Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 26, 1900, Image 2

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D , M. AMSlinilllY , VublUher.
Oregon holds her"elcctlon on Juno 2.
William Hoots' , a pioneer race horeo
miser of California , Is dead , ago t * .
There nre thirty-four millionaires
In Mr. Carnegie's new steel company.
Middle-of-the-road populists of Ten
nessee decided to send delegates to
The Earl of Lansboro Is dead , lie
was born In 1831 and was v > ce admiral
of the Yorkshire coast.
The Uuffalo Express suggests JJeTgey
& Son as the presidential tlcket.Miid
Mrs. Dewey for speaker !
Dr. B. S. Sheldon , n well known Knn-
ean , formerly a state senator , has died
tit 'I'opoka of heart trouble.
It Is officially announced tlrngficing
Oscar will visit the Paris exposition
before the end of the month.
The Illinois supreme court has hand
ed down an opinion that the advertis
ing flag law In unconstitutional.
On account of poor crops In Chill It
la expected that that country will Im
port wheat from California l is year.
The telegraph operators on the At *
lantlc and Danvll.c division of the
Southern railway are out on a strike.
.Advccs from Hermoslllo , Sonora ,
Mexico , say Governor Luis Torres has
settled the Yayui trouble In his state.
At Canon City , Colo. , the damage to
the fruit trees from the late heavy
Btorm and frostsils eatlinutedtaUrjOD-
General John jC GIlmorc. adjutant
general at the headquarters' * ' 6f llio
army Is seriously 111 at Washington ,
D. C. . , ' " . " .
A beet sugar factory has been insti
tuted at Santiago do Chill , being.tho
first concern of the kind ever establish
ed in that country.
Commodore Cow'Ie , if. ISVN. , 'fraa
sailed for the Philippines on the steam
er Doric to take charge of-the machine
Bhops at the Cavlto 'navy yards.
Mibs Lillian Dlakeslcss t f Cory , Pa. ,
who has been untJaP mCdlcal treatment
for years for consumption , coughed up
a collar button the rother day , fund Is
rapidly recovering.--
The Alamcda , Cal. , board of educa
tion has adopted rulc ftutylddhigjUie
' '
employment aa teachers'in thc'juiuiic
schools of any persons who arc aiillct-
etl with tuberculosis.
William A. Clark of Montana has
been elected to the board of dlrectord
of the Trust Company of America. Ho
takes the place of J. William Clark ,
who recently resigned. j
The Rev. Ora Squire , father qf cx-
Unltcd States Senator W. C. Smrejpf
Seattle , Wash. , Is dead at the home of
his daughter , Mrs. .t. S. Joalln , In
Grcencastlc , Ind. He was 93 years old.
At a secret session of fitly bishops
of the Protestant Eniccoiml church.
held at New York , the resignation0
Bishop Henry Jackson , former iftfacrju-
tor bishop ot the diocese of Alabama ,
was accepted.
Charles T. Donovan , a promlnyrjt jfvp (
Etocl : commission man of St-ojoscp ,
Mo. , and brother of Colonel John Donovan
evan , general manager of the St. Jo
seph stock yards , in dangerously ill
with rheumatism of the heart.
General John Eaton , for seven years
president of the American Society of
Religious Education , has reslgned'that
ofllco and Justco John M. Harlan 01 the
United States supreme court has been
elected to succeed him. * '
Miss Jennie O'Neill Potter , tho-woll-
luiown elocutionist , died at St. Luke's
hospital in New York city. Miss Pot
ter since last December has been an in
mate of St. Luke's , suffering from dan
cer. Her body will bo taken to Wiscon
sin for burial.
The twentieth annual convention of
the Women's Daptlst Foreign Mission
ary Society came to an end at Sioux
Falls , S. D. Mrs. J. iv , . bcott , of Eynn-
Bton , 111. , was elected president , ip'tnto
vice presidents were also elected 'jnnd
a legislative board of eight.
