Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 12, 1900, Image 6

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fl KINO DON $ > JC
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* " : :
ss - , b.-.13V AAA\/OR ALLAN Jv * ; * / ?
* * T * -B rf
i" eviyvw-vavkvw t/x va. > A.yvwvwwviwvaaa wv O . j
' "
"tfp fotto
As the Prince .spoke .Chose
\voita. ; |
flown to DOU'R nldc ) butwit H IIH !
facolfthi ) Hloj.pcd . Bhqjrt ,
amazement or fear , or iinKMlsh ? ! tVVihtnli
was It ? .JJad Hho ollowca ji jf 'Jift- '
pttlso to fly to him anil hoKmnipto deny
thin vllcBamler. ) what iji ' jj. . ! 1-
Hwor not have been ? feufcnhtr.'Haw har
hesitation and that sn V ' ,1 fqullj i-
Ing omntlonn which Hwoplj'iiorifiifw iui'1
stf'Odt'.foVward , MlUy ' jiXn/.jy 'J
knows iila doom pi'onoiiiHii.'d : iinil go33
recklTsssfy'to iqcct' lt | rcall/.lng tljcro Is
no escape.
l'I have Jio'aril ' , niid ! 1 wll | answer , * '
ciimo hits deep , rrlcl | tones.
' (
Hu' spoke ho other 'words of greeting
to 'lift untoward visitor. Ho looked
neither at him nor his wife , but
straight before him , an If. ho saw writ
ten thnrc ,1110 sqlf-denunclation ( he was
rated to tipcalc.
' , 'It Is true tluit I was wjth Captain
Derwont at the Hum of death ; that In
u moment of passion 1 had pointed , . my
luvolvor at hla breast ; but , as' heaven
Is above 11:1 : , I know It was notmy
fihot , but a rebel bullet , which killed
him. "
"An accomplice , perhaps. . ? " aiiggestid
the Prince , with a smecr.
Lllllo had 'sppltiSif no wohl. Slip
Htood no inotlbnloMi as one turned to
Htono ; and though he would not meet
her ayes , Don foil them to bo fixed
upon .him with an agony that was
harder to bear than the fiercest words
of accusation.
"Sir" Don wheeled round now upon
his adversary , and his voice grew
harder and stronger "what I did I toll
you was done in a moment of passion
a moment 1 shall regret to my last
hour , I do not , know by what means
you have got your Information ; but to
accuse mo of taking his life In cold
blood I will not suffer and I defy you
to tu'dve-iils lcnth wns-by my hand ! "
"I have no desire to prpvo It fur
ther , " was the contemptuous reply of
the Prince , whoso calm complaisance
now was as Intense aa was Icon's hot
passion. "I have. not. tho. nhadow of a
doubt I could do so If I chose. My
faithful sepoy , who followed you when
you. left Plndl for the'camp , and shad
owed every step you took whilst you
were there , could testify to each word
of your last converse with Captain
Dorw'eiit. ' Ho could tell how you de
clared you would kill both myself and
Captain Derwent sooner than allow
ibis lady to become my wife. "
Ho bowed to the motionless Lllllo.
"Ho could , swear I hat , , when- Captain
Dprwpnt iflpcatQd his refusal , to your
own-suit you .deliberately fired yoiu'
revolver , and ho fell at your feet , cry
ing : 'For Lllllo's sake , Oordon. liavo
a caro1 ! All that I could prove. Can
yqi ( deny U ? " ,
For one Instant thorp was tense si
lence , then Don's voice came , strained1
and hard :
"It your sepoy could provo all this ,
why did he not come Into camp and
denounce ino before the whole army ?
