Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, March 01, 1900, Image 1

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Ub .
To omt ezteotltbo'lmprciBlon preratls that
almoit njbody can "flx a natch , " and many
only l arn bj COSTLY experience that It Is
not 10. The tinker , the natural-born mechan
ic , th genius who can "flz anything , " finds
lilouolt at IM when ho tnckl.s a fine watch ,
for the adjustment to positions and
iilim rcqalroi lometLlag besides mechanical
eklll. Tbere la no mlnuto detail with which
I am not lamllur In the mechunlcul aud
mathlmatloal adjustment of a time-plocc.
lof Chicago Ophthalmic College.
Fine Plymouth Hock coukrcls
for sale. Throe miles north aud
one mile east of Walworth bridge
4 Q. GUYLB , Walworth.
New Grand Central Livery and
Feed Barn ,
I7w rlgi and good teams. Prices reasonable.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Offloo OYOr liyenon's grocery. Rcaly
denoa fltb bouae west of Baptist nburob.
w , , A. THOV 'SON.
&ng ruid ostlmatcfl ,
on enort uo-
tloa. Bokon Bow , Neb.
Dr. Chas. L. Mullins ,
5d itairwftj from weal Realty
block ; reiideooe , 3rd west M. E.
oharob , a me side of itroet.
Sec cu M Realty block , Brokn Dow , Neb.
FABM FOB SALK : At Upton ,
100 aorei cf good farm laud , 80
lores in oultivation rnd the rest
fenced in pasture , with three wires.
Good four room , sod bouse ; corn
orib and grainory , each 12x16 feet ,
connected ; stable and chicken
house etc. For particulars call on
J. J. Snyder , Broken Bow , or
Stephen Wilcoz , on premiBen.3C.3m
The REPUBLICAN and both the
Illustrated and Weekly Bee for
Local Mention.
Job printing at this oilioc.
Dr. T. W. Bass , dentist , Broken
W. A. George of Georgetown ,
was a city visitor Monday.
A. H. Copsay of Westerville ,
was a friendly callertMonday.
Rooms for rent in ouster block.
2t. R. C. TALIIOT.
A nice line of spring dress goods
at the Racket Store call and oxamiuo
Mr. and Mrs. Hammond are
the happy parents of a boy who
was born Monday.
Geo. Harris of Berwyn , was
looking after school land interests
in the city Monday.
Patent Mcdiones at the
A. W. Drake is handling new
organs , Kmibal and llospo. None
better. Call uuu tieu them.
J. A. Kellenbagger of Merna ,
was in the city Monday looking-
after the leasingof more school
SHOKS. You will lind the
largest assortment of shoes in the
city at prices lower than ever all he
Mrs. H. H. Dewey of Elk Creek
left Tuesday morning1 on a visit
to Norton Kansass where her
people live.
Mrs. Cowan of Iowa Falls is
visiting" in the city with her
mother , Mrs. H. Walton. She
has been on a visit to California
and is on her way home.
Glas Ware and ' 1 in Ware cheaper
than over at the RACKKT STORE
JMessers Calvin Warrick oi
Indiana and Samuel Warrick oJ
Blair , brothers of Mrs. R. C.
I'albot who have been visiting
.here several days returned home
Coroner Brown was called to
Oceola Polk County this State
Tuesday to attend the funeral oi f
his sister , who died on Monday.
His wife and oldest daughter ,
Mrs. Henry Hontz and grant'
child Blanch accompanied him.
Cannon City coal at Dierk-
Lumber Go.
E. M Coleman of Merna re
turned Tuesday night from a two
weeks visit in Dakota. Hi
shipped a car load of cows of hi
own feeding" to Omaha as he went
on which he received the top o f
the market , For part of them he
got $4.40 per hundred.
The demand for Custer County
School land Monday was of un
usual interest ; une peice sold for
a bonus of over $200. That would'
indicate thai prosperity had
returned in spite of pop adrnin-
stration in the state and that
confidence had returned in a re
markable degree. The highest
bonus was paid by Judge Sullivan.
gojirtJTruTJTnjnji-njij uiJTJTrLJTJTJTJTnjTri a
" * "
_ j
Groceries 1 ft Lamps. 3
Crockery. Ji UD Clocks. 3
Stock Fish , Trout , p b
CocLFisti , Maskerel ,
Fisli , Salrqon.
Chase and Sanborn Coffee's.
Patent Medicines , Cutlery ,
Pink Pills and Others. Pure Cider Vinegar.
