Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, April 12, 1900, Image 1

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    Blutc UM L'o Atlu ) Society
Sometime ! ca led wrinkle * , teen on the
the faces ot many of the young , ore often
due to eye strain. Many people , especial
ly younger ones , pot off Winrlng glasses
an > i suffer untold misery with ey > B and
head , becanse they cannot afford ulg tecs.
In 'hit connection I would state ttat I do
not xrmlne eyes BB commonly dune , bat
offer thorough optbnlmlo examination
thatwoul cost you at leaet ten dollars
elsewhere , absolutely free of char , o ,
After the examination yon way bny
glai Bt or not , according to your needs
and withes. If yon bny , my charges shall
bo moderate ; services considered ex
i tremely BO.
j Graduate of ChlcanoOptbalmle College.
This is the season of tbo
year , farmers should be
thinking of proteoling their
crops against hail storms.
Tbo way to do this is to
take out a' policy of insur m
ance in the old and reliable > & *
St , Paul Fire & Marino In
surance Co. of St. Paul ,
Minn. Their company has
been writing Hail Insur
ance for sixteen years and
is thoroughly reliable and
pays cash in case of loss.
Consultation and lestamo-
nials free ; patronage solic
ited ,
W. D. Blackwell , Agent
A * Farmer's Bank.
Business Poihters.
See our DOW whips and price
them , R. G. CABR ,
West Union.
W. H. Penn & Co. have just re
ceived a new line of clothing for
the spring trade.
Yes ! We still have Harness at
very low prioes. Well , what odds
does it make to you how we got
our goods. R. G. CABB ,
West Union.
stamps , 35 for 25cat ; U.L. Piazier'n
studio , west side square.
Tablets , Pencils , Writing Paper
and Envelopes , cheaper than over
, Jl Good trunks of sizes and prices
to auit at W. H. Penn & Co'a. Call
and see thorn.
Cannon City coal at Dierks
Lumber ( Jo.
FABM FOB SALE : At Upton ,
100 acres , cf good farm land , 80
acres in cultivation end tbo rent
fenced in pasture , wilb three wires.
Good four room , sod house ; corn
crib and grainery , each 12x10 feel ,
connected ; stable and chicken
house etc. For particulars call on
J * J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or
Stephen Wilcox , on premises,35-3m
All kinds of seeds. Bulk seeds
package seeds field seeds. Alfalfa
millet and cane seed. Seedsweet
aud field corn. Remember we
have seeds to sow and to sell.
The Grocers , wholesale and
shoes , Ladies shoes , children's
shoes , in fact shoes for everybody.
Plow shoes , vicikid shoes , Ladies
fine dress shoe , Ladies Oxfords
of all styles , Bicycle shoec , Tennis
shoes. 'J he Larges variety. The
Largest stock and the Largest
Bargains in shoes , in Custet
County at the RACKHT STORK ,
South East corner , Broken Bow ,
Nebraska ,
Dr. T , W. Bass , dentist , Broknn
Fresh Saeaafrass at.
Boy's and children's suits ot the
latest patterns at W.H. Penn & Co's
Patent Medicnes at tbo
35 Htimp pliotOH 25 cents , at
Pophin Gum , two packages lor 11
Glnss Ware and ' 1 in Ware cheaper
than over at th * RACKET STOBK
Remember that aniiher invoice
of irgatiH will bu in this week , in
oak cases. Bee them before buy-
tug. A.W. DBAKK- .
We o , rrv everything usually kept
in a general store. 12 good turn
blora fpr 24 cents.
R , G. CABB , West Union.
COLT tmtAYBD From my prem
ises several weeks ago a ligut bay ,
with white hind legs below knees ,
{ loming yearling. Information of
him will bu < apprcoiated.
Yet > ! Wo got something now
every day at low prices. Wo will
sell goods higher .next tall.
R G. OAKR , West Union
Fou SALE Two cheap second
baud corn planters , ouo chock rower
and wire at old Star breeding barn.
