Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, February 15, 1900, Image 5

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Lincoln. Uonvor ,
Omaha , Iloluua ,
Chicago , Uutte ,
Bt , Joseph , Portland ,
Eansaei City , SAlt Lake Clt > .
81. Jjouts , and all San Krnnclero ,
polnti A > t and Bonth. and all points \VCB- .
No. 4 . Local esprots dally , Lincoln , Omaha ,
And nil points tact 0"M a.m. .
2 < o. 4t. Locul iniFstiiycr , departs. . ! ! : & u. in.
No , 40. Through fright cnci lally..f > : UU a. in.
No. 48. Local freight east urr. daily 1U.OO p.iu ,
Departs ftt 1.05p.m.
Kxccpt bunday.
No. 41. Local express dally , Ilcloim , liuttn
i'ortlaml , all points west 11:55 p. in
Mo. 43. Local piiLHOiiKCriiirlviant..4:55 : p. m.
No. 46. " " wttt " Hi'Wi n I"
No 47. " SlilBp. m
Dopum at 2 f > ii , m
Except biinilay ,
Sleeping , dining und reclining chair cars ( scats
free ) on turuigh ttHliif. 'ilcl.eo eold uiul bjg
gage clicckcil tu uny pi hit lu tu Unaid suites
anu Canada.
No. 48 bas mcrchhiidleo cars TucfltUjj , TUtits-
days ami Saturdays.
No. 45 will curry pabengers for Aueelmo , Hal
tey , Ucneca , \ \ hltiimn iiuu Alimiae.
No. 40 will carry panui guru tor Kuvcmu
Grand Island , buwtt.d uiid Lincoln ,
laforuiallon , mups time tublcR and ticket
tall oa or write to II. L. Ormaby , n vut , or J
Francli , Q. P. A. , Omuhv , Nourubka.
U. I. .
Uurllnjjton Route Calilornm tixcurulont
Cheap ; quick ; uomiortuble.
Leave Uuiuhii ' 1:35 : p. m. Liu
doln 0:10 : p. tn. and liabtiiigri 8:50
p. m. every lliursday , in clean ,
modern , not crowded tounet slet-p-
ors. Ko trun-fura ; oara run rigiit
through to b n Fraiici co and hob
Augeleu over the tscuuio Koute
through Denver aim ball Lake ( Jit ) .
Uara are carpt'tud ; upholstered in
rattan ; Lave epru y beam and backs
and aic provided with ourtains ,
boduiuy , towlud , aoap , etc. Uui-
fornibd porterH aud txpenoncod ux-
ouraicu conductors accoujpauy cauh
excursion , relieving passengers ol
all bother about baggage , poiuuug
out sbjucts of mtcrubt and m mati >
other ways helping to make the
overland trip a delightful exper
ience. Second class tickets are
honoreJ. Berths $5.
For folder giving full informa
tion , call at nearest Burlington
Kouto ticket office , or write to J.
Francis , general uabseugor agent
Omaha , iNcb.
The Way to go lo alilomiu.
la in tourist sleeper , personally con-
duotttl. ylu Ue iiuilii'Ktuu Koule.
You dent , olmugo Cure.'ou make fua.
tlmo. You tee tliu tiutal mtiitry ou i
the ( ( lobe
Your car la tot as expensively fur-
nlBiiud as a place eleepor , but it la ] ust I
as clt-au , judt as cunilortobiu , just uu
good to ride in and nearly $20.00 |
onenper It lias wide vesilLuicb ; ,
Piutfchgaps high back Beats ; a unloiiuutt i
Pullman porter ; clean betiding ; spaoiuus !
toilet rooms , tubleo aud beating rtiuge |
Being strocRly and utavily built , it
rides amuotlil > ; it in warm in winter and |
cool in summer.
