PLOT .T 0 Sipido Oeems Inclined to Make Ooiifession of the Whole Buimecs , AN ACCOMI'LICE.IS UNDER ARREST r > > i i He Admit * That Jftv Solil , n ItrxoUrrto the I'rlsoiu'r Slptilo lsii' r < % * 1'ntlnT' * Appeal * lo. Continues III * DHIiint Al titude , hat 'IV IN nn liiiMllli-rciit Tn If. BRUSSELS , April 0. One of Slpldo's f.ccompllces been ah'estcd and in- te-rrogatcd by the commissary of police. blpldo seems inclined Uo'pimke a con- and Judging ' frohi his latest. I j statements the. outrage kwas the outcome ; | come of a plot. ' ' Three of the associates are known. One of the'person's arrested 1ms con- .fi.s < ? cd that he sold the revolver to iMpido. His name is Meort. He admits that he had , n .conversa tion with Slpldo on the subject of the i outrage on the prince , but protests that i the words were spoken In jest.'Tlic po lice are seeking other accomplices. The attempt at the assassination of the Prince of Wales yesterday was the * .ole topic of conversation in the .streets , in the cafes and theaters last evening , i Everywhere regret- and deep indignation wore manifested an'd satia- J-ac'tion n't the failure ot the L'rJni\nL's \ attempt was unanhnously expressed. at is said that whtSn the crowd rushed ri ( ' Slpldo he received a blow from someone's jlst In the ; face nyhlch drew blood. * * - > * ; One version of Slpido's gtateniqnt is that he declared thutj he committed the act because he wasum anarchist and 1 6 did not allude to South Africa. The , Patriote says : "Investigation proves premeditation. The Interroga tion of the prisoners lasted four , hours nnd It shows that he was instigated by an unknown person , who pers i'tied him tO'buy a pistol on .Sunday in the Old Market for : ' . francs. Accompanied i ; > tills person , Sipiilo went on Tuesday to a meeting iii the Flemish theater and then to the Malden dn Peuple , where they had drinks. Then they \vent to a wine shop , where Sipldo wrote a letter say ing he had obtained employment. He then went to the rail- v aylsta ion and asked the hour of the : urlyahof the train. Later he entered ' a ca'fe and loaded his revolver In the lavatqrjSipido rqfrsed to give the nflnie'of Ills .companion . , who , ho said. ' was a young man' some years older than himself. After Sipido was locked , up' . .the magistrates went to the house' of hts parents. According to the Etpile Boise. Sipido explained his motive as follows : "For n long' time I have tlfoughl tna' the ambitious men who are unchaining , Avar sacrifice so many lives that they deserve to be punished. Those men should sulTor the penalty of retaliation. When I learned by the papers that the prince was going to pass through Brus sels I Immediately resolved to become the avenger of humanity and to , kill this 'assassin. On Sunday I made up my mind to carry out my project. [ regret that I have not accomplished It as * I desired. " The magistrates , struck by the incoherency - herency of the story , arc convinced that Slpldo does not tell the whole truth and wishes to save someone. Jite magistrates arc going to verity the prisoner's statement. The commitment charges the prisoner with an attempt at assassination. Jean Bapti&te Sipido was not sub mitted to ajm''her . ' examination today. His attltnilo' Is 'dejected and he appears very tired , having had little sleep. He expressed no regret at bis crime , but has repeatedly asked pcrniissib'n to see Ms mother. No interview between them" will be , allowed for some days. I ! ' ' HAY PROTESTS TO TURKEY. Edlrt.i\cliidlii : Atiicrlciin Tork ItrliiKti HII lOinpliallc IS'oli' . WASHINGTON , April 'G. Secretary Hay has addressed a vigorous 'protest to the Turkish government against the pioposed application of an.edlcUcxclud- ing American pork from , Turkey. The note entered an emphatic donirtl of the pretense of \inwholesomeness set up against pork as a basis for the ex clusion nnd pointedly makes it neces sary for the Turkish government to support Its contention by adequate evi- , dcnce before It can enforce the edict without serious rear-Its , .fl'he1 officials' ' hero are confident , because of the ro-1 suit of the complqte failure of the Ger man health officers to malic"good suck I assertions respecting our meats .be ! I lieving that the Turkish government can make no better showing. ! 