A Quaker Bath CaHnets.
Side , Broken Bow , 3Meb.
Snyder Bros. , has jnst received a
fine line of Spring dross goods.
H. W. Alberts of Wiessert was
among- the city visitors Monday.
Airs. D. A. Van Sant of Ansley
went to Omaha Tuesday for med
ical treatment.
Suydor Bros. , ia getting in a fine
line of $3 00 skirts. They ore a
bargain. Call and see them.
Mr. and Mrs. U. T. Coffman wore
visiting in the city the Oral of the
week , with the family of yo scribe.
Watch for invitations for St.
Patricks Ball to bo given by the
Broken Bow "Boys" Band , Friday
evening , March 10,1000.
Go to II. L. Frazier , wont side
square , for your photo button
Frank , Ira , Ida and Anna Doolev
expect to leave this week for Republic -
public , Washington where Frank
has boon working for some time
past. The best wishes of their
many friends of this vioonity will
go with them.
Mrs. Amelia Swenson of Georgetown
town who has been teaching
school at Ortello died Wednesday
morning1 of pnumonia. Her
remains passed through here this
morning on their way to George
town for burial.
Shoemaker's kit , including ran-
chine , good as new , at a bargain.
"Reuben Gluo" , a comedy drama
i. . a prologue aud 3 acts will be put
on in a short time by the "Broken
Bow Dramatic Co. " This is the
play that caused so much comment
a few years ago. It is one of the
best ever written. Up to date aud
refined specialties will bo a feature.
Watch for bills as to date.
St Johns Episcopal Church.
Walton Hall Dog-gett , Rector.
1st Sunday in Lent. March 4th
1900. Morning- services and cel
ebration of Holy Communion 11 a.
m. Evening- service 7,30 p. m.
Services at the Rectory every
weekday during- Lent ( except
Fridays and Saturdays ) at 4,30
p. m. Beginning- Friday , March
yservice in the church at 8 p. m.
I he various ministers of Broken
Bow will preach the sermons ,
Fresh homemade bread for sale
at Fa.mer'u Restaurant , third door
north of post office , Broken Bow ,
The teachers and patrons mee
ting-held in the High School
building- this city Saturday
was quite a success. The attend
ance in the afternoon was large
and the exercises reported inter
esting-throuhout. Supt. Beatyof
the State normal school and as
sistant state supt. Eeck were pres
ent and added materially to the
' interest of the occasion. In the
evening Supt. Beaty delivered an
able lecture to a larg-e audiance in
the M. E. Church.
I have been afflicted with rheu
matism for fourteen years and no
thing seemed to give mo relief. I
was able to bo around all the time ,
but constantly suffering. L had
tried everything I could hear of and
at last wastold ; to try Chamberlain's
Pain Balm , which I did , and was
itumediatly relieved uud in a short
time cured. I
am happy to uay
that it has not since returned. Josh
Edgar. Germantown , Cal. For sale
by all druggists.
Newest and nobbiest patterns of
centre tables , at A. W. Drake's.
Six differest stylus ; prices to suit
Rev. J. W , Megan was greteed
with a good audience both last
Suudy morning and evening. In
the morning ho adminstered the
ordinance of baptism , and in the
evening ho preached his farwell berman -
man and received one additional
mernbor to the church. He extended
the hand of church fellow ship to
six new members in the morning
aud one in the evening. Ills services
with the church bore have been
quite successful and in his departure
to i * new field ho leaves behind many
admiring Iriends and well wishess.
IIo and family left Tuesday for
their new field of labor at Spirit
Lake Iowa ,
For suits , iron and wood beds ,
rockers , cots , springs , tables,8tands ,
etc. , call on A. W. Drake , west
side square *
Popsm Gum , two packages for a
O. H. Oonrad wont out the first
of the week to put a Mell down for
Charley ttoaman.
Tablotfl , Ponuila , Writing Pnpor
and Envelopes , ohoaper than over
1'ho Custor County Medical Soci
ety . will meet in Broken BowMarch
18. It will bo the Bomi annul moe.
ting and a big time ia anticipated.
Pacific blacks and bluoa , oalioo
at five cents a yard at Snyder Bros.
Wo are crowded for time and
space : this week , which wo regret
comuols to leave out our corespond
ents. They will appear next wook.
The Political Equality Club will
'moot at the home of Mrs. O.H * Jef
fords , Saturday night , March , 3rd.
Mis. E.TAYLOR , Sooy.