And for what purpose was ho follow
ing mo from Pindl , may I ask ? "
"You may. " And the Prince's smile
was not a pleasant ono to seo. "You
must know , Captain Oordon , whore ono
nit our'royal hdusp IOVPH" , It.Isi . not'.cus-
tomaryfor another man to lift his
oycn. My jealousy of you was roused ,
mid my sepoy was sent to watch you
and warn Captain Dorwont of my dis
pleasure. .As for your Ilrst question ,
your movements WQIO aso.erpt with
nun atone until ho had my sanction
tq"dvulgo | them. He will iVuver receive
that sanction , , for now , with this 'un
\\i \ \ fortunate marrjage , iny Interest in the
if Subject has waned. You may rest as-
mire'ilvou , are frcu fo pass as'.an lion ,
nrablq soldier for thi' rest of your nat
ural . 'l'I fe. " "
The supreme sarcasm of the Prince's
words was lost upon tho'liaggai'd man
who faced him. , . , . _ , * -ujt
< "Slnce you'aiv so generous , " said
ifffi with some ciin Scorn in his Voice
'I' ' , fall to.Beg tlrti JiliJjsJt'oJ iu'h
reflned'cruelty In bringing about'tlns
Uils painful and untimely seeno. "
L'HIs tones broke a little-In spite ot
ll'lmsolf. Tho.iilght.-of LllliiVs Immov
able , foaluroa .was.killing hlm/ . . > - . < -
ffi < J'Mv ; pfjject"-Ii'nil ifow J'l'ln XJW :
itlcnt Sing laughpil ijhoVtly and moved
t'p tho'foorw'n'y "myibjp(1VrtS } ( mpre-
1 { ( > 'bringhome * yohr nullti to yo\\ .
ah1l tQ Jauiiitlliite : yoi\i\qr \ foolfih. crpa-
tVji'o.'J lid'might have been a princess ,
anrt'iiiafc made-herself the Wife of a ( ol-
oiu I hfl e the honor to bid you both
adieu. " '
* " 9ilyrt ! "Don's voice Mioolc 'with' ' the
frenzy of his passion. "I will allow no
man , not even Prince Clement Sing , to
call mo by that name ! Your sepoy
shall be made to osvn It as a per
jury ! " .
"Find him and prove that , by all
means , If you can , " was the .fuoerlng
answer ; "for who will believe that the
fihot to which'ydu ha\d 'confessed was
not , as ho says , the shot which caused
Captain " Derwent's death ? ' 1 repeat
llenco full' of1' the bitterness ot
Lllllo .still stood there motionless. It
scented almost without bwith oi < I/ft-
Ing. She was' n6t looking tit" Dan any
longer nov. Her. blue eyes \/aro gAK-
Ing Into vacancy , -with mi expression
of horror In them , as If tin1) ' gazed In
reality upon that ghastly scene HIP
Prince had painted her husband'ii re
volver pointed at her fathcr'H breast.
1'lip silence and the anguish of It all
1'ipw more than Don could bear.
"Llllie : " he cried.
She made no movement. It was an If
Hhe had become unconscious of bin
presence or oven life Itnclf.
"Llllle ! For mcicy's sake , Llllle ,
look at DIP ! Llllle ! Llllle ! "
Ho had gone to her nldo now and
touched her cold hand , and at tin ;
touch she swayed a little and would
havt- fallen senseless , but he caught
her In his arms and laid her on the low
divan. He throw himself on his knees
beside her , and looked -at lici wlth his
breath coming In hard , quick'gasps. ' .
Despair and shame overwhelmed
hfin ( to 'suffocation , and paramount
through It all came the pioud fear for
( hat self which had hitherto ever boon
first with him all his life long the self
for which ho had often sacrificed the
happiness of others or well-nigh for
feited honor , for which at last In a
moment of frenzy he had even sold his
He tiaw himself In that awful mo
ment for what he was , and even with
Captain Derwcnt's dead body at his
feet he had failed to see himself.
Scorned and shamed before men , It
brought near to him ( mother tribunal ,
higher and all-poWorflil , lit whoso portals
tals he must needs stand at the last
day , and ho bowed his head In the
first real prayer that had ever rent his
bleeding heart.
"My God , my Oed , be merciful ! "
How would she for whom he had
sinned look at him when those closed
eyes opened ? Would she not shrink
from his touch as from some unclean
thing ? Would her love not fail be
fore this blow he had dealt It. or was
It that love possessed of a divine pity
which would not turn oven from the
hand that struck It ? Ho took the Ivory
fan which had dropped from her nerve
less fingers and wafted it softly over
her palid face.
