Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 08, 1900, Image 3

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    Since the last presidential flection
Hie aggregate Of fresh gold mined
throughout the world Is placed at ? 900-
Samson was the llrst actor to bring
down a house and he was killed in
the fall.
Use Magnetic Stnrch It lias no equal.
The devil too often gets the boy by-
getting his father first.
For starching flno linen use Magnetic
The truth needs no apology.
Many of the world's best gold snlnes
have not yet been found ,
1 shall recommend L'lso'B euro forpon- ,
gumption fnr and wldo. Mrs. Mulligan ,
ridmstond , Kent , Kntjlnml , Nov. 8 , 189i.
A smooth and shiny course makes
slippery travel.
The higher life Is found' In the val
ley of humility.
Magnetic Bturcli Is the very rbest
laundry starch In the world.
Character is .determined . by what we
say no to.
A " "
cough medicine
won't do. If it will
"perhaps" do its
work , it's worse
than worthless. If
it's good , it's worth
ten times its price.
Do you know
where to draw the
line between the
good and the bad ? i
This testimonial
should help.
"I had a bad cough for six
weeks and could not find any le-
lief whatever. My little girl read
' Pectoral being
about Ayer's Cherry
ing such a wonderful remedy for
coughs , so I bought a bottle. It
: elieved me at once. Before I had
taken a quarter of a bottle my
cough was entirely cured. I think
it is the most v.'ondeiful cough
mixture ever known. " L. HAWN ,
Newington , Ont. , May 3 , 1899.
Your doctor or druggist will
bear us out. Three sizes : $1.00
size , cheapest in the long run :
500. size , just the thing < for a
cold that "hangs on" : atjc.
size , for an ordinary , mean , dis
agreeable cold.
Ttie Wonder
o ( tlie Age
No Boiling No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It polishes the Goods
It makes nil Kmnents fresh and crisp
lib when nrst boiiKht new.
Try a Snmplo Package
You'll like < t If you try It.
You'll buy It It you try It.
You'll use It If you try it.
Tiy It.
Sold by nil Grocers.
Send your name and address on
postal , and we will send you our
page illustrated catalogue free.
174 Winchester Avenue , Hew Haven , Conn.
Union soldiersnnd widows of soldiers who mode
homestead entries before June 22,1874 ° f less "lal
160 acres ( no matter if nbnmlonrd or relinquished ) ,
if they have not sold their additional homestead
rights , should address , with full particulars , giv
incdlstrict , &c. HEHBT It. COPP. Wisilnetos , C. 0.
. For 40yenr the f ? orlto with pr o-
tlcal tirilrntri and tlurliti. Tba
, -ie\TlPOJcat loKU dc cilbe til ra.
rletlen. H nd fnr It.
. t. U. GUIUOUT * 80X , BirW.kt.J , H4M.
m. Hook of testimonials and 10 HITS' treatment
FR1IK. DR. II. II. OHK.VB SOkS. Uti F , Alltila. da.
I UR' Tbr > > Bt Candy , one of the l.en confecltoui
LMRIU O | , , \octlli4i , public tpeaker * . Ac. Send
WctoI. ! > oi.
Onmlm , ClilctiRo HI. < | Ne loH < Mitrkcl
( JllOtlltloilfl.
Tlie. moderate. receipts of cnttlo lns < t
weoll nnd llio lilKli prices prevailing n * < with some other innrki-t points
IIIIH. xtarted up pucker * to liny In the
ICniiBiiH City market. Tlio nmiket on
cows and heifers was conslclernbly do-
inorallzpil nnd prleew wore all Of lOiil.'iO
lower. HullH wi-rt n little lower , but voul
eillves lilchcr. Here mo Home iimitntloiiH :
Heef Hteern. ® rQO. : Htt-urM nnd lielf-
ers , > 3.00t/-l.r > 0 ; cows. .g.nVii-I.Xi ; lielferK ,
tf.UWI.25 ; cows mid heifer * . VI.SGW.OO :
tHK "il bulls , $3.lHMi3. l : bull. " , ? 2.2 U
m7f > ; HtaKf. $ .1.70f(4.LVi ; stock eown nnd
lielferw. l&OOffl.Ki ; stockers ami feeder * ,
HOOS Sold f.e lower Until Saturday.
AH compared with the iiveriiKf market
the market was Just about 2'4e lower.
