BOARD PROCEEDINGS. December 21 ot , 1890 , n. in. tionrd mot pursuant to adjournment , nil members present. The minutes of previous day wore road nntl approved The following resolution \vns by Supervisor Coonoy : Wliereuu , Them IB In the olllco of the county clerk , of On-tor county , Nebrn3 k& , a number ol wiirrnntc Hint nnvo been alined by various olmlrinun of the board of supervisors nnd tlmt woto not com pleted nnd IIHod , L'horutore bo It UecolvedThiU the ulinlrman of tbln board nud the county olerk uro hereby ordered , directed and Instructed to no through llio warrant books of eald county , nnd do lrov all ouch warrants not complott'd or tilled out nnd make n notation on the stubs n ( aiild warrant books , tlmt said warrants ) arodeotroyod. Moved by Noth , seconded by Arthur , that the above resolutlou be adopted and ordered ; carried : Hull Ueaolvml , Uy the hoard of uuporvisora of Ouster county , Nebraska , that the county clerk Is authorized to nmko a requisition on the auditor of public no- counts for the supplies from the stiito , to-wit : AsBcesment and tax books. Receipt book colictluleu in such amounts as will bo required by Ouster county for the year 1900. Moved by Arthur , seconded by Nicholas , that the abnvu resolution bo adopted nnd ordered , carried. Dccunibor 21 at , 1801) ) . The linnucu committee made the fol lowing report , to-wit : To recommend to approve the bond of M , E. Schnorlnger , 119 county treasurer of Ouster county , Nebraska , The yeas and nays wcro called for , Arthur , Coo.ney , Curr , Downey , Llnd , Noth and Nicholas voting yed. The vote bolng unanimous ( or the approval of the bond. The finance committee further report ed to approve the depository bond of tbo Stuto Uanlc of Broken Bow. It wne movo'J and carried that the above report bo accepted , adopted , and bond approved tin recommended. The finance committee further report ed to recommend the following transfer of funds ; Uoad fund , to 1800 gcnornl fund 83,500 00 Uriels1) fund , to judgment fund l.GOO CO The following transfers were made to the gener al fund of 1807 and prloryears : Road fund. . . , . . . 10000 Advertising fund fiOO 00 Interest on deposits GOO 00 InHanofund 100 00 $0,200 00 Signed : ij. NKTII. 0. O. LIND. 0. E. OAKK. It was moved and carried that the re > port be accepted , adopted , and ordered as recommended. The roml and claim ? committee made the following report , to wit : To allow the following road damage claims on Barrett road : C. G. Hrenlzor , allowed for $123 00 To bo levied against r'd dlst. 3 , Berwyn , J. E. Evans , allowed for 8155 00. 01'm 9300 To bo levied agidnsc r'd ( list. 3 , Dor * wyn. Bon Tnlbol , allowed for $155 00. 01'm 8100. 8100.To To bo levied against r'd dial. 3 , Ben wyn. John Juker , tir , , Same. $18000. Uor wyu 650. To bo levied against r'd dlst. 3 , Her- wyn. 0.V. . Gostwlte , Bame. . . . 90 CO. Ber wyn 147. To bo levied against r'd diet. 4 , 13 er wyn. W. II. Mauksamo.U5 00. Berwyn 150. 150.To To bo levied against r'd dlst. 3 , Her- wyu. And to ivjeot claim of J. F. Hubbard fnr 7K DO . The committee further reported to grant the Virgil Allyn , et nl , peti tioo , commencing at southeast corner of oeotion 14 , totvmhlp 1G , raugo 22 , nnd terminating at the northwest corner of section 18 , township 15 , range 22 , and to allow tue following road clitlius ; D. W. Lmnternmn , appraiser V. Allyn road $ c 00 A. P. JohnBon 500 J. B. Ilolcomb , same 5 00 Ray Koou , chairman same 8 00 L. E , KODU surveyor same 11 50 December 21st , 1809. Committee also recommends to allow the following road damage claims on Virgil Allyn road : All owed E A Cameron.$4000. Claim 325 00 To bo levied against r'd diet 2 , Ouster township. L Anderson. . . . § 4000. Claim 8200 00 To bo levied against r'd diet. 2 , Ous ter'twp. S C. Shuuian 8118 Claim $40 00 to be levied ' ugalust r'd.dlat. . . 