Her long , thick lashes quivered , 'the
while eyelids opened at last , and her
blue eyes were looking Into his.
Ho covered his face with his hands
and bowed his head on the cushion bo-
Hlde her , for ho could not dare to look
at her now. She put out a trembling
hand aMl touched his thick brown
"Don , " she whispered faintly , "tell
mo It Is not true ! "
" 1 cannot ! " The hoarse reply
pierced her very soul. Her hand
dropped. She burst Into sudden and
passionate weeping. With a strong
icITort Don recovered his self-control ,
and spoke with labored Intensity.
"It was not my shot that killed him
' as Oed Is my judge , 1 swear to you
It was not ; but , In a lit of anger , 1
'fired , and It might have killed him.
He Insisted' you wore to marry that
dark follow , and he would not .listen
to me , and 1 lost my head. Llllle , Lll
llo ! don't look like that ! Don't ! 1
cannot bear It- !
She had stayed her convulsive sobs ,
and her blue eyes woreregarding him
In a way that made his proud lips
"You did that , ytU\vou came back to
me and .told mo nothing of It , and you
nade mo.marry you ! " The words
iroke fioin ; her In low , halting sen
tences , asi If they choked her to utter
"Lillle. be merciful ! It was my love
for you that made me reckless. What
good .would it have done to toll you of
) iir quariol ? For I never dreamt you
would come to know of It. "
"Oh , why did you. make me marry
von ? " she walled. And now slip broke
lown oneo more and wept bitterly.
"Llllle ! " he cried , beside himself
with remorse and suffering , "you don't
believe me guilty of his death ? -Don't
tell me you doubt me ! "
"I do not doubt you. " she spoke at
last ; "but you have deceived me , and
oh , Don. It has broken my heart ! "
Ho looked at her wildly , and seemed
to realize , with a new sense of deso
lation , that It was Indeed true. He
had shattered alike her faith In him
and her love.
"Ql | ! " ho cried out , " 'if you had loved
me as 1 love you , you would under
stand and be pitiful ! "
"I do love you , " she answered bro
kenly "you as you should be. as Oed
meant you to be , not what you are. "
"Don't ! " ho cried again. "Oh. If you
only know what a purgatory remorse
has made my life ever since that fatal
night , you would pity me and for
give ! "
" 1 do forgive you. " she said , after a
silence that seemed an eternity to the
man who hung upon her words ; "but
life can never bo the same again
never , never ! "
She staggered to her foot anil flung
back the long strands of her ILtxen
hair from her face with a despairing
gesture. With a wild rush of memory
It had dawned upon her that this was
h < 1rv.Wddlh\-day , and that In an lidnr'j
lime she was expected to leave her
nmldHi home a happy bride.
Her woddln/ day ! Was It Indeed
only a few ho rs since she laid hei
hand In Don's and vowed that him nhc
Wmilil lovfi and cherish and oWy 111 !
( IMilh them did part ?
'She ItftneiV now an'd liiokcd at him.
wi'th "the 'n/lHt'i'y' / ' of Dial ieineinurahce
w'riria'rge upoil her face , : nilil 'Don
wlhccll i/Piipatii / that loolc 'as ? 'If"siio ' h'ad
' ' ' ' ' : < " "
AtnicK h'fni a blow.
' ' ' ' ' " could'undo ' thfs''diiy' ! "
'Oh , 'tlut "we undo
alirt rfalil. '
Tlc"l < 'iiew IhMi Hie thlrtg he dreaded
c.btnc upon him. lie had'lost her
love , and lin'.v/an _ ynj to lose Jionielf.
Ajijl a Hern" despair fell , upon.hlm. He
strode towards her and took | ier In a
p.'i hfoualp embrace.