In cbiMjgu of eacu excursion party is an
experienced excursion conductor who
accompanies It rlgbt tbrou u tj Luce
( Jars leave Ornaba , St. Jreeph ,
Lincoln nnd Hustings tvery Tliuredny.
ai riving Sin Frui cii-co loilovMii Sun
day , LtifcB Angtles Moi day Only thru
dayb from Micnurt Kivtr lo liai Pac'llc '
Coast , including two etop-ov < rs ol ] >
hours nt Di' and 2 } l.ouru at Sau
Lake CIij , two of thu uiobt iuterealiin ;
cities on the continent ,
For f Ider giving full Imformntlnn ,
08)1 ) nt tmy Bumuglon Rutn tickei
offlou , or wntim , J . FRANCIS
Gou'l. Paau. Agt .Ooiatirt , JMub.
WANTED Several pereons for
Dibtrict Oilicu Malingers in thiK
state lo rtprfbciit nje in their own
and euirounding couniieb1 Will
ing to pay yearly 8000 , payable
weekly. Deeirble otnpu > ymeui with
annual opportuitiea. KeffronceH
exchanged. Enclose self. addn sued
Btftt ped envelope. S A , Park ,
3QO Caxtcu li > ildi g , Ch'ti go.
In the chest wuui H pcraoii IIHH
a onld Indlunte a te oei cy tow ri
pneumoutft .A pitcc of delicti dampened
od wiih Cliamberlin's Pain Biuui am1
roancl on to the chnet over the tent of
dnlu will promptly M-llevo the pnln and
baprent the thronteni'd attack nf
peemonla. Thiu tarntrtMitiHut w.H
cure u Hine lock In a f w h"llr . hold
by ail Drugels's. '
Eurokn Harness Oil Is the iif-t
precervittlvo of now Icatlu-r
and the best renovator ol ' . , U
loathor. U olid , softens , liiucU-
cus unU protect * . Use
on your btit hnrncas , your old Imr-
Bees , and your carriage top , not ) tucy
will not only look licttfr but ueur
longer. SoldBTerywbcreln cuu - ll
iU < from linir pints to fUt < b ) .
JI J , I ; STlMUill ! ) OIL to.
\Vrlt Jncloslnz this od. and roc and we
< vrlllBandyuutlila tenutiful Mandoline
by express , C. O. I ) . BUiiJoct to examina
tion. If tou i < * exactly
J lALOKtfEkprlco.'SS.UO leYa ttuTfOcants.
( or S.VJO and express chnrg'-s. This la a
regular $15.00 Inetrument , solid roaowood
( body , fancy peurl and ebony checkered
edge , beautiful pearl butterfly guard
( plaW9ros8woodflneruoardandnlci' ( ( < iiiii
piece. Youcanbavoolthur iiMandoluio ,
( Otiltar.HanloorVlollnontUQ Kaiootcr
, Wrlto for VRKB musical Catiilog'ie.
q Address , A. llospo , Omaha , Neb.
Equttllly , Etononir , Security.
' ' bo trne tctt fnrLlf Ingarnnoo Is
; > ; * : ) fan ml tn the Kqnltj of th Oontrnct ,
4x the Economy of Manag m nt , and the
LM Security for tho'.Paym nt.
Bankers Life Association ,
* , Xova.
HDWAHD A. TiMrLr , President.
Organlzcd'Jnly 1st , 1879.
Guaranty Fund forlenfety.
Surplus Fund for protection.
Supervised by 8,000 depository backa.
Sccnrl lea deposited with the .atato
Conacrvatlvu methods.
Preferred ItlsxaLow Hates.
Quarterly Payments.
For rates and fall Information , call
on or address
Agent for Ouster County , Neb
Offlca at Farmcri Bank ot Oast ir
{ ? } ( Cocnty , Broken Bow , Nob.
M. *
; :
No woman can bo too careful of
her condition during1 the period be
fore her little ones are born. Neglect
or improper treatment then endan
gers her Ufa and that of the child. It
lies with her whether she shall suffer
unnecessarily , or whether the ordeal
shall bo made comparatively easy.
She had better do nothing than do
something wrong.
is the one and the only preparation
that is safe to use. It Is a liniment
that penetrates from the outside.
