> } ' - - l\ > / / . iji * 'W i\ \ KING r A.STORY OF MIUTARY LIFE IN INDIA. ? X DY lAVOR i CHAPTEU.,11. ( Continue.// / / . ) , ' She looked UP in.hlfl f < } Cp wfctli a.llt- , tle smllo that would have appeased a Very martinet In love. ' ' ' ' " ' "I nm very sure that Unddy docs nol care ( i ocrnp 'nowndayd for mc'r 'slid nald demurely ; adding , with nwect con trition , "and I am not surprised , after the w.ay. I-treated him. But J.wns only n thougiycst\ ) In thgjjg d * oys , and 1 know ho has forgiven me. " I "How long ago Is it' since 'those days' ? " queried Don , toying with a goldenBtrnrid , of her hajr. Her words had restored his reassurance and calm. "I try to think it is n long , long time , Don , " she answered gravely , "for then I never thought of right or wrong , or how beautiful It makes life If wo try to serve God rather than self. Oh , " Bho broke off , with a thrill of emotion In her voice , "sometimes I pray I may Hvo to bo an old woman , Juut to try to mnko up for all those wasted years. " "And DO I , too , pray that you mny , though It were only to nolaco the de clining years of a lost sinner like my- eolf , sweet ealnf , " he rejoined , lightly. "And now , my darling , since I know your heart Is mine , beyond retraction , I ran risk to tell you my news from home today. Thai faithless Roddy Is about to bo cspojiscd tp m.y sinter , DI. " "Oh , I am so glad so glad ! " she ex claimed , and there' was no mistaking the genuine warmth of her words. "You will toll him that when you write , won't ypn , Don ? And I myself ' will write to Dl. Oh , Don , I think Dl Is one of th'tf nbblest women In the whole world. But for her example I should never have learned to remem ber our lives are not our own. " Don rose from her side with a mo mentary flush on his chcok. "You were not always such a little Puritan , Lilllc , " li'e Rallied her , "or , don't you kndw , 'pon my word , I Bhould hove hcen afraid to think It possible you would ever look at- such ' ' ' a repr6b'at'e' fts.mo . , for you know I am not a hypocrite , LIllIe I'm not a good follow by any mwrns , and , to tell the truth , I don't want to bo one. " It was a bold thing for Jilm to nay In the face of her guileless professions of faith ; but love made LlJUe.uJlnajo everything but the bliss of knowing ho had claimed her , heart fof.eVe'r/ and that Into his hands had been put tno wonurous power of making , , hja , chequered life blessed. " < She rose , too , and put her hands out > to him with a sweetness that banished nil thought of alien opinion. "Some day , Don , perhaps you will come to know , us I do now , that this world la not everything ; and so long as you love mo I am content to wait , for I know that God will make It plain to you In His own good time. " D n's arms closed around her with more demonstrative tenderness than he had yet shown. "My white Lily , I am perfectly cer tain wo shall prove a model Darby and Joan , for. s.nco you will have me , what do I care for anything else ? " And then ho kissed her again , and murmured "sweet nothings" In her car that brought the color Hitting happily to her'lovely cheek. Lastly ho drew from his little finger a gold band , bearIng - Ing a diamond Ivy leaf , and Inscribed Inside with the single word "Dydand" steadfast the Gordon badge and1 motto , ' And when he had placed It on the third finger of Lllllo's fair hand , jsho repaid him by throwing her arms nbout his neck and giving him the first shy kiss of love. "Oh , Don , mny we be like the Ivy , and always cling close to each other. May nothing ever como between us two ! " she cried. Those words of deepest love might mayhap have fallen moro fitly from the man's lips than the girl's ; but Don road In their sweet solemnity the hid den meaning of a. hoped-for higher bond of union , and ho only smiled con siderately as ho held her close and re turned her kiss with liberal Interest. "I hope , " he said playfully , "that means you never , never would bo so cruel as to Jilt me ns you did old nod dy. There ! forgive me , sweet , I'm a brute to have reminded you of those days when you were such a dear little coquette. Are you quite sure you are not afraid of