TIME TABLE , LJKOKKN BOW , NEB , Lincoln , Denver , Omaba , Helena , Chicago , llutte , St. Joseph , Portland , Kansas City , Halt I-nko City 81' Louis , and all Han Franolaco polnti east and eonth. autl all points ircit THAINS LKAVK AS FOLLOWS ! KABT. No , 42. Local express dally , Lincoln , Omaha , and all points cast .0'80 a.tu- No. 44. Local passenger , departs..11 : n a. in , No. 40. Through frciilit : cast ! iiily..r > : : jl ) a , m. No. 48. Local freight cast nrr. dally la.OO p.ni Departs at 1.05 p.m. Except Sunday. WK8T. No. 41. Local ixprcbc dally , Helena , llatto Portland , uli points west I05 : p. in No. 43 , Local pat cngururrlVC8 at..4:55 : p. in. 'No. 46. \\\.n " , lU'6Hn. m Jso. 47. " " " ' 2:15 ii , in Departs at 2.45 p , in Except Sunday. Sleeping , dining and reclining chair cars ( scats free ) on through traluB. Tlclie * Hold and bag gage checked ui iiny point In IU < United States anu Cauudu , No. 48 has merchandise cms Tucsduys , Thurs days and Saturdays. No. 45 will carry panscngnrs for Anselmo , Hcl luy , Sttaoca , Whitman and Alliance. No. 40 will carry passer gcrs for Hnvenno Urand Inland , Sewiird and Lincoln. Information , maps , time tables and ticket call on or wrlto to 11. L. Urnisby , agent , or J Pruncls , 0. 1' . A. , Omuhu. Nebraska. 11. L. OiiMsiir. Airoii , Uurllngton Route California Excursions Cheap ; quick ; comfortable. Leave Gmnlm1:35 : p , m , Lin- dolti 0:10 p. in. and Hastings 8:50 p. in. every Thursday , in clean , modern , not crowded tourist sleep- orn. No transfera ; i-ars run right through to Snn Francisco and Lob Augelt'fl over the Suenio Route through Denver and Halt Lake City. Cars arecarpeted ; upholstered it , rattjui ; Lave t > priug seats and backs an.i are provided with curtains , , towk-H , soip , etc. Um- pottt'is and experienced ex cursion conductors accompany each excursion , relieving passengers of all bother about baggage , pointing * out sbjects of interest and in man } \C1& & other ways helping to make the overland trip a dnlightful exper ience. Second class tickets are honored. Berths $5. For folder { jiving full informa tion , call at nearest Burlington Route ticket office , or write to J. Francis , general passenger t agent C1&'X. Omaha , Nob. The Wny to go to nli forniu. IB in a tourist sleeper , personally cou ducted , via tc Burlington Kouie You deut clwuge cars. You inuko fuu time. You ECO the finest Bconery on tlio globe. Your car Is not as expensively fur- nltued ns ft place aleepnr , bub it is just 'X. as clean , just as comfortable , just ae . good to ride in and nearly $20.00 cheaper. It lias wide vestibules ; Pin tech gaea high backecuts ; u unformed Pullman porter ; clean bedding ; spacious toilet rooms , tables and heating range. Doing strongly and heavily built , it rides smoothly ; it is warm iu winter and cool In summer. In ctmnga of each excursion party is an experienced excursion conductor who accompanies it right through * to LoeE Angeles. ( Jars leave Omaha , St. Joseph , Lincoln and Hastings every Thursday , arriving San Francisco 'following Sun day , LOEB Angeles Monday. Only three days from Missouri River to tlio Pacillc tjoast , including two stop-overs ot l4 hours at Denver and 2i Hours at Suh Lake City , two of the most interesting cities on the continent. For raider giving full iinformHtlon , call at any Burlington Kouto ticket olllce , or write to , J. Fit ANCIS Geu'l. PUSH. Agt. , Ouiahn , Neb. WANTED Several persons for District Office Managers in tint * state to represent mo in their own and surrounding counties * Will , ing to pay yearly SGOO , payable weekly. Desirble employment with undual opportuities. References exchanged. Enclose solf-addresced statrpod envelope. S. A , Park. 320 Caxtcn Buildi-.g , Chicago. Pnina In tbo chest when a person Ims a cold Indicate a te irtency toward ponumonia .A piece of Hansel dampen ed with Chamberlin'3 Pain Blum and bound on to the chest over the * -ent of pain will promptly relieve the pain uud prevent the threatened attack of pnetuonla. This eam < s treatment , will cure a lime luck In a few hours , Sold by ail Druggists. EtiroUa Harness Oil Is tlio tvst prcsorvutlvo of now leather and thu best renovator o ( i.tl leather. It oils , softens , Duel- one anil protects , Ufco on your IK-HI harness , your old har ness , mill your carriage top , and lh-y will nut only look better but wenr longer. Pold every where