Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 01, 1900, Image 7

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    Mr. Moody know his Blblo so well
( hat his eyes and lingers could find any
passage that he wanted , from GcnesU
to Revelation , In the hurry of rapid
Hpcech , as easily as the lingers of a
master musician can find the notes of
a familiar sonnata on the keyboard
of a piano.
One of the new Ideas for home dec
oration Is the violet tree. It has been
taken up with much eagerness by the
New York women of society.
Nettle Dickey , of Stanton , Del. , hiu
Just returned to her home , after leadIng -
Ing the life of a tramp for several
" I had a very severe sickness
that took off all my hair. I pur
chased a Lottie of Aycr's Hair
Vigor and am glad to say that
it brought my hair back again and
I am not today obliged to be
classed among the bald-heads. "
\V. D. Quinn , Marseilles ,
111. , Aug. 25 , 1899.
One thing is certain , Aycr's
Hair Vigor makes the hair grow.
This is because it is a hair food.
If it were a hair stimulant simply ,
it could not do this. You must
have food to live ; stimulants can
not take its place. Aycr's Hair
Vigor feeds the hair and it grows.
It could not do differently , for
it's Nature's plan. It Stops fall
ing of the hair , too , takes out all
dandruff , nnd alv/ays restores
color to gray hair.
$1.00 a bottle. All <
Write the Doctor
If you do not obtain all thobcncfltf yon
desho from the UBO ot the Vigor , wrlto
the Doctor about it. He % vlll tell jou just
tlio right thing to doand will send > ou
his hook on the Hair aud Scalp 1C jou
request It. Address ,
Dr. J. C. AVER , Lowell , Mass.
Tlic Wonder
o ( the
No Boiling No Cooking
It Stiffens the Goods
It Whitens the Goods
It polishes the Goods
It maltes nil garments fresh and crisp
a.i when llrst bought new.
Try a Sample Fackoso
You'll lllo 11 if you try It.
You'll buy it If you try It.
You'll use it if you try It.
Try it.
Sold by all Grocers.
Don't bo fooled with a mackintosh
or rubber cont. I/you wnntacoat
that will keep you dry In the hard
est storm buy the Fish Brand
Slicker. If not for sale In your
town , wrlto for catalogue to
A. J. TOWER. Boston. Mass.
We wish to e ln this rear 200.0(0
UBVT oustomiTd , and ncuceoncr
r Uarden licet , lOc
. LmcritldCucnrabernc
1m Orosau llnrlet Lettuce , 16o
. . . jrry Jleloa , 18o
" II Day lUillsh , lee
" Kirjr Ulpo Uatbage , 'JUo
" rarlr.Dlnner Onion , lOc
J " Urilllunt Flower hci-d , , 15o
Worth t.0alor _ 11 ccnti.
Above 10 PlfB .worth81. i. wo will < &
mull yea free , together with our (6
great Uat&lofr , tcllini ? All &bont Mi
ngonrccflia of this notion A lJc.-X
ntnmpn. We Invite ynurtrode , and 5
14 , know when yea oncotrj Suiter's &
.mmmdi ; yea \7ill neirr do without. Gl
unu # ! iin rrircnonSilior'8 ltioorir-
fetoirllo8tTam to ( Hunt oa earth , wou a\
JOII1 i. 81I.ZEH IKED CO. . I A I HnssE , TTIR. 2
Union soldiersnnj widows of soldiers \vlio nindt
homestead entries l forc June 22,1374 of less than
j5oacre ( no matter if abandoned or relinquished ) .
If they have not sold their mUlitlonnl homestead
riglits , should address , u ilh full particulars , giv-
tng'dlclrict , &c. HEKSTII. COPP. W : hlsBts , C. d
Onmlin , Chicago unit New York Miiriiot
rillOAUO. Feb. 28V 11 HAT No. 3 ,
pnriiiK , ( W66e ; No. 2 red , fn/7Cp.
COltN No. 2 , 33'ic ; No. 2 yrllow , 33-iic.
