Custer County Republican. (Broken Bow, Neb.) 1882-1921, January 11, 1900, Image 1

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    IV I
By a rule tin plain ne tlie plain bald pnto
of Father Time Shakespeare.
Tuo phinlng head of Father Tlmo but
ecrvos to icuilud us Hint iihyplcal powers
Kill Jccay True ot tun organism tit n
I wliolo true of lie parts. Wo Imvo ortlfl-
tlal nld for iho prcH'tvatlon Of but otic
OIVHH of ttio humnu ejstu SIGHT
tliO most prcc om of n 1 SCIIH g , Hpcctu-
cli s uro a uti-panco in some ways , jet It
is scarcely possible to estimate them 11
lliflr iruo Naluc : or Imiuii.o our condi
tion \\lthou3 them.Iiun In need of
Kipild \ \ , I shall bu plencd to have you
Hive mo u trial. If 1 ilc not hold you
thereafter It will bu my fault.
\ I
I Graduate of Chicago Ophthalmic College.
All aincls ot work In our line done
promptly and In first-class order. Red
Sbjp on the corner , west of ; he hose
bouao. Qlvoua a trial.
New Grand Central Livery and
Feed Barn ,
Hew rigs and good teams. Prices reasonable.
Clinton Day ,
Broken Bow , Neb.
Ofllceovor Hyerson'a'fgrocery. Rcsly
Oenco O'h houeo west of Baptist church.
Bichardson's Livery
at the old stand , between the Burling
ton und Globe Hotels Telephone con-
nectlon. Headquarters' o ( Callnway
etngo line. Single and double rlge.
Rates reasonable.
Local Mention.
Job printing at this office.
llavo yru purchasud a corner lot
in Linscott ?
Cannon City coal at Dierkp
Lumber Co.
C. S. Martin wont to Omabn the
first of the week.
WANTED Good navy beans.
Henry Koll&y of Antulmo was a
oity visitor Tuesday.
Call on O. P. Perloy , agent for
Pasteur Black Leg Vaooiuo.
Now is the lime to renew your
Hubscnption to the REPUBLICAN.
The Boers seem to be able to
hold their own with the English
The choice of thirty nice calves
for sale. J. P. MuRilt , Merna.,4 3t
The REPUBLICAN and both the
illustrated and Weekly Bee for
Col. E. P. Savage , of Sargent ,
left thu tirtil of the wettk on a trip
to Porto Rico.
The Uncle Tom's Cabin Co tra
vel in their own special oar and
carry 25 people.
Found-A silk muffler , which the
owner can got at this office by pay
ing tor this notice.
W. B. Eastham attended the
Jacksonian banquet at Omaha the
first of the week.
Charley Amsberry , of Mason
City , is visiting in the oity , the
guest of ye bcribo ,
See Judge Shin or "Judge" Dean
1'or particulars if you want to pur
chase lota in Linsoott.
The RFPUULIOAN and Inter Ocean
for $1.50. The REPUBLICAN and
State Journal for $1.85.
Wm. Franklin , of Tufford , was
a oity visitor Tuesday. Wo ac
knowledge a social call.
The new county board met Tues
day morning. J. Fr Breohbuhl
and John Conley arc the only now
Howard Savage , editor of the Sar
gent Leader was in the city yester
day looking after the incorporation
of his town.
John Lyle baa been promoted
from a newsboy to a full fledged
real estate agent for the "Broken
Bow Real Estate Exchange. "
Do you want to buy acre propertv
adjoining Broken Bow ? I am offer
ing choice from four different tract *
of laud. In quantities from five
acres up to 440 acres.
Is tha only republican newspaper published in Broken Bow
and it up to date with news at the County Soil. It is
the oldest paper in the county , and having the largest cir
culation u is the
published in Custer county. The subscription price is only
As an inducement to all in arrears or new subsoribsrs who
pay a joar in advance , wo will furnish the
from the brut of January FREE. This is a farm journal
in which all farmers , gardeners and house keepers would
bo interested.
with the Inter Ocean , Bee , Journal and other papers. Ad.
dress ,
| * ' These/ulster County Republican ,
Broken Bow , Nebraska ,
John Cover , of Mason City , spent
Tuesday in the city as the guest of
bin comrades ot company M.