The lions sold largely ut $4.05 for good
mixed loads , ns against $4.70 Friday nnd
$1.65 on Saturday's close. Sotno of the
better heavy and heavy mixed loads ( .old
at $4.67 > 4 and some right good heavy
loads brought Jl.72',4. The demand was
good at current prices and buyers were
all out early with apparent determination
to secure as many loads us possible.
S1IKK1' The tojulency of the * market
was upward last week , and It Is safe to
say tha tprlces are now " . > ft"0u higher
than the week previous at the very leant.
Choice handy weight yearlings , $ ti.lOf)6.2o ) ;
peed to eholen fed yearlings $5..V3C.OO :
lair to good yearlings , $ : > .G5i5.75 ; good to
choice wethers. $ o.rWf5.7 ! > ; fair to good
wethers , tf.STi'iiii.CiO ; good to choice fed
ewes , $ I.8."W5.15 ; fair lo good ewes , $4.t' 5ii ( >
4.85 ; good to choice native lambs , $ ( i.K ! > li >
7.15 ; good to choice western lambs , Jt.S.Vft !
7.00 ; fair to g < xd western lambs , tG.M'u
G.75 ; feeder wethers , $4.2.V5J4.7. ; feeder
yearlings , $5.00ftii.tiO ; good to choice feeder
lambs , $4.75j > 5.75.
CHICAGO. March r.-CATTI < K Na
tives , good to prlmo steers , steady to
slow. $5.000.00 ; poor to medium , slow
to lOc lower , $ I.OV'i4.SOj ( selected feeders ,
best steady , others slow , Jl.lMi l.'fi ; mixed
stockers easy , I3.4frIi3.lK ) ; cows steady to
lOc lower , $3.00'4.2n ; heifers weak , $ " .10i ?
: : .CO ; oanners slow , Jl'.Sjft .OO ; bulls steady ,
JS.BOifl.-'O ; calves about steady , $5.00f ) '
S.Oi ) .
. HOGS Falrly active at yesterday's
elOfliiR pi'lees : ton , ? 4.S2'/i ' ; mixed and
butcheis. $4.05'i4.S71.good ' ! ; lo eholc *
heavy. JI.Wri4.S7',4 ) : roiiKh lu vy. 4.C3ff
4.75 ; light , $4.r,0g-I.SO ( , bulk of sales , J4.75JI1
4.82' .
SII15IOP AND I.AMBS-Shecp 'and
lambs generally stendy ; good to c'hnlcu
wethers , $ . * .50'Jii.OO ( : fiilr to choice mixed ,
about steady. M.40ii5.r > 0 ; western sheep ,
steady , $ i.2ofio.X ! ) ; yearlings , about steady ,
Jii.0057ii.IO ; natlvo lambs , about steady ,
Market < inlet ; kllllnfr Krades , stendy to
10c lower ; stockers and feeders , steady :
heavy native steers , tl.S.Vfi.VJ.'i : llKht-
wolKlits. tl.C005.15 ; stockers and feeders ,
J.l.f.O'ijK.i.K ) ; butcher cows and heifers , J3.25
5(1.15 ; dinners , $2.riOiii.2. ( : > ; fed westerns ,
$ I.OJ'i/j.IO ; westetn feeders , JJ.C'iff 1.23 ;
Texans , $ : ! .Cofi4.50.
HOGS Good heavy IIOKS stendy. oth
ers U'/iifflfie. ' lower ; he. ivy , $ l.70il.Si ! ; mixed ,
SU084.75 : light , $ i.o : : fi.o7'A ; piss , $ .i.50ti
"silKKP AND l.AMnS-Demand con-
tluutH very stioiiKi small supply sold
( lulokly at llrm prices ; lambs , ; i&OIti.7u ! | ;
yonrlliiffs , SG.OOfi ii,2. ; muttons , $ ri.OO'/5.tK ) ;
stockers and feeders , W."i1iZ.3d ; culls ,
$3.001ii. : 73.
CHICAGO , March 5. WHEAT No. 3
spring. OlJiGoe : No. 2 red , ( i7S/CS'Jc.
COHNNo. . L' . 3314e ; No. 2 yellow. .TOi
OATS -No. 2 , 23 < fi21-V : No. \\lllte. . 23'i
( fi2c ( ; ; No. 3 white , 25V < ! \ 2Je. (
11VK No. 2. aV/jC.