External applications are eternally
right. Internal medicines are radi
cally wrong. They nro more than
humbugs they endanger life.
Mother's Friend helps the muscles
to relax and expand naturally relieves -
lieves morning- sickness removes
the cause of nervousness and head-
ache prevents hard and rising
breasts shortens labor and lessens
the pains and helps the patient to
rapid recovery.
From a letter by a Shreveport , La. ,
woman : "I have been using yonr
wonderful remedy , Mother's Friend ,
for the last two months , and find it
just as recommended , "
Draffirists cell It t $ 1 pw bottle.
Send for onr free Illustrated book ,
11 Before Baby U Born. "
Chamberlain's Cough Remedy HrrajB
Proves Effectual.
There are no better caodicnea on
the market than Chamberlain's.
We have used the Cough Remedy
when all oth-sra failed , and in ovary
instance it proved effectual.
Almost daily wo here the virtues
of Chamberlain's remedies extolled
by those who used them. This is
not an empty puff , paid for at se
much a line , but is voluntarly given
in good faith , in the hope that suf
fering humanity may try these rera-
ciiic-H and like the writer be benefit
ed From the Qlenville ( W. Va. )
Pathfinder For sale by all drug-
g'Bta. ' .
J , J , SNYDER ,
Notary Public
a u'I JnMlcr of the Peace. Special Attention B >
on to collectloni , DepodtlonR taken , prnetou
vouchers n tly ox < rnted and all kinds o legal
p I > cia wrlten < ( lice west title equart ,
IJrokon Bow , Nob.
Limcl Counter ,
& < ' MaUoy , Prop'r.
All kinds > f soft drinks. Best
brand of ciuarw. IRI building fast
of Farmen'
] M Scott
Attorney at Law
. .
invention H pr.iimi |
( Ion iptrlctlyi'upQiloi.liUl. I
bent free. Oldest uoi cy f r
I'utcnts taken tlir < null Mo v
ipceial notice , wlrhout clinrc > , in I
Scientific flsr
culiitlnn of HIW n-ic'iit.ili' ] M
yosrj four months. tL Bold
ODi p Bt , Wu-ULCtOu. U , C.
Explriimtlon of Suiulny Sdiool Lesson.
BT PET. SEO. a nnnNs.
Joflus nt Jacob's well. John 4 :
5-20. Fobrunry 18 , 1000 ,
QOU > KM TBIT. Qed it n Spirit ; and they
that.nor hlpllilm'.iinait..worihlp him in iplrlt
and In trntb ,
After the conversation with
Nioodemus , Josiu remained for
some time in Jadea and baptized ,
The Phariaoes continued to bo
auspiciotu and displeased over the
nuws brought oonoorning John thu
Biptist and the teaching of Jcsua.
After being in Judca for aomotimc ,
word waa brought to Jesus that
Herod had east John into prison.
The neighborhood of Jerusalem
became BO dangurouH to the Lord
that he started for Galileo , where
lie oould teauh ttnd baptize unmo
lested , Jerusalem had done violence
to prophets before and until his
time oamo there was no use to ox-
pOHo himself to danger. To reach
Gnliloe he had the ohoioo of novoral
rouda. A sanotimonioua Jew sel
dom went through Samaria to
reauh Galilee but Jenus duoided to
go thu moat direct way and limn
went through Samaria. At the
tima of onr leaaon ho had arrived
U the village of Syohar , wlit're
Jacob's well was , It wna about
noou , hot , duaty and wearied with
hia jouruuy he oat down ou the well
curb lo rest. There the diaoiples
afterwards found him talking to a
woman of Samaria. They were
aurprUed to aeo the Lord talking
with a atrange woman of Samaria ,
) Ut bad they known her hfu as
leaus did they would have been
hooked indeed. Thia woman
came to draw water at an unuaual
lour , for women generally draw
water in the morning or evening.
3ut she oame at noon , possibly
hut wan tbe safest time for a
woman of bur uharnuter to oomu to
hu village well.
Jesus opened the conversation
by aaking the woman for a drink.