OATS No. 2 , 23fiTl\c ( ; No. U white , Mill
2GM > e ; No. 'I white. ZI'nEfi jC. .
YK-No. 2. CH/ffK'io.
HAULKY-No. 1' . 37V < i'42e.
SKIODH Klaxseed , No. 1 it nil northwest.
Jl.W. Prime timothy. ? . ' M. Hover , con
tract Krade. $8.40.
1'HOVISIONR MCSM pork , per hhl , W.M
OilO. " . " ) . l.iml. per liw Ibs. . J3.7Wi3.S2 * .
Short ribs sldesi ( loose ) . $ . ' .7.1fl0.0.1i. Dry
Halted shouldr ( boxed ) . Jfi.2'iti.W ! [ ) ) . Short
clear Hlden ( boxed ) J3.WiiG.or. .
NE\V YOU 1C. l-'ch. 20. WI115AT-WenU
nnil heavy nt lUfil'V * not di-cllne ; Mnreh ,
74r-iif75c ( | , elosed at 7-1)40 ; May. 72 Ji-lGlf
7-iiC. : ! closed lit 72'4c ; September , 72i72T4e ,
flusrd at 72',4e.
CORN Closed wcnlc nt tic net ileellno ;
May. 40 < ITIlc , closed at We ; July , HJfMOVie ,
cloned at lOVie.
OATS HecelpJs. 90.200 bti. ; spot weaker ;
No. 2 , 29c ; No. 3 , W 4c ; No. 2 whlto , .ll'.ic.
No. : t white. ! Xive ; track , mixed wuHtern ,
2igSO'ic ! ; track white , 31 iHj3io.
I'lllCAGO , 1'Vb. 2ti. CATT1.K Choice
cattle , nominally * tenily , other Htetiily to
slow ; Texnns llrni ; KOOI ! cows about
xtondy , othersi , lOc lower ; cannerH Htronu ;
stockers and feeders active and about
steady ; ( jood to choice , } 5.00'ijr . ! < 3 ; pool-
to inedluin , $4.001N.5 ; mixed stockurs ,
J3.IOS3.SO ; selected feeder * , J4.25'tf4.7 ; ;
Texas fed hrevcH. Jl.OOfin.OO.
HOOS Active and steady to slroutr.
top , JI.U7 > 4 : Kood clearance ; mixed and
butchers , Jl.705il.a3. peed heu'vy , Jl.sryfp
4.07'rotiRh ; heavy. JI.70 4.SO ; lights , JI.OO
01.8.1 ; hulk of snles .JI.SOfM 90.
SI113EI' AND IAMDH-Stcady ; lambs
HtrotiK ; native wethers. ? ,1.Hlir..fO ) ; western
wethers. J300.f/.7.rr ( lambs , Ja.OO'jn.lf. ; west
ern lambs , JG.OOfi7.Or > .
Ucst grades steady : common nnd Inferior
kinds easier ; heavy natlvo stei-rs , $1.7aft >
r.:0 : : ; Usht welRhls , Jl.lO'S4.7r ' > ; stockero and
feeders. $1.01(5.23 ( ; butcher cows and heif
ers. J3.20Ii4.IO ; en liners , J2.30tT3.20 ; fed
westerns , J4.00tf4.0 ; westeni feeders , J3.W
if 1.50 ; Tcxans , $1.53114.15.
HOGS Early mnrkeln steady : closed
weak : heavy. JJ.70ffl.S2V4 ; mixed. $4.03tf
I-- . JlRjlt , ? . .lfn.75 : : nlBH. W.9W4.33. , , M
SHEEP AND J.AMUS llecelpts. l.WX )
head ; .supply too 11 Bin to nil demands ;
< iulek market ; llrm prices ; lambs , $ b.2oti
U.73 ; yearlings. $ muttons. JI.BOfp
5.33 ; s'tockers and feeders , $ : ) .oOf/3.00 ; culls ,
SOUTH OMAHA. Feb. 2G. During the
first four days of lust week there wcio ro-
celved at the four markets IS.OOO nioro
cattle than for the correspondlus period
of last year. The stoekem and feeders
trade was slow , as was also the cow mar
ket. Hero an- some quotations : Heel
calves ; J4.251f3.oO : slugs. W.WTtVM ; stoc.k
cows and heifers J2.30tM.50 ; Miockers and
feeders. J2.3Qif ! i.OO.