Fresh homemade bread for sale
at Fa.mer's Restaurant , third door
north of post oflioc , Broken Bow ,
MARRIED At the PiORbytorian
parsonage on January 10th. Mr.
Cbas. D , Whaleyand Mrs.Robokah
M MoFate , both of Callaway.
Of the senators whose terms ex
pire with March , 1001 , seventeen
arc republicans , cloven democrats ,
one populist and one eilvorito.
FOK SALE Twenty aero farm ,
one mile of Broken Bow ; buildlngc ;
good well. Euquiro fit this office.
Or will trrdo for oity property.
This office acknowledges a friend
ly call from Major Elison , of Ana
ley , Monday , who was accompanied
by Lou Shadel , of Mason City.
Fine Plymouth Rook oookrels
for sale. Three miles north and
one mile east of Walworth bridge.
4 Q. QUYLK , Walworth.
The curtain for Uncle Ton's
Cabin will raise , at 7.50 prompt ,
next Friday night. Don't fail to been
on time , Duole Tom wont wait for
Ike BarouH , Judge Shinn or
"Judge" Dean can give you valu
able information if you want to secure -
cure free transportation frjm Lins-
cott to Anselmo.
Sargent was incorporated into a
village by the county board yester
day. The trustees are Jas. Hager-
ty , Wm. Laughlin , E. P. Savage , J
K. Spaoht and I. W. Waynick.
Farms for sale and lands for rent.
Now is the time to get a farm cheap ,
as the cheap farms are all going and
prices are commencing to advance
rapidly. J.G.Bronizer.
STR'AYBD From my farm , 10 and
a half milea north of Broken Bow ,
Jan. 1a red cow , white spot in
forehead , branded figure 5 on right
O. P. Pprloy is closing out his
entire business and offering gro
bargains in groceries , dry goods ,
clothing , boots and shoes , farm
implement ? , wagons , buggies , etc.
Rev.J. W. Megan reports a splen
did meeting in progress , at the King
school benne , south east of town.
The attendance and interst is good
and some conversions are reported.
Mrs.Willis Cadwoll left Tuesday
morning for Morris Ills , to attoud
the funeral of her father , of whoso
death she received news Monday by
telegraph. The REPUBLICAN ex
tends sympathy to Mrs. Oadwcll and
family in their great bereavement.
Jas. Whitehead occupied the pul
pit in the Baptist church Sunday
night in the absence of Rev. Megan.
His subject was the "Obligations of
young men to society and the
church. " The discourse was able
and highly appreciated by the largo
audience that greeted him.
A. S. McLean as treasurer and
prc motor of the Broken Bow real
estate exchange , had executed a
plat of the town of Linscott and
the prospective railroads Tuesday ,
and mailed to Cbuunoey Depew ,
New York. The office of Stock-
bam and Painter did the work.
A Valentine Partywill bo given
for the benefit of tie Baptist La
dies Aid Society , Come out and
buy a valentine , whole pr sliced , era
a living one if you prefer. We
promise a good supper and plenty
of fun. We will have a postoffioe
and special mail carriers at the
Valentine Party , Bob. 13th.
At the last regular meeting of the !
M. B. A. lodge of this place the fol
lowing officers were elected for the
ensuing year : J. D. Ream Pres.
Mrs. John B. Smith Vice Pres. D M
Amsberry Secy. Mrs. Evahno Ams <
berry Treas Dr. Piokett . Phyo
Mrs Helen Wells Condot. Mrs P S.
Richardson CbapM. L A , Walls I.
W. J. DietscO. S.
At the regular meeting of the A.