Judge Adams , of the United .States
circuit court , made an Important .rul
ing at St. Louis relative to testimony
taken in depositions before notnrle's
public. Ho held that a witness could
not be compelled to test.4y In such pro
ceedings , unless the legal Issues had
already been formulated. Where a suit
is merely pending and the evidence has
not been submitted to the court , a wit
ness without being In contempt could
refuse to answer any question pro
Citizens of Honolulu are demanding
the resignation of the court of claims
appointed through j.lcKinley to award
Judgments for the Ohnatown fire losses.
The mrcBldent/e recolnmendatiorc-as
to the installation of officers , in ; l'prp (
Rico , as embodied in the , message , wi'u
be promptly 'acted upon by the rh'6uso
committee on insular affairs.
Daniel Fultz , a pioneer Summer
county , I&insas , "farmer/ / living "near
Udall , was killed by a dehorned bull
\vhlle trying to halter the animal/
Veterinary Surgeon J. C. Hamilton ,
forrnerjy of Chicago , dropped dead at
Shelbyville , Ind. Ho was unmarried
and 50 yearp of age. '
Persia , is in danger of a famine , ow *
Ins to the failure of the crops.
Thq Stocknojm , , Sweden ,
lias voted 3,000,000 kroner for ammuni
tion and rifles , 12,000,000 for new fiefd
artillery , 320X)00 ) for the volunter rlne
association and agreed to increase the
new naval- constructions , for jyui to
1,725,000 kroner.
Great Britain offers to arbitrate for
Chile and Venezuela.
An tonni'chlst plot was discovered at
Ancona , a city and free port of central
Italy on the Adriatic. The police seized
a number' of * letters from Paris and
America , arid arrested the recipients
of these missives.
A cablegram was received , at tjiq Vf ( r
department from Governor XJenerm
Wood otatlng tnat the Cuban1 dldctfons
will bo held Juno 1C. - ' " " < -1
Miss Jennie Davis , employed i in thoi
treasury department at Washington
and homo on a.yo tlc c nj mtte
suicide by drinking poison at Kowa-
nee , III. Despondency was the cause ,
The Filipino ! Lese Over a Thousand Men
in Seven Days-
I.OBS on Ainrrlrnii Sltlo U Only SllRht
1'llnr KMRIIKOR ( Jiirrlniin lit Sun MlRtiuI
Thirty-ruth Infiiiilry < icl Thrco
Hours of Night righting.
MANILA , April 23-LUat week has
been one of the bloodiest of the war
Blnco the first day's fighting "round
Manila. Authentic repot to , mostly of
ficial , show a total of 378 Filipinos
killed , twelve ofllcers nntl ill men cap-
lined and many more wounded. The
number wounded Is hardly BUCHS-
nblO , as a great majority of
the Wounilpd will tlio. the
week's work finished l.-IN InminjontH.
The Auu'rlcnUH1 IOHH wnn nine killed and
ulxtecn wounded. Two Hcrgcmntfl and
one private were hilled In ambush and
while escorting provision trains.
The Insurgents have been aggressive
Ih almost i-vury province of Luzon.
Oeenral Plo del Plltir'a b mil , mmilu-r-
Ing . " 00 , which was out of sight for three
months , the leader being icportcd kill
ed , has reappeared In its old field about
San Miguel.
Pllitr hi supposed to be again in com
mand. Ho gave the American garrison
at San Miguel , consisting of throe com
panies of the Thirty-fifth Infantry , with
a galling , a thiee hours' fight , during a
night attack. The loss of the insur
gents In this engagement Is not Includ
ed In the foregoing totnl , an they re
moved their dead and wounded , but
pieautnably considerable.
Twenty Filipinos in the province of
Satangc-H attacked Lieutenant Wonde ,
who , with elht men , were ncoutlng
near San Jose. The lieutenant uud live
men were wounded and one private
was killed.
Sergeant Lcdoim of the Thirty-fifth
Infantry , with seventy men , had n. livu
hours' light with -100 Insurgents In the
Ncuva Cacoras district. Twenty of the
Insurgents \\erc killed.
