Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 26, 1900, Image 1

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    3 , ;
The man wht dtnrotcs all his energies
o ono line of work , btcouics master of
hat particular ) l"e. My facilities arc
most complete. Ecvry aid that eclcnce
ana mechanical Ingenuity has devised for
sucoBsfnl eye testing and glass filing , IB at
my command. .
Graduate of Chlcaea Optlmlmlc College.
fffi V ! ft * WA'.fAt ; w. ; : t /iW ; ! ; ' . .v.
IP fe * ; ,
This is the season of the
year , farmers should bethinking
thinking of protecting their
crops against hail storms.
The way to do this is to
take out a policy of insur
ance in the old and reliable
St. Paul Fire & Marino In
surance Co. of St. Paul ,
Minn. Their company has
been writing Hail Insur
ance for sixteen years and
is thoroughly reliable and
pays cash in case of loss.
Consultation and testamo-
nials free ; patronage solic
W. D. Blackweli ; Agent
A * Farmor'8 Bank.
The Latest
Wall - : - Paper
, Q. Haeberle s. '
See our new whips and price
them , R. Gt. CARR ,
West Union.
W. H. Penn & Co. have just re
ceived a now line of clothing for
the spring trado.
Yoal We still have Harness at
very low prices. Well , what odds
does it make to you how wo got
our goods. R. G. CARR ,
West Union.
Those dandy snap locks , polcB
and curtains are just in. All BJ/.OH
and lengths at A. W. Drake's.
Tablets , Pencils , Writing Paper
and Envelopes , cheaper than over
Fresh homemade broad for solo
at Farmer's Restaurant , third door
north of post office , Broken Bow ,
FARM FOR SALE : . At Upton ,
100 acres of good farm laud , 8G
acres in cultivation rnd the rest
fenced In posture , with throe wires.
Good four room , sod house ; corn
crib and grainory , each 12x10 foot ,
connected ; stable and chiokon
house etc. For particulars call on
J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or
Stephen Wiloox , on premises.35-3m
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , Broken
Fresh Saesafraas at.
Boy's and children's anils ot the
latest patterns at W.II. Penn & Go's
Patent BIcdioncs at the
BDUthwost of town , during spring
and summer. 4t pd.
Pepsin Gum , two paukages tor u
Glrtss Ware and Tin Ware ohoaper
than over at the RACKET STOKE
Remember that another invoice
of organs will bo in this week , in
oak cases. See them before buy
ing. A.W. DRAKE.
Wo carry everything usually kept
in a general store. 12 good tum
blers for 24 cents.
11. G. OARR , West Union.
VCH ! Wo got something now
every day at low prices. Wo will
sell goods higher next ( all.
R. G. OARU , West Union.
"A thing of beauty is a joy forever -
ever ; " so are those chefoniorres at
A. W. Drake's.
Just received , a nioo line of spring
hats at W. H. Peun & Go's.
Spring : s here ! Drink Sassafrass
Tea for your blood.
Ladies Dress Skirts $1.72 to
$2.50 at the RACKET STORK.
You can save money by buying
goods of R. G. Carr , at the West
Union mills.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab-
utraot Co. when in need of an ab.
stract of title. E. Royso abstractor.
stamps , 35 for 20cat 11.L. Glazier's
studio , wcHt side square.
.Single oomb Bard Plymouth
Rock and uinglo comb brown Leg *
horn's ; fine as talk. Eggs , fifteen
for 75 cents. Leave orders at Poale
& John's. Standard bred ; will pro
duce credentials ; eggs ohoaper aflor
Cannon City coal at Dierks
Lumber Co.
Write Ilayden Bros. , Omaha ,
Wholesale Supply House for prises
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
Now frames and mouldings for
spring trade ; sorno of the finest over
shown here ; all at low prices and
some still lowor. At A.W. Drake's.
Good Saddle pony for sale.
m22 tf A. T. SEYBOLT.
WALL PAPER All new and
artistic designs. All 1900 paterns
at J. C. BOWENS.
Tapestry and Chenille Stand
Covers at 75 and 85 cents , worth
$1.50 at fhe RACKET STORE.
WANTED Twenty-five betting
hens. .Address combination box
74 , Broken Bow , Nob.
The rain has come ; so have A.
W. Drake's folding beds. Call and
see thorn.
Abstracts compiled promptly and
accurately by the Broken Bow Ab
stract Co , E. Royso abstractor.
Goo. llontz can show some of the
best work of papering douo in the
city this spring. If you want a
fine and economical job of papering
or painting call on Goo. llontr.
Residence west of Catholic church.
shoes , Ladies shoes , children's
shoes , in fact shoes for evetybody.