"No , 1 will not let you , mjy ltt"ho ,
creil [ .l'ioaisply. ; "for ,1 could not live
wjUiptit you , Lllllo ! " ,
Jiombay at last ! > ' '
. , "Oh > tlip teirlblestrain ofthodc
nljjhts and days since the garrison of Plndl had bidden the , . newly
mirrlt'd pair "Ood speed , " and -that
iimruey had Id-gun which should have
been ono all-ton-swIftly-pasRlng stream
of. happiness , and held nothing-but the
loiig-dnnvn-oul agony of tortured
hours hours spent together In closest
( oinpanlonshlp , yet In which they were
Kept apart by HIP widest gulfs. '
Don thought there could well bn
nothing bitterer than that sta e of'the
Journey which was over. ' ; Iho forced
Inaction on board the tra'Inrf , thd Ilcrce
satisfaction of arranging every little
detail for his wife's comfort , always
with the knowledge that that right to
do so would all too soon cease to be
his ; the constant strain to keep up ap
pearances before servants and ofllclals.
the utter Inability to break down the
barrier of pain when they were alone.
Sometimes ho told himself It had
been better to speak that last goodby
at Bombay and prolong the agony no-
longer ; but as a drowning man clings
to the rope ot succor , he had not the
courage to be the ono to cut the cord
which bound them. She had consented
he should take her home , and ho would
go through with it to the bitter end.
His thoughts never went beyond that
end. After their farewell had been
spoken , what mattered It wither he
went ?
And now they were on board the big
fateamer at last , and the May day was
dying in a golden haze over land and
sea. The pilot had long since gone
ashore In the tug steamer , and HIP
great Indian land of glory and death
was sinking fast astern Into the world
of waters.
Lllllo stood on the poop and looked
her last upon It with a bursting heart.
She had come hither a gay and happy
girl , she was going hence a broken
hearted woman , a wife In name alone.
Don was below , conferring with the
steward anent their luggage and cab-
Ins. She was free to let fall those salt
tears she hid from him with proud.
Spartanliko fortitude. If she suffered ,
he suffered In silence , and perhaps
Don never guessed how deep that suf
fering was. Ho came up by and by ,
and foujid nor still standing by the
talTraU alone. She had checked her
tears and recovered her habitual calm ;
but though she had drawn her veil
down , through its thin texture Don saw
how pale and worn her lovely face
"You arc tired , " he said , compassion
ately. "Shall you go below at once ? "
" 1 would rather stay hpre a while.
I am not In the least sleepy. "
( To be continued. )
lintiiiiocs In Nil turn Whenlixrl ( ilxt-n
Way to Sot'mlii ) ; llxll.
A matter that has attracted the at
tention of all outdoor students for
ages , and which still remains unset
tled , Is the fact that , although the
farmer wages a constant warfare on
weeds In order that his crops mav
grow , tlib food-bearing plants often
tall to seed fruition , but the weeds
never. The more noxious the
plant the more certain It Is
to llourlsh , says a New England
writer. What Is true of the plant
world IR true'of bird and mammal life.
The English sparrows , which nearly
every ono hates , increase at the rate
of millions yearly , In spite of rigid
winters and bounty laws , while the
birds which add the beauty of color
and song to outdoor life are tending to
ward extinction. The frost that Im
prisons the grouse , b > forming a crust
ove.r the snowbank where he has
sought .shelter , at the same time , pro
tects the Held mouse pest from his
natuial enemies. The same crust bears
up the wolf , while it practically Im
prisons the deer. Insect parasites kill
the .game birds , whllo the owl 'seems
to enjoy their companionship and
cares not how thickly they swarm
\\lthin the cover of his plumage. The
crows fly over morning and evening
from roosting to feeding place and re
turn In locxs as great as those , of ! a
' '
cent'iry ago. The duckSjiind gedse'Vo-
turn from the south spring after spring
with eonstantJ 'MMniilil'rankM. ' . As
the pastern writer puts ( t'Jtho cliai\co3
are that a. hundred- years .hence. In the
dearth of Ran\'e..lho \ ; leading5'sportsmen
will bo wrangling over the merits of
their skunk dogs and bragging of
their bags of crows and sparrows.