Colonel Smith of the Seventeenth In
fantry , who captured General Monte
negro , and brought him to Manila , Is
In the isolation-honpltal , suffering rom
ptnallpnx , presumably caught from the
Colonel Smith's command captured
ISO olllcera and men with Montenegro.
The officers were brought to Manila.
Montenegro , onu of the dapper ofllcerH
In the Filipino army , looks worn and
haggard. He says he led a terrible life
for months , and he has offered to , re
turn to the north With Colonel Smith ,
to endeavor to persuade his fotnicr
comrades of the usolefinneaa of opposing
the Americans.
One hundred escaped Spanish prison
ers from' tile province of Tayabas , South
Luzon , have arrived at Manila.
The Insurgents have 400 morp , Span-
lards In that district. Keeently the
Filipinos destroyed several rods of the
nillroad line near Panlquo , in an un
successful attempt to wreck a train.
lilt : Money In Kleetrlelty.
NEW YORK , April 23. The annual
report of the General Electric company
Issued today shows gross receipts for
the year cming.Jamiary ] 31 , 1'JOO , o
? 23,2'18,170' . Of this amount there was
a total profit for the , year of ? 5-17D,130.
Tlio sum of ? 1 , 282070 was absorbed In
paying dividends on preferred and
common block and interest on out
standing debentures , the patent ac
count was reduced by $2,000,000 and
an addition to the surplus acqount was
made of $2,19C-159. This leaves a pres
ent surplus with a balance ot $150,570
carried forward from last year of $2-
Jumped l-roiu tlio Jtrnuklyn
NEW YORK , April 23. Miss Marie
DInse of this city Jumped from the
Brooklyn bridge without serious Inju
ries. Many men have made this leap
into the waters of the East river since
the bridge has been completed. Most
of them have perished , but Miss Dlnso
Is the second woman who has over at
tempted to end her life In this way. On
September C , 1895 , a Mrs. McArthur
Jumped from the bridge and was but
slightly Injured. She was discharged
when arraigned In a police court. On
August 30 of the same year Mrs. Mc
Arthur made n , second attempt to Jump
but was stopped by the bridge police.
< 3 one ml Itlvoru to
HANA , April 23. General Rlus
Rivera , secretary of agriculture , has
had a long Interview with Governor
General Wood regarding the letter
which ho wrote urging a union of po
litical parties and unanimous domaud
of independence by the end of 1901.
General Rivera will probably resign
early this week from his official posi
tion. The Cubano predicts that the re
maining secretaries will do likewise ,
as it is recognized that General Rivera
holds a powerful Influence. Otnor sec
retaries of agriculture will not affect
them. They give It as their belief that
the party will bo benefited by nivora's
HP Hns One Wife Too Many.
TACOMA , April 23. Uowland i' .
Hill , professor of mathematics at the
Pugct Sound university , and formerly
mining speculator and business man
of Blalne , Nob. , was arrested hero on
a charge of bigamy. Ho Is accused of
marrying a cbraska girl five years
after he deserted a wife In England.
Hill docs not deny he has another wife
living , but ho claims ho read n state
ment In n Nebraska paper to the effect
that desertion of a wlfo In a foreign
country for five years had boon con
strued by the Nebraska courts , as a di
vorce. His English wlfo is an actress
and Hill cays that they never lived to-
Kml of OooliPl InvpHtlnnttnii ,
FRANKFORT , Ky. , April ' 23. While
the Franklin county grand Jury has
not adjourned it Is understood that the
investigation of the Goebel asasslna-
tlon has been 'completed. ' The indict
ment against republican Governor Tay
lor , charging him with being an acces
sory to the murder , will bo held up till
after the argument of the governorship
contest case , which is docketed fpr
hearing before the supreme court at
Washington , April 30 , and it is said by
persons in the councils of the prose
cution that no such warrant wllj bq issued -
sued or other steps taken in the case
till after that time.