2 , Ouster township. L. E. Keen , platting road 810 00 Same 15 00 Same com. nnd surveyor , W. J. Leep road 20 00 Allowed. John 11. Books , chalnman same. , 2 00 Ilobm Parley , same 2 00 Albion Oumiulngs , same 400 M. L.Lntnh , surveying 300 ti. 0. Morris , chalnman B. P. Morns road 00 B. P. Morris , ( legman 200 M. L. Lamb , surveying 300 Hay E. Koon. cbalnman J. D. Troyer road 2 00 L , B. Koon. survoylnir 7 50 Guy Thorn , oiminmnn B. P. Morris , road 2 00 Oouimltteo reuommtmda ( o grunt the road petition otV. . II. Comstook , com mencing at n point being 40 feet north of tbo northwest corner of block G , of the town of Comstook , In Ouster county , Nebraska , and running thence west on a line parallel with the tiorth line of ( aid block 0 , to the east or left book of the Middle Jjoup river nnd to grant the peti tion of Wm. Baeoklng , ot al , commenc ing at the section corner of section 29 25t 1)5 ) nnd 30 , running west two miles to section corner of 27-28.08-31 , township 14 , range 17. And to grant the petition ot B , L. Jackson , et. nl , commencing al louth- east corner of sect ion 19 , townrhlp 13 , rnngo 20 , and terminating at Boutbeaet corner of section 10 , towuiblp 13 , range 251 and southwest corner section 21 , township 18 , range 20 , and northeast corner of aeotlon 39 , township 13 , range 25 , and northwest corner section 28 , townahlp 13 , range 25 , and to grant tbo petition of J. I'loaannoe , ot nl , for A toad commencing at the northwest oor < uer of section 23 , and running two miles east to Bborman county line , township 13 , range 17 , ordered advertised , and to lay over the rood petition of Newton Taylor , et al , and to reject the road protest ol 0. S. Funnels , et al. It was moved and carried that the report be accepted , adopted , and order * ed claims allowed , petition granted , laid over and rejected us reported by the committee. The erroneous and delinquent tax committee made the following report , lo-wlt : G. M. Worthagton ! , double assess ment Lillian and Broken Bow twp ord'ed to rotn'd 813 85 J. L. Oxford 8 mo 11 GO \Vm. bitters , error In eumo 2 10 tl. 11. Andrew ? , excessive levy village of Onllaway , same 300 A. B. Ash , erroneous assessment , LtllUn township , ordered to ro tund , 1893 0 22 Sumo 1805 G 00 A. L. Mathuwo , excessive levy , village of Cnllaway , ordered to refund 7 00 R. II. Pinnoll , same 3 20 Thomas Laughran , excessive tax. 15 50 Chaa. B. Drum , erroneous tax Callaway , ordered to refund 1898tax 7 75 ThOB. Liiuglirnn , paid under pro test In Broken Bow. rejected. IT. R. Woolington laid over , paid under protest , Ouster townsbip$27 22 And to reject the following claims for the rnfund of taxes : II. M. Wright , double assessment , Sargent , rejected. Martin Stubblobecn , Callaway , paid under protest , rejected , F. R. Woolington , Ouster , rejected for 1893 and 1891. P. II. Morlay , tax on improvements on school land , rejected. Joe id tolton , tax silo certificate , rejectt cd 313.30 Henry M. Kldder , rejected. HI [ Mi ml : J. .T. B. L , NICHOLAS. JonnCooifEY. It waa moved and carried that the re. port be accepted , adopted and ordered as recommended. The bridge and bride claims com mittee reported to raooruniond to grunt the following petitions , to-wit : J. II. Smith , ot al , bridge across Spring CreeK , on linoof sections 12 and 13 , township 18 , range 22. Chrlu Samp , et al , bridge 19 chains and 80 links wes from northeast corner northwest X 20- 13-18. 0. T. Wright , ot a ) , across Muddy Greek , oa section lines between 11 and 42-10 20. And to reject potltions | to wlt : P. S. Myer ? , ot al , Wm : Boeoklng , et al , J. A. Ameborry , et at. Signed : AUTHOR , COONKY. OARR. Adopted and report ordered na reco mmended. The bridge committee recommended to allow the various claims , which were accepted and adopted. The judiciary committee recomonded to allow all claims except. All in oaao State vs. A. J. McArthuy. Also to lay over all claims IB case Stnfn TTH. S ft Alee to lay over all claims In case SUtova. 