Ropubloan city CnuciiH lu pursuant to call tlio republican oily caucus wns hold last night in tbo court room , 'I ho mooting wns called to order by ( Jbairmau llonoau W. W. Ooh'B VIM olootcd chair man of tbo mooting and II. F. Ken nedy roorotaty. Dr , H. 0. Tiilbot L , J' Gundy and A. K , Humphrey wore appointed committee on order of business and reHolutionu Tbo buuintHB reported - oommitteo on order of ported and the following nomina tions wore made1. Mayor , Ed. lloyoo. Olerk , W. W. ( Jowlea. Treasure , ooth lloytt , Police Judge , K Q'Sohwind. City Knginur , K. F. MoCluro. Councilman Ibt ward , VV , J- Woods ; Snd ward , Alpha Mor gan ; yrd ward , I , A. llonoau. Central Committee Chairman , G. II.Thorp ; 1st ward , J. M. Kiui- borling2ud ; ward , F , Al. llublee ; 3rd ward , G. W. Apple. On motion the control committee was authorized to till any vacancies tbat might occur , The following rcBolutionn were reported and unanimously adopted. UKSOLVKO Tliat wo congratulate the prcBont city government upon Its econo mical BilmlulBtrntlon of tUu nffulrs of the oily nnd commend the principle adopted by Iho'present ndinnlstrntioii of making tbe revenues lor uaoh your pay the run ning exponcca of aald city tor the yonr. 2nd , That wo fiivor ecouiemy when ever It limy be practiced In city nllalrH nnd rocomeiul thnt the preeent system be continued. 3rd , UeBolvod , Thnt wo hero by pledge the nomlneoB of this eoventioo to abide by the vote cant in the city upon the qucntion of license. Anti-Suffrage Arguments ) . At tbo recent Congrensionl hearing - ing in VVaslungton upon Woman Suffrage Mrs. Emily P. BisHoll road a paper in oppoaition in which tbo following argument was made. "Tbo Huffrago movement must bo against tbo opinions of moat of our soy , Hinco it has boon pushed for fifty years and still remains a mi nority movement. In these fifty yeais every other woman's mcvo meut really dumred by women has BU9oeodod. Tlio educational move ment is a magnificent success. The movement for property rights Is au successful that even married women new have more rights than marrieu men. Tbo entrance of women into all cooupatioiiti and professions has been so great that now out of a pos sible 309 occupations , over 300 have boon oonqukrcd for our sex. " 1 woudoi if the "Antis" oven Btop to think that they have fought against every one of those steps in the progress of women from learn ing to road and write to casting a ballot , ? The many privileges and " equitable laws which"Mra. . Bissell glorioB in calling attention to , have , without exception , boon brought about by the persistent efforta of tbo Woman HuffrogiHts. It ia a matter of history with what ridicule Mary Lyon's first attempts to secure tbo education of women wore received , not only by the mats of men , but by tbo mass of women as well. well.When When Vassar College was founded , Mrs. Lnoinda II. Stone of Kalamazoo , Mich , tclla of hearing the "AutiB" , women of intelligence and cultivation , who voiced tbe general feeling , say : "The more fact of ita being called a' collage for women' ia enough to condemn it. Wo may bo euro tbat no refined Christian mother will over send her daughter to a Vassar College. " When a man in Saeo , Maine , lirat employed a saleswoman , tbo antist remonstrated earnestly with him on the sin of which he was guilty in placing a young woman in a position of Buch "publicity. " When Lucy Stone sought to secure for married women the right to their own properly , the "Antis" asked with acorn. "Do you think I would .give myself when I would not give my property ? " In entering all tbuho other lines of activity , all tbat wan necessary was to find some women brave enough to withstand tbo ridicule and some men brnvo enough to employ her , or some college brave enough to open its doors which furnished the entering wodgo. It is very manifest to any thinking person why the ballot is the last right to bo obtained for women. Had it been necessary to obtain the consent of the .masses , wo should not to day have women lawyers , ministers and doctors , or the im. proved property rights for womon. ELNOBA. M , BAUCOOK , Rev. E. Edwards , pastor of the English Baptist Church at Alinors- villo , Pa. , when sufEtuiug with rheumatism , was advised to try Chamberlain's Pain