Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 29, 1900, Image 1

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    * * . -
The rongb , unevenly tempered mainspring -
spring lies the trouble In many ot the
cheaper matches. I bny none bat the
finest American made main-springs , thor
oughly tus'od beforn Insertion , and guar-
antou them from breakage ( or one year.
x J
\ Gradnate ol Chicago Opthalmlo College.
Clinton Day , AN 8UUGEOM ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Office over llyeraon's groctiy. Realy
denoe G'.h house west of Baptist churcn.
A. THOto 'SON.
9-P1&DB and eatlmatcs on short no-
tloe. Broken Bow , Nob.
Dr. Cbas. L. Mullins ,
2d stairway from wat > t Realty
block ; residence , 3rd w'est M. E.
church , eamo eido of stroet.
KOI ms.6-9 lUaltr block , Broken Uow , Nob.
r PKNN < fc DORRI3 ,
All ilnda o ( work In our Hue done
promptly and In Orat-olaes order. Bed
Shjp on the corner , weat of the hose
homo. Give 08 a trial.
100 acres tf good farm" land , 80
acres in cultivation end the rent
fenced in pasture , with three wires.
Good four room , sod house ; corn
crib and grainery , each 12x16 feel ,
connected ; stable and chicken
house eto. For particulars call on
J * J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or
Stephen Wilcox , on premiseH.S5-3ui
Whent _ 42 46
Barley „ 30- .
Oati „ 30
Com 30
Bje , . .4.
Butttr U
Kggt 8
PoUtoe . . . . . . _ SO
Onions li
Chickens 1 05 tv ! ci
Hogs 4 I'M 6
Cow * H e
Bteors 'id
Turkey * L
Btruw IJc . *
H y. , _ _ 5.00 po tot.
All kinds of seeds. Bulk seeds
package seeds field seeds. Alfalfa
millet and cane seed. Seed.sweet
aud field corn. Remember we
have seeds to sow and to sell.
The Grocers , wholesale and
or THE
Charter No. 640. Incorporated Broken Bow , In
the state of Nebiaika , at the close of business ,
March 12 , 1900.
Loans and Discounts . , . $ 07,070.69
Ovcrdratta , eecnred and uneecarcd . 609. 56
blocks , securities , judgments , claims ,
eto . C80.75
Dunking house , furniture and flxtarct , 6,000,00
Current ezpenies and taxes paid . a,701 CO
Checks and other cash Items . an .74
Dae from national , etato aud prlvnto ,
banks and bankers . . . . 6,120.85
Cash . DU > 2.63
Total . 8
Capital Stock paid In . 1 20,000.00
Undivided profits . i00.52
Ind. depoafu sub. to check. . . . $52,497,83
Demand cert , ot deposit . 7,441.17
Time certificates of deposit. . . 4bOO.OB
Due to state and prlrtte banks
andbankora . 1,2(3.03-00,002.80
Total . 8 88,8JS.T2
Btatoot Nebraska , I
Count ; of Ouster , j
I , II. O. Rogers , cashier ot the above nnmod
l ) > uk , do solemnly swear tb at the above ctutu.
ueut Is correct and a true copy ot the report
uado to the ht te Utuklng Board.
II. Q , ROGERS , Cashier.
ATTBST : J. M. Klmborllng , Director.
8. II. Uoyt. Director.
, ' . i Sabscribod and sworn to before me
\ SIAL. \ this aotb day of March , 1000.
I - r ' C.H. HOLCOMB , Notary Public ,
Local Mention. !
Two improved farms for rent.
Dr. T , W. BaKH , drntiat , Broken
Frt'pli S.'ifsafrnss al.
8. Vim Btinkirk , of Mernn , was a
oily visitor Saturday.
F. II. Young was a paflcengor for
Oniiha Tutwday morning.
T. T. Williams , of Anslny , was
among the oily viflitorn last week.
Ladies Dress Skirts $1.72 to
$2.50 at the RACKKT STORE.
D1V. . TliorapBon , headquarters
for gasoline BtoveH.
Samuf-1 VVaddington , of Ortello
Valley , was : i oity viHitor Monday
) ( I .at week
Isaac Deardorf and O. H. Moo-
mey , of Mason City- were city
visitors yesterday.
Roy Walker will take his merry-
go-round to Ansloy Friday , where
he will remain ten dayn.
You can save money by buying
goods of R. G , Carr , at the " est
Union mills.
Robert White and wife , of Jef
ferson , Iowa , are visiting in this vi-
uinity with their brother , D. R.