Slui tl.iml SmoVt'les * 1'oxulor.
He That's a peculiar ring you am
wearing. Has It a history ? Slip Yes
It's a war relic. He Indeed ! Tell mo
about It. pray. She Oh. there Isn't
iHuen'.to ; , t ll , I. won It In my .first en-
gagemVnt. Chicago News.
, , , , , UPSET BY FACTS. ,
Till * Connlry Ha * PimeJ tlii T\TII
itlllloii' Unltiir Murk Alike In , Hi
t'oinnioi-co anil In thn Aiiioiliit
itftntoiuijr hi C'lrrtlliitlutii
, , - . .
Tlip- United States ImJ remrfied 'tlitf.
two billion dollar inark alfkc an to Itn
foreign commerce and Its volume ol1
money In clrculatltm. Thls'lrf' un'un-
pleaEanUfact for two classes of theo
rists , It IB unpleasant for free-trad
ers , IIUCIJIIHO ' the development of our
trndo wljh foreign nations up j tot and
beyond the two billion dollar mark
knacks tin1 life ont of a cherished free-
trai/o / belief and shows that the free
trader vfiis hopelessly , absurdly at
faultimlhls oontenljon that a ! pro.Unvi
live tariff was fatal -foreign trade
expansion. Equally unpleasant , In
deed actually distressing , ' is Iho"- fact
of' a , t'w billion dollar volume of
mpyy | In circulation to those who luivo
based all their political hopqg and am
bition's ' Upon the effort to show that
" ] < ! to I'l was the only thing that could'
maln ? money plenty and clienp.
CnrloijHly ; enough , the facts that
make both thn Cohdenltes and the
Dryanltes look silly are the product of
a single month In tho. hlyUn'.v , ojj..the
fUjl ed States under "McKInlpy and.
Prosperity. " On tlic 14th qf January
of. , llfls year it was announce by the
treasury bin can of statistics' that In
the 'year189D our foreign 'tfoninicYce
had.lejiossed the two billion dollar line
d ( ) Uthe [ 1st of February the treav
urybbiireau of loans and currency made
knbwii Hn > fact -that ) the total money
In cjrc.ulation had also crossed the two
blllldn. dollar line , while gold and gold
certificates alone had crossed the 800
mlllloU dollar line. The total foreign
commerce for tho. year. 18.99 was § 2-
074typ ; ,242 , whllo the total money In
circulation on February 1 was ? 2',003-
149r)5. : ! The use of ten figures with
which to show the- business lipndltlons
of the country 'Is Indeed becoming siir-
] ) rlsVnsly frequent. The tables of the
December summary of commerce and
finance show , for Instance' ' , ' the tolal
resources of national banks at $1,475-
313,924 ; the latest report of the comp
troller' of , the currency shows the de
posits 'In savings banks to be $2,2.10-
3GG'.d54 ; hie total resources of all banks
In 'the * United States are given by the
aame report as $5.190.177,381 , and the
latest number of he silmmary of eom-
mer Wiind finance shows the December
clearing-house retdrhs of all cities outside -
side of New Yorlriit $3,01289 ! ,144. and
those of the clty'of New.HYork at ? 5t-
The announcement that the money
In circulation 'In 'the ' United States has
for the first time crossed the 'two ' bil
lion dollari line -also calls attention , to
the fact that the amount of inonoy.
for each individual is greater today
than ever before. The treasury bu
reau of loans and currency publishes
each month a statement of the amount
of money In circulation , and by com
bining with this the actuary's estimate
of population , presents a monthly
statement of the amount of money In
circulation per capita. The statement
puts the population on February 1 ,
1900 , at 77,110,000 , the money In circu
lation at $2,003,1 19,33. > , and the circu
lation per capita at $25.98. This gives
a larger per capita than in any earlier
month In the history of HIP country.
On February 1. 1899. It was $23.42. on
February 1 , 1898 , $23.42 ; on February
1. 1897 , $23.05 , and on February 1 , 1890 ,
? 22.47.