Balm. He says : " A few applications of thin liniment proved of a great service to mo. It subdued tbo inflamma tion and relieved tbo pain. Should any sufferer profit by giving Pain Balm a trial it will pleas me. " For wale by all druggist , Correspondence. ttcorfcctown. Teter Beck IB having a sere time from n mlBplaced rib , the result of nu upset } Mid SMJIUU ! McCounel la nursing fi pain ful kopje on tin * back of his neck. Tommy Woou and hla now wife , nee HOBO HofitnHD , have meted to the Mnrah muohnt lower Georgetown. Firm of wood atid rosewood , BO to speak. Most of the travel now IB to Oconlo on account ol the unupoakablo condition of the road to Eddjvlllo. The ludlca do not seem to understand why thuy nro cut out of a Leap year , us 1000 la divisible by 4. Unless ye editor relieves their minds on that voiy inter esting question , wo will try to In our next. next.Mr. . Plgnmn was initiated Into the Workman's Order last week , nnd there was a great feast. As no Indies were permitted to peep In , wo can tell noth ing about the carrylcg on ; but those men ute up everything. The Order is grow ing and is composed of good material The bridge over the loup IB UniBUcd , the two over Burr Oak , the ouo nt Woodruff's and the camel-back at Ned Plerco'a. Workmen are now repairing the bridges at Tuckcrvlllo and Oconto. All to the credit of nn excellent com missioner. A movement is now on baud Cor n. tel ephone here , connecting either with Simmer or EJdyvillc , to Hrolten Bow. Ualpb Taylor moved last week from the My ere ranch to the Mull u ranch on Uurr Onk. lu the midst of the occasion a llttlo follow put in an appearance who was not expected Just at that time. It acorns to me that that kind of an episode would make a nervous man feel like thirty cents. MISB Fanny Hunt baa been presented with a nice puree of money by some of her friends here aa the organist of Uurr Oak church. It waa n gouoroua gift , worthily bestowed on one who uas per formed every duty to her church and bas faithfully pumped that organ from tbe time her fa'her first blow the gospel horn along the Loup itvor. Mis * Molllo Swonson , who dkd In Or- tollo , where she has been teaching this winter , wua hurried near here on Thurs day last. She was a member of the Presbyterian church In which eho was conllrmed in early youth , conscientious In the discharge of all obligations , and enjoyed the highest respect from all who know hor. At nn early ngo her mind turned to her Redeemer , and she haa re mained a true and faithful Christian to the last expiring hour. When a Sunday school aholar , she recited to her pastor the whole of the Westminster Shorter Catechism at one Bitting. "Death's black pavilion standa In the unshapon lands , And in death's garden all the flowers are gray. " Rouutl Valley. Erik Lee , n brother to N. K. andS. K. Lee , visited hie brothers hore. Ho was a delegate from Dodge Co. , Minn. , to the annual session of the National Uutteimakers session in Lincoln , Neb. , from where be made a Hying trip to Round Valley to visit bis brothers. lie had been here onoe in the summer of 1879 , when ho took n tree claim here , but did not attend to it. Ho thought It was a decided change alnco that time. Mrs. Henry flolgeson has boon on the Blck list. Moving time will soon bo hero. Tolof Olscn will move to Sargent to go into the restaurant bueinosa , and other tnov- Ingg will bo done here soon. The nolghbors nnd friends of N. J. Ottun took him by surprise Saturday evening , Feb. , 24 , being his 67 birthday. Mrs. Ottun waa prepared for them all and they wore entertained with oyster aupper and other refreshments. Alj wont home Batisfled that they had had a pleasant time. Sam Weinman moved back to his father's from Mr , Wllhoit'a where he had staid for the last four years. BortEngelagjord boa bought the farm Abul Olson occupied ; last jtor. Miss Sullivan , who is teaching In the Round Valley district , Is giving the best ot satisfaction. Julius Ottun boa lately added n big stock of goods to his store , whloh nro Bulling very fast. It sooma a * though he la going to hvo success with bis es tablishment. Uyuo. 0. Q , and U. C. Ktnpiield have re turned from Llntioln business college. B. 0. spent six months there graduat ing in a business course , receiving a di ploma. 