Plow shoes , vici kid shoes , Ladies
fine dress shoe , Ladies Oxfords
of all styles , Bicycle shoes , Tennis
shoes. 'J he Larges variety. The
Largest stock and the Largest
Bargains in shoes , in Custer
County at the RACKHT STORE ,
South East corner , Broken Bow ,
Good trunks of sizes and prices
to suit atV. . H. Penn & Co'a. Call
and BOO thorn.
ESTRAYJCIJ Span black mules ,
medium size , ono a mare and ono a
horse mule ; estrayed from my place
ten miles north of Milburu. Finder
please notify me at Browator.
Porter Nomlnattd for County Attorney-Col.
Savage , Senator Currle and Ed Royie Each
Kndoried for Governor , United State * Senate
and National Delegate , Reiptctivnty.
Broken Bow , Neb. , April 21.
Ropublioan county convention
was called to order at 10:45 by Ed
Royao , chairman of the county cen
tral committee. The session was
opened with prayer by Rev. E. A.
Knight. Thp chair then read the
call and a letter from Chairman
Tefft , of the state central ocmmit-
too. On motion Lewis MoOreary
was elected temporary ohairtnan.
In a short speech Mr. MoCroary
thanked the convention for the
honor. D. M. Amsbarry WAS elect
ed secretary. On motion of T. J.
Wood the chair was authorized to
appoint four committees of five
members each , as follows : On
credentials , permanent organization ,
order of business and resolutions.
CBBDKNTIALS 0 II Miller , Julius
Ottan , W H Ccmstook , P E Van
Antwerp , P O Brown.
Foxworthy , Frank Walton , C 0
L nd , J H MoQuiro , T J Wood.
ham , John Comstook , S C Wal-
dron , 3 B Hawthorne , D MSnvillo.
Jules Haumont , B F Wriggle , II
YV George , L J Gandy.
Convention adjourned to 1:30 : p.m
The session convened at 2 p. in. ,
and was called to order by Chair
man McCreary.
The committee on credentials re
ported all townships represented
but Klim and Elk Creek. Report
The committee on permanent or
ganization reported in favor of H.
W George for permanent chairman ,
D. M. Ameberry secretary and B B
Hawthorne assistant secretary. Re
port adopted. The chair appointed
T J Wood and C O Lind to con
duct the chairman elect to the plat
form. While waitinpr for the com-
mittoa to find the chairman-elect.
Senator Currio appeared in the hall
and was called out for a speech.
Ho responded in his usual happy
and eloquent manner.
Chairman George was introduced
and made an enthusiastic speech
thanking the convention for the
The Elk Creek delegation oamo
in and on motion of Wood Elk
Creek was sonted.
Tbo committee on order of busi
ness made the following report :
1. Report of oommittoo on cre
2. Report of committee on per
manent organization.
5. Selection of precinct commit
4. beleotion of representative
6. Selection of senatorial del
G. Selection of congressional
delegates ,
7. Selection of state delegates.
8. Nomination of county alter
0. Report of committee on res
Report adopted.
On motion a roll call of town
ships was had for the purpose of as
certaining the names of the county
central committee , as elected by
the several townships. The fol
lowing is a list of the names :
Algernon. . . Jas. Falrfleld
Anilov. . . . . . . . Tom Wrlcnt
Arnold J. U.McUuiie
Ilerwyn J O Taylor
UrokenBow Ed Royeo
OHM Herman Klutnp
Castor John Forworlhy
Delight H. H. Andrews
Douglas aroTO H. U Glover
Klk Oreok Chas Harrlseon
Oarfisld Jalca Hanmont
Grant B.C. Waldron
Hayes T. T. Winchester
Kilfoil J. J. Stinford
Lillian Oeo. W. Denoy
Lnp WAGcorgo
Myrtle Francis Mai eh
Sargent K. P. Savage
Triumph Vlctoifa C. D. ' - 1'clhum ' "
Wayne 0. O. Llnti
WesterYlllo ! > SI. Savlllo
West Union J. O. Prodmore
WoodKver F. B. VanAn werp
On motion the convention pro
ceeded to select committees to name
delegates for the representative
sunatorial , congressional and state
conventions. The several commit
tees woru solooted on roll call of
townships , and ono committodman
being named from each township
for each of the committees.
A motion by Fox worthy to allow
Ed Royst ) to name the delegates to
the congressional convention was
voted down.
DA recess of thirty minutes was
taken to give the eeveral oomrait-
teoa time to bring in their reports.
The committee on delegates to the
representative convention recommended
mended the following for delegates :
Jno Mulvanoy , Ran Anderson , G O
Waters , Horace Kennedy , Jiio Fox-
worthy , Godfrey Nanool , II W Al
bert , Jules Hamuout , W L Cox , R
H Sargont , J F Brysou , F Walton ,
C C Gardner , Daniel Sago , 0 D
Polham , Jno Soott , Lambert Walk
er , 0 W Rod fern.