Hio woman waa surprised that a
Few would aak IHT i worn in of
Samaria for a orink ; for the Jewa
had no dealing with the Samari-
aus. It waa a feud of long staud-
ng. Each waa a dog to the other.
auh worshiped the same God , but
then they were unimici. Jesus
waa to show this woman that race
and prejudice and bigotry
are not of the kingdom. He break *
down the dividing wall. With
lim there ia neither babarian ,
Sythian bond nor free all are one
o him.
In replying lo the * woma < > Jt-nu *
tya : "If thou kuewcat the gift i > t
bed and who it la that naitli to thee
give me to drink ; thou woaldeat
lave asked of him and ha would
lave given thee living water "
The woman , aa Nioodemua , fails to
his meaning. Nioodomus
thought it was a physical birth , and
ikewiaa this woman thinku of the
natural waUr in tbe well ; hat must
drawn with rope and pitcher.
Jacob's well waa deep and she
could not BOO how thia ntraug r
could draw living watur out of u
without a vuHRul , But .ItHUH again
her with an advanced argu
ment. To lead bur mind from the
natural to the spiritual water Jeni
nay * : "WhOHoever drinkuth of
water shal ] tlnr-l g u : Km
driuKutli of the \vau-r
that 1 s'lHll give h'tn Hhall uevi r
Uiirbi ; but thu water that I nhall
ivu him hall bu in him a well ol
wattr springing UD into ovcrlaatinu
life. " The woman Htill thinking
that be hid reference to somt-
natural water aaid "Sir , give me
this water , that ! thirst not , neither
come hither to draw.1' Jesus Christ
iti indeed the water of life. The
spring ot life tha : he phnts in the
bosom of men ia to quench his
thirst and bo in him to natihfy al
hia wants. Aa the npnng in the
aide of the mountain throws iis
waters down ilu < momlain fid" to
rt'lri-bh the valluy holy * , and oau-e
tbe ground to bring forth food ,
and gives drink to man and boant ,
aud all alonn its course maker the
fii-lda screen and plfaaint to I > o .
upon HO this fountain m tk M thu lite
of mau plad and oausea him to
bring forth the choicest growUin
that outlast all time. Je Udhrisi
thus plants a well of evtrlaalinu
life witbtn nun that ia constantlj
within him , cooling aud refreshing
to hia spirit. It ia infinitely moro
satisfying than riches , or literature ,
philosophy or fame. These soon
pass away , but thia water of life ia
in ono when misfortune or financial
losses crowd him or when every
blessing smiles on hia way.
Jesus , knowing the history of
the woman tells her to call her hue-
band , bul she answers. "I have
no husband. " She had had five
husbands aud wna now living with
a man that waa not her husband.
And with all her sinfulncnfi Jcsua
opens to her the wolla of salvation
and places a heavenly stream in her
soul that would constantly bring to
her sweet truths and carry away
fowl evile.
How human is this record 1 No
sooner does aha see that she IB
known to this stranger that her
lifuiacpon to him , than she begins
to shuffle for other subjects. She
sees that thia stranger ia a prophet.
She was n shrewd woman , alert to
make her escape. It is the same
l.umiui nature trying to excuse and
ot-ciipr. The setmon in getting en
tirely too Interesting , the heart ia
being probed , secrets are being laid
open , such preaching ia entirely too
personal , HJ she adroitly tnea to
turn the conversation from bornei !
to theology. Religion in general
was moae to her desire at that
moment than religion in particular
People who are being preised with
o pt'l truth that strikes their own
lives and practises would rather
tiear concerning the conversion of
the heathen or the progress of
oivilix'ition. So the woman tried
to raise a dispute aa to the proper
place of worship , Jerusalem or
Sarmaria. But Jeaua gives her the
principle that predominates in the
fiugdom of God. ' 'God ia a spirit
and they that worship him must
wirHhi | > him iu spirit und in truth. "
Not iu Jerusalem , not in Sutnaria ,
not in ouo particul.r denomination ,
but in spirit and in truth must wo
worship Hi in- Certain people and
cm tain churuhen think that God can
only bu worshiped iu their com
munion and so they look upon all
others BB , "Dogs of Samaritans" or
'Dogs of JUWB. " One person
Imagines that hia church is the
only true church and BO lays claim
to being the only true church and
outlaws all olhura. But there ia
hut ono church. Denominations
not bad but prejudice , bigotry ,
and narrowness ot mind are always
> ; id , in church or out of churoh.