A number of parties are over
from Sargent today as witnesses
in the whiskey' and gambling
W. LI Penn & Co. havu just ro-
uoived a new line of olothiuu ; for
the spring trade.
C. S. Martin has lister lays for
John Deurs and Canton linler *
ivhloh hc IH Bulling at bed rock
/J. B. Klump waa in from the
AVest Table the first of the week ,
'lie aayti nearly all the farmers m
his vimut } aie uowiug grain.
KTBAYKD A bay pony with three
whitu ttui aud white Hlnpe in faue ;
h.ui on u blue web halter ; weight
about 850 pouuJs. W.D. GRANT.
The Baptist ohuroh has extended
a call to Rev. S. W. RiuhardH , oi
llolyoke , Col. , to become pas or ol
Lao uhurub. lie has auooptod and
MI expeetea about the 11 rat of May.
Agricultural implements of all
kinds two uur loads. Remember
the north aide. D.W. THOMPSON.
Tablets , Pencils , Writing Paper
aud Envelope * ) , cheaper than ever
DiuHinore , the man who was found
gui ty of murdering his wife and a
lUitu by thu umo ui Fred Laue at
OdeHHa recently has been sentenced
y Judge Sullivan to hang July 20.
and children's suits ot the
latest patterns at W.LL. Penn & Co'e
Spring is here ! Drink SiasafraBS
Tea for your blood.
I. A. Reneau received this morn
ing from w . D. Blackwell , agent ,
$500 , this amount being in full
payment of policy on his dwelling
house which was destroyed by
lire on March 16th.
All members of the Broken Bo *
high school ullumni association ate
requested to meet at the residence
ol Dr. C. Pick * tt Saturday evening ,
April 7ili , to arrange for the recep
tion of the class ot 1000.
Just received , a nice line of spring
hats at W. II. Penu & CO'B.
Cannon City coal at Dierke
Lumber < Jo.
The Ladies Aid of the Baptist
church will give a dime social at
Dr. Day's residence Tuesday even
ing , April 3d. Proceeds will be
iihtd for church oiipet. Program
will consist of the ladies' expert
tuice in earning one dollar , Musiu
tuui refreshments. All are cordially
J. W , Comstook , of Ansley ,
a oily visitor Tuecduy He inform *
UK ll.cit . l liu \ \ oodiuen ol Ansley aiu
arranging for a big timu at the ded.
cation of their now ha'l on April
Gth. Arrangements will bo made
( or a special train from Broken Bow
in the afternoon to return at two
o'clock next morning.
Glass Ware and 1 in Ware cheaper
than ever at the RACKET STOBK
Patent Mediones at the
Pepsin Gam , two packages tor a
FOB SALE millut seed at G'
oentf * a bushel. JBBSK GANDY.
H. L. Frazier , photographer ,
west Hie square , Broken Bow , Neb.
Attorney A. R. Humphrey wont
to Alliance Tuesday on Irgal busi-
Good Irunkfl of sizes end prices
to suit at W. H. Peun & CO'B. Call
and see them.
Miss Chain , of Chicapo , has been
engaged aa trimmer at the millinery
store of Miss Peari Liggett.
C. Bonde , aseessor of Elim towuj
ship , was a friendly caller at this
office Monday of last week.
When ordering bread of your
grocer call lor Chbuiu's bread and
insist upon gutting it. 2t
Juat received a new semi-porce
lain pattern in white. It is a beauty ,
Havilland China shape at.
The Political Equality Club will
muet al the rubicluuue ot Mrs. E
Taylor Saturday evening , March 31 ,
at 8 o'clock. MBS E. TAYLUH ,
Chaplain Mailley will deliver a
otereoptioan lecture in the opera
house of this oity next Monday
night for the benefit of Co. M. Seals
on sale at the usual places Friday
morning. Priota 15 , 25 and 35 els ,
Chas. U. Dietrich , of Hastings ,
is being favorably mentioned as a
candidate for governor on the le-
pubhoan ticket. lie is a man ot
thrift , integrity , and stands well in
his own community , where ho has
fur twenty yuara.
apis m-iou 'NOHdfioujQ
ojaqMosHj duisuqo
and oiojaq en oas pun \ [ vjBpuo |
jco OM ) paAioooa isnf * od 'BMOJ
ui dn apiH ) qdu aav OM ; nq 'J < ) d
tid Hjqj ui UMop tfpiu dn eau jyy\
Peale & John huvo moved their
stock ot groceries into the uortheasi
corner room of the Realty block , re
cently vacated by O. P. Perloy
. ho room they occupied bad become
too small for convenience. Ttiu )
now huVu ample room aud are bet
tor prepared than ever to accommo
date their customers ,
A. W. Drake is handling new
organs , Kimbal and Hospe. None
betttr. Call and see them.