Call and inspect our breeding stock
of tive s iiliiout and two jack * ; more
to cotue.V ' remain yourn ,
A thing of beauty is a joy for-
; " HO are those chefouierrea at
A. W. Drake's.
Just received , a nice line of spring
iia's at W H Penn & Co's.
.b here ! Drink
Tea lor , your blood.
Ladies Dress Skirts $1.72 to
$2.50 at the RACKET STORK.
You can save money by buying
goods of R. G , Carr , at the est
Union mills.
Call on or write Broken Bow Ab
stract Co. when in need of an ab
stract of title. E Royse abatraoter.
HE.VO you a good likeness of your-
solt ? They are cheap at Bangs'
studio ; cabitets , $2 per dozan.
Thoao dandy snap locks , polen
and curtains are just in. All sizes
and lengths at A. W. Drake's.
Egg * For Hatching.
Choice ljuid Plymouth Rook eggs
for sale at $1 per n'ftoen. Tire
settings $1 75. Two miles west of
city. VV. M VANNICE ,
tf broken Bow , Neb
Single comb Bard Plymouth
Rock and single comb brown Leg
lornV , line as Milk. Eggs , fifteen
for 75 cents. Leave order * at Pealt
& John's. Standard bred ; will pro
duce credentials ; egis cheaper after
Juno tf GEO.
Write ll.iyden Bros. , 011111 a
Wholesale Supply House for prut
and samples 2 8 lyr.
Now frameH and mouldings lor
spnng trade ; some of the finest over
bhown here ; all at low prices and
some still lower. At A.W. Drake's
Good Saddlu pony for sale.
m'22 tf A. T. SKYUOLT.
WALL PAPER All now and
artistic doMgns All 1000 patents
* t J C bOWBNS.
Tapestry and- Chenille Stand
Covers at 75 and 85 cents , worth
$1.50 at fhe RACKET STORK.
Frets1 ! homemade broad for sale
at Fa mer'a Restaurant , third door
north of post office , Broken Bow ,
WANTED Twonlj-tive totting
hens. Address combination box
74 , Broken Bow , Nob.
The rain has come ; so have A.
W. Drake's folding buds. Call aod
Abiunuls Compiled promptly and
accurately hy the Broken Bow Ab-
blract Co. E Rose abstractor.
Gee , llontz can show some of the
best work of papering clone in the
city this spring. If you want a
line Piid eroi'Piuioul job of p < poring
or pitintiiit ! call on Gee llon'r. '
Residence west ot Catholic church
Mi. it rfli-i fV A. * . .
Local Mention ,
10c , 20o , 30o are the prices at tbo
opera house all this week.
Don't forgot tbo republican uau
ous Saturday afternoon at the court
IOUBO at 9 o'clock.
Mrs. Wm. Montgomery and
laughter returned Tuesday night
rom a visit to Omaha ,
Wm , Ledwich , of Salt Lake City ,
j visiting here with bis brother's
tames and Robert Ledwiob.
The Easter market will bo bold
Saturday , April 14 , in the building
orderly occupied by Fred Hayes.
Rons Armour gave a parly last
Thursday altoruoon to bis young
'riunda in honor of his teiUh birth
Tha interior of the Bank of Com
merce building is in the bands of
the painters aud decorators this
Clark Hannn bad a largo and val
uable milch cow killed Sunday ,
three miles east of town , by a freight
A. A. Tobias , jeweler of Sargent
accompanied by his cousins , Ava
and Blanche Tobias , spent Monday
in the city.
The Sargent Era says that 0. C.
Gardner will noon commence tbo
erection of a two story brick build
ing m Sargent.
Mrs. J. R. Teagarden , who has
been quite sick with quinzy for the
last two weeks , we are pleased to
lolois convalescent.
W. S. Amsborry , son of yo scribe ,
came down from Sheridan , Wyo. ,
Sunday moriing , having boeu
granted ten days vacation.
The trial of Fred Chapel , who
was arrested a few days ego on tbo
charge of attempted rape , is sot for
trial today belore Judge Armour.
Attorney J. B. Smith has m > ved
uis office from the Realty block to
the west side of the public square ,
first door south of Frazior's photo
graph gallery.