0. G. spent two months there , in a mixed business course , sharpening the edges that had become dull since last ho had drank from the Penan spring. Lincoln GrilHth nnd family of Coin , lowii , are vlaltlng among relatives lu Cuaterj ha made llnal proof on bis tree claim , PO ho will kill two birds with one atone. G. W. Hcndloy 1ms ivovod to his claim , three miles north of Ryno , and A. H. Arnold haa moved to the C. H , Ray farm , vacated by Uoadloy. L. M. I'lckett has moved to A. 0. Grllllth's , south of Ryno. Harvey Andrews has not loU hla faith In Cuater , aa I. D. Shuman informs us that he has sold him twelve buoheU of alfalfa seed , nt $0 per bushel , which he IntoudR to sow on the Loup bottom , above Callaway. Jimmy Isaac visited Ryno last wcok. Ho informs us that the cattle under hU care at the Smith ranch , are In line shape. 8TATK OP flEUHASKA , , . ( JUSTKU ooUNTY , | COUNTY COUUT KOU BAID COUNTY. At n tension of the County Court , bold At the county court room , In nnd for Bald county , at Itrokon How , on tboSthduy ofMarch , A. D. , 1000. I'rcicnt , < T. A. Armour , County Judge , In tbe matter of tlio estate of John M. Hoicomb deceased . . \ViiEHEAB , Letters ot administration have tbls day been granted to Aninnda U. Hoicomb aa ml- mfnlttratrlx of the citato of John M. liolcomb OnnuitED , That Biz months bo allowed for creditors topiuscnt tbnlrclaims against saldcs- Into for adjustment and Allowance , nnd one year boulluwtd mid administratrix to settle up said citato , from the 10th day of March , 1000. AND IT is ruiiTHEiiouuKiiEii , That notice bo Klven to the creditors of said estate , to appear be fore me , nt the county court room In said county , on tliu Kith dny nt Jtny , 1000 , on the 10th day of July , 11)00 ) , and on thu HHh day ot September , 1900 , at 10 o'clock , a. in. , each day , by publication In the CusUir county ItKi-unuoAN , a newspaper printed lu said county , four weeks successively , prior to the 10th day of Way , 1000. for the purpose of presenting tliolr claims for ndjniitmont nnd al lowance. J A. AiiUouu , County Judge. [ HEAL. ] 3-S U. B. LAND OFTIOR , LINCOLN , Nnn , March -1th , 1000. A sufficient contest affidavit having been lllcd In this olllco by WM. Mooiuc , contestant , against timber claim entry No. 7487 , made October EOth , 1B89 , for s y , no H and u y , so Mi section 30 , township 10 , range 20 , by Daniel Bnydor , oon- testoc , In which ft Is alleged that laid Daniel Hnydcr haa wholly abandoned said tract. That ho for more thnn flvo years has nsglcctcd and re fused oitlicr In porsou or uy agent to plow or ciil- tlvato said tract in any way , or to plant or re plant at.y portion of said tract to trees , seeds or cnttlngs. That said tract Is not nor haa not been cultivated or planted In any manner for more than Qvo years and la wholly devoid of timber or trees of any kind and that all the latches herein complained of ex let at this date. Bald parties are hereby notified to appear , rcipond ana offer evidence touching said allegation nt 3 o'clock p. m , on April 10th , 1000 , before the Register and Uccelvcr ut the United States Land Ofllco lu Lin coln , Nob. , The snld contestant having Inn proper alHda- vlt , Uledilarch 4 , 1UOO , set forth facts which show that after due diligence personal service ot tills hotlco cim not bu made , It Is hereby ordered and directed that sncu notice b given by duo aud proper publication J. W. JOHNSON , Iloglstor. T. P KISNNAIID , Ucculrer. Real Estate I have custormers for following kind of property : Small 3 or 4 room house. Improved acre prop erty adjoiningtown. . There is some inquiry now from the east and I will be pleased to send cir culars to any friend if you will send in their names and address on a postal card. CADWKLI , . Cattle Pastured. I am prepared to pasture from 400 to 500 cattle during the Sum mer season. Gcod pasture aud running water. Prices reasonable. For portioulara call on mo four nnloa east of Broken Bow or write at Broken Bow. Louis RAIT. Eatray Notice Taken up.March 5 1900 one black bull , two or three years old , one red oow , dehorned , seven or eight yonrfl old and ono calf about one year old. P. Al. Towsloy , Marshal. Coal. Try Wilson Bros , for all kinds of hard and soft coal , and eoo if they do not merit such favors