In cans -all sizes from half jilnts to ll\o unlluna. oa in. To the Public. Our biography books were burned , containing 1,500 biographies , which can only bo obtained in time for publication in ourxbook , by sending us by mail to Broken How at once , a Jotter , answering the following questions : 13orn where ? When ? Father's name ? Manied , when ? Where ? To whom ? v > Who was born when ? Whore ? Father's name ? How many children ? Their V } A names ? Came to county when ? & * Located where ? About bow many copies will you want ? S , D. BUTCUEK. " * - * f | I'qmillty , Economy , Security. j' $ n 'l ' ° trno lc'for kite Insuranoo in fiift found in the Bquity of the Contract , ; > , the Kconomy of Management , and the /ii Security for the Payment. , f' } ? ' . J 'gg | , jj$5 TIIK 01UG1NAL ' / ' Bankers Life Association , Do * OSatnov , Iowa , EUWAHD A. TEMPLE , President. 1 Organized July 1st , 1879. Guaranty Fand for safety. 1I Surplus Fund for protection. Supervised by 3,0(50 ( depository banks. Securities deposited with tbo elate department. Conservative methods , I Preferred Hls < sLow Hates , Quarterly Payments. I For rates and fnll Information , call on or address J. A. HARRIS , Agent for Ouster County , Neb i Ofllce at Farmers Bank of Custsr Coenty , Broken Bow , Neb. [ n Egypt the custom is for Princesses to hide their beauty by covering the lower part of the face with a veil , [ n America the beauty of many of our women is hidden because of the weakness and sickness pecu liar to the sex. If the Egypt ian custom pre vailed in this country , many suffererswould be glad to cover th c i r premature wrinkles , their sunkencheeks , their unnealthy complexion , from the eyes of the world with the veil of the Orient brings out a woman's true beauty. It makes her strong and well in those organs upon which her whole general health depends. It corrects all men strual disorders. It stops the drains of Leucorrhoea. It restores the womb to its proper place. It removes the causes of headache , backache and nervousness. It takes the poor , de bilitated , weak , haggard , fading woman and puts her on her "feet again , making her face beautiful by making her body well. DrarofKa cell It for $1 bottle. ( lend for our free illustrated book for wosi n. Bradflcld Regulator Co. , Atlanta * Ga * S D. Butcher haa selected men from every post office in the county to write , but thia excludes no one from competing for the premium book. Two Pointed Questions Answered. What Is the use of making a batter arilo e thin your competitor if you cnn not get a better price for ItT Ana. Ae there is no dlffeieuce in tbo price tbo public will buy only the better , BO tbat while our profits may bo smaller on a single sale they will bo much greater In thu aggregate. How can you get the public to know your mnko Is the beet. If boll , articles nro brought prom- ( neatly before tbo public both are certain to bo tried and tbo public will very quickly pass judgement on them and iiso only the better one. This explains the large sale on Chnmberlln's Cough Kernedy. The people rmvebeen useing It for years and have found It can always be depended upon * They may o-jcnsionnlly take up with some ffiHhlonnble novelty put forth with exaggerated claims , but art- certain to return to the one remedy that they know to be reliable , und for couuiha colds ntut crnun thorn la noth HIE ecjual to Ghamborlin'H Cough Remedy. For sale by all Druggiets Chnrnbcrlnin'p Cello , Cholera and Diarrhoea Remedy can u1 vays b ( d"peo- dcd upon and is i Irtioent im 1 Htfo to 'akc. So'd by H A Sure Sign or Croup. Iloarsness In a child that IB subject to croup is n nun ) Indication nt the np > l > r iKCh ot thu dhp.ise. If Chamberlin's 'Ugh Remedy m given no soon ns the child becomes hoarse , or even nftor the croupy couirb haa uppoard ; it will prevent vent the nttacl ; . Many mothers who have troiipy children always keep this remedy at hand and find that it eaves them much trouble and worry. It can alwiVo be depended upon und It la plensent ' to take. For sale by all drug * C. W.UUAL. A. r. SMITH. Beal & Smith , ATTOKNEYS-AT-LAW. Prompt Attention Klren to collections and real ctatu. Ofllco over First National Bank. Ilrokeii Dow , . . . Nebraska. T. W. Bass , DENTISTi All work first class , Rooma on 2d floor , northwest corner Realty block , Broken Bow , Nebr. Explanation or Sunday Sehool Lesson. * T BT o o. a , nvmu. LukeS ; 1-17. J a. SI , 1900. . Golden Text-"Pieparo ye the war of lb Lord.11 Seven great men are mentioned iu connection with the time of this loBaon , Those men arc mentioned to fix tbo date of the preaching of a great prophet. Tiberius wna em peror at Rome ; Pilate governor of Juden ; Ilorod , totraroh of Galileo ; Philip , totraroh of Ituron , and Lyoanias of Abilono. While thoao notables wore ruling in the political world Amos and Caiaphaa were rujera of the priest hood at Jerusalem. If the political and social life of that time waa reeking with corruption , the relig ious life waa no leas BO. It waa a time when religion had term , and a great deal of it ; but very little of experimental righteousness. Po litical intrigue and prefoiinont wort ) well represented in Caiaphas , the hi { > , h prioat. With all the callous ness of the Pharisees and Sadduuess there were those who wore tinners and who looked and prayed for an other Elijah. At last the Jordan vallov was wakened by the bold and fiery preaching of John the Baptist. The wilderness became populated with people "to hear the voice ofone crying in the wildor- iieBH. " John was aix mouths older tluu Jesus , and his cousin. His birth and name had been foretold by the angel. Nothing is said of his youth. In Luke 180 ; are re corded these words : "And the child grew , and waxed strong in spirit , and was in the deserts till thn day of his showing to Israel. " While Israel wau dragging along in a miserable existence two great forces were being prepared , one in Nazareth , the other in the deserts. These forces were to shake and revolutionize not only Israel , but the world. To awaken a dead na tion John waa being prepared. lie needed a strong spirit , a stentorian voice that 'would strike the heart of man as well aa his ear. He needed boldness , he needed to bo as fear less an a lion. The angel said that John would be great m the sight of the Lord. He was never to drink wine or strong drink. He was to be filled with the Iloly Qhop.it. Thus John was prepared to preach ; to preach to the hearta of men against their sins and open up their vitals. His preaching was simple BO all could understand. Hia dress was in keeping long hair and beard , a coat of camel's hair , a leather belt made up hia dress. No soft clothing , did be possess , no dainty dishes had bo ever had , his food being loouhtu and wild honey. Having always lived in the deserta , what did John know of the style of royalty , or advantugee ol the great , and yet over his life waa pronounced the greatest enlogy spoken over man ; "a greater than John the Baptist has not been born , aaid the Master. " John had received hia training in nature's school ; God had especially prepared him , aa He had Moses and Elijah. And whoi God called him to come forth to hia work he could neither be bulldozed nor flattered into silence by Herod. It is very evident tbat ho waa a great preach er , us he drew his audiences away from Jerusalem and all parts of the land down to thu Jordan. Can anyone doubt that people came wanting to hear him ? ( treat mul titudes came to hear him , not tbat ho tickled their ears , or preached on pleasant subjects , for his preach ing went home to men and aroused the conscience tbat bad long been dead. Up and down and about the Jordan this man , with a voice that carried conviction , preached ' 'the baptism of repentance for the re mission of sing. " Before the Lord could be of any use to Israel they had to repent of their sins. There is no use preaching to people if there is no repentance. "Tho voice of one crying in the wilder ness , prepare ye tbo way of the Lord , make bis paths "straight. " Isaiah had long ago spoken these wordB and now after centuries the voice was crying out to the multi tudes that came to him : "O gen eration'of vipers , who hath warned yon to flee from the wrath to come ? ' There is no mistakiugvthose- , no sugar coating about them what- overt and yet the people wore glad to listen. John know that more than a profession of religion was necessary. There stood the Phar isees and SadduoooB , people who mtido their profession , but ho railed on them , "Yo offspring of vipora , " give some evidence tbat you moan to bo roliglouH. Wo admire the courage of John , and yet aa with thoao multitudes what does admir ation amount to unless it is enforc ed by doodn. Many ot John's lis teners , no doubt , thought