1 Hill for Mlllliir.v C , , , , , , , . , WASHINGTON , AprlUC. A bill was introduced In the senate today by Huw- le > authorizing the secretary of war'to ! make surveys for the 9stabllslunent of , | 1 ' camp grounds in the north , eas't , south ! I and west for the training of soldiers oi i I the United States and , the .national guard. The bill provides that the cnmps when established shall be * &up piled with all modern conVemences' . j Credentials of .Senator PrrNentrd. WASHINGTON , April 6. In the senate - ate today Sonalof'Mnnes1 lit Arkansas presented tlio credentials of , K C. S. Dluckhurn as a senator from Kentucky for Iho term of six years , beginning March , 1901. Mr. Joijes baftri&atl \ \ $ ciedentials'wore long hp would -ask that they bo printed In the Record as a document. .v fr Ilin.Cjr WASHINGTON. D. C. , April G. The naval appropriation bill was today re ported-to the house by Acting'Chair man Foss of the naval committee. Th 1 amount carried by the bijl is $01.219- 91G , the largest'eVei reported to the house from the naval committee. Asiilo | f loin this the report which amirn ? panics. tie ) hil } , ig rcni-irkable for. ia { arrayal of facts regarding sea powei1 the world over , foreign naval proi grams and the comparative : strengil J of the nnvles of the great powers i , nccompanled by colored charts showing th ? unbuliiiig arjous great navies. i DOERS TAKE IN FIFTY llel.itcd Itrport Cuptnre of a Sijimdroii or CrllUli UiiMtlry. LONDON , April G. TUo Capetown corrospondcnl of the Standard , , tele graphing Tuesday , gives the details , hitherto obacurc , of the surrender of i .squadron of Kitchener's Horse on February 1 , " ; "It was the day of the r Hef of Klin- Itcrley. The stuitidron hud been left Jo guard u farm on the Illet river while General French advanced to the besieged town. "The object of leaving them on the river was to hold a well pondjng tle ) arrival of another column. The latter , however , never c-amc , and the 'troop ers found themselves besieged for four days by a body of 400 Doors. There were but fifty men. but they pierced holes In the walls of the farm honso and made a desperate stand for three days. "They fought gallantly .1111,1 , alj the time wltho.ut ' foqd . , Bn.t an. tl\e \ fourth day they managed to catch a goat , which they quickly devoured. There was not a blade of grass on the neigh boring veldt , and all their horses died ot starvation. The stench In and about the farm house was something i.wful. "On the fourth day General DeWIlt .sent a message calling for them to Mil-render within a few minutes. The fcUnntlon was hopeless. The Boers hud two twelve-pounders with them , and the squadron was In the last stage of exhaustion. Seeing there was no ( hnnco of relief , they agreed among themselves to surrender. " The war office issued no news yes terday and little was allowed to come through from the correspondents at Uloemfontoln. According to the Stand ard's representatives there is no sign that the Doers Intend taking the of fensive. General Clement is so ills- loosing of his forces as to guard against any surprise attack , which , although improbable , is evidently not regarded n * impossible , judging from the prepa rations of Lord Roberts. As Is usual where .there is a cheek in the progress of the British cam paign , the war oflice is being severely censured for failing to send the noces wiry supply of remounts for the army. If is believed Lord Roberts has dif ficulties other than remounts with which to contend. DEWEY'S CHICAGO VISIT l'eir : ixir : < . < ( ! Unit Them N TollMcnl ( Ibjvet In tliu C'.ill. CHICAGO , 111. , Aprlll G.--Mombcrs of the Dewey reception committee will hold a formal meeting next Tuesday to decide whether the celebration planned in honor of Admiral Dewey on the occasion of the Jatter's visit to Chicago May I shall be abandoned or carried out in accordance with the original idea. In the meantime prep arations are being actively pushed for the celebration and the work of col lecting funds Is progressing satlsfac- toiily. The committee apparently Is divided as to the wisdom of abandonIng - Ing the fete , many of the members stating that the reception to Admiral Dewey should arise above partisanship , while others wish to hear from Ad miral Dewey as to whether or not his visit to Chicago is to have any politi cal significance. CLEVELAND DENIES REPORT. He DcH.iriM Ilo HUH Sulil Nothing Jtcln- tlio to Deuce's t'umlldiiev. PRINCETON , N. J. , April G. For mer President Orover Cleveland today declared that he hud not given an interview