Americans to Ho CoinpeiiFmteil Sumo nn
Otlirr Foreign Hiihjrrtn.
porto has replied to tlio American de-
innndB , stating Hint Turkey will com-
ponHnto Amcrlcnn nilsHlonarlcH under
the name conditions as In the case of
other foreign subjects' .
The United States legation 1ms
Joined the other eftibasslCH In protestIng -
Ing against the IncrcnEo of Import
Tlit ) portc has not yet replied to the
colcctlvc note , but the changed
tone of the Ottoman olllclnlH leads to
rt belief that u settlement IKIH been
readied In conformity with the de
mands of the foreign republics. It Is
now fully expected that the portc will
invite the embassies to discuss the
proposed changes.
There Is general Interest In polit
ical circles regarding the attitude of
the United States In the Indemnity
claim and It IB bullevcd that the pow-
cts having similar claims will support
American action.
WASHINGTON , April 23. Neither
Secretary Hay nor the Turkish minis
ter has been advised of the reported
action of the portc In replying to the
American demands. In the absence
of ofllclal Information and of the spe
cific conditions of the reply , officials
here prefer not to discuss the matter ,
but express the hope that n satisfac
tory and amicable settlement of the
dlflcrcnces between the two countries
may bo reached.
Fiercely Altiickcd JJulgctty'n To-
Kltloit to Anticipate Kullor.
MASERU , Basutoland , April 23.
Evening Four Boer guns have been
hard at work all day on colonel Dal-
gety's position , i ne British guns have
replied at Intervals.
The Boers are divided into three di
visions , two bo ng in positions to re
pel the relief columns , the distant roar
of whoso artillery Is audible.
General Brabant's relief force is re
ported to be today in the neighborhood
of Bushman's Kop , twenty miles from
The Basutos arc posted on the border
for defensive purposes. They are be-
liavlng in orderly fashion , but are
showing the most Intense interest in
the outcome of the developments of the
next twenty-four hours.
MASERU , Basutoland , April 23.
General Brabat's guard reached-Bush-
ma's Kop last evening. The Boers hold
a strong position there , with two guns.
The engagement opened at sunrise
with heavy rifle fire. At 0:30 : a. m. can
nonading began and continued for sev
eral hours.
General Brabant's forces arc on the
plain and have fairly open country all
the way to Wepener.
Evidently the Boers reattacked Dal-
gely today.
Colonel Dalgoty heliographs :
"All well. Boers fired 300 shells yes
terday with doing much damage. "
Uoni ! Unices of Silver I.i-iuler Sought to
Sotllo tlio Illffcreiici'i.
TOPEKA , Kan. , April 23. While W.
J. Bryan Is In Wichita this week hig
good ofllccs , will it is said , be sought
to settle differences existing between
the populists and democrats in the
Sixth and Seventh districts , where fu
sion is split wide open on account of
the attitude of rival nominees for con
The fusion politicians arc very
much concerned by the situation in
these districts and they also look for
ward to tlio Third district democratic
and populist conventions , set for May
21 , with much alarm , for If a demo
crat be not given the united nomina
tion in that district a split will , it is
predicted , "bo inevitable between the
two state conventions to bo held later
at Fort Sscott. The district Is now
represented In congress by Hon. E. R.
lUdgoly , populist. Mr. Bryan Is booked
to speak at Wichita on Tuesday.
Sao No KeiiHon AVhy lloor DulcpUloa
Should Visit That Country.
BERLIN , April 23. The semi-official
Berliner Post publishes an inspired
article In which It is stated tiiat the
sentiment regarding the Boers still re
mains friendly Turoughout Germany ,
but that the government sees no rea
son why tUe Boer peace delegation
should come to Berlin , since no good
could bo gained from such a visit ,
Germany being unable to render the
slightest service , either in friendly of
fices to both sides or In intermediation
so long as Great Britain remains de
termined to reject both. ' *
lip the ( letiorals.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 23. The
senate committee on military affairs
reached an agreement to report the bill
for the reorganization of the army
with a number of amendments. The
bill confers tlio rank of lieutenant gen-
erai upon tlio senior major general and
that of major general upon the adju
tant general of the army.
to He it Nohnmlmn.
