( It ! ( iuolci : ( Ho. PobllelirU orcry Tlmrmlny fit the County Boat. L-l O. Itt. A : Himn.U.Y , I'Oltor tjwomeo Sn Cnator IJlock , Fourth Ate.-f KoUrcUntthe poitoBUo nt broken Dow , Neb , , as 6coond-cln matter ( or tran iul ( loii ttiruugti thoU. S.MiUli. ' _ , i ' SUBSOniPTlON 1'JUCB : Ono Yrnr , in adrnnco 91.00 THURSDAY , JAN , 25 , 1000. Jr Rhodes Speaks. It ia Buli'.oiu a people iu treated to so fine a panegyric of reform bun combe na the historian of the pops , viz , Dr. Rhodes , gave to HIH people ple in last wuek'd0lik'f. _ If that denunciation were scattered among the Boom it would equal to an army of 20,000 men. The pops should send it to Aguinaldo at onoe. Surely Dr. Khodos is not a near relative of Cecil Rhodes. It would not bo surprising if Dr. Rhodes should head ati army and start afoot , like Ooxoy , across coun try to ths aid of the Boors , Muybo however , ho will remain to see if ho can't bo of service more to Aguin aldo in the next Nebraska legisla ture. The Dr. is fair in some of his statements ; for instance ho says : "llio ibNueu winch will separate political parties thin year have al ready boon framed. " YOB , very true ; and not a single old lime pop principle is loft in those issues. Bryan bos made the issue , and it will bo oKl time democratic "al arms. " Dr. Rhodes has boon one of the "middle of the road" des ciplos until ho aspired for the legis lature , and sinuo then ho has swal lowed Bryan , democracy and Aguin aldo , hides , hoofs and horns. Rhodes talks just hko Vanland- ingham and Fernando Woods used to talk. The flame things the Dr. says of MoKmloy , the above pa triots of soooKsion said about Lin coln. Wo would almost think the Dr. has been reading some of their old HpcoohoH. Just to think of it : After Bryan is defeated and the demooraiM have swallowed the pops then there will bo no more "human freedom" and all "inalienable" rights wll bo gone. It makes one I almost weep to think of the Dr. * and'all the pops in the belly of democracy ; without any political "human freedom" and denied their inalionnblo rights to run for office and howl "alarms. " The Dr. says : "It muni bo humiliating to a loyal American oilizou to have it hinled that , this nation has formed an alli ance with Great Britain " Yea , it might be woru t'le people not used to itbut like many other disagree able' things people consider the source of annoyance , and go on about their business. People learn to have great sympathy for men like the Dr. when their ailment becomes chronic. Those periodical blow offa of the Dr. are about the : only way ho IWR of getting rid of the foul gassoH which collect on his political stomach. Again , the Dr. says , "When this nation was in iho throes ol rebellion and disunion , it was Great Britain that gavu com fort to Iho nation's enemy. " VVell ! Well ! Hero the Dr's democracy tripped itself. Great Britain aiding - ing democracy during the civil war , and this democracy "tho nation's enemy ! " However , it was no worse for Great Britain to give comfort ihon lo democracy than for the Dr. and his pop allies to- give comfort to' the panic democracy to day vrhon they are in alliance with our nation's enemies. No doubl the Dr. wants the republican ad ministration to take sides in the South African war and help the Boara , This would give him and democrats an opportunity to swing around ou Washington's farewel address , about no "entangling alii onoes" with foreign countries. It is not/ight for thu Dr. and demo orats to bo able to do nothing more than "hint" that'thoro is uu "on- tangling alliance , " They want at alliance .made , no matter wha might bo the oonsequenoo , so they can kick , just as Bryan wanted the treaty with Spain ratified so ho could kick. The Dr. says again "No nation has tought wilh greater ttnao'Uy the principles of republic anism than England. " Now , if this were true , it is strange that ono of the fl'rflt efforts at reform the pops made was to copy a law from an Englioh government the Australian ballot law. Blrange lhat Australia , and Canada , and other Knglioh provinces do not start a demo.pop party , if they arose so cruelly tro'tod. Really wo wonder if U 3 Dr. En glish history. The story of Run' cymode and the long training our forefathers had in political right ! while yet in England , wore the basis of our Declaration of Inde pendence. All the rights of revo lution