Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 01, 1900, Image 6

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    ROD Gieverdaie's
Qy JSouimrclA7. . HopUlna ,
CopyrtghtMl , 1808 , by Uobcrt llunnor'o S < > nv.
"Those who nrti with ino to the
death , como behind mo ! " said Htariie.
Less tutm hnlf the crow ohoycd. Tlioro
vna n about from those who remained.
"No kill tlio lioj' , we nil go , " said one.
"The cuh must die. Stand iiHldc ! "
The nlBtol wnn ruined HRaln , and at
the same moment a dozen other nlstola
ciimo Into vlow. Stuvno'H men had
tionie , nnd Hob's , men the rent ,
"ThlB Is mutiny ! " yelled .Stnrno at
thoao who Blood "by tloh. " 1 will have
iyo nil in prlHou. " ' ' '
Hack In tlio group there was one of
'lighter suado than the rest. ' He had
quite an Intelligent face. Ho had us
yet oald ti'otjhlhg. In VQI'ly t'o SUirjio'tf
last threat thin maiii Htepiicd forward.
"You , lle , " ho bah ) . "t"ts Is not niu-
tiny. A crbw cannot mutiny only
against its officers. You have no busi
ness on this schooner. You have killed
our captain ; We Will not Ktnnd by
yon. "
"Then taHc this ! " finld Starne , llrlng
hlH pistol at the man.
The ball ' , td61c effect In his arm , nnd
ho uttered a shout of rage. In an In-
Htnnt a half dpfct-n shots hud been lired.
Several of the 'crow ' were wounded.
And Lemuel fttnrno lay writhing on
the deck.
It was over In an Instant. The crow
as If suddenly 'bethinking- itself 'of
what it was doing , utoppod nnd looked
at. Rob.
"Men , " he.said , "this could not be
avoided. This .ninn' It ) a wl'cked man.
Ho killed Torrevo , and he would have
killed me. I never did anything to
him. Ho wanted to kill me to get my
uncle's wealth. As for that cause lie
spoke of , It Is ns dead as Torrevo , dead
as a dead fish. If you stand' by Klvln
"Horton , the millionaire ? I should
Bay 1 did. What do you want with
him ? "
"I will tell him that , " said Hob.
"Them IB nothing to bo taken ashore
from this vessel but mo. If you think
I tun contiaband , como with me. Hut
I warn you not todelay ; nie. " <
The luopcctor was impressed , , yid his
curiosity was aroused.
"Come along , " ho mild.
They were soon ashore , and. Hob
waa amazed nt the fine s rcots nnd
haUdlngs lie saw. , They got on an elec
tric car something that Hob hnd sup
posed wau limited to new Yorkt and
thenjrot off before u splendid residence
of brick and stone.
"Horton lives here , " Bald the In
Mr. Horton was with his wife , nnd
Elsie eating supper , when a servant
announced that two persons wanted to
ace him on important business. He
wont Into the wide hall whqro the
two sat waiting , and looked at. Rob
curiously. Hob was worth looking at
jimt then. Ills face was Hushed with
prldn and happiness , and the spirit of
American youth gleamed In his eyes.
"What cnn I do for you ? " asked Mr.
Horton , kindly.
"Undo David ! Uncle David ! Don't
you guess who I am ? " burst out Hob.
* 'I am Hob Cleverdnle. "
Mr. Horton tunied white and stopped
"You thought I was drowned , but I
was not , " said Hob. "Lemuel Starnc
throw mo overboard , but I was picked
up. "
A great oob of Joy undoubtlng ,
blessed joy welled up from Mr. Hor-
ton's bosom.
Ho clasped Rob to him. and tears
and his' gang , you will probably be
shot. If they should by any chance ,
win , what can you expect after this' . '
You will bo shot by cither side. Now ,
If you sfnnd by mo , nnd sail this
Kchooncr to Buenos Ayres , I promise
you not only safety , but money besides.
My uncle is rich. When I tell him
what has been done , the government
must know it also. You will como infer
for n reward. The smuggling counts
for nothing. You are going to save
the government. You will be rewarded
for that , and all clso will be forgotten.
What do you say ? "
Some of the crew understood all of
thin , some a little , nnd a few none at
nil. But they talked rapidly among
themselves. Those who had stood by
Rob had I ho best of the argument.