CHICAGO , April 23. The Chicago
police say they have eighteen cases
against C. 0. Charleston , under arrest
on the. charge of getting small sums
of money from various persons on
worthless checks. Charleston is said
to bo a former Justice of the peace and
a former member of the Nebraska leg
Last year the American people con
sumed 2,000,000 tons of sugar , of which
1,385,000 tons were raado by the sugar
DutCij for Admiral uud Tarty on Their
Trip-Through the West.
WASHINGTON , April -Admlral
and Mrs. Dowc-y will leave hero In a
special train over the Baltimore & Ohio
railroad Sunday , April 20 , on their trip
to Chicago , St. Louis , Memphis , Nash-
vlllo and Knoxvllle. They will arrive
in Chicago at noon Monday , Aprlj 30.
Wednesday morning , May 3 , the Chicago
cage & 'Alton railroad will take the
special to Jacksonville , 111. , whore a
three-hours' stop will bo made. St.
Louis will be reached in the evening.
Belief tbat Ooloncl Baden-Powell No
Longer Ooramanda at Mafeking.
Country In Torrlblo Condition and Fever
I * Deolumtlni : Bllifcltlnj ; Flood \Vntorn
Adding to IIiirilnhlM Cecil Itliodot
niukcs Unuxiioctril Dcjmrturo 1'roin
London fur the Capo.
LONDON , April 21. Now York
World Cablegram Special Telegram. )
In Colonel Baden-Powell , the hero of
Mafeking , dead or sick ?
The rumor that ho Is one or the
other came from Boer sources early
this week. Of course It was discred
ited , but It is remarkable that for three
weeks now the dispatches received
from Mafeking the last dated April
11 do not mention his name. Until
this silence Colonel Baden-Powell's
name , his varied activities , his schemes
and his Interchanges of hostilities
with the Boor forces Investing Mafe
king , filled all the Mafeking d la-
Lady Sarah Wilson's latest dis
patches make mention of "tho com
mandant , " but Baden-Powell's name
is conspicuous by its absence ,
Tlio war office's reply to my Inquiry
about the colonel was , "Wo have no In
formation. " If the war officials had
any evidence to contradict the Boer re
port they undoubtedly would quickly
publish it. Yet that report remains
That the British authorities should
desire to suppress news of Baden-Pow
ell's death ( If true ) as long as possi
ble Is easy to understand , for publica
tion of It would embolden the Boers to
make n final dash for the possession
of Mafeking.
Major Lord Edward Cecil , son of
Lord Salisbury , must be In command
If Colonel Baden-Powell Is dead of dis
LONDON , April 21. A cable from
Bloemfontoin reports fighting at Ka
roe siding , six miles north of Glen.
This is an indication that the British
forces have begun the advance on Pre
toria , but even if this wore only an un
important skirmish there arc many
other Indications that Lord Roberts is
either starting or has already started
for the northern goal.
A dispatch from Capetown under to
day's date says :
"The censorship restrictions have
been greatly increased , owing to the
movements of the troops. " All the dis
patches bear traces of the strenuous
efforts of the correspondents to give
their papers an inkling of what is
"The Boers south of Bloemfontein
arc reported to bo retreating. Large
commandos were seen April 19 , near
Thaba N'Chu , moving to the north.
Their nrosress was slow , however , ow
ing to the terrible condition of the
country. By way of Pretoria comes a
report that fever Is decimating the
Mafeking garrison and a letter from
I ho mayor of Mafoklng says Lord Rob
ert" ? asked Colonel Baden-Powell to
hold out until May 20.
Iluslness 1'ortlon of u North Iil ) tn
Town Entirely Drstroj-cil.
GRAND FORKS , N. D. , April 21.
