CDSTER CODfflREFIJBLICAN D. M. AMSIinn.HT.VnbUilier. BBOKEN DOW , KEUIIASKA. THE NEWS JN BRIEf. The Union Pacific Is waging war on box car thieves. Leading democrats favor Bryan In preference , to Dowey. National Biblical congress to be , held in Washington on April 19. Colonel Bryan declines for the pres ent to discuss the Dcwcyrcandidacy. Governor Mount of Indiana , refuses to recognize Bcckham as , , cntucky > governor. Secretary of War Root saVs Captain Leary's withdrawal from 'Ujiairi ' wait voluntary. „ M. Joseph L. F. Bertram ! , pcrjlotual pceretary of French Academy of Sci ence , is dead. The Carnegie Steel company has bought the Bessemer & Lak6'rI5rlc rail road for $40,000. Dr. W. Wovcr , German consul at Rio Janeiro , .has been appointed consul of Germany at Chicago. Hcrr Gclssler , first vice ronsul of Germany at Naples , has been appointed consul at , Now York * . - Rosebcrry1 In u speech in Kdlnburg , says continental .countries could not get along Svlthout England. Kmpcror William denies that ho sent n message of sympathy to Dr. Leyds on the death of General Joubert. William M. Merritt" Company K , Fourth cavalry , dies on the transport Sheridan on his way home from Ma nila. Julius Ukleuruth dropped dead In St. Louis Just as ho was being arrested for embezzling $9,000 from a brewing company. Democratic leaders say the national convention will be held in Kansas City notwithstanding the burning of the Auditorium. Hon. E. H. Moore , aged 88 , has died at his home at Athens , O. He was a fcimer congressman from the Fif teenth district. Formal decision that constitution docs not lover Island possessions with out a special act of congress made by Solicitor General Richards. The comptroller of the currency has declared a dividend of 5 per cent on claims against the Globe National bank of Boston , making tip per cent In all to date. The pure food bill was killed by the New York senate by a refusal to adopt a rule reported by the rules committee to permit of Its Immediate passage out of Its order. The population of Hungary has In creased from 8,000,000 to 18,000,000 thin century. The capital bf the. country counts C70.006 Inhabitants , against 20,000 In the year 1800. Twelve pounds only Is the weight oJ the new automatic machine gun under experiment In the United States army. It fires 450 shots a minute and can be fired by one man. The largest single shipment of ordi nary postage stamps ever made will take place next'Friday , when 53,301,300 stamps of the value of $9i5'JG7 ( will lib sent to 1,300 postolllces throughout the country. A Newark , N. J. , firm Is at present working night and day filing orders for 10,000,000 campaign buttons , which Indicates that'the button craze will be a > prominent a feature of the presi dential and htate campaigns this fall as In former years. At Terre Haute , Ind. , a fight upon the street occurred between Congress man George W. Paris ami 1l. C. Pugh , ex-United States cor.sul at Palermo , glowing out of the manner of the withdrawal of the congressman from the race for the renomlnatlon. Lcroy Channlng Shear Is under ar rest at Washington , D. C. , and Is wanted at Bedford , Ind. , for cashing a half dozen checks of $100 each against the Citizens' National bank , purporting to have been issued by Ale Hatfleld , hindlord of 'the Hatfleld house. Notwithstanding Russia's enormous expenditures for the construction of the Trans-Siberian railway and for increasing the strength her army and navy , her revenues during the past twelve years have exceeded her dis bursements by 790,000',000 ruples. Lieut. Col. William P. Hall , of the adjutant general's department , has been relieved from duty on the staff of Brigadier General Davis , at San Juan tie Porto Rico , and ordered to Chicago. A dispatch from Chlco , Cal. , an nounces the death of General George Bldwell. General Bldwell was the pro hibition candidate for president in 1S92. 