A Farewell Reception
On last Friday night the members
'of the Baptist Church assomboled
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Will
Rule to give Rev. J. W. Megan and
family a farewell reception. A very
plesent time was enjoyed. On
Monday night their friends al the
King School house gave them a
reception in which supper was
served nnd they presented Rev.
Megan with a handsome sum of
Republican Caucus
The republicans of the city , Bro
ken Bow are hereby called to moot
iu cauouH , at the court house , Wed
nesday evening , March 7 , 1000 , at 8
o'clock for the purpose of placing
in nomination the following ofiiceis.
Mayor. Treasurer , Clerk , Police ,
Judge , City Engineer. Councilman ,
for 1st , 2nd , and 3rd , wards and for
the trasaotion of any other business
which may be bi ought before the
meeting * I Ar Reueau , Chairman.
Wednesday Fob. 21
Mrs. O. M. Sigouraoy at Lincoln ,
with typhoid pnumonia , age 65
The deceased had renidtd near
vVeHlorville this county since 1880
until two years ago when her hus
band died , aince she has made her
home with her son S. D. Sigourney
Lincoln Neb. Her remains were
returned to Berwyn on Thursday
of last week and on the following
day was laid to rest by the remains
of her husband in the Westorvilie
cemetery. Mrs. Sigournoy had been
a faithful Christian nince her youth.
Sbo leaves four daughters and one
son to morn her death , Mrs. A. II.
Shoemaker of this city aud Mrs. H.
S. Waterbury of Berwyn , Mm.
Mary Wilson of Westerville , Mrs.
Smith of Wisconsin and 8. D.
Sigourney of Lincoln
The REPUBLICAN extends to thu
relatives the uympothy of their
Card of Thanks.
The children of the late Mrs O
M. Sigourney desires us to extend
to the people of Burwyn and Wester
villo their sincere thanks for the
kindness shown them during the
last aad rites ot their moitior.
Killed Wife and Himself.
We notice from the Stale paperti
Mr. Wakeland , of Brock this state ,
fll to do farmer , murder d hm
wife who was niuk in bed Sunday
night , by cutting her throutlit ; with
razor and in Ices than an hour
tterwerds wont to the graveyard
and out hie own throat and shot
himself. After he had killed hia
wife he went to Robertsons a near
neighbor und requested him to go
over to his house as his wife was
very sick and instructed to have
another man go after the Doctor.
Robertson and wife immod'ately
wont over to Wakeland's , found his
wife lying dead with her throat out
and the bed soaked with blood.
Wakelaud had left a note on the
table in which ho stated he had
killed his wife and that ho was going
to the cemetery to kill himself.
They bad been married five or six
years. She was his second wife
Her name was formerly Mrs M. A.
Hitchcock of Fremont and for ten
yearn was President of the Neb
raska W. C. T. U. and is known
by a number of the ladies of this
city. She and bor husband were
about60 years old. The murder
erand auioido was a brother of Hank
Wakeland of Berwyn , who being
notified of the tradgoy went
down to Brook Tuesday. It in said
that Wakolaud had been sick some
time as well an hitf wife vand it is
thought be WM ini Be.
Tko True ropnllstltovolt
The members of the populist
> arty who have maintained that
hey never would b'o used na tool
o help the democrat party to
have boon placed in a position by
ho action of their national committee -
mitteo which meet at Lincoln on the
10th , inst. to prove to the world of
what material they are mado. 'I ho
oadora in that convention without
Bomblonoo of a trial arbitrarily
gnorod every member of the com
mittee who refused to submit to
democratic dictation and would
allow neither a voice or scat in the
convention to which they had boon
elected as delegates by the consti
tuents of their several states. The
ii UOPU of the Republic , the
organ of the true populist Bays of
the proceedings that , the high
banded and disgraceful proceedings
ot Chairman Butler and Senator
Alien in excluding the antifusiou
members of the national populist
committee on last Monday curing
their session at the state oapitol
might well have been expected. It
was a part of a preooncieved plan.
Of this we were awore and sounded
the note of warning last fall when
wo printed the letter dated Sopl. 22 ,
1808 , written dy M. C. Harrington ,
the democratic candidate for congress -
gross in the Sixth Nebraska district ,
explaining his withdrawal from the
race to Juan Boyle , of tli3 demo
cratic congressional committee. In
that letter Mr. Harrington declared.
After 1000 there will bb no ne
cessity of a third party. * * *
Wo must accept the inevitable. *
* * There is only one more yonr
to wait aud ( union will bo all over.
