > ( : ere 111 *
continues resilience upon and cult'vntlor ot until
land , yUi Klleu Wbalen , Kcl.Muil Whaleri1
Cbrlstlen Ovorgstd , Kngcuo .1. Uobllttt , all of
Oconto , Nub. CUo. K. KjiENCJl , KcfUter ,
Fair Prices , lest Material , and Best
Workmanship. C. B. BETTS ,
I wish to bay to my Friondfl and Patrons that I am now
located in the Now Brick Building , on west aide of Square ,
whore I will bo bolter proparcd to servo them than ever be
fore. F. W. HAYES ,
Jeweler and Optician.
Tlif Cirm Just out , CmtliUacl.
PHONE 1 IIC VJCIU out aml scml it to u ,
with $1.00 and we will send you one of the
new Ocm ( JraphophoncS by Express , C. O. D.
subject to examination. You can examine It at
your express office and if founil exactly as represented ,
entirely satisfactory In every way , and the equal in
value to any machine sold at flO and jJ12 , pay our agent
Our Special Oiler Price , $5.00. and express charges ,
less the 51 sent with order. 1'or home amusement this
will entertain
hour. Wind * up like a clock.
Kccitcs'Tells ; runny Stories1
sunjt Into Itstories told to It. You caiimak'e your records easily aridreprodu
at once , as often as desired. Price $5.00 includes Improved Gem Graphoph ( , . . , one
extra loud .ilumnlum Reproducer , one 10-inch horn , one Hearing Tube. Best Exhi
bition' Kccord.l ( musical or talking ) 5 a dozen , 42c each.
Slot Country dealers will find a veritable gold mine In our two new slot
A/lnrliinnc / "Jaclllncs Thc "Weal" Graphophone $ ao and wonderful "Ray"
. " "V11"-3' Kinctoscope ( or moving picture machine ) $15 , operates automatic ,
ally , require ? no attention whatever , can be placed on top of show case or counter. Machines pay for them.
clvcs in two weeks , Thc Kinctoscope docs for the eye what the Graphophone docs for the car. Ob. < P I-
iects act anil move as if alive. Reproduces In miniature the same subjects as the large hundred dollar Pt"l
Moving Picture Machines. 1 he parlor "Ray" Moving Picture Machine , three belts with each machine. * '
. bend in # 1 and we will send you cither machine by Kxpress C. O. D . subject to examination. II found
exactly m teprcs'jntcd and entirely satisfactory in every way , pay the agent our price , less the # 1 sent with
order Complete new Illustrated Kinctoscope , Gr.iphophonc and Record Catalogue , containing lull descrip
tion of large exhibition show outfits , ranging from 510 to $50 , sent Iree on request.
Hargcr & Blish , Western Selling Agts. 904-910 Main St. , Oubuque , Iowa
SeeniB like the old adage will
come true , that rain on Easier
Sunday means rain for 8'x suuoes-
sivo Sundays.
P. II. MoMolly took II. G. Dau-
IIO'H and A C QriilitliH cattle away
today , will herd and grass them
near Aetna Nobr. While shutting
the gate near John MoDannola on
ast Saturday Milo Young's horses
started to run ; ho got hold of the
lines and fell and alter dragging
him a lew rods ho lot go ; they run
to Ryno where they arrived ou
Bohedulo time whore they were
onught ; n broken poll , dashboard
and a ft-AV broken spoken. Uuclo
Milo aud the her oa wore the worse
for th spin.
liain , rain and still it raina ; the
ground well soaked ; small grain
and pasture dressed in living green ;
farmurH iubilant over thu
for a crop and are rushing around
anxious to commence planting corn
soon as weather permits.
Nebraska is all right * blessid
with rain , it has a line prospect for a
crop. J. It has survived drouths and
panic aud was on the verge of bank-
rupoy. It has became more solvent
again and has paid most of its
former debts ; gridironod it's prair
ies with railroads ; has cattle and
hogs galore ; has indulged in more
politics of the fake brand than any
other country since the flood.
Stand up for Nebraska.
.Received to late for last \\eok.
Miss Delia Bnrger just closed a very
successful term ol school.
Mrs. Dr. Ale Arthur ? Wft8 called east
last week to the bed aide of a sick
Kev.fn. M. Plokuey will lecture at
the M. E. church , Friday evening April
On account of the storm last Sunday
morning the Easier exorcises were post
pone J one week.
Miss Mllllo Luco who was teaching in
the Lfvmphcre district , closed her
school one week hfuore her term closed
on tlio account of the elcknees of liei
Mr. J. Q. Illpley came down from the
went last Saturday morning to visit his
[ unilly , hut expects to return uoxt week.
llov. g. G. Hulbort went to Callnway
last Tuoeday to attend the ministers as
sociation , his daughter Illma accompli uy-
lug him as far as iJtokon Bow.
Ciiiiiro itttiun.
The small grain la in and coming up t
Horn , to Mr. and Mre. Jotcpu Clark ,
April 15 , twins. Mother aud baby are
doing well.
Mrs. 1. M. Mason went to Broken
Bow Saturday.