that be cause they wore dcsoondents of Abraham they wore aafe , but John said that God was able to raise up children to Abraham ' from the stones round about. John told the people not to tie their hopes to any such false ideas for the ax was laid at the roots of tno trcoa , and every false tree was to bo cut down. So pointed and searching was John's preaching that the people asked him what they should do. Ha answered , 'IJu that hath two coats lot him impart to him t at hath none. " To the publiuaiiH , those who almost robbed the people ple , he said , "Kxaol jno more than is appointed you ; " and to the sol diers , who wore constantly com plaining about not getting higher uaieH and who did violence to the people he said , "Dj violence to , no man , neither accuse any falsely ; and be content with your wages. " What did tin people think of John and his preaching ? Some thought him the Christ , but while they thought of this ho told them tbat one mightier than ho would come , whoho preaching would bo far more searching than his. "He , said John , "will baptize you with thu Holy Ghost and with lire , whose fan is in his hand , and ho will thoroughly purge his floor , and will gather the wheat into his garner nor , but the chaff he will burn with tire unquenchable. " U. S. Land Office , JAMES WHITEHEAD , - Register F. 11. YOUNG , - - - - llcoolvor Land onico nt North Platto. Neb. , I November 29 , 189U. f Notice Is hereby given that tbo rollowluir- nnmccl settler lias filed notlco ot her Intention to make final proof In nupport of her claim , and that said proof will bo rnndo before Clerk of District Court , at Broken Bow , Neb. , ou January " 2nd , 1000 , viz : SAIIAII K. KDMISTKN , widow of William Edmlston , doo'd , H. K , No. 10974 , for the nc.f ! ece. 27. town 13 n. range SI w. Hbo names thu following witnesses to provo his continuous residence upon and cnltlratlon of Raid land , viz : Simon P.onng , John II. Drown James 11. Hoblnson , David 8. JonningB , all of Loin HI , Neb. OEO. E. FHBNOII , IWlator. NOTICE FOR PUBLICATION. ( UoUt7dTr et > Notlco IB hereby given that In pursuance of Instructions from tuo Commissioner of tun Gen eral land olllce , nndcr authority vested In him by foct'on 2453 , U. S , Kov. Mat. , as amended by the act of LongrtsB , approved Fob. 20 , 1895 , wo will proceed to offer nt public eala on the 2Utn day of February , next , nt this oQlco , the following tract of land , to-wit : Tho.lot 1 , sec. 0 , tp 10 N. , It. SI W. of 6th P.M. Any and all pontons claiming adversely the nbOTO described landc am advised to file tnelr claims In tlili office on or before the day ubovo designated for the commencement of ea'd ' ealo. otherwise their right * will bo forfeited. JAMES WIHTKIIliAD , Iterator. PKANK 11. YOUNQ , UcceiTer. Land Ofllce at Llncolu , Neb , I Jan. 13 , 1000. ( Notice IB hereby given that tbo following-nam ed settler has filed uotlco of uls.Intention ! to make final proof in support of hia claim , and that said proof will bo uiadu before the County Judge , nt broken How , Neb , , on February "Ith 1000 , viz : Frank O. Drown , II. K. No. 174W , for the swK uwK wJ4 HWH and ioH w > f SO-10-10. hu names thu following witnesses to prorn hia continuous residence upon und cultivation of eatd liuul , vir : ( Jen , O , Waters , cf llroken How John O.Tnylor , John P. Towell , C. I ) . Martin , of Uerwyu , Neb. J.V , JOHNSON , Ke iBtor. , U. S. Land Ofllce , Broken How , Nebr. , I Jan. 11,11)00. ) 1 A cnfllclent contest affidavit having been tiled In tills office by Nathau T. . Qadd , contestant , UKiilnst T. 0. entry No , 13409 , made May 10 , 1890 , for ew4 ? fee. 4 , tp Si. It , 32 , by Panl S. Jensen , contecteo , Inwhich U U alleged that aald claim ant , Paul 8 JotiHcn , hub f lied to plow , plant or cultivate any rottl nof eald tract and enfd laches exist at thu time ; raid parties are her by notltled to appear , respond and offer evidence touching aaid allegation ut lOo'clock a.m. on Feb. 21,11)30. ) tmforo tlio Hoclflter and Itcccivor at the United States Land Ulllcoln Hroken Itnw , Neb , The eatd contestant liavlncln a proper aflldnvlt , tiled Sept. StU , 1899 , net forth facts which Dhow that after duo diligence , pursoniil vervlco of this noticexau not be made. It IK hereby ordered and directed tbat ench notice bo given by due and proper publication. t FRANK II. YOUNU , Hecclvcr. OHDEIION HEARING PKTITION FOK AD- M1NI8THATION. The State of Nebraska , I Cuetcr Comity , | BSl At a seeBlon of the comity court fur the county of Cnfcser , holdcu nl the county court room In llroken How , on tbo Slh day of December. 