"JET * on VOL , XYIIl , BROKEN BOW , CUSTER COUNTY , NEBRASKA , THURSDAY , APRIL 10 , 1900-EIGHT PAGES , NO 44. I THEY VARY I In prlco and t.mo keeping qualities. A good watch ll a faithful seiTant , but ft bad ono is wane than none at oil. If there IB anything worie than a watch ttat KVlnoi It It ono that louts tlmo. If yon nro too fast for yonr watch or \ jonr natch Is too ilow for yon , 1 can 1 mate Tun agree , No "cheap watch work , " but good < work cheap. I Graduate of Chicago Opt halmlo College. J & HAIL ! HAIL ! HAIL ! This ia the season of the year , farmers should bethinking thinking of protecting their n : $ $ crops against hail storms. 1 | The way to do this is to y--x. Ilia take out a policy of inaur- v'f- i&8 ance in the old and reliable jjj ! ยง St. Paul Fire & Marino In m Hi BUranco Co. of St. Paul , | SM Minn. Their company haa p | been writing Hail Insur ance for sixteen years and is thoroughly reliable and pays cash in case of loss. Consultation and testamo- nias ) free ; patronage solic ited. | | WD. . Blackwell , Agent At Farmer's Bank. The Latest STYLES Wall - : - .Paper AT J , G. Haeberle s. Business Pointers. See our new whips and price thorn. R. G. CARR , West Union. W. H. Penn & Co. have just re ceived a now line of clothing for the spring trade. Yes ! We still have Harness at very low prices. Well , what odds does it make to you hew wo got our goods. R. G. CARR , West Union. Those dandy snap locks , poles and curtains are just in. All sizes and lengths at A. W. Drake's. Tablets , Pencils , Writing Paper and Envelopes , cheaper than over at the RACKET STORE Good trunks of sizes and prices to suit at W. H. Penn & Co's. Call and see them. Fresh homemade broad for salt at Farmer's Restaurant , third door north of post oflioe , Broken Bow , Neb. FARM FOR SALE ; At Upton , 1GO acres cf good farm land , 80 acres in. cultivation cud the rent fenced in pasture , with three wires. Good four room , sod house ; corn crib and grainery , each 12x10 fuel , connected ; stable and chicken house etc. For particulars call on JJ. . Snyder , Broken Bow , or Stephen Wilcox , on promises.35-3m Dr. T. W. Baas , dentist , Brokou Bow. Fresh Sassafrass at. WILKINB PHARMACY. Boy't * and children's suits of the latest patterns at W.H. Penn & Co's Patent Aledicues at the RAOKKT STORE 35 stamp photos 25 cents , at Bangs' studio. Pepsin Gum , tsvo packages for a nickel at WILKINB' PHARMACY. Glass Ware and I'm Ware cheaper than over at the RACKET STORE Remember that another invoice of irgana will bo in this week , in oak cases. See them before buy ing. A.W. DRAKK. We carry everything usually kept in a geucrul store. 12 good turn , biers for 21 cents. R. ( } . OARR , West Union. COLT STRAYED From my prom ises Buver.il weeks ago a lignt bay , with white hind legs below knees , coming yearling. Information of him will be'appreciated. G T. ROBINBON. Yes I We got something now every day at low prices. Wo will sell goods higher next fall. R. G. CARR , West Union. "A thing of beauty is a joy for- uver ; " so are those chufonierres at A. W. Drake's. Just received , a nice line of spring hatH at W. H Penn & CO'B. Spring ; s here ! Drink Sassafrass Tea for your blood. WILIUNS PHARMACY. Ladies Dress Skirts $1.72 to $2.50 at the RACKET STORE. You can save money by buying1 goods of R. G , Carr , at the w est Union mills. Call on or write Brokou Bow Ab stract Co. when in need of an ab Btraot of title. E. Royso abstractor. CAIUNKT PHOTOS $2.00 A DOZEN ; stamps , 35 for 25oat ; 11.L. Inazicr's studio , wcbt side square. For Hatching. Choice bard Plymouth Rock eggs for sale at $1 per fifteen. Two nettings $1.75. Two miles weat of oily. W. M. VANNIOE , tf Broken Bow , Neb. PLYMOUTH ROCK AND BKOWN LEG HORN EGGS. Single comb Bard Plymouth Rock and single comb brown Leg horn's ; fine as Milk. EggH , fifteen for 75 cents. Leave orders at Peale & John's. Standard bred ; will pro duce credentials ; eggs cheaper after Juno. tf GEO. PAPINEAU. Cannon City coal at Dierks Lumber Co. Write Uaydon Bros. , Omaha. Wholesale Supply House for prison and samples. 2 8 lyr. New frames and mouldings for spring trade ; some of the finest ever shown here ; all at low prices anc aomo still lower. At A.W. Drake's Good Saddle pony for sale. m22 tf A. T. SEYIJOLT. WALL PAPER All now and artistic designs. All 1000 paterns at J. C. BOWENB. Tapestry and Chenille Stanc Covers at 75 and 85 cents , wortl $1.50 at fhe RACKET STORE. WANTED Twenty-live totting heuB. Address combination box 74 , Broken Bow , Nob. The rain has come ; so have A W. Drake's folding beds. Call am see them. Abstracts compiled promptly ant accurately by the Broken Bow Ab etract Co. E. Royso abstractor. Geo. iloutz can KIO\\ some of the beat work of papering done in the city this spring. If you want a line pud economical job of papering or painting call on Goo. HontK. Residence west of Catholic church. SHOKS ! SnoKsl SHOES ! Mens shoes , Ladies shoes , children's shoes , in fact shoes for everybody. Plow shoes , vicikid shoes , Ladies fine dress shoe , Ladies Oxfords of all styles , Bicycle shoec , Tennis shoes. 