Jc-oiiu announces iliat he ia the
( Jhnat and wo ktiuw how , that not
> nly thin woman but many dwellers
111 Syuhar became hia disciples
afier thia conversation with the
Frank Sherwood wae down town
to day , the first time since ho had
Fimsel with choleramorbua. . lie
says hu drove thirty nil I en after he
was taken , and never came so near
dying in his life. After thia when
he good out in the country be
always takes a botile of < hamber
laius Colio , Cholera nnd Diarrhoea
lli'inedy with him Missouri Valley
( Iowa ) Times. For hale by all
1 bu biggest and bent calendar
ever ' .Bs-ued by an ) American rail
road is now b"ing distributed by
i In HuriiPL'toi. LI one ,
J' wan iwv Vc hhev' , > ue lor each
iiimilh of lli j ear O i each nhuui
is n ntriking iltiHtnitiou of some
U'Miiro of Burlington's KCIVICH
n-ricr orol th * u-rritory reaohen by
it1 * litU'H-the govariiinont fast mail
running al mil spied ; a tourisi cas
in iia wa > to ( JalHoima ; engine
15)1 ) , Ihu larueHC paaucnger engine
in iho world ; u library car ; a coin-
pan ment s'eeper ' ; the Burlingfon
hirtiion ut Omaha ; a dining car , a
moiiBtt-r freight train ; Kates Park ,
Cole ; thu pliingo ttatl. at ilol Spri-
ngH. S. D , Yellowstone Falls , etc.
The drawing * from which the
pic'uroH ' were made are by Louit
Uraunhold , of Chicago , aud cost
Ht-v ral hundred dollars.
The i c ol the calender ia 22x28.
' 1 * o iiMt'h HI < Hi b'g ' 1 } p * whivli
i- ' b riadi' a diM'aicoof 60 fert.
F-.r husine H oflicos the Burlington
( alnridur is simply invaluable
Purol at-fd in large quantitiee , the
c.alci ' 1-irrt fOH' ' iht tirlington Iloute
27 i-1 lit * ' With -
upii'CM posiaqn , pae-
kin , eft , i' ' cy represent an invest
ment of about 36 cents Our price
is 25 contH 10 cents less than cost.
Writ- for one ; Htamps will do. If it
IH not ( .atia.'aotory , seed it baok and
your money will be promptly re
funded , J , FKAXCIB ,
Guu , Pant ) . Agent. , Omaha. .Nub.
In a recent letter from Washing
ton D. 0. to and old friend , Mngor
G , A , Studor , for twenty years
United States Consul at Singporo ,
says : "While at DOB Moines I bo *
came acquainted with a liniment
known OB Chamberlain's Pain Balm
which I found excellent against
rheumatism aa well as against sore
ness of the throat and ohost giving
mo much easier breathing ) . I had
a touch of Pnomonia early thia
week , and two applications freely
applied to the throat and ohrat re
lieved me of it at once. I would not
bo with ont it for anything. " For
sale by all druggists.
Wm. F. Jiopkins ,
Plum and Specifications on ihort notice. Mft-
torIM fui utiliod and building * completed ohoapoi
hanany m nln the iUt . Satlifactlon gnann
cod ai to p Uni ana ipoclflcatloni ,
In the District Court of CMt r Ckmuty , NoV.
George W. ulsaaon , Plaintiff. )
William U. Oooua , uVal , Uefandauta )
To WlllUm 11 , Coon * , Ultiabeth Cooua and Uco.