No period In our financial history
has shown a more rapid growth In
the amount of money in circulation
than that covered by the past three or
four years. The total money in cir
culation today is 33 per cent greater
than at the beginning of the fiscal year
1897. and the , gold a d gold certificates
in circulation 01 per cent greater than
at that time , the actual increase in
money in circulation during that pe
riod being $493,124,155. and of gold and
gold certificates $305.880.000 , practical
ly two-thirds of the Increase , there
fore , having been in gold.
The following table shows the
amount of gold and total money In
circulation at the beginning of each
quarter of the fiscal year , from July 1 ,
189G , to date :
Oold ( coin
and. cprtlllTotal
cates ) In money in
circulation. circulation.
Date. Dollars. Dollars.
189IJ July 1..498.440.242 1,509.72.1.200
Oct. L..517.508.120 1,582.302,289
1897 Jan. l..C55.G30 , 'J8 1.030,223.400
April 1. . . 551,582.090 1.GG9.000.G94'
July 1..55G , 132,591 1.040,028.240
Oct. L..501,997.312 1.078,840,533
1S9S Jan. ] . . .584,120,049 1,721,100,010
April 1. . 018.418,941 1.750.058.045
July 1..G90.780.51U 1,843,435,749
Oct. L..058,043,721 1.810,590,392
1S99 Jan. 1. . .732.980,132 1.897.301,412
April 1. . 727.748.591 1,927,840,942
July 1..734,710,728 1,932,484.23 ! !
Oot..l.7ir.23l.7M , L948.703.1Sti
1900 Jan. 1.779,100.027 1,980,398.170
Feb. K..804.330.0ii5 2,003.149.355
Al'xviiya an 'llncrrtnln ' QuiiiitUj Whoa the
'Country H In u I'roiporou * ContllUun.
The Republican party naturally ex
pects a largo incratso In Its voting
strength this year as a result of the
great prosperity which the country has
enjoyed under the present Republican
administration. When the people have
passed from a condition of depression
and extreme hard times under ono
party to a condition of unparrelloled
activity and good times under another
party , the reasonable conclusion must
c Uian'hVfbrln-er pW-lV Wl YOSP and
the latter gain at the next gcneiul PX-
iresslon of , p } p/ijur.sentiment. As la-
ior has boon one of the chief benefi
ciaries of this changed condition , It Is
tatiiral to suppose that thcr 'would
in nn especially largo gain to the lle-
) itbllcnn party from the labor vote
Inrtlcularly In the mn'ntifac'turlng dls-
rlcts. The ripe student of political
ijstoi ' , however , will not accept this
vfijw Implicitly. -
whgn President IhirrlHori w/ns def -
f atcd for re-election the colfntry was"
n atj'rosperous condition. Nearly all
the mills were running full time and
wages were good. It was dlfllcult to bo-
love that the wage-earners r In any
in'inber would vote for a change. JJut'
lley did. Thp Democrats piled up
iomo of the largwt majorities In sec-
Ions dotted with mills and furnaces.
\ great many wage-earners listened to
) romlses that times for themselves and
everybody elsp might even bo better ,
ind they voted'to usher in a condition' '
of things which , Instead of helping
hem , swamped everybody. | ;
Again in Ohio last year , Golden Rule
Tones , on a platform whollj theoretical
and unsubstantial , drew almos't his entire -
tire support of over a hundred thou
sand votes from the manufacturing
Itlcs of the state. An almost unex
ampled business boom was In progress.
Everybody with the will and the
strength to work were hard at work
and prospering. The state campaigib
was generally regarded as a skirmish
line fight for advantage this year , and )
hence , the wugwcarnors wc q adjured
to stand by the party of sound money
and protection. Uut , nevertheless , Mr.
Jones made what , In the circumstan
ces , was a surprisingly largo Inroad on
that vote.