1S92.V. \V. H. Graham has been rcnominated for congress from the Twenty-third Pennsylvania district. Mrs. Alda Lawrence , one of the old est actresses in the country , who has played ) eadlng parts \vjlth Edwin Booth , Junlus Brutus Booth , John Mc- Cullough and Joseph Jefferson , died at Quincy , 111. United States Deputy Marshal Payne , under charge of murder , broke Jail at Bcnton , Tenn. Mr. and Mrs. Hurst , the parents of Joseph Hurst , who was hanged at Glen- dive1 Mont. , Friday , emphatically deny that their son made a confession be fore his death. Mark Twain makes recommendations for amendments to British cdpyrlght law. law.The The monthly statement of the direc tor , of the mint shows the total coinage - ago at the mints of the United States during March to have been $17,075,088 , as follows : Gold , $12,590.2 Iff ; sliver , ? ! ,341,37G ; minor coins , $138,072. Senator Proctor denies ihat he is icsponslble for Dewey's presidential aspirations. The Chinese government has "set tled" the controversy arising out of the murder December 3 last of Rev. Brooks of the Church Missionary so- tTcty. Senators Lodge and Wolcott have Itr | settled their differences. Rev. John Scott , former editor of the Western Methodist Recorder , died at his home at Eldersvllle , Pa. , of la grippe. Mr. Scott was 80 years old. Rev. Dr. Edward Everett Hals , the vc-nerahls writer and' philanthropist , was 78 years old Tuesday. TLoy Attack and Defeat the British South of Bloomfontcin. TOUR HUNDRED PRISONERS TAKEN Indicia llrnvy I.nx mid Cnpturc * a I n-gp Quantity of 8torr I.on * of Federal * IK Very I.lclit Oftlelal Itnporl at Pretoria of llrllUli ( 'iiilurcil | Near Illnciiifnntolii. PRETORIA , April 0. U Is reported that General Dewct attacked and de feated a large force of British 'cavalry at Dowel's dorp , Houth bf Bloemfon tein , capturing 450 prisoners and a largo quantity of ammunition and camp stores and Inflicting heavy loss. The federal loss was two killed and four wVjtindt'd. All''Is qhlet with the other commandos. ' LONDON , April ' 6. The Bloemfon- tcln correspondent of the Times , tele graphing Friday , says : "The Boers now stretch a thin line from , Sannas Pqst on the south to a point east of Jagcrsfontcln. The rail way stations art amply protected , but their defense nccusHtates Mieavy pa trolling work. "The question of protecting the sur rendered Free Staters Is beltiK solved by their ' iqcentloij lnto , mfil'tijry comps. Many a'rc flocking here , but It Is re ported that the farms westward of the capital arc tenanted by women , only the men having rejoined the Boor commandos. ' PRETORIA. Wednesday. April 4. It Is ofllclally announced here that at the Blocinfonteln water works the re- ptibHIan forces captnr.ed eleven officers and 3C2 men , with eleven guns , two ammunition wagons and , other wagons and mules. BETHANY , Saturday. April 7. Gen- tial Gatacrc's force has returned here without having found , any trace of the Ill-fated British column capture by the Reddcrsburg commando , It Is Impos sible to estimate the British losses , but , as the men fought stubbornly , It l' probable that , wen ; largo. BLOEMFONTEIN , Saturday. April 7. Another ( | f Mr. , Stoyn'H brothers \\as captured near Karct Siding yes terday and arrived here today. HLOICMFONTEtlN , Saturday. April 7. The Boqrs are reported iu force to the spilth , thrqatenlng the railroad , which , however , Is strongly protected. British picket ? , at Springfield , eight miles distant , were attacked by Boers advancing fvom , ( tle ! wiicor works. Remounts are rapidly arriving. The British arc In , high splrUs mul anxious to advance. , MASERU. Basutoland , Thursday. April 5. rTho rcoccupatlon of Lady- brand , Thaba Nchu and the Bloemfon tein water works by the Boers , In the very sight of the Basutos , who recently witnessed the , expulsion of the Boors by the British , Is far the most Import ant aspect of the situation here , in view of Its probable effect upon the native mind. Already the natives are arguing that' the British have suffered reverses , and. should the British evacuate Wep- ' ener , the results , so far as the native's are concerned , are likely to prove dis astrous. All Impo to HQO General Brabant steadily advance and drive the enemy before him. ro on Dmvvy'H MOM- . CITY OF MEXICO. April 0. Com menting on' the changed aspect of American politics , called forth by the candidacy of Admiral Dewey , the Mex ican Herald says : "Wllh the gold standard s'cUled in the United States , 'Mexico has little piactlcal concern with American pol itics. The two countries get on very well together In the International re lation and now that expansion has been found to Involve prolonged at tacks of territorial ethnological Indi- geHtlon. Mexico Is not likely ( d sec agnln the spectre of absorption So far as the presidential campaign pro gresses In the northern republic , all Mciclco will take a