our forefathers set up were rights that Englishmen iu England had acquired , and which oven Great Britain now allows to her subjects. We suppose that it is true that wrongs alill exist , but what prom ise have wo of anything bettor from a party that appeals to the lowest passions of man for its strength ? The next time the Dr. prescribes lus political dose , wo suggest that ho gives it in homoeopathic pills. It is bolter to gently develop the disease , and when the people got somewhat used to his treatment , and see just how the thing is , then they can Bland those strong allo pathic injections. Democratic Record , About the only reuurd democracy has loft , or scorns likely to bavo for many years to come , IB a record of hard times and platforms tilled with "alarms. " Everything that has marked our history with progress has betn opposed by uinoorats , and everything that h.i brought calamity has been under democratic rule. It would seeru that sensible > eoplc would some lima take pro uulion by past experiences and cease lo Irusl u party with an un broken record of failura. It is strange Mr. Bryan can sea nothing wrong in the democratic policies of expansion , If over the United Stales was engaged in an unholy war , il waa when a democratic ad ministration made war upon Mei- co because she olaitned-tho right to lold Texas from seceding. Taxas was colonized by democrats with ho expressed purpose to overrule the resident Mexicans and lead the erritory into revolt. It wai done also with the understanding to en courage and xtoid slavery. Mex- co at that time had taken a step ar ahead of demeoraoy in the Uuitod Slates , and had freed nor slaves. The abolition spirit in the north and the anti-slavery move ment in Mexico , WP too much of a menanoa to democracy , so a war was incited to antagonize tbo two countries and humiliate Mexico in behalf of a democratic A merioan policy of alaveiy. President Jack son bad offered , .Mexico $5,000,000 for Texas , and would , no doubt have offered inoro bad his pioponitlons not been bluntly refused. Now uoinos one , Bryan , of democratic pedigree , and says we should not adopt an expansion policy that would necessitate a differoat con * ditiou of political policy. lie knows that the democratic policy in wrestling Texas from Mexico , was for no other purpose than to fasten slavery upon us. A policy wholly foreign to a republic , and an instill lo the Declaration of Inde pendence. Texas oimo inlo Iho uuion a democratic rebel , and re mained so till a republican adminis tration transformed her conditions consistent with a free and republi can government. Every expansion under democracy has been in the interests of un-American principles and policyand no ono knows it butter than Bryan , unless ho still approves of thai policy , which cost our conn- try BO dearly iu lives and money. Ilo certainly kwows that the strug gles in Kansas , which wore tha bi- ginning of the civil war , were all the results of democrats trying to force their un-American policies over the terrilory purchased by Jet- forson. All ibe territory acquired by democracy beoamo truly Ameri can , in apito of demooraoy , by re publican loyalty to American liberty. Every foot of territory gotten by demooraoy was dedicated in their policy as a onrsa to the country , and a blow at tbo dignity and freedom of labor , btranga that soon this same democratic parjy should quote as a part of their plat * form , Iho Declaration of Indopon donco. Strange they should coin pare the Philippine islanders with our'fore-fathers , unless they have forgotten that they wore not all democrats. The republican party is not tak ing from the inhabitants of ( he Philippine island , country , free dom , or .opportunity. In fact it offers to them all these things in the only way they could hope to secure them peacefully. A party that is afraid to trust American loyalty and ability to carry our American prjnotples over the world is not fit to represent American people , and should not be trusted upon its promises , or believed in its sudden profession of loyalty. The only true American p : lioy is to carry our ideas of freedom to every pee plo. The Declaration of Indepen dence is eternal anduniversal truth. It is for all people , and the republican lican party has taken a grand stop , and it will inspire ovary lever of our country with a higher faith and hope