giving yourself to such a jealous beggar as I am , Llllio ? For you know I am Jealous. " "Do you know why I didn't tell you of Roddy's engagement till I know that J had won your dear heart ? Because I didn't want to bo taken out of pity. " "You need never be Jealous of mo any more , Don , " she said , with sweet earnestness. "What of His Highness Prince Clem ent Sing , who your father told me sent you lately a present of a certain cash mere Blmwl , and a clmmpac necklace ? ' lie queried , laughing. But the question turned Lllllo's blushing face for the Instant pale. It had suddenly reminded her of Captain Convent's favor of this would-be suit or for her hand. Prince Clement Sing though a native of the Punjaub , hat European blood in his veins , and hai lived from boyhood in England , and graduated at one of the English uni versities. "I .would have returned thp presents but father explained to me It , wouft give serious offense , " she said depre ' ' . "it was unpleasant to have ( o.accept them ; but If it IH the ciintom of' ' the country to give costly thjngn 'like ' that ns we give flowers and trifles nt homo ' ' Slio stopped. - "I1 was only joking , ' " Don Interrupted her calmly. "But this remindsme , love. I shall have to got , your father's consent , I suppose , before I can ask you to name the happy day ? For you know of old I'm not a patient fellow , Llllio. I like things to be assured and smooth-sailing. I stick to the fine old maxim : 'If 'twere well 'twei'e done , then 'twere well it wcro done quickly' . " She looked up in her tall lover's face with a piquant , dubious smile. "That sounds almost like getting over a disagreeable duty , " she objected. "And I am sure my father won't want mo to run away from him just yet not till this disturbance on the frontier Is over , and ho Is ready to take me homn. " For to the heart of a Briton , in whatever foreign clime , the sacred nn'mo of "Home" belongs to the be loved British Isles alone. For answer Don drew her once more within his arms. "I can't wait for that , Llllle. " And If i hhi mastqry fjroHe , mp.ro from the dogmatic will of the man than the 1m- pqtujslty of the lovcT , there was no ddubt about his earnestness. "If you over go back homo , It must bo as my wife ; but , Llllio , I won't promise you I would take you. I could not bear It , for I am a homeless wanderer now. " Thp quiver jn his ; volce moved her profoundly. ' 'Wo ' will make n fresh home * Don , you and I , wherever you llko In the whole world , " she said. Even Don , self-absorbed as wns his nature , was touched by her dfivotlon. "You arc very generous , my darling , and I am going to take you at your word by asking your father to give you to mo before the auminer. I hope to HBO him in. a very short time , for I have Just had orders to take a relief draft of our pprbys out to Join his camp to-morrow. " She turned pale as her clinging gown , , i ! "To-morrow ? Oh , Don , why didn't you' toll 'mo before you were going to , | oavemo ( to-morrow ? " kj"Bqcause 111 news Is told all too peen , " ho answered gently , "But bjicer np , 'child , I don't expect to bo gone moro than three or four weeks at the most. " But she clung to him , with the tears BWlmmlng in her beautiful blue eyes. "Oh , Don , my dearest , I shall be dreading all sorts of things happening to you on the way ! I used to feel so frightened when my father went out first ; but no\w I know ho is safely In camp it Is different. Oh , Don ! " she broke off , "If'you never como back to me It would break my heart ! " "My darling , " ho reassured her , "tho tribes hayo surrendered , , and the war -practically over. There's really nothing torbo nervous about. " "You must think of me killing tlmo counting the hours which w.ljl bring mo back to the dear little woman who IB going to ripen 'a ' paradise for the poor outcast wanderer. " She nut P ber little hand to his lips. ' 'Don't call yourself that. Don. As wo hope to bo forgiven , forgive and for get the wrong your mother did you when she brought you up as Gadle's lielr. Remember It was all for love of yoU'Rlieiiglnned. " "What then , sweet pleader , would you have It that love condones a sin ? " tie queried , capturing the hand and covering It with kisses. "God forbid ! " she answered earnest ly ; "but Burely , because of that love , forgiveness should bo easier ? " Ah ! how both wcro to remember that conversation in a bitter day to come ! All too soon came the llnnl moment for last caresses and parting words , for presently the red-turbancd nntlvo announced that "Gordon sahib's horse was at the gate as ordered , and his cloak also , as dew was falling. " Llllio picked np a silk coverlet from the divan , and throwing It over her shoulders , accompanied her lover to the veranda. The moon had risen , and in its clear light her lovely face , with Ha aureole of golden hair , shone radiant with Its love , but quivering with the pain which this moment of farewell brought. The red fireflies were flashing , the perfume of rose and pink oleander wafted from the garden on the hot nlr. On the far-stretching terrace of the bungalow a great adjutant bird , with Its head nestling under its wing , was silhouetted against the silvery expanse of sky. From the prlckly-penr hedge of the compound rose anon the melancholy howl of a Jackal. All unconsciously , scene and hour were to bo Hxod irrevocably upon Don Gordon's memory down to the veriest trifle. Ho took his cloak from the' native's baud , and , throwing It on , stood irllllng with UR clasp to prolong the exquisite fascination of the-spell which had sud denly fallen upon him and hold him in KB grasp. Wan It the mystic secret of love which was coming to him there on the silvery wlnga of the tropic night. He stooped at iastra ii"gath rpi | the trombllng girl In a lingering embrace. "What m Bsago shall I take to the father , llttln one ? " "That I love you , " HIO answered sim ply , "and that I only live for you both to come , back to me. " He sealed the confession with n pan- ( donate kiss , and tore himself away , to Wring lightly to the saddle. For nn Instant ho paused on his prancing atccd with bared head , his brown eyes bent upon her , and. a amllo on bin moustnchcd lips. "Till we moot again. " Ho spoke softly then , ns , kissing his hand to her , ho leaumed his helmet and galloped away into the moonlit night. "Till we meet again ! " She lifted her tcar-dlmmcd eyes to the star-spangled heavens in u mute supplication that the Father of all would watch between him and her till that day came. Ah ! Bho Ilttlo knew what the inter val hold In store. CHAPTER III. "Impossible , my dear sir Impossi ble ! " It was Captain Derwent who spoke In that decidedly aggressive tone of derision , and ho whom ho addressed won Don Gordon , as they strolled In company along a narrow track by the sldo of a winding nullah , on tholr way back to mess nt the TIrah camp. It wns nearly three weeks since the lover had bidden Llllle farewell , and Bho It wno who was under discussion now. now.Don's Don's cheek wan flushed , and his dark eyes glowed ominously as their glance followed the clouds of pale smoke from the cheroot ho puffed for several min utes In proud silence. That he had never contemplated Cap tain Derwent'H blunt refusal of his suit was very certain , by the easy assurance with whlph ho had courted and won Lllllo's own consent. "You say It Is Impossible your daugh ter should over bo my wife ? " Don spoke at last , with painful distinct ness. It was characteristic of Don's nature that ho was rarely roused to passion ; but , once roimcd , It was deep and last ing ; and by the pallor that had re placed the flush upon his face It was too evident he was moved to passion now. "Perfectly Impossible , my dear fel low , though I hate telling you so , don't you know ? " "Since you have told me so much , I should like that you will tell mo more , " said Don , In that calm voice that little betrayed the flrc at his heart. "May I ask why It Is perfeptly impossible ? " "My dear sir , " exclaimed the elder officer , somewhat sharply , "If your own common sense does not tell you my chief reasons , then .you must pardon my being outspoken. You've said your self you haven't a rupee beyond your pay and what your uncle , Colonel Gor don , chooses to allow you yearly. Now , honestly , do you consider you