These who had been with Starne saw
their leader lying on the deck prob
ably dying. What could ho do for
them ? They gave in , and Joined Rob's
"We go , " said the light-colored fel
low who had been nhot In the arm.
"Wo go with you. Torrovo dead , you
our young captain , You tell your
undo wo all good men. No one get In
pi-Ispn , "
"Not one of you , " said Rob. "Hur
rah ! Now see to these fellows who are
wounded. Then let's get to Buenos
Ayrcs. "
In a short tlmo the "Black Cat" was
swung around , and went speeding up
the river. Rob was , of course , not
nblo to give any orders to navigate the
vessel , but he felt that the crew could
be trusted. Ho had frightened thorn
when he Bpoko as If the letter to Mr.
Ilortou had not been the only letter he
wrote giving thb plot away to the gov
Ao they passed the entrance to Black
Cat 'BftVi ; jlojj smiled. It was not so
Jong ago that he had been In that bay
lugelns hales of. cotton , casks , kegs of
powder , and feeling the sting of blows ;
anj } now ho was sailing pi\s \ ( . It , the
master of , , tlio/'Black Cat" and hei
Bwurthy crew.
The Vfllack Cat" sailed Into the har
bor of * Buenos Ayrea , and an inspectoi
came on , board.
"Well'ho ! said , "It's a long tlmo
since the 'Black Cat' sailed Into this
harbor. What's thn cargo ? " "
"None , " caid Ilbb. ' ' 'I ' amJieVo .01
Borvice'fov the Government. I must
got'ab once to Mr. Duvld Hortou. Do
you know him ? "
rolled down his cheeks. He was BO
glad to see Rob alive that ho even
overlooked his statement about Lemuel
"I have important news for you , "
said Hob. " 1 want to see Aunt Anita
ind Cousin Elsie , then I want to tell
you something. "
The earnest air of the young fellow
mpressed Mr. Horton , and ho led the
way to the dining room. The Inspector
specter , readily seeing that there was
lothlng for him to do there , had the
grace to depart.
Hob was greeted with overwhelming
caresses by his aunt nnd cousin , who
had expected before they heard ho
was drowned to see a childish boy ,
over whom It would be necessary to
keep n constant watch. Hero was a
manly young fellow come to them att-
t'l1 xliangu adventures not to bo
watched over , but to uavo them and
the government.
Hob soon told his story , and his un
do hurried him off to see the president.
Rob soon told his experience , nnd
was listened to with great eagerness.
An olllcer In uniform was called In ,
and the story was told to him.
Hob went homo with his uncle , and
they sat up late that night listening to
his recital , over nnd ever again , of his
adventures with Starne and Klvln ,
nnd on board the "Black Cat. "
What pained them most was to learn
that Lemuel Starno , the man whom
they had trusted , and who had almost
succeeded In winning the regard of
Elsie , wan such n villain.
itob told his undo of the promise he
had made to the crew of the " 'Blaclv
Cat , " and Mr. Horton assured him that
It would bo substantiated , by the presi
There was little need of proceeding
to any extent to Identify Rob , : for Mr.
Horton recognized him from the photo
graph sent from New York. And If
any further Identification should prove
necessary , there was tlmo enough foi
that in the future.
Mr. Horton , had taken all Hob's
things from the "Royal Mall , " and ho
was soon clad In n trim New Yorl
outllt. As ho was taking leave of the
now soiled Spanlbh jacket Jio felt In
- the pockets , and thcro ho found the
'three lists of names given him by El
vlnfuo'io were used , by the prealden
at'the trial.
All the conspirators were brought to
notice , nnd the stores In the cave nt
Mack Cut bay wore seized. Richard
Olvln wait shot and Lemuel died of his
Not only wns Rob received with en-
hiislasm by his uncle , aunt and cous-
n , but ho wns the hero of Uuenon
\yres. The president gave him a gold
nedal , on which was the date nnd the
lory of the valuable services Rob had
ondered the government. The "Blnclc
Cat" waw now the property of the gov-
rntnent , and the president used his
nfluence , nnd this was also given to
lob. It was a very handsome little
schooner , none too large for a yacht ,
and Mr. Horton accepted It for Hob ,
md nt once placed a reliable crew
on It.
Many a good sail has Rob had on
that schooner since that day , and
nnny n stirring adventure has ho had
while off on business for Mr. Horton.