UARM3Y No. 2. Wi41o.
S10ICUS No. 1 llaxseed and northwest ,
$100 ; prime timothy , $2.15 ; clover , con
tract grade. $8.25.
PROVISIONS Mess pork , per l > bl. , JB.GO
fiJO.W. I ard , per WJ Jbs. , $3.70(5.77'i. (
Short ribs sides ( loose. ) , $5.70fi3.S5. Dry
salted shoulders ( boxed ) , $ R.25Tttj.50. Short
clear sides ( boxed ) , $ ri.OfiC.CO. ! !
.Senato Calls 1111 Him for Itupori on Liquor
In Manlllii.
WASHINGTON , D. C. , March 5. Mr.
Pcttigrow of Soutli Dakota secured In
the seiuitc the adoption of the follow
ing ruteolutioii :
"That the president be requested , if
not incompatible with public interest ,
to send tho. senate a statement of the
number of saloons that have been es
tablished in Manilla , P , I. , since the
occupation .of that city by the United
States troops ; who conducts these sa
loons , who are their patrons , and what
kind of liquors are sold and the quan
tity of such liquor. The president Is
also requested to inform the senate
01 the number , if any , of saloons run
on the American or English plan in
Manilla before we occupied the place.
The president is also requested to in
form the senate whether or not it is
within liia power , as commander-in-
chief of our military forces , to suppress
all saloons in Manila and prohibit and
prevent the sale of liquor to our sol-
dier.s. "
CHICAGO , 111. , March 5. The ad
visability of calling a conference of
tlie sanitary oflicers throughout the
United States to consider ways and
means of keeping the bubonic plague
from reaching this city is being urged
upon tlio authorities at Washington.
In answer to a leter sent by Dr. Rey
nolds , health commissioner here , to
Dr. Walter Wyman , surgeon general
of the marine hospital service , Dr.
Wyman says the health commission
er's suggestion that n national con
ference be called to meet In April
meets with his approval and will be
In a letter to Surgeon General Stern-
berg , sent today , Dr. Reynolds calls at
tention to the bodies of dead soldiers ,
which are constantly being brought
back to the states , and suggests as n
precaution against the spread of dis
ease , especially the bubonic plague ,
that the practice be discontinued. As
an Illustration of the danger thus In
curred , Dr. Reynolds reports that the
casket recently brought from Luzon ,
containing the body of a Chicago man.
who died on the Island , was opened by
the family , despite orders to the con
trary from the war department , and
the sanitary oflleers here.
Those who love always have no leis
ure to pity themselves , or to be un-
1 appy.
"Heroine of the Caroline * . "
VANCOUVER , March 5. Miss Lo
gan , 21 years of age , daughter of the
late Rev. Robert Logan , the first mis-
Bionnry to the South Sea Islands , sent
out from Uoston by the Congregational
Hoard of the United States , has , ac
cording to advices from Sydney , won
tor herself the title of "heroine of the
Caroline group. " It is due not only
to her fearlessness in facing famine
and tropical diseases , but to her per
sonal interference In a fight between
two native chiefs in which she sus
tained an accidental hut uevere In
E *
Had Catarrh Nine Years All Doctoro Failed.
lion. Gco. Kersten , n well-known Justice of tlie Petu-e , of Chieapo , sn.vs :
" / was afflicted with Catarrh for nine years. My catarrh was
located chiefly in my head. 1 tried many remedies , without aval , ! .
I applied to several doctors , but they were not able to cure me. I
learned of the remedy , Peruna , through the dally newspapers. After
taking the remedy for IS weeks I was entirely cured. I consider my
cure permanent , as it has been two and a half years since I was cured. "
Any man who wishes perfect health
must be entirely free from catarrh.
Catarrh is well-nigh nnhcrtril ; almost
omnipresent. 1'erumi is the only ab
solute safeguard known. A cold is the
beginning of catarrh. To prevent
colds , to cure colds , is to cheat catarrh
out of its victims. Perunti not only
cures catarrh , but prevents it.
Ham's Horn calls attention to the
significant fact that Robert Ingcrsoll.
the son of a Congregational minister ,
died an agnostic , and Dwlght U Moo
dy , the son of a Unitarian stonemason ,
d'cd "the Wellington of the evangeli
cal army. "
Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
FITS rprmanmtlyrurrcl. Nnflts oriiprTotidnp'Kiiflor
firfct < l y'n u ' f IT. Kline's ( liiat Nvnc llertoier.