in quality , weights and price. e28-4t Horses For Sale. One 1200 pound horse , 0 years old. extra good , ono 1200 pound horse , 9 years old , woodworker , eco 1100 pound mare , 8 or U years old , perfectly gentle for woman or culid , ono 1000 pound mare , f > or U years old , extra line driver , ono 1200 pound horse , 8 or 0 years old , can't bo beat for a work horse , ouo 1100 pound mnre.O or 10 years old , per fectly gentle for womnn or child , ouo 1100 pound uorso , 8 or 0 years old , good uoree , ono 2 year old.colt. Tbo above will be sold for cash six months time , good paper , or will trade ( or milch oows. Willis Cad well , Rrokou How Chamberlain's Cough Remedy. This remedy is intended especially for coughs , ooldp , croupe , whooping cough and onHunnza. It has booomo limoua for its cures of these deasos , ever a largo part ot the civilized world. The most flattering - toring testimonials have boon received - ceivod , giving accounts of its good works ; of the aggravating and per- sistant coughs it has cured ; of se vere colds tbat have yielded promtly to its soothing effect ) * , and of the dangerous atUots it has cured , often saving the lifo of the child The extensive use of it for whoop ing cough hat ? shown that it robs that disease of al dangerous con sequences. Sold by all druggists WANTED Several persona for district ouleo managers in this stnte to represent mo in their own And surrounding coun ties. Willing to pay yearly $800 , payable - able weekly. Desirable employment with unusual opportunities. Referen ces exchanged. Enclose self-nddreeeed stamped envelopeS. . A : Park , 320 Oaxton Building , ChioAgo. 11 80-261. Cattle For Sale. Ono thousand head of ono , two and three year old steers alee eight hundred head of stock oattlo. For particular enquire of VV. 0. Greg ory , tf. Snyder Bros , , carnos a big line of ladies skirts of the boat quality. If you want a bargain do not fail to BOO thorn. Fou SALK Twenty two acres of land seven blocks east of tbo pub lic square. A good iivo-ioom hotuo , riio land is nice and love ) . Will aull reasonable , Mrs , Laura Ponti. The Ladies Aid Society of the Christian church will hold an Easier Market , on April 14th. A good dinner and supper will bo served and many useful articles will bo for nalo. Remember the date. MARKET REPORT. 13 IGr Wheat llarloy , , . . .40c 2'c Oats Corn M . .3V 4C Ilyo liuttcr U. ' . ' I' KgRB ' Potatoes - : Onions t I' Chickens , X.WOS Cl Ho s 4 00-4. > Cowa Hi Stcon 1.QC ' ' Turkojs Straw 13ciW . . 6,00 r tot. UoldAl Capo Nome. [ ( you want Information about the Capo Homo country , how to got there and what It costs , write toj. Francis Gen eral Passenger Agent , B & M It R R In Nebraska , Omabn. , 3 12 Lands For Sale. Throe hundred and twenty acres , s'x miles from Urokou Bow. 100 acr s in cultivation , prlco1,000 , in miymente ol SItOO each year , 450 acres adjoining Broken Pow , on the south , 200 acres in cultivation , price $7 nn acre , one littb cash , balance to suit. Good discount for halt or nil cash , and will soil 80 or 100 separate , or will exchange ( or small er tract and boot secured by mortgage ; IGOncjCBfeix miles from Broken Bow , $000 cash , 75 acies in cultivation. Willis Cadwoll. Clubbing Uatcs. The RKPUULICAN offers tbo best latos on subscription you can get anywhere. See our prices. The Illustrated Mco S5.00 The Weekly Hep 65 The Inter Ocean 1.00 Tlie Farm Journal 1.00 The Globe Democrat 1.00 The Toledo Blade 1.00 The Republican l.uu Wa will furnish you the whole list ono yeav for 83.95. Or we will give yon The Republican and illustrated and Weekly Ueifor , 52.40 The Republican and Inter Occuu for 1.50 Tno Republican and Globe Democrat ( or. . . . 