The Episcopal church will have a
choir < < f lourttuu boynEister morn
ing , in addition to the regular choir.
Mrs. Guttoraou has been training
them for several weeks.
Cbaa. Penn has moved to tbo
city again , having changed places
with bis sou , W. H. , who will imp
erintend the farm i connection
with his mercantile business ,
There will be a special meeting
in the Episcopal oburcb Good Fri
day afternoon , at 4:15 for children ;
also the Easter service of the Sun
day Boliool at 3:15 on Easter.
Jeeso Wilson and wife , who have
been residing , at Courtla/'d for the
pant two or ihree years , have re'
tunr'd to Broken Bow , Jestie in a
sou of Mi. aud Mrs. J. J. Wilson.
J. H. Gray and daughter Cecil , of
Dayton , Ohio , are visiting in tbo
oily , the guesti of Nor Hartley.
Mr. Gray is an uncle of Mr. Hartley
and Mrs. H. H. Myers of the West
Goo. Brown , who has recently
completed a course in the Lincoln
Business College , has returned to
Broken Bow , where ho has accepted
a position with the Dierks Lumber
S. S. McConnel , secretary of tbo
Loup Valley Live Stock Association ,
and Wm. Montgomery , one of the
board of managers , made this office
a call today aud ordered stationery
for the association.
C. Vincent did not speak hero
Moneay night on account of tbo
show. He came over with E. Tay
lor , of Broken Bow. They wore
securing pledges for an educationa
campaign fund. Sargent Eia ( pop.
I. A , Roneau 1ms made quite a
change in his office tbo past week
by pulling a partition in the east
room , repaperiug , painting , etc.
The change gives him a suit of
rooms nicely arianged for bis busi
The Kansas City tabernacle in
which the democratic national con
vention was to have b eu'held , that
burned last week , will bo rebuilt at
ouco on a larger soaln than before ,
aud will bo ready lor occupancy by
July 4th
J. G. Painter , who has boon ap
pointed special agent for Brad-
street's Commercial Agency , has
been canvassing the past week with
a view of ascertaining the financial 1
standing of thn business men of the
city. He will canvass the county ,
Tbo REPUBLICAN and botL the
Illustrated and Weekly Boo for
* 2.46.
Rev. D. 0. Thomas , paator of tbo
First Eudoll Baptist church , mailo
this office a friendly call yesterday ,
in company with Wm. Edmonds ,
Mr. Thomas arrived but recently
from Pennsylvania.
Ray Wright , who has boon tak
ing a business uonrsn of study thu
pant few months at Omaha , has ac
cepted a position with Ed MoComas
in the drug store. Ray is a gradu
ate of the Broken Bow schools and
a Htepson of John Oavonoo of Lonp
Adjutant General Barber , of the
G.A.R. of this state , was a friendly
caller Monday at this' office , The
General bad been out in the west
ern part of tbo state and on his re
turn stopped off to visit the posts
in this vicinity. He was the guest
of Judge Reese.
Toe Burlington contemplate
changing tun general office building
in Omaha so aa to make more room
for the increase in business. The
ground floor which has heretofore
boon used for store rooms will bo
converted into offices for freight
and paf > songor departments Alli
ance Grip.
Chas. Turner , who for the last
year and a half has been in the em
ploy of Dlerks Bros , at this place ,
has been transferred to Lincoln ,
whore ho will continue to work for
the same flrrn. Ho will bo succeed
ed hero by Goo. Brown , son of
Widow Brown of this city.
Geo. Mulligan , of Lillian , was
arrested and brought before Judge
Armour a few days ago on com
plaint of Eli Olson and Harry Ash
for assault and battory. Mulligan
got ono arm broken in the melee ,
but as ho was proven to be the ag
gressor the court hold ho was res
ponsible for the line and costs.
The excursion to Ausley last Fri
day evening , under the auspices of
the Woodmen , was well patronized.