There will bo but two parlioo and
the loaders of the democratic party
now will bo the recognized It adore
Wbon Harrington wrote this
ndisoroot letter ho evidently talked
by the card. lie had just come
rom a conference with Biyan and
had been taken into the confidence
the democratic presidential can
didate. Ho had been initiated into
the plan of campaign and could
safely predict that the populist
party would bo annihilated by the
If any populist harbored any
doubta about the program that con.
templates the complete absorption
of his party by the democrats
durijg tbo impending campaign ,
the disgraceful aud high-handed
proceedings of the national com
mittee at Lincoln must dispel them.
A more arbitrary usurpation of
power and denial of rights by an
uuHorupulous committee ohairnm
has never boon witnessed. The
people's independent party , which
was founded as a revolt against
machine methods of the old parties ,
has boon seized by a most remor
seless political machine that over
rides all independence and adopts
star chamber methods which not
even Boss Tweed would have tolerated
erated ; but the seizure was short
lived. Fifty-Bjven members of the
national committee immediately
organited , with a majority of fifteen
over their other faction.
Burlirigtou Route
Through Sleeping Cars to San
No changes-no delays-no oh.tnce
of missing connections if yon go to
California via the Burlington Routo.
The Burlington runs through Hloeq
ing cars Omaha , Lincoln aud Hab-
tinga , to Salt Lake City and San
Francisco , daily.
Dining oars all the woy. Library
ears west of Ogden , Finest scenery
in the wnrlfl.
See nearest Burlington ticket
agentor write J. Francis , G. P. A.
Omaha , Nebraska ,
3. 1. 8 10.
WANTED Several porsoubfor district
office managers ID this state to represent
mo in their own and surrounding coun
ties. Willing to pay yuarly $600 , payable -
able weekly. Desirable employment
with unuHunl opportunities , tfufurcu
ceg exchanged. Euslnuu eulf-Hdclroftcd
tamped envelope' S. A : Petrk , 320
Oaxton Building , Chicago ,
Pf W -
cream of ' . -/uu' ,
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powdvisarc the /r
mcnaccrs to health of the prc . .
nOYAL BAKINfl POWMfl CO , ! NBff v
lllpliMIITTII Igtllrl ' *
L ) . S. ijand Ollice ,
JAMKS J * , - KcgU
P. 11 , VOUNG. . . - ilcco vcr
UKOKEX BoW , Neb. . Fnt > . , 88th KCO.
A snfllcloiu omiloBl tttlUlaTlt unvliiK t > ci u tile ' .
lu this ( illku by Wlllliim 11. I'mnnia ! , couKtt'un't
ngnltiBt Alliott A. Watcher , entry No HUB I , .11do
July 83 , IHoll for section 11 , township IB , rjiiu < )
lll ! > vAlbort A. Watcher cnnlosloo , lu wh : li It
l alleged Hint aiild tVutrlior lut * nuvor tnotC'iii ,
HIT cuufcd to bu lirokuii ton ncr or silil trjo , iw
required by ln\v mid lmtuvor planted or CuUioil
to lD illumed to trues , o > ( I or cuttlug more Until
G ueri'H of uiilil tract. That no planting or ru-
pluiitliiK Imi been dunu on mild trncl ninro thu
your IS'Jl or < urlicr. Tlmt unlil tract has not bbun
plowed or cultlYttlad tducu lt)9l ) aiul Unit mild en *
try has been abandoned. 'I'htvt ull < f li-O iloft'Uf )
hur ln coniphilnod of ozlut at Ills tr ct , Idaldpur-
tlos iiro huroby notified to appear , reload nnJ
oiiur ovldenco touulilnt ; wild allegation ut tun
o'clock u. in on April 6,1UUO , bolero tbu UpRlsler
and Receiver at the Unltod Status I uud Olllco in
llrolicn How , Nebraska.
Thu said contuetiuit having , in n proper iiillda.
Tit , ( lied Jiinuury L' , 11)00 , set forth i ota wiilcli
show tbnl Hltur duo diligence person * . Kurrlco of
this milieu can not bo luiulu , it Is hrro. y onlorud
and dlriciou tlmt such notice bo i vca by dun
ntid proper publlciitlon.
II. YOUNU , Ueco.vor.
LAND Or.noa AT XOUTU I'LVTtB , N u. , February
i lh. 1WLKJ.