top scat In ihe big continental amphitheater and watch with Interest the campaign which Is likely to be one of the most exciting for many years. No presidential event for years has caused more comment bore than the entrance of Dewey Into the American' political arena/ ' I'ulllitun for ] Second I'hu-o. CHICAGO , 111. , { ) . The Chicago ( 'ImmlelQ tomorrow will say : .Iti Is learned through the national democrat ic headquarters that preparations are being made to boom Former Governor Fmery Pattlson of Pennsylvania for vice president at the Kansas City con vention. Democrats here , are , not willIng - Ing to be quoted for publication , but they admit Mr , Pattlson , would bo a strong candidate , and that his accept ance not only would strengthen the ticket , but would , .afford an exit from the difficulty of finding a vaild defense to the criticisms that the party man agers are disposed to ignore the oast. Volunteer l.etnnn Nnli-lderf. LINCOLN , Neb. , April 9. C. L. Lom- inoii , a printer and member of Colonel W J.Bryan's Third Nebraska regiment during the war with Spain , committed suicide by taking poison sttmo time between Friday evening , when he dis appeared , and. today , when his dead body was found on the state fall- grounds near the city. He is said to have been despondent over business re- \ erses. tiencral ICandult Sails. SEATTLE , Wash. , April 9. General ( . ' . M. Randall , U , S , A , , commandqr of the department ofi.aska , sailed for Skagway tonight , where ho will select u site for an army post there , Ho will also Inspect the.troopij at Wrangol and Skagway and return In ton days to Se attle. General Randall expresses the belief that the government will In the mar future find a telegraph cable to Port Valdes a necessity and build It , giving the states direct telegraphic communication with Nome via the Yu- Iton telegraph line to be built at once from Valdes. ARE ANXIOUS TODJOURN of CmigreuM Peeltlng .Mean * tfi Clout ! CointrcK * Kurlr , WASHINGTON , 1) . C. , April f . 5'enator Chandler probably will make an effort Monday to get the senate to agree upon a day for taking a vole on thti resolution concerning the seating "f Senator Quay. The present Indica tions are that for the present , he will tail to scpuro unanimous consent and In iny event the discussion of the reso lution will proceed. Among the t'ona- tors who are expected to engage In the ( Mscusslon are Messrs. Burrows , CJuarles and Platt of Connecticut , all of whom oppose the seating of Mr. Quay Mr. Burrows will speak today. The Indian appropriation bill , will continue to receive attention until dis posed of , but it Is not expected to oc casion a great deal more of debate. Senator Carter hopes to proceed with the consideration of the Alaskan code bill early In the week with the hope of securing action at an early date. There i are still some differences pertaining to mining rights to be adjusted In this measure and more or less discussion necessarily will precede their deter mination. The appropriation bill for the District of Columbia probably will be considered during the week. On Wednesday Senator Lodge will able the senate to vote upon the Philip- | . ! no temporary measure , but he does not expect to accomplish more than to got a day fixed for the vote. There Is apparently no disposition to debate this Mil to any great extent , but an oh- Action Is likely to be entered to a vote at this time. The republican senators are disposed to crowd on all possible sail with the' view of securing early adjournment , ' and to this end will seek to get early ! action on appropriation bills and on other necessary legislation. The domo-i crats apparently are disposed to fall In "with this Idea , and the.v , too , ox- | -ress a desire to get away early In the hummer. The committee on elections will con clude Its consldf-ratlon of the case of Senator Clark of Montana , during the veek. Senator Chandler , chairman ot the committee' , expresses the opinion that only one sitting of tljc committee ' . ' 111 be necessary to determine .the attl- t.ide of the committee. A portion of the session of the sen- ; to of Tuesday afternoon will be de voted to eulogies upon the the late Representative Bland of Missouri. The features of the week in the house will be the closing fight on the Porto IJicnn tariff bill. The republican man agers will carry out the program agreed upon In caucus on Wednesday , when