Sfinl lor Flint ? fttJJ.Ol ! tilnl linttlo uiui treinli-u.
! ) u. U. II , KI.IM : , Ltd. , U.'ll ArUiiH. , I'hilaittliihlu , Ia. .
If you have not tried Magnetic Starch
try It now. You will then use no other.
An earthly angel is a woman that
other women never gossip about.
Why trifle v/ith health
wfsen the easiest and
surest help EG the best
known ened/csetQ In thQ
woritil 9
I Lydia E. Pinkliam's Vegetable Compound I
s known cvciryvjhero and
thousznsls of women have
been cureiS of serious ksd
ney derangements by ita |
Mrso Pinkham's meth
ods have the endorse- ,
ntent of the mayor , the
postmaster anif others of
her own city *
Her medicine has the
endorsement of an unnumbered - ,
numbered multitude ot ,
grateful womten whose
letters are constantly
printed in this paper ,
Every woman should read
Mrs , Pinkham advises
suffering women free of
charge * Her address is
Lynn , Mass *
Planning to Paper This Spring ?
Tbtrf li iictUnK
ll , t lll f > COM.
rolnt cf 1IFALTII
W > rarry ALL lb
lntrild , Vl I ftl f l > '
tilir frkri.rrMii 9H
to A < lrrt.Ur ligU
till Our Ur rtrnlt
t.itlilrl Ul t" lmn.ll *
U it roiniilrlr Itut IN
brmr wr cm | rlc <
irrndri mnrl , .
UW A fu.l
f hniUi * nt ,
all cbtirtcfl | .rr [ > * ) d ,
UIKtlujon rt uril.
Our Spring
, ,
ttlllae tun * f Ibf
UK In MTl'lliL
( OIOIIH , will W
rf ] l J OU'n r -
of lit , blth
yijmiK inmm mmft r-J t-j [ i > > t" ' t > f lb tz *
i rtfundMi u r'l ofrour finl order. Thli raUUvu * ooout
. .1. prW , CD EVKKVnilNO yog \VI.AIl.od\J6E. .
t ubliihed JOHN M. SMYTH COMPANY ,
_ 1W7- IW lo 166 Wtll MtJItoa SU
Orttr Ij tblt No. All CHICAGO , ILL.
All fainilics : should provide them
selves with u cojy ) of' Dr. riai-tnmii's
free booh ontitli'd "Winter Cntnrrh. "
This book consists of .seVcn leelures on
catarrh und hi grippe delivered lit Tliu
Ilartiuiin Hiinititi'inin. It contains the
latest iiifoniiatiiiu on the treatment of
ciiturrhnl dis'jaHi's Address Dr. llart-
iiiun , Colinnbiis , Ohio.
Spelt *
FARIV3 t-lls.
i SO | kgi of rare firm rcniii , Soil lluib , tin 3 f r d
Corn S.i"ltlpro.luclnnMilmli. fool and 4 toin In ;
jier at re nbui e OMIH iiu < l Ijatlcr. Hrnmiu Inr null
the grCAttit KFRM OQ tarthi Siiltti' tayt to ,
Itape , Spring \ \ lii-at , Ac. , Including our mini *
moth Flint , I'rtillnnillitF.irMliitog. tilling ill
Btmut Snlzcr it < 1 rrut * . ; tilf' n liullur
I'nlHto , nil millrit r > r lOc.
w rtli tlOtorrtl
H'llll tills"
ndr. ultll olone , ucf
lOc. toNoIzcr. wnu :
No. 362 , 2 Rubles and 2 Pearls.
Tliln liciiiitlful itliiK ulll nilorn your lintitl wlttioiit
ny cu t to > i > n. UuiiM nenil n any money , Ju l jour
liiiinii iiinl lulilrcxH. Wu will 'ml you I'oHtii.tlil rj of
our l.niro , lliniilMiini' Dnlilra illlTorrnt ilccltrMB. s < { |
tlieni lo your rniiilyaiul TrU-mf' at Ifli1 I'lich. KPIH !
us tliu 41 W nnd wo will send jou liy loturn ninll the
liciititlriil liliiK.
We offer HIMSlcrllnc Silver llrncolotn.SolliHio'rt
I'lnlod llrnculvlH , Sulld Hold Kings Xctln rsolr Sllei
llrni'elets ( iolit 1'cii onil 1'ciirl llunUle.for tellliiKOiir
llimdnomo llolllpn.