O. U. W. lodge of thia oity Tuea
day night the following oflijeii
were installed : M.W. , John Reese ;
Foreman , A.R. Humphrey ; Over
eor , Fred Hayes ; Receiver , J. S.
Baisoh ; Financier , Fred Rinno ;
Guide , JaB. McMillan ; I. W. , V. J.
Stedry ; W. B. Eaotham , the record
er elected , and C. U. Holoomb , O.
W. , were not present. J. R. Dean
wan the installing officer.
Try Wilson Bros , for all kinds
of hard and soft coal , and see if
they do not merit suubavors in
quality , weights and price. aS6 4t
11 , L. Frazier , Photographer ,
west tide square , Broken Bow , Neb.
B.W.Silltvan loft for Sargent this
morning whore ho oxpoola to engage
in the mercantile business with his
"D II Ohilott of Rest called to day
and ordered sale billsHo will sell
his personal property at public auc
tion Fob 12 st 0 o'clock
John Squires and Nellio. MoComas
wore married at Plattsmouth Wed
nesday of last week. Mr , Squires has
purchased the Mullen prodert , north
sidu where they will make their
homo. The RKPUBMOAN extends
Court Notes
A couple of days thu first of the
week Judge Armour's court was oc
cupied in hearing a case in which
Jas. Carliu sued Goo. Frey for § 30.
amount olaiov.d for hay which was
charged Frey had taken. The jury
found Frey guilty of talcing § 2 75
worth of hay for which the court
assessed a fine of 825 and cost :
The case of the state against John
and Jacob Rash , who were charged
with an assault upon Lawrence Mo-
Clain , with intent to commit great
bodily harm. The case resulted in
finding John guilty and the court
fined him $10 , and cost. Dr G W
Kirkpatrick was the complaining
witness- The case was tried yes
terday ,
1. U. U F. Installation.
The I.O.O.F. lodge of thia plao
invited thu presence of the neigh
boring lodges of the county to bo
with them on Monday night , the
occasion of the installation of their
officers elect for the ensuing year.
A number of members from Ausloy
and Mason City were present. A
banquet was served and a royal
good time is reported Those from
Ansley wore Major Elison , Edgar
Varnoy , Goo. B. Hare , Arthur
3arks and Jamed Sommorville ;
from Mason City were T.J. Wood ,
Hugh Huffman , Isaac E wing , Lou
Shadle , M. L. Lambr James Mc
Allister , Al O'Brien , Chaa. Smith ,
Will Clay , Howard Elisor , John
Cover and Bert Davis , The follow
ing officers were installed by Fred
Rinne , Deputy Grand Master :
Noble Grand GooWAppla
Vice Grand I ) W Lantorman
Secretary WQI'urcoll
Treasurer HJ Shlnn
Warden B U MoWlllUms
Conductor I'll Jludk
I Guardian PMTowsloy
O Guardian W3 IJoyca
II88 EUl'urccll
L8S KUI'urcell
I.BNU lUlolcoinu
Cattle For Sale.
One thousand head of ono , two
and three year old steers ale ? eight
hundred head of stock cattlo. For
particulars enquire of W. C. Greg
ory , tf.
Wooden Wedding.
Mr. and Mrs. Harry Waters , of
1548 Atlantic Avn. , Dubuquc , Iowa ,
celebrated their fifth wedding an
niversary on thu 2011) ult. So mo
twenty of their friends and neigh
bors assembled at their homo on
the occasion to assist them in in > k
ing the day ono of the happy events
of their lives. Mr. and Airs. Wat
ers were the recipients of a number
of valuable and useful presents ,
some having been pent from Mis
souri and Nebraska , as tokens of
remembrance. Rev. Orvis , pastor
of Summit Congregational church ,
officiated. Mr. and Mrs. Watoia
were former residents of Broken
Bow , and are well and favorably
romf-mbered by a largo cin'lo of
friends , with whom the RKPUHLI-
GAN joins in congratulation ; hop
ing that they may live to celebrate
their golden wn.d > ling , and that
their journey may bo unowned with
happiness and prosperity.