'I he Larges variety. The Largest stock and the Largest I Bargains in shoes , in Custer 1 County at the RACKIIT STORE , I South East corner , Broken How , I Nebraska. Local Mention. T. B. Russell , of Ansolmo , was a rioudly caller Friday , lion. F. U. Currio , of Sargent , was a city visitor Saturday. Jas. Bnggs , of Elton , kindly re membered this office last Friday. Ole Johnson , of Round Valley , made this oflioe a social call Friday , G. W. Keller , of Now Helena , made this office a business call yos- erday. He reports a good rain in Us vicinity. W. d. Amebony returned to Sheridan , Wyo. , Tuesday night , after spending ton days visiting in his vicinity. Tbo Broken Bow Distrio Sunday ohool convention will bo hold in ho U. B. church Saturday and Sun- Jay 5 and 0. Sena Amsborry , of Analoy , was a ity visitor the first of the week , which was his first viait to the ouuty Beat in seven years. J , W. Scott , of Wissort , made big office a frionely visit yesterday. lo reports the recent rain wet the jround down two ftet in his vioiu- ty. ty.G. G. W. Keller , a ranchman of Cherry county is in the oiy. Mr. [ oiler has boon in the stock business or twenty years and is reaping a bar est. est.The The reports from all over the ouuty show that the rain wo had lore Sunday and Monday was quite eneral and the country is corres- > ondingly happy. Major Ellison , Nort Amsborry. Vill Zimmerer and Joe Russell , of Aualoy , were among the number of witnesses in the Jones case before udgo Armour the first of the week. The Woman sufferage club will erve dinner and supper in the oem south of the opera house for he delegates to the Republican onvcntion , Dinner 25uts. , supper Octa. Convention of Custer county .oaohcrs will bo hold at Merua Saturday April 28th , 1000. An in erebting progrm has been arranged , lour of opening will bo at one o'clock p m , The Misses Cora and Maude Thompson , of the South Loup , Irovo up thioutfh the rain laat Sal urday to bo present at a birthday ) arty of a young friend. Ihey re- , urned homo Monday. Hon. D. A. Scoville , of Aurora , will deliver the addrosi on Decora tion Day at Merna. Mr. Soovillo was formerly commander at the Soldier's Homo at Grand Island , and is an able speaker. W. ) . Brush , of Sargent , was tried last Friday before Judge Sav age And bound over to the district court on the charge of raising a check from 13.80 to $13.30. He gave bonds for his appearance. Eli Perkins the noted bumtrist and leotuor will deliver an addreta at the opera house the evening of May 4th. It ia his first visit to Broken Bow and their is no doubt but ho will be greeted with a largo house. Nearly two inches of rain fell bore between Saturday evening and Tuesday morning. At no time was the precipitation heavy , but almost continuous for sixty hours , which enabled the soil to absorb it all , and putting the ground in most excel lent condition for some time to come C. A. Bunnell , who was taken to Lincoln under sontouco of ono year in tbo pen , was brought back to the city to testify in the case of the slate against C. E. Jones , of Ansloy who in charged with being an 3 oessary in the disposing of the mortgaged cattle that Bunnoll had puiohasod of the Omaha Cattle Co. John MoCutoheou reports that while canvassing in Sheridan Co. , on Clay Crtek , ho called at the house of Mrs. Drapei and found the family and some friends par taking of a birthday dinner. It was Mr. Draper'a mother ; aho was 100 years old the 2sd day of March , 1000 ; she was a spry , hearty and vigorous lady. About fifty of the members of the Masonic fraternity wont to Merua Saturday night lo assist in 3d degree work and enjoy a good time with the bretheru of Morna lodgo. A train , consisting of the locomotive and coach wore chartered for the ou casion. The Mernn brotheru enter tained their guest royally and all enjoyed the occasion. J. M. Fodgo , of Ortcllo , was a friendly caller at this office Friday. Dr. David Jones and wife of Keokuk Iowa are visiting in this city with T. D. Maupiu , Mrs. Maupin and Mrs. Jones are sisters. Mr , and Mrs. Jones are on their rbturn trip from California , whore they spent the winter. This offiiio acknowledges a friendly oall of Mr. Jones and wife aooompaiued by Mr. ami Mrs. Maupin. It > is the ' first time they have moot in nineteen