There wcro 131 tickets sold , be *
sides the members of the band , who
were given free transportation. Tbo
entertainment and tupptr given by
the Annley Camp wan quite a suc
cess and all enjoyed a pleasant time.
Mr , and Mrs. E. J. Pittaway re
turned last Thursday nigbt from
Agra , Kaa. , where they went to at
tend the fiftieth wedding annversary
of their parents , which was cele
brated the 24th of March. They
report having enjoyed a pleasant
trip. Their parents were tbo re
cipients of a number of valuable
Prof. J. E. Adamson has com.
pletod tbo work of putting in the
poles and wire for the telephone
line between Broken Bow and Mor-
na , and Monday morning loams
were started out with the poles to
distribute between hero and Mason
City. The work' of putting in the
lines to Ausley , Mason and Sargent
will be pushed as rapidly as oir
cumstances will permit.
Fred L. Hill , of Hiawathi , Eas. ,
arrived in the oity Friday and re
mained over until Tuesday looking
after his property interests in this
oity. He disposed of part of his
property while here , including throe
quarterH of blouk 18 in the old
town. He sold the lot joining the
Grand Central hotel on the nnrth to
Mrs. Wheeler. He wont from bore
to Lexington to look after a farm
bo has in that vicinity.
Easier services will pe conduoUd
joth morning and evening at the
Methodist church next j Sunday.
Good music will bo rendered at the
morning aervico by a male quar
tette , and the regular choir ; subject
of sermon , ' The first Easier Day. "
In the evening the Sunday Sohool
will render a program entitled , Ros-
ureotion day , consisting of songs
and recitations by the children. A
cordial invilation is extended to all
to attend both services.
E , A , KNIGHT , Paotor.
A fine rain visited this vicinity
Monday and Monday nigbt. As
nearly everybody bad their wheat
sown this ram came in a most opportune
portuno time. It will not only
bring the wheat up at onoo , but will
greatly improve the pasture lor
cattle. The value of such a rain al
ibis season of thn year can not bo
estimated. Last year the shortage
of the small grain crop was princi
pally on account of the lack of rain
in tbo early sprint ; , which prevented
tbo seed from sprouting. Tbo out-
look at the present time in very
favorable for a big crop of wboat in
Ouster oouuty.
Baking Powder ,
The strongest , purest , most efficient and
wholesome of leavening agents. Not lowest
in price , yet the most economical ; indispensable - . , .
able to all who appreciate the best and most
healthful food.
Our country is enjoying prosperity almost
unsurpassed in its history.
For every one there is money enough to
buy that to eat which is pure , sound , goodj
Why should we use cheap , impure , unhealthful -
healthful articles of food ? There is no
economy in them ; they endanger the health ,
they may cost life. There are reported
almost daily cases of sickness caused by eat
ing cake , puddings or biscuit made with the
cheap , alum baking powders.
In all articles for food buy and use only
the best. The good health of the family is
of first consideration.
Alum is used in many baking powders because it makes
them cheap. It costs less than two cents a pound.
Alum is a corrosive poison. Think of feeding it to chil'
dren I Yet the manufacturers of well-known qlnijt
powders are actually denying that their goods contain it ,
WjMT-Satnrday. April 7th , 100" , nt 2:83 : a. m. ,
Herman Qllbort , ton of J. N. and H. II , West ,
of puoumouU , ago eight months and ton day * .
The funeral was conducted Sun
day afternoon from the resideuco of
tbo parents by Rov. J. R. Teagar-
dou , and the remains were laid to
rest in the Broken Bow cemetery.
Tbo parents and relatives have the ttyrnpalhy of tbo community
in their bereavement.
UtntruniT Saturday , April 7th , 1800 , Clarence
Dowoy.-DUO ! Mr , and Mm. J. K , Iluuipbroy ,
lira rallci soatheaot ot the city , of pneumonia ,
agt ono year , eleron months and twenty days.
The deceased bad only been sick
twelve days when he was called
home. All that loving parents , kind
friends aud medical skill could do
was douo but proved of no avail.
Ttie funeral was conducted Sunday
afternoon from the King school
house by Rev. E. A. Knight , at
o'clock , with a largo attendance.