to any one on Admiral Dcwey's candidacy. Referring to pub lished expressions of his views , Jic dictated the following : "This statement is outrageous. It in false from beginning to end. A number of young men representing different papers called on mo yesterday for my opinion in relation to Admiral Dowey's announcement of his candi dacy and f invariably declined to say anything whatever on the subject. If by any possibility I should see fit In Iho future to give any expression on this subject , it will be done in a way that will leave no doubt as to its au thenticity. In the meantime it is safe tti calculate in advance that any less t'uthoritativc statement which may be attributed to me will be an unjustifi able fabrication. " tll < > l-'ll-st SllOt VANCOUVER , n. C. , April G. The war toward which Russia and .Japan pro believed by oriental papers to bo drift Ing , was almost precipitated by an Incident of which Japanese olli- cials have vainly end > avoiod to sup- press. On March 2-4 a Japanese bat- tlcshlp encountered a Russian cruiser iir tlrc-'iielglihorlioftd , 'of Iiaitoflato. Without any warning tin- Russian discharged a torpedo agalnut the bat tleship , but missed aim. 'lit Hiiiulle SiiinllioCIIHCH | WASHINGTON , April Ii. The ofll- cers of the marine service have con- sc tiled to handle the smallpox suuai.on on the Nez Percys reservation in Idaho They \vlll establish detention camps and do whatever olno is necessary to htamp out the disease' . Commissioner Jo no's of the Indian bureau said tcduy that thq se.tiousnqsfv.of tbe situiitloi evidently has been overestimated. He thinks the' Indians have become'panic- sirickon. The annual meeting of the stockholders - | holders of the American Beet Sugar company was held In Jersey City. The old board of directors was r.e-eieeted , and it will re-elect the old olliccrs. No report was given out. Will right to thn Knd. LOriSVlLLK. Ky. . April G.-Gov- einor Taylor spent today in this city in consultation with personal and po- litical friends. Adjutant General Col- Her came down from Frankfort to meet ' Hie governor. Genet al Collier reiterated - , ated that Goveinor Taylor will not re- ' linquiKh ills position until lite United ' States hupremo court passes on tlio ci-fco. .Tho latest report from the court ' of appeals is that a decision in the t Eovornorhhip case may be expected ' Mcnday. IWIVMIGIi'S ' DEATH i A Manila Pnpor Publishes a Long Article Concerning Him , ONE OF BRAVEST IN REGIMENT lilHlfttril ( in Slii.vliiK lit III * Tout iif Duty \Vlilln SiilTrrltii ; frinii DNpunp , liven TluitiKli t'rKi-il t < > Knlcr tinIliiipllnl A 'Mull IVurlc-n In riirroriiiiinci * of Kilt.T. PLATTSMOUTH , Neb. , April 9. Hon. Samuel Waugh of this city has received the Manila Freedom contain ing the following : "While temporarily Insane fiom the effects of Intermittent brain fever , contracted during the severe cnnipalgn it south Luzon , Second Lieutenant John R. Wnugh of the Thirty-ninth Infantry shot himself through the heart at Clamba. early Tuesday morning. He died almost Instantly and yester day his body was brought to Manila by nn cscotl from Company H of the Thirty-ninth , under command of Lieutenant ' tenant Harry 1C. Courtney. The re mains will be transported to , the sl'ttes on the Sheridan. "Lieutenant Waugh was one of the bravest of the young officers of Bui- lard's fighting regiment. He hud buiT- ly reached his majority and for one so young In years had gained a name for personal bravery and devotion to soldierly duty. He was slight of stat ure and a fit candidate for Iho hospital when Langhorn's battalion reached Calnniba a week ago from Its record breaking 'hike' through the provinces of Lagnna , Batangas and Tayabas , but he continued 'for duty' with his com pany and on Monday collapsed from nervous exhaustion. He recoverd within a few bouts and appeared u > bn on the high road to complete recov- 01 y , but in the early morning of Tues day he ended his llfp by his own hand while suffering the tortures of disease. "He had been talking in a sort of distracted way with Captain Joseph P. Coughoy of the Thirty-ninth at his eiuartors in Cnlambu an hour before If ? fired the fatal shot , and the captain urged him to enter the hospital for treatment. Young Waugh refused and added that he would feel better HOOII. Captain Cotighey kept a watchful eye over nim until breakfast had been fin ished and then Waugh appeared to have