in th& World has such a record ! for ab solutely curing female Ills and kidney troubles as has Lydla E , Pinkham's Vegetable Gompoundm Medicines that are sti ver Used to cure every thing cannot be specifics fas1 any thing 0 Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Gompound will not cure every kind of ill ness that may afflict rssen , women and children f but proof is monumental that it will and does cure alt the His peculiar to women , This is a fact indisput able and can be verified by more than a millffon women , If you are sick don't ex periment , take the medi cine that has the record of the largest number of cures * Lydla E. Plnkham Med. Co. , Lynn , Mass. Prince Albrecht of Prussia bought a lot of land In the Karkobrum- nen Rhine wine district at $10,000 an acre. A HINT FOR SPRING. When IIoiDnkoopors Arc IlrlRhtoiilin ; ( ho Interiors of Their Homes. Now that the backbone of this re markable winter Is broken , housekeep ers arc remarking the dingy look of the home interior. The question of new wall coverings is up. Paper io dear and short lived ; kalsomlnes are dirty and scaly ; paint is costly. The use of such a cement as Alabastlne , for instance , will solve the problem. This admirable wall coating is clean , pure and wholesome. It can be put on with no trouble by anyone ; there is choice of many beautiful tints ; and it is long lasting. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then us o no other. Great Milps for the rnctflc. President Hill of the Great Northern Railroad says that for his proposed transpacific steamship line he has or dered vessels that will carry 0,000 tons , or a measurement capacity of over 28,000 tons. IP. other words , he will have In operation , eighteen months hence , vessels equal in carry- ing capacity to the Campania and the Lucanla combined. The deck room of each vessel will amount to over flve acres. Magnetic Storch is the very best laundry starch in the world. Si Go to your grocer to-day and get a 150. package of It takes the place of cof fee at the cost. Made from pure grains it is nourishing and health * ful. Insist that your ( trocer elres you GHAIN-O. Atc pt no Imitation. rf\l-f , -J- , Keeps both rider and saddle per fectly dry In the hardest storms. Substitutes wllldlsappolnt Ask for :8aT Fish Brand I'ommel Slicker It Is entirely new. If not for sale In your town , urlte for catalogue to A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass , The Wonder , fe.a * . m 0 | te ( ] No Boiling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes nil garments fresh and crlip u when flrut bought new. Try n Sample Pnckaeto You'll like It If you try It. You'll buy It If you try U. You'll use U If you try It. Try it * Bold by all Grocers. THRCE-YEAn-OLD ENGINEER. Orcgonlitns Nearly PrJclilencd to JJentli bj Ynuncter'a Act. "I can run nn engine like papa , " said Httlo 3-yonr-olil Fred Evans , ns ho was lifted down from the locomo tive of the St. Johns motor line the other day at Albinn. Ho had mounted the engine ul St. Johns , pulled open the throttle and remained on the scat alone on a mad ride of seven miles , bays an exchange. The young engin eer la the son of W. 13. Evans of St. Johns , an engineer on the motor lino. Ho has often been on the engine , and his father had explained how the lever Is pulled and the wheels started mov ing. The engine lies over an hour at St. Johns , just by the water tank , and during this time , while Mr. Evans was at home at lunch , little Fred walked down to the engine , mounted the scat and opened the throttle wide. The machine was full of coal anil water and ready for the road. Several people saw the boy start , but no one was close enough to catch the engine. The news was at once told to Mr. Evans , and he reached Uio track just In time to see the locomotive , with his boy on board , disappear around a curve. The father was wild with grief and fear , and the boy's mother was almost pros trated. The news spread like wildfire , and the whole town turned out. Ex citement was Intense , women and children cried and the men offered sug gestions. Master Mechanic Michael F. Brady was at the end of the line , and at once began to telephone to stations along the line. Portsmouth and PenInsular - Insular were notified , and men at these points tried to board the engine as It dashed by , but Its speed was too