HOGS For a time there was not much
doing , but after a little later the market
picked up attain and closed Htcid > with
yesterday. The hogs sold very largely at
$4.G71/.fM 70. with homo of the heavier
Booil"loads at > I.7S. The Muallty of the
hogs was consldciably better than the
day before. In ijciiorul. they sold about
l.'c lower.
SHEEP Choice handy weight yean
ling * . J5.7. > ifiii.O'J : good to choice fed year
lings. $ S.Wi5.7Kri ( ! , fair to Bood yearlings ,
JS 40iri.GO ; irodd to choice wethers. J5..tOf
3.30 , fair to Rood wethers. J3.10fr..2 : > . oed
to choice fed ewes , $4.COffM.75 : fair to good
ewes J4.COfM.0 : Rood to choice native
l.tmb * . $ n.noifi.S : . : wood to choice western
lambs. Jti.30 7i.7S ( ; fair to Rood western
feeder yearlings , $3.00 3.00 ; oed to choice
feeder lambs , $ l. < 3fifi.7r > .
Coadjutor for I pNropal Illsliop of Chicago
cage YouiiRi'Ht on Hccord.
CHICAGO , Feb. 26. Rev. Charles
1'ftlmerston Anderson was consecrat
ed iJlshop-coadjtitor of the Episcopal
diocese of Chicago by Bishop Mc
Laren , assisted by Bishop Gillespic ot
Western Michigan and bishop Sey
mour of Springfield , 111. The ceremo
nies were conducted at Grace church ,
Wabash avenue and Fourteenth street ,
In the presence of an immense congre
gation of laymen and most of the lead
ing dgnitaries of the Episcopal church
in the western and middle states.
The occasion was observed by the
celebration of holy communion in ev
ery Episcopal church in Chicago at 7
a. m. , while morning prayers and an
olaobrate musical program were held
in Grace house , adjoining the church ,
previous to the consecration ceremo
nies. Rev. Anderson's presenters
were Bishop Edsall of North Dakota
and Morrison of Iowa. The sermon
was delivered by Bishop Charles C.
Grafton of Fond du Lac , Wis. Other
participants in the consecration cere
monies were Bishop .1. II. White of
Michigan City , Ind. ; Bishop I. L.
N'lcholson of Milwaukee and Bishop A.
L. Williams fo Nebraska.
This evening the Chicago Church
club will tender Blshop-Coaujutor An
derson , Bishop McLaren and other
visiting bishops and clergymen a ban
quet in honor of the occasion. Rev.
Anderson enjoys the distinction
ing one of the youngest men ever c'on-
fcccrated bishop-coadjutor of the Prot
estant Episcopal church in America.
He is not as yet 38 years old.
Majority Against tint Ministry.
VICTORIA , II. C. , Feb. 20. The
Semlin-Coton government , which re
placed the Turner administration in
British Columbia local politics in 1898.
was yesterday defeated by one vote on
the redistribution measure , upon which
it was intended to go to country. Tt
it ? probable the government will refuse
a dissolution and a trial will be made
to secure a coalition government under
new leadership during the remaining
two years of the life of the Parlia
Want Contention
CHICAGO , Feb. 2C. At a meeting of
the executive committee of the West
ern Passenger association held today
It was decided to issue instructions to
the various passenger agents at Kan
sas City to wait upon the citizens' com
mittee in charge of the democratic na
tional convention and urge that the
convention date be changed.
llryiin OUCH to
NASHVILLE , Tenn. . Feb. 20. To
night at 11 o'clock Hon. William J.