1U99. Present , J.A. Armour , County Jud e In the matter of the estate of Qeo. II , Green wood , deceased. On upplication by petition ot Margaret F. Spencer und Mary Noonau of Canter coutty , rep. resenting among other things that Uco. It. Greenwood , an Inhabitant of firmer county , ou theSUdday of December , A.I ) , 1899 , at Ansloy , Neb. , died intestate , leaving estateto bo udiiln- littered. That tbo petitioners are daughters of Huld dccoaeed. and pray that administration of iad ! deceased bo granted to Jamng Ledwlch. It U ordered that Bald application be heard at thu county court room , at the court IIDUHO In the city o ( llroken How , on tlio-lWlli day of January , 1100 * , at lOo'clock a. m. H la further ordered , that notice thereof be given to all persons by publi cation of such nodes at least three weeks sue- c-f Blvely , previous to the time appointed , in tliu Republican , a weekly newspaper , published ut the city ot llrokeu Dow , In riild county. True copy. J A. AtMOUlt , seal. Couuty Judge. In.the County Court of Cutter Co. , Nebraska. To all whom It may concern , an ! especially to Albert Dertschlnger : You arc hereby notltled that Peter Harries , guardian of the entato of Albert Hcrtectilnfter , nan filed his account In tbls court of hli dolnes as such guardian , and also bis petition asking that ho bo discharged as cuch guaidian of said CPtato. And you are further notified that Hastn- was AmlorBOL has this day tiled a petition In thin court asking tbat ho be appointed gtwdla of the person and estate of the raid Albert llerlschlngor aiid that It In hereby ordered by the said court that both raid petition * bo heard In eald court In llrokeu Bow , in tald county , on the iflth day of January , 1000. at 1 o'clock p. in. , after four week * publication of tills notice In the Castor County / rN Republican and personal tertloe of s copy on the BSlrt Albert ItortBChlngBr. rs5"v > WIIDOM mr e l thti 1Uh ( day of Uco. , 1899 iiL ) J. A. AHMOUlt , County Jmlffo , ORDRU ON CWANT1NO ADMINISTRATION. TUB Btato of Nebraska , I , . Cuiter County. JM < County Court for e ld County. At A eoiMon of the County Court , held at the County Court room , In and for raid county , nt Hroken now , on the 7th day ot December , A.I ) . 1890. Present. J. A. Armour. Co , Judge. In the mutter of the estate of Goo. W. Frry , do * coated. Wtcrcas , letters of BdalnlstmUqn hare this day bon granted to W. D. Frey AI adintnlitrator of the e t to of Uro. W. Frey , Ordered , thai k monthd bo allowed for creditors to proiont their claims against cald estate for adjuntraont and allowance , and one year ho allowed Md admtnli-1 trator to settle tin said estate , from the 91st day , of December , A.I ) . 1806 , And It la further or dered that notlco lie glren creditors of said estate to appear before nip. at thn comity court room lit eald connty , on the 21st day of Fobrinry. 100J , on the 81st day ot April 190 > , and on the tilit day of Juno , 19CO. at 10 o'clock a. m. each day , by publication in the Republican , n printed In raid comity , fnnr weeks successively newspaper , prior to the illst day of February , 1IHW. for the purpose of presenting their claims foriidjustment and allowance. J , A , AltMuUlt , ( BEAU ) County Judge. TO NON-RK3II > r.NT HK William Uagftctt , Hosier U gi < ott andS. Cahlll it Co..defendants , will take notlco th.it on tbo 18th day of November. I8W , BlltA A. llnllls a * plaintiff tiled her petition In the dUtrlct court of Nebraska , In and for Glister county , acatnst oald defendants , linploivtcrt with others , the object ami pravor of which Is to foreclc.no a certain inortKiiga oxocutid by the defcndnntc , William Oapgctt and Hester DitpRott , to thu culd KlUa A , Uullls , convoying the southwest iitmrtcr ot tlio nortliwrst quariorniid lots 1 nnd I , In section 0 , In township 1(1 ( , N , of range ! . ' . ' , also the southwest I quarter of section : t't , In lownohlp 17 N. of rnngoj Ui. nil wri-tof thoUth P. M In Mcbraeka , to se- ; euro thu pnymcn ) of ono certain promlsnory note dated on the Vtith day of May , 18W , In the siini of nine hundred dollars , due nnd payable on the first day of July , 16U7 , with Interest tborcon at