Report adopted.
The senatorial committee recom
mended the following named per
sons as delegates to the senatorial
convention. J II MoAdams , John
E. Gray , J 0 Taylor , R Ryorson ,
Leonard Horsh , J B Klurap , T C II
Bayrhoffer , J U Evans , H B Glover ,
Jules Haumont , Hod George , F E
Dalano , J S Spoonor , 0 D Polham ,
James P Davis , John Welsh , J C
Prcdmore , J D Thurman.
Report adopted.
The oommittoo on congressional
delegates recommended the follow
ing as delegates to the congression
al convention. T J Wood , T T
Varnoy , F G Hagin , I P Milla , L
H Jowott , D M Amsberry , E Royso ,
Jud Kay , John Cavonoe , Louie Mc-
Cioary , W H Comstook , John Mul-
vaney , Walt George , F Marsh , Col
Savage , F M Curne , A fl Copaoy ,
F E Van Antwerp.
Report adopted.
The committee on state delegates
recommended the following : R K
Miller , H K Atkisson , with F C
Wilson his alternate , E P Savage ,
M E Vandenborg , C J Stevens , Chas
Penn , W E Talbot , F J Drum , J O
Taylor , Andrew Shorbook , G W
Chaffin , Louis Uaumont , H W
George , D M Savillo , A Fonda , J.
U Chapman , S C Waldron. Motion
to accept the report of oommittoo
on state delegates was amended to
adept the lint by precincts. The
question was discussed by W F
Zumbrunn , II II Andrews , F M1
Currie , Cbas Penu , L J Gindy C J
Stevens , J F Foxworthy , T C II
Bayorhoffor and others. It de
veloped that the amendment in the
discussion that the delegates from
Callaway were opposed to J H
Chapman being a delegate. The
mover of the original motion , J 0
Taylor , withdrew his motion and
the amendment was adopted. The
name of each delegate recommended
was read and adopted oxoopt the
name of Chapman. It was moved
tint his unmo bo dropped and the
name of John Reese substituted.
A roll call was ordered and the re
sult was IdS in support of the mo
tion and 56 against.
On motion the delegates to the
congressional convention were in
structed to use all honorable means
to secure the election of Ed Royoo
as delegate to the National conven
tion from the Sixth district
On motion J C Porter of Ansloy ,
was nominated by acclamation for
oounty attorney.
Moved and carried that the del
egation to the state convention use
all honorable means to secure the
nomination of Col E P Savage for
governor in case ho should decide
to be a candidate.
On motion the county central
oommittoo waa authorized to fill
any vacancies that might ooour.
The following resolutions were
read and adopted :
1. That at republicans and oltlzoui of the
greatest nation on earth , we send our greetings
and congratulations to Wm. McKlnloj , the wlae
and patriotic prerldcut , and pledge him the * f the republican party ot Cum or
county In the fulfillment of all the pledges ot the
national platform on which ho was elected.
2. Wo congratulate the present administra
tion upon its prompt and vigorous conduct ol
our recent war with Spain , and are In hearty
accord i < Ith the policy of the administration In
It : conduct of affairs of national Importance In
the Philippine Inland * , and i fflrm that it IB oar
belief that the prtieul policy toward sa'd Inlands
mutt ho maintained until the life , liberty and
properly of oil Ha Inhabitants is sure and safe
from tbo lawlcBBUOPS of the Insurgents of said
islands ,
8. Wo condemn as nnpatilotlo aodunamerlcau
the actions oud nt'erances ot the leader * of the
so-cnlled fusion reform forces In their attompl
to croatj dissatisfaction and an untrue sentlmc-nl
against the government by falsehood and unjust
I. That tbo ropmllcan party of Cutter county
arc In faror of a eorvlco pension of $8.00 per
month , 10 the two hundred thousand worthy
Toterans who are not y < jt on the pension roll
and who are cqunlly as worthy as men who are
now drawing pensions.
5. Wo recognize the able. Impartial services
of Hon. F. M. Currle at state senator , and be
lieving him eminently qualified to fill any olUce
within the elft of the people , we heartily ender >
dor o him as Custer county's candidate for the
position of United States Senator.
f. To the Senate and Houne of Itopreccnta
lives of tbo Fifty-sixth ConcroBs of the United
States : Wo reip ctfully ask for the prompt pas
cage by your honorable bodies ot a lUteonU
amendment to tuoconetltntlon to be submitted
tot oteveral states for ra.lflcatlon , pioblbltlng
I ho dlefrauchlannent ot the United States clti *
ztue on account of BOX ,
We appreciate the loyalty and patriotism ol
our young men ID supporting our cuntrr'a honor
unil flag In the Philippine Islands.