This' linnatual and unreasonable
course on the part of labor Is duo to
two causes. , Demagogues majte tjielr
appeals specially to the labor vote , and
laboring men arc too often suspicious
ii the party which makes buslnc3S
good , because , of an absurd belief that
whoever helps capital to prosper is an
enemy of labor. The Republican par
ty's gains this year , therefore , may ba
expected to come chiefly from business
men and farmers , who know the ad-
vajntagcs of living under a sound mon
ey and business stimulating adminis
tration , and are not willing to take
chances under any other kind ami
from Democrats who cannot Indorse
their own party's narrow slghtc'd pol
icy against national expansion. Kan
sas City ( Mo. ) Journal.
Firm H.iaU of u Ir < iteclcil Mirlot.
The United States by the growth of
its foreign trade bar passed completely
from the ranks of the debtor to those
of the creditor nations. And this in
the face of the free trade theorists who
predicted that so long as this country
maintained the protective system it
could never build up foreign trade , and
would always remain a debtor. Our
agricultural exports will rise or fall
with the seasons In other parts of the
world , and as other nations are able
or unable'ld raise their own food. Tilts'
Is Inevitable , and no. legislatloji can
anticipate or remedy these fljjictna '
tions. Rut legislation can nsSl'k and
has assisted manufacturing1 industry
by preserving for It the home market
and encouraging It from that firm
foundation to seek foreign markets for
its surplus products. Our exports of
manufactures arc expected to reach
$400,000,000 for the fiscal year ending
June 30 next , as against $380,000,000 for
theicalendar year 1899. With the firm
basis of a protected home market
American manufacturers are reaching
ouUall over the world , and already the
total of our foreign trade Is'only a lit- ,
tie behind Great Britain's , and Is galn-
ing-by leaps and bounds. Chicago In-
" - Ulelit Sort or Itrclprocltr.
It'1 Is true that as the chairman of
the 'Ways and Means committee and
the author of the "McKinley bill" of
189JJI Major McKinley did at that time
report and doubtless favor a "reciproc
ity" clause , but the reciprocity which
ho favored In 1890 was a very different
urtli'lo. from , that Incorporated in- the
present law. The "reciprocity" of 1S9U
was a manly notice to all nations that
if they did . not'-treaf us fairly wo
would raise the uutT&j on certain - o ;
tholr products. Thorn-was no-proposal
to1 lower our duties 111 any case. Hy
the McKinley bill raw sugar , mojassen ,
coffee , te-i and hides , were upon thtj
free ifbt , err sugar gro\vprs.belng coin-i
ppnsated by a bounty on production !
but the Piesldent was empowered ,
whenever satisfied that countries ex
porting those articles wore Imposing
on United States products duties which
under the circumstances were unfair ,
to promptly Impose a "reciprocal"
duty on those articles imported from
siiieH a country. That is not a bad kind
of reciprocity , and It Is the only kind
which Mr. McKinley advocated when
| uCongr&s2.--&an Franehco Chronicle.
AlMUrilllr of ( 'renting u Tariff
Only fa Miniiuli liy Mean * onrr
Wo are not at all surprised to liear
that Germany Undo fault with > ' our
Italian treaty , nor shall we wondo | ! If
Italy finds fault with the French trelity
and s.9 on Uirpughout the list. No.olhcr
result was to have been expected from
such a system , To construct n tariff
adapted to Hie'country's Interests and
needs a tarl/f whl jh treats ail foreign
natTojis'yn irbasls f absolute equality ,
and which can be understood and reck
oned with by our producers and ex
porters on a basis of simplicity and ac
curacy and then to set abput the
amendment and modification v of that
tariff In a dozen different and bewil
dering directions strikes us as the moat
notable modern Instance of the openIng -
Ing of Pandora's box. H Introduces
Into our financial equation the factor
of a mischievous confusion. It lays
us open .to the charge of favoritism
and discrimination. It sets In motion
the machinery of an Interminable.and
pestlferods complication , at home ajid
abioad. It can give satisfaction con
tent and security no\vhere. " ; (
The very Idea of setting up a tariff
law only to honeycomb and dismantle
and emasculate It afterwards through
the medium of a swarm of special trea-
tles strikes us. as objectionable in the
last degree. If the tariff Is Imperfect ,
unsuitcd to our necessities and poli
cies , why not modify it in congress ?