entirely recovered. About 9JO : o'clock a shot rang out and the officers quartered In the building rushed out upon the veranda and saw the young officer lying there gasping for breath. An army revolver had ended his life. He died within ten minutes. A mili tary escort , made of infantry compan ies from Hie Thirty-ninth and Sum- meraH's artillery , with a troop of cav alry , did military burial honors over the body of the dead lieutenant at Calttinba yesterday. "Lieutenant T. M. Cobb , jr. , said : "A more impetuously brave young ofllcer I have never known. I have seen him have his platoon into the hottest of the fight and no one ever saw Dick Waugh flinch. I know bis people in Nebrasaka , and 1 can truthfully say they have lost a noble son. ' " .School Unmix FRI3MONT , Neb. , April 9. A special mooting of the school board was held here , and Mr. W. .1. Conrtrlght , the attorney employed by the board to rep resent them in the district court , sub mitted ills opinion that the school bonds were invalid for several reasons , one bping Unit not one-third of the legally qualified school electors signed the petition for their submission at the election last fnl. His opinion was a good deal of surprise , ns it practical ly conceded the points fact out in the petition for the injunction. The board instructed their attorney to file an an swer admitting that the petition for the submission of the bonds was not signed by a Hiilficient number of clec- tois. A .Mllr anil n Hair a Day. OMAHA , April 9 At the Union Pa- ofle shops , a force of carpenters and blacksmiths has begun building a Rob ot ts steam track layer. This is a giant mechanical- device to take place ot hand work In the distribution of both tics and steel , whereby one steam track layer with a force of sixty men can lay a mile and a half a day , an amount far in excess of what the .mine crew could do without it. The equip ment of the steam tracK-laying train , a. , planned to lay tbrco-quarters of a mile for each half day trip , consists of a pioneer car , eight lie cars , then the engine , and then the thioe cars wltn rails. Komi ! ( < lit Norfolk. NORFOLK , Neb. , April 9. A bicycle road race was hold here under the manugomimt of the Young Men rf Christian league. The course was from Stanton to this city , a distance of fourteen miles. The race was won by George Davis , with Clyde Williams second an- ' John Kuhl third. Best tune , 40 minutes 11 seconds. W. W. Hughes collapsed at the finish and wa : < carried home. Ills condition is not considered soiioiiH. StirvUorH of Slilln. SC1IUYLHR. Neb. , April 9. The sur vivors of the battle of Shlloh met hero and held a camyfire. which was addressed by Rev. C. H. Miller of this place , T. J. Majors of Peru and Rev. PrcHhon of Stromsburg. About forty visitors wore present and an interesting meeting was held. Rev. Mr. PrcHson , o.\-ovenor ! Thayer and John L. Webs ter were the principal speakers on the board. Will Itulxn ItrHK. SOUTH OMAHA , Neb. . April 9. President Fynn of the Commericial clul ) says that no doubt remains as to the utility of raising beets on the vacant land adjacent to the city , and that a great many laboring people have expressed a desire to cultivate them if given an opportunity. For that rea son , u number of the leading business men , headed by President Fiynn nnd Secretary Watklns of the Commercial club have termed an association which will provide the seed and cultivators for a number of responsible people who desire to go Into the.beet raising business , SOME SUPREME COURT BUSINESS , Hand Down Their Dicliuin In It Nuinhur of CIUCK. LINCOLN , Neb. , April ( i. The su- promc co\irt handed down decisions In Mcven cases. Considerable time wn spt-nl'ln listening to arguments on the motion of the attorney general for rt writ of mandamus compelling Judge HiiUcr of thiy'district court of-Donglas ( cnnly to set aside the Judgment In the case df the State < if Nebraska against the Omaha National hank and for a mandate ordering a new trial of the suit. In < tho' Btnto ex rel Christy against Stubby the election contest ctt&e from the Seventh judicial district , the defendant -WJIH given n weelc's time to prepare for a hearing on the de murrer. Several questions of Interest to at torneys and fire Insurance people In Nebraska are decided by the court for the first time In the case of the Ijui- rashtru Insurance company against Hush. Under the valued policy law of this