Word was received here this after
noon that Edinburg in the northern
part of Walsh county was burning and
almost Immediately after the first in
formation came to hand the telegraph
wires went down and It was impossi
ble to get further information from
that source. A telephone message to
Park River brought the following par
ticulars from a reliable source :
The fire started at 3 p. m. in the
roar of Platens drug store , standing
at the south end of the business portion
tion of the town. A south wind aided
the flames in quickly spreading and ,
before anyone was aware what had
happened the whole town was ablaze.
It was impossible to learn how the
flro originated.
Several people attempted to save
their personal belongings , but wore
compelled to abandon the attempt and
flee for their lives. Two women , Mrs.
Lindahl and Mrs. B. .7. Orson , perished
in the flames and one child barely es
caped. The residence portion of the
city Is uninjured. The chief sufferers
are business men and the people who
occupied apartments above stores.
Freight Kutes Cancelled.
NEW YORK. April 21. It is an
nounced by a Wall street news agency
that the through freight rates between
the Pacific coast and all points south
of the Ohio and east of the Mississippi
river were canceled today. All of the
Interested roads , including the South
ern Pacific , have issued notices to that
effect. As a result of this action , the
transcontinental rates east of the Mis
sissippi river arc added to the rate be
tween San Francisco and the river and
the through rate advanced in the exact
lamoumt of the added local , which
ranges from 30 cents per 100 pounds
to $1 and more In some instances.
WnntH SOOO.OOO More.
WASHINGTON , D. C. . April 21.
Attorney General Griggs was before
the house committee on public build
ings and grounds today to urge an
additional $900,000 appropriation for
the proposed now department of Justice
To Kouort ( Jr.iml Armv Hill.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , April 21.
After extended conferences the house
committee on invalid pensions , of
which Representative Sulloway of Now
Hampshire is chairman , finally deter
mined today to report to the house
senate bill 1477 , which is known as the
"Grand Army bill. " The final draft of
the bill aggregates the disabilities un
der which applications may bo made
for pension under the act of Juno 27 ,
1809. The other radical change in ex
isting law is the changing of the rate
of Income of a soldier's widow from
the present rate of $90 per year to an
"actual net income of $250 per year. "
State Dcp.irtindit Proceeding Wlt'lt Cnu *
tlon In ltd U'orli.
WASHINGTON , April 21. Secre
tary Hay returned to Washington to
day from New York. An accumula
tion of departmental business awaited
him , but nothing in the nature of an
ultimatum directed to the Turkish
government was Included In the mass
of correspondence.
It Is apparent that , though deter
mined upon positive action , the State
department Is proceeding decorously
and with duo precautions against be
ing led Into any position which it can
not maintain. It may be stated by
authority that the State department
is entirely satisfied of the accuracy
of Minister Slams' statement relative
to the promises made to him by the
porte , notwithstanding the attempted
explanations and efforts to becloud the
Issue by declarations that the sultan's
promises were conditional.
The minister's dispatches , sent
while he was in Constantinople , nro
couched In exact terms ; his written
statements were fully confirmed by
his oral explanations to the depart
ment upon his return to the United
States , and , moreover , the pledges ho
secured were similar to those made
to the two proceeding United States
ministers to Turkey. In the opinion
of the State department officials it is
Inconceivab.c that three United States
ministers should bo consecutively de
ceived' in the terms of a promise or
should have reached similar misunder
The approval which the State de
partment's latest action seems to have
iccelvcd in Europe was anticipated ,
It being realized here that several of
the continental powers having claims
similar to our own against Turkey ,
being themselves prevented from Imi
tating any forcible demand upon the
Turkish government by reason of the
Jealousy of their neighbors , arc en
tirely willing that the United States
government shall act as a pioneer in
this matter and clear the way for a
prosecution of their own claims.
It is also believed here that the
European powers arc hopeful that the
attitude assumed by the United States
may Indirectly servo to deter the
Turkish government from the pro
posed arbitrary Increase of 3 per cent
In customs dues which it seeks to
make in defiance of the Joint protest
of the European powers. It appears
that our government Is lending Its
moral support to this pr.otest , for while
not Joining with the others in the
combined note , our charge , Mr. Gris-
com , has been instructed to make
lopresentations on our own account
in opposition to the Increase of duties.