a H-eclal rule will be adopted which will tiring the motion to concur in the sen- site amendments to a vote after several l'o\u-s of debate. Both sides arc laboring earnestly to I oil their full strengtn , but the repub licans appear to be confident that the motion will carry by a safe margin. i bey assert the republican opposition will not be over seven votes , the num ber who voted against the original bill. i he agricultural appropriation bill will ( onsume tomorrow and Tuesday. Fri day Is private pension day and Satur day Is set apart for addresses on the lecclpt of the statue of Oliver p. Mor ton of Indiana. FILIPINOS IN Their OntioHl | IN Struck Within Klvo Mile. "I tin- City , MANILA , April 9. Reports of en counters between the American troops and the Insurgents continue to arrive Horn many points. On Friday Captain Sturgls , while rcconnoltcrlng , struck an Insurgent outpost on the Novalichcs lead , live miles distant from Manila , killing two and capturing ten. All were in full uniform. Unfortunately , Cap tain Sturgls' force was not largo enough to pursue mo main body. A detachment of the Forty-second lifantry | , while scouting in Lagima piovlnce , was pursued by the insur gents and obliged to take refuge In a church at Paeto , where the Americans n polled the rebels until reinforcements arrived. Lieutenant Gordon , with a company o' the Sixteenth Infantry , while scout"- Ing near Aparl , utgayan province en gaged 250 insurgents. Lieutenant Gor don was wounded. A sergeant and a corporal of com pany I , Eighteenth Infantry , were killed in a severe 'light In Caplz prov ince , Island of Panay. The Insurgents made a night attack upon Callmyon , Island of Suniar. They killed the sentry , swarmed into the town and searched the house of Major vumioro or me Korty-tiilrd Infantry , who was absent. They Killed IIR | cook. Ultimately the Americans drove them out of the town , killing four and cap turing twelve. WITNESSES TOR GOEBEL TRIAL A Number HUH Ilt'ou Suiniiinnpd | .o T H- llfy Dnrliiir Week. KIIANKKOUT , Ky. , April 0. The grand Jury will continue the InvcHtlga- tlon of the Ooohel assassination during this week. About forty witnesses have been examined so far and It Is said that more than that number are on the list of those summoned WHO Jiave not ycU been heard. No report Is expected be fore the latter part of the week. U Is r.ald that the names of hovoi-nl r < - MO most Important wltnejisen who have tot-titled so far have not been disclosed and the evidence has been jealously guarded. The habeas corpus proceed ings in the case of Tallow Dick" L'ombs , the colored suspect , Js set for hearing before Jiulflo Qantrlll Tuesday but it Is not expected that anything will be brought out In this which will throw any 'light on the mystery stir- rcundlng the assassination. ( Ifii .Mill's M Nf\t NKW YORK , April n. The World says : General Nelson A. Miles is willIng - Ing to be the democratic nominee for piosldont. Ho ban so stated to his friends and ton days ago he visited \Vllllam C. Whitney to talk with him about the possibility of his being nominated. Mr. Whitney told the gen eral that all of the leading gold demo crats were as much opposed to the nomination of Mr. Dryan now as when he was named four years 1130 , but ho did not commit hlint-elf to the support oi the mm m Decision of Court of Appeals in Kentucky , Governorship Oase , ONE REPUBLICAN JUDGE DISSENTS CIIAO to llu Takrn to Iho Uull < ! < l .Supreme Court T > vn ilnl | > < > n CrlllvUe ( ioehelllc'ft Conine Wlmt Itanium' * N | inratu Opinion FRANKFORT , Ky. , 7. The court of appeals today handed down a decision In the governorship case In favor of the democrats. The opinion Is by six of the judges , four democrats ami two Republicans. Judge Durelle was the only judge dissenting. The other two republican Judges , Burnam and Guffy , gave a sep arate opinion from the democratic judges , but which agreed with the democratic members In its conclusion. Judge Hobhon wrote tlie opinion of the court. The concurrence of Judges Bunuun and Guffy with the four dem ocratic judges was a surprise gener ally , but to the republicans especially. The opinion holds that the action of the legislature in seating Governor Bcckham was final and that the courts have no power to review It ; that Gov- etnor Taylor exceeded his authority In adjourning the legislature to London and that the Journals of the two houses of