stnto the wortn of property in- wired Is fixed conclusively at the vain- lion written jn Iho contract- Insur ance and in case of total Iocs that sum 1& the measure of recovery. Under such r. policy In case of paitial loss the no f'lal damage Is the measure of recov ery. In the decjalon handed down .to . day the court rules that if , under n valued policy , the property Insured Is totally destroyed as the result of two or more llrqs , the. measure of recovery foi the final loss is the amount written in the contract less amounts paid In settlement of previous losses. The court further rules that after a partial loss under a fire policy which renders the building unten\bl | < thn In sured Is not guilty of a breach of the vi.cancy clause of the contract where lie permits the property to remain un occupied pending the period during vblch the Insurer Is authorized to ex ercise Its option to repair the damaged building and that there Is nothing .In the constitution of the United States or of this state wnlch forbids classifi cation of subjects for the purpose of legislation. It is held that the power to classify Is subiect only to the limi tation that the classification must not lie arbitrary. "Tho provision of section 3 of the valued policy law ( section \ \ , chapter I. ! . Compiled Statutes , l&fl ! ) ) , permit ting the taxation as costs of a reasona ble attorney's fee upon rendering the judgment against nn insurance corn- puny on a contract Insuring real estate , " it is hold , "Is grounded on consideration of public policy and is constitutional. " ( Joiiill.v'H MortciiKe Iti'cnril. SI2WARD. Nob. , April ' . The far mers of Snwnrcl county oroko the rec ord during March In reducing the mortgages on their farms. The record shows tliat fifty-seven mortgages were filed , amounting to $75,580.20 ; released , ! )0 ) ; amounting' to $120.804.09 , a reduc tion of $ .T1,218.10 for the month. City mortgages filed. 8. $2,831.50 ; released two , J080.85 : chattel mortgages filed 10 , ' ! . $2:1,580.22 : : released 81. $44.'A192. \ \ . making a total reduction of $0.9,855.49. AliiHuorlh CliTiinu-r.v A Korittlnu. | AINSWORTH , Neb. , April 0. The stockholders of the proposed Ains- worth creamery association met and incorporated with the following offi cers for the ensuing year : President , It. S. Honing : secretary. II. O. Paine ; treasurer , C. L. Hrlggs ; board of direc tors. George Carpenter. W. H. Coltrin. Dr. W. 13. Loom is , J. W. Shaner and C M. Ilnlchlnson. The plant Is ex pected to bo in operation within sixty days. Much Interest Is felt In the en terprise. lilt liv n Trill n. GUANO ISLAND , Neb. . April 0. At Henry Carson , a farmer of St. Lib- ory , aid his daughter , were crossing the Burlington track in this city the engine of the east bound passenger Htriick the tall end of the wagon. Both occupants were1 hurled out of the wagon. Carson's leg was broken badly and bruised , and < he daughter w bndly cut and bruised. A Untile C'ldxCH. LINCOLN. April 0. The state bank ing board has taken possession of the Citi7.pns' State bahlc 'of ' Cambridge Examiner Wilson took possession of the- bank Monday and the state board authorized the attorney general to ap ply to the district court' for the ap pointment of a rocoivo.r. The cause of the' failure is said to have been 'toe much poor paper. riftnri-N of I'li-Hi. Ni-linmkn , LINCOLN. Neb. . April 0. Adjutant General Berry rpcelved nine large pho tographs showing the , | lrst , N.qhrnkmi regiment In active service In the Phil ipplncs. The pictures compilse the on tin : collection In lh ponaehblon of tin chief signal officer. ' i ne pictures wcrr feu warded by Eugene O. Keehet. cap tain , signal officer United Htatos Vol unteers , disbursing officer. Captain Fcchet Is a brolher of Major U. ( ! . Kcchet who was assigned to duty In Nebraska several years ago as special aid to the governor. \VnnlM it MOIIP.T Hal in. OMAHA. Nob. . April 0. John S. Clark Is plaintiff In a damage suit against tno Chicago , Burlington & Qniney Railroad company , In wnidi he seeks to collect $20,750 on account of Injury. Ho alleges that bo was a pas se ngor on one of the defendant com pany's trains running from Atwooil. Kan. , to Lebanon , Nob. . November 29 or last year , and thai on reaching Leb anon the train did not stem at the de pot. Ho Jumped off and sustained In jury that required the amputation cf hit ) right leg. , lnlili * r4 nro 1'leiiHpfl. OMAHA. Neb. . April 