in our national destiny and duly. A Democrat .nations Judge (0 ( Rhodes DDITOR REPUBLICAN I at tempted to answer the address of Judge ( ? ) Rhodes , published in the Chief of Jan. 19 , but found its senility so charlatanic that it would be time wasted. No res pectable man should attempt to exchange epithets with a blath erskite , for he will only sink him self to the level of his opponent A communication which is , as I believe , entirely devoid of truth , is not entitled to any serious con sideration. All the charges made are empty and'entirely harmless to anyone , and will only bring1 contempt upon their author. Calling1 men and nations robbers and pirates does not make them so Judge , do you know the dif ference between airobber and a pirate ? Permit me to ask the Judge ( ? ) where he finds a scin tilla of fact to base his grand iloquent address upon. What is your authority for saying "The McKinley administration is in league with Great Britain ; is organized to destroy this God- given right" To what right do you allude ? That this govern ment has formed an alliance with Great B ritain ? "Would not an al liance with the highest type of law abiding and equity loving people in the world be a desirable alliance ? An alliance with Great Britainl If so is it not better than an alliance with the men for whom you will vote this fall Boss Cro- ker , Senator Clark of Montana , and Billy Bryan ; "When this na tion was inthc-throes [ of rebellion and disunionit was Great Britain that gave aid and comfort to the nation's'cnemy. " Are you not a little uncharitable to your ancient friend ? Is it'not'the ' mass of men that were in rebellion that are your most active'leaders now ? Is Great Britain a despotic govern ment ? If so , when did she be come so ? I believe that a man who has worn the judicial ermine four years should have absorbed enough legal knowledge to know that the magna carta is the foun dation upon which all constitu tional governments are based ; and thatjthe common law of Eng land is the substratum of all our personal rights. I believe your knowledge of history and of law are about equal , both represented by the figure 9 without a stem. "What must have been the humili ation of a lawyer who- was com pelled to stand up befor ? you and say , "Your Honor ! " To be very serious , Judge , not wishing the public to know it , that senatorial bee in your bonnet has addled your brains , and you have come to the point where I believe you are not responsible for your utterances. A DEMOCRAT. The movements of Iho British frees , ap far hai availed but little towards subduing tho'enomy. The Boors oontinue to keep a oloso watch of every move they make and are always ready to chock them , The majority ct the committee appointed to investigate Quay'w right to a scat it/Iho senate under the appointment of the governor has reported against seating him. 'Ye think Iho rcporl of the majority should bo sustained by ' .ho senate. Brigham Roberts made his final pica in tbo II , UHO Tuesday for a Boat iu congress , but to no avail. He must go , which is an it should bo. Union Soldiers. I will purchase rddilional rights of all who homesleaded less than ICO acres prior to June , 1874 , even if they abandoned their claims. Will buy fractional if over so small. Great inducements offered agents- R. K. KKLLBY , Kansas City , Mo. Cattle. JCSB Gandy has at all times on his ranch , six miles southwest of Broken Bow stock cattle for sale. Terms made on application. tf For Kent A well improved farm near town Como early. JAMES LKDWIOII. Coal. Try Wilson Bros , .for all kinds of hard and soft coal , and see if they do not merit Buch favors in quality , weights and price. B28-41 Clubbing Hales. The RUPUBLIOA.N offers the beat tales on subscription you can gel anywhere. See our prices. The Illustrutfd Bee fa.OO Tt.o Weekly IJeo 03 The Inter Oceau 1.00 Tne Farm Journal 1.00 Tlio Globe Democrat 1.00 The Toledo Hlado > 1.00 Tnc It publlcan 1 OU Wa will furnish you iho whole lisl one yeai1 for 83.95. Or we will give you The Hopublicfin and Illustrated anil Weekly Uoifor 52.40 The Itupubllcuri and Inter Oceiiu for 1.50 TQC Republican and Glebe Dumocrat for . . . 