years. . HI' ' lll I Easter Serrtao. Owing to the inclemency of the weather the Easter service at the M. E. church was postponed until next Sabbath evening , April 23d. All are cordially invited to attend. School Ofllcers. At the recent school election the following wore oleetod members of the school board : H. Lomax , Mrs. C. L. Guttorson , J. J. Wilson and A'pha ' Morgan. Messrs. A. R. Humphrey and W. B. Eastham hold over. Card of Thanks. The ladies of tbo Christian church hereby extend their thanks to all those who contributed articles' and the public in general who so liber ally patronized their Easter Market last Saturday. COMMITTEE , Plead Guilty. Wednesday morning Jndgo Sulli vac hold a special session of court to roooivo the plea of Ord Sohnnkor , also William and A. Sears , who plead guilty to stealing Will Willot'a hogs. Ord Sohnaker was sentenced to the ponito tury , for a year and A. Scars to the re. formsohool. Ed Wyatt will re main in jail and stand trial. Ho insists that ho is innocent- Notice to Members of Co. M. A meeting of Company M. will be held ot the court house Saturday , April 28th , at 2 o'clock , for the pur pose of mustering in the company. All who bavo enrolled are urged to be present on that date. The list is yet a few men short of the required number and any who want to enlist should make applijation at once , as the number is limited. Gov. Poyn- ter and General Barry will bo hero and deliver addresses. W. H , OSBORKE , Recruiting Officer. C. . Jones Bound Over. Monday and Tuesday oooupiod the time of the county court in the preliminary trial of 0. E. Jones , of Ansley , who was charged with being - ing an accessary to Cal. Bunnoll in disposing of mortgaged cattle the latter had purchased of the Union Stock Co. , of Omaha. There wore a number of parties from Ansloy in attendance as witnesses and spec tators. The court hold that suffi cient evidenoo was given to war rant binding Jonua over to tu dis trict court , which he did in the sum of $050. Jones' attorneys wore Bob Moore and L , R. Jones , of Kearney , J , 0. Porter of Ansley and N. T. Gadd of this city. The proaooution was represented by L , E. Kirkpatriok and 0. L. Gutteraon of this city , and J. 8. Kirkpatriok , of Lincoln. Petty Thleies Caught. On Monday A. L. Morgan , spec ial deputy constable of Loup town ship , brought to the city and turned over to the Fhoriff for safe keeping , Ed Wyatt , Ord Williams and A , Soars , who were given a prelimi nary trial last Saturday before Jus tice Mike Franey , of Cumro , and bound over to tbo district court Harry Bayno , a boy sixteen years old , was associated with the crowd but ui be gave bond for his ap- peasanoo at court ho was not brought up. The parties are charged with stealing hogs from Will Willett. It is claimed tha moro or loss stealing has been going on in that vicinity for the past year , but sufficient evidence to warran the anesl of anyone could not be secured t'nlil last week. They nro ulso charged with stealing harness of another party. The stoond two named are brothers , but go under assumed names. Ed Wyatt , th older of the boys , is married and recently moved Ins family to Kear ney , where he was when arreatrd , Attorney Hamilton , of Miller , ac companied Constable Morgan to the city with the prisoners. The hoga stolen wore sold at Sumnor. It is claimed Wyatt has served time in the penitentiary before , Pur * No inferior or impure ingredients arc used in Royal for the purpose of cheapen ing its cost ; only the most highly refined and healthful. Royal Baking Powder imparts that peculiar sweetness , flavor and delicacy noticed in the finest cake , biscuit , rolls , etc. , which expert pastry cooks declare is unobtainable by the use of < any other leavening agent. Alum Is used In ranking1 cheap baklngpowden. If you want to know the effect of alum upon tha tender linings oi the stomach , touch a piece to your tongue. You can raise biscuit with alum baking powder , but atvliat a coet to health ! ROYAL DAKINQ POWDER COU 100 WILLIAM ST. , NEW YORK. Republican 1'rlmory. An per call announced in Uio KB- PUBLICAN , the republican primary cr the election of delegates to the ouuty convention wrs hold last Saturday afternoon m the court IOUHO. Tbo meeting waa called to order by Chairman Royeo , who stated the object of the mooting. An organization was affected by electing Mr. Royao chairman of the mooting , W. W. Cowloa secretary and D. M. Amjsborry aaaiatant seo- rotary. On motion the nomination of ownsbip officers was deferred sub- eat to the call of the central oom- nlttuemau. On motion of Humph rey , seconded by Jowott , the uauioa of the iiorainooB for dologatoa wore ) laood upon the board. It