\\K ITi : hill K10 PAY. lOUIlBfMKhHIHCHlTAlX.
F. A. REED & CO. , Jewelry Dupt ,
200 111 1ISOX STIIKI- , .NK 101IK.
$3 & 3.5 ® SHOES
-Worth $4 to S6 compared.
v with other makes. '
lldoi-Fed by over
1,000,000 wearers , i
Tliv armitiKt have \V. I , .
Douglas' name and price I
stamped nn bottom. Take <
no substitute claimed In be
as good. Your dealer
should leep them If.
not , we will send a pair *
on receipt ol price and 250.
extra for carnage. State kind of leather ,
sue , and width , plain or cat ) toe. Cat. free.
W. t. DOUGLAS SHOE CO. , Brockton , Mas : .
to Western C.iiiiuln nnd
particulars us to how lu
secure 100 ncifs of Hut
host. wln > ni-'ri | I iur
liluil on tliu fiiiillnuiit
eati he sceurod on sippll-
cntion toHiipt. or I linn i-
KrutruiiOltiwu : , Cnnida : ,
or tlioundorslKiu'd. Hjia-
. il exclusions will Icim' St. 1'iiul ,
Minn , on tt o llrst ami third Tuesday In cacti
mnnth. uml specially low rates on ail lines of
railway me quoted for exeurslotiN If.ivliikSt
I'uul on Mnreh L'U und April 4 for Manitoba.
Ar.slnlbola. SasUuichuuan and Alberta. M. V.
Uennolt , Wl New York Life Hliltf. Omaha , Neb.
TLo iildrc K'-sof nil feilcrul
Soldiers , their wldown or
hulrs , who nmdu a IIOMK-
HTKADiai.lNC on loss than
lincrus ) on or Ixiforu
' .Tuna 2'1B74 , no mutter
SOLDIERS' whether hl.NAI , I'ltOOK
wsbinndonrnot I will tiny
tin ml WurriMitn.
> iulrr H < oiunide
lloi ISlli. Uenvar.
has Hood thu U'M. of W years
und Is still thu tleht Uoucli
Koiueily Hold. Curt's when
other remedies full. Tnt > teH
iood ; children llho It. Hold
by all druk't'lsts--5 cents ,
tuclr tinmen In the fundamental principle * of tlio
law , ami tuch hrunrhun HH nmntllutoa nnUhcd
legal education. Kor clrc-nlum aadieo
EDY/ / , BACON , 323 Main StPeoria , III ,
W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 1O 1000
. . V/HR / "ALt I
In tuna. Bolt ) by drugRlctft.
Itonnro of Ointment * for Cntnrrlilint
Cnntiiln Mercury ,
As tnrrcury will surely it ( Mirny the urnsc < if
Hindi uml completely ( lorntiKolho whnliMiVMiotn
when entering It through the mtiroim Niirfncei.
Such otlcle * Hhould nuviT'Ui tit-cd NKi'iiMm
proscriptions ritiin rcpntiUln phyHlcliiim , untlio
ilitmuwe tliuy will do Is tenfold to tlio Rood you
run povslbly dcrlvojnnn thorn. JluHV Catarrh
( Mre , inntiufiu-Uireil by ! ' . .1. ( Jlieney & Co. ,
Toledo. O. , rontnlliH no mercury , and Kmltuii
Internally. netlnc directly upon tlio blood mid
mucous surfaces of the system. In buylntf
llikirNCntnrrli Curu hosiiruyouuutllioKoniilnu.
It In titkeiiliiterniklly.nndiniulolnToledo , Ohio ,
by V , .1. Cheney &Co. Tcfttlinonlitlsfrco. 3oltl
by DniRKlsUi. prtco 7T > 0 IKHbolllo. .
Hull's Kuinlly 1'IllH uro the best.
The linsy innn never finite the day
lee long.
Mm. Wltiftlotv'ii Soothing Syrup.
For chtldrrn teething , ( often * the Rtims , rcilurf In *
fUumiatiou , aljayi imm. curse wlnilcoilti. lie boitlo-
If , you prefer the. survlcu of Bin you
must he proposed to accept the wngca
of Bin.