Mr. Norton Is delighted with Rob's
quIcknefcH In grasping the details of his
argo business enterprises , and there
s no doubt that If Rob lives , ho will
jo not only a true , brave man , but a
rich one as veil.
( The end. )
Ancient Coffee Ilottno * .
The coffee houc.o Is every night
crowded with men of parts , says the
Connoisseur. Almost every one you
meet Is a polite scholar and a wit.
Jokes and bonmots are echoed from
box to box ; every branch of nature IB
critically examined and tfie merit of
every production of the press or per
formance at the theaters weighed and
determined. This school to which I
am myself Indebted for a great part of
my education , and in which , though
unworthy , I am now arrived at the
lionor of being a public lecturer has
M'ptl up ninny authors , to thn amazing
entertalnnient and Instruction of tholr
readers. Buttons , the grand archetype
of the Bedford , was frequented by Ad-
dlson , Steele , Pope and the rest of that
celebrated set who flourished at tli3
leglnnlng of this century and was re
garded with just deference on account
of the real geniuses who frequented
It. But we can now boast men of su
perior abilities men who , without any
one acquired excellence , by the mere
dint of a happy assurance , can exact
the same tribute of veneration and re
ceive it as duo to the Illustrious char
acters , the scribblers , layers , fiddlers ,
gamblers , that make so large a part of
the company at the Bedford.
IJoltlnc Our Fooil.
There Is undoubtedly a great deal to
be said in favor of the opinion that a
considerable portion of the Illness in
this country Is caused by the unpleas
ant habit of eating too wipldly. Of
conro we all know , and have at times
a very painful experience of , the fact ,
that this Is a high-pressure age , and
all Is done at express speed , but this
surely ought not to bo the case with
our meals. It Is Interesting , but not
pretty , to watch the business man
when he goes into a restaurant for his
uneheon. It Is with him looked upon
In the light of a duty and not n
pleasure. Ho must eat , and he feels
; hat he has only a few minutes to de
vote to the operation , so that he may
be back at his ofllce with all possible
speed. lie attacks his food savagely ,
gulps down his beer or wine , and when
the last sad rites are over ho pays and
bolts in fact , It is a case of bolting
from beginning to end. Every doctor
will tell you that people should cat
slowly , and occupy the time pleasantly
with conversation. In this way we
shall live longer and enjoy better
Health and greater ability to cope with
the world.
Miule Her Account tinnil.
It was only a dainty little note from
a woman depositor , but it caused a
gentle ripple of merriment among the
accountants and tellers of an uptown
bunk. The institution caters to wom-
en.and the president has often remark
ed that the women depositors were In
some respects more careful In their
business methods than the men. A
few days ago the discovery was made
that the account of one of the women
depositors had been overdrawn a few
dollars. The usual notification in such
cases was sent to the depositor , with
thn request that the account bo made
good. A prompt and polite reply was
received from the delinquent. She
apologized for the overdraft , thanked
the bank officers for informing her of
the fact so courteously and Inclosed
her check on the same bank for the
amount of the overdraft. It Is needless
to sny that an explanatory note was
sent to this depositor reminding her
that an overdraft was not a credit to
be drawn"upon. . New York Commer
cial Advert'lso'r.
Looking Out for tlio Family.
"Dear , " she said , during an Interval
of comparative 8anlly."promlse me one
thing. "
"Anything , " ho answered with the
recklessness of love.
"After we have been married a rea
sonable tlmo , It wo decide a divorce Is
desirable , promise that my brothers ,
who are struggling young lawyqrs.shall
represent us. " Philadelphia North
Hotter Olrl No IT. '
" 1 am so thankful , " said good Mrs.
Upjohn , "for the change that seems to
have taken place In Bessie. Ever since
the first week In December It was the
first week In December , wasn't It , Clar
ence , wo got that now sealskin cbllar-
ctto for Bos le 'she has gone to church
regularly. Hiian't , missed a Sunday , ! '
Chicago , Tribune. - '
There's nothing certain In man's , Ufa
hut thls'nthnt.ho > mUatiW5oiU.Tt0.weni
They arc Kept Open Purely for Campaign
Purposes ,
Drfttrtirtloit of I'nriv.tlcd Prosperity ,
I.otror AVugo anil Krantlrr Kinploj-
inont HI * I'ollry Could Not Ho Cnrrloil
Out , i\cn : Though Ho AVrro IClectcil A
Comparison of tlio Two ( Jrcat I'lirtluH.