are at all a suitable match for my little girl , who , you must remember , is now an heiress. Had you been heir of Ga- dle " "Thanks , " said Don curtly. "I do not need to bo reminded of my re versed fortunes , and , I will confess , 1 should never have asked Llllle to aharo my poverty. It Is only the fact of her being an heiress makes It possi ble she could over become my wife. " "Ton my word , sir , you're frank ! " exclaimed Captain Derwent , irritated by what ho deemed effrontery on Don's part. "My daughter should be hon ored to know that , had she been a 'tocherless lass , ' as wo say In the north , you would have had none of her. " Ho laughed , as if to pass the matter off as a Joke ; but he was genuinely annoyed. ( To bo continued. ) The Spread of Contasloin Ilnfn ! . The responsibility of those persons who supply the public with food and drink is not sufficiently realized by the community at large. Not long since a number of cases of diphtheria broke out In a neighborhood. The disease was of a very severe type , and , In sev eral instances , proved fatal after two or three days' illness. It seemed im possible , at first , to trace the conta gion to its source , but after a thor ough canvass of the vicinity It was discovered that a dealer In milk had in his family a couple of cases of diph theria. He professed Ignorance of , the cause of the children's sickness , and even when assured of its nature , claimed that he had no idea that it could be conveyed In milk. Tha fact that parents do not know how chil dren could have contracted this dis ease often acts as a check upon any efforts to combat It , Insisting that as the Ilttlo ones have not been exposed to this malady It certainly must bo something else that alls them. When Illness of this sort breaks out in a family the only proper course is to have It Investigated at once. Delays are quite sure to bo disastrous if not fatal , and in the present condition of medical knowledge on this subject , there is reasonable hope of relief if attention Is given when the first smyptoms of Illness manifest them selves. All Hindu. Snobson ( to Inhabitant of out-of- way seaside resort ) "What sort of people do you get down hero in the summer ? " Inhabitant "Oh , all sorts , zur. There be fine people an' common people , an' some Just half and half , like yourself , zur. " Punch. "And there's nothing more between mi ? " , ho asked. "No , Harry , dear , " she.jeplled , nestling against his shoul der ; ; " ! can't got any closer ; to you. " BOERS Ml FIGHT ON Spirit of tlio Sturdy Men of the Rspublio Remains Unchanged. OFFICIAL ADDRESS FROM PRETORIA Kurrnmlnr of Cronja Will Not Them In Tholr Dflfrntu Kriiger 8uy God U Tex tin IT HtirKhurx 1 | Ilrliif ; * Tear * I. , the Hjrs iif Illoi-infoiitelii l'eiiilo | l jr u Hpoculi. PU13T01UA , March ! ) . Secretary of State Ileltz has Issued it war bulletin in which , after saying the government has no olllcial tidings of the surrender of General Cronje , but must accept It au a fact , however painful , adds : "Tho government remains assured that the surrender will not discourage the burghers In their dcfeiibe of their Independence and standing as a nation. The struggle thus far hau shown the republics have vindicated themselves as an Indepmident people. This re- verao will not stagger us. In the strug gle for our cherished "rights our belief lenmlns that , whatever happens , the Lord still rolgns. "Owing to the Invasion of the Free State by a large force of the enemy and other clrcuniKtances it became nec essary to take up other positions , hence the burghers In iNatal have returned to Ulggarsborg. All the commandos have reached there safely , except a few which retired in the direction of Van Reenan's pass. Thus , Ladysmlth and KImberley are no more besieged. "In retiring the enemy was time after time driven back , so that our laagers were not cut off. In these lights a few men were killed or wounded and the enemy lost heavily. "In spite of all reports the spirit of the fighting men as to the outcome re mains unchanged. Among the com mandos in Natal the burgners are full of courage. "General DeWct now commands all the commandos at the Moddor