Fres1 ! homemade bread for aale
Al Fa.mer'H Uestauraut , third door
uonh ol post oQice , Broken Bo\ ,
Mrs. B. W. Edwards and child
ren , of Morning- Sun , Iowa , ar
rived in the city I uesday evening
and will make their home with us
again. Mr. Edwards has gone to
Kansas City and will not come
until later. The REPUBLICAN ex
tends to Mrs. Edwards and fam
ily welcome in behalf of their
many friends in this vicinity.
Episcopal ohuroh , Friday even
mg , March 30 ; npecial leutoo ser >
vice ; Rov. Jesse ruagtudtm preach
er. Passion Sunday April 1st ; 11
i m , morning , p.aycr and oHelmt
ion ul inu Uoly communion ; 3 p
m. , Sunday school ; 8 p. m , evening
service and address on the Fifth
'Word" from the oro'S. You are
cordially invited to be present.
liave you a good likoneus of yonr-
nell ? They are uhnap at Haui > h *
studio ; Udbiieis , 2 per dozjii. 21
large stamps , 35 oems.
Honest and nobbiest patterns of
centre tables , at A. W. Drake's.
Six differest styles ; prices to euit
everyone ,
T. Williams and Miss Myrtle
Clay , of Ansley , were married
yesterday evening at the home of
the bride's mother. 'I he groom
is a son of Mr. and Mrs. T. T.
Williams , one of the pioneer set
tlers ot Custer county. He was a
member of Co. Al. of the 1st Neb.
regiment , and is highly respected
by his comrades as well as all who
know him. The bride is one of
Custer county's successful teach
ers and a most excellent girl. The
REPUBLICAN joins their many
friends in congratulations.
Fresh homo made bread , pies and
oakrt always on hand , at OHUOTUB
j b&kory , west side of the square
Good Haddlo pony for sale.
WALL PAPER All now and
artistic designs. All 1000 pntorns
at J. C. BOWBNS.
TapestrV and Chenille Stand
Covers at 75 and 85 cents , worth
$1.50 at fhe RACKBT STORE.
FOR SALE Frowh milk cow ; four
year old mare ; fine Poland China
boar ; Broadcast Seeder and 150 bu.
seed wheat. JUD. KAT.
WANTED To bny western farm ,
wild laud ; nl'o a ranch. Have for
exohangs eight head spotted Shet
land ponies. S. M. McLAiN ,
Fotroston , III.
Paintsl Paints ! Paints ! When
in need of good paints don't forget
to call on mo. Will certainly
please you. D.W. THOMPSON ,
FOB SALE Twenty-two acres of
land coven blocks east of tbo pub
lic square. A good five-room hoiuo ,
The land is nice and love ) . Wil.
sell reasonable. Mrs Laura Ponn.
The Harmony Band and Orches
tra are preparing a grand Promeu *
ado concert to bo given on Monday
alter Easter April 10. The finest
concert over given by local talent
is guarnteed. Dancing will begin
after conclusion of the progromo
Prog ram o will appear later.
J. II. and E. E. Bettor , father
and son , editors and proprietors of
the Seward Blade , have both boon
sick for several weeks. Neither
are able for duty yet , but the Blodo
reports tiny are both improving.
The paper has boon in charge of F
P. Compton , who for a short time
was foreman ot this oflioe. '
For suits , iron and wood beds ,
rockers , cots , Mpringn , tablesHtandH ,
etc. , call on A. VV. Drake , west
eido square.
I have purchased all of the O. P.
Perloy etock ot agricultural implo-
rnorUe and will close them out at
last years prices.
C. fe. MAKTIN.
There ie an effort being made by
citizens of the United Sta.Uwr"to
raise a million dollars foi the ben
efit of widows and orphans of the
Boers killed in the/battles with the
English. MeruXis the first town
in the onuutyxto rettpoud to the fund
that we hjpjje hoard from. The
Merua Sun published a list of sub
scribers to the fund in that locality
last week , who gave from 25 cents
to $1 each , the aggregate amount
ing to 8-J5.50.