1) . Hull , uou-reild nl duteudanta ;
You and each ot you will tak * notice that uu
the 13th day ot August , IBM , Uuorg * > V. Qltasou ,
Iho plalntlu aboro uamvd , fllod ula petition lu
the District Court ot Cuatcr county , Nebraaka ,
f gainst you and each of you , and otbor dafcnd-
antt , the object and prayer ot which said petition
are to foreclose curtain mortgage az cuted ou
Uctobor lat , 1882 , by William U. Uuona And
KlLaabeth Coons to tnai Olot > Intaatmsni Co. .
and afterwards sold and assigned to this plulntlfl
Bald mortgage was glien to ILCUT * thi payment
of a principal note ol | 000 , dated October 1 , 18IN ,
nnd do * October lit , Is97 , with Interest thereon
at 7 per ci nt per annum from dntt until maturity
and lo per cent thereafter ; and also to secure
any payment for taxto upon the premises de
scribed lu aald mortgag.i which tu holder of
tatd mortgavo might pa > . Said mortgage WAS
glr u upon the ne& of nwK and the mvH of the
ueW of IS , and thu wy ; of the iu4 ! of 1 , nil In
towuhtilp 15 , range 18 , Cnster county , Nebraska.
That there Is now duo npon said mortgage In
dobteduosa the following amounts ! Upon the
principal note 8600 , w'tti 10 per cent from Oct.
lat , lbU7 ; upon coupons No. 0 , 7 , 8 , 0 and 10. $ U
each , with intoreat thereon at the r t of 10 per
cent per annum from tha datoa ot maturity of
aald coupons respoctlroly ; and there Is alao dno
for taxes paid upon said promises by the holder
of said mortgage ! 85.aJ. with ton per cent there ,
on from the date of said payment * , for which
auras , with Interest thereon as aforesaid , plain ,
till prays for a decree foreclosing said mortgage
and decreeing that Bald promises mit ) be gold to
aatlofy aald amount , with interest as aforesaid ,
and costs of suit. Yon nnd each of you are ro-
qulrod to answer said petition on or before Man
day , the loth day of January , 1000.
Iy 0 L. Qnttorcon , hla Attorney.
Articles of Incorportntlon.
Taku uotioo that the undersigned
have ou the 22ud day ot Jan. , 1000
UBSOoiated themsolvtiH together for
the purpoyo of forming a corpora
tion under the laws of the Btatu of
Nebrauka aud for that purp su have
adopted the Articles of luoorapora-
tion in aubstanoo ns follows :
FIBBT. The name of the onoor-
poration is Broken Bow Dairy Co.
SECOND. The principal place of
buuiueHB of thiB corporation is aud
uhull bo Brokeu Bow Cuator county
TIIIBD The general natun of the
BiueHB to be oonduotod by said
corporation is and shall bo the man
ufaoturing of and dealing in dairy
products ; the acquiring and owing
necooflary real OHtato , the erecting
and mauiteuanoo of neoauoary build
ings aud more tipeoiaily the baild-
ng of a aeparator station to leaie.
FOBTH. The amount of th capi
tal block of Bald corporation flhnll
hu $3,060.00 dinded into 41 aharaa
at par value of 950.00 each , which
stock IB non-aaBOBiable. FIBTH.
The commencement of thii oorpor.
ation is and shall bo the i9nd of Jan.
1000 , and continue for twenty
years unless sooner disolved by
mutual consent or aot of law. SIXTH.
This company shall notBubjeot itself
to any indebtedness. SKYNTII The
affairs of thin company shall be con
ducted by a board of five directors ;
' 1 hese offluers , aa well as President
Si'orntary and Treasurer , shall be
elected by the stock lioldfirs of the
< ompany.
If. A Bertran , Directors.
The Reuublican81,00
( b r own Mlietlonto T rr i b rt. fuI eol-
rod lltbOKrapbtd pl tw and lllu tintloni , OrlglwJ ,
UtMt , artUtlc , tiqulilte and itrl tly up-lo-d U
I/minium * economlM. f rny work , bouMhold hlntr ,
iliort torle . current topm. to. Sub crlb to-day-
% lytOa.yiulr. tidy agtauwmted. flood for term * .