1.50 The lioimbllcau and Toledo Illadofor 1.50 To anyone who acceila | any of Ihe above offers between now and the first of January , 1900 , wo will give the Farm Journal for five years f OP ; or to anyone who paya up. Now is your time. NOTICE. The First National Bank of Broken Bow , located at Broken How , in iho State of Nebraska , is closing up its affairs. All uole holdros and others , creditors of said association , are therefore hereby notified to present the uo'.os and other claims against the association for payment. Dated Oct. 23 , 1899. 1-11. II. G , KoaiiHB , Cashier. Cattle For Sale. One thousand head of one , two and three year old ateera alee oighl hundred head of Block cattle. Foi particulars enquire of W. ( J. Greg ory , tf. Clergy mcu. Applications for > balf faro per mits for the year 1000 will bo re ceivcd , and clergymen are urged lo uako their applications at once. II. L. OKUSHV. Local Agt. Clirlntnii CburcU. Preaching each Lords day at 11 a.m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school 10 a m. , C. E. 0:30 p.m. T. B. MoDoNALi ) . Pastor NOTICE , As I am closing out my business I respect fully request , and ask all parties who are indebted to me either by note or book ac count , to call at once and settle the same , ilso anyone having any claim or demand against me will please present the same at once for settlement. O. P. PEELEY Chas.W. HakesM. D. UOMOJOPATllICIAN , Successor to Ur. M. C. Blystont. Office over ChrynUI Drue Store. Calls prompt ly aiiBWtred from offlce , day or night. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins , PUYSIOIAN AND SUKGKON. 3d stairway from west ondin Really block ; residence , north aide. CAMERON & REESE , AT LAW. Koi me 8-9 Ketll ) block , Uroltiu How , Neb , J. A. 1IMUI13 Cltflilcr. , P. 0. WOUtfAU , . . , . A. . J. . nOIlEUTSON , VIco-ITCB. W. U. IILACKWKLL , Aea't Owhlor. Farmers Bank of Ouster County , BROKEN BOW , NEB , Transacts a General Banking Businuns. County Claims and / Warrants Bought , ) Ift8 > full line ol Drugs , Paints and Wall Paper. Also n Fine Line of Books , Stationery , Toilet Articles , etc. Store on corner of Fifth avenue and Main street , Broken Bow , Neb. 3. II. UUIINIIAM , President , Lincoln , Nob. II. Q , KOOKUS , Oaehtor , Broken Bow. J. M. KIMUKRL1NQ , Vice-Pros. , Broken Bow. 3. II. 110IT , Ass't Cashier STATE BANK BROKEN BOW , NEB. * B GENERAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. DiitKCTons : 3. U. Burnkarnj J M. Klmbcrllng. 8. II. lloyt , II. Q. llogcrs. Jnltrd States National Bank , Omahn. I'lionlx National Uanlc , Now York. First NntloriO Bank , Lincoln , Nabra-ka rtiuviii'iiiihYintiiiit'it Our Coals Are the BEST. Just Read the List. Cambria Splint. Lignilo. Sheridan. Canon City Lump ard Nut. Also Eastern Hard. You pay your money and you take your choice. I Call up Phone No. 79 , and wo will take care of your order. Youra for comfort in cold weather , Poster & Smith Lumber Co. I Once Was Lost , "but How I Have Pound it. Whore ? At my door. At the Eagle Grocery. What in the world is it , my dear ? It is at the Eagle Grocery , a mam moth stock ef Groceries , and at the lowest prices you ever hoard of. The Eagle has been reading the papers and keep ing posted on what was being offered for sale. They don't say anything about Terb.icker and Candy , and other good things like that. It is not pickle dishes you want now , it is Candy. The Eagle has 2,000 pounds of candy for sale cheap. v vistmas committees are invited to call and get my prices. .member the place , on the big corner , jnst east of First National Bank. W. S. SWAN . . , or. ATOCOTCEMEETT : I wish to say lo ray Friends and Patrons thai I am now located in the New Brick Building , on west side of Square , whore I will be better prepared to servo them than ever be fore , p. W. HAYES , Jeweler and Optician. We carry a We receive stock of goods ( rom 10,000 to valued at 25,000 letters ll.600.000.00 c > cry day "eft , S33" 3 s > m.iiii.i ! raw , . . t : > agti > ; ; ! * : We own and occupy the tallest mercantile building in the world. We have over 3,000,000 customers. Sixteen hundred clerks are constantly engaged filling out-of-town orders , OUR GENERAL , CATALOGUE is the book of the people-It quotes Wholesale Prices to Everybody , has over 1,000 pages , 16,000 Illustrations , and 60,000 descriptions of articles with prices. It costs 71 cents to print and mall each copy. We want you to have one. SEND FIFTEEN CENTS to show your good faith , and we'll send you a copy FREE , with all chorees prepaid , .MONTGOMERY WARD & cOMlchl8il > A < ieH AMar" ' 8"1