Friday Night , Jan. iath
Return of the original Undo Tom's
Cabin Company ,
Artists and.
Trayeliug in their own Pullman
oar. Producing the great drama
in its entirety. Special scenery
and stage off eels. Prof. Boyorlo'n
select band and orchestra , introdnc-
ing popular melodies , standard
overlurea , etc.
Select Open Air Band
Concert at Noon
25 , 35 and 50 CENTS.
'Seata on sale at the usual plabo ,
Madcjrom pure
cream" tartar.
Safeguards the food
against alum *
Alum baking powders arc the greatest
mcnaccrs to health of the prcs < nt day.
The First Nebraska Hoys Will Organize.
Monday evening , January 8th , a
mooting was called at Dr. Willis
Tolbol's oillco , of the former mem
bers of Co. M , to form an organi
zation for the mutual benefit of the
soldiers of the late SpanishAmori
can war. A coimnitloo on orgnni >
z it ion was appointed and another
mooting will bo hold at the same
quarters next Monday evening to
perfect the organization , All sol
diers of the late war are roqnooted
to bo present on the evening of
February 22d , at which time a
grand military ball will bo given at
the north aide.opcia house.
Silver Wedding.
Mr , and Mrs. J , A , Kollenbargor ,
of Dale , celebrated their twenty-
fifth wedding anniversary-Saturday ,
Jan. Oth , by inviting a number of
their friends and neighbors to par
take of a grand dinner which they
had prepared for them , There
were about seventy present who
enjoyed the hospitality of Mr. and
Mrs. Kollonbargor , and assisted in
making the occasion ono long 'to bo
remembered by the host and host *
OPS and guests , Rev. F. M. Gra
ham , of Morna , was the officiating
clergyman before' whom Vjxo ba-
trotbcd renewed their matrimonial
vowa. after which Rev. Graham
pronounced them man and wife for
another quarter of a century. After
the guests had extended congratu
lations to the bride und groom they
repaired to the dining hall , ' where a
grand spread awaited them. ' It is
unnecessary to remark that J. M.
Fodge , J H Bair , JaH Wood , ' Con
Fleishman , Ben Kollonbarger , Jas
Liudloy , S K Hodman , Henry Bar
rett , Jaa Dailey , Dan Swcenoy and
ye soribo were equal for the occa
sion. Mr. and Mrs. Kellonbarger
have a fine homo which they have
built up in iho county , and inter
esting family of children , several
of whom are now grown , or nearly
so. They own and have control of
over two thousand acres of land ,
over two hundred head of cattle ,
horses and hogs in proportion.
They have made life a suooesrboth
in business and socially , and enjoy
the high esteem of all who know
them. They were the recipients of
a large number of valuable and
useful preuontri , May their lives
continue happy , useful and prosperous -
porous is thu winh of the Ricrunu-
For Kent
A well improved farm near town
Clubbing Hates.
The Rui'iniUGAN oilers the beat
lates on Bubuuription you can got
anywhere. See our prices.
The Illustrated Uco 8U.OO
The Weekly Ueo 65
The Inter Ocean 1.00
Tne Farm Journal 1.00
TMu Glebe Democrat l.UO
Ttio Toledo lllado 1.00
The Itcpubllcau , . . . . 1.00
Wa will furnish you the whole
list ono year for $3.95.
Or we will give you
The Jtnpubllcun and llluttrnteJ and Weekly
Uoifor 81,40
Ttio Hepuljllcaii nnd lutor Ocenn for l.CO
Tno Hcpubllcan and Ulobo Democrat for . . . 1.50
The Kopubllcaii hnd Toledo Hhvlo for l.MJ
To auyono who accosts any of
the above oilers between now and
the first of January , 11)00 ) , wo will
give the Farm Journal for five
years fee ; or to auyono who pays
up. Now is your tirao.
ClirlHtuti CliurcU.
Preaching each Lords day at 11
a.m. and 7:30 : p.m. Sunday school
10 a.m. , C. E , 0:30 : p.m.