Why amend this schedule to satisfy
GerWiany , and that schedule to placate
France , ' -'and so on to the end of the
catalogue , and conclude by satisfying
no one , not oven ourcslves ? Section 7
of Article 1 of the Constitution of the
United States provides that "aljl bills
for raising revenue shall originate in
the house of representatives. " It
goes on to say , however , "but the sen
ate may propose or concur , with
amendments as In other bills. " Section
2 , article 11 , provides that the presi
dent shall have the power , by and
with the advice and consent of the
senate , to make treaties. The ques
tion , then , Is whether we can , by call
ing these tariff arrangements with for
eign countries "treaties , " use article 2
of the constitution to nullify article 1
of the same Instrument. Apparently
the arrangements under discussion did
not "originate In the house of repre
sentatives. " Apparently their purpose
is to "raise revenue. " Thus we have ,
under the operation of the reciprocity
clause of the Dlngley act , a set of laws
which refer solely to the raising of
revenue , but which have not originated
in the house of representatives , riior
bc n' subinlttcd to ( that body's judg
ment , and authorlt . ' '
j i i
It is no part of ; our purpose , how
ever , to make free with the constitu
tion. We recognize the monopoly ot
the members from Podunk ,
and Possum Fork in that respect. But
il seehis to us a" very grotesque , not
to say ridiculous , situation , which puts
the house of representatives In the pre
dicament of formulating a tit riff which
somebody elsn can tear Into tatters and
which , subjects American producers
and exporters to the bewildering un
certainties of laws that reduce the
chamclepn to a dull , neutral1 and un
changeable complexion.
In our opinion It would be well f.or
thesenate , to reject the whole lot of
piese absurd ( ' 'treaties , " and for con
gress to abolish the High Thingabob
Plenipotentiary Nohrfense under- which
they have been bred * We have a con
gress to make tariffs for us , and for-
ejgn nations should be left to approve
them or not , according to'their'fancy
and caprice. Washington Post , i
of Mlichiuf. '
A recent dispatch from Louisville.
Ky. , reports that thp jeans clothina
business In that section is booming.
Shipments last month showed a gain oj
25 per cent over those of January , 1899 ,
-iind manufacturorrfi have more , ordprs
for spring shipments than they ever
ht\d \ before. There are eight or ten
Jeim mills 1m fhb jtviclnily 'of 'Louis
ville ; and iilljavo sharing In the gen
eral prosperity.
There Is very little doubt that the
present trouble in Kentucky would
have taken on a very much uglier as
pect if there had been as many Idle
discontented men hanging about to
swell the mob on the ono side or ihu
otluT , as there would have been wUon
Wilson law free trade had close'd our
factories , put business at a standstill
and thrown men out of work. Men
with work to do haven't-time to hang
around looking for trouble , and our
policy of a protective : tariff sees to it
that men have work to do all they
want of It. It sees to It In Kentucky
as well as In the rest of the country.
The result Is peace and- quiet , Instead
of discontent and mob violence. Work
Instead of mischief Is only another way
of saying protection instead of fren
In Alt S.ivo
'I ho price of cotton Is higher by $12
: T bale than it was before Republican
prosperity came to visit us. The south
Is in favor of expansion , and opposed
to the llryan theory of contraction anil
fiee silver. And yett when the south
comes to vote" , it will bo solid for free
silver , anti-expansion and cheap cotton
solely and only because these things
will have the Democratic label on
them. And yet the voting part of th <
south Is Intelligent in all things save
politics. Lawrence ( Kan. ) Journal.
If They Will Only Think Nn.
Shakcsppare or somebody pjHp K.IH !
that a man "who Is robbad and doesn't
know It. Is not robbed at all. " HryanVi
continuous calamity yelps would in-
dtcato that ho thinks that If he cuu
make the people believe that they arn
b"lng j-obbcd , It's Just as good as if
they were really robbed. Republican.