, I.ois of.hnlr , which often mi r tha prettlcit face ,
rrjMented hjr I'AIIKKH' mm HALBAM. .
lIlMmncunss , tins hot ( Sure tut corni/1 15cti.
Cievelnntl Yuen who have uiuWgpno
oporiitions have formed nri n'ppciftllcltls
TO cum : A , COLD IN oNip DAY ,
TaUn Laxative llromo Qiilnlnu TiiblolK. All
druKplMs refund the money If It fulls locum
S5c. K.V. . U rove's xlgDituru | on eiieli box.
There were nearly 89,000.deaths In
London last year. . '
Woman , Kramatlcully speaking , Is
not a part of speech ; ohe's. simply the
whole oration.
Said tho'cleavet" to the'beef ' : " 'Tia
but meatithat i uhould cut .yon. " '
I .
Scml for "Cliolru Hoclpoii. "
liy VTntler linker & Co. Iul. . Dorcliciler , Ma . .
mailed Ireo. . . MvnUott thin | mu-r.-
Russell Sago says t'hat If he lost all
his money today ho wonld go to work
with the1 same onei'gy1 nnil am'bltlo'i '
that he had at the start.
Dcllcntc.Alachuery ! That Needs
Constant Care.
Atsotute CltenMncss and Itozulatlo- Neccs-
sary as for Any oilier Kliii of
Machinery. How Mo Keep It
in NVorklcg OrJer.
There's a screw loose somewhere !
One little screw , In tlio bin inaolilno nets
n trlllo loose and the whole apparatus
clnii.1 , balk and refuses to work properly.
A Bklllful etiRlnecr ean tell by the "feel"
of lilB oiiK'Ino when llicro'H a Hcrow loose.
Occasional coiiHtlpaton call It costive-
tlciin or bllloUBiiesH ncodi prompt atten
tion. It COK | * the whole delicate iiioclinn-
Inin of man , and tntint bo removed nklll-
fully without force or nhock. Only ft
vegetable laxative uliould be used , nml
Casciuotrt Candy Cathnrtle , which you
ean cat like a piece of candy , are the
monl agreeable , natural anil ertcctlvo ot
all laxatlvcri.
CaBcarctn am the only antiseptic cathar
tic , nml not only make the llvur lively , re *
inuto obHtructloni * In the bowclx , strength
en thn IntcHtlnc.- * , but kill all germ * of dln-
etiso In the body. Therefore prevent as
well UK cure.
Htiy and try Tascarets to-day. You'll
find that It'n what they do. not what \vo
nay they'll do , that will * pleam- you , All
dniKKlstH , lOc , 2Jc and We. or will mall for
price. Send for booklet anil fine snmplo.
Aijdreit * atoilliiK Itemedy Co. , Chicago ;
Montreal , Can. : New York.
_ - This IH the CASCAHKT tab
let. Kvery tablet of the only
Kunulnn Casenrota tiearH thn
maple letlern "C C C. " Look
at the tablet before you buy ,
and beware of fiiuida , Imlliv-
tlonn an < l BUI
Nearly every man believes that drug
store whiskey Is heter than joint \vbis-
Key. Atchleon Globe.
Liberal rcllglouH literature ( Uni
tarian ) \vlH hq , ( urnlnhcd free , on ap
plication to Mrs. ' 1J.D. , , Ucctli.132. N.
ysih Avc. , Oma'ha N 'lj.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
Red , Rough Hands , Itching , Burning ,
Palms , and Painful Finger Ends.
Soak the hands on retiring in a strong , hot ;
creamy lather of CUTICURA SOAP. Dry >
and anoint freely with CUTICURA , the great
skin cure and purest of emollients. Wear , during
the night , old , loose kid gloves , with the finger
ends cut off and air holes cut in the palms. For
red rough chapped hands fissured
, , , dry , , itching ,
feverish palms , With shapeless nails and painful
finger ends , this treatment is simply wonderful ,
and points to a speedy cure of the most distress
ing cases when physicians and all else fail , ! /
Pain So Intense Would Nearly Twist Pingcrs From Sockets. Hands
Puffed Up Like a Toad. Water Ran Through Bandages to
Ploor. Had to Walk the Roor Until Would Pall
Asleep. Fingers Would Peel Like an Onion.
Doctors Could Not Cure.
Kl iit years ago I got corn hands , rommiMidng with a hurtling sensation
tin my lingers nnd on lop of tbo hand. When I rubbed tlcn , von couM
heu llttlo while pimple * . I felt like twlRllng my lingers out of their sockets.