T. B. MCDONALD. Pastor
WANTED So/oral portion * for distric
office- managers In this stMe to represent
ino in their own and surrounding conn ,
ties. Willing to pay yearly $000 , pay *
able weekly. Desirable employment
witti unusual opportunities. Referen
ces exchanged. Kaslosu eelf-itlclreefrd
stamped envelopeS. . A : Purk , 320
Cuxtun lluildluij ,
Resolutions of tiood Cheer
ThoTolling resolutions were offer ,
cd , by'Uon. Jaa. Whitehead , at a re
cent mooting of the anti-saloon
league and unanimously adopted
vir. ; ,
Broken Bow Nobr. Dee , 31 , 1800
\V horeas-Il is the aonso ot this
mooting and the law abiding liberty
loving , ohrtstain people of tbis 1 and
that the liquor traffic IB dost motive
of homo , of lifo and of hum an hap *
pinoas , and through the medium o
the open saloon its evils are dissem
inated , livoa ruined , souls destroyed
and existing lawn disregarded and
sot at nought and because of this to
moot this giant wrong , to preserve
lifoto assist the weak and raise the
fallen the Anti-Saloon League has
buon organized nnd
Whereas our fellow townsman and
brother Rev. W.II.D. Hornadar is
about to leave us to engage la thia
work , therefore , bo it Resolved that
wo the members of the Anti-Saloon
Looaguo and citizens of of Broken
Bow in mass mooting assembled ,
while regretting his departure from
our midst , do hereby express oar
hopes and oonfidenos m his success ,
and believing him to bo specially
fitted for the work , wo bid him
God speed , with the assurance that
the best wishes and prayers of thia
people will attend him wherever
duty calls or God may load him.
Lands for Sale ,
A rough section in Dawson Co. ,
two half sections in Gospor county ,
cheap ; also sootion and half , several
quarter sections in Custor county ,
and store building in Broken Bow.
If A , T. SEYBOLT , Broken Bow.
Letter List.
Following is the dead letter list ;
for week ending Jan. Oth , 1900 :
Cti a. W ard. Mr. WlllUm Neylni.
Mr. A. Hill , Mr. B. F. Poz.
Mn.EloctaPorwlck. 1'ltl Carlson ,
Cdillo Backer. Ira I ) . Btlgglo ,
Mr. K. I. Andrew. Mln Mary V. Ilall.
Parties calling for the above
plonbo say advertised.
L. H. JBWKTT , P. M.
Union Soldlort.
I will purchase rdditional rights
of all who homesteaded loss ( ban
100 acres prior to June , 1874 , even
if they abandoned their claims.
Will buy fractional if ever BO
small. Great inducements offered
agonta- R. K , .KBLLKY ,
Kansas City , Mo.
A. W. Drake's holiday goods are
arriving. Come and see him for toys
pictures , frames , easels , screens , our *
tain rods , poles , trimmings ool.
Universal low prices on dishes ,
gasswaro , china cups and saucers
outlory , and spoons , rockers , center-
tables couches and iron beds.
Throe doors south -of Bank of
Commerce , west side of square.
Jess Gaudy has at all times on
his ranch , six milea southwest of
Broken Bow stock cattle for sale.
Terms made on application. tf
Applications for -hilf fare per
mits for the year 1000 will be re ,
ooived , and clergymen are urged to
make their applications at onoo ,
H. L , ORMSBY. Local Agt.
The First National Bank of
Broken Bow , located at Broken
Bow , in the State of Nebraska , is
closing up its affairs. All note
holdros and others , creditors of
said association , are therefore hereby
notified to present the nolea and
other claims against the association
for payment. Dated Oat. 23 , 1800.
1-11. H. G. UOOBBS , Cashier.
As I am closing out
my business I respect
fully request and ask
all parties who are
ndebted to me either
by note or book ac
count , to call at once
and settle the same.
Also anyone having
any claim or demand
against me will please
present the same at
once for settlement.