river. "It Is understood that President Kruger's visit to Bloemfontein was to try to arrange a compromise of the differences between the Transvaalers and Free State. " A special dispatch from Bloemfon- tcln says that President Kruger , ad dressing a. crowd of people Monday , enld : "Although God Is testing our people , my personal opinion is that the limit of the test is nearly reached. If the people are sustained by faith In the time of adversity , God will soon again turn the tide in our favor. If we have strong faith In God. Ho will surely de liver us. The God of Deliverance of the olden-time la the same God now. " The speech of the venerable presi dent brought tears to the eyes of men and women alike. The Free State na tional anthem was then sung. The visit of President Kruger has done much good and has cheered the despondents. More recently he has been visiting the commandos south of Bloemfontein. Much satisfaction Is expressed In all circles at the courtesies extended to General Cronje by the British. SOLDIERS ORDERED HOME. Tliruu I ! million * Will itu Wltliilraun I'roin tliu I'lilllpilnv4. | NEW YORK , March 9. A special to the Herald from Washington says : By direction of Acting Secretary of War Melklejpohn , Instructions have been sent to Major General Otis to re turn to the United States some time in May one battalion each of the Four teenth , Eighteenth and Twenty-third infantry. The withdrawal of those troops was recommended by Major General Miles several months ago. He pointed our. to the department that the three reg iments designated would have been two years In the Philippines next June. There is no doubt that the decision of the department to withdiaw three battalions which number more than 1.000 men. Is Influenced to ? ome extent by the disorganization of the rebel army and the prospect that the Amer ican troops will no longer meet with resistance ftom an organized force. "Ifrt. I.UlVloll AlllllllllHllMtrU. WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 9 Letters of administration were issued today to Mrs. Mary C. Lawton , in the matter of the estate of her deceased husband , Major denornl Henry W. Lawton. Mrs. Lawton sot forth in her petition for * the letters that .she had made diligent search and inquiry for a will of the deceased and had not found any , or obtained any Informa tion that he left or made one. Those entitled to the estate , it is explained. are the four children of the deceased general. The petition set forth that at the time of his death the only per- Bonal estate of General Lawton con sisted of his accumulated pay as an olllcer , amounting to about $1,000. MiKMi Visit th Island. "WASHINGTON , March O. The con gressional committees on Cuban and Porto Rican affairs will go to Cuba early next week. The Tnited States steamuhin Dolphin will take the sena tors and 'repreaent.itlvos on board at some convenient southern port and after going to Havana will make a cir cuit of Cuba , touching at the princi pal ports. llnrrUitn Not it L'unilliliiln , INDIANAPOLIS , 1ml. , March 9. The News this afternoon says : "It Is stated by Intimate friends of General Harrison that he is chagrined that his name should be so freely used in the newspapers of the country in connec tion with public questions now under consideration. Efforts to mnko it ap pear that he la planning to step for ward KS an antl-udmlnlstratlon leader , with the hope that he may be called on to become a candidate for president , is , It Is g.ild. especially distasteful to him. His friends say that he has not the slightest desire to ru-euter politics. LEAD IS FIRE SWEPL 3uul.li Diikntn Town liiiniicil ( to Kxtcut ( if llirco Hundred Tlunnnml. LEAD , S. D. , Miirch 9. Fire which Btartcd about 1.IO : this morning in the JJaiUenbcrg saloon destroyed $300,000 worth of property hcfoie it wns brought under control at 2 o'clock in the after noon. The loss Is covered by 5100,000 insur ance. Forty-three buildings were de- utroyed , Including two brick blocks. The Homestalce oillces and large atore , as well as the Hearst free library , sus tained considerable damage from water and explosion of dynamite across the street. One solid