0. The Jobbers oJ Omaha are well pleased that the Omaha-Kansas City differential on imekliiK IIC.UBO products has boon re duced from U to , I ! cents per 100 pounds. One jobber said : "Thin reduction n.eans much to the jobbeiH. nMdo from the packers' Interest , as It Ind'cut ' s that Omaha irf lo eventually got lower ir.toH on other lines of goods than those produced bv the packers. For ve.iis Omaha jobbers have been discrimin ated against In rates to the south hn I1 believe the beginning of the cud la 'at hand. LING IS OUT FOR Qovornor Poyntor Will Stand by His De cision of Last Weak , AN APPEAL FOR REINSFATEMErU , Otrtto IliMird of Tr.iiniiort.-itlnn - * . . . . . * Srrrcd . . . . With nil Order IlrMr.tlnliic 1'lichi I'rnnt Ilourlnc C'iiuiilitliiN | A limit Kullrniid MiUi'n MKri'llitiu'tim Nuliritukit Mitt- tur * . , M -1 - r A 'O'l " LINCOL.NI ApnlM.f-lloternoriPoyn- ler will stand It ) * ' hla decision ; of last wccki-and will rufuso U reins Into B. F. Lang of York its superintendent of the State Institute for Foeble-Mlnd- ed Youth at Beatrice. A delegation headed by LlouUwnnt Governor Gil bert and Jiidgi ; Bates of Y.ork uid ex- Mayor 13. A. Kretslnger of Beatrice , and lneludlugabout ( a , jlpjKon/ly7.pjitfor ( , York , called on Governor Poynter and pleaded for leniency on behalf of Lang. At the close of the conference , flov. ernor Poynter said that ho had no decision other tluhi the cine rendered last week. Jt has been , , qujetl ' I nil milled that unless ho was Ycltisluocl l ! . Lluig would refuse to go cut of olHeo until compelled " to do so b'y ' tlio ' eoiirts. Jovernor Poynter asset Is Hint he has Lang's rtfsig'hat'lou in writing " Uvo.l- his own signature and Unit he cannot therefore Contend lliat he has any lawful right to the oillco. Lang has told several of his friends that ho has not reslj'iiod and that he does' 'hot pioposo to bo removed from the olllcu " ' " " ' ' ' ' without cdAsc. Members of the State Hoard ot Transportation wore' ' HOi'vcdVlth ' H copy of an order ! sued by Judge Mun- gcr of tlto 'fedl-fal' court roHtralnlng Ihein from entertaining , hearing or de termining any complaint which ban been or may hereafter bo filed with the board , touching the niton of charge made by the Frerhoht. liiitthdrn fc'Mls-1 Hourl Valley or the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroads. This order is lo conllnuo in force until April 15 , wlioh the complainants will move for a permanent Injunction. The Hoard of Transportation IH nlrfo re strained from making any order fixing or : > rescrl ) > lng the raits which either of ihcso companies 'shall charge for transportation of freight between points In Nebraska aild from taking any proceedings for the purpose of enforcing any order heretofore' Issued. But little surprise was expressed at the stale houst" when the injunction was served , It being generally expect ed that life Hoard of Transportation would be restrained from proceeding with the hearing of cases pending against the Fremont , ISlkharn & Mis souri Valley and Iho Uinnna roads , bolli of which were recently contin ued. ' The case of the Business Men's as sociation of Norfolk against the Oninlm read has been lost In the mass of railroad rate litigation. Ntlitn Ciipllnl NntrN. LINCOLN , Neb. , April I. Trcasnrci Meservo has Irisuoc1 ! ' n/'cajl' for general fund warrants registered from 55,171 13 r.r.,570 , payable April JO. The amount covered is $10,000. Two of the bondsment 'of ex-Coiinly Treasurer J. W. Lynch of Plnltc coun- ly wore at the state house wllh a view to effecting a compiumlse with the state of the claim covering the short age of that olllcial , amounting to tip- pioximatcly $111,000. Lynch's short age was , ln the neighborhood of $ .iO- 100 , of which amount 17,000 belonged to the county and the b'alance 'lo Iho stale. The county funds were paid b'y the bondsmen , but the state has not been reimbursed. IY1I Undi'i- I liu COLUMBUS , Nob. , April 4. Martin Jensen , a baker , twenty years old , who has been employed the- past six -months at Humphrey , stole a rlno w.lth a , com panion Saturday night , on the Union Pacific acconimodnllon train , and fell under the wheels al Platte Center. Both legs were badly mangled. He was brought to tho. hospital and one leg was anppi\tnted \ 0911 aftei ; midnight. Attendn gHiirgcons hop * } to 'save 'the ' other , but are not sure that they can. TiiiuU fur Inillii KnlT r"r > < CAMBRIDGE , Neb. , April I. A mas * meeting called for the purpose of raising funds 'fo'r relief1of the India famine sufferers resulted lir'tho sum rn' $1150 being rained 'by ' the people of Cambridge and vicinity. This town has always responded liberally when appealed to for the relief of suffering Immunity. .Mrvtfitii Wiir Vrlenin l > nd. GRI-ri'NA , Neb. . April l.John Fal : Ion , an old citl/.en , ' died of heart fail : lire at the home1 of his daughter at Watorvllle.