0. Q. Sofield. Signed : NICHOLAS. COONRY , AKTUKR. It was moved and carried tlmt report of oommlttoo be acoopted , adopted and ordered as reported. The official bond committee re port to recommend to approve the following bonds , to-wit : J JTooloy County Superintendent Kit Armstrong Sheriff J HUtbourn County clerk OTOrr Clerk Dlitrlct Conrt Joslnh A Armour OonnljrJudgo LK Keen County Surveyor Also bonds of the several assess ors , clerks , treasurers , constables and road overseer * of the various townuhipe ; and to lay over tbo fol lowing bonds , to-wit : T U Gibson , collector , Ansley ; LI E Hall , collector , Algernon. Moved and carried that report of committee bo accepted , adopted and ordered as recommended. The erroneous and delinquent tax committee made the following report , to-wit : To recommend to allow the following refund of taxes : 8am UcOlnntB , 35.05 , CllH towaihtp , 1894 tax llOUblO 119(088. S K linker , $1.70 , CUB towmhlp , 1804 tax , double ASSOtg. And to reject the application of Orlie Frool for an extension of pay ment of delinquent personal tax ; and to hold the following claims for delinquent personal tax : D W Lanterman , part held , . , 13400 I ) M Amtbvrry aoo W II Bhaokelford s U CO W I'Hyatt 400 TM&J W BtlUbnrv Vr KGHouio , part held. . . 107 40 II M Urowuell. . . , 19&2 J M 1'iarco goo 0 MorUon , 7 ) O U I.CHcU 83&0 Hay lllcki , 493 LueAiUley 606 It waH moved and carried that report of oommittea bo accepted , adopted and ordered ai recommend- ed. Supervisor Noth offered the following resolution , giving the court house and jail oomraittoo the authority to liiro a janitor for court liouso for 1000. Moved by Coonoy , seconded by Downey , that the above resolution be rejected. The yeas and nays were called for , Arthur , Coonoy , Downey and Nicholas voted yea ; Lind and Neth nay. Motion car ried. Resolution rejected. Moved by Coonoy , seconded by Neoholas , that Wm. Blair bo hired ae per contract , Carried. CONTBAOT. This oantraot made and entered into this 21st day of December , 1800 , between county of Custorand Wm. Blair ; witness , that said coun ty of Custcr hereby employ Wm. blair as janitor of court house of said county at their agreed price of $1.05 per day , It is agreed and understood that said Wm , Blair is to do all the work necessary to bo done in oaring for said court house and to do all the janitor work nec essary or requisite m and around said court house , and to take uaro of said grounds and fences , and all buildings , structures , appurtenances and improvements connected there with , including the windmill and pump on court house block ; that said Wm , Blair is to work under supervision , direction and control of the court house and jail committee mitteo of bord of supervisors of Ouster county , That said Wm. Blair shall have and receive his pay therefor iu county claims , to be acted upon by said board at their regular adjourned meetings. In witness whereof the parties hereto have sot their hands this 21st day of December , 1800. WM BLAIK , THK COUNTY OK CUBTBH. By Geo. E , Carr , Chairman Board ot Supervisors , The judiciary claims committee recommend to allow the following claims certified Irom district court of Custor county , Nob. , to-wit , be ing the claims of the following names of aascssors , which were ap pealed to district court from the amounts allowed by county board : A J MoMurtry , 138.80 , interest at 7 per cent from June 21st , 1800 ; u TV i/uuiuy , i a. < iu , luiuruBi iruui November 25th , 1800 ; Wm Nichol son , 155,50 , interest from Nov 25 , 1800 ; Jamss Runyao , 132.00 , inter est from Nov. 25th , 1800 ; Thos Todd , 141.40 , interept from Nov. 25th , 1800 ; J M McCormiok , 137.50 interest from Nov. 25th , 1800 ; U M Hover , 112.00 , interest from November 25th , 1800 ; W E Scull , 142.40 , interest from Nov 26 , 1800. Moved and carried that report of committee be accepted , adopted and ordered as recommended. Supervisor Coonoy offered the following resolution : Whereas , it has come to notice of the Board of Supervisors of Custor county No. braska , that grade and right of way of Lincoln & Black Hills Railroad Company in Custer county , Neb. , was not assessed for the year 1800. Therefore be it resolved , That said Lincoln & Black Hills railroad Co. and Chicago , Burlington & Quinoy Railroad Company , lessee , be and hereby are ordered to appear before the county board of Custor county , Nebraska , and show cause why said grade and right of way of said Lin coin and Black Hills Railroad Co. in said Custer county , should not be listed for taxation , and be taxed for said year 1800. The following resolution was offered by Supervisor Neth : As it appears Ouster county is in debt to the feeble