Bryan , accompanied by Secretary of
State W. S. Morgan , left here for Mem
phis. During the day Mr. Bryan was
entertained by several promnlcnt resi
dents of Nashville and received many
callers at his hotel.
KIIIIMIH City Khlpit
KANSAS CITY. Mo. , Feb. 2G. Four
hundred mules were shipped today for
New Orleans for nso by the British
in South Africa. They were bought
by Captain Smith of the British army
and were Inspected by him labt week.
Olltnt e * ArroM tbr Son
IB the charming titleot a charming
liook from the facile pen of Mr. Sam
T. Clover , the well known author and
newspaper editor. The "Glimpses" tire
particularly pertinent just now when
so many people are considering about
going to the Paris Exposition , and
many people will b'o glad to know that
th > - Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul
Hallway has purchased an edition of
Mr. Clover's work for distribution. Tn
sending your address for a copy plcaso
enclose six ct-nts to pay postage. Gco.
H. lie-afford , General Passenger Agent ,
Old Colony Building , Chicago , 111.
Two I.ottrrgfroin Women Helpe
tlio "Cliani ; ofl.lfo" by I.jdla 13. rink-
ImniWc'ftetablo Compound.
" DIAU : Mns. PINKHA.M : - When I first
wrote to you I was in a very bad con
dition. I was passing through the
change of life , and the doctors said 1
had bladder and liver trouble. I had
HiiiTcrcd for nine years. Doctors failed
to do me any pood. Since 1 have taken
Lydia E. Pinkham's Vegetable Com
pound , my health has improved very
much. 1 will gladly recommend your
medicine to others and am sure that it
will prove us great a blessing to them
ns it has to me. " MIIH. Gio. : II. JUNK ,
001 Dclvnlb Avc. , Brooklyn , N. Y.
Relief Came Promptly
"DKAiiMns. PINKHAM : 1 had been
under treatment with the doctors for
four years , nnd seemed to get no bettor ,
1 thought I would try your medicine.
My trouble was change of life , and I
must say that I never had anything
help mo so much as Lydia K. Pink-
ham's Vegetable Compound. Relief
uamu almost immediately. I have
better health now than 1 ever had. I
foci like a new v.-oman , perfectly
strong. I give Lydia K. Pinhham' *
Compound all the credit , and would
not do without her medicine for any
thing. 1 have recommended it to
several of my frionds. There is no
need of women suffering bo much for
Mrs. Pinkham's remedies arc a sure
cure. " MAIIAI.A BUTUH : , Bridgewater -
water , III.
Another Woman Helped
" DHAK Mus. PIXKIIAM : I took Lydia
E. Pinkham's Vegetable1 Compound
during change of life and derived great
benefit from its use. " M AIIV 13. JAMES ,
130 Coydou yt. , Bradford , Pa.
CUNTS WB will rnnd Ton
our xtto-utlAUT I''OIU < '
TAIN HYHI.NHi : . lltteil vlth n full leng.h
Hir.itNicKi'j : > l'i.ATED VAI.YK A TllltTa :
hjiilunlc , hnnl rulibi-r plpm for INFANTS ,
Theio iilpen have thu Hllpespan *
xloii iiir-tlRlit johiln , cunrnn *
teed not to Icnkornonr. All
riirofully imcketl In u slrniv-
hcnrd , papor-covoreil boz.Thu
Dutnco will bol2ctf ) .
Our Hiirintf C'litulo nc of
1f J illiinlrntcil pncoanlll lent l >
< ont prepaid on recolpt.of 15 rcnt , wlirch | ui ) piirto (
tlie mpreHH chnri.'f' , nnil will l > orefuinle'lcmroeelto' |
jrur flirt onlnr TlilrtcataloatiB MIIOIPK wliolr alopricoa
on KVIiAVrJIINCl > on i\T. : WF.AH mill IIHK.
Kntabllslied JOM.N M. SMYTH I'DMJMVv ,
Jl-ffl. 150.100 . Jlnnl.on Kt. ,
QrderStjIoKo. All. CHICACO ,
Plso's Cure for Consumption 1ms saved
mo lar o doctor liills. C. U 15ixer ! , 42 8 Ile-
Eout Sq. , 1'hi ndulpliin , 1'u. , Doc. 8 , 18'J3.