the legislature , being reg ular , cannot bo Impeached. Thirty days must elapse before tin ; mandate of the court of appeals , In accordance with today's decision , Is Issued. Meaa- whlle no radical change In the rela tive positions of the two state govern ments Is expected. Former Governor Bradley , chief counsel for Governor Taylor , tonlgnt authorized the statement that an ap peal on behalf of Governor Taylor and Lieutenant Governor Marshall will be carried to the supreme court of the United Stales. Bradley and Judge W. ! H. Yost , counsel for Hie republican state officers , were In consultation with . Governor Taylor for several hours ! this afternoon and the statement was made at the close of the conference. It Is said that Colonel W. C. P. Brock- inridge and republican leaders from different parts of the state will meet Taylor in conference here tomorrow morning. ! Judge Burnam and Guffy , republicans - | cans , while concurring in the opinion i tl'tit the courts have no jurisdiction , j dissented from the reasoning. Judge | Burnam's separate opinion says : i "It Is hard to imagine a more fla- i jrrant and partisan regard of the modes j ol procedure than is made manifest i by the facts alleged and rolled on j by contestees and admitted by de- i niurrcr and I am firmly convinced from admitted facts that the legisla ture In the heat of au r , engendered by intense partisan excitement , has done two faithful , conscientious and , able public servants an irreparable , injury by depriving them of the office to which they were elected and a still ' greater wrong to the large majority | of the electors who voted under difll- | cult circumstances to elect these ser vants , ' i "But we are met at the threshold j with the contention that the courts | of the state under the constitution have j no power to go behind the legislative | journal and review the Judgment of i the assembly in the proceedings over which they are given by the constitu tion exclusive jurisdiction and from whoso determination of the question i no appeal is provided. J have been led j with sonio leluctance to the conclusion , and not without home misgivings as I to its correctness , that there is now ' po.ver in the courts of the state to ! review the findings of the general assembly - i sombly In a contested election for the offices of governor and lieutenant gov- > rnor as shown by Us only authenc- inted records. Many question have been raised and diseased liy counsel for the appellants , but it will be un necessary to consider mem In view of the conclusion we have reached.on this fundamental question. " Miir < li > r iN Will ll t < iiirrr > tr < l , PONCE , P. R. , April 7. At an e rly hour today Simeon Rodriguez , Carlos Pachcco , Hermongenes Pacheco , Ku- genie Rodriguez and Rosalie Saltlago , who are condemned to death by gar- lotlng , will be executed. Their crime was the iniii-dor In October , 1898 , of Senor Prudencio Mendez at Yauco. The murderers after criminally as saulting the wife and daughters of their victim , compelled them to dance about the corpse. \mrrlrii'n CARACAS , April 7. ( Via Haytian Cable. ) President Castro today sign ed and delivered to the United States minister , Mr. F. B. Loornls , the parcels ] .ost convention. It is considered that this agreement should augment the American retail trade by $1,000,000 yearly so far as the mail order busi ness is concerned. ( 'oinl I tun of tint Treanur.v. WASHINGTON , D. C. , Aptil 7. Today's statement of the treasury balances In the general fund , exclusive ot the $150.000.000 gold reserve In the division of redemption shows : Avail able cash balance , $155,77fihO : ! ; gold , $90,392,555. iH for Stute * . WASHINGTON , D. C. . April 7. A bill of much Interest to the national guard and the militia of the country was Introduced today by Representa tive Marsh of Illinois , for the arming of state troops with Krag-.lorgensen rifles. EVERY STATE TO BE REPRESENTED Truis-.AIlHslHslil | COIIKITKH to lie tit Iloiihlon. HOUSTON , Tex. , April 7. Secretary Richardson has now received assur- m.ces from the governors of every state and territory west of the Miss issippi that official delegates to repre sent these states and territories will bo at the coming session of the Trans- Mississippi congress , which Is to beheld held here April 17 to 21 Inclusive. This wll bo the first time that such an attendance has been secured , The Colorado