minded institute to the atuot'Ut of therefore be it resolved , By this board , and county clerk is hereby instructed to draw a warrant in favor of chairman of board of supervisors. Moved and carried that the above resolution bo adopted. Moved by Nicholas , seconded by Coouoy , that the wolf scalp claim of Q. W. Runyan for $3.00 for 1802 bo reconsidered , Motion was lost. Supervisor Lind offered the fol lowing resolution , seconded by Ar thur : That chairman of poor farm oomraittoo bo Instructed to pay $3,44 to superintendent of blind institution , advanced by him for oar faro for George Cordis , a county ohargo returned to Ouster county from uaid institution. Moved and carried that the above resolution be accepted and adopted. The claims committee reported to allow claims , except the follow ing , which were rejected : ALOouhUer " 07 KavKoon 600 8hampUroB..V.V.V..V. . . ' . ' . " ' . ' . ! ! ' . ' . ' . ! ' . ' . . ' . . . ' . ' * "U3 Ilyuo. Write it 1800 , and don't you for. got it. Oh my , that was a big squash that Squire Dean promised Nasby. D. O. Empfield returned to Lin- coin Business College yesterday to resume bis studies. Ho has com pleted the course except shorthand and type writing , which he will now take up. The woman's sufforaRO meeting Announced to meet at Ouater Satur- day night failed to materialize. Weather cold and disagreeable , four inches of snow on the range , MARKET REPORT. Wheat . 4c Harlcjr . . . 20c OMa , . . . ' . 25c Corn . . . 23c llyo . 30" Duller . , . 20c Potatoes . , 'J5c Onlona . 1,00 Chlckiua . . . a.oo to B.Uft Ho . . . 3.00 Cow * . . . . . . , . Bteera . 4oo Turkcyti . . . . Oc 1'rslrlo OUIokoue . 0c Quail per doi . 7Bo Straw . lOc cut Hay . , . 5. 00 pur ton A Nc\T Jlakory. I have just put iu a now bakery complete with the latest improve ments and solicit public patronage. Fresh bread , pies and cakes a speci alty. To secure fresh bread or pastry instead o > ordering of jour groceryman order direct from mo and I will deliver to your grocery- man , So it will bo delivered with your order for grnoorioa , All ord ers attended to prompUy. Confectionaries - foctionaries also kept in stock. Call and leave your orders on west side of equaro or telephone No. 125. W. H. OBWOUNE , Jr. ORDKRON HEADING PETITION FOR AD MINISTRATION. The Stnto of Nebraska , I „ „ CuBtcr County , ( " ' At a pension of the comity conrt for the county of Cutser , holdon nt the county court room In llrokcn How , on the SSth day of December. 1899. Present , J. A. Armour , County Juclgn. In the matter of the estate of Geo. 1) . Green wood , deceased. On application by petition of Margaret F. Spencer and Mary Noonnn of Cnetor couttj- , rep resenting among other thlnirs that Ueo. 13. flrocntvood , an Inlmbltnut of Crater coutty , on the 23d day of December , A.I ) . 1809 , at Aneloy , Nob. , died intestate , leaving tBtnto to bo ntli'ilu- Ihtercd , Tlmt the petitioners are daughters of said deceased , nud pray that administration ot eald deceased bo granted to James Lodwlch. It 1 > ordered tlmt snld application ba heard at the county conrt room , at the court lioiieo In the city nf Ilrokon Uow , on the SOtb day of January. 1KX ! > , at 10o'clock a. m. It IB farther ordered , that notlco thereof be plvuti to all poreont by publl cation ot such nodes at least throe weeks sue- C'felvely , previous to the time appointed , in the Republican , u weakly newspaper , published at the city of Broken Dow , In ealu county. True copy. J. A. AttMOUR , Scat. County Judge. I SITUATION IN MADAGASCAR. KuglunU Hni by No nieani Uenrd tbo Last of It. We have by no means heard the last f Madagascar , says the London Times. The French have sent out an army of fflclals. Indeed , the fonctlonnalres for utnumber the civil population , and hey are making themselves beloved t none. The law allows one month's orced labor , but the officials are en- nrnlnir na mn li na alv mnnthfl. KO the aborers have taken to the bush and irlvate employers cannot get hands to work for them. The taxes are oppres- Ive and In some cases downright oollsh e. g. , an annual tax on every head of cattle and every hectare of rice cultivated. The result is that the cat tle are being slaughtered , so that beef s already scarce and dear ; while rice , which was formerly exported , has now to be Imported. The natives are cut ting down the India-rubber trees and tha whole country Is unsettled. About nine or ten otflclnla have been killed and the northwest coast Is In more or less open revolt. All the residents agree that If Franco found herself at war or In difficulties , there would be a general massacre of French officials. Trade Is languishing. The two chief JLmerlcan firms have left or are leav ing ? 