-Kah. , Sunday morning. Th remains were brought to this place this morning and burled In the Cath- oils cemetery. Mr. Fallen Was a Vet- ' erun of the Mexican war. AVin. Fulli-r U Hound Over. O'NEILL. Neb. ' , , sXpril j.-TWilUam Fuller had li'Is preliminary hearing in the county court upon the charge of statutory rape of the person of Jyy Mount and was bound. o > er to the trlct court In the aum cjr $1,500. The defendant is about 18 yunrs'of age and the complaining witness a year young er. They are both residents of Stuart and hltjhly connected. The 'jaJleged date of the crime Is July , 1899. DodRit County .MortK'H" lirrnrd , FREMONT. Neb. . April . The fol lowing IH the mortgage record of Dodge county for the nioiilTi of March : Chattel mortgages filed 1-18 , amount VTJJ-Ki.ll ; released 150 ir..junt ? : ! . ! . - 797.US. Farm mortgages recorded 53 , amount $ : ! ! ) , ' , " ( 'M' ; t flensed 51 , amount $91,721.20. Town and city mortgages recorded -10 , amount 14.799.00 ; re leased W , amount $19,399.7 : ! . The amount of farm mortgaged recorded Is greater than any month alnce registers of deds have been required to keep 8a record of them and arc pilnclpully pir- | chase nicney mortgages > \ud s. OF STOCK INCREASE. Htock \ > f Hundred * of .Millions. ( MUVAtlO MVK STOCK juMAKKHT. . . .UIIJGAOOApril P.-rATTLK-Nutlvos , " first "lontl on sain , jr. . 10 ; need to prltnu nicer. * . 5,00 a. ViO ; poor to' ' medium , * l.23 I.PO ; .iplcfteil fonder * . JI.2 < HM.M : mixed dtopUprs. | 3. > iHf 1.04 ; cows , I'l.UOfrl.iV ) ; heif ers. M.iW.7X : ; cixniiers. $2.00frJ.T : > ; liulU. * . > .7ifrl.2.'i ; calve * , JiVWuT V. . .Hex im , .r v iclpts , none. HOUS Market > < ) lOo , lower ; lop , JS.57'i ; Kood cluiiniiieert , - . mixed mill butchers. Jj.Wr : > ri.57'si : Kood to choice. vy. | "i.Wf".MTiV nniKifhiiivy ; i IlKht. $ ; bulk of sales , flllKHP AND LAMHH-Oood to cholco wtithern , Itl.iiofiiWil ; fnlr to eholce. mixed , Jo.OOTii.l ; western sheep. $ u.iiu1iO ) ; year- llllKH , JiJ.DOttli.ii.'i , nntlvn luinliM , $ V Of < 7.l < ) , Vtntern Imnbs , fii.iOU7.4li. XI\V ; yOUIC ( IHAIN MAIUCKT. NKW ' 1OIIK. April O.-WIIKAT May. T.V\)7l ) ii-lcV , cloned nt 7to : ; July. 73J < W 7U-jC , closed nt 7iVi September , , ST < itni > c , v'r ' Mv'.a' ' " % ' ' . ' ' > , , IOuN Siol | , easy , No. 2 , 4i'nC. f. o. 1) . , nllont ; 4'l ' e olovutor ; Muy. fi'ltiV4 ' . Closed tit 4XJc ! July. I5ft47 closed nl ( H'/to ' ; September closed nt OATS- Spot , enslor ; No. y. iflo ; No. S. USUo : Nh. ir'whlle , : KI- nuked ; No. a white 31 Hi1 ! truck white , truck whltu Htalo , " " l < . ' 'lW MVK HT ) C'1C. KANSAS CITY. April fi.-l\\TTLK Kiipply. dl | ioKrcl of tciullly nt iin- il lulci'Mj Itiiuvy niillvo Htocrt * , H.75 llKlttwplKlits. 4.50 | S.IO : Htookern mid fnedera , n.W(4i3 ! : : tiutchur COWH mill hulfcrri , W.-tO 4.7r , ; cutiiu-rH. M.iiOWMO ; foil , . 11OUS Good nelivy Hcurco : ptlcoH rtilod li1i"'sc lower ; ' hrAV . $5fWljri.fii : ) ; tnlxod. AND LAJtHH-Mlirknt uctlvii and Htriincr : xprlliK ImnliH , Ji.W : ; fed < "oltmido lainliH. Ji.SM ( 7,00 : jitoukerM and food . .TV , $ J-51l.l | ! ( > ; "oull ( . RM ( tltAIN AND pnont'cn. I'MK'AOO. April ! > . NVMI3AT No- No.1 n d. i ( > l4fJ7iU % . CCJHNU-NoJ 1 ! , : m. . i4lo : Nof ! yollow. 40c. OATH No. a. a , A il2fic : No. 2 whllo , SJUfSiaiiNO. : . : s while , SiUmaskc. HYI3 No. 2. Mo. HAHLKY-No. 1. I 111 I" J. , SKICOliKhixHpcd , Xo 1 nilil iiorlbwoil , ? l.7 ( ) . Vilmc tlinotliy , : ? ) . Clover , contract itnuli1. $7..V ) . PUOV1HIONH Mi'im porlc. | > or bill. , JI2.B1) ( iiU'.7 ( ) . Uinl , | iiir UK ) HIM. , lilKVUfi 'O. Short llb sides ( InoNtt ) , Jii.KMi7.1"i. ! Dry sultod Hlmuldi'i-H Omxrd ) , Jii.riOfili.7. . Slioit clear widen ( boxed ) , $ T.1M(7.n. : : SOUTH OMAlT rLIVV : STOC'K. MOUTH OMAHA. Apt II .I.