the rulu of cevcn per cent per annum , pa\ablc scnil-niimiiilly. There li > now dim on said notu nnd tuurtgagu the said sum of 9900 on said prin cipal noio , ulth Interestthereon from the first dn > ot July , 181)5 ) , at tun par cent pur annum , and jai.W rtltli interest thereon from the first day ot Jnly.lB''f ) , at thn rafoof ten per cent per annum : $31 60. with Interest ' .hereon from the 1st day of Jan. ISUO , nt thu rate of ten per cent per annum ; $31.50 , with Interest thereon from thu lint day uf July , 1890 , nt the rtte of ten iier cent | .er an- limn ; nnd $31.60 , with interest uinroon from the 1st day of Jtllv , 1897 , at the rate of ten per cent per nmium , and $31.60 , with Interest thereon from the 1st tiny of Jnn , 1807 , iittheriito of 10 per cent per nnnuin.for which smoml sums with In- tercatfrom thin date the piitntill prnyn fur udocri'o that thi ! defendants be required to pay the same , ( ir tbnt t Hld promiiu1 * nuy bo told to mitljfy the amount fonnd duo. You are required to answer raid petition MI or beforu the -i'th ' day of Janu- nry , ! 9uO. Dated this 18th day of Dcecmber , 1899. KU/AA. 11UUIH. Dy Join on Ledwlch , her attorney. NOTICK TO NON-UKBIDKNT DEFKNDANT8. \V. 8. Dreading , MartlmK. Ilrcedlng , W. II. Meeker and Drnlunrd , Jtlchardson A Carpenter , defendants , will tiiKo noflco that on tbo Ibth day of November. 18U9 , W. I ) . Mdlntyre , plalntm heroin , Illt'd hit petition Iu the district court of Nebraska , In and for Cinter countngotiiHt said defendants , the object and prayer of which Is to foreclose certain mortgagu uzdcutod by the de fendants , W. S. Drecdlugand Martha E. Hrced. Ing , husband and wlfo , to and In favor of the NnbriiHliu Mortgrua & Trust Co. , conveying the nw > 4 mill thu nw > i notf wU swli and neW swH of section a , township 18 N. , of rangu 19 west of the (1th P. M. In Nebraska , to Hoouro the pay ment ot ono certain fint mortgage bond or note , dntod on the 10th day of September , 1893 , for the mm of nine hundred dollars , dno and payable on thu first day of January , 18H9 , with Internal there on ut thu rate of seven per cent vutllduo , and with Intoroet at the rnto of ten PIT cent per an- mini utter maturity. There la now duo on Bald note uud mortgage tbo sold sum ut 8900 , with in. tereet thereon from thofl'bt day of January , 2899 , at the rate ot ton percent per annum ; also nine interest notes , ouch In the sum of ? 31.60 , duo on the first ( lavs ot January and July ot each year , commencing on the IBt day ot January , 1693 , with lutorcit on each of said notes from the maturity thereof at the rate often per cent per annum. The plaintiff prays for a decree that the defendants , W. 9. Dreedlng qnd Martha E. Drecdlng , be required to pay the mine , or that said premises may bo sola to satisfy the amount due. You , and each of you , are required to un- awor said petition on or before the 29th day of January , 1900. Dated this 18th day of December , 1800. " W. I ) . MoINTYItU. Dy James Lcdwlcli , his attorney. In the District Court of Custor Couuty , Nob. George W. nlea on , Plaintiff , ) VB. > William 11. Coons , ot nl. Defendants. ) To William II , Coons , Klleabotn Coons and Oco. D. Doll , non-rosldont defendants ; You and each of you will taku notlco that on tbo 12th day of August , 1899 , Oi-orgo W. Gleasbn , the plaintiff above named , tiled his petition in the District Court of Custer county. Nebraska , 11 gainst you and each of you , and other do fund- ante , the object and prayer of which said petition are to foreclose a certain mortgage executed on October lit , 1892 , by William H. Coons nnd Kllzaboth Coons to the Globe Investment Co. . and afterwards sold and assigned to this plaintiff Said mortgage was given to secure the payment of a principal note of f UOO , dated October 1 , IBM , and duo October 1st , la'Jl , with Interest thereon at 7 per cent per annum from date until maturity and 10 per cunt thereafter ; and also to secure any payment for taxes upon the promises do * scribed in said mortgage which the holder ot said mortgage might nay , Said mortgage was glv n upon tbo nuji of uwX and tbo uwX of the noK f 1" , and the v/y ot the uU of 1 , all In townublp 15 , range 18 , Custer county , Nebraska. Thut therOlH now duo upon sftld mortgage In debtedness the following amounts : Upon the principal note SUOO , w'th 10 per cent from Oct. let , 18U7 ; upon coupons