block of wooden ten ement houses was consumed. One contract was let today for a $15- 000 atone and brick block to replace the burned structures and architects from this city and Deadwood are drawIng - Ing plans for four other buildings. Seeveral reasons contributed to the spread of the llamos. One of them was the inflammable nature of most of the buildings , which were of frame. Another was the high wind , which amounted almost to a gate , and another was the inadequate pressure of water. In addition to the local tire department the entire force of the Deadwood , Ter- ravllla and Central City departments were munmoncd , but In spite of their best efforts the lire continued to spread. It was finally checked by the use of dynamite. Buildings In the path of the flames were blown up and so far as possible the deurls taken out of the way. The shocks of the explosions were so great that they shattered the windows in many business houses. At one time it looked as though nothing could save the entire business part of ine town and the big reduction works and stamp mill of the Home- stake Mining company and the other big mining properties of the camp. The blowing up of the buildings stopped the flre , however , before it readied these valuable properties. In all , between forty and fifty buildings were destroyed. Among them were practically all the houses in the ten derloin district. PLANS TO IMPROVE RIVERS. Number of SiigReHtlous fur the Missis sippi Are Offered. WASHINGTON , March 9. The sen ate committee on commerce granted a hearing today to a number of persons Interested in river Improvements , among them James Seldcn Cowden , In the interest of his plan for the Im provement of the Mississippi river , a number of New Orleans business men In behalf of other plans for Missis sippi river Improvements and Mr. Charles Stoughton , in support of the project for the construction of a canal to connect the lower Harlem river with Long Island sound. Messrs. Bryant , Saunders and WoodWard - Ward were heard upon the necessity for the improvement of the Mississippi river outlet. They especially urged an Immediate appropriation for the con struction of ( Hedges with which to keep the South Pass clear after the expiration of the present Eads bridge contract. EXPERTS SAY PcACE IS NEAR. Ktpuct True Stater * to Abandon the War Soon. LONDON , March 9. The full extent of Lord Roberts' success of yesterday la not clear , but the best Informed ap pear satisfied that It brings peace per ceptibly nearer. Experts anticipate that the burghers will make no further stand west of the Free State capital , and some of them even deduce from the fact that the Boer forces are di vided and have retreated In different directions that demoralization has set in and that the Transvall forces will next le found carefully intrenched in positions north of the Vail river , while the bulk of the Free Staters will aban don the contest and sue for peace. Elsewhere the news indicates that the conditions continue hopeful from a British point of view , the telegrams fiom Mafeking alone showing any de spondency. RUMOR Of PEACE OVERTURES. London 1'nper Hears ICuportn of Informal I'rilIUHllrf. ! LONDON , March 7. The Dally News makes the following editorial an nouncement : "It was rumored in London yester day and we have some reason for be lieving the rumor to bo correct that the two republics made Informal and unofficial overtures of peace on the preceding day. "Unfortunately the conditions sug gested were of Mich a character as to preclude the pimhlblllly of leading to any result. Terms which might liav been gladly accepted before the war In order to avert it are impossible after tne war , with all the sacrifice it has entailed. ' ( lovvrnor In u 1'lot to Ojcrllirow tint SANTO DOMINGO. March n. The government has apparently discovered that a political movement in opposition to It is pending. General Pepin , the former governor of Santiago de los Cabellcros , has voted against the gov ernment and government troops have bt-en bent against him. A state of siege has been declared and constitu tional guaranties have been suspend ed in the southwest part of the Island. Several