-CATTM' : Market rutlmi' liiiiivn of now ftmturiM nnd lliero WIIK vury lltll ' vlniiiKo In liny dliecllon to report. The drinniul for nil kinds nppenrvd to lie good and us n rule buyers wore nil out caMy snld they took hold readily , effect IIIK a cleiirnnco In u very short time. The must , of HIP cattle hero were eotn-fed steers , foi4 whleli tlioirt was a KOCH ! puektiiK deinilnd. lleef sle r . JS..VJ1I" . ! ) . " . : cows , .M) ) cows nnd bolf- ers. STM/ I.2IIliftfnrri. . W.'X' t < M\ \ bulls , W. ( Mil.iO : ! eiilves , jr > .5on".0i ) : stiiKS. $ : ! .i"i'i * 4.(0 ; steers nnd HliiKS' . Jl.lXWi 1.15 ; stock enlves , $ . 1.001(7.00 ; slock cows and heifers , ! .7."iff l.0 : Hteers nnd heifers. II.UMn.O' ; stockers nnd feeders. $ : i.7"ii5.i)0. ) MOOS The market wns HO nearly steady thn. It wns hardly possible to note any chanse. nnd still It wns n llttlu easier In spots. As wns the ease Saturday , Iho IOIIK string sold nt t't.'M , with some of ) e-s deslrnbleillKht | ind ; IlKht mixed loads nt X > , 'ffrtio.2 > \v. \ Home of the best lends broimhl W.S.ViTri.nT'.i. 1'rnelle.ully tiVerythliiK ohaiiKed hands In K od senson nnd the market soon ennui nt nn end for the wnnt of suiuelhliiK morn lo sell. 'I no iiunlliy of the IIOKS < m snle wns. If any thing , n llttlu butler limn thn nveiagu of. Into. 811KKI'-Quotations are thus ulvoii : C'llolco yeailliiKH. W.lMCi.-'i : fnlr lo Kiioil yciirllMK" . < U.liOfli.lR ( : oed lo choice weth- _ ers , Irt.uOliii.iri ; fair to Kood wethers. t-ViMP 'iM ; Kood lo eholee fed ewes , i.riiKi"i.7.'i. fair lo Kood ewes , | Ti.l ' ( f."i.4fl : Kood to eholce unlive lambs , $7.00f(7.1ii : Bond lo eholee wcMlcrn lambM , $ r)0 ! ) ( ! 7.ri ; fair to Kooil western lambs , Jii.i'.O'iiii.X.I ; feeder wethers , $ I..M > 'iiYOO ; feeder yenrlliiKH. J".iHfi ) 3.IW ; Rood lo eholee loeder lambs , ft.'Mt li.Oj ) . TbnTlRE AMERICAN CONSUL Peru L'nlU-d lo Acciiunt for Action of ICevoliillonlHlH. NliJW YORK , April 9. A dispatch to th.e Herald from Washington says : An.anv.lng ) story of Indignity , inflicted njion an American representative abroad has been disclosed byu resolu tion offered In the senate by Penrose of Pennsylvania , whl"h calls upon the State department for Information and documents filed by Hdw.ard Gottfried of WllkeHbarrtj , Pa. , late consular agenl of Ibis governnidiit , st 'Iruxlllo , Peru. In Hworn statemcr.tvhluh lie hasj filed with the department Gottfried as- sc-rls Unit ho WIIH seized by Peruvian K volullonlstK lu Iho unnnor of IS'JS and su'bjccled to torture , In addition to which h ! Jiousc Warf sackcd'tind de stroyed. The revolutionists demanded thai ho produce 5,000 soles ( bclwcen $ ; ir0l ; ) and $4,000) ) and Iwcntr-f.-te rlflcH with in fifteen minutest , or nubmlt lo cluts- llsemonl In whal Is termed In Peru the "Hying stocks. " When he said he \sas unable to comply with the de mand he was knocked down by a blow from a gun and overpowered. His thumbs were fled togelhcr with thongSi and hlK hands twisted back of bin h'-acl. Heavy liilcs were Inst-rled be- Iweon the Inverted elbows and bis bend , nnd In that position lie WUH strung up. Jn a short time the ago nizing pain rendered him Insensible. The torture was rq iuned .until Goti- fried agreed to the demands iiacle upon him. Goltf'rled hii.s" fllecV'an ilemized' stalemcnl of the damages ho HUHtalned and they approximate 2iO,000 ( holes. , I'orliine IIH Duly. NEW YORK , April 9. Appraiser Unwell has announced his decision on the Rubens painting , "The Holy Fain- liy , " sent , iff this country ) from Paris. The painting was entered nt , a value of 132.000 francs ( about $26,500. ) Ap- pjalaer Howell advances this to 198,000 francs ( about $ (0,000 ( , ) making the , duty 20 per cent , about ? 7,000. The added penalty ib 19,000. making , tjio total to pay about $2G,000. The painting was once part of the collection of Slli Cecil Miles Hart. who o executors sold the picture at auction In London less than a year ago for about ยง 4."i,000. Tlio Nfv CrnMsr Ntibninkn. WASHINGTON , April 9. The now cruiser Nebraska , which Is to bo built by tbe Navy department , Is to have the beat equipment without limitation a * to the nrlcc of armor plate , Con- giessman Mercer having secured In the presen. appropriation bill a re moval of the $ l00 ! per ton restriction previously placed on atmor plate for 'naval vessels in former appropriation bills. It IH a fact that the United States today Ii .securing .armor plato cheaper than any other country , Eng land. Japan and Russia paying consid erably more than this country for 'armor plute.