was urthor ordered on motion of Aras- > orry that the twenty-eight persona receiving the highest number of votes bo declared elected , and that the polls bo kept open until 5 p. m. On motion Ed Royso was elected oommitteeman by acclamation. On motion of Jowott the chair wan authorized to appoint judges and clerks of election ; Messrs. B. B. Sands and Earnest MoWilliama were appointed judges and W. L. Sul olerk. Wbilo waiting for the ballot box to bo brought in lion. F. H. Carrie , who was present , was called out and in an able and log. ioal manner discussed the political issues of the day. The total num ber of names placed in nomination for delegates was fifty , of whom the following wore elected : W MYannlca , Horace Kennedy , F A Bertram ! , Henry Boeder , Ou Peun. KJ Iloyie. Willis Talbot , John Klmberlliiff , L II Jowett. W 8 Uoyoe , Leooard Uerih , UII Mlihr , D M Ami- berry , 0 L Guttflrson , Claude Pickett , Jud Kay , W II Osborne. Jr , I N Pertuall , L J dandy , John Pflclnni , O II Conrad. J. Q Hronlzor , 11 Kyoreon , J W Drneo , P II Mnnk , W 8 Snan , Ueo WHtorB , W W C wles. Notice to Contributors In all oases parties sending in ar ticles for publication arc required to sign their names , not necessarily for publication but aa an evidence of good faith. Wo are m receipt of two articles this week which are not published for that reason. If the writers still want them publish ed they must acknowledge their au thorship * Died , ltui Mother of Mrs. E. E. Uogaboom , wento the city , Wednesday morning , April 18 , 1000. 'I ho deceased bad been sick for several weeks and her death was not unexpected. Wo have boon unable to learn any further partic ulars other than the funeral ser vices wore conducted today by Rev. Epley. The REPUBLICAN extends - tends to Mr. and Mrs. Ilogaboom the sincere sympathy of their many friends in their bereavement , Jouxiott At Kaniaa City , Clarence , tbo icveo- year-old eon of D. E. Johnson , of measles and lung fever. The deceased was a piandson of Mr. and Mrs. Goo. Purcell. The remains wore shipped here Tuesday night for burial. The funeral ser vices were hold yeatorday at the csidonoo of the grand parents bj Rev Docjgott. The REPUBLICAN extends to the grand parents and other relatives itasincoro sympathy. Trco Planting. Communicated. Having just finished planting a jrovo and wind breaka the writer > oga leave , if the editor and readers of the REPUULIOAN please , to call attention to the tmbjoot of tree > lanting. Wo cannot uoncoive of a arm aa complete by any moans , without a grove and long lines of wind breaks at Itant. Fruit and ornamental trees may bo indulged n later , perhaps , to a better advan tage. Wo cannot conceive how any man can do his whole duty in standing up for Nebraska , ospeo- ally in Old Ouster , and not bo bund growing a liberal share of trees. Trees are moro than a lux ury with us ; they are found to be a real necessity. They break the wind , lodge the snow , rob the storm of its fury , invite the birds and make the home altogether moro comfortable and loveablo. It is not hard to account for the great cry of "can't" wo hear from all aides ; failures all around us , and fet it could not have been other wise. Had the right kind of trees boon sot and at proper distance apart , ovuu with our meagre culti vation , now land and hard yearn the results must have been vastly dif ferent. Wo never know an instance where houoy locust , elm , oven ood. ar , almost any of our native trees have not proven a success when givun a reasonable chance. Patience ia a virtue worthy of cultivation , and I admit it would be well for most of us to give pa tience a little attention in connect * ion with our tree culture. Treed do not mature in a single season and yet they are more stable than men. Wo loava them practically a permanent laud mark and blessing to future generations. The fact is , as a rule , a man's heart is most sen. sative his mind perhaps I should say , when touched through his pocket book. Wo have hud the usual dear experience , hence the prevailing prejudice on this most important subject. Now that wo have had our experience , paid for it , lot UH turn it to good account Btaud up for Nebraska , for Ouster county and our own homos by plant ing trees moro wisely , in moro fa vorable locations. ORTKU.O. Worao Than War. Hundreds arc killed in war , but hundreds of thousands uro killed by consumption. There would be no deaths at all caured by this terrlblo disease. If people could bo made to understand that Shiloh's Cough and Consumption euro ia a sure euro remedy if taken in the early stages. 25 ctH. , 50 ots. and $1.00 a bottle , Druggists will return the money if a euro is not affeotod ,