The remains were laid to rust Sun
day afternoon in tbo Broken Bow
cemetery , Tbe REPUBLICAN in bo-
halt of the community extends to
Mr. and Mrs. Humphrey the sincere
sympathy of their many friends in
their bereavement.
We , the undersigned , berouy extend our sin-
CTO thanks to our nclglibnm fur tUelr aasUtaucu
aad sympathy extended darlig tliu Bli'ku as tiud
death of nnr holered boy CiLrduoo , and espo -
Ully to iln. Frank Mauk , who BO laltbfally to
mam : d wUU u * the la t few d yi of bU alcknoaa.
MH , AMD 41 na. J. it.
At the hoini of Mr. an 1 Mrs. J , Ko u , April 8th ,
t II a , in. , their daughter Catrlu to Mr. Chas.
Drown , John F. Ilanuy otllclutlug.
Aflur Ibe ceremony u company of
about h'fty invited friends and rela
tives enjoyed a bounteous feast of
good things A number of useful
presents were presented lo iho bride
and groom. The bride has recently
closed a very successful term of
school. Mr. Brown , tbo groom , is
one of Custer county's wide awake
young men. This worthy couple
will go to house keeping at onoo on
their farm south of Now Helena.
'Ihoir many friends wish them a
life of happiness and prosperity ,
May their joys be many aud their
trials few. II.
By request of tbo church people
wo have made the muiical program
moro extensive , and ibo Harmony
Band will nol give a dance al UH
conclusion. So none need withhold
their patronage for fear of patron-
icing a dance.
Loup Valley Lire Stock Association.
A live utock aaHouiation hey beeu
organized at Georgetown by the
cattlemen in that vicinity for th ?
purpose of protecting and promot
ing the cattle industry of all who
become members of tUo association.
Tbe oflicurs of thu Ass'n are : W. A.
George , president ; Lon Davis , vice-
president ; S. S. McConuell , Bcoro- *
tary ; JDiah Woodruff , treatmroji
Tbo board of managers are : Win.
Moutgomoiy , Si Drake , Thos , Fin *
Ion , W. A. George and S. S. Ma.
Council. Other numbers of tbo
organization are : J , M. Downey ,
W. M. DaviH John K , Uiwtinee ,
Ralph Drake , David Downey aud
Johh Woods. The membership al
ready represents over 10,000 hoed
of cattle. Tbo regular meetings to
which only members are admitted
will bo held the first Saturday of
each mouth at the Downey huhool
bouso. Tbo memborri of Ibo .asso
ciation will secure cuts with 'their
brands which' printed in pamphlet
form will bo furnished each mem
ber. I ho membership ice of the
association is i&.OO , withattnral
duos of $1.00 pur member. The
uHriOuiatioii proposes lo offer a. 10-
vard of * 200 tor thu arrest and
conviction of cattle thieves.
Opera House Three Nighty April 121k ,
18lh and 1'llh. M
Manager Purcell has boon very f |
ortunale in securing Iho Columbia <
"i Stock Co. for a sborl engage- i
tnonl. Through ibo company
changing their roule be has boon '
able lo secure thu excellent attract- i
on for three nights , commencing ,
Thursday , April 12th , and a grand
Saturday matiuoo for ladies and
children. The play for the opoaing
night will bo tho'great American
comedy drama , "Under the Mag
nolia. " The company is headed by . ,
two clever performers Fredrick aid j
Minnie Seward , two people who i
Bland without a rival in popular pri
ced theatricals. Between acts several ,
high class spooialtios will bo intro
duced , making Ibo show a continu
ous performance , Homothing no cth- ;
eruompuny in oif > ring us pur i. at '
10,20 and 80 cents , 'On Thuidday '
nighl any lady accompanied by a
paid 30 cent ticket will be admittad
free ; HO got lady tickets and get thorn >
reserved early , as everyone has onet >
Scats on sale at Ihe usua'plrce ; ' '
j priooa 10,20 aud 30 could ,
, . i Krfrfift - i -W