chairman has wired for a reservation of rooms for fifty. INTO A TRAP AGAIN. l'Uc More ( 'nnipiiiilr * of Ilrltlnli Infnnlrj CuttKlit li.v llnrm. ' LONDON , April 7. The Dlocmfon- tcln correspondent of the Morning Tel egraph today says : "The Boers nro apparently making nn attempt to redeem their promise to take Hlopmfonteln. A considerable force has moved south through Thaba Nehu. CJcncral Tucker's Isolation at Karce Is more apparent than real , rlncc the open ground north of Hloem- I'ontcla offers small opportunity for llocr tactics. They may possibly en gage him to distract attention from operations elsewhere. Remounts are anxiously awaited. " LONDON , April 7. Lord Roberts reports that five companies of British troops luivo been captured by the Hoers near Uethany. The following Is the text of Lord Roberts' dispatch to the war office : "OLOEMKONTEIN , Thursday , April . " . Another unfortunate occurrence 1-as occurred resulting , 1 f"nr , | n the capture of a party of Infantry con- fisting of three companion of the Hoyal Irish Pusllcors and two compa nies of the Ninth 'regiment of mounted infantry near Rcddersburg , a little eastward of Bethany railway station , within a few miles of this place. They were surrounded by a stronger force of the enemy with four or live guns. "The detachment hold out from noon April I ! until April 4 , 9 a. m. , and then , apparently surrendered , for it is reported that the firing ceased at that time. Jrnm6dlatoly after'1 heard the news , during the afternoon of April 3 1 ordered Gatucrc to proceed from Sprlngfontein , his present headquar ters , to Reddersburg with all possible speed and 1 dispatched the -Cameron Highlanders hence to Bethany. He arrived at Reddnrtiburg at 10:30 : yes terday morning without opposition , but < onld got no news of the missing do- liu'hmcnt. "There can be no doubt the whole party has been made prisoners. " ENGLAND IS ALARMED AGAIN. \Vonilpi-liiK Whether I.nril Hubert * fun .Mllllltlllll III * ColllllHllllc.ltloMK. LONDON , April 7. Not a word re garding the disaster at Rcddersburg lias conic through , except the dis patch of Lord Roberts. Meanwhile the British public is beginning to realize the Immense difficulties to bo over come even before Pretoria ic reached and Is revising premature ideas with icspect to the time at which the war will be over. No one believes that it will have ended by the beginning 01 .lime. The latest disaster more particularly illustrates the heavy tasK involved in holding the railroad. This body of : some r > 00 British troops , without gnus , which disappeared so completely with in thirty-five miles of the great British army , had for its business to guard a section of nearly ninety miles of rail way between Bloemfontein and Sprlng- lonteln. If It could thus be spirited away , how is Lord uoberts to ensurq his continually extending communica tions ? Ctlier pertinent questions arc being asked as a result of these successive uniortunato occurrences. The fore most isWhy do not the British troops entrench ? It is argued that if this had been done even fiOO men might have held out until reinforcements arilvcd. It cannot be concealed that the utmost alarm Is beginning to be felt. felt.It It Is said that the Boers who cap tured the British at Reddersburg be longed to Ollvier's commando. If so he has not returned north , and hopes arc expressed that he may still be cut oli. It Is asserted that 4,000 rebels surrendered during General Clement's northward march. The Boers will do their utmost to hold Ladybrand and Thaba Nchu , both being rich grain producing districts. VERMONT WILL BE FOR BRYAN. C'oiHinlttccniiin SHJH Duttvy Cannot lilt Homo StiHo. NI3W YORK , April 7. B. B. Smal- Icy , democratic national committeeman - man from Vermont and formerly sec retary of the democratic national com mittee , In an interview upon Admiral Dewey's candidacy for president , said that the delegates from Vermont Dewey's home state will bo for Wil liam .1. Bryan , lie said : "It has long l.een apparent to me that the nominees this year will be William McKlnloy and William Jennings Bryan. The Vermont democratic convention will be held In June at Montpellor and the t'Hcgation ' will be instructed to vote for Mr. Bryan , regardless of tjie can didacy of Admiral Dewey. DEWEY'S WELCOME TO CHICAGO. Ui-anil Army It'raily to Greet Him nn a CHICAGO , 111. , April 7. Should the Dtwoy committee finally