For ladlM , ralnti. fffrli nnd llttla ohlMr n. That ter > -
Ula ityllth ' Ohio " Direct not fctuin a by tba au of inf
other pittenu. Bavt no equal torityUajd porttct O
* * B A2TAR *
E llr put together. Onlr 10 and II etntt Mh-noo *
blFb . Boldln nearly TWT city and town , or
tor them. AbioluWlyterTlateit up-to U
Wtrt lirh Strrt * . twk Cltr , 0. (
' 0" . S. Land Office ,
JAMK8 , - Register
P. n. YOUNG. . . - Receiver
U > B. Land OOlco , Broken How. Hflhr. . I
Jan. 11,1000. 1
A infflclnnfcontent affidavit tinrlng been flloa 1
thli ofllco by Nnthnn T. 0 dd , rontcitnnt. flnalntt
T. O. entry No , 1&I09 , made Mny 10 , 18W , fcr
iiwk r o. 24 , tp 31 , n. 52 , by P/inl B. Jensen ,
contOJtoo , In winch It Is ntlogcd that laid claim-
nt , Pftol 8. Jon cn , hn fulled to plow , plnnt or
cnltlTUte ny portion of cold tract anil * md lAChet
ezUt ftt Hila tlmo ; wild parties are hereby notltlM
to nrnear , respond i nd odor ovlilcnro tnncnlnij
iialdallcRfttlon nt lOo'clock a.m.on Feb.31.10pg.
I bwfore the Tlcfflitor find Itccolvor ftt the United
' States Lund ( flNco In llrokcn Unw , Neb.
The mid contectunt liavlnr.ln ft proper nffldnvlt ,
filed Bopt. Bth , 1800 , But forth fncis which ( ho *
that after dno dlllRonoo , twwsonnl orvlco. of Mil i
notice can not bo miMlo , It In hcroby orrtoicd and
directed that uncli notion bo given by dtie and
proper publication. , ,
FIUNIC H. YOUNG , Ilccolrcr.
band Offlco at Lincoln , rfob , I
Jan. 12.1SXX. |
Holies It hereby lTon Mint Uw follow Inp-nam
ed lettler h fllod notlro of Ms Ihioiillon to
make flnal proof In support of nil claim , uno
that laid proof will bo uiiulo before the Oonnty
Jndgo , ftt Utokon Ilow , Neb , , TO Kcbrnanr Slth ,
.900. Tie : Prank O. Drown , II. K. No. 17464 ,
tor the iwM.nvrW wK'awW and toH wK SO-lo-10.
he namit the following wltncssm to PIOTO
bit contlnnoni residence nixm and cnltlvatlon ot
laid Und , TIB : Goo , Oaters , cf Hrok n Bow
John O. Taylor , John P. Towoll , 0 D. Manlln , of
Berwyn , Nob. J. W , JOHNSON , IlcgUtor.
Notice li hereby glron that in imrsuanio o-f
iDitrnctlona from the ComtnUilonir of ttw uen-
eral land onion , nndorautlmrltv tested m htm Oy
ectlon S4tf > , U. 8 , llov mat. , i nniPiidod by t'i.
act of fen r MI npproTtd F 'l ) Sfl , 1KB , wo will
iroco ( d to otter tit ) i blln pula nn thu 2itn ) < liy of
I'ebrnary , next , nt lhl oiilco , thn fnllowlng tract ,
of Intid , to-wlt : Thu lot I , noc. U , tp IU N. , > l ! il
\V. of Gth 1 > . M. Any mid nil persons cUimlnK
advertuly the aboro described lands are autltrd
to file their claims In this olUco on or before tie
day aboro didKnntcd for the commencement or
said sale , otUonv-Uo tholr rlghtH will ba foilaltcd
JAMHS WlHTEIlKAl ) , HogUtot.
KUANK 11 YOtmj.lU'ceiw.