It Is well to keep lamps about two-
thirds full of oil.
IUin DALRAM kccpn tlio Imlr soft and
Iilcntlful aud restores the color when gray.
iNti , the best euro for corns. 15cti.
The caullllower Is a patrician among
The ads of the John M. Smyth Co.
in another column of this paper should
be of Interest to every reader. The
firm is one of the largest In the United
States and Is thoroughly reliable.
Their catalogue ot everything to cat ,
wear and use is a mammoth ono and
complete In every particular. Write
for it today.
To be afraid of your friend Is to
lose hlnu
A Hook of Choice Itcclprs
Bent frco by Walter llakcr & Co. L'.d. , Uorchcs'.er ,
MUM. Mention tills paper.
? gcable ( Pr cparalionforAs -
similaling IhcFoodandRcgnla-
ling UieStoinachs andBowcis of
Promotes Digcslion.Chccrfur-
nessandnest.Conlains neillier
Opium.Morpliine nor > Iineral.
stnur.Stril >
Aperfccl Remedy forConslipn-
Ron , Sour Stomach , Diarrhoea
Worms .Convulsions .Fcveri sli-
ncss ami Loss OF SLEEP.
Facsimile Signature oF .
SHRO snya the Uocrvnr Is a
good IhliiK for the oommcrcu of thla
country. Ho snld to a Now York
newspaper man the other tiny that tlio
war "Is emphasizing the independent
position of this country In the money
markets of the world. The louder that
war lasts the more henoflt this coun
try will derive. It Is estimated that
the war Is costing over $1,000.000 a
day In destruction of property and
financial waste. "
A light head makes an easy running
STATB OP Oino , PITY or TOMSDO , i . . .
MlAS ! ! COUNTV , f FS >
KrnnK , T , Chunoy mulcts nnth Hint ho Is I ho
senior iinrinor of tint Him of ! ' . .1. Plioncy &Co. ,
business In the City of Toledo , County
nnd Stntu nforovnld , nnd thnl snld linn will iu'v
thu sum ot ONH HUNMHiO : UOMjAKS for
onch and ovcry oitso of Catarrh thnl mmiol bo
cured by the iiho of Hull's Cutimh Curi' .
Sworn to lipforo mo it ml subscribed In my
picsence , tUlsOtUduy ot UiTi'inbcr. A. U. 1KH4
, c..AI , A. tt'.UIfKASON. .
i Xotnry IMbllc.
Hull's Patnrrh Cum Is tnUrn liilernnlly. mid
nclsiUri'i'tly on the blood utul nuii'on.'i Ktirfncuj
of thu M-btuui. .Sctul for tcstlnionliils. freu.
K. .1. CI1MNUY & CO. , Toledo , O.
Sold by nniL'Klsts , TSc.
Hall' ! , Katnlly 1'lll.s ate the best.
Your clothes will not crack If you
use Magnetic Starch.
God's rewards arp often greater re
An All-Vcar Kpiort.
The Crescent llotol , Kurektv Sprhip's , Ark. ,
opens March I , MH ) . A inoKt deslnible , tit-
trnctlve and coiucnliMit resort for health and
pleasure seeUors. Ideal clhntiti1 , pure spnrldhiR
water , best accommodations , Tluouch Sleep
ers via I'rlseo I.lne Wrlto for particulars to
Mmmgcr Hotel or to an leprcscutulivo o !
1'rlsco Line ,
1 This neir , ( itllMt , corn wl' n tolu.
tlotiliocorn gronlnir , jlclJIng ID
I8S1I , In U hint iota , 400 hui. per aor > .