Those who so fondly hoped and be
lieved that the "anti-Imperialists , " as
certain republicans termed themselves ,
would support Uryan for the presi
dency , are to be disappointed. Sena
tor Hoar gave out a statement a few
days , ago , in which ho said :
"I do not presume as yet to foresee
the Issue of this business. The alter
native of electing Mr. Uryan Is not ,
In my Judgment , to be contemplated
for a moment. His election means , if
ho and his party can have their way ,
the destruction of our unrivaled pros
perity , lower wages , a scantier employ
ment for our workmen , the debasing
of our standard of value , tarnishing
the national faith , the destruction of
( . edit , the arraying cluss against class ,
bring into contempt the authority of
the supreme court , and undermine the
security of property and values. Now
some of our friends say that It is better
that all these things should happen
than that this policy of imperialism
should be persisted In. But that Is not
the ( mention.
"It is not the question whether Bry-
anlsm or imperialism bo the worse
for the American people. The ques
tion Is whether anything that Mr. Bry
an can be trusted to accomplish In o-
position to imperialism Is wortli
attaining at the prlco of all these other
sacrifices. For one , I cannot see any
thing to expect in the way of a return
to the ancient principles of the Hepub-
liran party by the election of Bryan.
We could have stopped the whole thing
by defeating the treaty of Paris , which
would have compelled It to he amend
ed by making the same provision as
to the Philippines that we thought It
right to rnako'ln regard to Cuba. That
purpose was baffled by Mr. Urya.ii. The
defeat of the treaty , or rather its
amendments , as I have Indicated , wru
assured when Mr. Bryan came to
Washington and by his personal In
fluence Induced enough of his follower ! !
to vote for the treaty to insure Us
passage with but a single vote to
spare. It would have been defeated ,
a ? It was , If Justin Morrll had lived.
I have no doubt that Mr. Bryan did
this for the sole purpose of keeping the
question open as an issue for the cam
"Now , what can he do if he is elect
ed' ? Congress will settle the question
so far as the establishment of a gov
ernment for the Philippine archipelago
is concerned , before the present ad
ministration shall so out of posver , and
in all probability before the present
session shall be over. Whatever may
be the fate of the presidential election ,
the Republican ascendancy in the Sen
ate for at least four years longer Is
assured. If it were not so , there are
many Democratic senators my information
mation Is that there are at least nine
who agree with that large number
republicans who are In favor of
holding those Islands forever , or at any
rate for a long and indefinite period.
I suppose the same thing is true as to
many Democrats In the house. "
One tlui Piirly of Ire riMH ; thu Other
the I'ui-1.v of IMlnd Opposition.
One the Party of Progress ; the Other
the Party of'Blind Opposition.
At a banquet on the occasion of the
Lincoln birthday celebration at Chicago
cage , Hon. J. K. Cubblson of Kansas ,
in responding to a toast , said :
"Tho democratic party ban but one
positive idea and that is opposition to
the republican party. Its platform is
rotten fiom age and defective from
Ube. Only one new plank lias been
placed in Its platform during the past
forty years , nnd that plank was sawed
in Arkansas , transported to Chicago
by Coxey's "army" as the Kansas
"pop" says , "because the bulwarks of
the Chicago convention , " "free and
unlimited coinage of silver" is the only
new song the democratic party has
learned since the civil war , and that
song like the sOng of a dying man be
came the melody of Us dying'1 hour.
The democratic party ta it national
mourner. Every four years It buries
lib treasures. In ISliO it burled "stat *
sovereignty. " In 18GI it buried "op
position to the war. " In IS US It buried
"opposition to reconstruction. " In
187It burled a "renegade republican. "
In 1870 it asked the republican party
to furnish the cadaver. We" refused ,
nnd with great grief nnd lamentation
It finally burled "Tllden and reform. "
In 1S80 It burled "Hancock and local
tariff issue. " In 1884 it missed the
funeral procession , but continued to
wear mourning. In 1SSS It buried
"tariff reform. " In 18D2 under the
leadership of Grover the Second thr
democratic party obtained absolute
power In all brandies of the govern
ment. It almost Immediately com
monccd divorce proceedings
Grover , and made preparations for a
first-class funeral which followed In
1S9G , when the democratic party with
tears In its eyes laid away forever the
free and unlimited coinage of silver
at the ratio of 1C to 1. In the coming
contest the democratic party will enjoy
another carriage ride to the cemetery ,
and this time It will bury three things
Bryan , Aguinaldo and all hope of fu
ture success. "
Slum ( UK Up the I'muil * .