In the County Court of Cuitor Co. , Nebraska.
To nil whom U may coucotn , ani uipuolally to
Albert Uorlecblngor :
You are hereby nollflcd that I'etor Ilarnoc ,
gnanllan of the ustute of Albert liurtsohluner ,
Vui fllvd his account In thli court of Mi dolugs
ai such Ktiardlan , and also hit petition asKlnr
Unit ho bo dlcclmtKod as Mich RU dian of said
ortato. And you are further notlllod that Kastu *
mas Anilortoi , has this day fllod a petition In thin
court nikintl that hn bo appolntod tfuordla ot tt-'O
purion and vstatu nt thu raid Albert llortschlnx * ! '
aiid that It Ic lioruby ordered by the said court
tbat both mill petitions bo licard In said oonrt tn
llrokcu Bow , In anld county , ou Iho 'Jflth day of
Jnnunry , 1000. at 1 o'clock p. m , , after four wooki
publication of this notice In t'tu Cuntor Gouutr
Hupnbltcan mid personal Bortlno of aoopy ju luu
said Albert Uortsclilngor.
Wlluoti my seal this 18th day of Iod , 19 > .
( SBAL ) J. A. AHMOUU , County Judge.
The Btato of Nebraska , I. .
CUitur County , [
County Court for uatd County.
At a pension of the county court , hold at the
county court room , lu and for eiiid county , at
llrokon Uow , on thu loth day ot December , A.
1) . 1800. Present J. A Armour , Co. Jndgo ,
In the matter of the estate of Klrlrn Voro , do-
cuitsvd , . . .
Whercns , lotterB of ndmlnlstratlon have thll
day been grunteil to A U. i'owlo as admlnliUr
tor , Ordered , that elx months bo allowed for
ctcdltorH to present their claims sinn t salfl
estate for ailjustment and nllo\vanco. And on *
year bo allowed eiild administrator to ect.lo np
said estate , front t o 131st day of December , A. O.
1899. And It is furtbor ordered , that notice bo
Riven to the creditors ot said estate to nppoar
boforome at the county court room In said coun
ty , on thuyist day of February. 1000 , on the Sd
day ot April , lOnO , nnd on the 121st day of June ,
1000 , at ! ! o'clock p. m. each day , by publication
In the Ucpnbllcan , a nownpni > or printed In ram
county , four wouka successively , prior to the
&UI day of Kcbrnnrv , 1000 , Jor the purpose of
presenting their claims for adjustment and1 -
lowonco. True copy.
(8KAL ) J. A. AHMO 'It ' , County Judge.
The Btnto of Nebroskn , 1 „
Oniter County. ] B8 *
Connty Court for enlil County.
At a session of the County Court , hold st the
Connty Court room , In mid for s ld county , nt
I'rokou Ilow , on the 3rd day of Palmary , A.D. ,
1000. Protont , J. A , Armour. O . JtiJs" . In
the matter of the cetato of Quo. I ) . Qroonwoou ,
WLoretr , letters of ndmlnlstratlon hare thUday
been granted to Jnmos Lcdwlch as ndiululstrntor of
the estate of Oeo.U.Qrconwood. Ordered , that six
months bo allowed for creditors to proscnt Ibulr
claims Against said ostnto for adjunl incut und
allowance , nod ono your ho allowed said ndmln'-
trntor to settle up eald cstnto , from the 10th day
of Pehruary , A.U. 1000 , And It is further or
dered that notice bo glron creditors of eald estate
to appear before mo , nt the county court room In
said county , ou the 10th dny of Mnrcli , 1800 ,
en the 10th day ot May 100' ' , and on the 10th d , y
if Angaat , 1000 , at 10 " 'clock a. m. each day , by
inbllcatlon In the Ilopubllcan , a news vapor
irlntod In laid connty , four weeks succesrlvely ,
irlor to the 10th ilay of March , H'OO ' , for tha
mrpoie of nreientlne their clulms ( oriidliistment
, nd allowance. J. A. AHMOUU ,
County Judge.
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