No. ( } , 7 , 8 , 0 and 10 , $ .1 each , with Intoreu thereon nt the r to of IU ] > o- cent per unnuin from thu dates of maturity of Hald coupons renpectlvnly ; and theru Is also duo for tuxes paid upon said premises by the holder uf Bilil mortgage jaS.Bl. with ton percent there on from the ditto of said payments , for which tuna , with Interest thereon UB uforesuld , plain- till prayH for n dccrro foreclosltg said mortgage and decreeing that Maid premises in 113 bo sold to satisfy biild nmuunt , with interest us aforesaid , und costs o'f suit. Yon nnd each of yon are re quired to answer said petition on or before Man- oay , thu Ifith day of January , 1000. UUOKUK W. OLBASON. liy C L. Cluttorson , bla Attorney. OKDKH ON GRANTING ADMINISTRATION. The Htato of Nebraska , ( Ciuter County. t ' Comity Court for said County. At u session of the county court , hold at the county court room , In and for paid connty , 'at llroken How , on thu Ittth day of December , A. D.1HM. Present J. A Armocir. Co. JudgO In thttiimttorof llio estate of IClvIra Voro , de- - , Whereas , letters of administration have this day been grunted to A. C. Towlo as admlnlfiti'i- tor. Ordered , that Blx months bo allowed for ei editors to preient their claims aualnat shtd estate for adjustment and allowance , und nuo year bu allowed ttald udmlnlstrainr to t j mi suld entate , from t u SUtday of December. A. D. IBM. And it is farther ordered. I bat notlco be given to the creditors of said ostftlo to appear ticforo mo nt thu county court room In said coun ty , on thuUlst day of 1'obraary. 1900 , on the : M duy of April , I9UO , and ou tlio UUt day of June , 1UUO , all ! o'clock p. m. each day , by publication In the Republican , n newspaper printed In enld county , four wciha sncceselyely. prior to the illsl day ot February , 1900 , for tuo purpoio of presenting their claims for adjustment and al lowance. True copy. ( HEAL ) J. A. AHMOUlt , County Judge. TO . , Anyone scnillng a sketch nnd dpscrlntltm ni. qulcklr Birartnln our opinion 1' . . . .ovln > tliT i invention Is probably tmtentuMo. Coniirun r lions Ptrletlydonliaentliil. HunilbooUou I'utcr t rentfreu. ( ) Me t ieney fumeeiirln * . ' imteiur. I'utents taken tnrouuli Munii \ Co. ructlvi tftclal notice , wliliout clmnto , In tl.o Scieniific A handsomely Illtntrntwl WVU1 . J.niprst r\r \ dilation of niiy selenjlUn Jnurniil. Torn B } four months , tl. Sold by ill ni < winpalcr | DR. B. H. McOROSHON , Broken Bow , Nab , , J B.inh , 1900 , TU t > M for count ) ' sap'pliia rociltsa and con sidered t the January meeting of th BotrA of Supertlsors of Cnitor connty , Neb. ( were t J I re ted ; therefore , sealed bids will bo reeeired bf tha nmloralimml , county clerk of Cn tr oe Bty , Neb. , forfnrnUhlngthosnpplIci for eald e n tr for the year 1POO , ai per oatlmata hereto HMtt. ed. All bids mnit bo filed on or WmlMwettfi ; IPOO. Connty Board Minrvwi the rlebt to rj et any or all bid * . J , D , OgBOOKN , ConBtrClMk. lly C. W , Hakw , Bspnty. _ Kitlmato'of.Sapplltii Castor ConntyforUi ; ; y * r BOOKS. | nrohat rooonl , B qnlro , printed , with lndsr.ll. 1 dc dlrocord,8 qnlieMformiJto.thtlpajro.prtHW 1 dcodlrecord , 8 qnlro , plain , CO line * tothf"flt ; * 1 mortgnge record. 8 quire , plain , CO lines to pact. 200 hoots townihlp plaw , 4 townships to toe ihcot , rcalo I In to mile , ao canrns covets , leather corner * , f rnm rlci Indlccc. Dally record , with lofttlior tabi. lettirod. 1 chattel mortgig Indnx , 8 finlro.lNo. 7. 1 official bon J record. 8 quire , printed , No 7. 1 supervisor' * record , 8 qnlro , No 4. 1 trial docket.18 qnlro , printed , No 4. 1 too book for , clerk ot dlst court. 8 quire , printed 1 mortgage record , 8 quire , No , (9. 1 deed record. 8 qalro. No 88. 1 oo trcaa caih book , 4 qnlro , ipocial ruled and printed. C nppomnco dockets , 8 quire , printed * U trial dockets , 4 qnlro , prlntei hoid. 9 trialdookoU , 0 quire , printed head. 60 bar dockets , 3oO CMC * , B case * to papo , doable , STXTIONKtlT , BIUHKA AMD BUNDOK * . 20,00(1 note heads , ptd. T IDs , per 1,000. 10,000 letter heads , ptd , 10 Ibi , per 1,000. 6,000 letter bead * , ptd , H P8 i bet qntllty , per 1,000. 16.0(10 ( ouTOlopes , ptd. 6W Inch , medium , per 1,000 A.OOO envelopes , ptd , A Inbti , medium , per 1.000. iooo cnvolcpoi , pUl , 6\i \ Inch , belt quality , per 1.000. 15,000 vnvoloptB , ptd , OH Inch , medium , per 1,001. 