Orval P. Smith , who for a num
ber of yean * IUH been clerking lor
W. U. Brotherton of Merua , hat *
accepted a position with Wilson &
Drake of thit * city , where he will
be ple&aed to meet his many Merna
friends. Mr. and Mrs. Smith are
highly respected p ° ople and it is
with pleasure the REPUBLICAN extends -
tends a welcome to them in behalf
of Broken Bow. They will occupy
thu widow Brown property in the
west part of town.
Shoemaker's kit , including ma
chine , good as new , at a bargain.
For the next sixty days G. S
Martin will sell jou for caHh any
kind of u buggy 01 Hprin-i wago.
you want for lee a money lhau 'ho )
can be bought any where else.
J. C. Bowtifl is one of the sub
stantial business men of Broken
Bow who is numbered with those
who were among the first to com
mence business in Broken Bow
in at hiiH made bin busumsn A
In beginning he only had a nmali
stock of groceries and bis trade was
light. But ho has by honorable
dealing and fair treatment built up
as good a business in this line as
the city afiorda. lie not only car
ries a largo stock , but knops his
house in first-olacs ord. r and nan his
goods attractively arranged. More
than that , he has won iho confidence
of the public and his patrona have
loained to ronpeot him
The Nebraska Mercantile Mu
tual Insurance Co. , of Lincoln , is
the best mutual insurance com
pany in the state ; over $500,000.-
00 insurance in force. They have
a clean record and are worthy of
your business.
0. S. Martin has John Deere
sulky plows that ho will sell for
loss than they cost at the factory.
If you want one see him before
they are all gone.
John G. Woolery , thu sublime
orator and temperance advocate ,
will almost oortainly bo the pro
hibition presidential candidate ;
Eugene V. Debs , the eloquent labor
champion , has decided to head the
labor ticket , and William J. Bryan
will bo the nominee of one wing of
the democracy and one wing ol the
populists. A rare trio of jaw-
smiths whoso capital is wind.
The anti-fusion populists and the
anti 10 to 1 democrats will each
have candidates , and with Mr.
MoKinley , the leader of the un-Uod
republicans , will make six presi
dential candidates in the field. It
requires no seer or wisn-aoro to nu-
nounoo that Mr. McEinloy will be
his own successor by the largest
vote ever given an American citi
zen. Kingston Times , Mo.
Millinery Opening.
On Saturday , March 31st , * and
Monday , /pril 2d. I have scoured
a trimmer Irom Chicago , and nm
prepared to trim hats in all the lal
cat stylos. Miss PEABL LIQQETT.
A Correction.
Last week wo said that John G.
Lewis was to be principal of the
summer school and teacher's insti
tute. As to the latter wo do not
know whether it is true or not. Our
information was to the effect that
ho was to bo principal of the sum *
mor school. Wo usually speak of
the two together , is the only reason
wo attribute to the mistake.
Woodmen will go to Ansloy.
Wra. Barrett informs us that the
Woodman lodge of Broken Bow
has chartered the local train to go
to Ansley and back on the evening
of April Oth to assist the Ansloy
camp in the dedication of their now
hell. The program will consist of
an entertainment , supper and ball ,
for which will bo chai'god $2 per
couple. The train will leave here
at 7:30 p. m. and'return at 2 a. m.
The faro will bo CO oonts for round
trip. A big crowd and a big time
ia anticipated ,
A Happy Surprise.
Tuesday afternoon the members
of the G. A. R. and Relief corps
to the number of about fifty
gave J. W. Brewer a happy sur
prise by visiting' his home , it
being the occasion of his sixtieth
birthday As is usual on such
occasions the visitors took with
them a good supply of the
needful A fine supper was
spread at six o'clock aud a royal
feast of the best the. markets af
fords was enjoyed by all. The
evening was spent in a social way
and a most pleasant time was had
Still After Them.
On the complaint of county at-
toimy Kirkpatriok , last Friday
Sheriff , Amrmstrong arrested d. A.
Scriber , Jacob llonoycutt , Dr. I.
W. Waywick and Dr. C. F. Martin
of Sargent and Dr. Wamsley and
Smith , druggists of West Union ,
and brought before Judge Armour.