Mrs. Oharlio Dolts , of Broken Bow.
was visiting nt the homo of F. A. Betts
last weak.
A number of woodmen attended the
Lodge at Anfllpy Friday night.
Mr. and Mrs. Ross went to Broken
Bow Saturday.
Mr. > ind Mrs. Al Daulels are the happy
parents of a girl , from April 10th-
Mrs- Will Edmunds was visiting in
Cat creek Thursday.
Mrs.'l. M. Mason and Mrs. Mason
were collecting money Thursday to help
build the new church. Mrs. No.
George and daughter llunlcu , were collecting -
lecting Saturday. There Is an amount
of over lifty two dallurs already collec
MUburn Items.
Doings around Milburn are
about as lively as over
Wo have plenty of rain this spr
ing , with a little hail Wednesday
tfruit Irees are coming into bloom
and prospects are lhat every little
twig and tree will bear this year.
Ground is m exoelont condition
and wheat never looked bettor at
this time of year.
Ab Buloher , John Huffman and
others are building a brush dam in
the river at the head ot the Lillian
Irrigation ditch seven miles above
Jas. Milburn in whose honor this
town was named , together with
family ? nd some other Ouster
county people about iserwyn start
ed-on an overland trip north for the
Albertio country in Western Can
ada. Wo are sorry to lose Mr.
Milburn and family from our midst
but wish them a pleasant trip.
Mr. Hugh Davey , a now comtner
has settled on the old Frank Ready
plaoo and will make it hia future
Half Rates to Lincoln.
Via the Burlington Route , May
1 and 2 , account Republican Stale
Pay you to take advantage of
this rate and bo in Lincoln May 1 ,
big celebration that day in connec
tion with unveiling ofuthe Spanish
cam'on presented to the oity by Ihe
Notice to Members of Co. M.
A moeling of Company M. will
bo held ot the court house Saturday ,
April 38th , at ii o'clock , for the pur
pose of mustering in the company.
All who have enrolled are urged to
be present on that date. The list is
yet a few men short of the required
number and any who want to enlist
should make application at once , an
the number is limited. Qov. Poyn
tor and General Barry will bo here
and deliver addresses.
Recruiting Officer.
card. April 29tu. Sunday , April U9th ,
Important changes will be made In the
running time of the followlhg Burling
ton trains :
No. 0. Denver to Otunha and Chicago.
No. 14 , Oxford to St. Joseph and St.
No. 17 , Kansas City and St. Joseph
to Oxford and Denver.
No. 41 , St. Joseph and Lincoln to
the Black Hills , Montana , Washington
and Oregon.
No. 42 , BllliBKa to Lincoln , Omaha
St. Joseph , Kansas City and St.
Louis ,
No. 43 , Lincoln to Alliance aud
See nearest Burlington ticket aent (
and get details of the now eohedules.
This will prevent the possibility of
misMng trains.
J. FUANOIS Qon'l Passenger Agent ,
Omaha , Neb.
Hoi ina 8-0 U lty block , Urolten Uoff , Neb
Wo carry a We rci rive
slock of goods from 10,000 to
valued nt 25.WO Otters
I1.SOO.OOO 00 every day
We own nml occupy the tallest mercantile butldinc In th world. We have
over 2,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly
engaged filling out-of-town orders.
OUR GENERAL CATALOGUE In the book of the people It quotes
Wholesale Prices to Everybody , has over 1,000 pages , 16,000 Illustrations , and
60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 72 cents to print and mat
each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to she
your good faith , and we'll send you a copy FREE , with all charges prepal
: > e oo oo < * LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL B 0 r. * l
Always American Always Republican
Every Column is Bright , Clean and Packed with News
The Literature of its columns Is
equal to that of the best maga
zines. It is interesting to the
children as well as the parents.
brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives Its
readers the best and ablest discussions of all questions of the day , it is in
full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses
literature and politics from the Western standpoint. Jt t t j/tjt
Price ol Dally by mall $1.00 per year e
_ . Price of Sunday by mail 32 00 per year t
* Daily and Sunday by mail $6fJOpcrjear o oWE
A >
We are going to occupy the large double room on the
southeast corner of the Square , recently vacated by O. P.
Perley , with a Mammoth Stock of Groceries , Queensware ,
Stoneware , Cutlery , Flour , Feed and Seeds.
Fresh Fruits a Specialty.
Come and see us at our New Stand. We will treat
you right. YOURS FOR USI NESS ,
Peale & John ,
Tine Grocers AThoIesale c Retail
Jfi. \Vo bavo ever 100 sets of good first-class Farm Harness
Viv that wo will soil at the old prioo of last year. Our reason
§ t son for this is that wo have carried thorn ever from last
1 year and the leather iu thorn was bought cheap. This
gives us a ohanoo fs undersoil all competitors by ten
per oont.
§ I For Cash Only.
Fall Time on these Goods.
At low price quoted. On Saddles wo are always right ,
Don't forgot our line of Hardware , Barl ) Hog Fence ,
Buggies and Wagons , Cook Stoves and Ranges , the
best on earth for the prioo.