1,000 envelopes , ptd , 10 Inch mauilla belt , p r 0,000 blotters , 4l4i yi , IK ) lb. 600 rev. doo. onvolopaa or court wrapparc , ( lit 10 , ptd. . roamslognlabitracti 10lbip r roatn. lOOrev doc. envelopes , plain. .i reams legal cip , IV Ibs per roam. LNX ) paper covers , plain. " loams typewriting paper , common , roatni typewriting ptper , llnon , No' * olth r 1 , 8 or U , 60 chattel mortgage Clo * , loBthtr'back.naBbtred. 4 gloss Uluclnuni pens , any number. H gross Palladium peun , auy uumbor. 4 gruss Olllott'g pom , any u timber Jj gross Hponcurlan nous , any number H vross lifstorbrooK's pool , any number , ,8 quarts Uluffo d'B commercial Ink. i su n crimson Ink , 1 gross Dlxon'i secretary pencil * , No , 83 ! , 3 uroin Triumph pencils , y groe * Meats All pencil * . 1 gro < B. Faber'e colored , No. 606. 1 grosi election Indolllblo , cap and ring. ' U itoz Banford'B tuucllago , sponKO top. H dozwood rules , bras * fact , liilnch. mtpU. H doz wood rule * , brnis face. 10 lucu ; y do * safety Ink stands , medium ilia. 'U John Faber's steel knlfo eraiori , ebony handle SUrOcruittny. [ -3 doz letter tiles , wood , paper corered. gross rubber band * , 00 gros * rubber bands , OOX grosa rubber baudi , oO 1-8. . gross rubber string band * . [ 000 Meglll'e faslcnurs , M , K , B-8 Inch. 1000 BtaplcB , breech loader. 150 leather tabs , printed or numbered. 4 gros * pyramid plus , small slto , t ! gross pyramid plus , large lUe. I ! gross penholders , ulaiu , cedar , swell handle. 50 dee boxes , metal bound , 9Hx4xo. . 10,000 ofllclal ballots. \ 10,000 Kutnnlc ballots. 600 legal bunk * , full ilro , 4 pages printed. 1000 legal blanks , full llco. two pane * printed. 1000 lotfBl blankt , bait p go , printed , any foam. tiS setH ot poll book * . 88 envelopes for poll book * . 200 Instruction card * to voters. 1000 school dUtrlct receipt * , 800 In book , original and duplicate , numbered and perforated. DOO redemption certificate * , 800 In book'original and duplicate , numbered and perforated. 1000 t-ix ealo certificates , 00 In book , original and duplicate , numbered and perforated. 7000 tux receipt * , ruled , nnmbered and perforated SOO In book , original and duplicate. 4 VOB binding complete record. 8 quire per vol. 000 gen fund warrants , llth and bound Iri book * . 33 roams complete record paper for court journal 18x18 , extra heavy. looo limat blanks. 4 page , printed any form. Boo spec blanks , full ilro , printed , any form. 600 spec blnnks.JH pngo slio , printed , any form. fxo spec blanks,1 j < p tu sire , pr In tea'any 'form. ' 2oo ono town iquaro plats , no fin to mile , looo county claim blank * , H PC MM , printed , looo claim blanks , u pgslro , printed 28 paper sacks for ballot * . Overdreised Vonnptors. It Is foolishness to make the coats of young children of heavy material. Children must bo kept warm , but weight doea not always mean warmth , and a child should not feel Its clothes a burden. Many a little tot cornea In from what ought to huvo been , a re freshing walk weary nnd well ulgh ox- baustcd , because of the weight of th * coat It has worn. A" layer of wadding between the material and IU lining : gives warmth without adding much to the weight of a pretty coat , add velvet , satin , poplin , cashmere , camel's hair , Bedford cord and other soft coatings are much Improved in appearance by using It. J , J , SNYDER , - Notary Public , - and Justice of the Fcaoe. Special attention riv en to collection * . Depositions taken , penuon vouchers neatly executed , and all kind * of lecal papers written. Office weft tide tqnar * ) , Broken Bow , Nob. Dr. Chas. L. Mullins * PHYSICIAN AMD SUKQEON. 2 < 1 stairway from west endin Realty block ; residence , north aide , 0AM KRON& REESE , A.TTOKHKVS & OOUN3BLLOU3 AT LAW. KOI niB 8-9 Healty block , Broken Bow , Neb. A. THOMPSON , CONTRACTOR AND IIUILDKB.J Cfi Pl&ns and estimates on abort no loe. Broken Bow , Neb. Lunch Counter , Ed. Mnlloy , Prop'r. All kinds of soft drink's. Beat brand of cigars. 1st building-east of Farmers' bank , Wm. F.pHopkins * CONTRACTOR Plans and Specifications ou short noHee ; Ma * terlal fuinlshod and buildings completed cheaper than any man in the state. Satisfaction teed a * to plans and specifications. Chas.W. HakesM. > . . , . . HOMOJOPATIIICUN , Successor to Dr. II. C. Blyitone , Office over Cnryttal Drug Store.v Call'prompt ly aniWered from otnto , d / or nnrtij ,