8. Knowing that prosperity bus returned and
that the evil prophesies of demagogues and ofllce
n'okcis made in 1698 have been proven falsa by
the course of business events since the election
ot 1'rcilcleut Mclilnley , we submit these resolu
tions to tha voters of Castor county and ask that
every > epublicau do bin fill duty in the cam
paign before us.
G. P. Buttorfleld has boon sick
for the past week , but is now able
to be around part of the time.
P. 0. Brown , J. 0. Taylor and
Ras Anderson were Berwyn repre
sentatives at the republican oounty
" "
, "t
* *
The manufacturers of Royal
Baking Powder have always declined
to produce a cheap baking powder -XS
at the sacrifice of quality.
The Royal is made from the
most highly refined and wholesome
ingredients , and is the embodiment
of all the excellence possible to be
attained in the highest class baking
Royal Baking Powder costs only
a fair price , and is cheaper at its
price than any similar article.
Samples of mixtures made in imitation of baking
powders , but containing alum , nre frequently dis
tributed from door to door , or given uwny in
grocery stores. Such mixtures arc dangerous
to usein food , and in many cities their sale is
prohibited by law. Alum is a corrosive poison , mid
all physicians condemn baking powders containing ; U.
J. E , Myors of Upton was a
friendly caller at this oflico Satur
A. K. Atkinson , C. D. Polham
wore among the delegates from
Ansolmo Saturdry.
F. E. VanAntworp , ono of the
stalwart republicans , was over from
Wood River Saturday.
Henry Kelley andj Thos. B.
RuBBoll kindly remembered thin
office while in the city Saturday.
J. W. Oomstook , 0. J. Stevens ,
and Jack Gray , wore among the
stalwarts from Ansley Saturdays
Bayorhoffor , Dean , Foxworthy ,
Piokett and Edington , of Ouster ,
took in the convention Saturday.
Fred Suultz and Edwin Lund
were delegates from Elk crock to
the republican convention Saturday.
Ton Hosier , of Ansley , was a
city visitor Saturday , who did not
forgot to remember KB in bin calls.
Wm. Shaad , J. B. and Herman
Klump , of Cliff , were of thoj | niun
ber of delegates in the city Satur
The republican convention- was
largely attended Saturday , every
precinct except Eliui being repre
Jas. Pierce and son William , of
Somerford , were city visitors Ifn-
day. This otlioe acknowledges a
friendly call.
J. F. Biyson , John Cavenoo and
II. W. George wore among the
faithful from Loup township in the
city Saturday.
Andrew Shorbiok , D. M. Savilo ,
John Welsh and F * D. Mills , were
some of the delegates from Wostor-
villo Saturday.
I. P. Mills of Arnold who was
ono of the delegates to the oounty
convention Saturday honored this
office with a call.
Rev. Eploy united in marriage
Saturday at the U. B. parsonage ,
Homer C. Tait and Jennie 0.
Campbell of Cherry oounty. Mr.
Tait is a promimot cattle man ot
Cherry oounty ,
S. K. Miller , T. J. Woods , Jas.
Fairfield and John Mulvanoy repor-
seutod Mason city at the republican
convention Saturday
Dr. C , Piokott is booked to do-
liovor a lecture on Odd-follos-ship
to the I.O. O. F. lodge at Callaway
this evening.
S. 0. Waldron , Walter Cox and
Mr. Foster were of the number who
represented Grant township at the
county convention Saturday.
Col. E. P. Savage and Jas. Ilag-
arty , of Sargont , were friendly call
ers at this oflioo Monday , they were
detained In the city by the rain.
Among the delegates from Doug
las Grove to the oounty convention
Saturday we noticed W. 11. Coin-
stock , S. L. Glover , II. W. Albert-
Thin office acknowledges a
friendly call from D. C. Kouklo ,
of WiHBort Saturday , who waa ouo
of the delegates to the county con
II. U. Andrews , J. J. Douglass ,
Lowin McCreary , G. B. Mair , J. H.
Chapman and Otis Bernard wore
among the partiua f/oiu Callaway
Thoo. A. Miller , who for a time
WBH foreman in thiH oflijo , wont to
Morna Tuesday whore ho will work
for the Morna Sun. Mr. Miller in a
faithful workman and houost
young man and the beat wishes of
the Republican aocompaines him
to hU new field ,
Dr. O. L. Mullius has boon ap
pointed Surgon of the now Ne
braska Rogimout of National
guards now being formed. The
Dr. waa assistant surgon of the
First Nebraska Regiment which
did such viliiaut service in Manila.
The appointment is a recognition
of merit well oarnod.
Tne Modioal college has rooently
elected Dr. 0. Piokett a member of
the faculty and assigned to him the
ohair of Psychology , This is a
well merited recognition of ono of
Broken Bows loading pbysoians
and we congratulate the Lincoln
Modioal college as well aa Dr.
Piokott ou the olootion.j