HKI rotiu OATH
jlelj IW lu > . per acre , ted jou
CORN canbtitthltl
'OOhm. per acre. Urcatril
amlhijrroo , ! tMaildcotthe m > i l
jlcIJi IJIhm. InN.V. WonJfifuIl
SvO HAI'i : SRf. A TON
Cites rlcli , cicen food for cattle ,
m hoep , inliif , poullrjr , CIO. , tio.
tan'o cll nln'-lrnil.iortlit
mSSj lit K pc I'M I u > cit lu Ilia U. S.
* SSj lw , , , Orrr.tC'liirnnon carlli. llnmita
iE4"y'faction / ' [ la America tttMolirrc.
&fSM * H lr w r nUlll
ll'Jti potulllli Uio tnuit tnlkctlofro.
Hto on earth , ami Salirr llx
U'ccL * | I'olh nlll male jou rlcb.
I.nre i urnwcr cf I'ntatoci nJ
" -m Scedi In tlio world.
11AIrW I.aritMl , cholre.t Hit In It H.
I Onion HTO | , Silo. Ib. Klrrjlblog
warranted loRro r. S5 ( ikga tir-
. \ VOIl loT. MTAMI'8
niia tliln notice , we mull srctt Herd
Coutoi ; ni. < l lOj.lci P rm Otel .Vovlilli ,
_ , CM > lo ( alont , 5c. pointer. < nu
S3 a ? 3
5V/orth S4 to $6 compared
with other makes.
idorsod by iivor
1,000,000 carers ,
37irarniilno have W. L.
Oougl.ij' n.imo and price
stamped on bottom. Take
no substitute cl.ilmed to be
as good. Your dealer
should Itecp llism If
not , we will send a pair1 ,
ft K on receipt of price and 150 ,
extra for carriage. State kind of leather ,
size , and width , plain or cap toe. Cat. free.
, W. L DOUGLAS SHOE CO , , Brockton , Mass.
with in , r > o
1'iUciilH nihorlli-t'il
frro fur cllcnti ) .
I'rro udvlco us \iilcnliil ! > llltv. Krml fur
Inxcntnr'Hl'ilnu'f. MILO B. STEVgNSA CO. ,
LHtnUllvlifd IBiil. b7 UlliM. , Wonhlnston , D.C.
llrniicliOlllces : Clilciuo. tlcNelntid nnd DIM roll.
T.ocoinolor Ataxta c-on-
iliiurcilat la t. D.iciors
piir. / led. pcclnil l
nmnzoil nt recovcrv of pntlcnlH IhiiiiBlit Inrurnlili1 liy
Wrltcino nlioiitjourrnBc. Aihliunnil pnMifufciird1
tiihr. mi. ( HANK , 224 N.IOthGt.riiii.uiKi.nin.fA
For Infants and Children.
Bears the
frankest ugnjVflU' n ho , 4nXOi t
comprehensive and BtnteHnwnllko victor
yet iwhllfdicd of our forolEii liollcy Is
tlirtt of tluvlldti. ' Ulthnrcl Olntfy , to ftp-
pour In the March Atlantic .Monthly.
It | s marked by Mr. Olnoy'B power of
trenchant and compressed exfirfcSftlon ,
yet It Is also moderate and far-seeing.
The recent movement among Indiana
UciriocratB'to Siotifiiint'o 'Mr. Olhuy for
the 1'rcsldentcy gives additional Inter
est to this
The Frencli Kovernmcnt has Jnst or
dered tun locomotives from thla conn-
Mr. Krncst Heton-'rhampson ' , the nu-
tlibr of "Vllel A'rtltnats I llnvWuown , "
liiul'W.h.080 "Biography of njGrlzzly , "
will BOOH ha ' published by The Century
Co. , hits'wfl'Ucn ' for Tliu Oentitry Maga
zine several articles on "The National
'Zoo * nt Washington , " the first one of
which will appear In the March num
ber , witli Illustrations by the " author.