Itlnc'or Ilcrmnn KtilcH on thu Hill to Give
Nelirmlci Settlers u 1.1ft.
WASHINGTON , April 20. Commis
sioner Herman of the general land
oflice. reporting upon the bill "for the
iclief of homestead settlers on that
portion of the great Sioux reservation
lying and being in the state of Ne
braska , formerly in the torrltory of
Dakota , now South Dakota , " says that
the design of the bill is to amend all
laws in force respecting that portion
of the great Sioux reservation in Ne
braska , so as to relieve the homestead
settlers thereon from the payment of
1.25 per acre. That the settlers shall
receive patents for their homestead
entries on the payment of the usual
land fees , without being required to
pay any other or additional sum. This ,
Mr. Herman says , would be a discrim
ination In favor of these settlers and
against those In South Dakota upon
the former Sioux reservation. In view
of this fact , and that settlers on In
dian lands generally arc required to
pay for the lands entered by them a
sum per aero sufficient to cither reim
burse the government for the amount
paid to the Indians or to compensate
the Indians for the lands ceded by
them , the commissioner says he can
not recommend the passage of the bill.
Twelve PnckR of 85 Letters.
BOSTON , Mass. , April 21. Twelve
sacks of mail addressed to Francis
Truth , the "divine healer , " who was
arrested recently , charged with fraud ,
have been impounded by the United
States government under the usual
"fraud order. " Many of the thousands
of letters contained in the twelve mail
sacks carry money for "absent treat
ment. "
Truth's usual charge was ? 5 for ab
sent treatment , so that necessarily the
amount of money contained in the let
ters is very largo
ICenrKiinl/iitton of tlio Army.
WASHINGTON , Auril 21. The sen
ate committee on military affairs to
day reached an agreement to report
the bill for the reorganization of the
army , with a number of amendments.
The bill confers the rank of lieutenant
general upon the senior major gener
al , and that of major general upon the
adjutant general of the nrmy.
Millions of Dollars Worth of I'rojierty
Destroyed In tlio South.
NEW ORLEANS , April 22. The
flood which commenced the early part
of the week has alread caused , at a
conservative estimate , fully $3,000,000
loss in central and southern Missis
sippi , to say nothing of the damage
sustained by the railroads. The ex
tent of the losses have not yet been
fully realized , and it may be some
days yet before an accurate total can-
be reacehd , for mall communication
has been totally cut off between those
localities which have simered most
and tlic outside world.
In Louisiana , too , the damage done
by the unprecedented rains was great.
A special from Columbus , Miss. , re
ceived late tonight , fixes the loss In
that little town and Us Immediate vi
cinity at $500,009. Many farm houses
were carried away by the mad waters ,
the occupants barely escaping with
their lives , and the number of cattle
destroyed was great. A great many
cotton gins and mill houses were
washed away. Nearly every bridge
around Columbia was swept down
street. The Pearl river is now higher
than it has been known for many
years. Miles and miles ot the New
Orleans & Northwestern track is still
under water.
. - rtjni
' '
Every old maid is a living monument
to some woman who didn't mako1 o
good man miserable.
"Uncle Dan" Whipplo of Traverse
City , Mich. , recently celebrated his
100th birthday there and has Just been
initiated a member of McPhcrson post.
No. 13 , G. A. U. He is believed to ba
the oldest Grand Army rnnn in the
country , in the same past is John I.
Cummlngs , who is perhaps the young
est , having Joined the army at the ago
of 11. Ho served about officers' head
quarters three years and was mustered
out at the close of the war. .
" I Would Cry Every Tlmo I' '
Wly Baby. ' *
"When ho
wns 8 months
old , first fes
ters and then
large boll9
broke out on
my baby's
nock. The
sores spread
down li I s
back until it
became a
mass of raw
flesh. When
I washed
and pow
dered him I ( _
would cry , realizing what pain he was In. .