great. Mr. Brady also notified the office at Alblna.and a party of men ran out line northward to meet the wild engine. In coming up the long grade toward Alblna , the steam died down a little , but the register still showed eighty pounds. John Woods , a motorman - man on the City and Suburban rail way , was the first man to meet the engine. He caught the handrail and swung up , but In so doing lie was drag ged sixty or seventy-five feet. He at once turned off the steam , and the en- ginne slowed down and stopped. It was then young Fred made the remark concerning his ability as an engine- driver. The boy was not scared at all , but seemed rather proud of his feat. When the engine fiist dashed out of St. Johns he was frightened , and as he came through Portsmouth like a shot out of a gun , he was yelling lust ily for "mamma. " After going several miles , however , ho again became brave , and held his position on the seat with composure , with his hand on the lever like a veteran. In the mean time the news of the rescue had been sent by telephone to the frightened parents , and for the remainder of the day there was great joy in St. Johns. THE SMALLEST SHEEP. It Lives In Brittany anil Is No Tlinn n Lap Do ? . The very smallest of all kinds of sheep is the tiny Breton sheep. It Is too fainall to be very profitable to raise , for , of course , it cannot have much wool , and , as for eating , why , a hun gry man could eat almost a whole one at a meal. It is so small when full- grown that it can hide behind a good- sized bucket. It takes its name from the part of Franco whcic it is most raised. But , if not a profitable sheep , it is a dear little creature for a pet , for it is very gentle and loving , and , be cause it is so small , is not such a nuisance about the house as was the celebrated lamb which belonged to a little girl named Mary. Any little girl could find room in her lap for a Breton sheep. One of this little creature's pe culiarities is its extreme sympathy with the feelings of its human friends , when it has been brought up as a pet in the house , and has learned to dis tinguish between happiness and un- happiness. If any person whom it likes Is very much pleased about any thing , and shows It by laughing , the little sheep will frisk about with every sign of joy ; but , if , on the contrary , the person sheds tears the sympathetic friend will e\ince Its sorrow in an equally unmistakable way. Stray Stories. Sacred Ground. The ground on which a foreign lega tion stands is considered as belonging to the country whose flag floats from the legation roof. Supposing a mem ber of a foreign legation in London committed a murder , all we could do would be to "suggest" ( a favorite dip lomatic word , always used , except in i elation to China ) that the offender should be sent back to his native coun- tiy and punished there. Some time ago , when a certain gentleman , whose name was well known at the time , was kidnaped Into the Chinese legation , an Inspector from Scotland Yard Imme diately pioceeded thither and released the prisoner. This was a most serious breach of international law , and was Intensely discussed "In diplomatic cir cles. " Since the Chinese legation is part and parcel of China , an Invasion of the celestial empire was thus made by a Sctoland Yard official. Chambers' Journal. In n Ton of Sen Water. In a ton of Dead Sea water there are 187 pounds of salt ; Red Stn , ninety- three ; Mediterranean , eighty-five ; At lantic , eighty-one ; English Channel , seventy-two ; Black Sea , twenty-six ; Baltic , eighteen ; ami Caspian Sea , eleven. Dally Increnie of misery. It Is estimated that 3,000 marriages are daily performed throughout the world. A cbmblng-sock Is ft fancy thing n woman puts on after nhc has got her hair combed on the morning she ex pects some woman to come and see her. FITSr > rm nrntlyrnrr < i. J < ofitior flrtt d jr > n r nl IT. Kllnf > ( Itfut S > rrr Prml for ritKi ; S2.OO HIM tmtttp ml ( rr IJJU 11. II. KllNt , Ud.V31 ArvhSt , , 1 hll df Ij'liln , ! ' . Be sure you are right , then let the girl go ahead. . . . H BB UH KH Homes In Idnlin nnil Illnh. For full do.soiiption and printed matter write to C. 13. llruSnnnl , Ugdun , Utah. Convention is the Mini's barbed-wire fence to keep the cattle off. Use Magnetic Starch itlidsnocqual. Curler's Ink. Good Ink Is n necessity for ( 'ood wrltlnp. far ter's Is llio bcbt. Costt ) no more than poor iuk. Higher Abroad Than Hero. At the mines In England coal is to day quoted at $ ! . ) ( ! per ton , as com pared with $1.18 at the mines In the United States. Coal mining in the old world is getting to be more expensive all the time by reason of scarcity , the English mines alone being the deepest in the world. K prn 111 nnd tlio nrlglnnl color plvca to the Imlrliy PAHKI-U'C iniit UALSASI. illMJUicor.Ns , the Lett turc fur lorn * . ISctt. Tlin Slrdar'H Fornirr ISrntlicr. Lord Kitchener has a younger broth er living In New Zealand , who , In stead of following his thiec brothers into the army , chose a lonely pas toral life. Arthur Black Kitchener Is a bachelor , 48 years of age , nnd the owner of a fine estate at Waihems Grange , near Dunback , on the Shag river. ntiii < > IITS TO We want 100,000 AgcntH , men nml wo men , boys niul glil all over the t'nlted States to bell our wonderful Lekko Seoul ing SoHp.LckUot'iie and other Tot- let Soups. BiK inolit , easy work. Pi tee \\ltii every cake. Wtlte today. C. 11. Mnrfhull & Co. , Don't 10 , Chicago , 111. Factory 118-K'G No. May St. Kef. , any bank in Chicago. Tlio 1'rlnvo Still Cr.uul Mauler. The P Incc ofValcs will be rein stalled as grand master of the English Fiee Mithons oh April 23 , the annivers ary of his twenty-sixth year of grand mastership. Arc You UnliiR AllonM Toot-Enup ? It is the only cine for Swollen , Smarting , Burning , Sweating Feet , Corns and Bunions. Ask for Allen's Foot-Ease , a powder to be shaken into the shoes. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores , 25c. Sample sent FREE. Ad dress Allen S. Olmsted , Lelloy , N. Y. He who is never guilty of follies is not as wise as he imagines. If all the microbes were elephants some women wouldn't make any more fuss about them. Getting married Is not like laying out a corpse ; you have to have a special talent for it. Tor starching fine linen use Magnetic Starch. Men arc all alike , and It's lucky for most women that they'ie not all dif ferent. Send your aiine and addiess on a < postal , am' we \ \ ill send you our 156- { page illustrated catalogue free. WINCHESTER REPEATING ARMS CO. | j 174 Winchester Avenus , New Haven , Conn' Tn nKlwciof nil rcncrn holillcrs. their tticlows o WANTED liolrn , who nmito u 1IOM1C- BTICA1) HUM1 ou losUhnn 1M ) ucrci on or before ' .hmn ' - ' - ' , lf > 4 , no matte SOLDIERS' whcllier HNAI. I'ltoor waa undo or not In 111 buy hnndVnrrnnti Address ( omrada HOMESTEADS W 1C M O H K S llox Colorado. raj , Denver t f FAIR WOMEN SPEAK , Pe-ru-na Works Wonders for the Gentler Sex in Gatarrlta ! Ailments , * 'IK l\ \ E II * - lTBfan | | AIRS. COLONEL HAMILTON. | That Pe-ru-iia has become a house hold remedy in the homo of Mrs. Colonel nel Hamilton is well attested by a let ter from her , which says : "I can give my testimony as to the merits of your remedy , Pc-ru-na. I have been taking the same for some time , and am enjoyIng - Ing better health now than 1 have for some years. 1 attribute the change to Pe-ru-na , and recommend Pc-ru-na to every woman , believing it to be espe cially beneficial to them. " Mia Hamil ton's lesldence is 239 Goodtile street , Columbus , Ohio. Mrs. Margar et h a Dauben , No. 1214 North Superior street , Racine City , Wis.says"I : feel so well and good a n d healthful now that pen can not describe it. Pe-ru-na is everything to me. I feel healthy and well , but if I should be tick I would know what to take. I have taken sev eral bottles for female complaint. 1 am In the change of life and It docs me good. " Have you catarrh of the head , throat , lungs , stomach or any other organ of the body ? If RO , write to Dr. Hartman - man at once. He will send you direc tions for treatment without charge. Address Dr. Hartman , Columbus , O. The famous "man milliner , " Worth , is brought to life again in Richard Whlteing's "Fashionable Paris , " in the April Century. Mr. Whlteing once in terviewed the great modlblc on the subject of starting the fashions. Under the republic , said M. Worth , "the fashions weie not started at all ; they simply occurred. " But under the em pire , it was simple enough. Do Your Foot Aclio and Hum ? Shako into your shoes Allen's Foot- East , a powder for the feet. It makes tight or New Shoos feel Easy. Cures Corns , Bunions , Swollen , Hot and Sweating Feet. At all Druggists and Shoe Stores. 