The democratic P.llllon Times has
been telflng some more truths abouf
the sham reform stfatV "pfllclals. ' 1 (
says : i . „ r
"One cannot read the published ac
counts of the proceedings of yester-
iliiy's meeting of the State Board of
Transportation without reaching the
the conclusion that Messrs. Meservo ,
bervunti of the railroads than servants
to the public. Mesorvo offered a reso
lution to rescind the action of the
board In 1807 , requiring the roads to
grnnt carload rates to shippers of llvo
stock , and his resolution was adopted
notwithstanding n vigorous protest by
Attorney General Smyth , who wns sup
ported by Secretary Porter. To a man
up a tree or In Nebraska It would some
times appear that Wolfe , Meservo and
Cornell were representative of Ih.i
railroads and not servants of the pee
ple. Language too strong cannot be
employed In condemlng these men
who arc selling the people and their
party to the railroads. This latest ac
tion on their part shows clearly when ?
the blame belongs for failure of secre
taries to "do something" during the
past two years. The Lincoln Post , the
able champion of the corporation fac
tion In the fusion forces , will proba
bly ask to have the Times arraigned on
a charge of treason , because we dare
point out the real traitors to fusion
principles and to the fusion cause. But
nomatter. / . We cannot afford to have
fusion hopes In this state blighted by
the uncondcmned conduct of any of
our party leaders , even though those
leaders may be filling state offices.
Senator Stmuirt'n Vlmvx.
That venerable silver leader , Senator
Stewart of Nevada , has not changed
his mind on the expansion question.
On the llth of January , 1871 , In speak
ing on the San Domingo resolution ,
In said :
"I believe that It Is a part of the
destiny of this country , whether for
good or not , to annex more territory.
I do not believe In the power of any
man or set of men , or of any party ,
to prevent the accomplishment of this
destiny. While this republic growa it
must expand , it must increase ; as It
grows it must extend its territory as
itc wealth and power increase. That
has been the history of every country
while it was attaining its destiny.
History does not furnish us an example
01' any nation that nas risen to power
and prominence which has not during
growth expanded. It Is one of the ele
ments of growth for a nation to ex
pand , as much as It Is an clement of
growth in the oak , which , as It growa ,
must have room to extend Its trunk
and multiply Its branches. " ( Cong.
Globe 1871 , page 427. )
In a speech on the floor of the Sen
ate a week ago Senator Stewart made
this quotation from his former speech ,
and then followed with a strong argu
ment In favor of retaining the Philip
pines. He said that the president had
ncted wisely and properly In the mat
ter , and that the administration had
not departed from the teachings ot tin
lathers of the republic.
It is high time that the Aunties read
Senator Stewart out of the popocratlc
the DelitR.
The farmers of Seward county made
n reduction of ? 10,301 during the
month of January. Karmlng pays in
that county. Gage county is also pros
perous. The farmers there reduce
their indebtedness ? iS28 ; ! during the
Dining the year 1899 there was a
total reduction of the real estate mii't-
gages In the state amounting to $7-
155i314. Since the election of McKln-
ley the total reduction has amounted
to $19,907,035 , or about ? 19 per capita
lor the entire population.
Another lucre-Ms. ; | tl \VKt.s. !
Three years ago the Baltimore &
Ohio road was practically bankrupt ,
us were many other lines , the result
of stagnation of business under dem
ocratic times. Now all this has
changed. A few days ago the B. & 0.
announced an increase in the wages
ot its engineers , affecting over 3,000
men. Other roads have taken similar
action since the election of McKInley.
am * hundreds of thousands of employ
es have been directly benefited.
Iteiluelni ; th National Debt.
Prosperity makes its showing in th
United States treasury as usual. For
the first half of February the receipts
of the government exceeded the ex
penditures by $3,118,019.79. For the
past eight mouths the net gain has
been at the rate of $4,500,000 per
month. Under u democratic adminis
tration , In a time of peace , the govern
ment was running behind and increas
ing the public debt. Note the differ
Travel * I.Ike a i'liitouiat.
Fusion papers are announcing that.