I had high fever , and cold cJillh ran over me , and so I la-pi It goiti" until
I was tired out. Nlghtc , I had to walk the floor until I fell aslc-ep. My
hands puclod like an onion , tlio linger nail * got leone , and the water
ran out , and wherever then- was u llttlo pimple there thn burning lire was
that happened at ionst ten lime * . I am running u blacksmith shop , hon > c-
rthocing , and \\ould I not nlint up the shop for anyhodv , but it was htird.
My hands pnlli'd up wor-u than ti toad. When I drove horse nails , the
water from my lunids ran through the lmndngi > , on to the floor. Jiy cus
tomers refused to look at my hand. I had u friend take mo to tlio doctor :
ho guvo ( V solution of something to bntlio my hands. I went to another
doctor , I think , for a year. I found your advertisement In a Ttica news
paper , and 1 got the rtmuurtA remedied. As noon as 1 used them I began
to gain , anil after using a small quantity of thorn I was entirely cured. I
would not take llfty dollars for u rake of fi TICIMIA. SOAP if 1 could not get
nuv more I would not sillier MII.V more us I did , for the whole coiintrv.
Feb. 2'2 , 1898. CASl'EH WIILKH , Pembroke , Gcuesce Co. , N. V.
Complete External and Internal Treatment for E\ery \ Humor ,
conii ! Jniof Ct'Tiruiu ' Foil(2Jc ( ) . to rlrnnin the akin of emit * nnil
u.ilrii nnd loftca thu thickened cuticle , t'UTiruiu ( Me. ) .
- . . ! ° ln'Untly "Hay Itchliiir , Inllntmmillon , nnd Iriltiittnn , nud ixithuunii
-rt. c * fl i ntr
in © OOt , ibl.Zolieul , nnd I'UTlfUliA Kr.MH.VKNT ( Me. ) , lu cool and di'nii.o ln blood.
A BINOI.E tjNTUoftoniiiilllcleultocii'ethoiiiosttortuiliig.dlitli/ur nB ,
nnd tinmlllatlnR ikln , neilp , nnd blood liunmrs , with lo s of hnlr , when n I eliu fnlli. hold
throughout the world. I'UTTEII Dat'u AND CIIEM. Coinfc'olo I'lons , . Do.tou. U. a. A. " All
about the Blcln , Hcalp , ruJ llalr , " free.
Millions of Women Use Cuticura Soap
Kxcluslvcly for preserving , purifying , and hf.-iiitfyliiK | tliu sMn , for cleansing tlio et-nlji of
eru-itH , craleg , and dandrnir , nnd the Btojiplng ( if f.tlllii } ; lialr , for hofti'iilng , hltcnlOKand
( .outliSng red , ronnh , nnd core hands , In the form of liutlm for annoying liiltiitlons , Indani.
nintluiiH , nnd fliann , or too free or offensive peraplrntluu , la thu fonn of wiuhcs for
nlrerittlve.vraknesbcs , and for many ganntlto nnllscptlu purpiiiseH which icadlly euggest
them's' ' ! * ' ! ; " to women , nnd especially mothers , und for all thn purposes of this toilet , batli ,
nnd nurocry. No nmountuf iicrouaslon can Induce those who have euro uaedJt to uiu
nny other , enpoclaliy for preguvvlnj ; nnd pmlfylnj- elln , ncitlp , and hair of Infants nnil
elilMrcn. OimuOKASoUToniblnesilclliatoeiuollluntiiropcrtlcsdcilveilf oniCtJTirBJU ,
tliu great n'.ln euro , with the purest of clcannlilf ; tugivdtontunnd thu. most mficfhlng , of
flower oiloru. No ether metllcaltJ soap ever eonipoundod la to be compared wtl | | It for
prcicr'vlnfr , imrlfylnif , and bcautlfylng tlio akin , ecalp , hnlr , anil hand * . No other foreigner
or tlomcHlc tolltt mi.ip , however expensive , U to bo eoniparcil with It for itll tho. ptirpoic *
of the toilet , bath , nnd nursery. Thus It combine. * la ONE SOAInt OKM I'lttCK , "
TwK.srv-rivK CkM.4 , thu ULSr tllu uml complvxluu fcoap , thu IIEST toilet and I
baby tony In the world.