His pitiful wailing was heart-rending. I
had about Riven up hope of saving him
when I was urged to give him Hood's Snrsa-
parllla , all other treatment having failed.
I washed the sores with Hood's Medicated :
Soap , applied Hood's Olive Ointment and'
gave him Hood's Sarsaparllla. The child :
teemed to get better every day , and very-
soon the change was quite noticeable. The-
discharge grew less , inflammation went
down , the skin took on a healthy color , and
the raw flesh began to scale over and a thin
Ekln formed as the scales dropped off.
Less than two bottles of Hood's Sarsapa
rllla , aided by Hood's Medicated Soap and
Hood's Olive Ointment , accomplished this
wonderful cure. I cannot praise these
medicines half enough. " Mns. GUEHINOT ,
37 Myrtle St. , Rochester , N. Y.
, The above testimonial Is very much con
densed from Mrs. Giierlnot's letter. Aa
many mothers will be Interested In reading
the full letter , we will send It to anyone
who sends ; reques.t ol us on a postal card.
Mention this paper.
A salary of SlSpcrwook and expenses will
bo pnid to mnn with ouo or two-horbo rig
to _ introduce our Poultry Compound and
Lice Killer nmoup Fnnnors. Address with
stamp , Acuio Mfg. Co. , Dos Moines , Iowa.
Women are not of a warlike nature ,
yet they frequently storm piano-fortes.
If afflicted a with , mo } Thompsons Eye Wafer.
- - quIckrcllcfnnclc.tireBwortt
races. Hook of testimonials and to HAYS'treatment
1 IlKIi. III ! . II. II. MlhL.VS BUMS , tiox 1) ) . / tlanU , Ol.
'Get ' Your Pension
Write CAPT. O'FARRULL. Pension Acent ,
1425 New York Avenue. WASHINGTON , D , C.
i I.ocomotor Ataxlu con
quered at la-t. Poctciis
_ . _ . _ - . - puzzled. Specialists
mnnrod nt recovery of pntlcnt * tUoiilit | tnrurnljlo by
Write me about your cute. Advice mid proofof curcn
i lux. mi , HUSK. 224 N.ioth St.riuiADKti'iiurA
Patent mlvertlird
free. Fruo lul-
vlco as to patentability. Bond for Inventor's
1'rlmer , free. MILO B. STEVENS & CO. , E -
taMUhcd 16C.4 , 817 14lh fet , , Washington , D. C.
lirsncb Offlces : Cblcaeo , Cleveland and Detroit.
If jon tnlto up your
homes in Western Can
ada , the land of plenty.
Illustrated pumpliletp ,
Kh'Ing experiences of
farmers who have be
come wealthy In Krow-
Ina wheat , reports of
delegates , etc. . and full
Information us to reduced railway rates can bo
had on application to the Superintendent of
Immigration , Dcpurtmcnfof Interior , Ottawa ,
Cnniwla , or to M. V. B'jnnott , 8U1 Now York
Llfo BldR , Omnliu , Neb.
$3 & 3.SO SHOES
.Indorcotl by over
> 1,000,000-wenrers.
Thcnenttine haveW. L. .
Douglas * name and price
stamped on bottom. Take I
no substitute claimed to be
as pood. Your dealer
thould keep them if
not , we will tend a palr <
I on receipt of price and 350. ra.a/
| extra for carnaje. State kind of leather ,
S1f. ? ' .an W1 < 1'1 > Ilaln or " toeCit. . free.
XICT irons W. L DOUGtAS SHOE CO. , Brockton. Mass. ,
o ( the Age
NoDollIno No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It polishes the Goods
It makes nil garments fresh and crUp
M when nrst bouijhl new.
Try a Sample PockaRo
You'll like It If you try It. r i . {
You'll buy It if you try U.
You'll use it If you try It.
Try It.
Bold by all Grocers.
\V. N. U.-OMAHA. No. 17-1900