decide , ow ing to the admiral's aspirations , not to welcome him May 1 in Chicago , the Grand Army of the Republic will Invite - vite him , as a presidential candidate , 10 attend the great encampment to be held In Chicago in August. "The Grand Anuy men are anxious to have Admiral Dewey attend the en campment , " said William H. Harper , chairman of the general committee , today. "We Invited him when he first landed In New York , but at that time he found May 1 more convenient f-o the Invitation of the Dewey com mittee was finally accepted. " N Ailjmirn. ALBANY , N. Y. , April 7. The state legislature adjourned sine die yester day. KiiglUli Paring a Deltult. LONDON , April 7. On the third loading of the finance bill in the house of commons today the chancellor of the exchequer , Sir Michael Hicks-Beach , gave a revised estimate for 1900 , the icvenuo being placed at 127,520,000 and the expenditures at XMGO.000,000. The deficit , he said , would be mot partly from the war loan and partly trom treasury bills. Kach week , he declared , showed a greater improve ment In trade , which would offset the losses caused by the premature wlth- diawnl of bonded goods. Your BloosS Tjie tiling most desired of a Spring Medicine is thorough purification of the blood. With this work of cleansing going on there is com plete renovation of every part of your system. Not only is the cor rupt blood inflde fresh , blight and lively , but the stomach also responds spends in better digestion , Ha readiness for food at proper- times gives tharp appetite , the kidneyfl and liver properly perform their allotted functions , and there is , m ehort , new brain , nerve , mental and digestive strength. HOOD'S Possesses the peculiar qualities Peculiar to Jltclf which accom plish th/'se good things for all who tilkt ! it. An unlimited liht of wonderful cures prove its merit. A nose exactly in the middle of th J face Is .abnormal. The general run of noses incline toward the right. staid TUeYonfler oi the Age N'oOoilinQ NoCooVInc ; It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It mnlces all KnrmcntM fresh and erUp t& TV lien bought iic'.v. Try o Sample PacUatro You'll like It If you try It. u-1. You'll buy It If you try It. You'll use It If you try it. Try It. Sold by all Grocer * . WILL KEEP YOU DRYo I Don't be fooled with a mackintosh I or rubber coat. If youwantacoat A. j that will keep you dry In the hard- . jest storm buy the Fish Brand J Slicker. If not for sale In your B 1 town , write for catalogue to ' J. TOWER. Boston , " le one cf the earliest harbingers of spring an I equally euro Indication Is thut feeling oUn- | guld depression. Uany euallowa ot Rootboor are beet for n nprlng tonic and for a summer tcvernRi * . 6 g lloni tor SJ cent , . M'rlie hi. Uit cf i rcnluun nflrred rtf fur 1 b < li. diaries K. Hires Co. SIul\cruI'a. IN 3 OR 4 YEARS INDEPENDENCE ASSURED If you tu'.io up your . .inmoh In Western Cun- uda , .tho laud of plenty. Illustrated pamphlet's , civlriK experiences of farmers who have be come wrulthy In grow- I IUB wheat , reports of , i I delegates , etc. . and full iiilnnnnuon us t > reduced rnlhvuy rates caa bu hiul on application 10 the .Superiuteiidutit of Immigration , oilrtm | n of In-erlor , Ottawa , ( "onada , or to M. V. llcnnctt , KOI New YorU Life UltlK , Omahii , Neb. _ Tee marches of all renorai WANTED f-ortlcr ! . thnlr widows or holn , who rnado a I10MK- tTUAII FIMSO on los * than 1(0 ( acres on or before ' limn 22 , 1874 , no ruiutcr SOLDIERS' wbotLer KINAIj I'ltOOF was uiado or not. 1 will buy hand Warrant * Addroci Cornrad * HOMESTEADS W K. M03KH. Itox ISM , Dontdr , Colorado. SECURED OR FEE REFUNDED , Patent advertised vice as to patentability. Bendforln 6nto 'rlnicr. free. MIUO B. BTEVEN8 & CO. , Kt- Wi'llshedlbM , kij nth . , Washington , D. C. Urwu-h Offlcee : CbIcaK' ' . Cltn elanU and UotroiL l.ocomotor A tax In con- PARALYSIS i ( iiiercJ atlan. Doctors - ' puzzled. < Jieclall | l . . v of pnllf ntn IhoiiKUl In. iirul.le by Asr.-s m.oon AND NKUVJ ; i oou. 0 " ltll"JiJ"r < ' Ad\kenudinK.f0fcure | 1".0 'iiic ; . nii.iiusK.224 N.lOth8t..rmi.Ai > n.rnu.iM Send to-day for our handsomely cncraveJ THE DACOH SCHOOL tlielr home * In the fundamental principles of the law , and such lirunchoi R > romaltiiiea Uulshcd lecul education. Kor circulars aiiilruss EDW. BACON. 323 Main SUeorla. III. Nl-W DISCOVERY ; fjulcU relief aiulciireswortt EyeWater.