arrests have been made and u change in the cabinet may take placu soon. This dty Isjiujct. _ Populist Nutloiml Cunt Million , SIOUX FALLS , S. D. , Mttrch 9. Arrangements for the national populist convention are being rapidly perfected. A letter has been received from Chair man Butler of the national committee , denying the report that the commit tee contemplated changing the date and place of the convention to correspond spend with the democratic gathering at Kansas City. As the new audito rium will seat but 4,000 , It Is planned to secure a huge tent , seating 30,000 , and offer it to the national committee. A number of temporary buildings will bo comtructed to supply sleeping quar ters. 1 r are invStotJ to wrlta to ft7rs PSnMtant for free advloo about thear health , Mrs , Pinkhstn is a wo- Bf you have patinfut pei'Sotis , backaches or any of the more serious Ills of women , wrSto to Mrs , Pinhham ; sSso has helped multitudes * Your letter will ho sacredly confidential a LysSia Em Pinhham's Vegetable Compound Is known wherever the Eng lish language is spoken. Nothing clso can possi bly ho so euro to help suf fering women , No other medicine has helped so V- " * many * Remember this when something clso & sug gested * Rflrs , PSnScfosim's acB dress fs Lynn , R/lass. Her helping hand is always outstretched to suffering women , Magnetic Starch Is tha very best laundry starch la the world. How's This ? \VeoTerOno ( Hundred Dollars rowardforany cnso of Catarrh that euuuot bo cured by Hall's Catarrh Cure. P. J. CIIRNBY & CO. . Props. . Toledo. O. We , the undersigned , have known F. J. Cheney for the last 13 vars and believe him iwrfootly honorable In nil business transactions and llnanolallv able to carry out any obliga tions made by tholr ilrin. West i Truax. Wholesale Druggists , Toledo , O. ; V/nldln ? , Klnnan & Marvin , Wholesale UruBRlsts , Toledo. Ohio. Hall's Catarrh Cure la talcon Internally , act ing directly upon the blood and mucous surface * of the Hystom. Testimonials hctu free. Prloa J5c per bottle. Sold by all t > i-uijglsts. Hull's Family Pills are the bust. If you have not tried Magnetic Starch try it now. You will then use no other. A llonlc of Choice Recipes Bent free by Walter IJakcr Jt Co. Ltd. , UorcbtAlS , llasa. Mention thU paper. Try Magnetic Starch It will last longer than any other. Planning to Paper This Spring ? There li nothing thftt Mil in COM- HATELY Tranv form jour HOME In r lnt of HEALTH DjfiEACTYMOar SELECT WALL PAPER. We carrr ALL th lateit dri 17111 tt T > ot > * ulftrprfct > , rrom3K to Wcrutip r it ( t ! n > II Our lirpe trnrf * rnbl i 01 to t-indl * the couir > M llnIN CAHLOAL ) LOTS , brnrc tcan frlcv ALL ffrniU'i tunirl * . InclyLOW. AJull line of Samjlfi wnl , all churert prepaid , FftC u | < onrqucit. Our Spring Catalogue of 1,000 pAgei , 11 lot. t rat In IT wmt ft th Urn In AAlUnAL < ni.ons , win u mt prepaid nuon re- ctljti of 16c , which part of tba ex- -1 preu clitrr , nnl frill b r fund * l ou r * eptcf ! your flntorder. TMc Ulotnn le prlwi oo EVFUYtlllXU you EAT , WEAR MI J E tahHahed JOHN M. SMYTH COMPANY , - ISO to 166 West Madison St. , Order by this No. A 1 1 CHICAGO , ILL. WILL KEEP YOU DRY. Don't bo fooled with n mackintosh or rubber coat. If youwantncoat tliat will keep ygu dry In the hard est storm buy the Fish Brand _ Slicker. If not for sale In your fl town , write for catalogue to S3 A. J. TOWEH. Boston. Mass. Stard I Tftc Wonder G ( tlie Age No Boiling No Cooking It Stiffens the Goods It Whitens the Goods It polishes the Goods It makes all KH mien In fresh and crlisp R * when llrst buuKlit new. Try a Sample Packotro You'll like It if you try It. You'll buy It If you tiy It. You'll USD It If you try It. Try 11. Sold tiy all Grocers. Tbo 1dresioior all rcnortu WANTED Solillors ; tsolr vrldowi or tioln , who made a HOMU- bTKAl ) KILLS'0 ou lontlist. IfiU cro on or borora ' Juno rj , 1871. no umltor SOLDIERS' whether K1NA1. 1'UOOlr waimndnornot. I will bur Jm \Vurrmnu. . Aridreu Ciimrailn HOMESTEADS W K. 410SKS , Hot ! MJ. Donier. Colorudu. 1 Successfully Prosecutes Clai ms. ixtaHtliu ; D l Eitminor XTfl.panalop Bur . n lu cwl w ar. utUudluiItu j claim * , ally n tuco.