1.50 The Itcpubllcau and Toledo Blade for 1.00 To anyone who accepts any of tbo above offers between now and the first of January , 1900 , wo give tbo Farm Journal for five years flee ; or to anyone who pays up. Dow is your time. Union Soldiers. I will p irobase rdditional rights of all who bomestoadod less than 100 acres prior to Juno , 1874 , even if they abandoned their claims. Will buy fractional if over so small. Great inducements offered agents- R. K. KKLLKY , Kansas City , Mo. PENN < Sb DOBRIS , BLACKSMITHS. All Hinds ot work In our line done promptly and In first-class order , Red Shop on the corner , west of the hose house. Give us a trial. U. S. Land Office , Broken How. Nein. , j Jan. 11,1000. ( A sufficient contest aflldavlt baring buen hit1 ( I In this olllce by NathauT. Qadd , contestant , against T. 0. entry No , 134W , made May 10 , 1800 , K i swM seo. 84 , Z2 , by Paul S. Jensen , con tea too , In which It 'a alleged that said claim ant , Paul S. Jensen , has ( ailed to plow , plant or cultivate any portion of said tract and said laches exist at this time ; fiald parties are hereby nctlfleil to appear , respond and offer evidence touching said allegation at lOo'clock a.m. on Feb. 21,1000. before the Register aud Receiver at Iho Uullui ) States Land Olllco In liroken Dow , Neb. The said contestant hnvlng.ln a proper affidavit , filed Sept. Bth , 1899 , Bi'l fotth ( acts whloh dm v that ator duo diligence , poneonal sorvlco of thn notice can not be made , ft IB hereby ordciud and directed that such DOMOO bo given by due and proper publication.FIUNK II. YOUNO , ItccelvcB. Karl's Clover Root Tea lle.itnlfies the Complexion , Purifies the Itlooil. Rives n Kresli , Clear fakln. Cures Con- Btlpatlon , Indigestion , nnd all Eruptions of tlio bkln. An agreeable Laxative Nerve ionic. Sold nn absolute guarantee by all druggists at 25c. , BOc. and $1.01) . S. C WELLS 4. CO. , LEROY , N. Y. SOLE PROPRIETORS TO THE PEOPLE OF BROKEN BOW AND VICINITY , Having recently opened up a Drug Sore in the Reality Block , south side of Public Square , known as the > > I intend to make your town my future home and ask you for at least a share of your Patronage. Fair Dealing- , Quick Sales and Small Profits , we will try to please all. We are strangers among strangers and all. we ask is to prove to you we menu what we say. Come in and get our prices and make our acquaintance. Yours to Please , bilking . , BROKEN BOW , - - NEBRASKA FOR THE NEAREST CORRECT ESTIMATE OF THECENSUSFOR 19OO OF YOUR OWN STATE , RUtES. The Weekly IJco will give away 515,000 In premiums for the closest estimate o ( the fopu- latlon of your own state as announced In the 1000 census. Think of It I flO.OOO In premi ums I Kach subscriber , will guess on Ills own state , thus estimating the population nlth which ho is tbe most familiar. The first prom- lam will bo awarded to the one making the cloBest.cstlmatc of the state in which ho lives. ( That Is , closer than the guess of auy other subscriber on hli own state. ) For example , If the nearest estimate la made by u Nebraska person , which Is 30,000 f .om the correct 1000 census population of Nebraska , ho will get 1st prlzoj but If a man In Iowa were within 89,999 ot the correct flgaro of Iowa , the Iowa man would get 1st prize , nud tbo Nebraska man 2nd prize. In case of a tic , the citlmatu recrlved first will bo awarded the premium. All territories , D , 0. and , Nevada are barred and their Inhabitants may estimate Nebraska Instead. Kach estimate must bo accompanied by $1.75 , subscription price ol Tno Omaha Weekly Jlee , the greatest western weekly , and The Illustrat ed IJco , a ep.endld western weekly none maga- line , Doth for ono year. 1st 10 room house and lot lu Omaha , value , Snd-Cash 1(000 600 Srd-One Chlckerlng Piano Uli-Cash 500 Mh-One ICImball Plauo . . . 450 Cth-Cash 200 7th-Cah 200 8th-Cash 100 9th to Iflth 10 Sewing Machines. valued at 550 each Ok 50 Cash Picmims , 810 each uUU 100 Cash Premiums , $5 each Farm Implements , Wagons , Bug. Kics , Musical Instruments , Quus , lloneehold furniture , aggregating - C gating Uj Other premiums , Books , Pictures , etc. , worth $1 or more each 1 GRAND TOTAL $15iOGO Is the only republican newspaper published in Broken Bow and it up to date with news at the County Seat. It is the oldest paper in the county , aud having the largest cir culation it , is the ; published in Cuater county. The subscription price is only IDolXaar GL As an inducement to all in arrears or now aubsoribsrs who pay a year in advance , wo will furnish the FARM JOURNAL FIVS YEAHS from the first of January FREE. This is'a farm journal . in which all farmorfl , gardeners and house , " keepers would bo intereatcd , - . ' - SEE OTJE CLUBBING LIST-- : with the Inter Ocean , Bee , , Journal and'Olher'papers , Ad dress , The Ouster County Republican , Broken Bow , Nebraska