Biyan has traveled 9.2,720 miles since
Ills nomination in 189G. Had he not
traveled on passes and levied on local
( i mmittoes for his incidental expense * ; ,
the straight coast of such a trip would
lir over $ ; i,000. provided he rorte in
01 dinary coaches the same ns the
" ( 'oar common pnople" patronize.
ICiite of Inerriixe.
The decided increase in prosperity
may be traced by the figures showing
the sales of American manufactured
goods to foreign countries during De-
iitinber. In 1S97. ? 2.000,000 : : ; in 1898 ,
$28,000,000 : in 1899 , $30,000,000. Farm
I.ioducts show a corresponding In-
11 ease. *
"Hen HurV < irrut sueetisx UK a IMny.
One of the most pronounced dra
matic successes of the season in New
York Is William Young's dramatiza
tion of "Ben Hur , now for about
three months holding the atage of the
Mroadwny theater , with crowded
houses. The diamatly.atlon of "Ben
Ilur" was done with assistance In sug
gestion from ( Jen. Wallace , author of
the novel.
Titfliit.i-I'our Hour S.VHleiu AVorl.H Veil ]
The American Society of Civil En
gineers has been discussing the advis
ability oi the general adoption of the
twen'y-four-hour ' dock , and a promi
nent member of the society , who Is a
manuiacturcr in Maine , said in a re
cent speech that he had been using the
twen'y-four hour system for time nnd
nil his workmen like it and understand
All "ltoo < n\elt" Shops.
Nearly every barber shop In Albany
has en one of Ita shelves a shaving
mug labeled "Theodore Roosevelt. " it
is u bood advertisement for the barber ,
but afs a matter of fact that governor
dot s not patronize nny of the shops.
He { ots shaved In the private room
of the executive duunbt-r.
When I came out of the fair House of
I heedlessly behind mo closed the
Now every hour Is bitter with the
That 1 can find that portal never
Louise C. Moulton.
The only woman oil operator In the
country Is Miss Jane Stone , who ownrf
ISO acres In Texas which have produced
oil. Miss Stone superintends the drillIng -
Ing of her own wells , and has u thor
ough knowledge of the way to run
an oil plant.
_ * * . * *
"Tlio lllmtrntnr anil ( Irnnral Narrator"
Sent 1'rce.
A handsomely Illustrated monthly
magazine , published by the I. & G. N.
R. R. , giving timely descriptions of the
matchless resources and opportunities
of TEXAS ; the special subject matter
of each Issue to date bolng as follows :
MARCH , 1899. Texas ; APRIL , Houston
County ; MAY. Montgomery county ;
JUNE , Cherokee County ; JULY , Leon
County ; AUGUST , Anderson County
and Palestine : SEPTEMBER , Rusk
County ; OCTOBER , Walker County ;
NOVEMBER , Boxnr County and San
Antonio ; DECEMBER , Brazorla Coun
This magazine Is of great Interest
to the investor , sportsman , tourist ,
health-seeker and home-seeker ; nnd
will be sent free to nny one paying
the postage , which Is 25 cts. for one
year or 2 cts. for sample copy. Back
numbers may be had If desired.
Send 7 cts. In stamps for beautiful
52x40 indies.
Address ,
.D. J. PRICE , G. P. &T. A. .
Palestine , Texas.
Half Itutcs South via Omaha and St
I.outn and AVahiiHli UotitOH.
On the Isl and 3rd Tuesday of each
month the above lines will sell homo-
ceekcrs tickets to southern points for
one faro ( plus $2.00) ) round trip.
on sale to Hot Springs , Ark. , and all
the winter resorts at greatly RE
Remember the O. & St. J. . . and Wabash -
bash , the shortest and quickest route
to St. Louis.
Remember the 0. & St. L. and O. ,
1C. C. & E. Is the shortest route to
Qulncy. Unexcelled service to Kansas
City and the south.
For rates , sleeping car accommoda
tion and all Information ca.i at the
nim St. ( Paxton Hotel block ) or write
Harry E. Moores < City Passenger and
Ticket Agent , Omaha , Neb.
Kid boots are going up in price In
Use Magnetic Starch it liaa no equal.
President Low of Columbia college is
a believer in college athletics.
Try Graln-ol Try Gratn-of
Ask your grocer today to show you a
package of GRAIN-O , the new food
drink that takes the place of eoffoe.