'Mil' ' SotrtmThjiniitodh. JncUhlB ' "article ,
will make n powerful pleti ior * the
preservation of wJld animals now
threatened with extinction. HO rnlsoi
a ( tucstlon as to whether domestic ani
mals have not been of more value to
mankind than human Inventions.
for preserving , purifying , and beautifying the skin , for i
cleansing the scalp of crusts , scales , and dandruff , and tlio.
stopping of falling hair , for softening , whitening , and' '
healing red , rough , and sere hands , in the form of baths
for annoying irritations , inflammations , and dialings , or
too free or offensive perspiration , in the form of : washes ,
foriilcerativo weaknesses , and for many sanative antiseptic
purposes which roudlly suggest themselves to women , and
especially mothers , and for all the purposes of the toilet , '
bath , and nursery. No amount of persuasion can induce
those who have once used it to use any other , especially
for preserving and purifying the Klein , scalp , and hair oil
infants and children. CCTICCUA SOAP combines delicate
emollient properties derived from CUTICUKA , the great
skin cure , with the purest of cleansing ingredients and the
most refreshing of flower odors. No other medicated or
toilet soap ever compounded is to bo > compared with it
for preserving , purifying , and beautifying the skin , scalp ,
hair , and hands. No other foreign or domestic toilet soap ,
however expensive , is to bo compared with it for all the
purposes of the toilet , bath , and nursery. Thus it coin- '
bines in ONK SOAI * at ONE Puiru , viz. , TWENTV-FIVK CENTS , .
the BUST skin and completion soap , the BEST toilet aud
BEST baby soap in the world.
Sou1 ( ck-aiibu tliu Hkln of .ni'-tH l t-calumiiiil
coniili-tlMKorcrrii i it * ( - : m < - ftoftun the
thickenedfiitlrlu.Curu I'liA ' ( MM' ( .Vk- . ) , to Inntaiitly nllny Ittlilni ; , liilluiiiiiKilloi ) , and
Irritation , and unotlio .ni'l ' lifal.nnd ( 'nnint ; v Ithnoi.VKNT ( ftii' . > , toronl anil fltniiiu'tho
liliiod. A rtisui.i ; hi.r Isoltoii Hiilllr.lont to cure llio must tiiitiirin , il llmiriiiK Hhln , Briilp ,
nml liiiii > diuniurt | < , Hlth l nri of Imir.huu nil L'KJ ! fiillx. Hold throiigliuiitlhi ) world. I'oi.
TEiiUiiUu AMI UHKM.C'our'Solo I'ropn. , Boston. " AllnliouttUiii-jcaliuiil ! | ( Iliilr. " fvco.
If ) on tn' ; > ; upoir \
homes | n Wi'sicrn ( na-
mlu. tl.o land t-t iilontv
ll'U.-trutoI piiniitileLH.
ulvliu ; I'Xix'rU'iiies of
runners who haxo be-
I'Otno wealthy In wrinv-
Ina wheat , leports it
ilelo nU's. cte. . nnd ful
Information is to reduced rallwuv rules ean be
hud on implication to lLo SuporlntfinU'iit of
Iinmlt'ratlon Dcpartin-nl of IntM'or. OIIHWII.
f nuln or to Ai V Heuurtt , tOI Now VorU
l.ifo HldK Omaha Neb. Water.'W.
can . lloulcuf tpntlmoulnli. nnil lu liAYh' treatincnl
Ultr' . Illl. II. II , l.UPILVf ) SUNS , llui I' , AllaoU , Or.
"C ciie ! Thompson's Eye Water.
'W. N. U. OMAHA. No. 0 100O
JJ larvnttiftd 1'IIIATO l.'niwfr la irarrlfa. 1'rltn
w , f I.SO A lip. I'liuruiuut klorkmif Unit , ( Inter aad Prin
V.Hrril. . hind Ilil , iivOo and 1U < fur raltlo * inJ It
OIMMK ruta bttuPi n tkff R" t'll'I.KS < Jjr Ifcj VJ U Ka S .
S 1JIIIIV A. Ktl.ZHlSltl ) 10. , I.A I ItOSSr.H. . KKII
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Icine < ly Houl. Cure.s when
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iood ; ; ehlldri-u Illio It. .SoM
by all druwlsts- cents.
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