Notlco In hereby given that iho fUcwlii ) ,
nnmed settler has llloa noilco of hut Intention u
innku Ihml prooC In support of her claim , mill that
Biild proof will bo nmdo buforu County Judgu ut
llroken How , ttubrunUa , on April Oth , 100J , vU. :
Ellztvlietu ! < ' bnupu , It. 1C. No. ITUO'J , ir the B
" 4 itf U of Bcelion M , town It ) , M i.uu u , SLV
Ollipr. M.
blio Humus tlio following wliuebs . | ovuhcr
cciitlnueb ic-luunCf upon ( mil cult YI iliu. ot aald
) nnd , VK ! : John \Vllliw ot iliokon iNob. . ;
Jai en KlilK of Urokeii Dow , Neb. ; Johu Snulluy
of Drokun Hinv , Nub. ; Albert 'Itun ' B c t llrokor
JUowr , Nobf- OBO. K. , U
T.AWII fJnuiu P/.ITTH.
Nun , Kobruarj Mill , 1UUO.
Nnilco IB hereby K'VOU ' tliat Kihvnrd V. Hnsk
hns Illed notlco ot Intention to niaxo Hull proof
buforo County .Imlxo nt h.a ollleo * u lirokuii
Uow , Nebrunua , on tiuturduy tliu 7tli du > o ( April ,
IDlW , on timber uultiiro upiuic.itlou No IJol , for
Iho mv K , no" Hi u Ji , BW U , BO } f i.ww ijuifterot
No yj , lit towtmhlp o10 N. Minyo No ,
a-J W.
Ho imiiiua us wlfnc8 usi Hlchird Gift of lit jU-
eu How , Neb. ; Henry .M. Jlnrtln of , Melvlt..ey ,
.NO ! . ; dhuriua . . . flootli of AlcKluluy , Nob. ;
John Kodgurs of Mclvlmey , Mub
1'uUNLii Id i ; ! ' to.- .
LAND Omcic AT NOUTU I'LATTK. NKII. , I'nuruary
JOth , 11HJU.
Notice Id horuby ylrrn that Iho foJow'.ic '
nutnotl Bcttler Ims tiled noilcu of hU In'uiitlonto
nmko llniil proof in eilpport of hif.lulin , uuiil
that oiild proof will bo nmdo bororu Ooiinty Jiuh/u
at BroUen How , NebruaUn , > n April 7t'i , 1UUU , yd :
Jiiloliurd Oift ,
II. U. No. 10059 , for thu H ii , HO U of Bactlou 11 ,
and n 1/j no U of section-3 , town 10 , N. Jtiu.y ;
UJ W. lln imuiu9 the following witnesses to
lirovu his con IIIIIOUB renkl upon and cultiva
tion of Hnid liuid , vl < - , : Kdvvurd * . IlliaH of .Me-
Klnloy , heb. ; Henry M. AInrtiu ol ,
Wuli , Ntttiniii S 1'rovl co of ilcKlnloy , Nub. ;
Nethof Uroki'ii Hovv. : M > ) .
UKoltuli h Fu .NOii , UeglBlor.
Now is the time to renew your
subscription to the RKPUIIMCAN.
FOK SALK millet dftd at C
a bushel. JKSSK GANDV.
Write llaydon Bros. , Omaha
Wholesale Supply House for prv'jea
and samples. 2 8 lyr.
LAND Fou SALK Two uuaitor
sections of good farm land ei H
iniles south of town , $000 eich.
Snydur Bros , , cart ion u big linn
of Jiidica ukirts of the best quality.
If you want a bargain do not fail
to sue them.
Full blood Bard Plymouth Rojk
roosters , lor sale , six. blocks aouth
uid one east of the public squire.
35 5t J. II. II. Ciii'fls.
FOB SALK Twenty-two aores of
land bcvcn blocks east of the pub
lic square. A good live-room houjO ,
The land is nice aud level. Wilt
sell reasonable. Mrs. Laura Penu ,
The Ladies Aid dooioly of tin
OliriHtian church wilt hold uu E iaur
Market , on April HUi. A good
dinner and supper will bo served ,
und many useful articles will bo for
sale. Remember the < "laie.
Oats ,
lluttcr . . '
Kg . . . .
Onion- .
COWH . . . . . $ - >
Stuura . . 4-
Turkoyi * . ' *
Slruw. . ! > : ( . # < :
llay. . . . . . B.OO . .ou
The RFPUIILIOAN and luU-rOce n
for $ I 50 The REPUBLUAN tnc !
Btflto Jouruftl for * L85 ,