The children may drink i without inJury -
Jury as well as the adult. All who try
it , like it. GRAIN-O has that rich seal
brown of Mocha or Java , but It is made
from pure grains , and the most delicate
stomach receives It without distress.
One-fourth the prlco of coffee. 15c.
and 2Cc. per package. Sold by all
New Orleans lias secures the largest
floating dry dock in the world.
For starching fine linen use Magnetic
Zeal without knowledge Is dashing
into the dark.
If you havenot tried Magnetic Starch
try it now. You will then use no other.
I axutlvo Hromo Quinluo Tablets removes
the cuuso tlnvt inoducea I.a Grippe. K. W.
Urove's Btgimturc Is ou cnch box. 25c.
God's glory docs not depend upon
our glorias.
Try Magnetic Starch It will last
longer than any other.
Calicos , ginghams and chintzes
should be Ironed on the wrong side.
Magnetic Starch Is the very best
laundry starch i-i the world.
A very hot Iron should never bo
used for flannels or woolens.
JVIrg. Wlnfilovr'8 Hoothlnc Syrnp.
For children trcttilne , soften * the cum a , reduces In-
Uauiiimtlou , BllayB pain , euro wind colic. 23c a bottle.
Land in England Is 300 times ns
valuable now ns It wns 200 years ago.
BUGGY our factory can build for lAa
iuoii ) . # OO.liO burn the UUKKX hera
illustmteu , fully ( quipped , with tliu
cuntomer'a choice of either HEAVY
Hiibber or Lnther Qimrtnr-top. Ender
or llre\vitGrf > lilfbftrB | > rlnKS.Y3ur
choice of colur In pnlntinR. Cloth
, or Ixuther trlmrntxl. Tim 11EKX'
< i HICKOKY renod Him Wheeln.
* ti or 1 Inch tread. Full length
Ilruine * Carpet. Boor , ! > TOKM APRON , \\liip8ocket.
Tea Itall. HPIIIKO llnrk. NICKEL Line I'.all , I.EATHEH
Trimmed Shaft * . \Ve liuve Tnhlclra from # 0.86 op ,
including IlonJ Cart * . Hood \Vuaan * , Nurrtyi. l'h .
otons 'I rap * , NprlnK tVaaon * and Ilutlnew Jta .
Uhlppod ( ! . O. 1) . e > 4 > t of the llockr Mountainon re-
e lptof # tt.OO , mhjwt tooiomlimtlon. Fortboaewha
iirtiertownd the full nmonut with ttie order. w will
Include a Rood whip. OUIl Bl'RINO OATALOOUI : of
) . < < ) pAtrca , llhutrntinif oem of the line in NATURAL
COLO KB , nlll be nont prepaid upon receipt of IScenti.
nlllch raj" port of the ipre > chirRee , and will be re
funded on receipt of the ilrct order. Thin catalogue
qw > ta * wholwmla price , on KVIIIIVTHINU jou EAT ,
Vt'KAH and 1)8b' .
E talll.heJ JOHN SI. SMVTll CO. ,
1967. ICO.lflO W. Madliea St. ,
Order by this No. A It CHICAGO , ILL.
It Injures nervous systrm to ( to so. BACO-
CURO Is tbu only euro that HEAM.Y CUUKS
und noUtlcs you when to stop. Sold with a
uuurnnti'o thai three boxes will curs any case.
ls vccctnwo nnd harmless. It nun
curcd thousauiSi jt wjn euro you-
At all clniKt-'ists or by mat ! prepaid , tl a box :
a boxes J..M ) nooltlet frea. Write EUUBOA
CHEMICAL Co. , I.n Crosse , WIs.
A valuable book for nruc-
tlcnl ( lower and vegetable
growers. Kreeforthoaslting.
IdJrm J. i. I.1. GRtGOUT A bO.T ,
UirMrhrxl , . . . .
O/VY ll.OO&diy
tJt\ bul ry' for tnim
with rtc to Introduce uiir rood * 111 tba coimtrr.
FOOD CO. , uErr iiM\Hi tnY , uo.
I rtMRs"Tllroat'aniljT ! ( , ODD o ( the licit r.mfectfcmi
.LHnU ( > 0 i , \orullitii , puhrli ! kiirntrni. < ! - Bml
lye u I.rn .Oiuvfa.l'anaiU , tornumplebox.