The complaint against Honoycutt
and Soribor , we understand is for
keeping gambling devices in their
place of business. The other par
ties are charged with keeping for
sale and selling intoxicant liquorH
contrary to law. I UH cases vver
i > I ) iv. bii-n trio 1 Sa unlvv morn
iii but A noun nuance - vi UK II
until Thursday aud Friday of this
weok. Wo understand that but
one bottle of whiskey was found
at West Union aud only a small
amount of whiskey and beer al
'Vlie Cits
As ihe time diaws near for the
annual election people naturally
become inquisitive about the city
finances. In lormer years the oitv
has had from $1OUO to $1,400 each
year from saloon license to help
meet the expenses , Quite a few of
our citizens questioned whether thu
city could bu tun without creating
a debt equal to thu IOHH of rev nue
Irom saloon ? . But thu city author
uii'B have run ihn city the ptst yn'ir
without contracting any debin above
the 85 per oent of the levy. Be
sides the oity met an expense not
borne by any previous u < limnstra. :
lion , in bujing a team , spunkier
and two car loads of tiling , 'which
coat in cush about $700 The wi -
dom in those purchases none dis
pute , yet it WBB quitu a dram on the
treasury which will not bo neues-
nary thu ensuing year A * yet but
few of the tiling have teen used.
The report of ( ho school board
Buowua lUftt iho tiiduriot
han boon aauumulatiut ; for the
past eight years , but no mor in the
lint , than former years. As saloons
were licensed all those years , it establishes
tablishos the faot that the lack of
saloon license has not boon the
cause of the deficit in the school
revenue , but rather on account of
low aiacBsmontB. There is aufil-
oiont property in the school district
if assessed at its cash value , as the
law provides to raise all the money
necessary for the running expenses
of the school with A 10 mill Invy.
CONAUD. A very pretty double
wedding oucured March 15th , in
which Miss Anna Grimes of Mono-
na , Co. , Iowa , and Frank Mauk of
Broken Bow , were united in mar
riage. Alno Miss Eliza Coiurd and
Arthur McOlintock of Monona , la.
The above parlies were married at
Mr. MulHintook's home. After the
ceremony Mr. and Mrs. Maiik and
Mr. and Mre. McClintook with
about fotty relatives proceeded to
iho dining room where a splendid
dm nor was spread.
Tbo bndeB have boon clone
friends for several yearn and arc
graduates from BaUlo Greek , Mioli ,
Mr. Muuk is a man highly re
spected by all who know him. lie
IB thu youuguHt son of J. F. Mauk
of Broken Bow. Mr. Mauk and
bride are expected to come to
Broken Bow , whor.J they inland to
make their homo. X.
Maruh 26 , 1000 , at the ruHidonuo ot
the brido'a parents in Wostorvillo
prooiuut , dialer uouuty , Nob. , by
Rev. Richard BolliH , IT , J. Stowart-
and MIBH Mabol L. Cannon , both of
The young couple wore married
at 12 o'clock in the presence of a
I urge oompauy of relatives and
friends. At the conclusion of the
ceremony the oompauy rolirod to
the dining room to partakeof the
wedding dinner , which jiudood was
all that oould bo diTsirod , which
Airs. Cannon , the brido'n mother ,
and her friend "Mrs. Campoullof
Dry Valley , know HO wull Jtiow to
proparo. Dinner being ever the
guests found their way to the ootu-
fortublo parlor where they listened
to the melodious strains of the or
gan accompanied by vocal seloo-
IIOUB by the bride and her brothers ,
Lialph and Clinton. An hour or
two was "picas mtly passed in thiH
manner and in looking al and ad
miring the many beautiful and use
ful presents received by the young
oouplo which are too numerous to
make special mention of. The
company seporatud curly in the
evening , some going homo others to
church , the uowly married couple
starting joyously for Moody Valley
near WeBtorvillo , where a house
already furuiBhod with all the mod-
urn conveniences for housekeeping
was in waiting. And hero among
their relatives and friends they start
' . And
on life's journey together.
from the depth of our heartH do wo
say , God bless and prosper thorn.
HOBK VALLIIY , March 25 , 1000.
A silver wedding took pluoe at
the residence of M M. Parkhurst
it bt'ing th - Sflth anniversary of
ii- m-Hi > * | * . ' : i i r l *
aliveti gt : liered to the number ot
about IOJ , bringing baskets tilled
with hubstances of life. At 2 p. m.
all were seated at a dinner that
oould never bo outdone. The
worthy couple received many val
uable presents. The Keliof Corpno
[ > f Broken Bow , was well repre
sented A very pleasant au'l a ' , reo-
able time was enjoyed by all.
Artistic Millinery.
Exquisite creations and repro
duction of the art of the Leading-
Milliners of Paris , London and
New York ,
March 31 , and Apiil j , 1900 ,
Second door north of post office ,
Broken J < ow.
Best Millinery and Lowest Prices
WANTUD A man and wife to
work on the farm , either for
wages or interest in the crop.