1. e. , they are merely liquidating old stock. The French have Imposed a differential duty which gives French manufacturers an advantage of about 92 per cent. French goods are charged 4 per cent , and English goods 50 per cent , of their value. The coasting schooners employed by the large firms to supply their branch trading stations had to come under the French flag by Jan. 1 , 1899 , and the Germans are sending theirs home rather than sub mit to this law. Proctora the Eng lish firm , Is doing good business , but only by Importing French goods In- etead of English. Altogether Mada gascar furnishes an Instructive object- lesson In the methods of French col onization , and might repay furthei study from those who contend that tin Bag lias nothing to do with the trad * Four Buns nt Ouce. The crew of a British steamer have recently witnessed a remarkable sight when steaming In the South Atlantic. The rare phenomena the sun dog which may not he see'n once In a century , appeared In the sky one evenIng - Ing at sunset. It was first seen by the captain , who noticed the sun set ting In the east Instead of the west , and was confirmed by the steersman , who reported another sun to port and two more In different directions. This marvelous sight of four suns In the sky gave the sailors a tremendous shock , as the sky was perfectly cloud less and the vision unexpected , Golden Penny. Gloomy Outlook. First Prohibitionist Are you aware that there ara 35,467 drug stores In the United States ? Second Prohibitionist Is that all ? Surely , the cause has progressed better than that. Indian apolis Journal - Hand Organ * Clvlllir Congo Free State negroes are belnf Christianized by a hand organ. CapU Becker , a Free State official , thought * fully took one with him to his post , . and finding that the natives enjoyed ; the music , and being also desirous that they should 'marry in Christian fashIon - Ion , he announced that the organ would be played at every Christian weddlnff. The result was that weddings took place almost dally , and It was discov ered that many couples got married more than onca In order to procure tkn nuwlo. . . . . ' AND WINTER HAD AT HARRY DAY & GO'S. Wo have bat recently returned from Chicago , where wo purchased a largo stock of s Dress Goods , Ladies' and Gents' Under wear , Men's and Boys' Clothing1 , Including a line line of LADIES' SHOES. Our line of Shoes is the best to bo found in the city. Our prices arc below com petition. Call and sec us. Whether Boys' or Men's Suits , "Woman's or Men's Underwear , Boots or Shoes , Hate , Caps , Dross Goods or Notions are wanted , we are prepared to give you better bargains and bettor goods , at btttor prices than any other houao in Central Nebraska. Southwest Corner Souare. ( t ) O © Peale & John HAVE A LARGE QUANTITY OP APPLES APPLES APPLES LARGEST CIRCULATION OF ALL POLITICAL PAPERS IN THE WEST Always American Always Republican 8o - THE WEEKLY INTER OCEAN SUPPLIES ALL 8i i THE NEWS AND BEST CURRENT LITERATURE Every Column is Bright , Clean and Packed with News The Literature of Its columns Is equal to that of the host maga zines. It Is Interesting to the children as well as the parents. INTER OCEAN is a WESTERN NEWSPAPER , and while it 1 brings to the family THE NEWS OF THE WORLD and gives its readers the best and ablest discussions of all of questions the day , it b in full sympathy with the ideas and aspirations of Western people and discusses literature and politics from the Western standpoint. JtJtJtJjtjtjtjtjt -J.OO-PRICE ONE DOLLAR PER YEAR-J,00- " * f- - N * X * S- W THE DAILY AND SUNDAY EDITIONS OF THE INTER OCEAN 5 ARE THE BEST EVER SEEN IN THE WEST. JTHE INTER OCEAN'S NEWS IS EXCLUSIVE.