25c. Sample sent FREE. Address Allen S.Olnmted.LeRoy , N. Y. About the age a woman quits sav ing "When I marry" a man begins to say , "If 1 marry. " The Hockey The PrlnccBs Beatrice of England has become quite an expert hockey player and is bo devoted to the game that she plays nearly every day at Windsor Castle. 1 f ( o.ppcculnle successfully. Wn cnn make jon In unc nil nlli ir.nrcIntrrrrt CMoiii money ( liun any Imik will | my juu In ujriir i-O will lim l.imo hnrticlx of wlii'nt tie lorn niul iniirulii ilicmtuii l cciilx. hi'iiil foriiur liuuk ou njcuilHllou. 11 lb 1IlKK. All jirolllK | w ) tilc ) nti demand. J. K. COMSTOCK & CO. , Room 23 , Traders' Olclg. , Chlcnno. I HISS ANNIE WVANUOTTE. | Miss Annie Wyandottc , quren of the operatic stage and dramatic so prano , Bays : "Fifteenth St. and Jackson Avc. , "Kansas City , Mo. "Dr. Hartman : "Dear Sir Pc-ru-na has been my salvation. It has given mo back a beautiful voice , a gift of God ; it has brought mo once more to my old pro fession. I can talk now , and sing , where before I could scarcely whisper. Can you wonder at my delight ? 1 wish every person wl o ' .s suffering as 1 suffered might know Pe-ru-na. Only those who have been afflicted can ever know the Intense mitlBfacthm and gratitude that comes with a complete cure. My voice was completely gone. April 15 I felt to elated over the res toration of my voice that I Inserted an advertisement in The Star for vocal pupils. The advertisement , which cost mo cr > cents , brought mo live pupils , and that wan the beginning of my pres ent large class. Yours gratefully , "Annie Wyandotto. " A congestion , inflammation or ulcora- tlon of the mucous membrane , whether of the head , stomach , kidneys , or other organ , is known to the medical pro fession ns catarrh. It is known by different names , such as dyspepsia , Brlght's disease , female complaint , diarrhoea , bronchitis , consumption and a host of other names. Wherever there is a congested mucous mem brane there ia catarrh , acute or chronic. | MISS CLARA STOECKUR. \ _ Mltrn Clara Stoeckor says : "I hail chronic catarrh for over a year. I tried many remedies , but found no relief un til 1 saw an advertisement in the paper of your treatment for chronic catarrh. . I tried It and 1 think I am now well. to all my I recommend Pe-ru-na friends who are afUlctcd with catarrh. " Misa Stoeckcr lives at Plttsburg. Pa. Mrs. Margar- cth Fritz , Wllcox , Okla. , writes : "I extend my sin cere thanka for the good advlco you have given inc. 1 do not bcllevo I would bo living now if It wcro not for you. I hat ! HU iter eel with How of blood for four months , and the doctors could help mo but little. They operated on me three times. It was very painful and I only obtained little relief. 1 waa BO weak 1 could not turn in bed. Then I applied to Dr. Hartman. I did not know whether ho could help me or not , but I followed his advice , and used only ) three bottles of Pe-ru-na and Man-n- lln. Now 1 am well and as strong as X over was , thanks to your remedies. " Polvlo catairh has become so frequent that rnoat women are more or less afflicted with it. It Is usually called female disease. " In view of the many misleacing and unscrupulous Imitations of ' Baker's Chocolate" which have iccently been put upon the market , we find It neces sary to caution consumers against these attempts to deceive nnd lo ask them lo examine every package they purchase , and make sure that it has on the front a yellow label , with our name and place of manufacture. WALTER BAKER & CO. Ltd. , DORCHESTER , MASS. , trade-mark Chocolatiere" If your grocer does not keep the genuine article , please let us know , and we will endeavor to put you in the way of getting it. Send for a copy of our Choice Recipe book , mailed free to any ap plicant who mentions this paper. * WALTER BAKER & CO. Limited , Dorchester , Mass. ESTABLISHED 17TO. Stops the Cough and PRICE 25c Works Off The Cold. flA J//// < * * * * A KLONDIKE SCENE. , Every druggist from Klondike to Cuba sells Laxative Bromo-Quininc Tablet's ? for Colds and Grip. In fact it is the only Cold and Grip prescription sold throughout this- vast territory , which is striking evidence of its virtue and popularity. This signature appears on every box of the genuine article. No Cure , No Pay. Price ,